Becoming Multidimensional

Syn = Together Chronos = Time, explore with us the subtle yet powerful signs and guideposts that these meaningful patterns and occurances bring to the physical world in a vortex where psyche and matter collide. Arouse your curiosity around these events, as you bring your awareness and attention to this phenomena , they invite you to contemplate deep meaning and potentials in your life.

What is Becoming Multidimensional?

Join hosts Eliza and Christine in a journey of understanding and expanding into our greater multidimensional nature. Learn why expanding into this multidimensional awareness can let the light in and free your mind and body of old programs and patterns that no longer serve you. This is a blend of esoteric, mystical and scientific conversations. Stories and guests that will delight your imagination!

Eliza Aaron Cohen (00:01)
Hi everybody and welcome back to Becoming Multidimensional. It is Eliza here with, and we're so excited as always, to be sharing this space with you, talking about yet another exciting topic today. And this is the topic of synchronicity as well as signs. And we have a lot of great stuff to dive into.

christine (00:08)

Eliza Aaron Cohen (00:29)
And yeah, so Christine, why don't you start us off?

christine (00:33)
So we, Eliza and I, we talk about synchronicities. We talk about signs a lot and we'll see how much we get into the signs. There's a lot. We initially were going to do a podcast on synchronicity, signs and deja vu. And we thought that may be a little bit too much to get into. So we're going to see where this goes. The highlight of today really is this concept of synchronicity. And then we'll see what else we add in. And if we don't add other things in,

That'll be another podcast coming up soon. So as we were thinking about synchronicity, I actually was looking into it a little bit. And I'm going to read from my notes because I found out something that I didn't even know. And I deal with synchronicity in my work every day. It's a part of my everyday life. And I thought if I don't even know the origination of this, I'm sure that there are a lot of other people who don't know it. So.

I am going to read from my notes a little bit about the origins even of where synchronicity comes from. So synchronicity was actually coined and developed by the Swiss psychiatrist, Carl Jung, who founded analytical psychology. Now synchronicity comes from the Greek roots, sin, or the Greek roots, sin, meaning together, and chronos, time. So synchronicity is time together.

events together.

He first publicly talked about it in 1930, but it goes back to 1919. And I'm gonna read from the notes because he was introduced to the I Ching. And the I Ching is also known as the Book of Changes. He was introduced to this and he began using the I Ching in his practice. And he had so many incredible events happen through the I Ching that it was really part of his practice.

And he realized after spending so much time using the I Ching with people that there was something well beyond just mere coincidence. So the I Ching is an ancient Chinese oracle. It has 64 hexagrams and a divination is made by seemingly random numerical happenings for which the I Ching gives detailed situational analysis.

He discovered it in 1919, like I said, and had a lifelong interest. He mentions it frequently in various publications, seminars, and clinical records. He used it to preview future potentials of outer reality, psychological use to reveal one's psychological state, and psychical use to engage with the divine. The I Ching helped Yang.

develop Jungian psychology, the balance of opposites, consciousness and unconsciousness. You can think of Yinyang and I didn't actually realize that Jungian psychology was this balance of the opposites. So for 30 years, he studied the phenomenon of the meaningful connections between the psychic realm and the physical world in non -causal ways. So a non -causal way is where you can't have an obvious

action. So a causal way is that you have a like a billiard stick and you hit a pool ball and the pool ball moves. Okay, so you can see that causal event what happens. So he's talking about non -causal. It's not apparent, not obvious how these links between there's a connection, but the links aren't obvious. So synchronicity is a meaningful coincidence that cannot be causally linked.

An inwardly experienced event, dream, mood, thought, vision seems to have a correspondent event, an external life. So it's just something that goes way above the probability of chance. Not just mere coincidence, but coincidence, co is sort of together also, an incidence, an incidence that happens together.

You know, it may be something that is merely just a random coincidence, but maybe it's also something a little bit more. So do you have anything to add to that, Eliza?

Eliza Aaron Cohen (04:55)
Yeah, I love that background. That is so interesting. And it reminds me of a great synchronicity or coincidence, meaningful coincidence that happened to me last summer. And I remember when it happened, I was like shocked because there was, you know, no like causal event like we're talking about. And of course, all great stories start at Arthur Finley College. I was

at the Arthur Finley College and it was the first day of the course and where of course sorted into, you know, quote unquote random groups. Of course they're never random. And I sit down and we're all sitting, all the people are sitting in a circle and a woman walks in and immediately we link eyes and she's carrying a bag and on the bag it says Tulum. Okay, so if you know me, you know that Tulum is one of my favorite places in the entire world.

