The Lucas Skrobot Show

UAE v Houthis, Pope speaks out about LGBTQ+ Netflix gets canceled in Egypt over normalizing infidelity and LGBTQ+, and "Should I stay or should I go?"

Show Notes

UAE v Houthis
Pope speaks out about LGBTQ+
Netflix gets canceled in Egypt over normalizing infidelity and LGBTQ+
 . . . and what kind of person will you be in the face of terror?
 00:00 Intro
01:24 Terrorism and Cancel Culture
 02:01 Khabib vs. Conor,  Southern USA Culture of Honor, and Terrorism - Lucas Skrobot [E013]
03:32 Houthis v UAE
05:37 Another Missile shot down over UAE
06:34 Imagine for a moment...
08:35 Change is coming to the MENA
10:00 Expo 2020 Threatened
13:21 So What? How does this apply to me?
17:24 Yeah that makes sense
18:02 Pope Supporting LGBTQ+?
24:24 Netflix New Film causing Egypt to be up in arms
25:14 Ashab wala Aaz
35:08 Value for Value
36:08 Weaver and Loom
40:00 Ancient Proverb - Hide
41:14 Ancient Proverb - be bold
42:33 Applied knowledge is wisdom.
45:39 How to get more from this show

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What is The Lucas Skrobot Show?

Tired of being gaslit by progressive media?

Wanna fight back against deceptive narratives being pushed across the globe?

At the Lucas Skrobot show we tear down cultural & geopolitical events giving you the context you need to expose the worldviews driving the cultural agendas of our day.

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Terrorism is cancel culture at scale.

Hey, it's Lucas Skrobot, and
you're listening to the Lucas Skrobot

show where we uncover purpose, pursue
truth and own the future episode 268.

It is January 27th, 2022.

I'm glad that you're with me this morning.

We are started streaming.

These shows live on YouTube.

I will be honest.

YouTube is not my favorite
platform in the world.

I must, I much prefer just going
straight audio, but I understand

that in these times, times that we
live in kids, can't just have audio.

You need all those other
video components too.

So if you're listening.

And you want to watch, feel free
to watch right now, our stream

time is 9:30 AM, plus four GMT.

I don't know what that time is for
you, but we've been streaming these

lives and, and it has been, uh, puts
the pressure on before I was able to

take all the sweet time in the world.

Get an episode together, but often never
to pushing late into the night, but

now I have to stream at a certain time.

So it's changing the
dynamics a little bit.

It's I hope that you enjoy it.

As well.

As I said today, we are talking about
terrorism and cancel culture and how

truly terrorism is canceled culture at
scale, it is cancer culture that has been.

Given full, full birth to what
cancel culture really is, which is

a form of aggression and terrorism.

Now we talked about, about cancel
culture or revenge culture or terrorism

all early on, early on, back in the
days, uh, with that boxing match.

Uh, back on episode, I want to say
episode 27, it could be wrong on that.

I'll put the correct episode in
the show notes, but cancel cold.

Really comes from the root
of shame and honor, and it

comes from a root of revenge.

It's saying, because I don't like you
because I don't like what you're doing.

I am going to seek to ruin your life.

I'm going to seek to
destroy your life terrorist.

Works in a similar way.

It's saying I don't
like what you're doing.

I'm going to use a form of guerrilla
warfare to destruct your nation

district strep your society.

Cast fear into your hearts.

Fear that your future
might not be certain.

You don't know what might happen.

This is the same thing with cancel
culture, just on a smaller level.

Cancel culture.

Hey, I don't like your stance.

I don't like what you said.

I pulled up a tweet back from
2010, and I found out that

you really are a bad person.

So I'm going to threaten you by
boycotting you as a person and going

to go to your employers and make
sure that they don't work with you.

I'm going to go to your friends
and make sure that they don't

become friends within you anymore.

I'm going to make sure that
anyone that associates with you.

Is shamed associated with you and suffers
consequences associating with you?

Well, this is what we are
seeing, but at a geopolitical.

