Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Thursday, September 5th, 2024 / Football is back, Josh wanted to be called Zack, Chantel put a mom joke in our daughter’s lunch, we all need a treat for doing small things, someone’s got a leech on their neck, skin care routines, the name at the same time game goes poorly, flavor changing gum, Chantel wants to be taped to a wall, and dangerous selfies!

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Episode title: Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh and Chantel - September 5th, 2024

Episode summary introduction:

Football is back, Josh wanted to be called Zack, Chantel put a mom joke in our daughter’s lunch, we all need a treat for doing small things, someone’s got a leech on their neck, skin care routines, the name at the same time game goes poorly, flavor changing gum, Chantel wants to be taped to a wall, and dangerous selfies!

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Full show transcript:

It's Josh and Chantel, and this is wake up classy 97, the podcast, a replay of today's full show. It's Thursday, September 5th. Today on the show, football is back. Josh wanted to be called Zach. I put a mom joke in our daughter's lunch.

We all need a treat for doing small things. Someone's got a leech on their neck, and I'm not gonna say who. Skin care routines, the name at the same time game goes poorly, flavor changing gum, I wanna be taped to a wall, and dangerous selfies. Thanks for listening to the show. You can hear it live weekday mornings from 6 to 10.

It is wake up classy 97, the podcast. Enjoy today's show. Oh, Blue's Clues. Hey, Classy 97. It'd be Josh and Chantel.

It be. That's right. It be. It be. It be.

It be us. Good morning. Hey. What day is it? It's Thursday.

Thursday. Which is the the good news. Today is, September 5th. It is National Cheese Eats A Day. It's also payday.

Hey. What's up? Know about that. Let's go. Let's see.

It's international day of charity. Excuse me. Holy smokes. International day of charity, and any charitable donation, big or small, money or time can go a long way to helping solve some of the world's, worst problems like child hunger, helping the environment. There's a million different ways to get involved in different things.

So international day of charity today. It is World samosa day. Oh, yes. I love samosas. Saw little they had taken samosas and rolled them into a ball.

They were little old samosa balls. I bought those in Utah for the weekend while we were there, and then I left them in my car. And now it's one large samosa bottle. It's they all melted together to form 1 large chunk of samosa. I thought that was a chocolate thing.

What? Wasn't that a a chocolate thing? Yes. Samosas have chocolate in them. No.

Yes. They do. No. Yes. Samoas.

Samoas. I'm confused. I'm you're telling me, I'm over here talking about samosas, the delicious appetizer we get when we have Indian food that has, like, chickpeas in it and stuff. Yeah. And you're over here talking about how they rolled them into balls and then melted into 1, and and I'm real lost.

I'm I'm the confused one. It's me. I'm the problem. Alright. So I know you like a veggie samosa.

I do very much. But you did not find the little mini versions of those in Utah. No. I was I for like, I was real offended, like, you'd been holding out on me on veggie samosas without telling me. No.

I also really like girl scout samoas. Yeah. Those are good too. Those over the weekend. In little small, Samoa, little bite size.

Yes. Okay. But they melted into 1 Big clump. It's a big clump of Samoas now. Okay.

They should not name things so close together. Okay. It's everyone else's fault. That's fine. World samosa day today.

And last but not least, it is national be late for something day. We were late for work this morning. That's what I'm saying. Don't tell her boss. Quiet down about it.

Be late for some we were just fulfilling the days. Yeah. We were. So look. Hey.

It's part of our job. Intentional or not, be late for something today. Have a good day. It's Thursday. Boot.

It's a big day. Big day? Yeah. Why? A day that, our nearly 20 year old son has been waiting for for a very, very long time.

Yes. That's true. Now I know what you're talking about. It is the NFL regular season kickoff. Except we don't care about today's game.

You don't? No. I care about today's game. Why? Because I have players from both teams on my fantasy league my my fantasy team.

Wait. Who's playing? I know the Chiefs are playing, but I don't remember. Baltimore Ravens. Oh, I like the Ravens.

I know you do. I'll watch today. I hope the Ravens win. If you're a Chiefs fan, I'm sorry that you don't have good football Alright. Taste.

620 tonight is, is kickoff. Ravens and Chiefs. I've got Football's back. Lamar Jackson on my Fantasy Football League. That's why I said, this is what Fantasy Football does all season long.

You go, I don't I don't what whatever. It's not my game. It's not my team. But then you have all these players from different teams, and you go, I gotta watch that game. I gotta see how my guy's doing.

Yeah. So, Lamar Jackson, come on. You can you can absolutely beat Mahomes. Ma. Lamar, I gotta call him.

You you do? Yeah. Oh, okay. Like, Lamar, come on, bud. Lamar.

Lamari. Is that it? Okay. Lamar. Tomorrow, Packers Eagles.

It's a Friday game. Okay. And then, Sunday, your Vikings against the Giants. What? Come on.

I know. Football's back. Football is I don't even we don't even have a quarterback. You have to. You have to show up.

I mean, we do. You have to show up on the field with all the players counting for us. But he's not even the one we drafted because my drafted quarterback, is out for the season. And then my original quarterback left, traded. Here we go.