So of course I was thrilled and excited. I was like, my gosh, this is totally someone that I could connect with. And we just, it was almost like we're drawn into each other's energies immediately. And we ended up chatting a bit and she was from right outside of Amsterdam. Well, after the college, I was coincidentally visiting Amsterdam for the first time. And so she was from Amsterdam where I was going next carrying this Tulum bag.

And then she tells me, you know, that she spends a lot of time in Spain. They also have a place in Spain that they live at. Well, after Amsterdam, I was going to Spain. So I remember thinking, my gosh, this is so like amazing. And what a synchronicity. And we ended up becoming great friends and she's a wonderful lady. But I remember, you know, that was something that was kind of beyond anything, right? It was just like,

almost as it was also a sign, wow, this is someone that you could really connect with. And so I really believe that synchronicities come from the fact that we are all very linked, but some of us maybe feel stronger links to some others than everyone, but we all are part of that one source. And so I believe synchronicities happen when we're in like the same alignment as someone else that we're naturally maybe,

closer in the soul tribe to not always but sometimes.

christine (07:24)
Right. So I have to ask, so did you end up linking up with her in Amsterdam or Spain? Okay.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (07:30)
Yeah, so like a day later, she says to me, you have to come to my, she's like, well, you don't have to, but she would wanted me, she wanted me to come to her home and meet her family. And it was this wild thing that I think both of us are really not those kind of people. I love those people that are so open and welcoming. And she really ended up being that, but she was even saying to me like, you know, this just feels natural, but it's not something that she would typically do, even though she's like just the most gracious and lovely lady.

She said to me, you know, let me pick you up in the city where you're staying and I would love for you to come meet my family and spend some time with us. And it was just like such a full body yes to me. It was exactly, I feel like what spirit had planned. She picked me up in Amsterdam and I was, I wrote as cracking up because I had not stayed in a hostel since I was very early in my twenties, but Amsterdam allegedly had some very nice hostels. So I had signed myself up to stay in this.

Very nice hostel. I spent one night in there and I was like, no, I can never. And she, of course this lady is very intuitive. So she was like, you're staying in a hostel? Like, I don't know, are you sure you don't wanna come stay at my house? Anyways, so she picked me up. She drove me to her house. She has this beautiful home by the beach. And I ended up really connecting with her family. And it was just so like exactly where I was meant to be. It was totally aligned.

I thought in my head, I need to stay in the city at the hostel, but it was really where my soul needed me to be. And I had a beautiful time getting to spend time with her family. And it's something I'll remember for the rest of my life.

christine (09:14)
It is beautiful. And your love of Tulum, it was like, you know, it was written, she walked through and it was like a guidepost, like, here's your person. So I do think the universe gives us these, sometimes they're really big, like on a big bag coming through, and sometimes they're really subtle. But I do, I feel often like when I, when I become aware of a synchronicity, that is something that causes me to pay attention. It brings my,

my awareness to that. And sometimes you don't always have the understanding of why that's in your field. And that's where I sometimes think, I'm going to contemplate this thing. This thing happened that I can't explain. It was an outside of the norm kind of experience. But there's something there for me. The universe is talking to me. And I do believe that

in part, synchronicity and signs, is sort of the language of the divine. And it's decoding this language in trying to understand this conversation. Like you and I do work, we have the subtle work that we do where we study mediumship and we study psychic development, which is very subtle work. And it's decoding, or the Akashic records, that you're decoding this sort of work.

I think synchronicity and signs are in the similar vein of those, but it's just another way of using your interpretation to decode messages. And sometimes you have to sit with it and hold it for a while before you have the answer. And it's okay not to know right away.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (11:00)
I love what you said about basically synchronicity coming in as a sign to pay attention and you don't always know why. And it brings me to a couple other recent things that have happened to me. A wild thing that blew my mind. I had a new client come in recently and during our session, it's revealed that both of us had someone that we lost in the exact same way with the exact same name.

christine (11:30)

Eliza Aaron Cohen (11:31)
and around the exact same age. And it was wild. I was sitting there like, G. And so that happened. And then I had another, I remember another client a couple months ago, similar. We had similar losses, same age, not the, not the same gender or the same name, but just completely similar stories. And like those kinds of stories that were one in a billion.

