JB Presents: Top Tier

Join your host JB and, her guest of the week, Diggy D from the voices of Las Vegas & Clock In, Clock Out. This week they are talking about a hot take on wings, age limits on eating pigs in a blanket, and "are pickles a vegetable?".

What is JB Presents: Top Tier?

Starring Jordan "Bro" McCray, better known as JB, as her and a weekly guest entertain the listeners with their opinions on everyday things. JB creates a category each episode and ranks all of your favorite things. Tune in for all loads of entertainment, laughs, and hot takes.

You are listening to Top Tier.

Top Tier.

I'm your host, Jordan McCray. I find things and I rank them. And I rank them.

And I rank them. We are live.

You are listening to Top Tier. I'm joined here with my guest of the week. Introduce yourself.

Diggy D from the show of The Voices of Las Vegas. How are we doing everybody?

Nice to have you here, Diggy. Thank you for joining me. So what we do here on Top Tier is basically I take a category. I find things that fall into that category and I rank them. Well, just to keep it simple, of course, I like to do tiers. I don't like ranking things one through 10, one through 15, because it's just so hard. It's so intricate. I just like to break it up into tiers to keep it simple. And starting with our tiers, we got bottom tier. Bottom tier, I feel like basically everybody agrees this is a miss. You know, it's like, this didn't wow us. We didn't even really want it in the first place size in the bottom tier next up we have our mid tier i like to say incredibly mid you know this is the thing once again it didn't wow us it can be good you know it could be good but it's not amazing it's not our favorite we would rather have something else next up we got top tier as the name is as the show is called of course top tier everybody wants it everybody loves it we this is something that really across the board is like oh, yeah, no brainer. Duh, you know So we might as well just get started with the show So we're starting off with bonds here as always and first up on my list. Oh, wait, wait, wait a goddang minute Did I even tell you the category of the day? What is the category of the day?

I think the audience completely missed what the category is, of course No

Now that I have you guys waiting, it's a sense. I gotta announce the category, and the category is, give me a little drum roll.



All right, this is that little,

little course, a shareable, something that comes before your main, you know, way before the dessert. We ain't got dessert in our minds, but you know you want it. Appetizers, you know, we're looking for something that's shareable, that's good, you know, crowd pleasers. This can be something that is served at a restaurant. But, you know, we're also a fan of like, you know, your football party appetizers. You know, this is that's kind of what we're going for with today's category.

Party appetizers, you know. Right.

So now we will start with bottom tier. And first up on bottom tier, a hash brown cocktail.

The what? Yeah, yeah, exactly.

The fact that I said that shows the name already. It's very missable. Not a lot of people are going to be like, oh yeah, let me go out of my way for that one.

Let me just set the scene for you. Where it comes out, sets it on the table. It's the smallest pieces of shrimp that you have ever seen in your life. Probably still have the shell on them. And it's sitting on ice. So it is freezing cold. And you want to know the sauce that they give you? Cocktail sauce. Yeah that's a no. It tastes awful. Literally almost everything about shrimp cocktail I'm like nah. It's supposed to be this super classic elevated type of appetizer and I'm just not here for it. No. I think it's nasty. There's nothing appetizing about cold trip. Cold food? No. No. For an appetizer too? And it's not even a real appetizer,

it's going and comes like four.

Right, you don't even get that many.

So what is there to share?

It's like, nah, man, I'm taking all this.

Yeah, they give you more tartar sauce than they even do the shrimp.

Right, right, you got sauce for days, but ain't no actual food. But I mean, a conversation for another day is that appetizers are low-key a waste of money, but that's a conversation for another day. That's for another day. All right, we're just gonna move on because I don't think there's much that you need to be said about shrimp cocktail. Next item, we got pigs in a blanket. Pigs in a blanket only work when it's like a Super Bowl party. You know what I mean? Like if it's anywhere outside of that, it's like yeah, it's cool, it tastes good, but it's not the first thing I'm grabbing. Right, you know, I feel like there are many things that go before pigs in a blanket. My little note that I left right next to pigs in a blanket is, how old are we? Okay, okay, you don't gotta do that now.

