Just Be Humans


In this episode, Danny discusses the controversy surrounding TikTok and why he decided to start a TikTok account. He explains that TikTok is owned by a Chinese company affiliated with the Chinese government, which raises concerns about foreign government ownership of a major media platform. The US government has found evidence of algorithm manipulation by TikTok, favoring pro-China content and limiting the reach of pro-democracy content. As a result, the US government is pushing for the sale of TikTok to a non-Chinese entity. Despite the controversy, TikTok still has a large user base in the US, presenting an opportunity for marketers to capture attention. Danny predicts that TikTok will adjust its algorithms to increase reach for creators in an attempt to win over the US populace. He encourages marketers to leverage the platform's reach while diversifying their presence across multiple channels. Danny also discusses the importance of personal branding and creating opportunities for strangers to connect with brands on a humanistic level. He concludes by previewing the next episode on nurturing leads in digital marketing.

  • TikTok is owned by a Chinese company affiliated with the Chinese government, raising concerns about foreign government ownership of a major media platform.
  • The US government has found evidence of algorithm manipulation by TikTok, favoring pro-China content and limiting the reach of pro-democracy content.
  • Despite the controversy, TikTok still has a large user base in the US, presenting an opportunity for marketers to capture attention.
  • Marketers should leverage TikTok's reach while diversifying their presence across multiple channels.
  • Personal branding is important in creating opportunities for strangers to connect with brands on a humanistic level.

00:00 Introduction and Disclaimer
00:30 The Controversy Surrounding TikTok and Foreign Government Ownership
05:09 The Marketing Opportunity on TikTok
06:06 Leveraging TikTok's Reach and Diversifying Presence
09:56 The Importance of Personal Branding in Digital Marketing
16:29 Preview of Next Episode: Nurturing Leads in Digital Marketing

What is Just Be Humans?

Welcome to "Be Human," the definitive podcast for B2B leaders ready to catapult their 7-8 figure enterprises into new realms of growth through digital marketing. Hosted by Danny Murawinski, a seasoned digital marketing maven and former professional snowboard coach, "Be Human" offers a unique blend of insights that merge the art of relationship-driven sales with the science of digital scalability.

In a world where authentic connections reign supreme, learn how to finesse the critical human experiences at the heart of your sales, amplifying them digitally to resonate with your Ideal Customer Profile. Each week, we dissect the anatomy of successful sales relationships, crafting offers that not only speak volumes but are poised to echo across the digital expanse.

Danny brings over a decade of experience, connecting B2B ventures with giants from Fortune 500 companies to professional sports teams. His consultative prowess, honed on the snow slopes, now aims to elevate your business strategy through deep dives into the humanistic elements pivotal to relationship-building, alongside cutting-edge digital marketing strategies, tools, and techniques.

Join us for conversations with executives who've mastered the art of growth, navigating their B2B companies to towering figures. "Be Human" is more than a podcast; it's a weekly masterclass in leveraging genuine relationships for exponential digital growth. Tune in, and let's redefine what's possible for your business together.

Danny (00:00)
What's up, what's up and welcome to be human. The definitive podcast for business leaders who have built their businesses through relationships and are looking at digital marketing to scale those relationships out to the rest of the world. My name is Danny Murawinski I'll be your host. And today we're diving into a relevant but yet controversial topic. and I'll preface this with a, this is more of an opinion piece and not necessarily something I know 120%.

But Tik Tok what is going on with Tik Tok and why on earth would I just start my first Tik Tok account? So let's jump into it. So you guys have probably seen the news with the ban of Tik Tok, right? And what's happening there. So I did some digging. I did a little bit of research, so I'll kind of cut to the chase and I'll paraphrase this as to what's going on with Tik Tok, but it's pretty straightforward, right? So,

The Chinese government, totalitarian government, if you look at Tik TOK, they're owned by a parent company called ByteDance. And the folks on ByteDance that run that company are also affiliated with the Chinese government. As a matter of fact, a lot of them are decision makers and policy makers within the Chinese government. Okay. So that's step one is that a foreign government, hostile government to democracy, communist government owns the entire media platform. So,

If you look back, like there's laws that were put in place, a hundred year old laws that haven't been updated about foreign entities owning our media channels and outlets. So the best kind of example of this is we would never allow the Nazis to own our newspapers, radio stations, commercials, so on and so forth. Right? Like that makes sense. So I think from that perspective alone, most of us get it right. And we understand why this is important.

