The Digital Bosses Podcast

In today’s episode Joseph is walking sharing why he has ben absent from podcasting for over a year as well ass officially introducing Claire Chen new co Host of The Digital Bosses Podcast!

In this episode we covered:
Where can you find a potential business partner and how to look for one.
What are the qualifications you should look for when searching for your business partner.
How to find someone who shares your values, vision and will support your growth as a team.

Show Notes

In today’s episode Joseph is sharing why he has been absent from podcasting for over a year as well as officially introducing Claire Chen new Co Host of The Digital Bosses Podcast!

In this episode we covered:
✅Where can you find a potential business partner and how to look for one?
✅What are the qualifications you should look for when searching for your business partner?
✅How to find someone who shares your values, vision and will support your growth as a team?

You can join the conversation  over on Instagram @thedigitalbosses
Check out and start to build your brand today 

What is The Digital Bosses Podcast ?

The Digital Bosses podcast is a biweekly snackable action-based training where you will discover the strategies and action steps to building a profitable business. Joseph and Claire explore topics from growing your brand, to building a successful online presence as a leader and beyond. Snack on these bite-sized business tips that can be implemented in your business right away!

5 hacks to find a good business partner & co founder .m4a

Hey, it's Joseph, let me ask you a question. Do you have a business partner or have you been looking for a business partner or someone to work alongside way to turn your vision into profit, finding a person to trust and share a vision with is almost as hard as finding a partner in life sometimes even worse, which is why if you've been thinking of doing so this is the right episode for you. It is this episode. We are sharing five hacks for you to find a good partner in business. Plus, I'm gonna walk you through, why did I stop digital bosses podcasts for a year, as well as introducing your ally to my business partner, Claire Chan, also new official cohost of the digital bosses podcast.
So there is so much to cover and we don't, let's get to it. Welcome to the digital bosses podcast with Joseph
And Claire. Our definition will be your own boss means showing up for yourself so you can show up for everyone and everything personally and professionally.
So congratulations on showing up boss, we created the digital boss' podcast to give you simple, actionable step, step strategies to help you start grow and build a purposeful online business. If
You are a business owner, creator, looking to be an impactful brand, that makes a difference. You are in direct place.
So let's save in, let's say in indeed. Oh my God. I hope you are excited as much as I am because here in the jingle of the digital boss podcast, after over a year of a break gives me chills. So I'm super excited. And I wanna take the first part of the show to really fill you in about why did I take a break from last time you tuned in? So the first thing first was my big move. I was supposed to move to New York city back in 2020, but then due to Corona, my move was postponed to an undefine date at the time I last recorded.
And now I can officially say I made a big move. I moved to New York city, two years down the line, but we made it eventually, which I'm super proud of last year in March. At the time I stopped the podcast, I realized I had too much on my plate.
I had too many things. I was doing YouTube channel podcasts and Instagram, and not enough time to focus on the agency growth. So I decided to take a step back and to focus on Instagram mainly as well as growing the agency, developing a very core offer for service based businesses. So I created a social media management offer a website development offer as well as a video production offer, which is currently what we cover right now. So that was a big focus on depth.
Plus November last year, I decided to step away from entrepreneurship and start working with a business partner. And she's here today. She actually phoned me and today we're gonna walk you through, how did this actually happen as well as how you can find your business partner as well or your co-founder. If you're looking for one, Claire is in the house. How are you today?
I'm good. How are you? I'm super well. So excited to be here today.
I know the feeling is mutual and welcome to the digital boss' podcast. It is really funny because I never interview a cohost before, but now you are part of the show. So I'm super happy to have you here. And I would love you to start sharing a little bit more about who you are a little bit about your background and also how do we start working together?
Wow. This is a good question. And thank you so much for challenging me all the time. I have to say from all the time I have met you, we have worked together. You're always through me the most interesting questions so for those who has actually never met me, my name is Claire. So I'm an image consultant and Brent stylist with over 16 years of international experiences, working the copy of fashion and building industry, SMA artist, a stylist and a buyer. I didn't really picture myself to start the entrepreneurship.
And I also never know that building a business can be so hard. And now I'm on the mission to help ambitious business owners, women, CEO, to build their personal brand with visibility and the confidence that they need to gain the attraction and more exposure to a travel clients with ease and be your own leaders of your
Own. I loved that. And I really connected with you. I remember Chris Claire, we started talking over on Instagram comments. Funny enough, there was a post that we both commented. We started talking and then you appeared on my grade because you did live. And I was like, this girl got such a good energy. I just wanna be part of this. And I remember we started with a collaboration. We did a collaboration on Instagram, it was a post. And then we went live and I remember we did live with a face mask.
That was really funny. And because we both come from beauty. So I thought, you know, it's really fun to find somebody doing entrepreneurship from the same background that I have in fashion and beauty, but also doing that in a different industry. There is no fashion and beauty. What you mentioned at the beginning was really interesting to me because you didn't visualize yourself to be part of this entrepreneurship journey.
And I relate to that because when you work in corporate, you are used to be part of a team. So everybody has a role. And when you're working for yourself, you don't really have that privilege, especially at the beginning because you, you might not be able to have the resources to hire somebody. So there is a lot to do. And you know, when we sat, I remember we did a collaboration and we went on a zoom call and we realized that the mutual vision that we had was really interesting. So that's how we, so figure out that our skills were different and talking about skills.
This is leading me to the next question. What do you think are the three superpower skills we're gonna call them this way that someone need to search for on their business partner when they're looking for one?
That's a very good question. So before I met Joe, um, I have to say that I was collaborating with different title people, coaches, consultants, and I was constantly trying to find the right person and the right vibe that really understands me. Mm. Um, so my whole goal is I wanted to build a team. I wanna find the right people in my life that I can have fun while I'm building business, because I think building business should be fun. And, you know, you shouldn't really be just alone because of the time we don't really get much support as a solo entrepreneur.
