100 Poets, 100 Poems

100 Poets, 100 Poems Trailer Bonus Episode 61 Season 1

Niyi Osundare. In The Moon For Love.

Niyi Osundare. In The Moon For Love. Niyi Osundare. In The Moon For Love.

The moon is playing hide-and-seek 
Behind the clouds. A mellow smile 
Lingers on the lips of the sky 
Tides tease and tangle 
At the water's edge. The buck eyes 
The doe with a deep, alluring passion 
Sun mo bi, Ologuro
I am in the mood for love tonight

I can hear pigeons cooing
In their coop. I can hear alapandede
Swapping notes in the shady eaves

Oge taunts the wind with its restless tail
In the narrow lane between the walls
The baobab's bulbous boon is swinging in the wind

Sun mo bi, Ologuro
I am in the mood for love tonight

Touch my tale
Smell my song
Behold the dotted lines

On the pages of my skin
Unfurl my flower
Unravel my rave

Sun mo bi, Ologuro
I am in the mood for love tonight

Stir little fires in the furrow between my ridges
Plant me, a song, in your loamy acres
Palm my memory, mold my mask

Let rasping leaves caress the fruit
At the branch's edge. Quench this quest
With the magic of murmuring moments

Sun mo bi, Ologuro

A small island encircled by formidable oceans, Sri Lanka is a mystery to many: remote, hard to place; a well-kept secret. The Ceylon Press seeks to make its complicated story more accessible.  The Press publishes a range of podcasts including The History Of Sri Lanka; the off-grid Jungle Diaries podcast; Island Stories, the podcast that explores what makes Sri Lanka, Sri Lankan; Archaeologies, the blank verse diaries of an occasional hermit; as well as Poetry from The Jungles’ two podcasts, 101 Poets; and 100 Poet, 100 Poems.  All these, along with eBooks, dictionaries, guides and companions can be found at www.theceylonpress.com, based at The Flame Tree Estate & Hotel in the jungle west of Kandy .

What is 100 Poets, 100 Poems?

“100 Poets, 100 Poems,” is a Ceylon Press "Poetry From The Jungle" podcast. Recorded in the dense Kandyan jungle, it presents a spirited new view on the world’s most gratifying classic poetry. The selection may appear to be random, contrary and wilful – but, like the jungle itself - within which the list was made and recorded - an ordered artful and invisible balance links each poet and poem.