There probably is some other varying opinions on it because of course in hot button topics like this, where there is rights and less than this and that there's a course going to be cross pollination of different opinions. But the gist of it is, is that we probably don't want any type of foreign government owning a major media outlet where the, a lot of Americans spend a lot of time. So that's the starting block of this. So if you peel back the onion a little bit deeper, what,

is actually happening that triggered this. And there's a great episode, Tim Ferriss' podcast. Take a look at it. in his latest episode, he interviews a guy there that that's super knowledgeable on this. So I highly encourage you guys to take a look at that. But in a nutshell, what's happening is, is that the algorithms of TikTok are being manipulated. So they are showing more content that is pro communism, pro China, and they are limiting reach.

of content that is pro democracy, pro US. So that's happening within the algorithm. Okay. And the US government has done enough analysis and studies on this to effectively show from a scientific proof that, Hey, you're, you're manipulating algorithms as a foreign entity. You're manipulating the messaging and the content that you're distributing back to our people in the US. We're going to ban it unless that you make a sale of the company, right?

So TikTok itself is not banned from the U S it is the ownership that they want to, they want to sell that, that party to sell it off, right? They don't want the Chinese government to own all of TikTok and the algorithms. Now why on earth in this process, a lot of people are probably like screw TikTok, right? I've heard it from a ton of folks that they're the, this is kind of the nail in the coffin for them as to why.

people aren't using TikTok. I'm going to look up a quick stat here. But the big thing to realize is that a lot of people were shrugging off TikTok for many years. So a lot of folks were...

struggling off TikTok for quite some time and saying, it's, it's a dance platform. It's little kids stuff. There's no relevance in marketing there. Right. And back in 2020, I actually pitched and I mentioned this in previous episodes, but I actually met pitched a government contracting business. I was like, Hey, you guys should consider being on TikTok. I got laughed out of the room. Fast forward a few, a few, like almost a year later, individual, from,

a large one of the top four accounting firms came in. They're talking about how they found this software from their son who found this guy on Tik TOK and they ended up making a quarter million dollar license purchase with that platform, right? So, or through that platform. So there's reach still there on Tik TOK. As a matter of fact, today, as of today, 18 .68 % of all Americans with mobile internet log into Tik TOK daily.

Okay, 20 % of the US population is on there every single day. Whether you side with or don't side with the policies that are in place around the TikTok, you know, and in your opinions on that is kind of irrelevant. Also, if you're not posting propaganda out there, also then irrelevant. So excluding those two factors,

Let's just talk about the truth of what's behind this. We have 20 % of the U S population on that platform every single day. So that's a lot of attention. That's a lot of attention for you. It's a lot of attention for your business. So whether or not, regardless of where this bill is going to land and what's going to happen in the future, and I'm not suggesting that you should drop everything and only focus in on Tik Tok and build your entire platform on there. I do not recommend that, but

from a marketing perspective, marketers are opportunistic, right? I am also opportunistic and I see the opportunity here while we're going through this process of what's going to happen with Tik TOK. We have until January of 2025 for something to happen. So what I am predicting is Tik TOK is going to start to adjust the algorithms. And if I had to make a guess, they're going to do a couple of things. One, they are going to,

I believe increased reach for us creators. I think that we're going to see that us creators are going to start to expand on their reach. Why? Because they're probably trying to win over the general populace. They realize that they got 20 % of, of us citizens on there. So they're like, well, Hey, if we can beef this up for the us citizens, we'll get the us citizens on board to help us retain ownership. So on and so forth. So I believe that we're going to see that.

