Clydesdale Media Podcast

We recap all the news in the CrossFit Space including the CrossFit Games Semifinals in Europe and Asia and preview the upcomming Semifinals in Ocieana and North America West. Plus we take a look at the Age Groups and where they stand.

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

What is going on, everybody?

Welcome to the Clydesdale.

Well, no, not the Clydesdale.

I've done so many podcasts this week.

Can't even get the name right.

Welcome to Sunday Night

CrossFit Talk here on Clydesdale Media.

We are presented by Thickboy.

Go to

Get all your cool apparel there.

We're down one member tonight,

but it's okay.

We can play hurt.


I'll just talk more.

Our thoughts and prayers go

out to Jamie and her family.

She's had a little tough

situation this weekend, but all is good.

She's just exhausted from

what happened over the

weekend and we're letting

her hit the hay early so

she can recover and be good for the week.

Yes, absolutely.

And Carolyn and I can talk

way long enough for anybody.

So we're all good.


So how's your week?

Week is good.

Just been prepping for semis,

tripping away at school.

It's getting to the end of the year soon.

So the energy level for some

of the students as the

weather is getting warmer

is just like a little bit.

inconsistent, I guess,

from what I get day to day.

But yeah, no, school's going well.

And then, yeah, training's going well.

And then this weekend was a long weekend.

I got to see my older sister

for all you can eat sushi

yesterday that we went out to eat.

And then today we relaxed by

the pool because our condo

outdoor pool opened finally.


yeah it was beautiful here

80s yesterday and today um

but I had my physical on

wednesday all my markers

are going in the right

direction in a very good

pace so everything is

awesome in that direction

and then thursday night I

blew my nose and surgical

sponge came out and I was

like what in the hell is that

And I tried to get my wife to look at it.

She was like,

I am not looking at whatever

came out your nose.

And I'm like,

but I need you to see this

because this is weird.

So was it there like the whole time?

So it had to have been there

since October.

Oh, my gosh.

When I had surgery.



So going to make some calls tomorrow,

see what all this means and.

can you breathe can you

breathe better now the

minute it came out I could

breathe so long and so deep

into my nose that's so

weird I mean it's good that

I came out yeah like I the

bad part was I was so

excited it came out like

everything was so cool that

I could breathe that I

threw it in the trash and

then spent the next two

days digging for it yeah

yeah it's been a fun weekend

With that,

but at least it was nice outside.

Set up a table in my garage,

just sat there and dug

through everything.

So that was fun.

The other thing I need to

announce is we have a

photographer going to West Coast Classic.

So it took some finagling

and some emails with Dylan and Sasha,

but I got a photographer in the stadium.

So we'll at least get some

cool shots from West Coast.

And it's a local LA guy,

so he doesn't have to pay for travel.

So he is just looking for an

opportunity to show his stuff,

and I want to give it to him.

And his IG is...

underscore e dot captures

underscore yeah go check

out his stuff uh it's

really good I think before

on instagram for sure yeah

so he's gonna um he's gonna

be there local guy uh

helping us out so wad

zombie seems to know him oh

he's a good dude

so yeah I've only met him

over the internet so but

his I looked at his

portfolio and it's awesome

yeah so he's gonna get us

some shots and uh that'll

be cool for wrap-up shows

next weekend um as we kind

of ramp up the coverage for

the north america semis

next week and then carolyn

gets to go the week after

that it's coming up fast I know

So they happened this weekend.

You're an athlete watching

these things go down.

And, um,

what were your thoughts of how the

workouts played out?

Well, it's just nice to see the, like, uh,

the visual of the floor layouts.

I know it can be different a

little bit region to region.


In terms of like the running

routes and just the lanes

and stuff can be maybe a

little bit different.

But just to see the workouts

play out was good.

I got to see, obviously,

what the top performances

are in each of the workouts.

For the most part,

no huge surprises on most of those.

And then I would just kind

of pick an athlete that would be, I think,

similar to me.

in certain aspects on each

workout just to kind of, um,

look at their strategy and

stuff and just try to learn from, uh,

you know, just watching, uh,

the YouTube all weekend.


I, um, I,

I have so many notes on what

happened this weekend that

I kind of jotted down as it was going on,

but, um,

I was talking to Sam Quant

just a couple hours ago,

and he said he doesn't even

watch the full workout

because it makes him too

nervous to kind of see it all.

So he's looking for bits and pieces,

like step up and step down.

How are they doing it?

Someone my size, how does it work there?

What are they holding on a row?

You know, things like that.

And then he goes, like, I just move on.

You watch the whole thing

because you're a CrossFit nerd.


And rewind sometimes.

But yeah, I mean,

I'll watch the transitions.

I'll watch,

just try to learn anything

because I train by myself.

So I don't have any comparison.

So this is, you know,

my training camp that I get

to look at this.

Like these are opportunities

that I get that, you know,

I normally don't just training by myself.

Andrew says,

can you imagine the organizers

finding out after they have

to set up a run,

after they have the venue?

The run in Knoxville is

going to be strange because

the venue there is below ground level,

if I remember.

It is.

However, Andrew,

where the start-finish line

is and those temporary

stands are put up where the

family members got to sit,

right behind that are loading docks.

So I'm assuming that's the

out and in if you're going

outside to run.

That would make the most

sense because any other way

you'd be like fighting the

crowds up and down the stairs.


so we didn't get to see the run in


Did you see any footage outside?

Yeah, when CrossFit did like a recap of it,

you got to see some of the

running outside.

So they ran for the most part on cement.

There was a little bit of

grass I think I saw on a

couple parts of it.

But it was on the recap show

that they did where they

would show more of the events.

I didn't watch much of the

Asia one because I felt

like that wasn't going to

be comparable in terms of their –

route um but just looking at

the europe one it looked

like it was mostly on

cement and then a little

bit of grass yeah I'm from

knoxville it might they do

have like an outdoor where

they had vendor village in

the last the last couple

times we were there and so

you could go out and up

that hill to that and then back down

And be on sidewalk, I think,

the whole time.

But I don't know.

I'm just guessing.

Draw Your Dagger says five

laps around the Jocko Go tent.

I've never been there,

so I have no idea what the

floor looks like.

So the floor there looks

like any basketball arena floor setup.

The seats are elevated above

the floor like...

I guess like the tennis stadium almost.

Although it's higher than that even.

And so you come in on the

second floor and the

spectators are all up there.

The athletes and media and

all that have to go

downstairs to get out onto the floor.

But yeah,

it's actually a really cool arena

for an event if they can fill it.


Let's walk through Europe real quick,

and then we'll finish up

with a little bit of Asia.

But as we walk through the events,

the event one,

Gabby McGowan wins it in a close,

close race with Amy Kringle.

I thought that was super exciting to watch,

even though we didn't get to see the run.


I mean,

it was exciting to look who would

come into the stadium.

I guess they're a little square.

thing first for the most

part it became Kringle but

you could see that each

round Gabby was getting

closer and closer and

Kringle went touch and go

from the start on let's say

like half of the reps and

then would finish up with

some singles and then it

would come out um and then

once Gabby did the touch

and go at the end I was

like oh this is going to be so close

And then they were,

they were both at their

capacity because they started,

both of them were breaking

and it was like, oh my gosh,

who's going to go?

Who's going to go?