Absolutely. And now back to what you were saying, you know, like what are the three powerful skills to find the right business partner for me, it's I believe is that you need to have a common vision. I think the vision it's really important if you don't have that vision, it's really hard to drive the team forward. And the next part, I will have to say creativity. Um, the creativity is something that is so important. I also believe is a fundamental skill.
When you are actually building a business, a reliable business partner who will share your passion and ambition and challenge you and constantly bring your new skills and new ideas. And Joe really has challenged me in so many different levels throughout the whole last entire year.
I absolutely agree. And I love what you shared about mutual trust creativity, and been able to have the same vision. I think these are key points and regarding the long term goal, I think that's something where a lot of people crash because there is somebody that is more, there is always someone when it comes to being in a business together that is more driven by the revenue. The other one is more driven by the vision and somehow they sort of crash. And I think that's a huge point to identify at the very beginning.
And I will share an extra point here. If you are looking to work with somebody, give yourself some trial period, maybe work on a project together that can be a collaboration on social media. It can be a little launch. You can be a masterclass, it could be something simple as a challenge online and use that as a project and take that as an opportunity to understand what are each other's skills and how do you work together under pressure, cuz then we really identify what are the, you know, weaknesses and strength as a partner and how can you then translate it into your clients?
I think that's a very big point talking about superpower. What is your superpower
Player? Well, for me, the superpower is really the bringing the best of the other person and bringing the best of who you are. So think about compatibilities. I would say, you know, think about like, uh, when you're finding a business partners also it's like a dating game, right?
It is true. Actually
You need to really test and you really need to work as a real, a strong, efficient as a team and something that you may not have, the person can bring out of what you're missing and the same time you both are add the value into the business. So that is something I would say is part of my superpower. I'm really good at, you know, finding the right people and which I have a right around the corner.
Agree. And you do that very well. And I can say that also from a perspective of whenever we do a collaboration with other creators or collaboration without a business owner for a project, you know, Claire will be the person to go out there and network. And I think me and Claire have very different skills, but we work together really well because we are compensating. Claire has usually a very big vision and sometimes I'm the person that gives structure to that vision and be like, okay, this is how we're gonna do it. This is how we're gonna structure. This is how we're gonna plan it.
And then I will be the person come out with a creativity point and then she will be like, okay, great. But how are we turning this into an offer? Or how are we doing this more strategically from a perspective business?
You know, so this is what I mean by compensating and understanding what our, each other's strength and weakness is. Another point that is really important. And as we are speaking is coming to my mind is the fact that you are never on competition when your partner it's really important to identify which role is partner will have. You wanna have different roles in the business. For example, Claire will be the person to do more networking. When it comes to client searching, she will be the person going out there. She will be the person actually looking for the client.
And then when we go into a discovery call, we can go together and I will showcase the offer and explain each point of the marketing strategy or the brand development or whatever that could be. And I would love you to share a little bit more about our new baby, which is digital bosses, our branding agency, which is starting right now. We already started behind the scene. We've been really quiet about it, but you know, this is a very good opportunity. We have the digital bosses podcast and we launched the digital bosses branding agency. We are coming out with a new website very soon, and I would love you to kinda walk the audience through a little bit more about this project of ours and share a little bit more about that as well.
So very excited for the upcoming. What we are about to launch is a, um, digital bosses create a branding consultancy, and it's a OneStop solution to help you starting from your brain development, anything when come to, you know, uh, founda foundation or beauty, your brand strategy and all the way to take you to the next level. So it can be included such a rebranding, um, refreshing, or you're just a startup and everything we do is, you know, we try to take you from the stress to strategy.
So that is something it's about to, uh, launch.
Yes, exactly. And I think anyone that is looking to take a vision or an idea and transform that into something tangible, that's how we can help. Now coming back to the point of business partners, we met on social media, but I would love to walk the audience through where they can actually look for business partner. If there is any particular area other than social media know you do a lot of networking. So what would be your advice for anyone looking for a business manager, what they should look
For? Definitely. I would say tapping to the network that, you know, the people you know of your war market and also ask for referral. I think this is a good way to start first with the people, you know, and of course, if you don't find your ideal partner, the people to be in your team, I think of course, I think there are people everywhere, but at first you have to know what kind of person you're looking for. Just like when you are looking for a job, right?
You don't wanna apply every single job. So what are the qualification that you are looking for that right business partner? And I think the next thing is to really be strategic when you are also looking for a business partner, maybe look at their value, the what they're sharing on social media, the way, how they show up. And if it's really aligning with who you are as a person, are you both a pat bow with your personality? And I think this is a good way to really test it out of how to find the right business partner.
Absolutely. I agree. And being able to understand the skills that you're looking for is the first step, and then try to understand who has those skills and how you can match. Before we wrap this up, I would love to share a little bit more about what's next with the digital bosses podcast. So Claire is going to stay in the show as a cohost, as I mentioned, but also the way the podcast will be moving forward, it will be a weekly drop. And the way I want you to think about this show is like a snackable podcast.
I want you to have snackable episode action based strategies, action based tips and hacks say you can implement straight away to really take your business to the next level. Whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or
Pro definitely state tune, we will be dropping some new episode every Monday.
Thank you so much for listening. And I will see you with Claire. Same time, same place next week.