The Conscious Collaboration

What does "easy progress" mean for your 2025, and how can balancing masculine and feminine energies propel you forward? Tune in to episode 138 of The Conscious Collaboration, where Lisa and Emily dive into these guiding energies as they wrap up 2024 and set the stage for a vigorous new year. We explore the art of discerning meaningful collaborations versus superficial ones, likening them to "whole foods" versus "processed foods." Are your partnerships nourishing your long-term success?

Join us as we delve into the patience and authenticity required for genuine relationship-building. Discover the power of taking imperfect action and how it fuels growth and evolution. With reflections on our podcast journey, we emphasize responsibility and humility in leadership. Ready to embrace a year of mindful progress? Engage with us—subscribe, share your thoughts, and become part of our vibrant community!

Tune in to learn how to join our Conscious Collaboration Collective on Facebook, where you can share your wins and find support within our community.

Talk to you in 5!
Emily and Lisa

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What is The Conscious Collaboration?

The Conscious Collaboration Podcast brings together entrepreneurs, changemakers, and thought leaders. We aim to highlight the people who embody the idea of aligned mind, body, and business. Each week, we share, discuss, and learn from the various experiences and ideas of our guest experts. Through our discovery, we find a path to aligned mind, body, and business.


The conscious collaboration brings together entrepreneurs, change makers and thought leaders. We aim to highlight the people that embody the idea of aligned mind, body and business. Each week, we share, discuss and learn from the various experiences and ideas of our guest experts. Through our discovery, we find a path to an aligned mind, body, and business.


What up, guys? I'm Emily.


And I'm Lisa, and we are the contest collaboration. Hey, Em.


Part 2. Hey. What's up? 2 marathon


session today. We're doing


a double header. A double header.


So this is officially the last episode of 2024.


Yeah. I I I got a little, ahead of ahead of myself last episode.


Yeah. Well, I mean, it's hard to put time into context after Halloween.


Time is an illusion.


It is. It is an illusion. I just don't even know. I'm baffled. But, anyhoo, you know, we've been talking.


It's been a while. We're kind of, like, curious. Let's do an energy check-in and see what our energy is like at the time of our listeners checking in with us, and then moving into 2025 so we can just really max it out. Knock it out of the park.


Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I think this is a good, time to sort of, reflect, you know, regardless of of the fact that as our beloved Steve said, there's nothing magical that happens when the Gregorian calendar turns January 1st. But, you know, like I said, it's just a good, kind of bookmark for for us to examine what's happening around us, examine, you know, what's happened in the last year, and just kinda do some some recon, and find ourselves in a in a place of understanding, especially with I mean, you know, everybody that I, interacting with in person lately kinda feeling this too. So I'm sure our listeners are, but there have been a lot of energies kind of interacting with each other that have made things very I don't know if intense is the right word or just there's just a lot.


Kind of a


a lot happening.


Not as heavy as it was maybe a few months ago necessarily, but, you know, interrupted sleep and and just just a lot going on. And, of course, you always kinda have that hectic sorta, feeling anyway around this time as people are rushing to get, you know, deadlines met by the end of the year and and whatever. If you're doing holiday shopping and, traveling and just kind of getting things together, getting all their appointments in so that, you know, their insurance coverage isn't isn't a waste. That is If you have insurance.


Use it if you had it.


If you have insurance, right, for those of you. Mhmm. I don't remember what that's like.


Oh, so many things talking about


Maybe we shouldn't open I was gonna say maybe we shouldn't open the healthy Trans Skin Orbs today.


Throw, like, all awareness, the pop culture awareness, and I don't wanna go into the cool thing. Luigi. Luigi and That's that's that one. Drones.


Mhmm. Mhmm.


All kinds of weird stuff happening. That's weird. Just weird times. So let's see. What is, the energy around the practice collaboration in which we know we're being into 2025 to have the most clarity and ease?


So the energy around us right now is easy progress.


I like that one. We've gotten that once or twice before. Yeah. And it's definitely welcome right now.


Yeah. Yeah. Easy progress.


That's what we're moving into. I welcome that with open arms.


Hexagram 35, fire above and earth below. And then moving into, 2025 with great vigor.


