CJ & The Duke

The difference between an adequate and expert ServiceNow expert is comfortably receiving abstractions and translating them into specific action.  Break the mindset of being an order taker.  The difference between great success and poor results can be due to your clarifying lense, in addition to your dev skills.

- Episode 38 - Outcomes, outcomes, outcomes, outcomes

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Cory and Robert are vendor agnostic freelance ServiceNow architects.
Cory is the founder of TekVoyant.
Robert is the founder of The Duke Digital Media

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What is CJ & The Duke?

Authentic, Authoritative, Unapologetic ServiceNow commentary by Cory "CJ" Wesley and Robert "The Duke" Fedoruk

Duke: All right, Corey, what
are we talking about today?

CJ: And today Duke, we're talking about
moving from abstraction to action.

Duke: This is one that's
been driving me mad all week.

And so in the green room, we
managed to put a name to it.

, moving from abstraction to action.

What do we mean by that?

CJ: For me, it's, those situations
when you sit down with the business

and sometimes I define the business
as it leadership too, right?

Like that level that's abstracted,
from the day to day and the technical,

actual know how decision making.

But knows like the ultimate, destination
of the product platform, et cetera.

, so it's when you sit down with folks
like that and they give you an idea

of, okay, so this is what we want to
see, or these are the problems that

we're hearing, And then fix it, please.

Duke: Right.

For me, , the customers don't necessarily.

Know how to ask for what they need.

CJ: Yeah.

Duke: They have a feeling, a strong
feeling, probably even backed up by

numbers or evidence or testimony.

but they have a feeling that something
is just jacked up and they want.

A solution, and because they're in
leadership positions, they'll probably do

their best to articulate what they want.


And I think 1 of the
defining characteristics that

takes a adequate service.

Now, resource to a player
in the game is the ability.

To be comfortable in that abstract
space, gradually guiding the

customer to something specific

Ourselves on the back there.

Oh, yeah,


CJ: right?

duke, is that, level that takes
you to a player in the game, right?

Gives you, a seat at the table,
chip in the game, however

you wanna look at it, right?

When you can sit down and these con have
these conversations with folks who are

only vaguely describing what they want.

And really be able to understand
that, distill it down into something

that's technically actionable.

And then provide that to, folks
who can actually, you know, like

the tech, a lot of actually is in
there, man, but it's provided to

folks who can actually do the work.

. I think that is a skillset that is rare.

. So many people are just used to popping
into, Agile or scrum or whatever the

heck the module name is looking, grabbing
the stories that are assigned to them.

And then just going ahead
and building them out.

. And then reviewing them against
the story requirements, but that

worked had to get in there some way.


Duke: Yeah.


And I can't say this enough.

The people who are buying.

The, the process module and service.

Now, the technology and service.

Now, they don't know how to deploy it.

CJ: Yeah.

Duke: what they want, and they
know what they want to fix, but

they don't know how to deploy.

So those, the stories don't come
from them and, God bless them.

There's tons of partners out there.

okay, we've done this 100, 000 times.

, here's all the things
that we've got to fix.

Figure out, but for the rest of us,
product owners, admins, devs, architects,

freelance consultants, we have to go
into rooms where they just don't know.

Even if they know, it's like,
I want asset management.

that's still way too vague.

To just start cranking out stories
on and so if you're like, if you're a

beginner in the space, , oh, gosh, this
week, Corey, man, , so many DMS, can you

just send me a ton of exercises to do?

Can you tell me what to build?

You tell me how to build it?

And I'll just , use the building
blocks and service now to do it.

I'm like, you gotta start building the
muscle of taking stuff from just raw idea.

To the specifics of what you're
gonna build because that's the skill

set that gets you the big money

CJ: yeah, dude, to me, listening
to this as we talk about it, right?

It sounds fairly simple to me but
I know it's not a simple skill,

It's one of the things that I
think provides the most value to

check writers in the space, right?

It's knowing that after they wrote
the check that they have someone who

can take a conversation with them
and turn that into the value that

they were writing the check for.


And, and I don't think that is a skill set
that is practiced often in the ecosystem.

And what I mean by that is, I think
it's a skill set that exists, right?

I don't think that, a lot of
the folks who end up working

at partners at a level, right?

That, say you and I would, if we were, to
go and get a job at a partner right now.

I don't think that those folks
don't have the skill set.

