And She Spoke: Women. Money. Power.

In the business world, “runway” is the amount of money or cash in hand that you have to cover future expenses. In this episode, we delve into this concept, why it’s absurd in a business that’s already generating an income, and why online businesses still need a buffer even though their overheads are low. 
You’ll hear about how not having a buffer can negatively impact your decisions as a business owner, the importance of reinvesting in your business versus paying yourself out, and why you can’t expect to be profitable from day one. 
We also discuss the benefits of keeping your job while building your business on the side and why you should think about your business as an entity separate from yourself with separate finances. 
Having an online business is not for everyone but it can be the best and most wonderful way to live. So tune in today to find out how building runway into your business can help set you up for long-term success!

Here’s a sneak peek of what we discuss:
  • Definition of “runway” and why this concept is absurd in a business that’s already generating an income.
  • What a “burn rate” is and how this relates to your runway.
  • Why we need a buffer in online businesses even though our overheads are low.
  • How not having a buffer can negatively impact your decisions as a business owner.
  • The differences between a service-based business and an online business in terms of the buffer required.
  • Insight into the impact of COVID-19 on online businesses. 
  • Thoughts on reinvesting in your business versus paying yourself out. 
  • Why you can’t expect to be profitable from day one.
  • The need for another job to pay your bills while building your business. 
  • Busting the myth that if you work on your business full-time, you’ll make more money.
  • The notion of Barista FIRE in the FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) movement and the benefits of a low-stress job.
  • Why you should think about your business as an entity separate from you with separate finances.
Joy & Hustle: The song of significance by seth godin

This podcast is brought to you by the Marvelous online teaching platform.
Marvelous is an easy-to-use platform that helps you build and sell your own courses, memberships, and live-streamed programs. Go from idea to open for business in just minutes. If you're looking for a simple, streamlined way to build and grow an online business. You can learn more at Marvelous.

What is And She Spoke: Women. Money. Power.?

For so many modern, driven women, life is about being more than one thing. We’re multidimensional—and so are our conversations. We carry multiple identities; we can be both mother and artist; both attorney and entrepreneur. Both clinician and CEO. Both humble and proud. Life for women like us is about both. About…all of the above. It’s about the “and”...

Welcome to the And She Spoke podcast in today's episode we are discussing the concept of building runway into your business. Hello sandy fellow co-host extraordinaire.

I Always like watching you do the Intros have no idea what you're going to say.

Isn't it fantastic that you don't know what I'm going to do usually I do nothing usually I'm really boring about it right? Okay, well. So.

Ah, all right runway. Let's talk about runway.

As we were debating the title of this you pointed out that those outside of the startup world. Don't really know what runway means and so let's enlighten them Sandy What does runway mean.

Runway is the amount of money cash in hand in the bank that you have that you can survive on like it's usually spoken about in months like how many months of runway. Do you have? So if you can last if your expenses. Are one thousand a month then you have $5000 you have five months of runway. So it's cash in the bank that are going to pay your expenses out into the future.

Okay, yes, but I actually think like this whole idea is sort of absurd to me in the startup world because it assumes that you're not going to be making money in your business to cover your cost right? So it's like this idea that you need to have this money banked so that you're going to slowly run through it or burn through it. That's.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Great with your burn rate and you run to the investors and ask for more I know as you were talking about that when you were doing the intro.

Other word we love to use burn you're going to burn through your money burn rate you're going to have five months and then you're going to run out of money so you better figure something out in those five months

Was thinking about how many times we had conversations with investors and they would say what's your runway and you would be like it's infinite because we bring in money every single month and we only you know we keep our expenses below that and they are like what. Like things like every single business in the world runs like that except for tech startups and they'd be like we don't Understand. We're going to pass. Thanks. But oh my god.

Yeah, and what there was a lot of that I was like are you kidding me and I think that there was like this genuine like well why are you here and fair enough like why are you coming to us if you have money coming in to pay your bills and the answer is because it's always good. Well not always. We thought it was good to have more money so that we could grow faster and that is the myth of ah the internet based business but let's just not let we're not going to talk about tech startups today we are going to talk about regular businesses online businesses the beauty of online businesses is that you have really really low overhead. Theoretically.