Alright. That's that's those are seemingly


Exciting. Opposites


a little bit or maybe opposite, but


And they can't hear you.


Vigorous. You know? Also, what it actually reminds me of is the interplay of masculine and feminine energy that we're kinda always tapping into. You know, easy progress, letting it, you know, be more feminine, the more energy of allowing and receiving, but still, you know, being able to move with great vigor, to actually make progress. Mhmm.


Yeah. It's getting the momentum going. So, you know, to have the easy progress and then building into great vigor, I think, is it bodes very well. Because if we're in the current energy of easy progress, I think that's very positive, setting yourself into great bigger moving into 2025, having a lot of energy. Feels very momentum building to me.


But let's see. We have 3, 4, 3, 2, 1. So a lot happening. So there's a lot of change lines within our, within ourselves, within our interpersonal relationships, and within our earth environment, as well as top line energy changing, which is higher self, universe, god, divine. So there's a lot naturally, a lot of changing energy at this time.


So people may feel a little disoriented. Yeah. But you, conscious collaboration, we are in a period of easy natural progress. What has been weak is ascending and by gaining a prominent position will become more powerful. One image here is the light of the rising sun, which at first appears dimly through the mist, but the same light will radiate with powerful clarity once the sun has reached its highest position in the sky.


Progress is made when those in supporting positions make peace with those in leadership and in doing so create natural means for their talents and abilities to become more visible. This really does feel like our listeners, I think, a lot, the change makers, thought leaders, entrepreneurs.


So I think we're in that


that early phase of the sun where it's just peeking through the mist or however it is. Yeah.


I mean, just for the easy progress, trusting that, you know, the sun is gonna rise and be visible through the mist of fog, when the path of the weaker aligns with that which is strong is when that when you achieve the most effortless shining. So think about authenticity shining through, all very good. That top line energy changing talks about when strong energetic action is required to achieve progress, make certain that your ducks are in a row before you start. Be particularly careful to avoid the overly energetic initiatives of people with whom you don't have a close relationship. So I think this is important for conscious collaborators.


Like, be really conscious about who you're collaborating with. We're talking about this offline too. Everybody gets the message in this time. You're hearing it through astrology and tarot and all the talk of, you know, the age of Aquarius and period 9 and Feng Shui that collaboration's the key to success, but being very discerning about who you're joining forces with. Because if a bridge can't handle the weight, don't use it.


So you might don't just haphazardly join forces with someone because they're the easiest. Yeah. More sustainable. You know, maybe find someone that's stronger, that could carry carry the weight, that has the capacity and the bandwidth, and you can really trust them. So put some context around that.


Pushing ahead brings good fortune. That's great. With the support of those who are above and below, progress is unstoppable. We were literally talking about this. You know, Emily and I were talking before we started recording, even the episode previous, I was researching, I came across someone else in the DMs that had an episode around conscious collaboration that found us and came into my Cloud 9 DMs and really good supporter, commenting on things.


And I said, you know, we have a lot in common. We should talk about, collaborating on our podcast because she has a podcast as well too. It's actually very health focused and and collaboration focused is everybody is talking about collaboration. But, you know, is it because they're trying to, like, get the visibility? Or is it because they're feeling like you're very aligned with the same, intentions or with the same, greater good vision?


Because I think, like, this doesn't happen to us a lot. I see this in Facebook groups for podcast, for example. People are just looking to get on any podcast.


You know what that makes me think of is, like, there's, like, a, there's, like, a whole foods version of, and I don't mean the the grocery store, but, I mean, literal, like, whole natural food. Yeah. There's, like, a whole natural version of collaboration and, like, the social media collab kind of processed food version of collaboration, and I think that's about the intention behind it. But, you know, wherein one might be kind of along the lines of instant gratification and okay. Yeah.


You know, I get this, like, superficial visibility, whatever. But then, when you and and maybe the the Whole Foods version of it is not so dramatic and and, instantaneous, like, right up front. But over time, your ROI from from, you know, finding those those whole natural collaborations is way like, puts you in a complete other universe from the the processed food version of it.


Yeah. I agree. And it makes me think too, like, I like that perspective a lot. But it makes me think too, just, in terms of, I wanna say, like, I'm like, just bringing it back to collaborating in terms of business. And we get some inquiries, and I know I handle, like, a majority of them, but we get some inquiries that are really just like, hey.


