The Oren Cohen Podcast

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Today's episode discusses how Medium helped me find my nerdy content creation niche.


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What is The Oren Cohen Podcast?

I'm just a dude who likes to talk about nerd stuff and entrepreneurship.

Hello everyone and welcome back to
day 10 of the Oren Cohen podcast.

Today, I want to talk to you
about how medium helped me start

my nerd content creation career.

So let's get right into it.

So in July, 2019.

I was already writing on
medium for a few months.


I was watching a show called
dimension 20 at a time, which in

the United States started in 2018.

But because I'm not a US citizen.

It reached me.

Only in the beginning of
2019, about February of 2019.

Was when I started watching it.

That show was really something else.

It was the first time I was introduced
into D&D storytelling in this

kind of setting, not just like a
video game or something like that.

I have known of D&D at the time, because
I was playing video games and NeverWinter

Nights was my first introduction
to dungeons and dragons as a whole.

And that show.

Really brought to life.

What kind of stories
could be told with D&D.

So I was so inspired and I
wrote about it on medium.

I wrote.

About a specific season
called The Unsleeping City.

And I published an article on medium
saying how much, uh, I loved that show

and that people should watch it as well.


That struck a chord with.

Mediums curators, which are, if you
are not familiar, the people who.

Read every article
published on medium daily.

And is specifically
marked for the paywall.

And they decide if that story should be.


Or not.

And they chose to curate that specific
article into the TV topic page.

That's something that was
very meaningful to me.

I was very excited and I, of course,
like always I tweeted about it.

And I also tagged, Dimension 20
and Brennan Lee Mulligan, which

was the game master of that show.

A couple of days later.

I received.

a DM on my Twitter.

And that DM was from the PR
person for college humor, which

was still around back then.

And that person invited
me to interview Brennan.

Which was something that I didn't
even thought would be an option.

The interview was specifically
slated for a few days later.

And I was visiting my
brother in Texas at the time.

I was not here at home.

I was visiting him in the United States.

So I actually.

Interviewed Brennan Lee Mulligan
on my lunch break from work in my

brother's home in Austin, Texas.

It was mind blowing.

I won't forget it.


It was just such a fun experience to
ask him questions about storytelling.

And all of that happened
because I was brave enough to

hit, publish on an article.

And tag CollegeHumor.

From that point onwards.

That was my first interview with Brennan.

From that point onwards,
I got his email address.

And from then on, we started
having more and more interviews

as more seasons came out.

I think now,

Dimension 20 has about 21 seasons.

It's now premiering its 21st season.

Every week on Wednesdays, as
of recording this episode.

So I actually interviewed Brennan for.

The third season of the show.

And from then onwards, we, uh,
we talked for some other of

the shows, but not all of them.

Those interviews, which were, which
started as written blog posts, because

I didn't have a YouTube channel.

Naturally transitioned
into YouTube interviews.

When I started my YouTube channel.

In 2020.

After being cooped up
at home for six months.

I decided it's time to start a
YouTube channel because I wanted

to film and, uh, Make content.

And not just sit at home and
consume, consume, consume.

And then since starting
the YouTube channel.

Uh, I interviewed many more people.

And now I have a podcast which is not
this podcast, but a different one.

Uh, with over 47 interviews.

That's pretty amazing.


Where all my mistakes were made and
where I learned the most lessons.

And where I draw knowledge from, for this
show, where I talk to you about growing

your own podcasts and content creation.


I think I'll finish here today.

It's a little short story time.

Of how I got into my little niche.

In content creation.

Uh, if you have any questions, please let
me know in the comments of this episode.

And also, uh, if you want more
in-depth content creation advice.

I have a newsletter.

You can find it in the
description of the episode.

Um, and as always, thank you
again for listening or watching,

and I'll see you in the next one.

Bye for now.