you know, like the not a common way to for someone to pass away. And especially like with the other factors, like it was like a one in a billion. And I remember going, my gosh, this is wild. And with the the client, that client, it really was like a pay attention moment. This this is like a deeper, deeper relationship for me. And

I go back to something that you've said to me in the past about, you know how you've said to me, some people activate at different times. With that one, it was totally like a sign, okay, this person's important and they're going to activate at a different time. So.

christine (12:44)
I love that. I love that. So you've been working with this energy long enough that your awareness around these events has become even more fine tuned. So where in the beginning you may notice like, I'm seeing repeating numbers. I'm always seeing 11 11 or a five five five, right? And so you'll wake up at three 33. You'll have, I feel like a lot of people start noticing synchronicities with clocks and numbers and those sorts of things that can be sort of the gateway.

to noticing synchronicity. But as you work with it, as you develop it, as you learn the language of it, and you learn the energy of it, then you become even more fine -tuned to, hold on, this piece here is really important to lean into and allow myself to expand into even more because there's something even deeper for me than this beautiful synchronicity. So I agree with you.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (13:15)
Mm -hmm.

Yeah, I feel like one of the messages of synchronicity is to pay attention. So when you look at those, you know, 11, 11, 22, 22, the angel numbers, it helps people start to pay attention, right? It helps people start to look out for things. I'm a big license plate girl. Like spirit has always spoken to me through license plates and it just helps you, like I said,

start to reorient your focus to notice these subtle changes in energy, and then it becomes just part of your daily flow. So that's one piece of synchronicity. I know we wanted to talk about another very interesting piece of synchronicity, which has to do with and relate to kind of open doors in our psyches and previous karma and the synchronicity of like running into people when you're thinking about them, et cetera, et cetera. So.

Do you want to dive into that and pivot a little bit? Because I think that's also a piece of this puzzle.

christine (14:38)
Yeah, so I do. I think that there can be a collision of karma and synchronicity. And so I'll tell maybe a couple little stories about my karma and synchronicity colliding because I think probably all of us have had the experience. Whether you have an awareness, you may have thought, that was weird, or you thought, this was meant to happen, where maybe you're healing something.

And or you're working with a certain kind of energy. Suddenly you may bump into that person on the street somehow, or you see them, they come into your field of awareness somehow as part of the final push in the healing of an event or a situation. And that's sort of a karmic, synchronistic collision happening together to help you. It's like the universe supporting you in moving beyond whatever it is you were working with.

So there's also an element with I'm about to share of manifestation too. So there's sort of like karma slash manifestation slash synchronicity. And so I was thinking about before this podcast, some stories that for me that were powerful moments of synchronicity and karma. So the first time I had a real awareness of this, of this karmic synchronicity is in college.

and it was my senior year in college. I was in Santa Barbara. And okay, so backtrack when I was actually junior high was the first time I saw this guy. And I, so this person who I had this massive crush on was five years older than me. So like he was never gonna date someone. Like he was a, when I was a freshman in high school, he was a freshman in college. But I would bump into him. We lived in the same town from time to time. I always thought he was like the cutest guy in the whole world.

So fast forward to my senior year in high school now. Out of the blue, at this point I'm single. I had boyfriends and I'm single my senior year in college. And I'm getting ready to go home to San Francisco for Thanksgiving. And I have like 12 roommates and I walk out to my roommates and I make this declaration to the room. And I just said, I want all of you to know that I'm about to go home and I am going to find and go out with.

X, this person's name. And some of them knew who he was. I'm like, yeah, right, go ahead. Because, I mean, I hadn't seen this person in years. So I go home, and I decide to go out for a jog, like the day before Thanksgiving. And I'm jogging in my little town. There's no one on the streets. There's not even like streetlights or sidewalks. There's like no one really out and about walking.

lo and behold, who rides up next to me on their bike, like delivered on a platter from the universe, but this person. So and he stops his bike to talk to me. He's like, he recognized me. And I was like, well, there you are. I like I kind of ordered you up from the universe. And here you are. And then he said, are you going to go to this bar where everyone called the bit of England? So you can go to the bit after Thanksgiving. It's like, yeah, of course. Well, of course, I was going to go to the bit.

And we ended up dating and there was some karma that we had to work out. There was something there that for whatever reason that I don't to this day even fully understand, but there was some reason how this synchronistic event, I manifested him and there was karma all happening, colliding together in this moment because there was something that, soul growth that needed to happen with this person.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (18:26)
I love it and it's the synchronicity of him riding his bike at the same time, the karma that needed to manifest and you also manifesting it going back to when you're with all your roommates. I have a really similar story that is just wild, but the cliff notes are very similarly. I had met this guy on a trip and we'd had this like whirlwind romance on this trip.