I saw your title, and that resonated with me, and I'm looking to be a guest. But just because you see the title or, like, what our picture thumbnail looks like, doesn't mean that, you know, there's gonna be anything good from having a conversation with us. You know, did you listen to the episode? Like, have we had a conversation? You know, even if we've gotten things I love, I'm always encouraging of, like, people that are writing books, you know, that they're it'll come from their PR, you know, advertising their book to probably they're looking for keywords and just sending a bunch of mass emails to people looking for someone to grab on, but there's no there's no real thought or consideration or discernment.


And similarly, it's like, I think many entrepreneurs, change makers, thought leaders out there realize the importance of building community. And, you know, there's a lot of course development and mastermind development and people are monetizing those. But is that a time, for example, on mastermind, do you wanna just let anybody enter your Mastermind that can pay the entrance fee Mhmm. So that you get a subscription? Or do you wanna vet that out and make sure it's a good fit so it's truly building on something and benefiting people?


Yeah. Well, and I think that's kind of along the same things. Like, there's still plenty of gold in them hills to be found within these mastermind programs, I think. Sure. And it's gotten so saturated because now everybody fancies themselves a mastermind.


Mhmm. And, yeah, exactly. If if you've got the the money to pay to be in the group, then, you know, that that I mean, it is. It's it's then decreasing the quality of of what you're able to offer if you just accept anybody who who could pay for it. Uh-huh.


Kinda so Yeah. The intention is the intention behind it.


Right? Intention and quality over quantity. We you know, Steve and I, with the entrance of School of Feng Shui, we talk about this for certification, and we have, like, an application process of different things. There are some resources that you can just take by yourself just to learn or whatever. But we have an application process and then, you know, an in person or a virtual meeting, to have that conversation because, like, okay.


Sure. You could just have 100 and thousands of people just enter into something. Or perhaps, you know, you wanna make sure the people that are entering into a program that you're teaching or masterminding, where you're expecting people to add value, are they going to use it? Are they just looking for another certification? Are they gonna uphold your name if they're using your name?


Or, like, I graduated from this, you know, certification program, in a way that aligns with you and is respectful because it's gonna reflect back on you, like, back to the whole longevity of, you know, success. I think in my line of work, in feng shui, we have a lineage. And it's kind of like it goes back to the grand master, in it, and then master and then training apprentice and so on and so forth. So there's a reputable lineage in that, but it's when you start, like, broadening it out to the masses, it can water down the lineage or the legacy of of something to a degree.




don't know. That's kind of what it makes me think, in terms of having a lot of energy and resources and great vigor. And as the I Ching is talking about, yeah, a lot of progress can be made when you're in this easy progress. But while you're in this easy progress, make sure that you're, using discernment to point your efforts into a direction that's gonna be sustainable versus just like fast money or big, you know, big thing fast kind of thing.




So, yeah, so that's that's more in, like, the interpersonal realm. You know, continue to push ahead because it's gonna bring, good fortune. Progress is gonna be unstoppable when you're combining people that are a bit ahead of you and a bit below you. And you and I have always talked about that, like, for since the beginning of the podcast and, you know, shout out to Michelle. You know, you know, having someone that you look up to that's doing something that's, you know, showing you that it's possible to do something and then, I mean, someone that you're helping to bring up




Makes it, like, a stronger collaboration and effort. And then it says, you know, as we go further down the line here, line 2 talks about a lack a lack of progress can be caused simply by a lack of the right contacts. So Yeah. You know, we we did talk about that too. Right?


It's like, who do you know?


Don't ask how to ask who.


Ask who. Yeah. Mhmm. Though this is disheartening, progress will cease entirely if you push too hard with people who have not had a chance to develop trust in you. By remaining steadfast in your efforts now, important people may notice and help you along, but only at their own pace.


Mhmm. Avoid becoming too frustrated because of slow progress. Try to be patient.


Well, that's when you do start trying to force things is when you get frustrated and impatient. Right?


Yeah. And I think too, it's like you don't wanna you wanna have an organic relationship with people. You're helpful people. It's not a time to be, like, sales y necessarily. Mhmm.


