
Jane and the theatre troupe encounter their greatest obstacle yet.

Show Notes

Calamity Full Cast & Crew info:
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Episode Cast: 
Sarah Ruth Thomas as Calamity Jane
Nathan Sager as Lieutenant Elick Townsend
Gianni Matragrano as Sheriff Boyd 
Katabelle Ansari as Faith Johnson
Enzo Fortuny as Dante Cortez
Lili Barba as Violet Silva
Brian Lynn as Matthew Hardecker

Written, Directed & Produced by Jules Siege
Casting by Sandra Kyuumei
Sound Design by James Findlater
Calamity Main Theme is composed by Kevin MacLeod
Art Direction by Jocelyn Combe 
Special Thanks to Den Valdron

Music Provided by Storyblocks unless otherwise noted.

Loopable Southern Guitar by Raighes Factory SBA-300537460
Cobra by Raighes Factory SBA-300537097
It Could be Rain by Raighes Factory SBA-300525719
Black by Brad Majors SBA-300531389
Views From the Top of a Mountain by Tencher Music SBA-300541649
Chase by Humans Win SBA-300538542

What is Calamity?

Calamity Jane guides a theatre troupe across hostile lands while fleeing the ghosts of her past. (Western/Full-cast audio drama)

Location: INT. JAILHOUSE: Present day - DAY

Sounds: Door opens and the Sheriff’s measured boots calmly stop
before her.

SHERIFF (V.O.): My deputy says you been causing a
ruckus all night.

JANE (V.O.): You believe everything your deputy

SHERIFF (V.O.): I have the keys to your cuffs.

JANE (V.O.): What’s it gonna take to get out
this cell?

SHERIFF (V.O.): I’ll take care of the cuffs if you
answer truthfully from here on out.

JANE (V.O.)(annoyed): What makes you think I’m a liar?

SHERIFF (V.O.): Lieutenant Elick Townsend. I learned it’s no secret you two were

JANE (V.O.)(taunting): Don’t tell me you’re jealous now?

SHERIFF (V.O.): Why did you lie about knowing him?

JANE (V.O.): Because I knew you wouldn’t believe both of us served with Captain
O’Rourke. Right back when General Custer decided to make his last stand.

SHERIFF (V.O.): You did NOT get deployed. Do not disgrace the memory of those men
with your lies.

JANE (V.O.): They didn’t give me no fancy uniform but I was there. And so
what if Elick and I knew eachother?

JANE(V.O CONT'D): Didn’t make searching for Danger
any easier. Not when you’re moving an entire theatre troupe across
hostile lands. Some ways I’m lucky he stuck around.

SHERIFF (V.O.): That don’t make sense. He believes the Captain’s dead, but is still
helping you search for his horse?

JANE (V.O.): Elick knew Keema just like I did. Doesn’t believe she’d part with
that horse either. Just like you wouldn’t believe me if I told you
your deputy’s been stealing hay from the stables.

SHERIFF (V.O.): Hmmm, now that I believe.

JANE (V.O.): Can I get these cuffs off now?
ain’t like I’m going anywhere.

Sounds: Sheriff slides the door open & removes the handcuffs.

JANE (V.O.): Ah much better, thank you kindly. Now what about these leg irons?

SHERIFF (V.O.): Those stay.

SHERIFF (V.O CONT'D): So your grand plan was to check each town hoping to recover your
Captain’s treasure?

JANE (V.O.): I had a few ideas. All of them meant surviving the trail though.


FAITH: He’s persistent...

JANE(teasing): You jealous?

FAITH(admiring): Hmm, strong, tall and handsome. Why
didn’t you tell me about him?

JANE: Maybe I should be jealous.

FAITH(playful): Stop.

FAITH: Though I wonder how many of your war stories I could pry out of the
lieutenant if I tried.

JANE: Don’t you dare!

FAITH: Dare what, love? I’m just getting

Sound: Elick’s horse rides up to Jane.

ELICK: Is that your woman?

JANE: Sometimes I wonder.

ELICK: You don’t travel light anymore.

JANE: Ain’t exactly my choice.

ELICK: Does the theatre really need pigs,
and chickens?

JANE: You tried having bacon and eggs
without em?

ELICK: Seriously, Janie. When we get to Yankton we should look for those battle plans.