Here we go. Trader. Football's back. You and I have 2 children together. We're married.

All true statements. We named our oldest child Peck. Yes. We named our youngest child Emery. Right.

Do you regret naming those kids those names? I don't regret it. No. Okay. I'm just curious.

No. Do you think people have name regret for their kids? There is. There was a survey taken, and 9% of moms regret naming their kids what they named their kids. Right?

A lot of parents are saying that they felt pressured to name their kids, and so they did it in a hurry, or they felt like they just needed to come up with a name. I think we agreed really well on the names that we felt we wanted for the kids. I think it's interesting that that's how it works. What? Like, you as a person don't have any say in it.

Yeah. That's right. You're just given this name, and that's your name. Yeah. And that's the name you have to live with forever.

I mean, unless you legally have it changed. Absolutely. But that's, you know, that's your name. Here it is. I didn't pick this name.

I mean, there are people that'll go by a nickname or whatever. But that's what these moms are like, I just call my kid their nickname because I don't like their real name. A lot of moms are saying that they don't like their name because it doesn't fit their personality, or they feel like maybe other kids are mocking them. Interesting. Well, you should have thought of that before I wake up.

What I saw yeah. I think just yesterday. There's a there's a theory out there that the weird celebrity names, like Apple and North and whoever Mhmm. That those names are not their actual legal names, but that they make those their public personas so that they can have anonymity as children and run under the radar Smart. Which is actually really smart.

That is actually very smart. They're not actually naming them crazy weird things. They have a very normal name. Like, what was the name? Elon Musk had a baby, like, a year ago.

All all rules out the window for that guy. That guy. That guy did name his kid a bunch of symbols Yeah. That say axle or something. I can't remember what it was.

Anything. But, yeah, it was Stop it. It was there was a 2 in it. Yeah. I don't remember.

Stop it. No. And his I think that one was that one was for real. That one was for real. Grimes made that baby.

His the mom's name is Grimes. Right. Come on. Stop it. His name's Elon.

Elon and Grimes Yeah. Made a robot. Somebody should have said, you're not allowed to name your baby. It's it's fine. Those guys were legit.

They weren't thinking, let's make make our kid have a little bit of a cushion of comfort, which I think would be interesting. I mean, that's gotta be an interesting place to be in where you're a celebrity. You're already being watched every minute of the day, and then you have a kid. And they're like, tell us everything. What's the name?

Tell us everything. Show us pictures. And I'm like, yeah. It's Apple. I looked around, and it was the first thing I saw.

Apple. And you named your kid Apple. Yep. Now Emery's middle name Yes. I'm not gonna say that on air because she needs to have some anonymity too.

Sure. She well, I actually preferred that as her first name Mhmm. Originally. And then we decided, no. Let's let's go with this one.

And then we put her middle name as the the choice I wanted first. It fits her. I feel like both of their names For sure. Fit them very well. But that's just how we've known them their whole lives.

And I think they like them. They haven't complained about their names. I wish I was called something else. Oh, I've called them lots of things. Yeah.

Right. Whatever. Anyway, 9%. Do you regret your name? No.

I always thought I wanted to be called Zach, but that was mostly because of Saved by the Bell. Yeah. I think. I just thought that was a cool name. I used to hate my name as a kid.

I like it now. Well, good. In fact, yesterday, somebody said, that's a really beautiful name, and I said, thank you. I agree. It is.

It's very nice. Chantel. Yeah. When you say it. Correct?

Chantel. Yeah. K. That was very Elvis of you. Well, well, well.

What? What? What? Time for good news. Let's hear it.

Mary Crippen is an innovative teacher at Pinecrest Elementary School in Florida, and she has enjoyed some success teaching math by weaving football statistics into her lessons. We, probably heard a little bit about this during, the season of hard knocks with the Miami Dolphins. Yeah. But I you may have forgotten. What she does, some of her creative classroom videos, they've gone viral.

She reached out to you remember this? Yes. Yeah. So she reached out to the quarterback of the Miami Dolphins to a tag of Say his last name? Tagaloa.

Yeah. That's it. Yeah. Tongue Tonguevial vial vialoa. Tonguevialoa?

Yeah. Tua Tagaloa. Anyway, Tua saw the videos and was inspired to use his charity foundation to donate a brand new flag football field to the school, which is really super cool. Cool. So, obviously, Mary was thrilled that her love of teaching math and her love of football has resulted in this really generous gift.

She said it still doesn't feel like I'm standing on a football field. Like, I'm gonna wake up, and it's all been a dream. It's been such a wild ride, which is cool because all she did was teach math, and she used football. She talked football, and then Tua was like, nah. We gotta do something cool for this school, which is great.

That is cool. So the school community gathered, to celebrate the football field, which will benefit students for years years to come. Tua's wife, Anna or Anna, she showed up and encouraged the kids to have fun, stay active, and always remember to give back, which I think is a great message. So, pretty cool. They've got a flag football field because of a math teacher.

That's super cool. Super great. Good job. I also really like the Miami Dolphins. I know you do.