And it was, but it was like bad timing because I was meanwhile in love with someone else, but I was on this trip and I was like, my God, this is so crazy. Like I'm in love with someone else. I was not with the person I was in love with. I was just loving them from afar. Meet this guy on a trip. And I'm like, wow, I'm like, what, what's going on? I fell in love with this new guy. We have this whirlwind romance. I have some crazy synchronicity from that trip. We had watched the same movie when we were flying.

to this destination, but we'd only both watched the first half and never told each other about it. And then when we ended up kissing on the trip, there was a campfire, like adjacent to us, and they're playing a song from this movie. Like people are singing a song from this movie. Like it was something you couldn't even write. I was like, what are the odds that this happened? So there's already a lot of synchronicity around this connection anyways.

We go back to our respective cities and we plan to meet again because we have this like wild connection. COVID happens, everything gets shut down. He and I never ended up getting to meet. Like it just, you know, lots of roadblocks, whatever. I ended up getting into a relationship with the person that I'd been in love with. And he, I don't even know what happens to this guy. He's probably dating other people too. We like kind of lose touch.

I'm out, so fast forward, I'm out of my relationship and immediately I think about him because he was this open door in my life. Like we had had this crazy connection but we never really got to realize it. And yes, now I remember. And I believe that he was also, I wasn't sure but I believe he was also like in a relationship separately. But I knew that he had gotten out of that relationship so I knew we were both single.

And he did not live in New York. So I lived in New York at the time. He lived somewhere else. I started literally like thinking about him a lot and being like I need to like not I need to but like I want to see him I want to explore that but I think I'd lost his number like there wasn't a way for me to contact him And he wasn't really on Instagram he wasn't really on that kind of a guy online and so I literally started to manifest him and I remember this was probably like November

And I was like, okay, I want to like meet him again. Like I want him to come back, but you know, only if it's like in our highest good and if it's meant to be and blah, blah, blah, blah. Fast forward, not a month later, does he message me? Cause he somehow still had my number and he says he's randomly in New York city and wondering if I, you know, am in also in New York, if I still live there and if we're able to meet up. So I was shook.

to my core, I was like, I manifested him. What are the odds he's in New York City? Not a month after I started telling the universe I wanted to see him again. Anyways, he comes to my apartment and there is no spark between us. Like, yeah, it was one of those things where it was like, but I needed to know that because we had had this crazy whirlwind romance, but clearly both of us had kind of gone on different paths and it was like, you know, it was, we weren't in alignment anymore and that's okay.

christine (21:43)

Eliza Aaron Cohen (22:11)
But I needed to know that to close the door and like not think about, he was the one that got away and I should, you know, we should have gotten together and I should have moved in with him before COVID and all of these, you know, should have, could have, what has.

christine (22:18)

Yeah, no and so that let you like that let you finally close that door and Again, that's karma synchronicity manifestation all wrapped into this beautiful bundle Because I just think it is there's this part that this are these innermost thoughts desires moods That we begin to broadcast we begin to broadcast this information out into this web of this huge vast consciousness of information and

And we allow that to then mirror that in the actual external world. And I do think that the more and more you believe in it, the more and more you practice it, the more and more you work with the energy, the better and better you get at creating this external reality to mirror what's happening in your internal world, which is why.

Like watching your thoughts, watching what's happening in your internal environment is important. This sort of, I don't think we intended to move towards manifestation. It's just sort of weaving its way into this, but there is a manifestation component to having these synchronistic events. That it's not always just the universe talking to us. It's our communication with the universe, our communication with the outside world. And so it is getting really,

clear about what that is, which leads me to believe. And I don't want to jump all over the place too much. But this dovetails right into this client I was telling you about that I had two days ago. So I have this brand new client who comes in two days ago. And so someone said, well, go see her. Don't tell her really, just don't tell her what you want. Just let her do her thing. And so she comes in and I just said, OK, well,

She's like, I was told to just let you do your thing. I'm like, well, I need to understand. Like, who are you? Like, tell me about yourself so we can begin to figure out where the energy wants to go. And immediately she said, listen, food for me is poison. I really can't eat. I have a few things I can eat because it's poison for me. And my joints are terrible. I'm like, all right, here we go. This is what we're working with. And I said, well, do you understand that every time you say those words?

every time you think those thoughts, that you are cementing that reality more and more into your physical body, because you're creating this belief system that makes it more and more real with those words. And this was something very new to her, and she was sort of like, well, what do you mean? Like, she didn't quite understand and was a little confused. But.