You don't gotta, you don't gotta diss the, it's already bad enough that it's already a, it's already a bottom two. You don't gotta diss it too. While it's on the ground, just stomp on it a little bit too.

Okay, but like, come on, like, it's a little, mini little croissant with a little hot dog in the middle. Like, I, what do you dip, what do you use to dip it? Do you use ketchup? You know, I feel like ketchup doesn't really work. Like it's just it's not amazing. It doesn't wow us There's not very much technique involved, you know, super simple And it's it's like I I'm gonna judge you just a little bit if you're 40 and you're eating pigs in a blanket I'm just gonna judge you just a little bit. I'm not gonna lie to you. That's crazy It's not great. But like, you know, you don't got you don't got doing like that. So Right. It's like pigs a blanket for me. It's like it doesn't come before a meal that's I'm eating it if literally I'm only snacking for the entire duration of what I'm doing you know if it's like I'm a Super Bowl there's no main course it's just all snacks yeah pigs enough like I'm gonna eat it but I'm gonna eat it last it doesn't make sense coming before a meal that's fair yeah all right wrapping up the bottom tier category our last item is going to be fried pickles you see

this is I think this where the first disagreements at you know It's definitely not at the bottom fried pickles at times can be busts, and you know I'm saying, but yeah, I know bottom tier I don't I don't see where you're coming from with this the thing is just are so weird

This is like if I want a fried appetizer. I'm definitely not choosing fried pickles There's a lot of other fried foods that we will get into later that I would choose a million times before fried pickles I think it's just odd the combinations that you have with fried pickles, because yes, they're fried, you know, they're coated in some sort of batter, and then, you know, pickles are already, have a very unique, acidic, you know, type of taste, so pickles are already an acquired taste, but it's then, the thing that kind of kills me is you dip it in ranch. Yeah. Which also does not really make sense to me.

You don't think so?


I mean, I like it because it's like a salty, pickles are already like a salty vegetable anyway, and you deep fry them. It's even more saltier It's like that's the thing are they a vegetable. I mean yeah, they grow out of the ground I don't know much more vegetable you can get

Well we're not getting that that's a well, okay

We're getting to some dangerous territory kind of like the avocados of food or vegetable type territory I guess that will just go into our after podcast notes are pickles a vegetable sorry but just to remind y'all we are college students we should do better absolutely that's on us chief all right but yeah I think fried pickles it doesn't and also it's not I think it's a good appetizer and the fact that it's not filling but it's also not filling enough like to actually feel like mmm I really got a good fill I feel like I need to eat at least like 30 okay minimum like chips right you know it's like it's not enough. I need more right now But I don't want more because that's too overwhelming now in that case I can I could see where you're fair. That's fair Yeah, it's like it's super light. I'll give it that but it's like it's not an appetizer to me It's like a quick little snack right, but it doesn't make sense to because of the combinations. I can't wrap my head around it That's just me though. That's just me, and that's why it's Bobbins here It's too much going on too much going on and not enough give it's not giving enough All right, so just to wrap up bottoms here. We have shrimp cocktail pigs in a blanket and fried pickles Now we are going to move on to the mid category. I will start off the mid category with spinach dip

That's crazy. I know why that's crazy You know, I already saw this list So I'm already knowing with a mid tier the mid tiers are you gonna be disrespectful as is spinach dip as mid

Boy pop I heard this you'd be rolling right now one thing about spinach tip is that the chips really matter I've the thing is is when my family goes to a restaurant that is our go-to appetizer and when I say the chips matter and they make a huge difference of what your what your vessel is To like have that spinach tip on it matters so much and if it's not right, it's the whole thing is ruined

Have you been to restaurants were instead of chips they use bread. Yes, I have and that does bust though. It depends

Okay, depends. It really does

So spinach dip is is a mid because the vessel it has can be so drastic on how it tastes

Yes, and then also sometimes you go to a certain kind of restaurant. They want their artichoke in there and I'm like what? sometimes the cheese is spinach ratio is just not really working. And also the flavor profile of it is very basic, very simple. It's not much to be like, oh yeah, that was amazing. It's like, okay, that was okay. I'm really looking forward to what I have next. I'm really looking forward to this burger I'm about to eat.

