The Web Canopy Studio Show

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A well-designed landing page can help increase conversion rates, improve lead quality, and provide valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences.

In this podcast, John Aikin walks through 12 unique landing page examples that focus on both top-of-funnel and bottom-of-funnel conversions. 

These landing pages are intended for audiences who don't know much about the brand and are used for lead generation. 

John highlights various landing page examples, such as:
  • E-book Landing Page 
  • Gated Case Study Landing Page
  • Quiz-based Landing Page
  • Demo Landing Page
  • Video Sales Letter (VSL) Landing Page 
  • Comparison Guide Landing Page
And more! 

Be sure to watch this episode if you are looking for inspiration or examples of all different kinds of effective landing pages.


If you're using HubSpot for your marketing campaigns, you probably already know that creating a landing page that converts visitors into leads can be a real challenge. 

You have to sift through your portal and the marketplace just to find the right page, and even then, it can be a complicated process.

It's frustrating, right?

As marketers, we don't always have the time or the resources and often have to settle. But you deserve more. 

This is where Landing Page Studio Pro comes in! 

This theme is a collection of all the different pages we have developed over the past decade, including high-impact landing page templates designed to create beautiful and effective pages that convert.

Landing Page Studio is more than just a theme. 

When you purchase this theme, you get access to an entire training library that includes: 

✅ 3 hours of video training on how to build landing pages, how to plan a masterclass, how to generate offers and more
✅  Fill in the blank wireframes that work with Photoshop, Illustrator, and PDF
✅ Downloadable Guides for planning and building your offers

Whether you're brand new or a veteran in HubSpot, be sure to check out Landing Page Studio Pro to take your landing pages to the next level!

What is The Web Canopy Studio Show?

Everyone wants to grow their business, but not everyone has the time or patience to learn all the ins and outs of marketing, sales enablement, and making the most out of a CRM such as HubSpot. Join the Web Canopy Studio team, a HubSpot Diamond Partner Agency, as they chat about various topics all designed to help you grow your B2B business.

