News in the Church: Morning News July 8, 2024
By Pål Johannes Nes
"Welcome to News from the Church, your source for Catholic news and updates from around the world. The news is edited by Pål Johannes Nes, and you're listening to EWTN Norway. This is the Morning News for July 9, 2024. Let's begin with the Saint of the Day."
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Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco celebrates the ‘Mass of the Americas’ using the extraordinary form of the Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C., Nov. 16, 2019. (photo: EWTN/YouTube Screen Capture)
Creators & Guests
Pål Johannes Nes
Editor in Cheif EWTN Norway
What is News from EWTN Norway?
"News from EWTN Norway" is a podcast featuring the latest Catholic news, produced with AI narration. Episodes cover significant events and updates from the Vatican, stories of sainthood, and other relevant Catholic news. Content is sourced from reputable outlets like the Catholic News Agency and The National Catholic Register. Regular updates ensure listeners stay informed on important developments in the Catholic community.
News in the Church: Morning News July 8, 2024
By Pål Johannes Nes
"Welcome to News from the Church, your source for Catholic news and updates from around the world. The news is edited by Pål Johannes Nes, and you're listening to EWTN Norway. This is the Morning News for July 9, 2024. Let's begin with the Saint of the Day."
Saint of the Day: 120 Martyrs of China
"Today, we honor the 120 Martyrs of China, a group of Chinese Catholics and foreign missionaries who were martyred during various persecutions in China, particularly during the Boxer Rebellion in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. These martyrs are celebrated for their unwavering faith and bravery in the face of intense persecution. Their legacy continues to inspire Chinese Catholics and believers worldwide."
News Stories:
Latin Patriarchate Condemns Raid on Gaza Catholic School
"The Latin Patriarchate has strongly condemned a reported raid by Israeli forces on a Catholic school in Gaza. The incident, which occurred amid heightened tensions, has been met with outrage from the Catholic community. The Patriarchate has called for respect and protection of all religious and educational institutions, emphasizing the detrimental impact such actions have on peace efforts and the well-being of students and staff. This raid underscores the ongoing struggles faced by religious institutions in conflict zones and the urgent need for dialogue and resolution."
German Pro-Lifers Condemn Censorship Zones
"German pro-life advocates have declared it a 'Black Day for Democracy' as they condemn the implementation of censorship zones around abortion facilities. These zones restrict pro-life counseling and demonstrations, sparking debates over free speech and the rights of activists. Pro-life groups argue that these measures infringe on their ability to offer support and alternatives to women considering abortion. This controversy highlights the tension between free speech rights and the regulations intended to protect the privacy and rights of those seeking medical procedures."
Pope Francis Names Young Bishop to Lead Agana, Guam Archdiocese
"Pope Francis has appointed Bishop Ryan Jimenez to lead the Archdiocese of Agana in Guam. Bishop Jimenez, previously the bishop of Chalan Kanoa in the Northern Mariana Islands, is expected to bring new energy and leadership to the archdiocese, which has faced significant challenges, including bankruptcy and a sex abuse scandal. His appointment is seen as a step towards healing and revitalization for the Catholic community in Guam."
Catholic Charities Responds to Hurricane Beryl
"Catholic Charities has mobilized to respond to the devastation caused by Hurricane Beryl, which has led to widespread power outages and flooding. The organization is providing immediate relief through food, shelter, and medical assistance to those affected. Their swift action underscores the Church's commitment to aiding communities in times of crisis, offering not just physical support but also spiritual and emotional solace."
German Pharmacist Acquitted for Refusing to Sell Abortifacients
"A German pharmacist has been acquitted after refusing to sell potentially abortive pills. The pharmacist's decision was based on moral grounds, and the court's ruling supports his right to act according to his conscience. This case has significant implications for the intersection of professional duties and personal beliefs, reinforcing the protection of conscientious objection in healthcare."
South Sudanese Bishop Reflects on 'Mission Accomplished'
"In South Sudan, Bishop Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala reflects on his transfer to a newly erected diocese as a 'mission accomplished.' The bishop, who has been instrumental in fostering peace and development in his previous diocese, views his new assignment as a continuation of his ministry. His efforts have been marked by a focus on reconciliation, community building, and the promotion of social justice."
Objective Beauty of the Traditional Latin Mass
"The traditional Latin Mass continues to evangelize through its objective beauty, attracting many faithful, especially the youth. Advocates of the Latin Mass highlight its spiritual depth, reverence, and continuity with the Church's liturgical heritage. This form of worship, with its rich symbolism and solemnity, serves as a powerful means of drawing people closer to the mysteries of the faith."
"That brings us to the end of today's episode. Thank you for joining us on News from the Church. Remember to tune in this evening for the Evening News, where we'll bring you more updates and stories from the global Catholic community. God bless you all, and may your faith continue to inspire and guide you. This is EWTN Norway, wishing you a peaceful and blessed day."