I think making sure there is an alignment and belief and investment in the in the vision is what really attracts people. What what's the saying like, flower, butterfly, something about attracting the butterflies?


Well, I don't know that one.


It's like a flower doesn't need to get out and chase the butterflies kind of thing.


Yeah. Okay. Yeah. That makes sense. Cool.


And it goes back to the a word the a word that we're always talking about. Right? Authenticity. Yeah. Showing up just showing up authentically, and viewing your collaborations as relationship building and not as sales opportunities.


Yeah. You know, it's it's not what's in it for you Yeah. Entirely. It's what's in it for the cause or, like,


the desired outcome? I think that's what makes that dynamic is what makes a lot of the the networking groups even you know, if they start with better different intentions, I think, ultimately, it can kinda get to that point where people are using it more so to try to, like, directly sell their their stuff than to actually network and build relationships.


Yes. Yeah. I've been in some networking groups that felt so disingenuine. There were, you know, there was mandatory, you know, meeting the purchasing of people within groups or you know, just you wanna you wanna believe in the people that you're recommending and referring to people. So you have, you know, you have to kinda really know them on an intimate level and user services and get to know them before you can make a genuine recommendation, referral, or create a service with them or a product with them.


But, there's just something about, like, first, making you pay a giant due for it and then, like, punishing if you don't meet the requirement. That's just my thought on it. It just for me, that type of push


Even if there's not dues and requirements, like, some sometimes the environment is just, like, you know, it goes a little beyond in you know, just kinda talking about what you do, and it's just like a kinda turns into, like, an advertising bulletin board, which Mhmm. Defeats the purpose of it a little bit. I I think you gotta finesse, a little bit of a, yeah, just a smoother That that


how we do it. Becomes like, relationships aren't about what you do, but who you are. I remember I was in this type of of networking group where, like, we literally talk to each other every meeting using an elevator pitch, which I hate. Like, that's so old school. Right.


I think it's valid to practice it from time to time, but not yeah. Just to, like, try to forge relationships with other people that way is not


Well, I mean, I was I said it so much. I said my elevator pitch so much that it felt disingenuine to me. Like, I didn't even know what it meant anymore. Like, the I helped I


helped memorized the line. Yeah.


It's just not even, like, I I don't I don't know. I just didn't even feel, like, who I was. It was just more


Plus if everybody else is using you know, saying this a different version of the same sentence, like Right. You're just Yeah. Elevator pitch robots. Like


I strongly resist to that, type of it just reminds me. I mean, I I did. I had a good time. I miss a lot of things about corporate, but I reject so much of that, like, can speak, where you're almost speaking into a different language, and it means nothing. If you could say a whole hour long meeting using corporate speak and satisfy a certain percentage of the room, but it means nothing, what you just said.


And it also could have just said it, you know, said it in an email. No one gets no one gets to know you or what the intent is. It's just it just gives people a level of comfort. Quit presenting a


book report in class.


Yes. Yeah.


You know?


Yeah. It's very culty. I don't know. That's just not my vibe. No.


You know? That makes you happy. I'm not gonna knock it, but it's not my it's not my conscious collaboration at the moment. So line 1, which is very much like internal inner self, remain calm and dedicated, and you will avoid serious mistakes that could, back your progress or, halt it altogether. Through advance though advancement may be feverantly desired, the hour for you to play a leading role has not yet come.


Do not feel downhearted or resentful if no one is paying a lot of attention to you. Oh, gosh. That's like as a human design projector, I read you know, the more I read about that, my, like, shadow self is resentment. Like, if, you know, the the most harmful thing to me and this you this has probably happened to you where you've set an idea and everyone's looking at you, like, in your short that they heard you.




Yeah. They don't even, like, they don't even shoot it down. Acknowledge it. Yeah. They just don't even acknowledge it, and then someone else says it, like, a little bit different.


And they're like, oh my god. You're so smart. I love


that idea. Literally what I just said.


Just said that right before they said it. So it causes a lot of resentment and just, like, unhealthy, you know, resentments, like, the worst energy to get in. So, that would be, you know, it it that lack mentality gets you to lack confidence. Like, why do I even bother talking? No one's listening to me.


That was my idea. So now is not the time to get into that. If you're doing that inner self reflection and you're feeling like you put these ideas out and someone else said it just slightly different, and they take off with it.