And then Gabby took it and

it was an exciting finish.

Then on the men's side, that was it.

Was that Lazar?

Oh, yeah.

Upanix won the first two events.

Forgot about that.


Uh, and that still didn't, wasn't enough.


And it didn't have,

it didn't have the drama.

The women did.

He pretty much led that throughout.

So I thought it was a cool event.

I thought it, you know, like you said,

the strategy of touch and

go or not seems to be play

a big role in this.

And it's just going to know.

And the men did not touch and go.

No, not at all.

So that's worth it.

Very different from the men to the women.

I think also you saw a lot

of people go out really hot and round one,

probably just to try to get

out of the pack.

And then as the rounds go on,

it kind of separates,

but I almost looked like

people that went out really

hot to just try to get

ahead on round one.

It just caught up to them.


Um, on rounds two to four,

were you surprised some

athletes got lapped?


But there's some good

runners out there and some

less good runners.

So I guess it's to be expected,

but maybe not a full lap.

So then event two was the front squat one,


The double under one, Scott.

The double under one.

I see I skipped right over it.

No, no,

it's a front squat and toes to bars

for everyone.

I'm saying it's a double under one.


So I don't think I have any

– I don't have any notes for this.

So Upanix wins that on the men's side.


What were your thoughts on

the women's side?

And I can pull up the – They're fast.

Like it's just good, fast results.


Like, that's a tough one for me.

I know it's a tough one for me.

I need good execution.

But people were still getting tired.


it seemed like the toaster bars

played a big role here on

whether you could push the

pace there or hold on

versus some people were

leaning over a lot and

breathing and recovering.

There's a lot of just heavy

breathing in that workout.

Because when you have that

heavy front squat, it's hard to breathe.

Then that toaster bar, you're closing –

you know, you're closing in.

So again, it's a little bit,

it can be hard to breathe sometimes.

And then if you're anxious

on double unders like me,

it could be trying to find

somewhere to breathe.


And that's,

that was a Laura Horvath win to,

just to remind people like, Hey,

I'm here.


I took seventh in that first thing,

but like, I'm still here.

Yeah, which I mean,

I don't think anyone

expected Laura to win the first one.

She's a good runner.

She's a great runner,

but you wouldn't put her as

the best runner in Europe.


and so she actually beat Gabby by

seven seconds.

And then Claudia Gluck, or Gluck,

I think they were calling

it over the... Well, it's Gluck,

probably in French.


And how cool was the crowd

for the French contingent there?


And I mean,

the announcer is from Quebec

and he was really pumping

up the French crowd every

single time Victor or Claudia were,

you know,

pushing towards the finish line or just,

you know,

getting back to whatever station

he was getting the crowd going.

And then on the men's side, this was

oldest first, and then Luca Vujac second,

and Michael Wieslowski third.

So, and that was a tight race,

two seconds between first

and second on that one.

So then we go to event three,

and Yella Hosta comes to

the party on the men's side.

Well, that's a 12-person workout.

You have, that's the echo bag one, yeah.

You have the Echo Bike,

which is a power output.

It helps if you're taller or

way more for power output.

Then if you're tall and you

can just jump up nice and

high on the legless,

and then you have a tall

box jumps with a step down.

So that's no surprise in

that Yella was dominant in that one.

Followed up by Luka Jukic,

who had a great weekend, and Enola Kai.

On the women's side,

we had a painful event for this.

Rebecca Venison comes down on the rope,

knee pops.

She's on the floor.

I know a lot of people are

talking about how long it

took medical to get there.

It was such a bad look.

But then it was explained that medical,

unlike other CrossFit events in France,

if you're at the venue is

in charge of all medical, not the event,

which to me is mind

boggling because general

medical would not be

sufficient in a sporting event.

Like if I'm having a soccer match,

I want people who know

injuries that happen in soccer.


Um, so she is laying on the floor.

I feel terrible.

They finally get to her.

She hops back up and

attempts to get back in the race.

does the bike does a rope climb attempts.

One box jump gets over second box,

jump steps down with the

injured leg and falls to the floor.

Someone said,

why'd she do it with the injured leg?

But she probably was worried

that she could support

herself on that leg at the

top of the box is my guess.



It seemed like forever for

the medical team to go on the floor.

Like she was just down on

the ground and like,

holding her knee.

Like she came down and you

could see the knees going

forward and in a twisting motion.

Like I texted Lex right away.

I go, that's an ACL like that,

that a hundred percent date.

Like it has to be an ACL just like the way,

cause that's typical of

like forward motion twisting.

And I was like,

the medical team was just like nowhere.

Like, even though it's the,

the venue that's holding it,

like there should be places

where they're strategically put, you know,

on each end of the floor,

to get there as soon as possible.

And if the medical team is

going on to the floor,

I don't think that the

athlete should be able to

continue like that event.


Cause the medical team is like in her lane,

they're kind of helping her, et cetera.

If they had to tape things up or whatever,


I don't think that you should be

able to continue.

I don't think she should have continued.

I thought that that was very

dangerous to continue.

Cause I was like, she's going to ruin her,

her knee even more.

Cause like,

that's not a workout that you

can fake it.

You know, you can't like the,

the knee is either there or

it's not like those high

box jumps are tough for the knee.

And yeah,

it just seemed like the medical

team wasn't there enough.

And I don't know what kind

of clearance she got to

just continue the event like that.

It was very odd and a bad look.

then when she went down off

the box jump they were out

quickly but man it like

stretchers and stuff that

you just don't even see

normally at these events no

yeah it was uh but like you

the camera would kind of

like they had that one

camera and you could see

her on the ground just at

the beginning and it was

like okay like put the

camera away like make it

look good for crossfit and

like stop filming her and it

you know,

they just kept filming a little

bit of where she was at,

which I thought you

shouldn't be filming or

trying to keep her in the frame, right?

Like give her the privacy,

get the medical team on

there and get that out.

But wishing her obviously a good recovery.

And that's,

that's a horrible way to end

the season and,

she was doing really well.

Yeah, and really well in that event.

It looked very eerily

familiar to the Scott Pancheck injury,

but different circumstances.

She just came down weird.

There was no object on the

floor that caused that to happen.

And then Emma Tall ends up

winning this event.

So impressive.

She was so impressive on the rope.

It was like five pulls, boom, touch.

Like there was...

No struggle at all, which in my heat one,

I was like trying to figure

out whether I was going to

put her Laura and I should have,

I had her at first as my

pick and then I switched it to Lauren.

I should have known because

she won the alpaca as well last year.

She's so good.

Upper body pulling.

Very, very impressive.


I heard someone compare her to Alex Kazan,

like as the two best upper

body pullers there are.

Bruce asked,

would the stretcher get in the

way of the other athletes?

It was a backboard type stretcher,


They just put her on it and

carried her off the floor.

It looked very like,

and this is probably a

reference only old people like me get,

but like very old Keystone

Cops stretchers.

out get her take her off it

just did not even look

professional but that's

that's what was there and

you're right Karen don't

show it get it off the

cameras you know like show

the other athletes like

don't go a full shot like

unless she's off the floor

it just it just made it

just made it look worse

like she and especially

when she was just laying

holding her knee and it

felt like at least 30 45

seconds for anyone to even

come in and see her

And she was just still in the frame.