So I Go get it. Wanted to get 2 football stories in there for you. You did it. Now we can be done with football for the day. No.

Maybe for the day. Until we watch the game? Yeah. Okay. Yeah.

Because we're gonna have some comments. Of course. Yeah. The NFL is gonna script a win for the Knicks. Here we go.

Uh-oh. Man, we're off to we're off to the races early. It's good news to get you going. I had to help Emery make a lunch. She's in 9th grade.

I haven't had to help Emery make a lunch for A long time. Years. Yeah. Years years years. I made her lunches in elementary school.

Uh-huh. I on the 1st day of her school year this year, I put money into her lunch account. Right. After which she promptly told me that she didn't wanna eat the school lunch. Right.

I went, I just. That may change. I just spent $30. It'll be fine. I just put $30 in your lunch account.

It'll get used. I don't know. There for 4 years. She's pretty In 4 years, she's not gonna use that, I it'll get used. Okay.

So she decided to start making lunches. She's been eating snacks out of the vending machine. And I said, let's get something real. And she said, okay. I'll pack a lunch.

So she wanted to pack a sandwich last night. Mhmm. And I said, don't make it right now. Like, it'll get soggy and gross. I'll make it in the morning for you.

And then she nice. And she said to me and you'll make a you'll write a cute little note. I forgot about that. I did too, actually. You used to leave little, help you have a good day sticky notes and stuff inside the lunchbox.

And then I would always put, excuse me, I would always put a stupid joke in there too. Right. Some terrible mom joke. A dumb joke. And I, 1, was excited that she had remembered that I used to do that.

2, that's another one of those things right now. A task. Yeah. Something else to do. And I went way to way to mess that one up.

Way to not mess it up. But What's going on over there? I don't know. My throat has got something in it. I'm sorry.

I'm trying to be professional, but I am not, clearly. Okay. So as a mom, you set these standards for yourself accidentally. Things that you think are great that kids then come to Abs I totally agree. And then you go, And that's why it's easier being a dad because we don't fall for that.

Think of how come, how come you only just do the bare minimum? Because I'm setting an expectation, baby. If I do more, I'll have to do more. See, but that bleeds into all aspects of life where you go like, I did more, and now that's part of my job. Yeah.

Oh, great. So this morning, I wake up, and I make her a sandwich, and I almost forgot to write her a note too. And I went, oh, I gotta write a note. We were kind of in a rush this morning because we were running a little bit late. So I hurried and wrote a note, and then I went, I gotta come up with a joke.

So I put a joke. Do you wanna hear the joke? I wanna hear the joke. Why can't T Rex's clap their arms, clap their hands? I see.

And I know the answer to this joke is not because they have small arms. It's because T. Rexes are extinct. Yes. I knew this.

Good job. I've heard this joke. Good. I like it. You could you could do that.

Clapping hands, jumping rope, play basketball. There you go. It doesn't matter. Do anything. Like, if they drive a car, because they're extinct.

Come on. Get with it. You know the answer. They could drive a car. Science.

No. They couldn't. Yeah. They could if they put it close the steering wheel close to them. They're extinct.

So no. They can't. Oh, poor dinosaur. That's how that joke works. Oh, no.

Hey. Your throat sounds better. Thank you. Yeah. No.

Thank you. Thank you. I was curling my hair yesterday or the day before? When you hit your neck Yeah. 2 days ago.

2 days ago. And it hurt really bad. Yeah. Yeah. You were not excited about, the burn mark on your neck.

No. And then you grabbed your ice pack from your lunchbox and put it on there, like Yeah. Immediate first aid. Well, because I get ready here. Right.

So I was curling my hair here, and I went, what am I gonna use? Lunchbox ice pack. Yeah. And So I think that helped, like, cool it down a little bit, helped with the swelling. And you said it it hit for half a second, but that thing's, like, 400 degrees.

Yeah. Like, the curling iron hit my neck for half a second? Yeah. Yeah. But it's 400 degrees.

I know. And it's hue like, the burn is huge. I know. See. How does it look today?

I can't see. Yeah. It looks like a curling iron burn. It does? It's rough.

It looks like it hurts. It did hurt. It doesn't hurt now, but it did yesterday and the day before when it happened. So Emery sees it yesterday. Luckily, I'm able to Put your hair there.

Hide it behind my hair. But Emery sees it yesterday and goes, oh, what's on your neck? And then she looks at me like, Oh, really? And I went, no. I've been married to dad for 20 years.

That's it's certainly not that. It is not a hit. It is not what you think that is. And I go, plus, also, that doesn't that's no. It's not that.

No. It's a curling iron bird. What? What are you looking at? Well, I'm just looking it looks like a curling iron bird.

Good. It kinda looks like a leech. It looks like a big maroon leech on your neck. Yeah. Maroon?

Yeah. It's maroon. It looked more like brown when I saw it earlier. Okay. A leech?

Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. I don't want somebody to think Well, it's like an elongated oval. It's real long squishy oval.

Like a leech. Like a I don't want somebody to think I have a leech on my neck. Quit looking at it, Josh. No. Let me see it.