We can go back to a couple of episodes ago in that scenario. Because, I mean, I think we're all human, and and we may fall find ourselves in that place from time to time. Mhmm. But I think that's the time to then catch it Mhmm. And change the question to, okay, what do I need to believe about this situation?


Right. Right. Right. Right. Right.


That's what I'm thinking too. I mean, it's I was reading there's this local girl that, I saw in one of the local news programs that wrote a story. And she just said, like, she came up with a story with her mom. And I'm sorry. I don't remember her name.


And if she's listening, I'm so sorry. But she said an idea to her mom about a children's book. And, you know, that they're both artists and they took it upon themselves to just turn this book out real fast and it's a massive success. And I wish I knew what it was about, but I wanted to get it for my daughter. I have to go back and find it.


But she talked about how ideas flow through us. And if you don't act on it right away, it's gonna flow through to someone else to materialize.


And I


was like, oh, like, out of the whole interview, like that, you know, we're all


because nothing's truly original. Right? So that makes sense.


Yeah. We're we're all artists, like, channeling a vision to manifest it to make it happen. And if we don't act on it, it's gonna forcibly And


if you're if you're in a negative self talk spiral, you know, whatever the source of that is, you're not likely to take any action to to change that direction versus, okay, what do I need to believe to feel, you know, better in this moment and kinda turn this dynamic around? And, you know, maybe it's finding another way to execute the idea that you just came up with.


Yeah. I mean, I I really like that concept, and it goes back to also, like, our, you know, taking imperfect action, is better than no action at all in the case of something that's so brilliant because it needs to come through. And if if you're not gonna act on it, it it might be it might have its own will to be created and go. Right.


Because if you're not if you're not creating it in the physical even even when it's not perfect, Like, that's how you make it not not perfect. We're never striving for perfection, but that's that's how it evolves into its, you know, ultimate form, I guess, is is by kind of, you know I don't wanna say fucking it up, but just kinda, you know, imperfect action, making it making starting a little a little sloppy.


But just starting. There's even more longevity to to starting sloppy and messy and getting it out there because then you have a chance for, like, a second edition, a third edition. You know, it's like,


you know Exactly. And you wouldn't come up with those next ideas until you If you


didn't get it off.


Process of I mean, we could say this about the podcast. Right? Like, we didn't know what the hell we were doing, and we just started and started recording episodes. And here we are a couple years later. I'm not saying we're in our ultimate form yet by any means, but But we're racing.


If we go back and listen to, you know, our earlier, episodes, which are still classic, by the way. Go back and listen to them. But I I mean, we definitely, as we should, evolved and gotten more sophisticated, and we'll continue to do so and gotten more ideas just from, you know, what we put out beforehand that that wasn't quite perfect.


Yeah. Yeah. We've gotten more out of it. I think too, like, operating from a place of inspired action as we're talking about longevity and, like, meaningfulness, we've gotten so much out of the podcast from imperfect action rather than planning and overplanning. And is this perfect or not?


Have we scripted it well enough? And and now it's, you know, it's rather attracting. Right? Also. Mhmm.


You know, even, I mean, I think that's one thing that built authenticity, but that's one thing that attracts people is, you know, feeling comfortable, feeling like someone can hold space or meet you where you are.


Well, because imperfect action is authenticity. I think they're really if they're not the same thing, I think they're Very, really good. Deeply. Confident.


Yeah. I mean, so this is really exciting, moving into moving into 2025, great vigor. It even there is strength and vigor in this situation, like that of a ram that knocks down a fence to free himself from captivity. This points to a time when a strong force comes into its own and asserts its power.


This is, the ram is Aries, right, which is also, the first sign in the zodiac, the youngest and sort of full of vigor, right, that fire energy, and it's the fool card. So is it an Aries new sign it's the number it's the 0, actually, the 0 card in the tarot, the Fool is. So it's really perfectly aligned with New Year energy.


Is it an Aries moon in January if we're in a Gemini moon now?


I have no idea.


Does it go backwards or forwards? I don't know. Okay. I'm not


gonna idea, but


it would be


Taurus if we were go I don't know. Yeah. I I don't know. No idea.