We are talking about landing page examples and I'm going to go through the difference between top of funnel and bottom of funnel. There's also middle of funnel. I'm not really talking about that today, but I do urge you if you are listening to this podcast on your favorite pose cast listening device that you click on the show notes and you get to go check out the video, which is a Youtube link, and then the blog post, which will be published as well so that you can actually see some of these examples. Otherwise it's gonna be kind of confusing when I'm describing what is happening on the screen and you can't see it. I think that's my name is John and I'm the Ceo of Web Canopy Studio. Please go check out the video so you can watch as well. This is the website conversion show. Hey, so we're gonna first start off and and take a look at some landing pages that are more top of funnel. And so by top of funnel obviously we're thinking about pages that are intended for audiences who don't really know you, audiences who have no real background into who you are. And so this might be their first engagement with you. Maybe it's their second or third and you're kind of like nurturing them back into the funnel regardless. This is kind of where we want to think about what ways can we break down barriers and provide information that's gonna be a credible resource for our brand and so this is an example of a, of an e book landing page. This is done by a client of ours called Rocker Box. Very cool company does a lot of really great things within analytics and attribution reporting. And so you can see some of the things that I really enjoy about this page is looking at obviously the color and how it just draws your eye down. But we have a very simple form. The form is intended to grab some top of funnel information, first name, last name, email, where do you work? But then it talks about what you're spending on advertising each year because that is a qualifying question for this brand. They know if you're spending not a whole lot of money in advertising, you're probably not gonna be able to afford their product because the product is about attribution reporting around your money and your ad spend. And so if you answer at a certain level or above, they're gonna qualify you and update your lead score based off of the information you provide, which is a very brilliant way of looking at your marketing And then you can see as we move down, there's a couple other resources here, other blogs and thanks to engage with and they're promoting a demo as well. Next let's look at another company we worked with called content serve. This is a cool landing page for a white paper. So again, top of funnel lead generation component here to their marketing. This is looking at someone who wants to download. Just a guide, like a checklist or a white paper around what this means building the business case for project success. So again, very simple form, not a whole lot on here, that's that's, you know, earth shattering, but the more information that you're, you're asking people for the larger the barrier is and so you have to make sure that you're asking the right kind of information to the right kind of people and not providing a ton of extra resistance. Because when you add a lot of resistance into the different forms that you're asking people to fill out, you ask tons and tons of questions well you're not gonna get as many people to fill that out. Next let's take a look at e chameleon. And so this company here is using their landing pages in the form of a quiz. So not only can you have your landing pages deliver Valuable items to you or give you access to gated content, you can also use it for interactive elements. And so this is to help engage what kind of product you might need within this company, what they're offering. And so they're using a quiz. Now when I start the quiz, it's actually pulling up an integrated type form which is another product, another form, submission product and I can start going through their quiz and you see it's all part of their website experience. So this is all a piece of that lead generation component in the top of funnel section of how we're bringing in people to engage with us. Next let's have a look at screen meet another great client of ours. This company is using their landing page as a way to do a comparison guide. So here we have two different kinds of information that they're trying to compare and contrast co browsing versus screen sharing. I don't really know what that means because I am not one of the prospective clients, but I'm sure if you're a prospective client and you're interested in what information is here, this is gonna be very helpful for you. So you can see the pages built in a nice attractive way, Obviously we're promoting things to do a demo and so on and then we have the different kinds of platforms that they're using that they're trying to gather information in order to help qualify that audience. Then we have a an example from yours truly, this is a master class that we did years ago and I don't even know actually if this links appropriately anymore because this has been from from a long time ago, but this was a master class that our agency did and we used a master class is similar to like a webinar, but it's usually recorded, it's got in this particular case we had a few different videos that was that were embedded into a playlist when you signed up for this. So what happens is we're kind of promoting what is happening inside of this master class. try to be a nice appealing way to tell a story there. We're talking about information about what's in here. There's obviously buttons that say I want access when you click those buttons you get sent down to the bottom of the form, you get instant access today, then we have case studies. And so this is an example of a case study, a downloadable case study. This is a robotics information company called freedom robotics, another client of ours out in California. Very cool case study example here essentially they're they're highlighting their case studies in many cases, some people have case studies that are just completely open and gated and anybody can access their case studies for some brands, they want to protect their information that's in their case studies. So they only want qualified people to explore those case studies. It's totally up to you. It's a great opportunity to try and further qualify some of the contacts before you know that they're going to be engaged with in this scenario. You're providing a case study and it's preventing people from taking action unless they really are interested. Like if I'm not really interested in this, I'm not gonna fill out this form to get their case study. So it's it's putting a fair level of friction into this funnel and a little bit of resistance that's gonna happen here simply because they're trying to make sure that they're they're talking to the right audience. And on this page, you know, there's just a brief bit of information about that. Next we have more bottom of funnel information. So again, top of funnel, we're talking about lead generation, higher level first time interaction and engagement kind of components. Now as we move through these next several examples, they're gonna be more bottom of funnel landing page examples and some of these are gonna be more things around.

I'm looking for quotes, I want to talk to somebody, I'm ready to take that step in the buying process.

Maybe there's a check out various kinds of ways that you're gonna get people to be more closer, I guess to be becoming a client or a customer.

And so this is scotch, hman, manufacturers of these large machinery pieces, you might see them in factories all over the world honestly.

And so this company has a general contact form that they do a lot of different information.

You see that a lot of data that they're collecting on this page, some of the other things that there that are usually on a contact form or contact page that you'll see are, you know, times that they're open.

This company has their locations, they have phone numbers and facts is any other information around their financing warranties.

And so on another good example here is privacy policies that might need to be on there.

And then you have social icons as well.

So this is a great example of just, you know, a general contact form.

Now we've talked about some quotes before.

So what does the difference here between like a contact form and other kinds of bottom of funnel form?

Because a lot of people are generally comfortable and familiar with contact forms, it makes a ton of sense.

It's on just about every website you'll ever go to, but some of these other ones are not.

So for this particular example, this company primarily engages with an audience inside of a quote.

So they will have a quote to do the services or to provide the products that they're selling and so on.