And it's a picture perfect case
when it comes to the versus

the United Arab Emirates.

We discussed this, uh, slightly last
week of how the United Arab Emirates

have been bombed, uh, by a drone and by
a ballistic missile from Yemen by the

who Thies thanks to our friends in Iran.


This is a, this is a proxy.

Between Iran, Saudi Arabia
and the UAE in Yemen.


Iran is backing who Thies and because
of this conflict, ongoing conflict.

Yemen is in one of the worst
humanitarian crisis of our time.

Right now we've spent a considerable
amount of time speaking about

the crisis that has happened and
continues to happen in Afghanistan.

But we, I can quickly forget about
the ongoing crisis right next door.

In Yemen with 18 million people on the
brink of starvation now, right before

president Trump left office in 2021.

He put the who theories
on the terrorist list.

Right after president Joe Biden came into
office, he took the who Thies off the

terrorist terrorist list saying putting
them on a terror terrorist list really

doesn't help anything because if they
are on a terrorist watch list, Or list in

general, then we can't get aid into Yemen.

And there's millions of people who are
dying, not only at the hands of who these,

but at the hands of, of no food of lack
of trade of no water have no energy.

Um, so the U S administration.

Made the point of saying, putting
them on a list, really isn't

going to help anything because
we're not going to get aid to the

millions of people that need it.

We're not going to be able to come to an
agreement with the who these, if they're

on this list, but taking them off the
list then puts it at a place where.

We can still treat them as
a bad organization, but we

can get aid into the country.

Well, now the who, these are continuing
to push forward and they sent just two

days ago, another missile into the UAE.

That's the image.

If you're streaming on a pod cast,
2.0 certified app, you'd be able to

look down at your telephone right now.

Hopefully not while you're driving,
but you'd be able to see a picture of

a down ballistic missile that was shot.

Reportedly by, uh, us air
defense, um, technology that

the UAE is thankfully deploying.

Now, this was in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi
heading for, uh, the city of Abu Dhabi.

I don't know.

We don't know exactly
where it was aimed, but.

For suffers.

I think we have to realize the severity
and the shock of the situation,

especially in the fact that it
doesn't seem, it doesn't seem like

there is, uh, a lot of international
upward roar or concern over this.

Imagine Magid for a moment
that a ballistic missile

was shot down over Paris.

Imagine for a moment, a ballistic
missile being shot down over

London, over Tokyo, over Moscow.

Imagine a ballistic missile
being shot down over New York

or LA or Seattle, Chicago.

What would, what would the status
of the world beat the major

headlines all over the place.

Ballistic missiles shot
down over New York city.

It would be.

Now I agree with it.

I understand why the UAE is downplaying
this because it would be plain straight

into the hands of the Northeast.

But we've been seeing this for months,
ballistic missiles flying and being

shot down over re off explosions in
the Southern part of Saudi Arabia.

This is the reality that is happening
in the Arab peninsula, which has been

downplayed because it is terrorism
that is designed to build distress.

It's designed to make people want to pull
their investments out and not feel safe.

So they're not playing into it with that.

I do want the.

I believe, and this is, you know,
reading the tea leaves, so to speak it.

But it's truly not a, you don't have this.

Isn't a dumb moment.

This isn't a, oh, of course.

Neil I'll phrase it
the other way actually.

And misspoke.

This is kind of what I'm about to say.

It's like, of course you can
see it in the writing is on the

wall, but we are in the middle of
seeing and we'll continue to see.

Uh, social geopolitical
changes here in the region.

And I believe in the region, I mean
that the middle east, and I believe

that we're only seeing the beginning
of, of what is going to be unfolding

over the next couple of years.

We've already seen it with Regina changes.

We've seen it with, uh, the passing
away of, uh, national leaders

and the insane of new leaders.

And so it doesn't necessarily,
when I say that there's going

to be massive social change.

It doesn't mean that
it's going to be all bad.

It doesn't mean that it's going to
come from some social uprising, but

I do think that we are about to see
a major shift in the middle east,

especially when it comes to us policy
as us policy is shifting in the globe

that is going to outplay into different
positionings that we see in the middle of.

