APIs You Won't Hate

APIs You Won't Hate Trailer Bonus Episode 27 Season 1

Stigg: Infrastructure for pricing models with Anton Zagrebelny

Stigg: Infrastructure for pricing models with Anton Zagrebelny Stigg: Infrastructure for pricing models with Anton Zagrebelny

Stigg: https://www.stigg.io/ - API-first pricing and packaging

Stigg is Hiring: https://jobs.lever.co/stigg

Find Anton Zagrebelny onlin:  Linkedin - GitHub

Thanks for listening to APIs You Won't Hate

Creators & Guests

Mike Bifulco
Cofounder and host of APIs You Won't Hate. Blogs at https://mikebifulco.com Into 🚴‍♀️, espresso ☕, looking after 🌍. ex @Stripe @Google @Microsoft
Anzon Zagrebelny
Co-founder and CTO at Stigg.io

What is APIs You Won't Hate?

A no-nonsense (well, some-nonsense) podcast about API design & development, new features in the world of HTTP, service-orientated architecture, microservices, and probably bikes.