And it's like, what is going on?


get someone to her versus like if you

had just panned out like somewhere else,

like you wouldn't have

maybe noticed it as much.

But I mean, it just puts I mean,

maybe it's good that we

notice and that type of

medical response needs to

get addressed for other semifinals.

She signed a waiver.

I'm not upset that she got

hurt or like there just was

better ways to handle it

from an image thing.

Like just don't put the

camera on her writhing in

pain and that's it for a

long period of time.

You know, there's a lot of,

there's a lot of sports

when someone gets injured,

they don't show the injury anymore.


They just move on.


because then you're battling

that is your sport safe is your,

and that's something that

CrossFit has been fighting

for a very long time.

And you don't want to keep fighting that,

that same argument.


And like, it's, it's a sport.

Like it's of course,

like this wasn't a unsafe

rope climb that made it dangerous.

Like it happens.

It's an injury that could

have happened to anyone.

And it just,

maybe the knee was just ready to go,

but it's just the response

that seemed like it was

just unprofessional.


Of course,

injuries and CrossFit just has a

bad name.

So it just made it, in my opinion,

look worse.

And we're going to talk more

about the camera people in a second.

But let's move on to event four.

And someone said they're not

calling them tests anymore.

Apparently not.

Because on the CrossFit game site,

it is events.

Event four was the first one today,

which was something.

Handstand walk.

Oh, yeah.

The row.

Laura, so impressive on that row.

When they when they zoomed into her pace,

like everyone, I was just like, OK,

it's like that is.

as holding one good pace

right there that most

people aren't holding that

are able to hold that and

will handstand walk, um, at that speed.

Like, um, what's her name?

Why am I blanking?

Solberg had such fast handstand walk,

but she just can't match Laura's, um,

power output on the, on a rower.

Um, but she would,

she would just get off the

roll a little bit sometimes

after Ella Wilkinson and,

just would pass her.

And then you had a better

rower that would just maybe

get a little bit ahead,

but it's like she maximized

her strength of that workout.

I think if you're able to do both,

you're going to be successful,

but fast handstand walk

will go a long way.

And yeah.

And Andrea Soberg actually

came in third in that event.


Well, Gabby's a great, um,

handstand Walker and has, um,

better rolling power output.

So there's a lot of talk in

the chat about should the

athlete be allowed to continue.

And I understand that it's

up to the athlete if they

want to continue.

However, I agree with Carolyn.

If the medical has done

something to assist her to

be able to get back into the game,

I don't think she should.

At that point,

there was outside interference.

Just like in an online

competition when you have

someone touch your bar or

touch your rope or you get

a penalty for that.

It's that event becomes done.

Can she come back for the following event?

That's to be determined with

the medical heads and whatnot.

But I think once the medical

comes onto the floor and has...

treatment of any sort or

whatever I think that event

becomes done like if the if

the medical event or if the

medical team like comes on

the floor and the athlete

goes no no it's okay and

continues I think that

would be different because

then maybe they were just

on the ground and then can

get up but in this case I

think it was event over

like that's it right right

so um so yeah laura wins

that gabby second andrea

soberg third what I was

thinking when I saw andrea is

You know,

my idea of like the championship

belts and like you find

pick an event and you win the belt.

Wouldn't it be cool to see

Daniel Brandon on Andrea

Solberg do a handstand race

for like that belt?

When you watch the two of them go,

it's insane.

So fast.

So fast.

There's other fast handstand

walkers I'm sure we'll see

in the upcoming weeks will shine.

But that was very impressive there.

That's just what popped into

my head when I saw her go.

And we're going to see like,

and Victor Hoffer did the same thing.

Tudor Magda is going to do

the same thing at West Coast.

It's going to be insane.

But that would be a cool

like for the belt race.

For sure.


And speaking of Victor Hoffer,

on this event, he finished first, right?


Yellow host second.

I guess I gave the handstand

too much credit.

I didn't see this happening,

but his row was insane.

That's the thing, right?

If you can either have a very,

very good row and a good handstand walk,

or if you're a very,

very good handstand walker

and have a decent row,

you can do very well.

So I think he has good

enough speed on the

handstand walk and is

obviously one of the taller

athletes on the field that

can just pull and maybe get

that extra 10 seconds on 10

to even maybe 15 seconds on

the row to make up for

possibly the lack of speed

that would be there on the

handstand walk.

So then we go to event five,

and this Bronislaw is just

a freak with strength.

He made that thing look so easy.

He didn't look rushed on anything.

He just methodically went

down and killed every bar

and broke the world record

and set that at 525.

um there was a lot of

records broken I think for

that for that workout

compared to 2016 it was

crazy well 2016 I think the

winning time was 604 um and

this was 525 and there were

three three times a beat

that winning time from

which just shows how

advanced and and ahead

fraser was in 2016 the fact

that he's you know just as

good still as these competitors is crazy


Uh, yeah, flat out insane.

So Kevin jurors was second.

More Moritz fee big was third on that one.

Um, and on the women's side,

big surprise kind of,

so every time I talk to Elisa,

she talks about how much

she loves Olympic lifting

and she thinks that it is

one of her strengths.

And she proved that every bit today.

And I almost went with her

in Heat 1 because of that.

But I'm going,

that would be picking with your heart.

That would be picking with your heart.

Don't be stupid.

And I went with Emma Tall on

this and got crushed.

Yeah, I mean, the way that she was just,

you know,

letting the bar bounce and then

right away back into it.

Super impressed again by her.

And we knew that Laura was

going to do all we knew that for over.

I didn't know.

Like I knew that was a good Olympic lifter,

like even her clean and

jerk at Waterpalooza was

very strong when I was

there watching last year or

the year before when she was there.

And she impressed me there.

and but I didn't know

sometimes some people are

really good at cleaning

jerks but maybe less good

at the snatch it was really

impressed uh impressive

there what she did yeah she

was impressive laura we

knew was going to be great

at that event um and then

lucy mcgonigal proving that

at a very young age uh her

strength numbers are coming

up and in a year or two

she's going to be someone to watch

Yeah, she had a rough first event.

And then, yeah,

she had a really good bounce today.

Moved her way a little bit

up today with the higher skills,

the strength.

She did better today.

I should just, like,

copy this and just paste it

for every show because

that's just what happens.

I get beat by Lex every shot

caller every time.

Maybe she's the female analyst today.

She should be John young again.

There you go.


I tried to get her on the show,

but family dinner comes in,

gets in the way.

I don't know.

Um, so then on the men's, uh,

or we did the men.

So now event six, we finish up, uh,

Emma tall wins this one.

I was a little bit early.


And this was,

this was surprising how much

that dumbbell ate people alive.

It was fun to watch some of them.

Like you thought that

they're gone and then boom,

they have to put them down.

They had to come back.

Is it going to slip from

their hands again?

Um, it was, yeah, it was very,

it was a nice race to watch.


It's great finale event.

Um, and,

it was just nice to see also

different strategies.

Like a lot of the females

broke the ring muscle ups, uh,

to have better grip for the,

for their lunges.

Someone like Emma tall just

crushed that workout.

I mean, if you look at events, um,

three and six,

I think they're very similar.

Like you have the echo bike

and something that's very grippy.

And it was the same thing for this one,

echo bike and grip.


So, yeah, Emma Tall crushed it.

And then just some of the

races were fun to look at.