Oh, it would be Taurus. I don't even get it right.


I think the the moon moves through the the signs at a pace that's not totally congruent with the month. I don't know.


I don't know. Okay. I get that.


It makes sense. Out of my scope. Okay? Can't be able to like a Fisher Price astrology person. He just have a box.


But, I mean, it has been a talk with all of our favorite astrologers and tarot card readers, this fool energy. I know I heard Steve talk about it. And, Yeah.


But connecting that Aries, the ram, that that youthful starting, you know, in the tarot even, when you start


with the fool, you're, like, starting


a next a new level. You've completed a cycle and you've you've started either you started over because you didn't get the lessons or you're starting a new level because you did. Yeah. So that's, like, good energy for going into 25.


So the caution here is with this great vigor that you have is a lot of responsibility, because the key to success here is to not not feel arrogant because that's the seeds of his own undoing. It's to act with responsibility and realize that you're in an influential position and, to react with care. So it's not just, like, with this great figure. You know, the sun is shining brightly. You busted through with whatever idea and vision that you're holding and intention.


It's not, It's not at all costs. It's not all about you. It's for the greater good. You know, like, so not not that I can't not you can't have your moment and celebrate, you know, congratulations. But, if we're talking about conscious collaboration too, it's just, reciprocity and making sure that you're not


That distinction between confidence and arrogance. Yes. Exactly. Yeah. Still having space to be wrong or, you know, still making space for somebody else's idea to be a little better or,


you know, whatever. It's like it's delegate first thing.


Player things.


Yeah. So I like this.


It's a true leadership anyway. Right? Like


Yeah. Yeah. It's the conscious leader that, that makes those you know, it's No. You're not infallible. Yeah.


Continued growth, continued momentum, building on that great figure. I think this is a great I Ching reading. So for those that want to research a little more, if you look up hexagram 35, change line 6, 3, 2, and 1. And 32. That's a lot.


20 25. We do hear. That's a lot of change lines. So you guys might be feeling, like, a lot of pressure and squeezing through that, like, you know, trying to push the the the toothpaste out the whole of a number 72 kind of thing. But, but good job is what I have to say.


I think, you


know, good job. We're gonna make it.


We're gonna make it after all. Yay. So Happy New Year. Yeah. That was good.


That was a good, doubleheader sesh that we had. Yes. I'm excited. I've got 2 big deadline projects that I'm turning out right now, and then I'm taking a little little trip with the kids. And I know you have a trip.




Going to Louisiana. I'm calling Baton Rouge. Oh. If anybody knows that song. Classic from Garth Brooks.


I've never been


If you know, you know.


I don't know, but I know you, so that'd be cool. Maybe look that


one up. I don't know if I don't know if I'm gonna build, Garth Brooks into the microphone right now.


Yep. I'll look it up.


If I if I start, I won't stop.


I'll take your word for it.


If you know, you know.


Yeah. So, I don't know. Happy New Year, happy trip around this year. It's so crazy. Yeah.


It was a trip. Alright?


It was a trip. I know, like, reflecting back to 2020 end of 2023, me going into 2024, I, like, thought I, like, there was no way I could have predicted anything that happened in this year playing out for me that I did. There's just no way. People are like, oh, what are your goals? Like, I I just don't think it's a good idea to try to set goals because I don't think I would have even been able to fathom some of the things, like, looking back.


Yeah. I think it was a setup for really great things to come, though.


Yep. Yep. So alright. Well, we will see you all next year. Same time, same place.


You can come join us inside of the Conscious Collaboration Collective, our closed and private Facebook group. Find us on Instagram. Hit us up in the DMs. And don't forget to leave us a review and subscribe so you can get notifications on when our next edition, episode comes out.


Mhmm. Alright? Alright.


Talk to you in 5. Talk to you


in 5. Bye, guys. Bye.


Thank y'all so much for listening to our podcast. If you haven't yet, please be sure to subscribe, rate, review, and share with all your friends so they can join our circle of collaboration on this journey. You can find us on Instagram at conscious collaboration podcast on Spotify, iTunes, and Audible to name a few. Please join us next time for another deep dive into how you can live life in more alignment, mind, body, and business. Send us your questions and comments in our DMs or email us at


See you in 5 minutes.