Clydesdale Media Podcast

In an effort to be as fit as possible Scott has agreed to do his weekly check in live and online with Nutrition Coach Cheryl Nasso
Tonight it got real as Scott Breaks down his own health, and the recent cancer diagnosis in his family all leading to a tremendous amount of stress.
Cheryl and Scott put together a check list of things to accomplish while recouping from his ailments

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

To the Clydesdale Media

Weight Loss Journey,

where Scott does his weekly

check-in with nutrition

coach Cheryl Masso every

week live on our YouTube channel.

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What's going on, everybody?

Welcome to the Clydesdale

Media Weight Loss Journey.

That's all I'm doing for an intro today.


He is the Clydesdale.

I am Coach Cheryl.

And we are here to talk

about where Scott's at.

And it's funny because as a

nutrition coach,

I don't know if it's just

as a nutrition coach, as a person,

I kind of have like, well,

For one, I never have an off.

I never have a day where I'm

not thinking about somebody.

And it's funny because I was

messaging Scott over the

weekend because I needed

something from him,

but also because I had a

feeling that things weren't quite right.

And I was like, hey,

you got a few minutes?

Didn't hear back right away.

And then the next

conversation I get is that

you're not feeling well and

it's been a rough weekend.

So fill me in on what

happened this weekend.

So as we get into it, you understand,

I don't have a ton of breath.

So it's short statements.


I've been telling you for like a

month and a half that every

time I work out,

I run out of breath really fast.


It's been very frustrating

because I feel like my

sinuses were getting better and, um,

and I can breathe

completely through my nose now.

Like it's really cool.

Then this weekend just took

a turn for the worse and it

got where I couldn't really

even catch my breath.

Like felt like full on

asthma attack or that I

could just not breathe at all.

Like really scary.

so I called my doctor he

couldn't get me in until

today and um and that's

like all of a sudden like

it went from I could do a

workout but like holding

back a little bit to I

can't even like get up the

stairs like instantly so so

I get to the the doctor today


and I was still having that gas problem,

like excessive, excessive gas.

And so he felt around, laid me down,

went through my stomach, my chest,

a lot about a lot of stuff like that.

And then after a few tests,

turns out that I have a

infection in my lungs and

And it's probably been there

for a while and just really

ramped up this weekend.


Well, a couple of things.

You haven't really spoken

too much about the out of breath stuff.

Like you haven't really been disclosing.

So I have on our on this

episodes and we can listen back.

I know you've been

struggling a little bit with breathing,

but you haven't been like,

I'm getting so out of breath that like,

I have to stop.

Like I haven't, that hasn't.

So this does seem like it

got better very quickly.

However, or got fast really quickly,

got bad really fast.


I do think that there being

an underlying lung issue

might be why the last couple of months,

remember how we've been like, Hey,

you're like,

I feel like you're sick a lot.

I think that you might've

had something brewing and

it just wasn't bad enough to actually

be treated.

It wasn't,

it wasn't affecting you that

much until all of a sudden last weekend.

And that also likely

might've been what was

upsetting your gut.

It might've all been kind of

the same thing.

It might not have been your food at all.

Could have been just that stuff kind of,

you know, sitting there, you know,

so that might've been more

what you were feeling is

maybe pressure on the belly

from the lungs.


cause all that stuff pushes into your


So you might've been getting

gas and stuff from that.

I'm sure the doctor probably

talked to you about that.


the one thing he found was my stomach

was really tight.

Like it was being pushed out inches, um,

from everything that's going on.


From the lungs.



So it was distended like way out there.

And it,

that today is where that really hurts.

Like my stomach hurts so bad

this morning when I woke up, um,

And then it's just burp and

burp and burp trying to get some relief.


And then I went to the

doctor and all that.

So he gave me antibiotics and a steroid.

And it's just for five days.

And then he wants to see me,

see if there's any kind of

headway with it.

And then we'll go from there.


Did they do lung x-rays?

Not today.



So you're on a steroid and I

was going to say,

I was going to say before you said,

I'm assuming they put you

on steroids and antibiotics.