No. No. Quit looking at it. Quit. Don't look at it.

Yeah. It's a leech. Stop. We're at the store last night shopping for things that Emery can take to pack a lunch with. Uh-huh.

And she gets, like, the regular stuff, like chips and sandwich stuff. And then she's she goes, let's go down the cookie aisle. So we're looking at the cookies, and she goes, what's a good way to say, good job. You ate all your lunch. And I said, what?

And she goes, well, I want, like, a nice way to tell myself, like, great job. Here's a treat for eating all your lunch. And I went, a full stomach Is she is your How old is she? Is she 4? What does that mean?

I wanna I wanna tell my body you did a good thing. Here's some sugar. I know. That's hilarious. That's an interesting thought process.

Yeah. This is a girl who we raised to constantly have refreshments and treats for Yeah. For a job well done, I guess. I guess so. Because now it's Now it's the status quo.

I I ate my lunch like a big girl. What's a good way to say good job? I hope that never changes her entire life. I do. Just stay the same way.

I don't. Be in your forties and go, I ate all my lunch. I get a brownie. That's great. Everyone should live like that.

I agree. What's a good what's a good way to say, good job. You turned in that report. Yeah. What's a good good way to say, hey.

You worked 8 hours today. You deserve a treat. You know what? That's actually not a bad idea. No.

It's not. If you gotta drive home, I might as well grab a treat. That's what I'm saying. Enjoy the little things. You know?

Hey. You paid your mortgage this month. You get a treat. This is how it's gotta work. She's on to something.

I'm saying. Special treats. For all the little things thing you do. All of the Yeah. Lame stuff we have today.

Bed. Grab a string cheese. A string cheese? That sounds good to me. That's I'm a savory guy.

Yeah. You are. That's never gonna be my treat of choice. You're not gonna go like, yeah. String cheese.

I did something lame. Now I'm gonna have a string cheese. No. Not no. You don't want that's not a treat for you?

I mean It's the perfect size treat. It's a nice snack. Disrupt your dinner. It's not a treat. Yeah.

It's a snack. That's what I'm saying. That's that's not a treat. A string cheese is not a treat for me. A treat is like something that's delicious.

Like string cheese. Yes. I wanna be a dude. Alright, dude. And I'll tell you why.

Why? I don't think that men necessarily there's some men that do. I'm generalizing. There's not a lot of men who prioritize their skin care like women Oh, I get that. Feel obligated to do.

Sure. Last night, I take a shower. I wash my face, brush my teeth, do all of the things. Yeah. Shave.

And then I pull out my nose detoxifying. I saw you had, like, a, like, a strip there. Yeah. You put it on the You had over the bridge of your nose. Yeah.

You had that thing on Yep. For a a good while. Yeah. And then you took that thing off, and I saw you reading a box for some things you put on your cheeks or something. No.

You put it under your it's collagen for under your eye to help with with the bags and and tired eyes under your eyes. How's that going? Do I look better today? Mhmm. Thanks, Josh.

I'm not falling for that trap. Come on, man. Come on, you. Okay. You couldn't go on with your pretended, like, I that was a terrible job of acting.

Get out of here. Try hard. So so you do the collagen, on your face, and then Yeah. You did the nose thing. What's the nose thing?

The nose thing gets rid of your your blackheads or your whiteheads I hate those things. On your I love it. No. That grosses me out so much. Satisfying when you rip it off and then you can look at it.

It looks like an upside down forest. No. Thanks. I love it. Mm-mm.

It's so gross. And then my nose feels so soft. Oh, good. And it looks It looks soft. You're the best, Josh.

You're the best husband. I know. I know. I know. So you don't have to tell everybody.

Listen. What? What else did you end up doing? Oh, that was it for last night. Oh, just the 2 things?

That was it. What's what's happening tonight? What face mask goes on tonight? I don't know. I'll probably be too tired tonight.

That sounds right. Okay. So I have, I have a charcoal mask that's in a tube. You do? Do you use it?

No. I have 2 tubes of it because I thought, you know what would be fun is spoiling myself every once in a while with this charcoal mask. Yeah. Because sometimes when I go to the barber, they would do the charcoal mask thing, and I like it. But they because it goes over your whole face Right.

And it's a gel in a tube Right. That hardens like that chocolate you put on ice cream. Yes. And then and then you peel it off. But, boy, does it peel off some some skin.

It hurts sometimes. Skin? Well, it feels like it's ripping my face off of my skull. Does it peel off hair? Do you get it on your hair, or you have to go around your beard?

You don't you don't put it over your beard. No. It would rip your beard off. Yeah. It would.

So, mostly, I do my t zone. Look at you. Yeah. So mostly. You were saying you were worried that the guys didn't have to worry about skin care.

I worry a little bit. Good for you. Not much. I not enough to do that thing because it takes time. It does take time.

And I'd rather just not. Right. Like, I should be doing that stuff more often than I do, but I just kinda forget. Yeah. And then I'm just too tired.

Right. Just tired. I'm too tired to do my skin care. Look tired. I'll tell you that much.

Josh. Josh. Josh. Josh. We're gonna play a game.