She was game to kind of like, well, I'll think about that, is what she said. She was very sweet. We did the whole session and kind of working through some different things. And at the end of my sessions when I'm in person, and I'll pull the cards when I'm virtual with people, I have like seven decks of these different cards that I use. And then I just feel which deck is the right deck.

and then I hand them, you pick the card, this is all, there's like probably three, 400 cards between all of these decks to choose from or maybe more. So the cards are always, so the card she chooses, and I put this out, is this card and the card is confirmation. And so I'm gonna read what the energy of confirmation is. The energy of confirmation tells us that our consciousness is developing rapidly. Everything we think.

is actually confirmed. If we think or live based on fear, this fear will indeed be confirmed. Develop your power of thought and create what you really want. Then your wishes will be confirmed." So she looks at this card and she looks at me and she's like, do all of your cards say this? No, that's the only one that says that you're welcome to look through every one of the cards. And so she was pretty shook.

She had never had an experience like this with the universe saying like, like pay attention. The universe was saying to her, she was drawn, right? Per spirit. It wasn't just the universe. Her, I think higher guidance combined with spirit drew her to choose, drew me to pick this particular deck, which then drew her to pick out of the 80 cards. That particular card is what called to her.

that is exactly mirroring the very first thing I said to her when we came in that she wasn't sure if she could really get on board with. And then she walked out really sort of dazed, like I really have a lot to think about here. So the, and I see this phenomenon happen every single day in my office when I'm working. Like these cards are incredible. I mean, half the time people end up crying. They're like,

The card is so meaningful. It means it's so deep for them. And then also in my office, because if I'm doing work on the table or there's body work, I have a playlist that is like 17 hours long. And I play it on shuffle because I know it's like Divine DJ. And I know the exact right song will come on in the exact right time. And this is so, I have like these four.

meditation songs by Ram Dass and now I feel like I'm sort of working with like this energy of Ram Dass a lot because these are the most like they come in always at like this really sacred point and it's like he's like whispering to them when they're in session and I can almost feel him so it's I feel it's not just a song but there's energy imbued into this frequency that happens.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (28:28)
I love that and it begs the question, you know, where does synchronicity come from? Does it come from spirit? Does it come from us? Does it come from a blending? And I feel like we're talking about all these different types of synchronicity and I can definitely relate to the Divine DJ because I love, I have a similar situation with my liked songs on Spotify. It encompasses probably,

10 plus years of music. I don't even remember when I got on Spotify, but it's been a long time. And I just, it's been songs I've liked over every era and I put it on shuffle and it's wild. Like certain songs remind me of certain people, even people in the spirit realm. And it's like, I'll feel their presence and then the song will come on. I'll be like, my God, what a synchronicity.

But that's totally coming from spirit, right? And you working with the energy of Ram Dass, and even spirit saying to us and us working with spirit in the sense of like the karma, right? You were ready to almost activate that karma with that guy, I was almost ready to close the karma with my guy. And so here comes spirit and us working in tandem, and in the flow to bring in the synchronicity to bring in the manifestation so that we can

christine (29:40)

Eliza Aaron Cohen (29:51)
progress in our journey.

christine (29:55)
See, so I think that the synchronicity is really in part very driven by us. I don't want to give our power away that it's just happenstance that these things happen outside of us. I do think that we generate. What's that? Yeah. Yes. Like, right. And we are like generating this energy. And I do think the more and more you work with it, the more and more this mirroring, this conversation.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (30:09)
I was gonna say, for me, I feel like it's a combo. It's like our energy connecting into spirit.

christine (30:24)
between you and the universe, between you and this web of consciousness, God, spirit, whatever word you want to use, I think that like if you're learning to speak Spanish and you get more and more fluent, I think it's something similar. Like I think it's a similar conversations with, you know, that you have with psychic mediumship, you know, the more you work with it, the stronger it gets. I think the synchronicity is also a part of that. Now I do have a caveat.

to this work that I do think is important to bring up. And Young talked about this. So I love this idea of paying attention, observing, of noticing, of contemplating these synchronistic events. But I think it's critical that you approach it from a really balanced, grounded in reality place within yourself, because there is a danger to it. There is a danger where,

particularly someone who is more vulnerable maybe to mental health issues, they can, you can put so much weight on the synchronicity that it can cause anxiety. Then they may, they're paying so much attention. They become hyper aware, hyper aroused by it and are looking for, they may be in like very mundane things. Then they're seeing messages and signs and can become overly obsessed.