And I think we're beginning to see the
tip of the iceberg here in the conflict

between Iran and the Gulf nations with
missiles being shot over Abu Dhabi.

So this is the, this is why this is why
the are attacking, uh, Abu Dhabi and

the Emirates on the 27th this morning.

Oh who these military spokesperson,
I guess it's probably happened on the

26th, but you know, the article came out
this morning, a military spokesperson

for the who Thies said that his group
could attack expo 2020 in a tweet.

He wrote expo.

You may not win with us.

We advise you that you change your
location, who these under secretary

of ministry of informant information,
ministry, excuse me, NASA Dean

Amir tweeted that the forces.

Have what is worth displaying at the
Dubai expo, referring to the ballistic

missile that the group claims to have
manufactured and used during the attacks

on the UAE saying, Hey, you should display
what we are able to do at the expo.

You should be a freight,
their entire strategy.

The entire strategy of
the right now is to cast 50.

Into the UAE, essentially playing
into cancel culture, saying we

are going to destroy your tourism.

We are going to destroy
your business investment.

We are going to disincentivize people
from investing in a very safe nation,

a very prosperous nation, the United
Arab Emirates, because once people see

that missiles are flying over the nation
and that it's a war torn nation, who's

going to want to go there on vacation.

Tourism makes up for 12% of the
GDP in the United Arab Emirates.

This is no different than cancel culture.

This really is absolutely no
different than council culture

that we're seeing in the west.

And we're seeing here it is terror.

Cancel culture is terrible.

The thought behind cancel culture is
if I can put terror into your heart.


That you will change your stance,
that other people won't want to do

business with you, that other people
will break contracts with you.

That other people won't be your friend.

If I can get you to change.

The social positioning and support
system around you, then you will be

forced to come to your knees because
of the terror that I have struck

into your hearts, terrorism is just
cancel culture, moved to the highest

and furthest geopolitical movement.

So what does that mean for our lives?

As I said this year, I plan to
and am going to work on being

less reactionary to the news.

I do think there's a lot of value
in looking at current events and.

Breaking down what has happening
in current events, but I want to

beat more proactionary or to build
strong culture, to build strong

communities, to build strong families.

Because I believe that really, when it
comes to a lot, like these geopolitical

things that are happening in UAE and
Yemen or what we're seeing in Ukraine

and Russia, which we're probably going
to be touching on a little bit next.

We don't have any power.

We don't have any say we
don't have any control.

It's just clickbait.

It's just, who's in Haas and who
arrives and it gets us all up into.

But it doesn't really
affect our personal lives.

And I, as a person, I want the things that
I do to impact the quality of my life.

Not just make me more informed.

So how does this not only inform
what's going on in the world, but

how does it inform how I ought
to walk out and live in the.

Well, that comes back down to
cancel culture on a small scale.

What happens when someone
wants to cancel you?

What happens when you
want to cancel someone?

Now, there are many instances where
I have seen boycotts or cancel

culture used in probably what
would be considered a positive way.

I don't think it's all negative.

I don't think it's strong to vote
with your wallet to say, Hey, I really

don't like what this organization is.

I don't like the supply
chain of this organization.

I don't like what this
organization represents.

They're not part of my tribe.

I'm going to bring my dollars
in, spend it elsewhere.

I don't think there's
anything wrong with that.

We've seen many people do that with
what's happening in China with the

weaker people saying we are not going
to support this ongoing genocide

in China with the weaker people.

I think that's a good thing.

So it's not all.

But there is an aspect of cancel
culture when it moves beyond

just boycotting and raising
awareness awareness about an issue.

And it moves to threatening individuals,
uh, ability to make a living for

themselves ability to survive.

And, and this is where even in my mind,
I'm a little bit of a Fox in this way.

I can see things from both sides.

When I think about.


I can see things from both sides as
if someone is committing genocide,

or if someone is full-blown sex
trafficker and their company is

dealing with a slave child labor.

Well, yeah, I want them
to go out of business.