What I do think though, Is that
once you get into this mechanized

consulting world, right?

Like that skillset is abstracted away a
bit, And in favor of this is how we do it.

And this is how we've always done it.

Duke: yeah.

CJ: And so what ends up happening is
I think there's this big, a bit of a

mix match between listening to your.

check writing customer, And
implementing what they asked for.

and without doing it
through your own lens.


Duke: Yeah.

CJ: because I think that's also
key to because it's not bringing

your lens to the problem, right?

And therefore the solution.

Duke: I want to be super clear here.

We're not taking partners down.

We're elevating them in a way, because,
it's great that once you like, once

you do a few implementations, you
start building a body of expertise.

these questions come up all the time.

The 1st thing we have to do
is answer these questions.

And then, they build the
guides, They forge the path

through the forest and that's.


I'm just saying that there's a lot of
cases where it's a brand new forest.

Like we don't even know where to go.

Um, so I guess we'll
start off with example.

I can pull from recent experience.

I have this customer, they've got a,
service catalog that like basically

everybody, your organization is
like frigging service catalog.

Oh, you're going to send me there again.

Oh, you know, and nobody likes it.

Not that people should, But nobody
likes it, both on the requesting

end, but also on the fulfiller end.

So there's just general malaise
around the service catalog.

And so what do the leaders do?

They're like, okay, team
service catalog sucks.

this year, we are going to
revitalize a service catalog, go,

CJ: All right.

Duke: you know, go, let's just line up.

Like we got these 400 catalog items.

Let's line them up and go.

So that's super abstract.


CJ: Yeah.

Duke: So how do we chop down that tree?


CJ: Yeah, dude.

I think a lot of it comes down
to bursts, just listening.

for me, these are soft skills that we're
talking about, from my perspective.

being able to listen to your customer and
understand what they're actually trying

to tell you right now, what they're trying
to get to you and because they're going

to use terminology that is not going to
map one to one with service now, right?

It's not going to map one to one with
tech, you're gonna say, okay, we go

to the, to the service catalog if
they even use service catalog, right?

They might say we go to the web page and
we do a search and we get 400 things.

And what I want to know
is how can that be 40?

Because there's too much of it.


And then what you're,
what I'm hearing is, okay.

So it's, what we have is too
many, too much choice, for

people that make good decisions.

And , how do we maximize, , the
click to choice ratio.

So when I go into a situation, I know
exactly what, I know exactly how to ask

for what I want and I get what I want.

So that's, you know, it's.

Duke: that's definitely something that's
definitely something we struggle with.

Now, the thing I decided
to do at the start was.

let's deconstruct it a
bit when you say it's bad.

What do you mean by bad?

People don't like it.

so it's getting them to be more specific
about their sense of the thing sucks.

But at this place, it was, it
wasn't there, all we had was this

vague political force that the
catalog needed to be improved.


I started just running reports against it,

CJ: Okay.

All right.

Duke: what can we got 400 catalogs
items out there, but 400 are people

using what items are actually being
used, And maybe even how long on

average are the things taking.

Because basically if you were
going to solve a problem, like 400

catalog items, I really only want
to focus my efforts on the ones

that are being used the most, right?

CJ: Oh, well, maybe, maybe,

Duke: of the time.

Most of the time.

Yeah, I know.

You could have the one or two that
are super politically important

and are used 10 times in a year.

I get

CJ: What?

No, no, no.

Actually, I was going to go
somewhere else with that,

Duke: Okay, go.

CJ: right?

Maybe the items that would be used
more aren't being used because

they're not being surfaced.


Duke: Okay.

Yes, because that's,
what ended up happening.

So I ran this report and it was one
of the most extreme moments of that

is not the way it's supposed to be.

So we got, we literally have 400 items,
but 50 percent of all catalog traffic was.

I'll let you guess.

I'll let you guess which
catalog item it was.

CJ: Oh man.

Generic was that,

Duke: service request.

CJ: oh God, I love that one.

Duke: But then, you know, in
ServiceNow where it's give me the top

X and then the rest goes to other,

CJ: Yeah.

Duke: other was the second most used.

So you got to think
about the spread on that.

it was this big long, I used a
horizontal bar graph and it was this

huge long line and then these little
itty bitty dots all the way underneath

it, because basically 399 were evenly
split is basically what I'm getting at.

CJ: yeah.

Duke: how do we even deconstruct this?

So , now we've get your arms around.