with synchronicity. So I don't want to say, my gosh, go full steam ahead. Everything like just follow all the signs because again, I need to back up. Like you have to use your discernment. You need to be the non -attachment. I think is really, it's like, okay, this you're open. I'm allowing this to come in. I'm allowing us to contemplate. Is this a guidepost? Is this a sign? Or maybe this is just a coincidence, but not getting overly attached non -attachment.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (32:03)
not attachment.

christine (32:21)
not getting overly compulsive in that. For me personally, I take this as like I live in a playful universe and the universe wants to work with me. The universe wants to play with me. The universe sort of delights in me recognizing these signs that are being given. And my energy with them is I never feel afraid.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (32:32)
Mm -hmm.

christine (32:50)
I never feel scared by a sign or a synchronicity. I just saw someone, a friend of mine from high school post this thing on Facebook a couple of days ago. And she had been in her kitchen and she had a vase of flowers and she walked out and she came back in and a flower had come up and out of the vase when it was on the floor. Like the windows weren't open, the doors weren't open. She's like, my gosh, I'm so scared. It's just like an omen. Is this being someone's like something bad's gonna happen? And I just wrote, sounds like a hello to me. Like, so.

So I know that it's actually pretty common for people when they have a sign like that, or there may be some weird synchronicity that it can cause fear. And so I don't think the universe wants to scare you. So that's my take on it.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (33:30)
This is...

Totally. I think of a great quote from one of my early spiritual teachers. And she said to me, Eliza, sometimes a car accident is just a car accident. And I think that that is such a great encompassing of, you know, that sometimes things just happen and we don't need to look at it as like, you know, the tolling of the of the demon bells or whatever that is. And I do get it. I do get it.

christine (33:59)
Thank you.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (34:05)
It's interesting because this has actually been coming up a lot. I've noticed with certain clients and have been asking me, is this like a really negative sign? And I think, you know, if you work with me, you know that I really don't live in the negative. Like we can talk about things that we want to perceive with our judgment as negative, right? But judgment and good and bad are such, you know, human designs.

And I just, you know, I don't really, I don't really believe in the like doom and gloom, you know, you get what I'm saying, but yeah, that's just not where I like to live in. Like we talked about like magical fairyland, but obviously, you know, sometimes we have to talk about the reality of things in life, but we don't want to assign judgment on it. And,

christine (34:44)
you on that.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (35:00)
But yeah, it's definitely come up a lot. I've noticed with these signs, right? And people attaching themselves to potentially negative signs and then it causing fear and anxiety. So that's where I feel like the non -attachment is super key. And it helps you stay in that balance where you can also use your discernment and see, okay, is this just, you know, is this just a car accident? Is this just...

you know, some bad luck too, because that does exist as well.

christine (35:34)
Yeah, I entirely agree because to me, for me, I feel like what we're talking about is sort of the language of the divine. And to me, it's a benevolent force. And that is here, like these signs, these synchronicities, I see as guideposts. I see that as like, okay, at this time, like pay attention or...

pointing me somewhere, like explore that more deeply. And I don't look at it from that polarity of, I've got to like, like brace myself for something else maybe happening. And I know of other friends who've told me stories about they wrapped around a lot of fear. And to me, it's almost like a love language. Like for me, it's this very playful, it's this very...

always when especially when there's something like a super synchronicity there's I've talked to you about Dr. Bruce Schwartz. He was a PhD from Harvard and he wrote this book and he also taught at Yale. And I think he sort of had to have this gravitas of these, you know, like impressive degrees to write this book called Super Synchronicity, where science meets spirits and it's where six or more coincidences happen. It's like, there's like no way that this could be, this has to be beyond mere.

coincidence. But again, I think even with that, he goes like underneath all of this is this relationship with the divine. And he's taking this from his very scientific, measured approach. I always love the measured scientific approach to back up these things. And more and more, we're seeing this fusion of science and spirituality. We're seeing it with lots of people all over the world.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (37:23)
Yeah, and I think this just really illustrates the multi -dimensional nature of our reality and of ourselves, right? Because we talk about, okay, who's creating the signs and synchronicity? And is it us? Is it us working with the divine? Is it the divine working with us? Is it, you know, our higher guidance that is telling us, okay, pay attention, in my case, with this woman that I met at Arthur Finley.