What's the game? The game is called name at the same time. The game is called name at the same time. Yeah. Alright.

Let's play. So here's what you do. I'm gonna give a topic. So I'm gonna say name this stuff, and then you and I both have to name we have to say the thing at the same time and see if we match. Let's see how it goes.

K. So do you wanna do, like because I'll shout out the Give me an example round. Give me an example round, and we'll see how it goes. Name a day of the week. Friday.

2, 3. Oh, and you wanna count. Not immediately. Well, because I have to shout with you. Okay.

I have to shout with you. Alright. I I think I I named Frank. You wanna do? You wanna do it immediately after I say the thing?

Should have workshopped this before. Or do you wanna count? You count. I'll go with the way you play. We have to do it at the same time.

Yeah. I know. You're gonna count, and I will do it at the end of your counting. Ready? Name at the same time.

Name a fruit. 123 apple. Banana. Nope. Aw.

Next. Name a tool. 123. Go, Rich. Nope.

I think I said go after the end of that one. You you went too many. Go ahead. This is a this is a work in progress, this game. Next.

Name a cast member from Friends, Chandler. Now you didn't even count that time. You're no good at your own game. Sorry. Next.

Name at the same time. What Friends character You have done it 3 different ways. I know. What Friends character were you gonna say? Oh, probably, Chandler?

I don't know. Monica. Ah. I don't know. Phoebe?

I think the idea is you're supposed to, like Connect. Yeah. Yeah. So far so far, no good. Alright.

Let me let me come up with another one. Name of vegetable. 123 carrot. No. I couldn't think of 1.

You couldn't think of a vegetable? But you went so fast. I'm sorry. You come up with a you come up with 1. This isn't my game.

It's your name at the same time. Here we go. Name a dog breed. 1, 2, 3, Jack Russell. Of course.

We have one. Let's go. I almost said beagle. Like, that was yeah. Because it was just a like, a beagle.

Anyway, go ahead. Okay. Name a topping on a pizza. 123 pepperoni. Let's go.

2 for 2. Those Back to back. Those are easy ones, though. Okay. Name a type of Toyota vehicle.

1, 2, 3, Tacoma. Yes. Let's go. That's 3 for 3 in a row. One more.

Okay. One more. Name at the same time. Oh, here's a good one. Name a Mexican dish.

1, 2, 3. Rice and beans. Tortillas. Tortillas. Oh, no.

And I named a side. You named a part of a meal. We should absolutely play this game more. Name at the same time. Josh and Chantel.

You know the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? Sure. When they're eating I can't remember what they're eating, but as they're eating it, it changes flavors in their mouth. Yeah. That's the, the, like, the 7 course meal, everlasting gobstopper.

That it is. That it is. Good job. Thanks. Good job.

So icebreakers, the gum Yeah. Has Oh, no. That's they had the Thanksgiving dinner gum. No. Those were two different things.

The everlasting Gobstopper was like the was just I don't think it had the multiple flavors. It was just the, like, multiple flavored gum. Because what's her name with the puts the gum behind her ear? Is that verruca? Veruca salt?

I don't remember if it's verruca. I think it's verruca. Anyway, the gum chewing one, was really excited about it. No. Because then she turns violet.

Violet. Violet. Because then she gets to the to the pie, and that's why she starts turning violet. This is when she turns into a blueberry? Correct.

Okay. That's right. So icebreakers has now made a gum, an actual gum that will change flavors as you chew it. It is not Thanksgiving. It's not Thanksgiving.

They call it flavor shifters, and they are calling it a multidimensional twist on gum. Okay. Interesting. The gum comes in 2. It says, well, technically, 4 flavors.

The first is wild berry to cool mint. Okay. Which brings the both of both fruity and minty flavors. Can I tell you? I think I know what they did.

What did they do? I think they got with the folks over at Fruit Stripe, and they said, how do you make your gum lose flavor so fast? Because we'd like to put whatever it is that's on the outside of your gum on the outside of our good mint gum, and we're gonna make it taste like berries only for a minute, and then you'll taste the mint gum underneath. I think that's how they did it. I don't think that's how they did it.

I think it Okay. Is what they did. Here's the weirdest part. You can't necessarily predict when the flavors are gonna shift Mhmm. Because it happens at different times for everyone throughout their chewing process.

Interesting. I wanna try this. I'm I'm into trying it. These flavors are weird together, berries and mint. I know.

What what's the other flavors? I don't it doesn't I it's just berry and mint. I don't know why it says 4. Okay. That's weird.

2, technically, 4 flavors. Time out. It says, okay, wild berry to cool mint Yes. And then wintergreen, which is 2 mint flavors. Again, that's just 3 flavors, not 4.

I don't know why they said 4. Icebreakers, you nut. Or whoever wrote the article. Yeah. Or that.

Well, yeah, I'm into trying it. When can you get it? Where can you get it? What's it called? It's called icebreakers shifters.

Flavor shifters. K. Let's, let's keep our eyes open for Flavor. Shifters. And then if we eat it, I wanna know when it changes for you and when it changes for me.