What are people using
generic service request for?

CJ: So,

Duke: 9 hospitals in 3 healthcare systems.

Merged into one giant mega brand, And it's
all you can go to the customers and ask.

CJ: I think probably the issue
is what are they using it for?


Duke: there's going to be stuff in there
that they're going to be using more.

CJ: Yeah,

Duke: Right?

So it's great.


I got 28, 000 requests.

Generic service requests since January.

This is where the skill is, right?

There's no instructions for
this, but you have to , have that

savvy to experiment, I guess?

I'm hearkening back to my grade
7 computer science teacher.

Write a piece of Turbo Pascal that
will write out a Fibonacci sequence.

CJ: Right.


and how do you get there?

Duke: Yeah, but you're sitting there,
you're in grade 7, you're like, Whoa,

CJ: We can,

Duke: how do I even do this?

I'm sitting here just so frustrated.

And he just kept on saying, you
gotta think, you gotta think, you

gotta ask questions, you gotta think.

And I was at the time, I was
like, it's so frustrating.

Just show me how to do it.

CJ: that's a really good question though.

how do you know how to do something
that you've never done without

somebody showing you how to do it?

and without, the person who's asking
you to do the thing, being able to

really describe it clearly, maybe
even clearly in, in your language.

There's a thing that I do sometimes
on complicated projects where I say we

need to define the project vocabulary.

Duke: Yeah,

CJ: right so that we're all
talking about the same things

when we say the same words.

And, that's very useful, depending
on how on the mismatch between,

the doers and the askers.

if there's a significant mismatch
there, then, defining that project

vocabulary becomes very useful.

Because it tells us how
to think about things.

And I think in this situation, what
we're trying to back into is how do

we think about the thing that we're
being asked to do when the person

who's asking us to do it, right?

That can't necessarily communicate to us
in the language in which we're fluent.

Duke: I love that, man.

I love the, like the project
lexicon, the project vocabulary.

I'm wrestling with that right now.

I've got this, consulting team.

There's some language barriers,
but how many forms do we have?

I'm like, what are you talking about?


CJ: Right.

Duke: every table has forms.

CJ: Yes.


Duke: saying forms.

They say catalog items all the time.

now Monday,

I'm going to make a project lexicon.

That's a great idea, man.

Kudos for that.

I guess I owe you five bucks.

CJ: Yeah.


No, you'll I'll put on your tab

Duke: Yeah.

All right.


CJ: but it's the truth, and it backs into
what you were talking about you've got

this data, So our, our service catalog
sucks, we'd like you to improve it.

And then go right.

And now you're trying to figure
out, okay, what does suck me?

And then so you start digging into
the data and you figure out, oh,

suck means that the only thing you
use is generic service requests.

Oh, that does suck, right?

Because that means that, you
don't have standard processes

that are back ending into things
that people are requesting for.


Duke: This is where my obsession
about reports really helped me out

there, Because, one day I'm just
looking through ServiceNow reports.

What can I use?

What's stuff meant to be discover
the idea of the Pareto chart.

What's that do R and D on
what the Pareto principle is.

And I was like, Oh, that's interesting.

Things tend to not be perfectly even,
evenly distributed everywhere in nature.

It's just the way the universe works.

CJ: Yeah, exactly.

Duke: And so if there's 28, 000
generic service requests, they probably

center around 2 or 3 types of things.

CJ: Most likely.

Duke: it just came down to like,
going to the view, letting it do like

100 or 200 at a time or whatever.

And just going back over the past month.

And just reading them and seeing
what words popped up a bunch.

CJ: And that sucks, man, because

Duke: does.

It does.

But you know what?

It also works.

CJ: yes,

Duke: I've seen the word access five
times in this page of 10 records.

So let's just, short
description star access.

Oh, that's 2, 500 of the 28, 000.

That's almost 10 percent of all
the generic service requests

have something to do with access.

CJ: right,

Duke: which by the way, I said that
to the customer and they're like,

yeah, that makes a lot of sense.

Cause everybody's super angry about,
access and how slow it takes to modify

the access request and dah, dah, dah, dah.

And you know what I mean?

And I'm like, wait a minute.

What access requests?

Oh yeah.

We got three or four service catalog
items for, to, to like, to aggregate

all the cat, all the access requests.

So I'm like, okay, but
they're being used 500 times.

Generic service request
is using 2, 500 times.

