The Brand ED Podcast

Conquer Your Content Planning: 6 Key Challenges and How to Overcome Them - Part 1

In this episode of The Brand ED Podcast, I help you kickstart your content marketing journey by discussing the common issues faced by personal brands and the steps to tackle them.

In this Part 1 of the series, I pose some thought-provoking questions to gauge how you feel about your content marketing efforts and introduce the true/false quiz related to content marketing resources.

Key Takeaways:
  • Assess your current content marketing efforts and feelings about them.
  • Understand that there are plenty of content marketing resources available, but the key to success lies in having a simple, doable plan that's connected to an attractive goal, and someone to hold you accountable.

Questions to Ponder:
  1. How do you feel about your content marketing results in the past six months?
  2. If your content marketing was a success, what big audacious goal could it help you reach in 2 years?

Join me in the next episode of this series to explore the first content planning challenge.

Resources from this episode:

Boost Your Marketing with AI
Are you looking to level up your content marketing efforts? Don't miss out on the "AI Marketing Crash Course & ChatGPT Prompt Bible" bundle co-authored by Mike Kim and me. By investing in this bundle, you will:
  • Unlock the power of AI in your marketing strategy
  • Save time and effort creating high-impact content
  • Get access to a comprehensive list of ChatGPT prompts to fuel your content creation

Take advantage of this valuable resource now: AI Marketing Crash Course & ChatGPT Prompt Bible

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What is The Brand ED Podcast?

It’s easy for personal brands and SMBs to get overwhelmed in a sea of marketing and branding voices, choices, and channels. Robby Fowler taps into 20 years of personal brand experience to help you clearly connect the dots between your branding, marketing and business strategy. To avoid being another burnt-out leader or under-performing brand or business, tune into this podcast. Build a personal brand and business that breathes life into you and your customer.

Robby: The Brand ED Podcast
with Robby Fowler, episode 98.

Conquer your content planning, six key
challenges and how to overcome them.

Part one.

how do you feel about your content
marketing over the past six months?

Do you feel great?

You've got your act totally together.

Do you feel pretty good?

Sometimes you do well, it's hit
or miss, or do you feel guilty?

You haven't shown up.

You've struggled to get content created.

And, you know, you should be doing better.

That's what I want to talk about in
this series on the six challenges

of content planning each of these
episodes are going to be really short.

And very impactful to help you push
through these six challenges and

make sure you get a content plan
that you can actually execute so

that you can grow your business.

So that you can expand your brand
and ultimately have it show up

in your bottom line revenue.

I asked that opening question often
when I'm around other coaches and

consultants and business leaders who
are trying to market their own business.

And what I usually hear
is most of us feel guilty.

A few of us feel good, very few,
if any field grade, but most

of us feel guilty or ashamed.

Our head drops our eyes lower.

When asked, how do you feel
about your content marketing

over the past six months?

For many of us, it's
a roller coaster ride.

Perhaps you're like me where there
are seasons where things are great

and you're cranking out content.

And then you get busy or life
happens or a holiday comes.

And things come to a screeching
halt and they stay that way.

And then out of guilt and shame,
maybe you just stay in that place.

Or you struggle to get back into
a rhythm of content marketing.

Or perhaps.

You're not sure what you should be
doing with your content marketing.

So you have a rhythm established, but
you're not sure about the results.

In this small series, we're just going
to walk through some of the challenges

that stand in the way of you and I
having a clear, compelling content

plan that actually produces results.

So in this first introductory
episode, I just wanted to begin to

stir the pot and ask that question.

How do you feel about your
own content marketing?

I also want you to think about this.

Here's a little true false quiz.

I want you to take it's very simple.

Three simple questions.

True or false.

There are countless content marketing
calendar solutions on the market.

True or false.

Question number two, true or false.

There are countless content
schedulers on the market.

And question three, true or false.

There are countless
resources for content ideas.

On the market.

If you know anything about content
marketing, then you know, all

three of those are very true.

There are countless content marketing
calendars out on the market.

CoSchedule, what would
be a popular solution?

HubSpot would be a popular solution.

And there are countless content schedulers
HootSweet buffer on and on the list goes,

there are also countless resources for
actually coming up with content ideas.

Perhaps you've heard of chat GPT and AI.

There are articles about it.

There are courses you can buy.

There are products you can get.

So here's the question what's missing?

Why is it you and I still
struggle with content planning

in content marketing execution?

If there's countless calendars.

And countless schedulers and
countless resources for ideas.

What is missing?

Here's what I think is
missing for most of us.

We lack a simple plan that's connected
to a sexy goal and someone who cares.

We don't have a content plan that
is very doable, very desirable

and includes accountability.

So what's missing is something
that has high doability high

desirability and high accountability.

That's what I want us to
tackle in this series.

I want to ask a final question, just
to get you thinking and to stir you up.

And have you come back and join me on the
next episode, if your content marketing

was a success, if we could overcome the
challenges to your content marketing,

what big audacious goal could your content
marketing help you reach in two years?

If you had a content plan.

And you were actually able to execute
on that plan and that content plan

was part of the bigger marketing plan.

What big audacious goal would you want
it to help you reach in two years?

It may not be the only thing that
gets you there, but it's important

part of your overall marketing plan.

To get you to a big audacious
goal, something you would

dream about a dream result.

I want you to be thinking about that
and then join me on the next episode

where we will dive into the first
of those content planing challenges.

Until the next episode,
thanks so much for joining me.

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this with a friend, if you want to

dialogue with someone else about this.

Just click that share button
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share this with a friend.

I so appreciate that.

Until next time go and
build a life- giving brand