Well, isn't that the whole point of appetizers? It's not supposed to get you full because then that ruins dinner.

Right, but it's still supposed to be like, oh that tasted so good. That had such a unique, you know, little flavor on its own. Like, it's supposed to be something that slightly excites you still. Okay, for sure. And finish it up, it's just not exciting. Cheesy, yes. Good, yeah. Yeah. But there's a lot of things that are better to me. Okay. Yeah. All right, I think we should move on now. My next item that I'm going to say is actually something that you and Diggy, me and Diggy, we had together. We've ate this together once.

We did. Once.

It's nachos.

Nachos. It was special for us because we had it together, but outside of that, yeah, they're pretty mean. Yeah, okay.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

That's a different,

frachos, on the other hand, are a very different conversation. Exactly. But nachos, just something about replacing chips with fries, it really makes a difference. Right.

And for the viewers, or the listeners, I mean, we ate at Yardhouse, a very popular restaurant, there's probably like at least four in Las Vegas. And it was my first time there. Right, if you guys ever want to eat the nachos there, what you need to do is order the nachos, but you substitute the chips for fries. I promise you, it makes it 10 times better. That's exactly what we did, and we all loved it.

I think a pattern I'm noticing with the mid-tier is that like, the chips are in these mid-tier categories, but at the same time, I understand that, because me personally, if I'm going out to a restaurant Spend some good money I ain't trying to buy no chips so I could go to my own pantry open up and open that bag and eat those same Damn chips like yeah, I know that ain't it that ain't it

I feel you I feel you if I can tell that these were not at least fried in-house made in-house I don't want it. I don't want it. I feel like I feel like I'm getting finessed right exactly You know that's where it comes into like oh, this is something I could do at home. This is kind of a waste of money, you know? Nachos, it's like the toppings really matter. If there's one of the toppings that are just lacking, it's like, oh, well, what's the point? What's the point? You know, nachos is something you could easily make at home.

They are, and another thing about restaurants too, it's just so different because some of their items they'll use over others. Like, you know, the meat, they might lack luster, but they'll put lots of like tomatoes or onions. I'm like, bro, I'm not trying to eat chips and tomatoes

and onions, you know? The ratios, so important. And then, I also, I need my nachos to be somewhat cheesy, and that's another ingredient that they just never get right. Right. They never get the cheese right. Not with nachos, so I can understand that for sure. Right, and that's why it's incredibly mid. It may be okay, but you're getting finessed, you're literally giving away your money, you could probably make it better at home, and yeah, it's underwhelming. Underwhelming is just the perfect word to use. Next up on the mid category, I have crab cakes.

Crab cakes, now crab cakes are interesting because you're not gonna get crab cakes everywhere. You can't just sit at a normal restaurant, well, quote unquote, it's more of like a seafood exclusive kind of like shrimp cocktails. You're not gonna get it everywhere, but if there is an option, like if it's your first time, you've never had it before, you're like, all right, cool. You have it and you're like, all right, cool, I'll never get it again. That's kind of the mentality you have for crab cakes. Like yeah, that was good, I filled it up, it was a different, interesting route, but I'm not going back there yet.