So they're not using the things
that you set aside for this.

CJ: right.

Duke: so I think I would suggest
right now that the stuff that they

have is just too complicated, right?

CJ: Yeah.

Duke: whole one form to rule
them all for access requests.

CJ: So would it be like too complicated
or is it that it's hard to find?

Duke: Yeah, probably a good mix of both.

Probably a good mix of both.


CJ: But let's see how
this is Q and a, right?

Cause that's where the value is.

The surfacing, I think that's
what we're trying to get at.


Is, my customers got a problem.

Just recapping again.

We're like using way too many, service
catalog isn't working for them.

Then you figure out it's not working
because they've got, most of the

things that they're using is generic
service requests, but then you

figure out they use a generic service
request, mostly for access requests.

And then you also figure out that they
actually have access requests, catalog

items, and you're like, what the hell?

Duke: Yeah, 20 minutes, 20 minutes
have gone by and we've gone from

catalog sucks, line up those 400 catalog
requests and remodel them to no, no,

no, no, no, no, no, that won't work.

Because even if we remodeled each of
the 400 catalog items, Everybody's

still using generic service.

We got to peel that onion first.

And so now we know we have a firmer
thing to dig into that access

requesting is a massive problem here.

CJ: Right.

Duke: then You're a few
questions away there.

What are people using access requests for?

All these people that come in
and out, temporary workers,

contractors, oh, and so now it's
not just a generic access problem.

It's an onboarding problem too.

CJ: Right.

Duke: oh, that means we've
got to bring in the HR team.

They have their own developer.

Oh, now we have, now we got that
politics as an item on the checklist.

CJ: yep.

And maybe, if you keep digging at this
thing, then maybe you find under those

politics that things go to HR and die.

then maybe the access request
only works for HR and it doesn't

work for the rest of the business.

And that's why they use generic.

I don't know if that's the case
here, but that's certainly an

area that I'd start to explore.

whenever we get in these situations like
this, I start thinking about not just

the technical, but the people, right?

Is there a people process that's.

Bad here somewhere that's causing folks
to do things in a way that I think is

suboptimal, but it's more optimal for them
than going through, this convoluted people

process that is bogging down breaking and
maybe not even giving them results at all.

Duke: Yeah,

CJ: the path that we're taking, right?

look at, this is like a series
of forks in a row, right?

It's a series of forks in a row.

And then, each time you approach a
fork is almost like a, like dungeons

and dragons or, something like that,
you approach a fork in the road,

both paths are shrouded in mystery.

Which one do you take?


so you use the collective experience
such that you've gathered to get to that

fork to choose the best likely path.

and you keep going from there.

Duke: Man, I would much prefer
a divination spell, but I didn't

roll a wizard, unfortunately.

CJ: Hey man, look, if we can
conjure the spirits, I'm all for it.

Duke: hey, listen, we're still
talking in abstractions, but if

I can think of a metaphor, it's
just how do you untie a knot?

CJ: Yeah.

Duke: there's no precise instructions.

You just got to look at the
thing for a long time and

start probing, experimenting.

What happens if I pull , this part.


I see that moves on the other side.

So now that's one extra thing
that I know, keep probing.

And then as you probe, you have
insights that stack on insights.

That make your probes more effective,

CJ: Yeah.

Duke: if you just tease it and not
long enough, you get to understand

how the whole thing is working.

And then it gets looser
and looser and looser.

And the next probe is more effective.

I harken back to my grade 7
compute comp sci teacher again.

You definitely got to ask questions.

CJ: I think it's intellectual
curiosity, right?

Likes to be curious.

Duke: Yeah.

CJ: Yeah.

Duke: Please, please.

As you're entering the service
now, ecosystem newcomers, please.

Now today, pray these
words with me right now.

Like I am not an order taker,

CJ: Yeah.

Duke: There's outcomes that
you have to fulfill, but break

the order taking mentality.

Hey, they just asked me to do this.

That's what I'm going to go do.

Oh, no.

Dig deeper.

Ask questions.

And you do that on the small scale with
the small stuff they're sending you now.

And then it just gets easier and
easier You train yourself up and then

someday you'll be in the scenario
I'm in right now, where it's like

the customer's looking at you and
make these bad feelings go away,

CJ: Yes.

Duke: and taking it from that to,
you plan execution results that

matter, I'll give you another example.

They have these two asset managers.

It's a big merger and
acquisition operation, right?