And there was a few people

that were inside,

like the what's the one guy,

Chris Broussard, something like that.

Colin Bossard.


There you go.

Like that was your dark

horse for coffee pods and wands.

And yeah,

he had a struggle in that last

one and really fell out of the top 10,

which just sucks.

You hate to see that.

But then you also had the

opposite with one guy that

came third place and was, I think,

14th going into the event

and jumped into that.

top 10.

Um, so some good, good races.

I mean, just shows that you have, you know,

every event matters,

every second matters.


and I thought some people were a little

bit lazy getting to the

finish line over the weekend.

So that's one observation I had in,

you know, those points.


So Lex just rubbing things in again.

So yes,

on coffee pods and wads around the


my two dark horses were Colin

Bossard and Amy Kringle.

And I looked really,

really smart until the last event.

He did have a great first

couple of days though.

He did.

He did really good.

I just didn't know he had

small hands and couldn't

hold onto a dumbbell.


So yeah, I just,

I keep trying to be as good as Lex.

I just don't know if I ever will be.

I was really, um,

surprised to see the

schedule of the Sunday.

Like that's one thing,

like they just want heat one, two, three,


Um, they've,

they normally recede for that

fourth heat off.

A lot of times you'll see heats one, two,

three woman heat.

it's one two three men and

then sometimes they'll

bring back even heats four

and four but they always

recede and this time they

didn't so I'm assuming

going forward on all the

semifinals they're just not

receding and I don't like

that I think and I actually

have that in my notes to

talk about as like an

overarching thing um and

there's a lot of people in

the comics since it had

that I don't understand why they didn't

I don't either.

I don't think I've ever been

to a semifinal where they

didn't at least recede the last event.

Just the last event.

That's it.

They always go at the end of

each day and then the final event.

Not sure why they went away

with it this year.

As a spectator,

I want to know who's in and

who's out and who's trying to get there,


And when you reseed with 10 as your get in,

you know everybody in that final heat,

they have a spot going into

that last event.

And the middle lanes of heat

before you know are trying to get in.

It just tells the story better.


And when you look at just

the seating over all over the weekend,

like day number one,

you have a very specialist type workout.

And then you're going to go

into day two receding off

of that one specialist type running.

Let's call it a running workout.

Then you go into those two

events and you're only halfway done.

So that last day when so

much so many points are on the line,

I think the receding is very important.

Because that final event,

you only had three events

prior to dictate the final day seating.

And so many moves happened

on that last day that, to me,

made no sense.


So I'm going way back to get

some questions for you now

that we've gone through all the events.

Sarah Cooper,

which event is Carolyn most

excited for now that she

has seen them all?


I don't know.

Let me the handstand walk one.


the double under one with that advice

is fingers crossed for a

great double under day.

Thank you.


I don't know.

I don't have a particular

one that I feel like I ha I

like way more or something.


Hoping I'll be executing well on game day.

Dex said the grip into from

sending muscle ups was wild.

Oh, yeah.

And like the men,

most of them were unbroken and then.

they're obviously having to

push the echo bike more.

And then you have some

people pushing the echo bike,

but then breaking the ring

muscles for the females.

And then maybe make it up on the lunges.

Like it's just what your

strengths are on that one.

But yeah, it's grippy.

Very, very grippy.


Well that,

and then he asks ESPN plus schedule.

Maybe ESPN plus doesn't

really have a schedule

cause it's a streaming service.

In my opinion, maybe I'm wrong.

I'm not a network producer,

but you would think that

they would be pretty fluid

on that for streaming.

It's not on a network.

You would think that they

would want both back-to-back final heats,

like men and women,

so that little part is back-to-back.

I don't know.

But that's a good point.

Maybe it is ESPN.


I didn't think about that.

So he said the real question is,

will Legends be on ESPN Plus?

I'm guessing an iPhone 5

hanging from the rig.

It's just tough because ESPN

Plus is getting more popular.

There's more and more.

things going to that platform,

but there's so many sports

going on right now,

like playoffs and stuff.

So I just, it's,

it's really good that CrossFit picked up,

you know, that streaming with them,

but it's just a tough time

of the year versus the

summer when it's like

baseball and soccer.

So a couple of overarching

things I want to talk about

before we go down,

who made it and who didn't

is Lucy Campbell was good.

Very knowledgeable.

She was awesome.

Loved her.


I thought for like really

other than doing the

renegade broadcast last

year with chase a little bit in Europe,

um, and her,

this being her first time at the desk,

man, often running deep end, let her go.

Oh, absolutely.

I mean, she's very knowledgeable.

She obviously knows how the

workouts feel as an athlete.

And she brought great points to like,

to the analysis of the, of,

The workouts,

she had great things to say

about the athletes,

about the stimulus of the workout.

I thought she did a phenomenal job.

Really good addition to that

European stream.

And what I loved most is,

and I talked about this

with Brent Fikowski a while ago,

and it was never like I

would do it this way.

It was,

this is what you're presented with

as an athlete and you have

a choice to make.

Let's watch it play out.

And I thought that's what

she was really good at.

So like kudos to her.

Now on the downside, camera guys,

I have been I've been

bitching for a very long

time that I don't need to

see up somebody's nostril

during an event to get excited about it.

I want to see more of the

races like back up.

Let me see three, four lanes at a time.

But when a camera guy is

moving the riser because

he's so close and the

athlete has to reset it

because the camera guy moved it,

that's a bad look.

I miss that.

When athletes are waving off

the camera guy because

they're trying to hit a big

snatch and he's right in

front of them setting up,

that's a bad look.

yeah I mean what other sport

are the camera guys on the

floor cameras have zoom

lenses right like am I am I being stupid

no like it's like I i just

know that when I compete

live like a lot of times I

have to like try to block

out the camera because but

normally they try to stay

in the corner but then

they're probably in in the

next lane and in the way

there as the judge is

backing up and stuff and

there's kind of a like

nowhere for them on the

floor um but yeah like they

could just use their zoom

button and maybe show a few

more athletes at the same time um

but yeah,

like you would see a few athletes

just be like, move,

move right before the snatch.

And I was like, Oh, but I mean,

it's a big snatch and it's

distracting to have that

camera right in your face.

Um, and when you're moving equipment,


you're actually affecting the race.

Well, yeah, I didn't, I see,

I didn't see that part,

but I think it was,

I think it was Emma McQuaid, um,

had her riser moved and,

And that's just unacceptable.

Yeah, you can't mess with the equipment.

So NBA is in the same kind of venue,


And they have cameras up top

to see all the action.

And then they have cameras

along the sidelines, off the floor,

getting the close-ups.

And they do a great job.

So I just don't get it.


and then one thing that I thought that

was brought up that was,

and I think it was,

I think it was Lucy that

brought it up is.

everybody talks about how,

why North America can't

sell tickets and why it's

so loud and raucous in Europe.

But there are so many

different countries in Europe.

There's so much country pride,

like France versus Spain

versus the UK versus like,

and that adds an element to

this that makes it makes

the crowd get into it so much more.


I mean,

like people are bringing their

country flags.

Like you're not going to have,

I don't know, Wisconsin flag there,

like supporting, like, it's just like,

I don't think it's.

All we have is Canada, Mexico and US,


Like you had the affiliate

presence when it was

regionals because people

could drive to the event.