Yeah, but yeah, no.

You don't need to have these same kind of concerns about like building up a ton of resources and burning through it really fast, but you still want as an online business and as a new business in particular to position yourself to have a little bit of more like buffer so you have some time. And freedom to experiment and not have all this pressure on you to make a living from day one in your business.

I think that people go a little bananas when they start online businesses and they just think that it's just you know you build it. They calm you make so much money. It's passive revenue and so on and it's equal work to having a brick and mortar. Um, the expenses that you said are way low lower but you still have to put some effort in there and I think it's just it's odd to me that people create businesses without any backing of money like they just like here. It is day one I'm going to. Put myself out there. Try to sell this thing bring in some money and hopefully I'll make all my expenses this month and then they do it again the next month like lost money that month hopefully this month um and it's like no business runs like that if you when I started my brick and mortar business.

I can to Matt I would not be here today if I opened the doors and had you know $10000 in rent and half a million dollars in an inventory and all these staff the staff to pay as well as myself and like just pray to god that I'm going to make the money to pay my expenses.


Like that is a horrible way to run a business and so what you do is you go get a line of credit or we all put cash in too. So We had some Cash. We had some line of credit so that we could go negative for the first couple months until we built up and went positive and then away we go but to have that money in the bank wherever it comes from. The Runway gives you the peace of mind that you can pay your expenses. There's nothing worse. Nothing worse as an entrepreneur about every single month like needing money right now.

Yeah I agree with you and I think that it's a really dangerous thing to do for your business. Um, one minute my audio is really quiet on the beep 1 minute

So so. Okay.

Okay, is that a little bit better. Can you hear me? Okay, like your sound waves are huge and minor like these little tiny.


On my screen our sound waves look pretty much the same.

No interesting. Okay beep. Ah. So Sandy I think that the problem is that when you go into business and you don't have kind of any buffer around your need to earn money to pay your bills you make decisions that are not in the long-term interest or even the medium-term interest of your. Business and therefore yourself and I really want to make the distinction here I see a clear distinction between like a service based business and like the kind of online business that we're talking about the scalable online business where you're selling something like a group program or a membership or a course or something because.

Yes, true true.

Service-based I think you don't need this kind of buffer or runway to the same extent because you're just going to go out and hustle and you're just trying to like kind of pay your bills every month and that's one business model. Um, but what we really teach in our coaching program in the luminaries is to how to how to build a a scalable business. Where you kind of don't have an income ceiling. Your revenue is not tied to your hourly rate and in this case, you need to have some room to experiment to test to play around with like different marketing and launch tactics. Um, you need to have time to build an audience so that you have people to sell to and all of that requires runway buffer and I think that a huge mistake that happened immediately post covid and it's still kind of residually there in the industry is that people like panicked. And had to or chose to jump into online business without kind of having a plan and so there was just this immediate need for money now and that's just such a disservice truly to your business and your long-term interests to need money now because you're just going to be making decisions to get money in the door.

Just this immediately.

At the expense of investing in your business and yourself and your systems and all the things that like will actually give you the kind of business that you really want in the long run.

Right in covered people slapped up something because the whole world went online and a lot of people made a lot of money in those like memberships were flying in and and lots and then as the world opened up things started to decline and people were laughed with these businesses that.


Aren't making money you know you you got a taste of what it's like to have that that revenue come in on in a scalable so ah scalable product but now you're like oh my god I don't know how to market it I don't know what to do with this thing I don't know how to get new I don't know how to grow it right? and so that's why I think we're seeing so much panic around like I need to make money right now. Um, it it is it just feels like covid leftovers. We've got these messes to clean up in our business because of what happened to us collectively a couple years ago

Um, yeah, yeah, and I think there's a difference too like for those of us that got in in 20132014 into this space and like leading up to the pandemic I remember like there there typically has it. There wasn't this kind of urgency.

No no.

People made a decision much more slowly. They had other revenue other income they maybe had day jobs and this was something that was like a long-term play and then all of a sudden right now we have the market that's essentially filled at this point with people who. Have a very different association with online business which it's like okay I need this right now. This is how I support myself and it's it's like it is a really great way to support yourself. But you've got to give yourself some time to build up that and like for us it was years and years of time and I just I Also want to say just before I forget.