So there's basically three or
four companies that are now

recently become one company.

Two of the companies have people
that got these giant Excel sheets

and we call them asset managers.

And so they come up with Hey,
get SCCM data into service now,

because we need to do asset
management on computers that we own.

We give it to the outsource, partner
team and they're like, oh, SCCM

integration, boom, specific move.

And then it's 3 weeks later,
the project's complete.

Everything's in we clearly tested
the integration, but nobody's happy.

You know what I mean?

Nobody's happy.

leadership's trying to deconstruct but we
close the project and we close it on time.

Like, how come not happy?

but look closer.

We want the SCCM stuff so that we
can do asset management on computers.

And nobody thought to say, hold on.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, because
asset management is like, how

many processes, Corey, like eight,

CJ: yeah,

Duke: 10, like,

CJ: a, yeah, it's a,
lot in there to unpack.

Duke: I got on there and I
was like, when you say asset

management, what do you mean?

CJ: Ha.

Duke: Is it just the fact
that we have a record in here?

It says computer 4, 000, right?


Or is it, how does it go from requested
to sitting on our dock or all the asset

management stuff, but nobody thought
to ask that they just saw SCCM grabbed

on to the specific and ran with it.


CJ: talking, but.

Think of all your work experience as
practice for what you would like to be

doing with your work experience, right?

Because you don't, there's no switch, as
you're progressing through your career,

where you go from, low level to high
level, you go, you get to high level by

practicing high level traits, and that
means, at the very beginning coming

into the ecosystem, like you said, say a
prayer with me, I will not take orders.

I'm not an order taker, push back,
ask questions, probe, be curious.

And in it, because if you do that in that
situation, say when you start, if you end

up working for, this company and they're
like, yeah, no asset management, we got

the data in SCCM and you don't just like
here, like SCCM, you shut the conversation

down and run off and do it, you say, okay,
so when we get the data from SCCM and the

service, now, how do you want to use it?

what process is this aligning with
what's the outcomes for the business,

Duke: Oh, the outcomes episode.

Yeah, let's just take that
whole outcomes episode.

Just insert it right here.

We'll pause.

We'll wait for you and then come back.


CJ: and all of those things.

And so you understand that the, all
these things are means to an end, Like

service now is a means to an end, right?


Duke: the end?

What's the end?

Yeah, exactly.

CJ: I just think that's always my North
star is service now as a means to an end.

What's the end.

What are you trying to do?

Nobody buys service.

Now, just to say that they bought service.

Now they buy service now because
service now it's a force multiplier.

And they hire me because I'm a
force multiplier of service downs,

forced multiplication right now.

We're talking exponentials.

Duke: And not just because I know
how to use flow designer or write

a business rule and know, know a
bunch of the API for JavaScript.

It's because let's go full on Jedi
Master Neil deGrasse Tyson here.

The hole like you're made of star
stuff, you know, The universe has put

you there right there for a reason.

And the difference between them
being, Oh my God, that was awesome.

Look how much better our
lives are because of service.

Now, the difference between that and
how come people not happy project

completed soon, the difference between
those two things could be the clarifying

lens that you add, not just your flow
designer chops, the clarifying lens.

CJ: Yes.

and that's not to, devalue the
flow designer shops you got.

Cause once you clarify the lands, right.

Then you shine that puppy up, right?

Somebody got to build it.

Duke: Yeah, you could be the most
exquisite flow designer in the

world building the wrong thing.

CJ: Yeah Right.

What is this?

This is a diamond pinky ring.

I don't have a pinky, you know?

So We're talking about
action to abstraction, right?

All of this, right?

Or sorry, abstraction to action,
all of this is action now, even

though it might seem like it's
just another layer of abstraction.

Sometimes abstraction is multi
layered, multi faceted, right?

Duke: It makes it abstract.

CJ: right.

It's not clear.

And the actions that you take to
get from that top layer, all the

way down to the core, is the value
that you're adding to the project.

That's important.

That's value that not everybody can see.

from the perspective of
the tech side, right?

It's not it's value that not everyone
knows how to to get to to execute.

And, to distill that, right?

I say, be curious, ask a lot of
questions poke around, listen,

listen, listen, listen, listen,
listen to your customer, right?

Cause they're telling you
what's hurting, right?

You go to the doctor, right?

I mean, all right.

So look, we're all experts on our own
body, but we're not experts on medicine.