So then we'll determine. Okay. So, yeah, they're they're little, they're the little cube thing. Wild berry to cool mint, and this one is wintergreen to cool mint. Oh.

So there's the the cool mint is the base. You can just get mint and then more mint or berry and then mint. Oh. Berry to mint, I think, sounds Wild berry to cool mint. If you're doing mint to mint, that's not necessarily Oh, it's wintergreen to cool mint.

Oh. It's not just mint to mint. It's wintergreen to cool mint. So there's that. What a weird name for mint wintergreen.

Mhmm. This is mint, but it's we already have a peppermint, and we have a cool mint. Wintergreen. Let's call it wintergreen. Nice.

When was the last time you used duct tape to fix things? Duct tape. Boy. Duct tape is the it fixes so much stuff. I don't know.

Probably Everything. I know when it was. What? What. I had, the the vehicle that we sold.

Oh, yeah. And I had to tape the mirror on because it was kind of doing one of those, like, I fell off kind of things. And so, so that, yeah, that mirror. I had the tape on, so that it could be transported away from our house. That's the last time I used duct tape.

Good job. I'm trying to remember the last time I used duct tape, or tape of any kind. Tape, I just like tape. It's the best to fix things. What?

Nothing. I'm just trying to figure out where you're going. Well, I was reading Well You you know, I just wanna talk about tape. Sure. Washi tape.

You like that? You have a lot of that? I do have a lot of that, but washi tape isn't necessarily sticky. That's the point. I mean, it is, but it's not really sticky.

Yep. So Painter's tape. Painter's tape. I've got a ton of that because we need to, paint the basement. Yes.

So I have a lot of rolls of painter's tape. Electrical tape, I like that. Do you reme good tape. Do you remember when they started making colors in electrical tape? It wasn't just black.

They started making it in black. Been making that for a long time. Well, when I first discovered the different colors of electrical tape, I was very excited. That's so that you can signify different colors of wires. When I was a poor college student Uh-huh.

I used electrical tape to tape my glasses because the black blended in with the black frames. Fancy. You did that way after call. You did that, like, when we were married. That's why I have to keep my electrical tape put away.

Because we didn't have vision insurance at the time. I'm sure. So okay. When you're young. When you're young and poor and resourceful.

Electrical take. Is a guy in Virginia, Richmond, Virginia. Mhmm. And there is a tree on his in his neighborhood. It's on, like, the sidewalk in front of his house.

Mhmm. And it's kind of splitting down the middle, this tree. Okay. And he's called the city to see if the city will do something about it. And the city either doesn't have the time to get around to it or it's not their responsibility.

Maybe it's not on their property. I don't know all of the details on that, but the city is not going to come and take remove that tree or take care of it. Gotcha. And so this gentleman is worried that the tree is gonna finally just split straight down the middle, and it's going to fall on houses or cars. And so he initially taped up a sign on the tree that said, danger.

Do not park here. Be careful when you're walking by. So that's what the sign says. The sign says, danger. Tree is splitting.

Park at your own risk. Then he felt that that wasn't enough, and so he has taken duct tape and wrapped duct tape around the tree to hold it going to hold together. And is look. The tree is in bad shape. Is I was gonna say, is that gonna be detrimental to the tree?

But the tree clearly is a hazard and needs to go. Correct. What I'm curious about is if the duct tape is gonna hold the tree together. If you use enough I mean, you can tape a human being to a wall if you have enough duct tape. I wanna try that.

You do? I do. You wanna be taped to a wall? Yeah. I'll do it.

I want to be the taped, and I also wanna do the taping. Do you wanna tape can I tape you to the wall? Don't want to be taped to the wall. Please? But I would happily tape you to a wall.

I bet you would. I don't know when you're getting down, but hope you can figure it out. You're gonna tape me in, like, the laundry room downstairs and shut the door. That's what you do. What?

There's not a big enough wall there. There isn't. That was just the furthest place away from you, I think, that I could think of. The laundry room? Yeah.

That's the furthest place away from me? In our house. You think that's the furthest away? If you were gonna if you were trying to get rid of me and you were like, I don't want more I don't wanna see you. I don't wanna hear you.

I'm gonna tape you to the wall somewhere. The laundry room. Yeah. Where would you tape me? I I wasn't gonna even tape you somewhere in the house.

Where were you gonna tape me? I don't know. Somewhere away from me. Rude. What are you talking about?

No. You've gotta have, like, a good big wall, like, in a in, like, a gym or A gym? Like, a cafeteria. Yeah. The school.

Where are we gonna go find the gym? I'm sure that somebody at a school will let me tape you to a wall. The we can make it a fundraiser. We could make it a fundraiser. Tape Chantel to a wall as a fundraiser, and, all of the all the kids in the school can help put up a piece of tape or something.

How much tape do you think it would take 2. To tape me to the no. It's gonna take more than that. No. It takes a lot of tape.

It takes rolls. I bet it takes 2 to 3 rolls. Really? I think so. That's rude.

No. That's that's what it's gonna take to stick you to a wall. It's not She's pretty heavy. Bring out 5 rolls. She's a but we better have 5 just in case.