I want them to stop what they're doing.

And this is a similar tactic
that the, who these are making,

saying you are bombing our nation.

Which is being disputed.

If the who the, as a militant group,
really, if Yemen belongs to them and

if they're the best leadership for you.

But they're saying you are attacking us.

We want to make you stop.

But here's where it becomes
terrorism on an international level.

They're bombing civilians,
they're targeting civilian forces.

They're targeting airports.

They're targeting oil tankers.

They're not targeting military personnel.

When we are building our families.

When we're building our.

We must do so from a place of, rather than
seeking revenge and rather than trying to

manipulate and control other people, we
should create an environment where people

are welcomed in to see a better way to.

The antidote and the antithesis
of cancel culture is forgiveness.

Culture is a culture of grace is a culture
of understanding is a culture of saying, I

understand that we see things differently.

Let's not resort to violence.

Do you settle our disputes?

Even though there are for sure.

When there is just war or when someone
should be brought to a court of law and,

and suffer punishments for their crimes,
but let's on a person to person conflict,

a conflict level, individual to division.

Let's meet and talk at a table
and let's extend an olive branch

of forgiveness to one another.

And we can begin to model that
in our families, we can begin

to model that with our children.

We can begin to model that with the
way that we interact with people who

don't think like us, which brings us to.

Our next segment.


That makes sense.

In a post-truth society where you've
exchanged true through flies and

reason for postmodern irrationality.

The absorb absurd finally makes sense.

Well, this cancel culture theme
carries on in a thread into this next.

There are two things that happened,
I think are particularly outrageous.

Uh, maybe not particularly
outrageous, but definitely a, we

have lost our way as a society.

Where, where are we going?

Have we lost our bearing
and how do we find it?

Uh, there's two things
that happened this week.

First, the Pope came out and told
parents that if their children

are gay, that or come out as gay.

Parents should not condemn
them, but offer them support.

He spoke.

This is from Reuters he's quote.

He spoke in unscripted comments at
his weekly audience ref referencing

the difficulties that parents
can face in raising offspring.

He said those issues include parents
who see different sexual orientations in

their children and how to handle this and
how to accompany their children and not

hide behind an attitude of condemnation.


This is a very controversial subject when
it comes to the monotheistic religions,

both Judaism and Christianity in the
Catholic church and Islam, all three

strictly condemn, homosexuality as a sin.

Uh, we, we know that when people deny
truth, when people deny that there is a

God who created the heavens and the earth.

It opens, it opens the reality up to
the fact that, or to the belief that

it's not a fact, but to a belief.

Well, if there is no creator and
we are just a bunch of determinist

sacks of chemicals, there is no
divine moral order or law, then why

not do whatever satisfies my flesh
ender were given over to darkness.

Humans are given over to darkness
because we much rather hide in

darkness than come to light.

So this is.

We clearly see in these monotheistic
faiths that we do not stand by homosexual

relations while at the same time, at least
in, in Christianity, Islam functions a

little differently and believe Judaism
functions a little differently, but I

can speak from my point of view of faith.

We should not seek to
control other people.

If someone doesn't believe in my faith.

I should not be able to push my
beliefs externally it, because external

measures do not create internal morals
it by and large do to some degree.

It does.

For instance, when it comes to abortion
laws, having a law that says thou

shalt not kill your unborn baby in
the womb, but actually does lead to.

Innocent children not being murdered.

So there is a place where we have
to take the plumb line of morality

and apply it to law and justice.

While at the same time, I don't
think that if a child or if my child,

or if your child came out under a
different sexual orientation that

we should condemn them, shamed him,
that we should throw them into.

'cause and, and here's, here's why,
because I don't think that that would

lead to an outcome that is right.

I don't think that would lead them to
an outcome that we want to see happen.

And this is, I believe is
what the Pope is saying.

He's also made it clear that the
Pope in recent years, that he

does not support gay marriage.

But he has said, if there's a homosexual
couple, they should be able to have a

civil union and that civil union should
provide them tax write-offs, et cetera.