Yeah, sometimes it was here. We are so.

If if we had taken the money out of our company to pay ourselves like we were making good money. Revenue wise many years ago. Free covid many many year for firm years where we were siphoning off only a little bit of that money to pay ourselves because we were reinvesting it.

Pre covid.

And our business and that's what enabled us to actually have the kinds of businesses the 2 companies that we have now and if we had been sort of like greedily taking the money out of the companies like I kind of see it as like just extraction like we wouldn't have anything right now like we would have we would have like mess.


Just like a lot of other people have and so there's this like beautiful gift. It's like giving to your future self. It's like investing in your retirement accounts or something and it's like that's what your business I think should be for you is like this is your long term play and what if you can have the patience. To make the long term play. There's nothing like this in the world right? like you've created something that's going to like nurture you and take care of you for years and years and years. But not if you drain the crap out of it.


Yeah, yeah, um, or there's just no like very little revenue coming in month after month after month. Yeah, and I think like what's it's a very different feeling when like the type of.

Yeah, yes, true for some people that's true. Yes.

Leader or Ceo of your company that you are the decisions that you make when you're like thinking about the next three months six months when you're two years three years is totally different than oh my god I have to pay I need money right now like it's completely different and you're operating from a place of. Scarcity from a place of fear from a place of panic and that's all going to come back to you right? So I think this idea of having a runway or buffer so that you can just get clear and make some mistakes you can try something and fail and not lose everything. Um. That is crucial as a business owner to have some wiggle room to lose money for three six nine months until you can figure it out because you've got to figure out what sells you've got to figure out how do you describe How do you sell it. How do you communicate it? How do you build the audience as you said earlier.

Just right now.

How do you like? what is your price you have to trial these things to figure it out and you are going to lose money and so if you need to be profitable from day one. It's going to be a very short ride.

So and.

Yeah, and I just like I want to give some a concrete examples for how you and I dealt with this early on or even not that long ago I mean first of all, both of us were coaching in other people's programs. We had paid coaching roles.



At various times and other programs. Um, when we were first starting so we never you and I both never relied on our businesses to support us fully um you so continued with your previous career. Even though you had sold your business right? like you were still like doing some additional work for a while.

Um I went solo. Yeah I went solo for a little bit. Yeah.

Yeah, went so low. Yep and then there's a period of time and I was like also getting consulting work because you know we were building businesses and you learned some skills I was doing like Ux consulting I had different like contract jobs over the years and um and then also at one point I went back to. Being a lawyer and so there was a time there where personally like finances were a little uncertain for my family. It ended up it ended up not being a big deal in that way. But I had accepted a job and I went back to work for a couple years and worked as an attorney part time I mean. We were well over a million dollars in revenue when I was still working another job and I just I think that it's helpful to say that kind of stuff because people assume like oh if my business isn't supporting me eight months in it's a failure and like I'm going to shut it down.

And in the.

And it's years and years and years like if you really want this, you will do what it takes to make it happen for yourself and that may mean taking a side job getting a full time job getting a part time job getting consulting work doing 1 ne-onone coaching or consulting like those are all very risk.

Um, yes.

Actable ways to pay your bills while you are making the long-term investments in your business.

Yeah it's so tempting to think I think like the mistake people tell themselves is that oh if I work on it full time I will make more money I'll be focused I'll do all this work I'll do this more. You know the more time I throw at it the more money I will make. And I get it when when I was um, just doing custom orhoics as a sole practitioner I would that was my money coming in I also had a second company connectable so I had revenue from that company too and I wanted so desperately to work full time with you. On at the time nom stream because it was just so much more fun and it was new and exciting and I remember just being like really uncertain that I could support myself with what little we were paying ourselves in nomma stream back in those days and so I hung on and I hung on and I hung on even though I desperately wanted to do the new thing right? I wanted out of the. Practitioner world. Um, but I didn't because there was I just couldn't so I needed the money. So I just I totally get that people want to run there because it's exciting and new but it's still a time like you need to put time in it to develop to develop the business into a place where it can support. You.