So you're going to likely

start to feel pretty good

in a couple of days with

the steroid for sure.

But yeah,

huge setback for sure in terms of

that stuff.

But, you know,

the main thing that I want

to touch on as we're going

into this is the title of

today's episode is another

hurdle right before the open.


And so,

I really have mixed feelings

about that title because I

think that in your head,

you're already like, oh, this is great.

Now I'm going into the open,

not being at my best.

I'm under, I'm not, I'm sick.

You know,

I'm not gonna really be able to showcase

myself as a person and

showing up at the gym.

And it's almost like

becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy that,

oh, my open workouts are going to suck.


First of all, I love CrossFit.

I love the open.

I love the games.

I'm all about it.

You know,

my goal is I want to compete again,

but the end of the day, it's one workout.

That's likely going to take

about 10 minutes out of your entire week.

So this hurdle, I don't give a shit.

about the open.

I don't give a shit about the open.

I'm gonna be honest.

That is the least of my

worries when you're telling

me that you have a lung

infection that is so hard

for you to walk up the stairs.

My concern for you is your

health and being able to

walk up the stairs.

So when I wrote the title


and I'm not concerned with the open



I truly not.

I really just want to feel

better and be able to be

active again without breathing heavy.


And so the title was just,

everybody's talking about the open.

I just kind of went in there.


and why I'm going to say that is

because I'm happy that you said that,

but do you know how many

people right now?

out there are stressing

about being sick two weeks

before the open or having a

funky itis in their elbow

before the open.

Freaking the games ain't

writing their paycheck.

They're going in there to show their ego.

You know, like it's like, it's dude,

it's not worth it.

So my bigger concern for you

is where we're at right now.

with your health.


And, and this is like really important,

you know,

like your health really matters.

I'm going to be honest.

I think you are entirely too stressed,

entirely too stressed.

I'm going to be flat out

honest with you today at your coach.

You are not prioritizing

your health in your life.

You are the last person that

matters in your life.

And I'm being brutally

honest with you today.

I wouldn't say last,

but I'm putting a lot of

people ahead of me.

A lot of people.

And it's got you in a situation right now.

And the solution is recognizing that

Just like your coach,

there's only so much your

body's going to be capable

of before it says, sorry,

I'm going to put you on

your ass and you're going

to have to deal with this.

And all those things that

you've been putting before

you are going to have to

take the backseat burner.

And that's only going to

make you feel worse because

now you're letting people down.

And that's not the truth,

but that's what you're going to feel.

You know,

so because I want you to get better.

And yes, like I've mentioned to you,

I've been saying this, like,

I think that there's

something going on with

your immune system.

You've likely had a lung

infection for the past 12 to 16 weeks.

It's been just brewing a little bit,

a little bit of stuff brewing in there.

And, you know, it just comes down to,

you know, people don't realize, you know,

not, yeah, you do sleep pretty well,

but your sleep schedule

isn't great for your circadian rhythm.

You know,

I think that you're working up

until the time you go to bed.

You know,

I think that you do a lot of things.

You know,

you're stressed a lot with work stuff.

You're stressed a lot with podcast stuff.

You're stressed a lot with a lot of things,

you know,

and you're not really taking

your own self and saying,

I matter in my life.

And I get it.

I don't disagree with that.

Just to answer Philip Kelly.

I do go to therapy,

but my therapist just

retired in December.


So I need to find a new one.

Let me just tell y'all, therapy,


We should all have a therapist,

especially if you work from home.

I'm just going to be honest

because you are literally

always second guessing

every thought that goes

through your head.

And it's like to the nth degree.

So I do want to disclose a

few things that I've kept

private because it's just a lot.

My mother-in-law has cancer.

My sister has cancer.

Um, my sister and my mom are fighting.

So now like we're the only

ones that listen to my sister.

It's, it's just a lot.

And we're four hours away

from all this going on and

it's taking its toll on my wife big time.

So then I feel like I have

to be behind her.

and supporting her however I can.

And all of that is taking a

front seat to like our stuff.