It was close, like near, you know,

regionally you had people

and that's what made

regional so fun is people

would just drive to the

event and they would bring

the whole affiliate.

And you just don't have that

when you have these two

North America events.

And it's just essentially

it's just the competitors

and maybe a couple, you know,

friends and family.

But there's not as much of

the affiliates traveling

like there used to be in

that type of support.

I agree with you 1000%.

So let's see who got their

ticket punched in Europe.

And that is Laura Horvath, Gabby McGowan.

You got to zoom in.

There we go.


There we go.

Laura Horvat, Gabby Magawa, Emma Tall,

Karen Frejova, Amy Kringle.

She looked really good.


Massive improvement over last year.

Very impressive.

Claudia Gluck, Linda Kiesman,

Elisa Fuliano, Emma McQuaid,

and Jacqueline Dahlstrom.


Any surprises for you on this?

I wasn't familiar with Linda Kiesman,

but when I clicked on her profile,

it looks like she's been

really close the last few years.

So it's always nice to see

someone that's been close, you know,

make their way through.

Obviously Kringle,

we knew she was up and

coming and has been close

and same with Gluck that

had a great Dubai

competition this past year.

And, you know,

she's been getting closer

and closer every year.

So yeah,

good to see that.

I was surprised obviously with Manon.

Um, she's one that I was, you know,

I thought was even in that middle tier of,


that region in terms of those

qualifying spots.

I didn't think that she

would even be fighting for the,

like the last spots.

I know, like I, I,

I know that she has higher

potential than this.


Helga daughter,

I knew she was going to be close.

Sad to see no daughter will

be at the games for the first time.

So it's crazy to think about that.

Um, Miriam had, you know,

some good events and then

obviously some of the higher skills on,

on the last day, um,

was a little bit hard, harder for her,

but I thought that she

still had a great showing, um,

and we'll have a lot of

potential in the next few years as she,

you know,

devotes a little bit more time

to CrossFit and some of those skills.

Um, you had, uh, another injury, um, Sarah,

uh, uh,

If you go all the way down,

I think she's not even all

the way down right there.


No, go back up.

Go back up.


Keep going.



So she wore a belt on the

handstand walk workout and

she finished like dead last of that one.

I was like,

something's off with her

because she would normally be in the mix.

Alina Kiratava, whatever,

how do you say her name?

Sorry for the mispronunciation.

And then she didn't end up

finishing the competition,

but she's still up there.

So if you go across,

she finished the event four,

but I think she had a back injury.

Something must have happened

the day prior or that morning,

maybe warming up even.

Because, yeah, when you come up with it,

when you come to the floor

with a belt on a rowing and

handstand walk workout,

it's a little odd.

So, yeah,

don't know what what happened with her.

But so I think what three

three girls were not

competing because Sarah Vitteson and her.

So on the men's side,

everyone ended up finishing.

Which is what you hope to

see that people can, you know,

have a start and a finish

to their semifinals and do every event.

the men's side we have lazar

jukic yellow hosta heinrich

hyperlinen ano akai luka

jukic victor hoffer bkg

harry lightfoot callum

clements with a major

comeback at the end and

moritz feebig aldis upenix

wins two events and

finishes one spot out that

means you got strengths and

you got holes that's that's

what that says right it's uh

So J.R.

Howe said that this proves

that the programming is spot on.

Your thoughts?

That there would be

something that just kind of

cancels out someone's first places.


I mean, yeah.

I mean, anytime you get too first place,

you're going to be close to

the cut line regardless.

But yeah,

I still think there's a couple

events that are similar in stimulus, but

Yeah, he was so close.

Luka was in the mix the whole weekend,

and then Yona had a good last day,

just not quite enough to

make his way through.

Yeah, and there's my Colin Bossard pick.

6th, 15th,

and then really kind of fell off

on the last two events.

Yeah, it's too bad.

Yeah, I was impressed with Yele.

He had a great weekend.

Happy for Luca, Lazar's brother,

to see them get back to the

games together.

He's had some close calls

the last couple years,

and he was sick one of the

years or something like that.

So nice to see him back.

And then a few rookies are making it,

which is nice.


and Heidrick Hypelainen with a

blazing speed on that last event.

It's crazy.

He just held the dumbbells

at the end for a farmer hole.

Did you see that at the

finish line he just held?


Then put them down.

Yeah, that was a boss move.

Yeah, very much.

All right, let's go to Asia real quick.

I'll be honest,

I did not watch much of this, if any.

But in my opinion,

we already knew two of the

people going on both the

men's and women's side.

It was just in contention

for the third spot.

On the men's side,

Ivan Kurestev and Arthur Seminoff.

Those were kind of the two we knew.

A lot of people had Aunt Haynes in this.

Nowhere to be found.

It was Ilya.

I think he was injured.

Wasn't he injured?

There's a lot of aunts there.

14th, he finished the weekend.

Um, but yeah.

So those are your three men going forward.

There's two men, right?

Or three women, two men.

I thought it was three and three.

Is it three and three?


I will check real quick

while we're talking.

Maybe you're right.


You're right too.


My bad.

Two and three.

So it's only the top two.

Ivan and Arthur.

They're heading off.

Then on the women's side, it was three.

If they can travel.

Sahir Kaya and Chung Young

Choi were the first two,

which we pretty much all

picked to be the first two.

And then Dewan Jung was number three.


I mean...

going in I think that's

where she was ranked or

pretty close to that so no

real upset there in um in asia

so overall I thought great

first week of action uh

lots of drama Yona not

making it was a big shock

to me um after dominating

the first two um stages of

the season uh Miravan roar

I thought the way she came

out winning the open I

thought she would get a spot

I don't know if I thought

she was going to get a spot,

but I was still very impressed by her.

She's very new still to some

of the CrossFit.

I think it was someone on

the broadcast that was

saying just not long ago,

180 was her max snatch,

and then she's been seeing

an Olympic lifter to try to

work on the snatch and ring

muscle-ups and some of the higher skills.

So I think she's come a long way,

and I think she will be one

to watch in Europe in the

next competition.

few years.

Cause she does have home run capacity,

especially with, you know,

some of her squatting capacities and, um,

perhaps other movements too,

that we saw in the open and quarters.

Um, and then I,

I think it can't be said

enough what BKG has doing

for his 11th straight

qualification to the games.

No athlete has ever done that before.

Super impressive.

Yeah, I mean,

just to be able to compete at

this high level for that

many years is incredible.

Not only physically,

but just mentally to stay

in the game is hard, right?

So it's awesome.

Happy for him.

Just so everybody,

like Ben Smith got to 11 straight,

but one was by wild card.

BKG has done it qualifying all 11 times.

super super impressive and

he had to battle his way

back into that you know

those top 10. uh Holly our

stats and information

person says Dewan has been

third the last three years

in semifinals um

So next on the agenda is age group.

Last time we talked, it wasn't final.

We were waiting for the

final submission Monday night.

That happened.

Our very own Jamie Latimer

is sitting in a qualifying

spot for the CrossFit Games.

So pumped for her.

Dex, if he's still in the chat,

was one spot out but has moved up to...

the final qualifying spot he

is sitting in 40th last

check nice nice job so

super pumped for him and

then uh super listener of

the show corey leonard um

had a great time nice job corey

But learned a lot,

and really his goals are

for when he turns 50.