JANE: I don’t remember re-enlisting.

ELICK(skeptical): But you remember O’Rourke coming to
see you?

JANE: How do you even know those plans
are in Yankton?

ELICK: Call it a hunch. And why is your boss so convinced this is the
best path? Outlaws aplenty there.

JANE: No one’s asked you to ride this way.

ELICK: No. Yet here I am.

Sound: A third horse trots up beside them.

VIOLET: You are right where you are meant to be, Lieutenant.

ELICK: I’m afraid my wife will disagree with you there, miss.

VIOLET: Wendy is doing just fine. Do not worry for her.

Sound: Violet spurs the horse and gallops ahead of the caravan.

ELICK: Who on god’s green earth is that? and how does she know about my wife?

JANE: Violet Silva. Our resident oracle/fortune teller.

ELICK: Where was she when your boss got
hit by the counterfeit fiends back

JANE: Probably all part of her divine plan.

JANE (CONT'D): Those secret service boys still trailing us?

ELICK: Mmm-hmm. Any chance they’re going to Yankton for fun?

JANE: Doubt it. Whatever their beef is, it’s Dante’s problem.

ELICK: Does that free you up to find Danger?

JANE: Yankton is a major hub. Someone’s bound to know something about Keema.


Sounds: Jane and Elick’s horses gallop to a stop.

JANE: What’s the hold-up?

DANTE: See for yourself. No way that bridge can hold the bulls.

ELICK: Nevermind the bulls. One step on that thing and it’s all over.

Sound: Jane whistles.

JANE: Hey Matty! Lend us a hand?

DANTE: He’s no dog, Jane.

JANE: Yeah, but he’s loyal.

MATTHEW: Ah Jane. Always one step off the ledge with you.

JANE: We need your expertise in getting from A to B.

MATTHEW: That bridge don’t look too good.

JANE: These chicken-folk here agree. But I know you’ll give us options?

ELICK: Who you calling chicken-folk?

DANTE: I don’t care what you think. We’re not risking my animals or people on
this. I’m turning this caravan around.

JANE: See them hills, boss? That’s a good two and half-day’s ride to get around em’.

JANE (CONT'D): We stop at Sturgis to restock and we’ll miss the second
anniversary of Deadwood’s establishment.

JANE (CONT'D): Lots of real money walking away once it’s over.

ELICK (whisper): What in the hell are you doing?

JANE (whisper): Getting us to Yankton quicker.

ELICK: I’m a fan of arrivin’ alive, myself.

DANTE(reluctant): She’s right. Matthew, can you stabilize the

Sounds: chains clang against the cell.

SHERIFF (V.O.): Large gathering. More people. Higher chance of catching up to
your friend Keema.

JANE (V.O.): Now you’re getting it, Sheriff.

SHERIFF (V.O.): All this for gold?

JANE (V.O.): If anyone had O’Rourke’s gold it’d be Keema. We just had to follow Danger.

SHERIFF (V.O.): What made you so sure she didn’t buy a new steed?

JANE (V.O.): Only person who loved that horse more than O’Rourke was Keema herself. She wouldn’t just sell him.

ELICK: You really think she’ll be there?

JANE: I wanna find out.

MATTHEW: We can make it work, but...we’ll have to be careful.

MATTHEW (CONT'D): See that ledge above us? We can set anchors to steady the bridge for extra support.

DANTE(cautious): If they prove to hold up, we’ll make it across in time.

ELICK: And if they don’t?

DANTE: Then I hope you made peace with your god, Lieutenant.

MATTHEW: Or we could just fill the canyon, boss. Detonate the cliffside and let the landslide create nature’s bridge.

DANTE: Out of the question. I don’t want a whole canyon on top of us.

MATTHEW: It is quicker.

ELICK: There’s quick and there’s dead. I know which I’d rather be. Jane clasps Elick on the back.

JANE: Well today’s your lucky day, Lieutenant. Let’s go blow us up a canyon.

JANE (CONT'D): Climb looked easier than it was.Could feel each rock tear into my
palms as Elick and I scaled the cliff’s edge.

Sounds: gasps of climbing and steady increase of fallaway rocks.

SHERIFF (V.O.): Taking the long way around would’ve worked too.

JANE (V.O.): You still don’t get it, Sheriff. We
were running out of time. We had to get those plans--I mean, our plans
were to get...that gold. While Keema was still close.