You go to doctor and your legs hurting.

You're like, Hey doc, my legs hurt.

They're like, well, is it the patella?


I don't know.

So I look, when I do this,
this part hurts, right?

Duke: metaphor, man.



CJ: there are steps, right?

There's things that we can all do.

And it's really about the process.

It's about going through the process
and being curious and creating that

rapport and listening, And being
empathetic to your customer's needs and

really just trying to understand like
the source of their pain so that you

can deliver a solution that addresses
it and not a solution that you want to

address or that addresses your pain.

Cause that also happens to you.

Oh, this is SCCM boom.

SCCM done.

And I'm sure to hear SCCM all we've
built several, SCCM integrations for

clients, we've got a run book for that.

Yeah, we'll do this.

We'll get this on time for you.

Three days, Matt, And you come back
and you did the thing that nobody

asked you for, but you did it on time.

Duke and I'm going to zoom
out a little bit here too.

I'm on a rant a little bit, but I'm
going to zoom out here a little bit

because this is what I'm seeing with
a lot of my customers right now, , it

is the implementation and deployment
and execution of things that they

didn't ask for is giving them value
that they're not looking for, and

to the detriment of the value that
they're actually trying to realize.

And the things that they, the problems
and the pain points that they're, that

they continue to experience because
they'll because they're not being

addressed because folks are addressing
the things that they want to be the

problem and not the things that are.

And, I think this whole episode
really is about being able to

better align with your customer.

So that you could deliver that value
to them, that they actually bought

service now for the thing, the promise,
when you're in a sales call, there's

a promise that's being offered and
one that's being accepted, right?

Like the promise is being offered from
service now that we're going to make

your life better using this platform.

Duke: Yeah.

CJ: and then you're accepting that promise
and in exchange, giving them money.

So now we got an agreement.

the agreement is I'm going to
fix your pain and they change.

You're going to give me
money and then you don't.

And if you don't fix that pain, the
other side is going to feel really,

really bad about giving you money.

Duke: That's a great angle
I hadn't even considered.

Have you ever watched a great sales
enablement person work, sales engineer.

there's even a saying in the space.,
sooner you demo, the faster you lose.

CJ: Yes.


Duke: And what are they
doing before the demo?

They are trying to extract the pain.

Gosh, I remember when I was
working at Vivid Charts and we

had this brilliant sales coach.


we'd be on the line with somebody and we
get off and we just raked over the coals.

You guys only asked 3 questions, and,
that coaching was just regimented

of how much can we find out about
their situation because then

you then the solution specifies.

The points to their pain, but it's just
a great, like one thing you can do if

you're starting out, or if you're the
kind of person who like needs to breach

that, I'm just an order taker mentality,
find the closest SE that you can find

and ask them to walk you through it.

See if you can get a call recording
or something, just watch a brilliant.

Sales person or sales engineer
or sales enabler, do their thing.

Watch your first call.

It will open your mind and
everything that you're seeing there

can be applied to an engagement.


CJ: So Duke, that means now we've got
to get one of those folks on the show.

Duke: Lauren McManaman in episode two.

She was a brilliant SE.

CJ: Yeah, she was.


Duke: come

CJ: Yeah.

Duke: back to us, Lauren.

CJ: Yeah, that's a good point.

we should definitely get her
on to talk about that aspect.

I think the last time we were here,
we talked a little bit about different

things, but this is important, man.

It's a super important.

And I think it's probably
God, I've been using the word

existential a lot in my life lately.

And I don't know that this is
necessarily existential, but, to

the platform or to anyone's career,
but I do think it's elevate.

It is an elevating factor.

To your career and to the platform for
any customer that you're working with,

they've already decided that they've
bought service now and they bring you in.

How do you ensure that contract
goes from three months to a year?

Or how do you ensure that when you're done
with that three month contract, they call

you back in six months to do another one?


Like you elevate.

this is what this is about.

elevating your game, talking to
them, understanding their pain

points, and then solving them.

remember we're not selling band aids here.


we're peddling cures, you know, and
so find a cure, help them find a cure.

But you gotta know what's hurting first.

Duke: That seems like a
great place to leave it.

We had just about 37 minutes to record.

So what do you think?

CJ: Yeah, let's leave it there.

Alright dude, this has been great!

Duke: Yeah.

I love it when it goes this way.

All right.

Thanks for watching folks.

We'll see