Masters are not official now,

Kenneth DeLapp.

We have to wait until next

Monday for the leaderboard

to be finalized.

And I know a lot of people,

I know Jamie at least has

one validated already.

I know Rudy has two validated already.

I haven't heard from Dex on any of that,

but I know that he's

watching with bated breath.

See if he moves up a little

bit more and secures it.

So, yeah.

But that is the schedule.

Yeah, next Monday, the 28th.

Maybe that's Tuesday.

Next Tuesday, the 28th,

they will be final.

So we're waiting for that.

And on that,

I got to talk to Jamie Igea today.

Man, what a ball of good vibes.

I'm rooting for her.

She is just so fun to talk to.

And she's going to be in the

West this weekend.

And she could be competing

at the Masters CrossFit Games.

And we talked about that a lot today.

But she's taking one step at

a time and not really

committing to anything

beyond West Coast Classic right now.

And then once that's done

and she sees what happens there,

then she'll commit.

And I think it's really like,

if she would by chance make

the CrossFit games,

she probably would not go

masters in addition to that.

Um, but it,

I thought of Carolyn the whole

time because we talked to

women's basketball and its resurgence.

And, um,

when you look up Jamie to research her,

she still comes up as USC

basketball player.

Um, not CrossFit.

Love it.

She's a, she's a great athlete.


I remember when I first got

into the sport and I was

competing and when she

first made the games and

she posted a picture of herself by,

by like the water,

she was like in her bikini and something.

And she was like,

I don't look like a games athlete,

but like, you know,

I perform and I'm an athlete.

And I was like, that's how I feel.

Like, cause I, every time I competed,

like I never felt like I

looked like everyone else.

I just felt like I was

athletic and I did CrossFit.

And I love following her

career over the years since,

since her first time that

she made the games and

she's a sick basketball player.


And she said like,

nobody gave her a shot

because she was so short

and she only got one

division one scholarship

and it was to USC.

Like that's crazy.

And she made the most of it

played professionally in Europe and

tried out for the WNBA,

but there's so few teams.

We talked about that too.

Like the opportunities just

aren't there for women yet,

but they're coming.

There's two teams coming one

in the Bay area and one in Toronto.

So Lex and I are very happy about that.

We get, we each get our teams.


And Jamie,

our Jamie says she uses Jamie

Hygieia's posts as

inspiration for some of the

young women and her affiliate.


Love that.

Because she is so cool about

like body image and very

open and transparent about that.

So I'm super stoked that we had her on.

She's been like a bucket

list of mine to have on the show.

And so glad we got to do that.

And I think she's like best

sideline reporter in the business.

She's awesome at that too.

Yeah, she's incredible.

I was at Granite Games when

she got challenged to demo

the legless rope climb in

her street clothes, and she killed it.

Killed it.

Such a boss move.

She just has a great personality, and yeah,

she'll be good.


Next, we're going to preview next week.

We're heading to Oceania and to Carson,


It has been so fun talking

to athletes leading up to

this who get to go on that

tennis stadium floor.

If you have been a fan of

this sport for a very long time,

that's kind of where it all began.

I was talking to Sam Kwan tonight.

He didn't even realize that

all the events are on the tennis court,

tennis stadium.

Has he looked at his schedule?

I don't know.

I think he just,

how does he not know he's

just training and that's

not part of what he needs

to know at this point.



Um, but,

and then you talk to like Tristan

Harrison who like it, this is his dream.

This is a super bowl he gets

to do and it's his one shot

and he's starting his job

as a nurse right after.

That's awesome.

And that like,

that's the stories are so cool.

And then you have like Jamie

Hygieia who her first games

are 2016 at Carson.

She's going to go back on the floor.

Like that's,

there's so many cool little

stories with this whole thing.

I hope it just comes off as

well as like I'm anticipating.

And then we have Torian,

the complete rock show of

semifinals that has the fireworks,

the flames, the smoke, the dancing,


What is it called when they

drink out of the shoe?

A shoeie.

A shoeie.

The performances, yeah.

It's a vibe.


So super exciting weekend.

We just got done with Europe.

That was great.

These two, man.

Australia's going to be

early in the morning.

West Coast is going to be late at night.

I'm getting no sleep next weekend.

But we're going to do our picks,

who we think is going to make it.

And this was a lot harder

for me this week than it was last week.

Same here.

in two ways.


we kind of talked about this off the top,

the way that the points are

levied in and figured out who,

what area gets the most

invites to the games just

seems off when you're

trying to pick who is going.

And you said it yourself, like in Asia,

because young,

young Choi was out hurt last year.

And then she comes back and,

it gave another person an

opportunity to go to the

games to get big points.

And then Chung Young Choi's

points are still big from

the year before they get an

extra spot when really

there shouldn't be an extra spot.


And this is what Brian spin

talked about last year on

how Africa can get another spot or,

or South America was you

almost need someone to not

make it or make it close

and then get other people getting,

you know,

those games points and stuff,

and then have them come

back the following year.

And then they get those points like that.

That's for sure.

I mean, in my opinion,

what happened with Asia

getting that extra spot.

And then you have a place

like Oceana who has Jamie Simmons,

not competing to me,

moving to the States.



car saunders going team uh

emily deroy yeah emily

deroy going team and uh

gosh I can't why can't I

think of her name ellie

turner that's it ellie

turner out this year and

they still get four spots

that just it's insane

So let's start in Oceana,

and it is four and four, four men,

four women.

I don't think the women should get four.

I think the men maybe should get four.

It was pretty easy to make picks for that.

So we're picking four of

each and a dark horse.

I'll start with the men

because I think it's

probably consensus on the top three.

It's probably Jay Crouch, Ricky Garrard,

Bailey Martin.


In whatever order you want, but yes.


I think Jay has shown that

he's ready and it's going

to be tight between him and Ricky.


I think it'll be like those

two and then Bailey just a

little bit after.


So I have for my fourth Peter Ellis.

I was almost with that one.

I went with Zach Thomas.

Any reasons why?

no no particular reason I

was between those two but

my dark horse is luke dejon

my dark horse is just for

sentimental sake and it's

rob forte you're putting a

classic crossfit workout on

the floor throughout this

competition and who's

better at classic crossfit

than rob forte yeah and it

I'm that's just what I'm

going to be rooting for to

be honest that's a total heart pick

On the women's side, I have Maddie Sturt,

Gracie Walton, Caitlin Van Zyl,

and Georgia Pryor.

I have those top three in a

different order.

And then Haley Adams.

The other Haley Adams.

The other Haley Adams.

And then my dark horse is Julia Hannaford.


My dark horse is Alethea Boone.

I'm just going old school.



I want to see the old school people play.

So that would,

and that's just what I'm rooting for.

So I will let you lead off

the North America West and

we'll start with the men because I think,

I think there's probably four for sure's.

And then the five,

the five got tight for me.



I kept going back and forth

between different people.

So I have, uh, Brent, Pat, Justin quant,

James Sprague tutor,

especially with the snatch

and the handstand walk.

I think he's going to do great.

I feel like this is Brandon Luck.

It's here.

William Leahy, the fourth.

And here I'm back and forth

between Cole Greyshaber and Colton.

And I love Colton.

I know he can win number two.