SHERIFF (V.O.): Let’s say I believe your story. Keema still has a head start and a
horse full of money. Why not send the lieutenant ahead?

JANE (V.O.): Because I know Keema and I know Elick. What I didn’t know is who was telling the truth.

SHERIFF (V.O.): I see. Doubting your friends is a slippery slope.

Sounds: Elick grabs a loose rock and slips.

ELICK: Whoa!

JANE: Hang on!

Sound: bullwhip crack wraps around his hand.

JANE (CONT’D): Gotcha!

JANE (CONT’D): Don’t go falling on me now.

ELICK: That was too close. Thanks, Janie.

JANE: Don’t mention it. Now help me move this boulder.

Sound: Jane strains to move a boulder. Elick puts his shoulder to it.

ELICK: Last chance to back out!

Sounds: the boulder nudges forward into place.

JANE: There we go! This’ll rustle up some rock on the way down.

ELICK: Think we got a long enough wick?

JANE: Leave the explosive to me. Just set the anchors for our slide down.

ELICK: You’ve come a long way since the war.

JANE: How so?

ELICK: You peace.

JANE: You sound ready to read me last rights. Afraid of a little explosion?

ELICK: It’s not that. I just mean ever since Bill--

JANE: Bill’s dead. Ain’t nothing more to talk about, friend.

ELICK: Well, alright then. I just mean it was a shame when you left the
cavalry, boys an I were worried about you. It’s just nice to see
you happy is all.

JANE: What do you know? there’s life outside the army.

ELICK: That’s what my wife always says.

JANE: You should listen, Wendy’s a smart woman. Now let’s get down there before my woman gets ideas.

Sound: Jane lights the TNT.

ELICK: You mean like crossing the bridge by her lonesome?

JANE: She can’t be serious. Come on!

JANE (V.O.): Faith’ll be the death of me. I know
she liked attention but this was a
whole new league. She was halfway
across the bridge by the time we
set off the explosives. I know she
heard em but that wasn’t stopping

SHERIFF (V.O.): Kinda reminds me of someone.

Sounds: As they rappel down the canyon.

JANE: Faith! Canyon’s about to blow, get back here!

FAITH: Just a sec. There’s a--

JANE: Now!

Sound: TNT explosion, rumbling canyon landslide.

SHERIFF (V.O.): There’s no way that bridge would’ve
held up long enough to get her back.

JANE (V.O.): Didn’t stop me from trying.

Sounds: Jane is running as the first splinters make contact
with the side of the bridge.

JANE (V.O.): I leapt from the ledge and booked it towards her.

JANE (V.O.): Giant boulder broke the bridge between us. We were tossed sky high
before free-falling.

Sound: whip crack and connects with a solid post.

JANE (V.O.): I sent the whip cracking and found anchor above leaving Faith and I hanging on a prayer.

SHERIFF (V.O.)(surprised): You caught her?

JANE (V.O.): Course’ I did.

FAITH: Jane...look, down there.

JANE: Don’t look down. Just hang on!

ELICK: Jane?

JANE: Over here! Pull us up.

ELICK: We’re on it, hang tight.

Sound: The snake of a rope starts pulling upwards.

FAITH (seething): Have you lost your goddamn mind?

JANE: Was about to ask you the same question. We were blowing up the cliffside!

FAITH: I was scouting ahead. There was a path below!

JANE: I don’t care if there’s gold below. You could’ve been killed, Faith!

FAITH (sarcastic): That’s rich.

MATTHEW: You ladies alright?

FAITH: I’m fine thanks.

JANE: You’re not fine! What the hell’s gotten into you?

FAITH: So it’s only okay when you risk your life?

JANE: I trained for this. I LIVED this.
It ain’t some stage-show where you
get to play dress-up.

FAITH: Do not make this about me. You’re
the one who chose the bigger risk
instead of doing your job and
scouting ahead. You buried a good
walking path! Locals who depend on it daily now have to
risk your rocky road!

JANE: I did what I had to do.

FAITH: No. You do what you want with no
regard for anyone else. This will
not stand!

Sounds: Faith storms away.

JANE: Faith wait!

ELICK: Whoa there, let her go, Calamity. Let her cool.

DANTE: Enough! We got our high road, let’s