It's not because she's heavy. It's because it's a wall. I'm not taping you to a pole where I can just wrap you around. I gotta I gotta have enough surface tension to keep you stuck to the wall. And then when we move the chair out from under you and you go and all your weight's on the tape, it doesn't just immediately and you fall flat on your face.

Yeah. That would be scary. Right. So I'm gonna make sure there's enough tape used to be safe. I trust you.

I'd let you do it. I do. You would let me tape you to a walk. I yes. Absolutely.

Alright. Well, let's think about it. Might be a good time. Michael Keaton. Yeah.

Beetlejuice? And Batman. The real Batman. Beetle Beatleman? Go ahead.

And Batman. Yeah. Bat Bat Juice? No. It's not that.

What? That's gross. Batman and Beetlejuice, Michael Keaton. Yeah. Yeah.

He has decided to go back to his original name. He Michael Keaton is not his birth name. That is his stage name. When he first started acting, the Screen Actors Guild had a rule that no two members could have the same name. So Michael Keaton was forced to come up with a solution because his real name is Michael Douglas.

Who's a different actor. Yeah. So he said, well, let me come up with something else. And so his he's going to be credited from now on as Michael Keaton Douglas so that people can still kind of An make a correlation. Because his middle name is John.

Is it? Michael John Douglas. And did you know this is why you like him? I, like, I I figured it was because of his acting. No.

It's because he's the youngest of 7 children. Oh, of course. I love that. He's a bee. But also because he's a good actor, and he's super cute and funny, and I just love him.

Well, good. Did you know that Emma Stone is the same Correct. Situation? Yep. I was just reading that.

Yeah. She is in is the same deal. First of all, her name is Emily. Yes. And secondly, her name is not, well, I guess it's Stone, but it's Emily Jean Stone, but there was already an Emily Stone.

And And so she said, well, I'll be Emma then. Emily Stone, we don't even I haven't heard of that person. I don't know either. But Emma has started to go by Emily. So, which is interesting because not a lot of people know that her name isn't Emma, and so when she goes to interviews and journalists are like, Emily, tell me about this.

And her costars that are doing interviews are like, why are they calling you that? And she goes, well, that is my name. My name. So that's fine. But, yeah, same sort of deal where she had to change her name because there was already an Emily Stone.

How about that? How about it? How about it? They can just do a 12? Yeah.

They just start adding numbers. Emily Stone too. Like, when your email address is already taken, so you put a number at the end of it. Exactly. Yeah.

It's the same. Emily Stone 123. Mhmm. Yeah. Good.

Michael Douglas 1234. Right. Because there were already 1,233 other There were just 2. Uh-huh. There is a rumor going around that Amazon is banning delivery drivers from singing along to the radio.

What? Come on. They say that it distracts them and negatively impacts their driving safety. We hate it when you have fun. Amazon is denying this.

Amazon is saying this is completely inaccurate. We've never issued guidance or communications that prohibits singing in the vehicle. We do have cameras in the vehicles, but that's to show safety and promote safe driving. It does not it's not there to ban delivery drivers from singing. I would not be able to work for Amazon.

That's my favorite part of driving is Is singing along. Yeah. You could look. Maybe they're not. May we've got two sides of the story here.

Amazon saying we're not doing that, and who's the driver or drivers collective that are saying that this is a thing? And there's, yeah, there's some employees and former drivers. Former drivers. Okay. So they may be judged.

Be disgruntled. Yes. Yep. Was there do we have proof of an internal memo? Like, we need we need the evidence.

We have no proof. Well, then It's just his word against her word. We gotta have evidence. I know. We can't we can't form an a real solid opinion about this issue until we have all the evidence.

I'm just saying, I feel like singing in my car Yeah. While I'm driving makes me a better driver. Sure. Also Yeah. I'm a better singer in the car.

Oh, is that right? Yep. Yep. Are you better at singing when other people are in the car with you or when you're by yourself? Oh, when I'm by myself.

You're the best singer? Yeah. Oh, alright. K. Because I'm able to sing louder.

Yes. And when I sing louder, that makes me a better singer. Is that right? Best when I sing loud. Loud and proud.

Look. Make a joyful noise. Alright? What I do. I'm not gonna stop you.

You sing your songs. You be happy. I'm not I'm not taking that from you. That's why I do it alone. You could do it when you have a car full.

I do with you. Can you imagine that if you got in an Uber and the driver was just like, yeah. This is my song and just belting it out. I wouldn't mind. You you can't be like, this is a weird Uber.

Right? No. I wouldn't care. I would just have your time If this is your song because there's times in the car where my song will come on, and I'll be like, oh, I love singing the song. And I'll go to sing, and then somebody in the car with me will wanna chitchat.

And I'm like, this is not chitchat time. Well, I know that's not me. So I have to push pause. Not the I'm not the drive around and chitchat type. No.

It's not you. No. It's not me. I'm kinda the hey. Let's just be quiet for a little while and enjoy enjoy the quiet.

I'm the chitchat kind. Oh, is that right? Yeah. Yeah. Do you disagree?