over the course of the next six to eight months. And as a matter of fact, just giving you guys some real data on this. So I started up our Tik Tok account for this podcast. So if you go to at just be just underscore B underscore humans, you can see, and I'm literally just resharing the stuff that you guys are probably seeing come out on my LinkedIn. I'm not differentiating my content at all. Well, without doing much work,

Aside from just posting and I'm posting through our CRM system that automatically schedules these things. I'm just looking at the numbers. 220 views, 209, 219, 234, 216, 484, 527, 513, 537. If you just add up these numbers of some of these videos that we've shared, that's over 3 ,000, 3 ,500 plays of new eyeballs.

on this content from doing nothing more than just simply creating that account and auto posting to it. Now, from a creator standpoint, there is opportunity there. And I believe what we will see is that our reach on TikTok is going to expand as time goes on and as this band and this bill matures, right? And I believe that they're going to do that for such a reason to again, try and win over the populace here in America.

So I see a huge opportunity. I see a very big opportunity for marketers, for people that are trying to start something to why not leverage this reach that we're about to go through. And again, this is all based on opinion. Okay. I don't know. I don't have clairvoyance into their developers or their algorithms. I don't know this to be a fact, but I'm just making the assumption based off of the current circumstances. But I do believe that we're going to see the reach grow.

And as a matter of fact, that same content that I shared on Tik TOK, I also shared on Instagram, shared on Facebook, shared on LinkedIn and the reach so far, Tik TOK's far outperforming the reach of the other platforms. Okay. So there is an opportunity here for us to help capture attention and why not leverage the platform while we're in this flux state. and by the way, I also post on X, I got zero engagement there. but why not start?

with building up on this platform in this volatile state. Again, does that mean that I'm going to focus all my energy and attention and effort into TikTok and try and build this entire awareness and podcasts all through TikTok? Of course not. I'm diversified across multiple different channels. That's why we're on every single major podcast broadcasting platform while we're on YouTube, so on and so forth, right? So we're definitely diversifying our reach, but what's preventing

or why would I, I guess, not capitalize on the attention that I can gain through Tik Tok? now there's another round of this that I think all of us have some fear and I'll address it, you know, with because the Chinese government owned that, can they hack into your phone systems? Can they hack into your internet of things? So on and so forth. Do you increase your vulnerability? Possibly. Right. I don't know that direct answer.

And I'm sure, especially in the GovCon space, there's a lot of you that are like raising eyebrows at this concept that are like no shot, no shot. Well, you ever see me on Tik Tok and that's fine. And it may not make sense for some of you, but if you're trying to grow something, there's reach there, you know, there's like, if I didn't post, if I didn't create that account just two weeks ago and started posting on it, that's 3000 human beings that may have never seen my stuff.

And our game that we're playing here in digital marketing is trying to get attention. That is the currency that we are trading. We're trading our attention to creating something, analyzing what we're creating and servicing an audience to hopefully capture an audience, audiences, attention, have them be a consumer of our stuff. So that's one of the big reasons why I'm making this bet onto Tik -tock. I'm hedging it with.

posting on other channels. And I'm definitely assuming that I'm going to lose anything that I do on TikTok. I'm not thinking that I'm going to have this longterm, but there's another part to this too. And let's keep in mind the platform itself is not banned. Okay. It's the ownership that they're trying to adjust. That's the band. They're trying to ban that totalitarian ownership over TikTok. So,

I do believe that we're not going to see TikTok disappear forever. And in this digital landscape, I mean, there's plenty of things that people have banned. I mean, look at Binance and the crypto space that's banned in the U S people are dodging that bullet. They're using VPNs. I think that we're going to start to see that these bands on these different platforms, it's going to be very difficult to manage. It's going to be very difficult to actually execute on the band. So that's something that, you know,

Again, I'm not saying that they're not going to do it or that they can't. I just believe that we're going to see this. There's such a big player at this point. I can't imagine that we're going to see it drop off the face of the planet.