I'm fine with that.

I'm fine with it.

And this is why, because marriage
ought to be a religious institution.

And the moment that marriage became
a state institution, instead of a

religious institution, it blurred
the lines of what marriage is.

If you want to get married,
you should go to your.

Your Moolah, your priest, your, your
local Hindu temple, and have that

religious man create a religious union
beat as a covenant between you and God.

It's not a covenant
between you and the state.

So the Pope has, he does have a
good argument and he does continue

to say that by just condemning.

Children, it's not helping the issue.

We actually have to show them love and
it's through love that they're then

drawn in, hopefully to see another light,
to see another truth, to understand

and gives you the parents space to
understand what might be going on.

Is there something underlying
in this issue that needs to be

healed or solved at the end of it?

The Pope said, the church
treats teaches, excuse me.

The church teaches that gays should
be treated with the respect that

while same sex acts are sinful,
same sex tendencies are not.

For instance, with this breaks down
in means, is that same sex acts?

Just like if a person is having
adultery, they're in their marriage

and they're having an affair that is.

Just as if someone's single and they're
sleeping around the Christian Church,

the Muslim faith, the Jewish faith,
they all believe that that is sinful.

Likewise, if you're have same-sex
tendencies and you're sleeping

around that, that is sinful.

It is the act that is sinful at the
same time within the Christian faith.

It moves beyond just do what
you do, but it's what you think.

And if you are a person who is continually
bound up in pornography or bound up in,

in sexual fantasies about other people,
it is the same as if you have gone out.

That's act well, this plays into another
thing that is happening in the middle

east right now, and Netflix, which
Netflix came out with their very first

Arab, uh, production Arabic production.

And it is a, a spinoff of a Western film.

And the, the Western film
is called perfect strangers.

The idea of.

Show of this movie.

Instead, there's a bunch of people at a
dinner party, someone's phone rings, and

they're like, Hey, I have a good idea.

Let's for the span of our dinner
party, put our phones on the table.

And any phone call that
we get, any text message.

We get any email that comes in.

We, everyone gets to see it and read it.

And we get to know the truth of what's
happening via everyone's phones.

This film is called, um, a sob will lie.

And the film goes on to reveal shocking
truths of infidelity, premarital, sex,

adultery, and homosexuality, normalizing,
celebrating, and exposing things

that are happening in, in communities
already across the, across the world.

Not just the Arab world, not just the
Western world, but the world Atlas.

I can testify that living in the middle
east I've had guys make passes at me

numerous times, numerous times, talk
to my cousins in south side of Chicago.

They have guys making passes,
passes at them numerous times,

but Egypt is in an uproar.

And I think really rightly so.


There that Netflix is
creating a war on morality.

One lawyer argued and that the
film promotes homosexuality.

While another said it seeks to
destroy family values as a part

of a systematic war on morals.

Uh, ho where have we heard this before?

We've been saying this, that out
of Hollywood, out of the west,

out of media, that there is a
war against family violence.

Now family values is a broad term
because outside of outside of modern

recent history, these values 2,003,000
years ago, the values of being able to

have pure miss promiscuous lifestyle.

Whether it's homosexual or non
homosexual, they're just sleeping around.

When you look at the Greeks in Play-Doh,
when you look at their writings, they

were living just rampant, flesh based,
homosexual, sleeping around lifestyle.

Well, at the same time,
very oppressive to women.

Women even had one sip of
wine and a husband smelled it.

He could have her kill.

That's where kissing on
the cheek comes from.

The husband would come home
and kiss his wife on the cheek

to smell if she had any wine.

Because the presumption was that if
a woman has even one sip of wine,

she's for sure going to commit
adultery and women couldn't sleep

around, but men could sleep around.

So very much a double standard,
even when it goes all the way.

To hundreds, thousands of years ago.

But when we, when we talk about
family values, it's where, where do

we get this idea of family values?

And really those these come from
these monotheistic faiths that

say, you shouldn't sleep around.

You shouldn't have adultery.

And homosexuality
beastiality is, is sinful.