And it's killing my wife and me.

So first off,

I'm really proud of you for

opening up about that

because that was really hard.

But I'll be honest, I feel like this

is the first podcast in a

while that you've been

authentic with actually telling us,

not just me,

but where you're struggling

in your life to make priorities,

make you a priority.

And what you're dealing with is not easy.

It's not easy.

It's not easy to watch loved ones,

especially because I don't

know the severity of either

of those situations.

And one is your wife's mom

and one is your sister.

You said your sister.

So your your blood and the

other is your mom's blood

or your wife's blood.

That's that's not easy at

all to deal with.


You have every right to lean on people,

including a therapist,

including friends and family.

And no,

this is definitely very vulnerable.

You are on YouTube right now

sharing your story with people.

But guess what?

The cool thing about this

channel is the people that

are listening to you right

now truly care about you,

like truly care about you.

And sharing that with them,

they literally- I know,

they're going to make me cry on here.

They literally,

they would literally wanna

be in the room with you and like,

and just hug you and try

and make things better for

you and make your life easier.

Can we cook you dinner?

Like they would do that for you.

I truly believe that all of

the people in this chat

would be there for you.

So you being open today and

sharing that was the best

thing you ever did ever.

And I'm so proud of you.

And it doesn't, now, first and foremost.

And that's the tip of the iceberg.

Because we're having family

fights on both sides.

It's just really complicated.

A lot of people from my

hometown are getting cancer.

Classmates, friends.

And it's scary.

And then all this stuff happened to me.

And I was like, oh, my God.

I'm getting the cancer like

everybody else.

Guys, cancer is, I don't even,

it's really sad.

the rate of, of how many,

the amount of people,

I feel like you can be in a

room of five people and

like at least two of them have cancer.

And I think every single one

of them has had a blood

relative with cancer.

Now, do you feel comfortable disclosing,

um, in terms of prognosis, uh,

stages and all that are

things looking positive on,

on those ends?

Or I know that you had told

us earlier on about the

mom-in-law was a leg, a leg cancer,


Something on the skin.

throat throat okay no that

wasn't what we what we

heard about you and told me

we had throat cancer we we

got all that cleared up

they found three spots on

her lungs um it's early

they think um they think

they're gonna get it good

prognosis with that my

sister's weird um she was

having trouble breathing

they found masses in her lungs

They removed those.

They were not cancer.

And then in her hip and groin area,

started to develop a cluster of cancer.


All right.


first things first is... And I don't

know the prognosis there.


Praying, obviously.

Prayers for your mother-in-law,

prayers for your sister.

prayers for your family,

because I know that I know

that stress of having family drama,

when you don't need family drama,

when people are fighting

over things that don't

matter when you got a loved one sick,

it doesn't and it doesn't help anything.

All of that aside, okay,

because I do want to really

make sure that you are taken care of.

No matter what happens in your life,

and the people around you,

your life still matters.

And putting you on the

backseat burner for the

state of worry is not going

to help the situation.

That goes for your wife as well.

You guys are a unit.

And no matter what goes on

outside of your house,

you guys need to lean on each other.

And sometimes that means

making the hard choices to say, hey, no,

we need to take care of our health.

We need to come first this weekend.

We don't need to be involved

in the bullshit and being

okay with that decision,

knowing that you're not

going to be able to affect

things in a positive or a negative way.

You know,

like there's a lot of people out

there dealing with sick loved ones.

And in fact, I can talk about her.

I had a client that got

diagnosed with cancer when

working with me.

And let me just tell you,

one of the happiest women I

could see being told, literally,

this is not looking good.

Had to go through chemo, radiation,

lost all her hair,

lost a bunch of weight.

And the entire time, every single week,

I got a photo of her, bald head and all,

with a muscle.

I'm going strong.

because she wasn't gonna

fucking quit on herself.

And you have to realize that

you can only do so much for other people.

You still gotta take care of you.

You gotta take care of you.

You're only gonna be able to

help them if you are 100%.

And I'm not telling you to be selfish.

I'm not telling you not to

go see your family.