So you have to take care of your needs and your expenses and what does that look like staying at your job longer going back and getting a good old fashioned JOb does it. Do you have other revenue you can invest as a shareholders loan into your company so that that's your runway. That's your buffer like there's quite a few options.

Um, yeah, you know this like reminds me I'm endlessly fascinated with the fire movement on a financial independence would hire early and there's all these like different kinds of fire like fat fire and lean fire and whatever if you know about.

Oh yeah.

Personal finance most of you will know what I'm talking about but there is also something called like barista fire which means you can like you can save up a certain amount of money in your retirement. Maybe you don't want to wait until you're in the us like sixty five years old to retire and. You know you want to go like have more freedom and like write a book or like travel more whatever. There's a whole group of people now that like go get a job at Starbucks or a coffee shop. You know, part time they get health insurance in the us through that they have a little bit of salary to cover their bills but they also have this like nest egg.


You know? so they're not going to try to like max out their retirement accounts and wait till they're older to retire they like they're like I'm going to make a life choice to retire with less in my retirement account but I'm still going to like kind of work and but I'm I'm not going to work my high intensity stressful job I'm going to go get a job at a coffee shop.


I Mean that's also something that can work in business like you can go get a low stress job to cover your costs like you don't need to stay if you have a career that's really stressful or demanding. You don't have to do that like you can go get financial resources elsewhere that supports your business and your lifestyle.


Um, I think there's like shame in going to get a job.

Yeah I get that like I kind of felt that when I went back to law when was that Sandy that was like 2018 or something I think 2018 is when I when I got a job again. Um, and I felt that way for like a day for like a day.

Like you failed like you should be able to make it. Um.

And then I was like oh I'm like an important lawyer again like like I think you just you get to decide like that's the beauty of coaching and mindset work right? is like you get to decide what that means and then I was like okay now I'm a person that runs a tech company and.


And I'm a lawyer.

And I'm a lawyer and a mom and you know whatever else and I just you handle it and you make it work and I stayed at that job way longer than I needed to for the finances because there was work I was committed to doing and cared about right? So there's other there's also that there's like it's possible that you can have a job that you care about.



And that can also be fulfilling and so I think that there's just you know I Just want to talk about business as like thinking about your business as like this other entity. That's not you because um I think not enough people do that and I I think now with our. Software Company Sandy I Think because there's so many people that have like a little piece of it and have an interest in it and we have still a pretty decent size team like it's not mine. It's not yours. It's not ours anymore like it's bigger than us and I think even if it's just you alone in your business if you can start to. Think about your business as something bigger than you or outside of you. It's really helpful because you'll start to make decisions that nurture and sustain the business and you'll be able to see that they're not the same thing as you in that business like ideally you you have that like mental separation because it's healthy to have it but also.


Like this is something that maybe you're going to sell one day. This is something that like will provide tons of opportunities for you and your family like start to think about it is not just you know this is how I make my money because because like if you're thinking about it that way. It's just a really limiting way to think about a business. Yeah.

Yeah, a lot of people even have their finances all mixed up right? like their business revenue comes into their personal account and I think that's the first step is to really separate those into different bank accounts have that legal entity and as you said think about it as a.


As a thing that you are growing and leading. But it's not about you. It's not like ah and a lot of people I've seen not so much recently. But in the past couple years like people will be like oh I have to pay myself. You know like they're just. They just bring in the revenue and it just goes all out to expenses and they're not taking any kind of salary and it's just it's it's It's so hard and so discouraging to live like that. So We we want you to.

Yeah, um.

Not worry about money like protect yourself so that you can pay your bills and come at your business with creativity and excitement and joy and abundance and like see what you can do. But if you'd like need money now. It's really impossible.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, and and I think like the mindset Sandy for those people is like they're not really entrepreneurs and maybe that's offending someone and I'm sorry if I'm offending you in your listing. But if you're just like starting a business because you don't want to work for someone else and you just want money some other way like. Like you need you need to have a reason to have a business like I just it's it's a tremendous responsibility to be a business owner like you have different rules than other people like you have you need to you need to be interested enough in what that means to research that to to get coaching on it or. To Google it to figure out what's involved with being a business and taking that seriously because it it is. It's not for everybody and I don't think it's like necessarily the greatest thing to do if especially the kind of business we're talking about an online business a scalable online business. It's not really right for you if you're just looking for an excuse not to have a boss. Like maybe it's okay to be a consultant or something do 1 on 1 services like maybe that's different but um to build the kind of business that we teach that's like really truly scalable and life changing. you've got to you've got to want to do it.