Now I could be wrong. And again, those of you that have built your business on TikTok now is a really good time to diversify and start to build an audience elsewhere too. I don't, again, I don't, I don't recommend that we go all in on TikTok, but what I do recommend is if you're trying to increase your reach right now, I think that there's a huge opportunity there and it makes sense from that angle. So what can we do now with knowing that knowledge? What can you do to help capture the attention?

What can you, and what kind of attention do you want to gather? Are you trying, of course, all these algorithms are trying to keep you on platform. Like I've talked about in the past. So of course the TikTok's algorithm is trying to keep your attention on TikTok and they're going to shun you from taking them off platform. But if you have a strong enough brand identity, meaning that your brand is bigger than the platform, such as this podcast is bigger than one single platform.

Then at that point, it really doesn't matter. This is more of a branding strategy and less of a conversion strategy. Okay. So the concepts that we talk about with putting forth empathetic content, caring about your audience, hook value payoff as a, as a really great formula that you can use when creating content. So the hook in this episode was why I'm, you know, why, why on earth would I start a Tik Tok account in the middle of this band? That's the hook.

The value is the storyline that I just laid out. The payoff is the recommendation of what to do if you're going to go down this path, right? So if we use that kind of a system, we should be doing that anyways, as we create content, but that's still as heavily true, especially in the TikTok landscape. People go to TikTok primarily for entertainment. I don't think that that's a shocker to the world. However,

education is on the rise. And that's something we talk about everywhere in this podcast, along with business in general. So one of the big reasons why personal brand is becoming more and more relevant and more important because these tactics that we've used for the last decade and funneling people clicking through like your click through rates, running these ads, these limited time offers, the free trials, all this stuff that we've seen.

over the years that has worked, that's starting to not work as well right now because the consumers of the content are becoming more aware of it and they understand that if I give you my email, I'm going to be retargeted and I don't want to be retargeted. I don't want to be put into your ad funnel. I don't want to be seeing all this stuff. I don't want to be sold. So where are they going to connect? Where are they going to find new products and services? They're going to the humanistic level. They're taking a step back.

Most of the consumers in the world right now are trying to connect at some personal level with the brand. And we need to create these opportunities for strangers to connect with us and our brand's personality, our humanistic personality. So inside of a environment like Tik Tok, the same rules apply. I just think that we're going to start to see that our reach is going to grow.

throughout this process, right? And the whole gist of everything that I've been talking about is to be human in the process, right? So this is more of an objective look at the current situation with more of a prediction of what I believe is going to happen in the landscape over the next six to eight months. And that's why I'm saying now might be a good time if you haven't started up a TikTok account to go ahead and give it a shot. So.

I'm going to keep this brief and short this time. I think moving forward, we're going to start to reduce the time for these podcasts down some more of this like 15, 20 minute kind of quick hit and nuggets. So that being said, I want to give you guys a little heads up on what we're going to talk about come Thursday of this week. So,

We're going to start to dive into nature versus nurture and really dive into the nurture campaign. So we get a lead. How do we nurture them? That's really the next big step that I want to discuss. So keep in tune for that. That'll come out on Thursday at 11 AM. And with that being said, this is be human, the definitive podcast for business leaders who have grown their businesses through relationships and are looking to digital marketing to scale those relationships. And my name again is Danny Murawinski. I,

Thank you for your time. The only thing I will ever ask is if you found this podcast interesting, please leave us a review and maybe share it with somebody else. My message here, our mission here is just trying to help as many people as possible. So you can definitely help our mission by sharing this podcast with others and leaving that review. It means the world to me. It means the world to the team that's working on this. So please, that's my only ask, my only ask I'll ever make.

Again, Danny Murawinski would just be humans. And just remember in this process as we navigate these landscapes, as we see these new policy changes, I think we're gonna see a lot more of these policy changes coming up in the future that regardless of the policy, regardless of what happens, just be humans.