See, the thing is, I'll give some crab cakes some respect, you know, because crab cakes I feel like are not easy to make, you know? No, probably not. Yeah, like you gotta form them, you gotta have the right ingredients, the right ratio of everything, but the thing about crab cakes is that they're, because they're so hard to make, is that so many things that can go wrong. Right. First of all, if you guys go to a restaurant and they are spelling crab wrong, it's for a reason. Do not order crab with a K, because that is fake crab. You know, so there is that, like the restaurant is like, that's not real crab meat, so it's not gonna be up to the level of what you're expecting. And then it's also like, you know, the other side ingredients that are made to like, form that ball, you know, and just to add flavor, it's just not great sometimes. The way that they make it and actually heat it, it's like, oh, do they bake it? Do they pan it and sear it? Or is this made in a microwave and it's just warmed up? So yeah, I think crab cakes in a lot of different ways can just be, they just come out underwhelming. And then crab cakes, another thing that's kind of an issue is what sauce does it go with? Sometimes you can't eat a crab cake by itself because it's just the same flavor over and over again. So like, you need a little sauce to like jazz it up a little bit. And I don't think that restaurants have figured it out. I've had a crab cake or two in my lifetime, I will admit. And anytime that a restaurant has decided to like, oh, we're serving it with this sauce, it literally made no sense. It made absolutely no sense. And I was just like, so what was the point? Well, I see what you're trying to do. I get the thinking, but it didn't work.

My mentality for those of you that never had crab cakes, absolutely try them, but like, you know,

that's it. Just the one time. Right. It's more of an experience thing. It's not an, oh, I need this every single time. It's like, eh, good. You know, and you know, that's coming. I am personally a seafood lover. I love seafood, but man, just give me some crab legs. I don't want crab cakes. I want them you can you can keep those all right we are going on to our last item in the mid category and I'm save this one for last because I know that this is going to be more than a conversation it is probably going to be a head-to-head battle between me and Diggie and I need you to just prepare yourself a little bit are you ready? Oh we already know what's coming but okay just just say it all right listeners I know that you guys are also probably going to very much disagree with me. But for the last item in the mid category, I have wings.

Wow, chicken wings.

That kind of hurts the soul, I ain't gonna lie. Chicken wings are such a go-to favorite. They're like, you can't go wrong in a sense. Like you mid places where you're like, eh, okay, like none of these appetizers look good. Like chicken wings should be, it shouldn't be in the mid tier. They should be like up in like the best of the best. They're like in the Mount Rushmore of appetizers. Like, you're disrespecting on the goated appetizer right there.

Alright, alright. Hear me out now. To me, I don't treat wings as an appetizer. I like my wings to be a main. So, I like to get my wings from a wing place, such as Wing Stop. Love me some Wing Stop, give me a 10 piece of the lemon pepper, right? A side of fries. To me, wings, I don't really want them as an appetizer. I don't want them before I'm ordering something else. I don't want wings and then I'm eating a burger later. That doesn't necessarily make sense. I just don't get it. And then also, when I have had wings from restaurants, like restaurants that serve traditional American food, you know, they got the burgers, they got the pizza and all that other stuff, their wings are never good. I never like them. I'm just like, man, if I'm gonna get wings, I would rather go to Wingstop. I would rather go to Buffalo Wild Wings. I would rather go to a place that serves wings, and that's really all they do. You know, I don't want to go to some place and then like gamble on whether these wings are gonna be great or not.

I can understand that, but at the same time, it's just like, it's a go-to. You know, I don't know, like go-to, simple, easy, the whole group can agree. Because the other thing you have to consider too, when you go out to restaurants and stuff, your group can be picky as can be. You know, one people will be like, oh I'm feeling this, I'm feeling that, I'm feeling that. And the three of them have nothing to do with each other, but then you can be like, oh how about chicken wings? Everybody's like, yeah I like chicken wings, yeah. It's like, it's a pleaser. It makes kids, adults, your grandma, you know, everybody likes chicken wings. There's not a lot of people that would be like, nah, let's pick something else on that menu, you know. It's just convenient, it's something to go to.

Alright, but you bring up a great point of like, oh, it's great for groups. Tell me this, about how many wings do restaurants typically give you in an appetizer?

I don't know, it depends on the restaurant, but I'm gonna say like 10 to 15.