I'm not telling you that.

I'm telling you that we've

gotta take Scott's journey


just like the guy that writes

your paycheck,

the job you show up to every day,

that stuff matters.

This matters too.

It's hard to look at it that way.

I know.

It feels shameful.

You feel guilty.

You feel selfish.

You feel overwhelmed.

You feel all of those things.

This right here, super hard, super hard.


it's a gift and a curse being

somebody who cares so much about others.

I get it.

I totally get it, dude.


and right now that's why we're having

this conversation, you know,

cause I want you to walk away today.

saying like, right now,

I'm gonna make the best

choices for my health,

whatever that looks like.

And right now,

you wanna know what the

leading cause of cancer really is?

It's not your fucking

aspartame in your diet

sodas and that shit, it's stress.

People do not realize how

much stress affects your

body's immune system.

And if you have the genes for cancer,

because we all have those genes,

if we have them or not,

the expression of them,

oxidative stress is one of

the biggest causes of cancer.

There is truth to being able

to stress yourself sick and dead.

I do believe that 100%.

And there are studies on there.

PubMed, go ahead and Google stress, cancer,


You'll find a bunch of studies.

I don't have to tell you,

but so that was my,

I didn't expect to go there today.

I'm happy that we're having this talk.

I mean, I'm not happy, but I'm,

I didn't expect that to be

what we were talking about today.

So, but I'm going to put it before to you.

Um, I just feel helpless right now.

I feel like I'm so weak, um,

after this weekend that I, I can't,

I can't help anybody.

Um, and that worries me a lot.

So I'm trying to,

I'm trying to flip the

script and take care of

myself so I can take care of others.


Let's start with mapping out

what that looks like.


I think you have pretty good sleep habits.

Am I right or am I wrong?

Are you lying about that?



I go to bed at the same time every night.

I go to bed at 10 o'clock.



Up at 745.

Up at 745.

That's 11, 12, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

I'm happy with that.

You're getting a good amount of sleep.


You sleep through the night

for the most part when you're not sick?


I have not been the last five days.


So you are restless right

now when you sleep?

I just wake up not being able to breathe.


And then recovering from

that is really hard.

Throughout the day,

do you feel energized in your day?



Before last week,

were you feeling energized in your day?




So this past week has just

been hitting you pretty hard.

All right.

That's good.

I know the gut stuff has been going on.

Your day,

how much time you work from 8 a.m.

until what time?


Eight to five.


Of that time,

how many times during the day

do you actually get up off

of your computer?

Quite a bit.

I really did.

After the games this year,

I did put some habits in

place where I do get up and take a break.

Like if we were in an office building,

I'd get a break.


And so I'm just setting that

up for myself.



So you do get up and you take breaks.


Eating schedule is pretty routine.



How are you relaxing between

the hours of 5 PM and 10 PM?

Is that when a lot of your

worries starts to come in?

Is that when you and your

wife are talking and

talking to the family and all that stuff?



All right.


can we put some boundaries there in

terms of like,

how often are you talking

to your family and she

talking to her mom-in-law every day?

Um, mom,

mom-in-law probably every other day.



it's my sister-in-law is a pain in the

ass and, and that's where,

so what happens is she

sends in her side of the

story and then we have to

figure out the reality of

by then reaching out to

family members that we trust.




So reality is,

is that you don't have to

put out fires in the family.

You're putting that

responsibility on yourself.

So my suggestion right now

is to stop putting out fires.

And if you want to call and

you want to check in,

And you want to say hi and

you want to check in on

your sister and your mom and your family,

schedule it in, have the nightly call,

pray and move on because

otherwise my sister, it's different.


She's so mad at the world

that we don't know when we get to know.



It could be two weeks.

I don't hear from her even

trying like to reach out

and I don't get a response for two weeks.


Then I don't feel like I'm

getting the full story.

I don't know where we really are.

That's so that's that stress,

which is very different than the other.

So here's what I'm going to tell you then.

This is me giving you

coaching is I'm not going

to be able to control what calls you make,

who you talk to, what you do.