Is that my guidance saying, okay, pay attention, this is like a good connection for you. This is a really good friend for you. You know, even with some of my clients that we've had a lot of synchronicities, it's really like my light bulb going, okay, you know, there's something that's super in alignment with me in this person, maybe this is going to be a great client relationship, or maybe there's some sort of wisdom that I can, you know, help because I've been through a loss like that, etc, etc.

christine (38:15)
Yeah. Yeah. Should we tell a few more stories about some signs? We didn't talk about signs at all. And I did hear this beautiful sign story that's so lovely. I feel like I have to share it. I was at a dinner party last night with my sister -in -law. And our friend who we were with told this story. Because I was saying, I'm doing this podcast tomorrow. I'll end signs in.

and synchronicity and she was saying, I so believe it. And she was talking and again, this is not like a very spiritual person. And she said, did I tell you the story about Oreo? And I said, no, and who's Oreo? So Oreo is her husband, but they don't live in the same state. Dog, this black and white dog named Oreo.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (39:03)
Okay, I figured it was a dog. And then when you said husband, I was like, okay, what an interesting name is this pet name?

christine (39:08)
Yes. Yes, Oreo. So a few months ago, Oreo had gotten really sick. And so they realized they had to like put Oreo to sleep. So they brought Oreo outside under the grass on the lawn. A vet came to the house. It was really beautiful. They were both like sitting on the grass, kind of holding, holding him, holding each other. And they, you know, there's there in the garden on the grass. She said it was really beautiful. It was really peaceful. And she said,

The vet sort of put Oreo onto this little bed and really gently took Oreo away. And her husband was a wreck and really crying. And she said, all of a sudden, so they just sat there and stayed. She said, all of a sudden, this black and white butterfly flew down to exactly the spot where Oreo had been. And they were like, wow, that was weird. They're looking at this black and white butterfly. She said, and then the butterfly got up.

did a big circle around the yard. Then it came back. They were like, what? So she got her phone out and started, she was recording of it. So the butterfly came five times, sat and sat there for a while, went, circled the yard, came back to exactly the spot where Oreo had been, a black and white butterfly, and did these five circles. And I mean, what are the odds of that? In that moment, is that not like,

How can that not be a sign? I feel like the likely, I mean, like you listening, when is the last time a butterfly came and landed right in front of you and did five big circles and kept on coming back? I've never had that happen. I'd be thrilled if I did, but a sign.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (40:53)
Wow, what a beautiful sign too. I don't know if I've shared this story on the podcast before, so if I have, here is it again, but it was very meaningful to me, so I'm gonna reshare it about a sign that I got recently, and that was, so my grandmother's name was Molly, and I was very, very close to her. She was everything to me. And a couple years ago, I was going through a really hard time, like,

so, so, so hard and my grandma had passed away many years before this hard time that I went through. Anyways, I went to bed one night and I had this crazy visitation from her in my dream and it was quite literally like more real than most of my memories. Like it was like a visitation and it was really powerful and it really helped me during that difficult time. Okay, fast forward to a couple like a month ago about.

I was kind of going through some stuff again and I had kind of called out to my grandmother like, okay, it's time for you to come back. I need another visitation. I need to talk to you. Even though you'd think, you know, I talked to her every day, but still. And I remember I was like so excited. I was like, okay, I'm going to go to sleep. She's going to visit me. I go to sleep. No visitation. I wake up. And the next day it was a super busy day. I remember.

and I was going to a client's house and I, on the way, I get in the car and I was a little bit early, I had this like strong feeling that I needed to go to Trader Joe's. Now, the Trader Joe's that I was going to was on the way to my client's house, so it was not my usual Trader Joe's. I'd actually never been to this Trader Joe's before. But I was just like, okay, I need to go there before I go to my client and I was busy, but I got in the car early, had enough time, whatever. I get to Trader Joe's.

and I get what I need and it's like flowing so seamlessly. Like I have the best parking spot, I get in, I find what I'm looking for immediately, the line is moving and I go to the checkout and the lady checking me out has a name tag and it says Molly. And so I start chatting with her and we're going back and forth and I was like, you know, your name was my grandma's name. And she says to me, she goes, was your grandma Irish? And I was like, no, she wasn't Irish.

because I guess Molly can be an Irish name. I said, I know she wasn't Irish, she was Jewish. And the Molly at the checkout goes, my gosh, I'm Jewish too. She was like, yeah, but most Molly's that I meet are Irish. Anyway, so for me, that was my sign that even though I didn't get my visitation, that was my grandmother saying, yeah, hello, I'm here. I'm supporting you, I'm listening to you. And it was so beautiful.

christine (43:33)
Yeah. All right. I'm here.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (43:41)
got to my car and I was sobbing, right? Because they just felt you can feel it too. When the signs come in, it's like, it's also a feeling.

christine (43:46)
You feel the energy.