Really? Because I feel like any given restaurant is giving you 10 at the most. Less than 10. Okay. I've had restaurants, they're giving you like six. Look, look, if I'm getting wings, I need at least four guaranteed. And you know, I don't want to be sharing wings with other people at a restaurant. Because it's like, you're not guaranteed to get that many. If you're out with a group of four people, everybody needs at least four wings, that's 16 wings. Like you're not gonna get it. You already said that a restaurant's not gonna give you more than 15, even I think 15 is a stretch. You know, I don't want to eat two chicken wings and be like, well, that's all my share. God dang, I can't get any more. Because, you know, and that's like where it comes into wings as an appetizer at a restaurant are low-key a scam because you're not getting that many, but you're paying for the same amount that you could get like a 10 piece at Wingstop, a 20 piece at Wingstop, you know? But you're getting way less for the same price at a restaurant.

So I think you're blaming the restaurants here more than the actual chicken wing itself. Just because the restaurants are not a proportion right doesn't mean the chickens fall for being bussin' you know? You can't blame chicken for being

chicken. Alright but another thing about restaurants is like the flavors are usually limited for chicken wings so too. You know they're usually just buffalo wings really. Exactly you know let's say well what if I want barbecue wings what if I want lemon pepper I can't get lemon pepper wings at every single restaurant it's going to be buffalo. That's true. You know it's like I if I want wings I want what I want I want at least four you know I'm gonna clean the bones, and I want them to be at least like lemon pepper. You know, it's like you're not gonna get like honey habanero wings at any given restaurant.

Like, this is not gonna happen. Okay, I can give you that. I can give you that for sure.

And that's why wings, it's just, it comes with too many stipulations. That's why it's mid. I can't put wings in the top area, because it just comes with too many stipulations. Oh, the flavor is basically chosen for me. I'm not gonna get enough, and it's gonna be pricey per wing. Right. You know, that's why they're made for me. I just can't do it. I can't put it in the top. I'm sorry, man. All right, I guess that was our controversial take. Hopefully that was our only controversial take of the episode.


We're, oh my God, he has so much hope in me. I love that. Thank you, thank you, Diggy. Of course. All right, we're gonna move into the top area, right? This is everybody's favorite. Top tier. Basically, the classics. And to me, this first one I'm about to list, though I can't get them at every single restaurant, but if I see it on the menu, I'm getting it.

Potato skins.

Potato skins, those are busting, I ain't gonna lie. They're pretty good, they're really good, because not everybody likes a baked potato, and some people get bored of fries. It's a great between, great in between. And like you said, because it takes so much work, most restaurants won't do it. But you gotta realize, the best restaurants usually have them. So if your guys' favorite restaurant doesn't have them, it's probably not that good of a restaurant. Let's give it a buck 50, you know?

Look, look, I haven't ate at TGI Fridays in about like 15 years. But look, if I pull up to a TGI Fridays, I bet you money they have potato skins and I'm gonna order them. That's true. It's potato skins, they are literally heaven in a bite. You got your little, your tiny little, like favorably portioned but like baked potato with some cheese some chives some you know some bacon sour cream right right you know there's so many layers of flavor right there and talk and they are so good yeah so good love me some potato skins I'm gonna get them every time all right no that's a fan favorite across the board right yeah

I can I could pretty much agree with that.

Right, next up, we got mozzarella sticks.

Hoo-wee, that's on the Mount Rushmore too, man. Mozzarella sticks are really just, you can't go wrong with them. Mozzarella sticks I think goes well soaked, well, it's just fried cheese, you know? Let's keep it a buck fifty. Who doesn't like cheese and who doesn't like fried food? You mix them two together. It's really hard for restaurants to mess that up. So, another thing that's good with them too is like mostly every sauce, it goes with it. It goes with it.