I can tell you that you're going

to use those things either

as an excuse not to take care of yourself,

or you're going to make the

decisions that, hey,

I'm going to take on this

stress as a choice,

but I'm still committed to

the things I need to do for me.

And that's going to be your choice.

And some days you might realize,

you know what?

I don't need to talk to that

person today and add the stress.

I can wait till tomorrow.

I don't need to put out a fire today.

And that's really important for you.

And I do think we've got to

work on getting your immune

system 100% again,

getting you 100% again.

And that's important.

So a couple of things for

this week is food diary.

I was kind of checking into

things a little bit and I

didn't see much.

It looked like you hadn't

really logged a whole bunch.

I haven't really been eating much.

I can't.

Every time I eat, my stomach blows up.


All right.

So here's what we need to do.


I don't care if you're not

eating much or you're

eating your normal food.

You got to get back to

tracking your food because

I got to be able to help

you with your nutrition.

All right.

So 100% honesty in your food journal.

Like that's got to happen

because I also want to make

sure that you're getting in

enough micronutrients.

You're getting in enough protein.

Protein is one of the

biggest factors in your immune system.

It's not just the antioxidants.

Protein does have a huge

factor on your immune system.


Fats have a huge factor on

your immune system in terms

of how they affect your

neurotransmitters and your hormones.

So we need to make sure that

you're getting enough of that stuff.

Are you taking your vitamin D?

Okay, good,

because vitamin D does help

with the immune system, all right?

So you're taking your vitamin D,

Need to get back to food tracking.

All right.

So before I even give you

parameters in terms of what

I want to see in your meals,

let's just spend the next

three days and get back to

actually tracking your food again, 100%.

And then I'll take a look at

what you're eating and we

can start to kind of maybe

I'll look at things on, let's say Tuesday,

on Friday and see going

into the weekend if I want

to make any adjustments to

what you're eating.

You'd be like, hey, I'm feeling bloated.

I'm feeling blah.

You know,

I think that right now bone broth

soups is probably something

that you should be having

on a regular basis.

You know,

I know you like things like ramen.

So making some ramen,

but using bone broth.

I had that last night.


I think that that's a great

thing to increase the

protein and also get you

some of those that's good

nutrients for your immune system.

So I think that bone broth

soups would be great for you right now.

Really good for the gut as well.

So I think that daily you

should be maybe looking at

maybe making a soup or

something like that.

It's still cold up there, right?



Cheryl, it's still freaking cold.

So that would be good.


and if you don't know a good

brand the kettle and fire

brand is good there's

plenty of bone broths out

there yeah um so let's make

let's make get let's get in

a cup of bone broth a day I

think that that's one thing

that you can can do in a

soup in a stew in something

okay tracking your food

getting in a cup of bone broth a day.

You're already taking your supplements.


The next thing that we have

to address is movement.

All right.

I get it.

You don't feel good.

Walking up the stairs is

getting you winded.

I don't want you doing CrossFit this week.

I want you on that spin bike.

I don't care if it's just

for literally at a zone one with,

with your mouth closed,

just trying to breathe through your nose.

Nasal breathing only.

That's how intense I want it to be.

That you should not have to

open your mouth to breathe.

I want you doing 20 to 30 minutes a day,

every single day.

Because those things right there,

the bone broth, the food tracking,

and the little bit of

movement is going to get

you starting to feel better.

And it's going to help you

kick that infection a little bit faster.

It's going to get the mitochondria going.

Mitochondria also help with

the immune system.


Phillip Kelly.


Nasal breathing only.

If you've ever tried it with

something like burpees or

kettlebell swings, it's even worse,

even worse.

But the bike is actually pretty bad.


So actually where I'm

getting the most air right now is nasal.

That's so that's exactly good.

It's good for you.

So 20 to 30 minutes a day.

I'll put it in trainer eyes

as a thing you can check off.

Actually do that right now.

Um, I'm going to,

I'm going to actually put a

checklist for you right now.

You'll have daily weigh in.

You're going to have track

your food and you're going

to have 20 to 30 minutes of bike daily,

because I think that those

are the first things that

we need to start with to

kind of get you on the path to recovery.