I'm a little concerned with

the Echo Bike 30-inch box

legless roll climb one.

and the first the running

one which then puts them

possibly in the not as

great heat going into the

last day if they don't

recede but he's a gamer so

I feel like I gotta go with

colton he's just he gets it

done when it needs to like

I'm gonna put him in that

last spot so I have velner

fitkowski madaris quant

same as you top four

I actually have Colton

because he is a gamer.

He is like, he's just,

you can't not pick him.

Like he's just going to get it done.

And there's workouts

sometimes that you think

he's not going to do well.

And he does.

And it's like, wow,

it's not as tall person workout.

This guy's just so fit.

And he's going to hit a home run or two.


Uh, so yeah.

And he's not going to drop

those dumbbells.

That's just one of those

workouts where he's just

going to will himself to be

better than others.

Then I have Tudor,

and I'm high on the Tudor

train this year.

He showed in the open and

quarters a capacity for

things he's never shown a

capacity for before.

And he has home runs with

the snatch and the handstand walk.

So I am really high on tutor this year.

Then I have James Sprague

and I was reluctant.

I didn't,

I didn't want to pull them out

cause I just love the kids so much,

but it's tight here.

And then I have William

Leahy and Scott Tetlow.

Scott Tetlow telling me that

he is for the first time in his career,

not hurt.

because he backed off his

volume this year to see

what that would do um

that's why I went with him

brandon luckett was around

there as well I did not put

him on this list and then

my dark horse who I really

wanted to put in the top

nine was max krieg he was

just on the outside last

year and uh I i think that

this is this is his year

and I almost switched him

and james sprague

Yeah, I mean,

I don't know if Cole

Grayshamers counts as a

dark horse when he's a games athlete,

so let me try to pick

another one for the men

that will go as a dark horse.

I will pick Sam Dancer.


That's just like my raw forte pick.


Another athlete.


And you just never, like,

Sam's going to kill that snatch workout.

he's great on his hands.

Like he's going to be good.

Like he's probably won't be tutor,

but as long as he's healthy,

he's actually a really good runner.


I remember my first ever

volunteer experience was when he,

he was on the conjugate

team and he snatched some

stupid number like three 15

or back when nobody was doing that.

And the place went nuts, but he was,

that was big Sam.

He has become much worse

felt in his later years and

much better at a lot of things.

So it'll be fun to watch him.

On the women's side,

there are four no-brainers here, right?


All right.

Who are your top four?

Let's start there.

Ariel, Gazan, Rolf.

i have abigail dome it there

as the fourth bethany it

just depends if she's

healthy if bethany was

healthy I would put her

above domet and possibly

above rolf although I think

rolf is going to have a

great weekend I think a lot

of these workouts are

looking really good for her

so we are the same at that point

and the reason I put bethany

in there so many years I

said no way is she healthy

enough to do this no way is

she healthy enough to do

this and she always does it

and I've once bitten twice

shy putting bethany in

there there's not a whole

bunch of pulling from the

floor I don't think that would

Like those clean and jerks

are light enough.

It's the snatch.

She did really well in that

snatch ladder in 2021 at

the West Coast Classic.

She's a great runner and

she's great on machines.

Like she's got great aerobic capacity.

I think she'll I think she gets it done.

So from NASA,

we have our top five is Ariel Gazan,

Rolf Domet, Bethany.

All right.

Now we've got to finish it

out with three more.

I'm going to go with my girl,

my demo team partner, Sydney.

Son of a gun.

I forgot her altogether and

I would never forget her.

Why did I do that?


I'm going to put Sydney in

there as the next one.

I have, uh, Rebecca Fusliay.

And then there's four

athletes that I think are

very similar athletes.

And I think one of them will make it.

I don't know which one.

Spiegel, Olivia, Kyra, and Kelsey Keel.

Although I think, I don't know.

Might go with,

actually there's Devin Kim too.

That's right.

She has a back injury, I thought.

That's why she came to the team.


That's why I didn't put her in there.

I'm just kidding.

Come on.

She did way too good at the

other events for there

really to be a back injury.

In the quarters?

What heavy hinging did we have?

I'm trying to remember.

Wall balls, burpees, roll, climb,

handstand, push-up, toes to bars,

ring muscle-ups.

I mean, that's not hurting her back.

The snatch one was more grip

than I think the snatch hinging.


Clean and jerk.

It came out last year.

There was talk of removing

her from the team last year.

I think it was just a way out.



And I don't think she's really as hurt.

But that's just my opinion.

I have no facts to back that up.

I'm having trouble with

these ones to pick my last one.

This was tough.

This was really tough.

So my modified list.

I think I might go with Kyra.




like when I watched her on the

team last year,

the most improved athlete I

saw last year.

The most improved by far.

Yeah, she's gone a lot there.

And she's got some good

high-skill gymnastics too.

I don't know what that means

in the individual competition.

But Spiegel and Olivia are

home run hitters too.

It's Kelsey Kiel.

It's hard to pick between.

I think they're very similar.

So we were the same to Flores.

I'm modifying my list to Sydney McElishan,

Rebecca Fusile, and Hattie Canule.

I like it.

What's your dark horse?

This one is everybody

forgets about her and every

year she hits home runs.

And it's Emily White.

That's my dark horse too.

She's a really good runner

and she's super strong.


And everybody every year

forgets about her.

Yeah, that's my dark horse.

And every year she almost makes it.


Same one.


That one, my dark horses in the West,

Max Krieg and Emily White,

I feel really solid with.

I'm not as familiar with Max, but.



I think Olivia got lucky with the

programming last year.

I mean, there was,

I thought the programming

last year helped while

there were still smaller

athletes that qualified that were just

fit in general I think it

did have a bias towards um

taller bigger athletes so

and I think I think rebecca

has worked so hard on her

strength I i think this is

her time yeah there's

there's some good picks in

the west that you can that you can have

But honestly,

like looking at this and the

athletes in that area,

and maybe I'm just biased

because I talked to a lot

of them and it is like,

there's no way that Asia in

Australia should get extras

and not have room for at

least one more athlete in

North America West.


But then my argument would be Europe,

North America East, like as well.

Like, I don't think, I mean,

some of the injuries that happened,

they had a little bit less.

Going in.

I agree with you on North America East.

They deserve one of those for sure.

Maybe two.

Give them South America's

and Asia's and give Australia's to West.

I'm okay.

But Europe,

I don't feel like there was

nobody that didn't make it

that that one spot was

going to get in that I

thought needed to get in.


At the end of the day.

So maybe 10 was right in Europe.


Like when you saw the list, you're like,

yeah, that's, that's a good 10.

Like, I mean, really good 10.



So, so those are our picks.

Love them.

Hate them.

Make your comments.


lots of comments about Kelsey looking

like a different athlete this year.

I, I just want to see it on the floor.

And it's probably,

I probably have a bias

today because the last time

I saw her on the floor,

she was struggling with a handstand walk.

And what did I see today?

A handstand walk that made a

big difference in who made it in Europe.

So that's probably why I

didn't even put her in here.

And I, I think she'll be close.

Like, I think she'll be close.

She's in the mix.

Like there's a,

there's a lot that are

going to be in the mix, right?

Like there's,

from let's call it six to 15, right?

Like there's some execution

that's going to be going on and, um,

some workouts,

maybe some people are just

better at like programming

will be a factor.


And again, like I'm, we've,

we have sponsored one team

on this podcast and

And Kelsey Keough was on that team.