Obviously you got the classic marinara, but you know, people, everybody's got their advice. You know, you can dip that in multiple different sauces and it's still good. And then when you get that little cheese pull, so good. You know, you could argue with me and say that mozzarella sticks are a waste of money. You know, it's just fried cheese, but it's so good that I don't care. Right. I don't care. I will spend my last dollar on some mozzarella sticks if I really wanted to.

Like we were talking about crab cakes, it takes so much work for it to mess up. Mozzarella sticks are the exact opposite. It's actually surprising when a restaurant does mess up.


I should be really concerned if my restaurant messes up mozzarella sticks.

Right, if my mozzarella sticks aren't good, I don't even want the main, man. Just give me the check at that point, because like, come on now. This is easy money right there. Easy money, all right. And yeah, that's all I have to say about Montevideo Stitch. Amazing. All right, this next one. I got a couple of people that were like, really? For real?

Okay, okay, Jordan.

But I think it's great. Buffalo Chicken Dip.

Buffalo Chicken Dip is definitely a good one. But the reason why that's like a surprise because of the fact that not everywhere serves it as well. It is a very hit or miss place that serves it. But the places that do, well, there's a reason why they do.

Cause that, it'd be bussing I go high so good it is spicy is gooey is cheesy is so delicious you know this is I feel like the one thing with chips that is worth it because not only is it a dip so you know everybody loves dip you know and all that stuff but you know it's got a little protein in there you got some chicken up in there and this is something that yeah you can't really exactly find it at all restaurants but hey you can make this at home and it hits for the football party. Everybody loves doing some of that buffalo chicken dance.

That's the first thing that's gone in the parties at the Super Bowl watch party.

You know it, you know it. If you walk in late it's over for you. Oh yeah you ain't getting that. You ain't getting none of that. You know you getting the... You getting the wraps. The sides, the sides. I barely have any buffalo anymore. The burnt cheese that's like stuck at the top a little bit I don't know from the from the bottom to your food. Oh, man. It's good. It's missing the top of my mind Oh, you're gonna eat the pigs in a blanket. Yeah, the pigs in a blanket. That's what you're all getting left That's that's all is left. Yeah, that is all that is left. Yeah autumn phase from the Super Bowl. They gone They're gone. You know beyond time right you gotta be there before kickoff. You gotta be able to hear that national anthem Mm-hmm all right, but a little chicken dip. I think is a hit so we're gonna move on to our next thing. Another thing that is pretty much, in my opinion, a house party hit, right? A lot of people don't like it, but I love it. Deviled Eggs. Deviled Eggs should definitely not be in the top tier. It really shouldn't. I like them, don't get me wrong, I do. I actually like them a lot because I'm a big fan of eggs. I think everything about it just goes well, so good together. It's just that deviled eggs are exquisite taste. It's not made for all people. Some of those chicken tendy people, you know who y'all are. That's definitely not for you. Too much flavors. Too much flavors for y'all. So just for that alone, I absolutely love them. They're great. I can see where you're coming from. I absolutely agree with you. But for those chicken tendy people, it's too much flavor for them. Right. Deviled eggs is not going to be something that you see in restaurants. I've never seen deviled eggs on a menu in my life. But man, when I pull up, my family, my auntie, shout out to my auntie, I love her, she made them deviled eggs, she made them so good. And she'd be sprinkling on just a little bit of cayenne on top just for a little bit of heat. So, so good, and just the time. It doesn't take you long to make them, but the technique. The technique is what really gets me. You're using every part of the egg, and I love that. You know, you got that little filling, you know, give you a little piping bag. You know, you're a real pastry chef, you know, with the deviled eggs. And yes, it does take an acquired taste, but the technique alone is what really propels it into that top tier for me. And you know, it's so simple, but for those of us that do like deviled eggs, it's hard to just eat two. I want more. It's something I keep going back towards. And that's why I think that they deserve to be in the tops here. It's like, I can't really get enough.

The deviled eggs, the buffalo chicken dip, definitely gonna be gone.

Yeah, I want to eat the whole tray.