Yeah, which means failing and losing money for a little bit. That's what it means? Yeah, yeah, yeah, and um, my current business coach is DL and now we're trying to get her on the podcast. Um, just trying to set up some dates. She.

Yeah, lot of feeling all the failing.

And we will talk about this with her. She ah had a a very good job at a university um, and she was coaching on the side and she didn't leave her job until her business was at a million she wanted that was her side hassle and once she hit that million mark then she left her job.

She wants.

And it's an incredible story and that's why I want to get her on the podcast but it's just like even at fifty Thousand or one hundred thousand she left the money in the business. She took her salary from her corporate job and she reinvested it and she grew it till she was certain that she had something.

Yeah, that.

And it's just like a massive number. Um, yeah so I just share that story just for perspective that there are people who will stay at their job even though they're making tons of money. Um, from most of our standard by most of our standards.

Yeah, yeah I think like a lot of the again going back to personal finance finance like a lot of the personal finance business owners do that like there's so many of those stories of.

Um, yeah, yeah, um.

Well staying in Legal job like lawyer jobs or doctor jobs or you know, whatever, very successful careers and and growing a business on the side I mean I think that that is is like if you have a job where you can do that and you like your job and you have those kinds of skills that's kind of the best. Of both Worlds right? because you have all of the security. Um, and that like sort of I don't know the habits and the like safety net of Job. But then you also get to like fully just lean into the pleasure and the experimentation of the business.

Ah, yeah.


And then when that moment comes to leap fully into the business. You'll know when it is like I I knew when I did to come back full time to our company and um and it was It was like pretty seamless transition. It's fine. So.


Yeah, yeah, okay, well I think it's important for everyone to kind of look at that where they are at and do they need to make some new decisions about getting a job or you know just thinking about it even differently and like. Zooming out so many people just don't they're just like month by month by month. But if we zoom out and give your business a chance to breathe and to grow. What do you have to do to to allow that.

Now it.

Yeah I think that's such good advice. Sandy I wouldn't wish that stress that like month to month stress on anyone? Yeah yeah.

I Mean we've we've felt it too at moments with on the software side right? with this all the quick changes. It's absolutely we will never let that get even close to worrying about expenses again ever ever ever.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, when you are in a situation where you have to bring in like multiple hundreds of thousands of dollars a month just to keep the lights on the stress of that will never We will always have buffer and margin and runway forevermore because it's yeah yeah, yeah, never again and I mean I I think maybe you have to feel it I think a lot of people though like where why we're doing this episode a lot of people feel that in their own way early on right because they leap into business.

We will do more work and work with less people than feel that again.

With that pressure initially on and so that's what we want to help you avoid and um I just I Also I worry that we maybe sounded a little negative about business in this and I just I want to just reiterate how big a fans. Both of us are of entrepreneurship and. How it actually is the best and most wonderful way to live if you feel called to it. It just requires a different way of thinking and you know different kinds of compromises. But if you're called to do it I Just I want to just like end this episode by saying you should.


Because there's nothing like it in the world and it's the most incredible roller coaster. So it's totally worth it. It's totally worth having a job and you know in doing a second job on the side as you're growing it. It's um, the ride of a lifetime. So oh my gosh. Oh that should be let's do it.

Absolutely okay. Can we do joint Householdstle Can we do joint Asil I'm super excited.

But kind of the same thing this week. Hu's the first. Okay, so this week is all about Seth Godin and the hustle is his new book which is called the song of significance and the reason that it's also a joy.

Okay, then let's do let's do hustle first then.

Is because there's a bee on the cover there you go sandy.