So I do really like her and

I do think of the world of her.

I just,

that's just what was in my head today.

If Devin Kim is healthy,

I think she can be in the mix as well.

She should be in the mix.


I don't disagree with you on that either.

There's just,

there's some proof I need to

see live before I go there.

And Kenneth DeLapp says,

so you're saying there's a chance.

I can't believe you didn't pick Sydney.

I did.

I modified it in time.

I thank goodness I let you go first.

Oh my gosh, like her shirt is right there.

We got you, Sydney.

We got you.

And her dad listens to this

podcast and show.

Oh man, what a moron.

She's one of the best pullers in CrossFit.

And I got this,

I already knew that going

into the demo team last year.

And then I saw it and I was like, yeah.


and what's going to be exciting for

me is I've talked to her coach and

You've seen the video of her training,

the running, her running, getting better.

We're going to see right off the bat.

How, how much better did her running get?

And if it does,

she's also in a field that

has other runners that are not as fast.

So that will also help her.

I think if I'm being honest.

Versus if you put her in Europe,

let's say Europe is just

has good aerobic capacity.

Like you can get like,

it's like the strength

workout in North and North

America is going to be different than,

you know, in certain regions,

they're just more known for

certain things.

West is top heavy.

They are very top heavy.

Bethany, Emily, Emily,

which is why if you have a

workout that you can go and

get a top five,

it is huge because for the most part,

a lot of times it's like

those same athletes getting

top fives and then the rest

are just kind of

interchanging in that middle.

So when,

when you get that top five points,

It helps you a lot.

And like someone like, you know, Spiegel,

Olivia with those snatch ladders,

Kelsey Keel will get those points there.

So it'll make up for possibly.

They're also top five in like runners,


Emily, Ariel took, what,

second or third in the games in the 5K?

Emily White has proven that

she's a great runner.

Bethany Flores beat most of

the men at West Coast Classic in 21.

Yeah, I was going to say,

she won that workout by, like.



they have some of the top runners in

the sport.

If, if extremes though, if they don't,


But it's packed up there

with those people at the top, like,

like Emily Rolfe needs a win there.

I think she can do well on a

few workouts there.

I don't disagree.

I guess I'm just proposing this to you.

Like, yeah.

because it's top heavy the

snatch ladder like kelsey

keel danny spiegel olivia

kerstetter yeah there's a

lot like getting the win is

going to be harder because

it's a crapshoot between up

to five people who are

really good at that

movement where like nobody

was going to catch braun in

europe right no yeah like

that snatch ladder there's a lot of

heavy hitters in North America.


And like, look at someone like, um,

Fuliano, right?

Like it could be just a

smaller athlete that just

has better capacity to just

cycle a heavy barbell for

multiple reps versus that one rep max, uh,



I think that's,

what's going to juggle it

more than we think in the

West is you have like that

first event where there are

five people that could win that.

And it's going to be hard to

be the one that wins it on that five.

Cause they're also good snatch ladder.

People are going to need

that win when you get to that moment.

And it's going to be tough

to get the win with those

five people fighting you for it.


And what heats are you going

to be in at that point?

So I think that's going to

be fun to watch and see how

much that plays a role in all that.

So that is our preview for next week.

We're going to ramp up.

We're going to do more shows.

I'll have on who can be on.

I know it's a busy weekend,

but I want to cover that a

lot more than we did Europe

because we did so many of

the interviews and stuff like that.

to finish up with I was on

around the whiteboard again

this week I took the

victory I don't know how I

felt like I was bad this

week and thank goodness the

last question was about

media and I got to go off

on the last question and

make a valiant comeback

yeah it's like you started

slower and then you were

picking up points you know

yeah you were like a hoffer you know

The first week I came out

punching hard and leveled off.

And this week I went the

opposite direction.

Got it done though.

It's not, you don't ask how.

So this week is the finals.

So there was already, like,

I think Brian Spinn won the

first quarter.

This is the second quarter,

and there's three people left.

It is me, it is Colton Mertens,

and it is Kiefer Lamy.

That's some heavy hitters.

That's going to be some good chirping,


You better have your A game.


I think I'm going to have to come out

hot this week and see if I can hold on.

That's going to be a good one.


It's moving to Tuesday

because Kiefer and Colton

might be busy starting Wednesday.


they got to do something this weekend.


Might have a little thing on

the agenda the weekend after.

And I'm hoping that that

means that they are distracted.

That gives me the opening to

shoot through the gap and get the win.

So that is this Tuesday, 3 p.m.

Eastern time.

Super stoked for that.

See if we can take the W to

then move on to, I think,

the grand finale,

which would be spin me and

whoever wins the next quarter.


It's been fun watching.

It's a great, I mean,

I get that it's the same as the death by,

but it's not.

And it's,

it's nice to have like the weekly

winners come, you know,

there's got the

championships and then it's nice.


I think it's way harder than

death by the time.

The timer is huge.



if you have never done anything like

this in your time for 60

seconds to get all your thoughts out.


And the first week, I think I rushed it.

The second week, I started to tell myself,

just slow down.

It actually is a little bit

longer than you think it is.

And then it seemed to go better.

But super stoked for that.

And then I want to finish

with a little brag.

I'm super pumped about this.

For my mom's birthday and mother's day,

I got her tickets to the U S

swimming Olympic trials.

Where's that being held?

Indianapolis, Indiana.


So it's only a two hour

drive for us from here.


they are putting the pool in the

football stadium where the

Indianapolis Colts play.

That's cool.

I just want to see how

they're going to do that logistically.

Cause that seems insane to me.

But I am super pumped.

My mom is one of the biggest Olympic fans.

Every time the Olympics run,

she watches every sport under the sun,

including curling and

fencing and jujitsu and all of it.

She cannot get enough.

I love the Olympics.

And I was a swimmer growing up.

So we're actually going to go do that.


cause I haven't been to a swim meet in


So this is going to be really cool.

And we got seats right on

the start finish line.

That's awesome.

So that's actually in mid June.

So right after semis,

that's going to be my

relaxation to kind of go with mom,

hang out with her and go

watch some swimming.

I like that.

I was watching the gymnastics today.


The U S a girl's gymnastics.

I think it was a national

meet or something.



Everything right now has got

to be like Olympic trials.

I know track and field just

happened like a week ago, I think.

And what the Olympics are in August.





Right after the games,

we'll have something to watch.

That'd be cool.

I don't know how you had

time to watch gymnastics today.


I guess you didn't do all the three

interviews I did today.


It's like in the background

sometimes when I'm doing stuff.


Normally I'd be doing like

schoolwork on a Sunday,

but it's a long weekend for us.

So I get tomorrow off to do

my correcting of math tests

and other things, programming.

Well, cool.

Well, enjoy your day off tomorrow.

I will.

Everybody in the chat,

thank you so much for being here.

This was awesome.

Glad we got to spend the night with you.

And we'll be back next

weekend covering the West Coast Classic.

Make sure you join us then.

All the people I've been interviewing,

I've been prepping them

that we'll be reaching out

to them to talk to them

next weekend during our wrap-up shows.

So we should have some of

the athletes on during that,

which will be really awesome to do.

So with that,

we'll see everybody next time

on Sunday Night CrossFit Talk.

Thanks, guys.

See you soon.