It's wrong?

It's bad.

She'd be punishable.

So the way.

Progressivism Marxism socialism.

We've talked about this.

They've realized that if they could.

So in, so in, um, immorality to a
culture that if they could destroy

family values in a culture that they
could break the line of inheritance,

they could keep people in poverty.

They could keep families broken and in
poverty and reliant on the steak and

fade would then be able to come in, see
an uprising and take power because it's

the family values that hold together.

Society, families hold together.

If you can destroy that, you
can see a revolution, a colored

revolution in any nation you want.

I've been saying, we've been saying
we've been seeing it for years now

that these ideologies are not just
something that's happening in the west.

They're not just something that's
happening in Europe, but they are

coming to every part of the world.

They're coming here to the middle east.

They're coming to the global south.

They're coming to across
India and the central Asia.

They're coming to Afghanistan.

There are you here?

So the question is, and I don't think
I have a clear answer on it today.

Maybe I do.

How do you stand for what you believe?

Stand firm for what you believe
while not entering into that cancel

culture while not seeking to censor
and silence your opponent while not

seeking to condemn those who think
differently than you to condemn those

who have a different point of view.

How do you love those people that
you see to directly threatened

everything that you stand for?

And that is a hard question, but I think
that is something that must be done.

We must be able to say, this
is right and this is wrong.

And here's why we must be able to
say, this is our moral plum line.

This is what we stand on.

This is what we believe.

This is how we ought to walk out our life.

And I've gotten a lot of, a lot of
kickback and flack from this, especially.

Listeners in the west, when it comes to
anything about the trans agenda of saying

this, this is it's really a delusion.

You want to meet, you use your
pronouns, it's a delusion.

You might think that you are
the strongest person on earth.

You might think that you're
handsome, beautiful, gorgeous,

whatever, but you can not.

Compulse me.

Do you refer to you as handsome?

Every time I see.

Or beautiful every time I address
you, that is your opinion.

And I do not have to enter into that
delusion of your biological gender or sex,

but in getting kicked back.

So often people.

I don't, you know, if, if someone
from the LGBT plus Q community

listened to your stuff, would,
would they find it being welcoming?

And it's a challenging thought and
it's like, well, really that's not

the audience that I'm speaking to,
but I do want to be respectful and

kind while still speaking the truth.

But the truth is this,
it truly is a delusion.

If some, if an adult wants to do that,
Fair and adult, they can figure, refer

to themselves any way that they want,
but that does not mean that as society

we need to affirm that does not mean
that as society, we should go along

and be like, oh yes, you are a Korean.

For instance.

That you identify as Korean.


You identify as a tree.


I'll identify as you as that too.

We do not need to go
along with that delusion.

We should still be able to objectively
say actually, no, that's not true.


We ought to be able to say, this is
what we believe when it comes to our.

When it comes to the way, the moral
code that we have been given of

how we should live out our life.

However, I'm going to have
friendship and I'm going to

love the person in front of me.

And we've done that even here.

I've done that and demonstrated
that to you on the show, even with

Derek Khan, who, who passed away
from complications with COVID in

2000 and, uh, 21, quite tragically
and sadly, but he was a friend of.

We'd have him over for dinner.

Sit at their dinner table with our family.

We'd laugh.

We told jokes, go out
and spend time with them.

Uh, a lovely person.

Funny, great to be around.

Had him on the show.

Do I agree with his lifestyle?

No, but he's also not a follower of my.

How can I put on him?

The beliefs of my faith, all I can do
is follow the tenants of my faith, which

also say to love him, to be kind to him.

We can do that while still maintaining
our moral code, our moral basis of saying,

this is what we believe is right or wrong.

That doesn't mean you have to believe
that, but this is what we believe.

So where it comes back to.

And the, the outrage that
people are seen insane.

I do think that the normalization
of homosexuality, the normalization

of the trans agenda, I do
think that it's dangerous.

And the reason I think it's dangerous
is because it is, it's what we've seen

happen in the west through sitcoms,
through shows like friends through shows.