Yeah. I love that. I love that. So I'm going to wrap this back around to Carl Jung. So Carl Jung worked with this energy of like the I Ching with, you know, like, like, you know, we use cards in these things or tarot was like, we didn't even talk about tarot, but tarot was essentially like along these same lines. So Carl Jung used this I Ching and like a lot with his clients for healing and it was

Eliza Aaron Cohen (43:51)

christine (44:20)
Obviously, like he's so renowned today, very powerful. Like his work was incredible. And he was very spiritual, which I didn't even understand. So there's a really famous story. One of his like most famous like write ups of one of his case stories is this is such an interesting story. He lived in Switzerland. I think he was Swiss. So I think, I think he lived his whole life in Switzerland. So he had this one client come in and this client was really not into.

Like all it's like, am I really into all this stuff? Right, she just wanted to come in and talk into her talk therapy. So she comes in and she was really like a distressed person and like a little bit close -minded and she's telling the story. And she said, well, I had this really powerful dream last night. And I had this dream and this golden scarab came in the dream. And she's talking about this really powerful dream that she's having. And he's listening to her. They're in the office and he, there's a window and they're hearing this tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap on the window.

The tapping is so annoying that he has to get up and walk over to the window. And he walks over and he sees something as tapping the window and he opens it up and a golden scarab beetle flies in. And like lands on her, I think. I could be wrong with the lands on her, but like a golden scarab beetle is I think not super common in Switzerland. I don't know. It was like.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (45:40)
I've only heard that in terms of like ancient Egypt.

christine (45:44)
I think scarab beetle, I mean, like I'm sure that maybe like yellow, but it was such a profound moment of this scarab, this golden yellow beetle as she's telling the story of this. And by the way, scarab beetles are in ancient Egypt or a symbol of transformation. Like we look at like the dragonfly here as a symbol of transformation. The Egyptians looked at the scarab as a symbol of transformation. So that.

Beatle coming in for her, all of a sudden where she had had this very rigid framework, I don't wanna hear your spiritual stuff, all of a sudden she was like, all right, I'm listening, I'm paying attention. There's something beyond happening here that I can't explain, I don't fully understand. So that was one of his really like famous stories. And then I'll tell you one more thing about Carl Jung, because I thought this was so interesting. Before he died, he had these three very,

powerful dreams. And one of the dreams showed this, he saw this tree and these golden roots were like going down into the earth. And I forgot all the dreams. But so this like really powerful tree dream. Well, the day he died, he had a favorite tree in his yard. The day he died, there was like a lightning storm and that tree was split in half by a bolt of lightning.

So fast forward 30 years later, something, or many, many, many, like 30, 50, like a long time later, a reporter goes to Carl Jung's house and is giving this kind of report and doing this documentary, whatever it is, on Carl Jung and telling the story about lightning hitting this tree in his yard and lightning hits the yard again. So as they're doing this recording of it happening at the same time, what is the odds? What is the?

like the coincidence of that. It's like unbelievably low. The day he dies, lightning hitting is splitting his favorite tree in half. So, and for me, that is just, that is just communication. That is just communication. We're not alone. We are part of this beautiful seamless web of love, of communication, of support. Like, and that's really what, for me, it's not a scary thing. It's a support.

It's a tool to help you, I think, step into fully what your soul is here to do, to help guide you, to help let you know you're not alone. For me, synchronicity and signs are these messages and ways that the universe is communicating.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (48:33)
Yeah, it's like the language of spirit.

christine (48:36)
Yeah. Angels of spirit, people we love coming in of our guides, of ourselves manifesting things in our external world around us. So signs and synchronicities, the language of the universe that you can sit with, contemplate, and not make a snap decision about what it means, but let it brew, let it percolate within you of what

these subtle messages and communications are for you and it can be a guiding force in your life.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (49:10)
I love it. We will see you next time with more information on our multi -dimensional selves.

christine (49:19)
and the multidimensional universe we're part of. Thanks for staying with us. We'll see you next time.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (49:23)