So okay I don't know what his new book is about but it does have a b on it and I got an email from seth ah he didn't send it to me personally, it's just you know I'm on his list and he has these. Beautiful like letterpress posters and there's bees on all of them and I was like what is going on. Um, and I'm almost ordered one because it's like a little quote about how organized, um, the bees are when they arrive at the hive and nobody's like crashing in it looks like chaos. But it's actually not. And I think he's probably comparing a hive to a business which was actually a book that I would like to write I had thought about that Seth beat me to it but he's got all these. He's got this um store called Seth's Seth's dot store. And has all his books there and it has all these letterpress posters that he like someone is like handdoing. He also has a bee mug and then we went down a rabbit hole just before we recorded this because the beam the mugs have the word significance from his book title and then a b on it. They're beautiful and the people that are writing.


Are making these ah it's called bread and badger are making these mugs for Seth.

Vancouver Washington Washington state represent.

And we just spent like 30 minutes like picking out mugs that we would like to buy Jenny found a serpent one. Um, anyway, it's just really cool stuff and I actually didn't know that Seth had a store.

Oh yes, he's a man of many talents interests. Yeah.

Yeah, he just gets everyone else to make it or print it or whatever and then it's just on Demand or all preordered stuff. It's very so very smart.

Yeah, it's very cool. Um, these mugs are a little pricey but they seem well worth it and they're handmade by somebody in Washington so we will be ordering mugs after we conclude the recording of this episode I will look forward to podcasting as I drink out of my mug.


No, you mean to get the serpent one.

I Don't know that I'm going to get the beat one. But I think I'm going to get the serpent one i' am obsessed with the serpent I Love it. It's my like it's my little creature. It's my.

Sign symbol. Okay, so yeah I'm going to get the B one one of them. There's they're just some fantastic and we're both going to order Cess New book. We don't even know I'm read it.

I Just already clicked before we started I clicked to the audiobook. It's waiting for me in my audible.

Yeah, and it's just whatever he puts out is just magical and you know we all, we just don't ask. Yeah no questions just go go listen to Seth with your sipping tea from your bee mug or your serpent mug.

Yeah, just go listen. Go read it. Go listen whatever you need to do? Yeah, yeah yeah, and maybe by this time next year you'll be selling raw honey. We'll have an affiliate link.

Um, away for sure will yeah yeah, but I'm not shipping it I'm not shipping it. You have to come to Alberta and I will sell it to you and yeah, you get to pick it up. Yeah.

Will be selling our honey on the podcast website. He could come pick it up. Sandy will fill it to you in her be suit. She'll be wearing the bee suit when you pick up your honey.

Which by the way can I Just tell you a funny story. He um I'm picking up my bees tomorrow morning and I'm you know getting the emails from um, the lady that I'm buying them from and she said that in her email she said so they're in boxes are like in little wooden boxes with ventilation and ah and a. Ah, little thing to turn to get let them out when you get to the hives and she's like they may leak so you have to have I'm like Leak is this a bottle of liquid like why are you saying the bees are going to Leak. Um, but bring duct tape in case, you need to like tape up wherever they're escaping from I'm like ok ok.

Oh my God to your your car may be filled with bees as you're like driving to the farm.

And then yeah and so so then she said if you have a truck they they will need fresh Air. So If you're in a truck that's fine. But if you're in a car makes you rolled on the windows and because the bees leak you may want to wear your bee suit or your or your veil. Um I think I need to do that just for the yes and reaction of the other drivers like and you just be like waving like what hi you know you like as if nothing was odd. Oh My God I think it's totally dangerous because yeah, your visibility is restricted but.

You need to have somebody filming you driving down the road and your beast it with the windows down. Yeah yeah, yeah.

I Just think that is hilarious that even the concept of like driving with your bee suit because you've got box boxes of bees in the back and they might leak.

You know you really need to get a go pro and install it in the inside of your vehicle for everyone to enjoy this whole experience like this is you need to get it like go by a gopro and just get a dash like little dash mount and have it internally.

I am not I am going to. Ah.

Facing. Ah.

I Have duct tape I'm going to just check if the bee boxes are leaking I'm going to seal it up so we don't have bees flying in the car and I'm not going to wear veil as I drive out to the farm. Ah.

Ah, you totally need to wear a veil. This is one of those moments in your life. You just need to lean into it.

I think that's so funny. Oh my god well maybe I'll maybe I'll fake it and do a few photos and pretend. But anyway that's might be story. Okay, love it. Thanks Jenny bye.

Okay, all right. We'll see you next time by.