It wasn't quite Seinfeld, but two
and a half men through Hollywood.

It has normalized, normalized.

Promiscuity is normalized in morality,
and that has led to the part of

the things that are leading to the
downfall of Western society in America.

The community ought to be outraged.

The community ought to stand up.

However, we must also realize that this
is a depiction of what's happening.

People are having affairs.

People are having premarital affairs.

People are having homosexual affairs
across this region, hiding it and

pretending like it doesn't exist.

Isn't the way forward, how
we find that way forward.

You know what?

I'm really not sure.

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Well, don't go away.

We'll be right back with our
closing Weaver and moon second.

Welcome back to Weaver Luma, part of
the show where we take ancient wisdom

and we weave it in with our everyday
lives so that we can own our future.

And we've our destinies.

I mentioned that last year I was
canceled, uh, canceled by a number

of people, especially when it came.

The issues surrounding the
Palestine Israel conflict.

I was very adamant.

I spoke out a lot about where I saw
the conflict going, which again, echoed

the, the political stances of the many
nations in the Arab Gulf, which is

that Hamas is a terrorist organization.

Palestine and Israel
should work out there.

They're junk.

And we need to figure out how
to make peace between the two.

But bombing is not the answer.

Bombing is not the.

Well, people did not like the fact that I
had any sort of semblance of a pro Israel

side and they proceeded to cancel me.

It wasn't just that they said, Hey,
I don't like what you think it was.

People going out of their way to
find people who were friends with.

Who are standing in relationship with
me, not even about anything political,

but just had association with me.

And it caused me to lose a number
of friendships and that's fine.

That's, that's their choices.

They're able to do that,
but it was canceled culture.

It was painful.

It hurt to lose some of these friends.

It didn't really make any sense.

But from that, I realized that
some people really don't like me.

I've been promised that
people won't like me.

If people, if everyone likes
you, you have a problem.

You have a real problem.

If everyone likes you.

So I took it with a, in
stride and celebrated that.


At least I'm saying what I believe.

At least I have the courage to say what
I believe to say what I think, and that

I'm not hiding in the shadows when it
comes to some of these important topics.

Well, the, the fallout of that,
I realized I had some different

businesses, uh, opportunities in
projects with a number of people.

And I didn't want them to pay a
consequence for associating with me.

So I reached out to a number of people had
really great conversations saying, Hey,

just so you know, you might've seen that
people have been counseling me online.

You've seen it on the Instagram.

I just want to let you know, I don't
know where you stand on all this,

but I just want to make you aware.

This is my stance.

I'm fine if you think differently, but
I don't want you to be put in a place

where people are attacking you because
what I believe, so I'm willing to limit

my association with you because I care
about my, my professional relationship

with you and business relationships.

I had to say that to a number of people.

This all comes around to
today where I'm launching.

I've been launching a new business here
in the region, and I have been wary.

I have been hesitant to connect
my name to this project.

I haven't announced.

I haven't talked about it.

It's being kept very secret.

It's kept very much on the hush
hush, and here's why it comes.

It comes back to the quotes today.

The ancient quotes from Debbie
Suleyman from king Solomon

from thousands of years ago.

So it really is ancient wisdom wisdom,
but there's two conflicting quotes.

Here's the.

The prudent sees danger and hides himself,
but the simple go on and suffer for it.

That comes from Proverbs 22, verse three,
this prudent sees danger and hides.

That's what I did.

I said, okay, well, I see a
bunch of danger right now.

I don't want to put others in danger.

I'm going to hide myself even right now.

It's saying, okay, I'm launching
this, this new business.

It's in the infant tile stage.

It is just an embryo.

It's not even fully launched yet.

If I opened this up to you soon, if
I share too soon, I see the danger.

I see that people could
mobilize against me.

I see that just one or two people could
ruin things for me in a significant way.

So I'm going to, I'm going to be
quiet about it because it hasn't

been brought to fruition yet.

Here's the next quote?

Proverbs 22 verse 13,
just 10 verses later.

It says the Slugger says
there's a lion outside.