And you know, I don't mind that you picky eaters, you little picky eaters, I don't mind that you don't like it because guess what, that's just more for me. Right. That's just more for me, and you know I'm gonna eat them. I'm gonna eat them up. All right, and I think we are going to be on our last item for top tier. Our last item of the night is going to be Calamari.

Calamari. Calamari's interesting, cause once again, I think all, most of these top tiers, it's for the exquisite ones. It's not for the chicken tendy folks. It's another one of those that like, you know, if you're a chicken tendies fan, it's not gonna be for you. It's a little too much textures, too much flavors once again, but man, are those bussing too, man, they go crazy. They go crazy, yeah. No, Calamari definitely goes crazy. If you've learned how to get some taste buds, you'll absolutely love them. They go great with everything as well. Once again, one of those things that just can't go wrong. And yeah, no, they're just great. I don't know what else to say about calamari.

Take it from Diggy himself. Once you grow up and you get some taste buds, you gonna love you some calamari.

Yeah, calamari's definitely a favorite.

When it is done right, you know, because calamari, it can be done wrong. It can be technical errors. It can be too chewy. You know, there are times that calamari is subpar, but man, when it is done right, it is so good. And it is another thing that can have multiple different types of dips. You can dip it in this. You can dip it in that. Oh, squeeze you some lemon for the acid. The acid is what makes it go crazy. A lot of dishes, they're missing an acid element, but when you squeeze on that lemon on top of your calamari, it is so good. And it's fried! Who don't love them some fried food? Come on now, come on now.

It's fried, it's so good.

So good. All right, we are now at the segment, our last segment of the show, where you Diggy, I'm giving you the task of, hey, if I miss something that is just not listed on this list, I need you to speak it with your chest, and I need you to bring it to my attention and we'll try about it or you can really rally behind one of the items that I said like yo girl you was crazy this is not this is not deserve to be in this

category this is there to be somewhere else I think one thing that we completely missed over for whatever reason is bread I mean it's kind of it's it's basic as it can be but it's true most restaurants you know you get a basket of bread and I think for most restaurants I mean yeah most restaurants it just comes with the your meal anyway but it's a tone setter I ain't gonna lie if your bread if your bread booty the restaurants probably booty too you know just just walk away like all right I'll just pay for this bread and I'm out I

will say my family's go-to restaurant typically is Cheesecake Factory just because that bread is busted I used to be a child being like I need the brown bread I need the chocolate bread that's what I would call it. But for this episode, I tried to stay away from complimentary items just because this was appetizers, this is a shareable that you pay for. You know, bread is something that's on the table, that's on the house. You know, they just like, hey, this is for you, this is on us, this is for you. You know, you don't have to like it, you don't have to eat it. You know, I don't know a single person who really eats the white bread from Cheesecake Factory, we're all there for the chocolate bread, you know?

I ain't gonna lie, I eat both.

Oh, okay. Okay. I didn't know that.

You eat it both? You smash them both together?

I both okay You eat it both you smash them both together how much okay, maybe I'll try it sometime. I definitely won't yeah I love the Buddha honesty I came for the chocolate bread. That is what I'm here right right all right But yeah, I tried to stay away from Complimentary items just because I feel like that's it's a category of its own, but I will admit. I do love me some bread Yeah, I think bread with just a little spread of butter just and you know the butter that the restaurant gives you matters it definitely matters you know you're right it does set the tone of dinner it's like guys we need to leave right now like oh no I don't know about this but you know what we're gonna be doing we're gonna definitely do a complimentary item type of episode later on in the future all right but is there anything else I you just really need to get off your chest Daisy.

Man, besides your disrespect to wings, I think we pretty much set the tone here for tonight.

Alrighty, alrighty, alright, alright, alright, alright. Then that just wraps up our episode. Thank you so much for tuning into this episode. I appreciate every single one of you. I appreciate every single one of you. I hope all of you guys have a great night.

Transcribed with Cockatoo