This particular company actually has projects, managed services and products that they do quotes for.

So what we are looking at here is the bottom of funnel primary page on this company's website that they want their users to their visitors to go to to fill out this form and a number of things happen on the back end of that.

The reason that they do something like this is because when we can get somebody directly to the page to take the action that we need them to take so that I can get on the phone and talk to them and close them.

We are doing the right thing we're promoting that, that sales process and we're helping it move really fluidly and smoothly.

And so this is a great example of the different kinds of ways to collect quotes and so here is a simple page, looks very nice.

It's attractive.

Another company that we've worked with called A V.

I now, here's the kicker here is they have a tabbed component to this page to basically change the kind of information that they're gonna be collecting and what's on the form based off of the, the kind of quote that you're looking for next?

We have feed dot FM, another client of ours that does some really cool stuff with software inside of the music industry, specifically for businesses.

And so this is a really fantastic way to look at their bottom of funnel approach to getting people on their sales calendar and inside of the pipeline, which is a consultation.

And so instead of a quote, they're not necessarily giving quotes, that's not necessarily just fill out a form to contact us and somebody will get back to you.

It literally is, you're you're getting a consultation, so you're requesting that access to be reached out to, there's a number of things that happen on the back end and so on.

And so this is telling us what happens, you know, in less than 30 minutes, a specialist is gonna help you with, you know, accomplishing these things.

Okay, so that is a consultation next, We have Hello college in their application page now.
What hello College does is that they help students and they help parents get prepared to apply for different colleges and universities. They do a number of different things as far as events and live webinars to help do this. But their primary CTA on their website is around applications and that's how you can help or become somebody that works with them. And so again you can see here specific information that they're asking I'm a parent, I'm a relative and so on. What's my high school? They're asking very different kinds of questions And then what we've seen on the previous examples they're talking about the speakers and so on. So and then again what we haven't talked about our testimonials, great opportunities to engage with letting other people talk for you and talk about what it is that you're doing next week Have a product sales page. Now this is actually a page on our site as well. This is a sales page to check out for a product that you're buying in this case we have website wireframe templates as a product that we sell. It is not a service that we sell. It's just a product and we sell that currently for $37. So what happens is this page is more it is because I'm not having people talk to me I'm not having people book a call with me. I want this page to be more about selling what it is that these people are buying and so this is a very cool product. It's very helpful and what it's doing is the page right now is walking us through exactly what pains were experiencing as a prospective client or prospective customer of this product. I'm giving a sales letter here to talk through that and we're showing examples of the product, we have testimonials, there's images of what the product looks like and so on. So realistically, this page is a is a pretty solid example of a long form sales page in order to get somebody to check out. They say yes, I'm ready to check out. Next we have a video sales letter page or a VSL page. Now this is not necessarily a page for fuse which is a client of ours that does a lot of stuff with HR payroll and so on from a software perspective. It's not something that is out on the website regularly. It's not super visible. This is more for getting people to come back and engage after they've been through a series of of nurturing emails and so on. So on this page we have a it's not a not a super long video, it's maybe a 10 minute video that talks about who it is that they're talking to, who their clients are, the problems they're experiencing, why this solution is the right fit for them. And so it's literally a really great way to pitch to them and break down the issues that they're having and then directly instead of underneath that video instead of it being a, a form, we're literally booking a time in the calendar of, of the person who's going to do our sales call directly on the page itself. So we don't have to go through that process of filling out a form, going back and forth with sending emails to get a consultation scheduled and so on. This is all part of the page experience itself. I think that about sums it up. Thank you everybody so much for checking this out. Hopefully there are some inspiring pages for you to look at and to get some ideas for your next landing page. We do have a new pack available a new theme inside of the hubspot market called the Landing page studio pro theme and it is awesome. Lots and lots of amazing landing pages, many of which could have been inspired by the ones you saw today that that are available inside of this theme. We'd love for you to go check it out and have a look.
It is at the hubspot asset marketplace today.
I think that's it.
My name is John Aikin
I'm from web canopy studio and we'll catch you next time