I shall be killed in the streets.

The Slugger says there's a line outside.

I shall be killed in the streets.

How do these two connect?

Well, it's sometimes very hard to
determine between I'm just afraid.

I'm afraid someone could be out there
and get me the big, bad cancel culture.

The big, bad Wolf.

I'm going to hide in the streets.

I'm going to capitulate to the fears
that I have, or should you be bold

and go on and say, you know what?

There might be a lion out there.

I might be killed in the streets, but
I'm going to go forward regardless,

just like going back to the first quote,
the prudent sees dangers and hide the

simple, go on and suffer it for it.

How do you determine,
how do you decide when.

Something is worth facing the danger
because you know what, you might be

killed, but that's life, but it's not
out of laziness that you're hiding,

but it's out of prudence that you're
hiding will in many ways, that goes

back to what we're seeing with the
UAE to bring this full circle with

the UAE, they're saying, Hey, it's gon
it's prudence to hide this conference.

Between the who these and Abu
Dhabi and the Emirates, because as

I said, what would we do if there
were ballistic missiles being shot

down over New York city or over
Miami, the world would freak out.

So they're, they're hiding that
they're concealing that they're being

strategic about how to communicate.

While at the same time, they're
not capitulating and saying, ah,

there's a line in the streets.

We might be killed.

We better cave to Yemen's demands.

We better Cape 92 Yemen city, man.

I said, who these demands?

Likewise, in my situation,
there's a mix of saying, well,

I'm going to move forward.

I'm going to build this business.

It's going to succeed.

It's going to be amazing.

However, I am not going
to share too early night.

Talk about this in my book, anchored
the discipline to stop drifting.

I talk about.

Not sharing your dreams until you've done
them or being very selective of who you

share your dreams to, because there's a
number of things that can happen first.

If you share your dreams too soon and
just say, I'm going to do this, this, this

I'm going to climb the tallest mountain,
build the best tech company, write a

book, make an album, start a podcast.

People say, oh yeah, there's so much.

So awesome.

It's going to be the best thing ever.

And then you feel full, you feel like,
yeah, you feel that praise, you feel

that satisfaction as if you've already
done it, but you haven't yet, but you

do need to share it with a small group
of people, a small group of people

who will give you critical feedback,
who will encourage you, but who won't

kill your dream before it is born.

And then.

Is the, the application point
from this segment, be careful

who you share your dreams with.

Don't be the sluggard who hides
and doesn't do the dream, but do

lay the foundation for your dreams.

Lay the foundation for your dream
of losing weight and getting,

getting healthier, getting straight.

Start working out, do it
in secret, do it every day.

So that people then come and look, did
you say like, Hey, what what's different

about like, what's different about you?

What's this thing that's going on here?

And you're like, oh yeah.

I started working out six months ago.

They're like, oh, you
didn't tell me like, yeah.

And, and people see the fruit
of your action rather than

sharing a dream too soon.

And the praise or the negative.

Or the cancel culture or the haters
effectively killing and aborting.

The very thing that you want
to see come to fruition.

Sometimes our words it's speaking
forth of that vision before its time

before it's ready, we'll kill the
very thing that we seek to build.

Well, speaking of speaking, if you
want to get more out of the show,

more out of this podcast, You can
do that by giving to your community.

And one of the best ways to
give is by sharing this podcast.

Whenever someone shares a podcast
with me and they text it to me or

WhatsApp it to me, I feel so loved.

So Texas podcast, this episode, or any
of the other episodes to one of your

friends and say, Hey, I listened to
this episode, tell me what do you think.

Also, if you have a question
for me, you can WhatsApp me a

plus 1, 2 0 2 9 2 2 0 2 2 0.

I'm going to be happy to answer
the question even here on the show.

Finally, you, you are someone who
does not hide in the darkness, but

you are someone who pursues light,
who pursues truth, who is willing to

stand up and say what you believe.

While at the same time, not feeling
like you have to take vengeance on

those who don't believe like you do.

And that ladies and gentlemen is
how you and I can own the future.