You know, I think that here's the deal.

This goes for everybody.

Stress and what you're

dealing with is not easy at all,

especially when it comes to

family's health.

But we can't change that stuff.

The more we focus on it,

the less we lose sight of

the things that we can focus on.

Like just being a support system,

like being a sounding board

when your sister calls you

and she doesn't talk to you

for two weeks and just listening.

You know,

and being a sounding board for your wife,

you know,

like that stuff is so important.

So on your dashboard,

you have daily weigh in,

track your food and 20 to

30 minute bike every single day.

Oh, I forgot the bone broth.

Can you do the bone broth?

Are you comfortable with that?

I like bone broth.


One, I'm going to put one to two cups.

And that's probably going to

be for a little while.

I think your,

I think your gut can use it

as well for sure.


So obviously I'm assuming

that you didn't go and get

any workouts in this week.

Yeah, I didn't think so.


So my goal this week is that

obviously no gym or just

getting those 20 to 30

minute bike sessions in.

to answer Corey, he asked,

how long did they say?

So the infection clears up.

They said,

I would start feeling better

tonight if I could get the

prescriptions in.

And I did.

Um, but it won't,

I'm not going to feel

myself for a couple of days.



and then I think he wants to see me in

five days because he doesn't know, like,

This was just kind of a first step.

And then, and it was an emergency visit.

And then now we can start

doing some more testing, stuff like that.


I feel like chest x-rays

would be good just to make

sure that you don't have pneumonia.


he did test me for that in some way

and said he doesn't think I have it.



I wrote down what our goals are for

this week because that's important.

More so,

I'm really happy that you shared a

little bit about what

you've been going through

personally because, you know,

when it comes to nutrition, you know,

if a person's brain isn't quite there,

it's going to show up in

their nutrition and their workouts.

It's something that,

and we can only hide it for

so long before it ends up surfacing.

So I'm happy that you did share.


and I will be praying for your mom-in-law,

for your sister,

and also for your

sister-in-law who doesn't

know how to handle things

as good as she could.


Yeah, that's,

and maybe that'll be a

conversation next week,

but that's another complication.

I'll tell you off the air

and then we can decide if

you want to talk about it next week.


the main thing here is all of those

things in life are going to happen.

You still have to go on.

Your life has got to go on.

In the words of Celine Dion,

do not make me pull out my song, my song.

Do not make me pull out my

song because it would not be pretty.

I did not grow up with a

choir or chorus in mind for sure.

Just, just kidding.

But, um,

I love this.

I love what Judy just said.

Post your stories each night

so we can keep up.

I will post a screenshot of his, if you,

if he checks things off in

trainer eyes for me,

I will post it on the

stories every single day

that he does that.

So he's got to check them

off and on the honor system

that he's actually doing

them and not just checking them off,

which I know that he will.

I know he'll do them.

I will call you and sing.

My heart will go on.

Scott, don't tempt me.

Corey, you know,

there is a calling number now.

I mean, just saying,

isn't there a calling number, Scott?

It's not hooked up right now.

I'm just kidding.

I'm just kidding.

But Kenneth wants to give you a hug.

He really does.



So we're all here for you, dude.

We're all here for you.


this audience is the best, this group.

And I, I don't even,

I shouldn't call them on audience.

They're more than that.

Like getting to meet Judy at

MFC and hanging out with

her and her husband and Corey.

Hell, I was, I roomed with Corey.

Um, Kenneth has become a good friend.

Like, man,

you guys are just freaking the best.

They care about you.

Like I said,

any one of them would take you

out to dinner and listen to

you vent for hours.

They would.

They would.

All right, guys.

With that, thank you so much for all.

The prayers, well wishes, vibes,

whatever it is you do,

I appreciate every single thing.

Corey just texted me Celine Dion.

With that,

I will see everybody next time

with Cheryl as we go

through this and see how

I'm doing in a week.

We'll see you all next time

on the Clydesdale Media

Weight Loss Journey.

Bye, guys.