That you are the chitchat? No. I do not I do not disagree with the statement you are the chit chat type because you are. Here we go. These are the facts.

Selfies? You know what a selfie is? Sure. When you take a picture of yourself. Yeah.

People are desperately trying to get the best selfies when they're on vacation. They're trying to get, the most extreme. It's not just people taking selfies in front of the Eiffel Tower anymore. Okay. Just not doing it as far as likes go.

So what are we So people are doing it for likes. People are getting close to buffalo. Not a smart idea. Getting close to wildlife. People are getting, like, their traipsing over, like, fountains to get, like, the best what?

What? What? What? I've never seen a picture of someone traipsing over a fountain. Yes.

You did. There was a video it was a video. She wasn't necessarily taking a picture, but there was the video of the woman who was on vacation, and it was, like, a very old fountain, and she climbed over it to get a drink of water. I don't remember. You saw this video.

Okay. I know you did. Alright. So National Landmarks, like, the tourist people, the people in charge of tourism. I don't know what they're called.

Sure. Tourism directors for different places. Okay. They're like, guys, let's not do this anymore. Like, you're destroying landmarks.

You're being unsafe. Just take a regular vacation photo of your smiling family in front of the Eiffel Tower, of your smiling Yeah. Family in front of the Grand Canyon. But that's not gonna get the likes. Stop trying to get those likes.

So they're just issuing warnings, like, please stop because you're destroying you're destroying the land. So I just was curious, and so I wanted to see, like, dangerous selfies. And? So here's a few that I've seen that are kind of dangerous. Oh.

A lot of people on top of very tall buildings and very tall structures. Mhmm. I'm not into that. Like, up on top of bridges and stuff. Like, up on the cables and up on, like, frightening heights, which makes me Nauseous.

Not good. Okay. I'm really not good with even pictures of stuff really high, I I don't like it. And it's not that I'm afraid of heights. I'll climb a ladder.

I don't care. I get on the roof. I do the Christmas lights. It's all good. Yeah.

But there's a certain, like, I get to a certain point in height, and I go, that's enough. It's probably 30 feet. 30 feet, I go, any more than this, I think I'm not into it. Okay. But because you have searched for dangerous selfies Yeah.

Now people are gonna keep doing it because they're like, oh, there understand that someone's searching. Like, there's a picture of this girl, and she's got her selfie, and she's doing this. What's a The peace sign? And there's a bear behind her. Dang.

Like, in the wild, not in, like, a zoo. This is people laying in train tracks. Now, again, there's no train in the picture. They're just laying in the train tracks. People take pictures of train tracks all the time.

There's somebody underwater with a shark? 3 years ago, there was a report CBS News reported that 259 people were reported killed worldwide in selfie related incidents. 259 globally Yeah. Or in America? No.

Globally. From taking dangerous selfies. Yeah. I mean, there's no reason. You don't need to.

No. Again, I what's the point? So you have one picture to show some people that they go, wow. Look how Look how look how close to that bear you got. Like, here's the one I saw.

Foolish. Here's one. This woman took a selfie next to a volcano. Yeah. I saw this.

You saw that? By herself, or was she wearing protective gear? No. She just by herself. Looking at what they're calling the one of the most dangerous selfies of all time.

Which is? And it's next to the cone of an active lava filled volcano. Yeah. But they're in full heat, gear. She's got a tank top on.

Well, that's a silly idea. I don't know what to tell you. Also, those selfies on train tracks? Yeah. What if you get your shoe caught in between the tracks?

What if? I've seen those movies where the shoe gets caught in the train tracks. Hear Yeah. And then you can't get your shoe off in time. And it's a race against a train.

Don't do it. Yeah. I'm not I don't need a dangerous selfie. Take a take a selfie. What's a real dangerous selfie?

Take a safety. A a dangerous selfie would be when you had all that stuff on your face, all the nose thing and the the cheek things and the eyes and whatever. On my safety. Went selfie and then ran away real quick and posted it. I wouldn't mind.

That's a dangerous selfie. I don't mind that. No. I like safeties. Let's take a safe safe a safe self.

What? What? To what now? Forget about it. Have you ever told a white lie that completely backfired?

I don't know. I mean, I'm sure somewhere along the way, I did. I just of anything? Not off the top of my head. No?

This was asked on the Internet. Uh-huh. Some of the responses? Someone pretended to be blind because they thought the glasses were cool. Oh, wow.

Their parents paid for 3 different doctors before they would realized it was a lie. No way. Like, how old was this person? I don't I don't know. I just thought it was cool to wear sunglasses all the time.

I think you can probably just get away with wearing sunglasses all the time. I feel right. Like, I think if you just said, like, hey. I really think, I wanna wear sunglasses. I think your parents are gonna be like, well, okay.

Let's get you some let's go to the store and get you some $4 sunglasses and have at it, buddy. I used to tell people that I was allergic to tomatoes because I didn't wanna eat them. How did that work out? I didn't go terribly wrong. You like tomatoes now?

I do like tomatoes now. Because palates evolve. There was a there was a boy who told his classmates at his school that he had a girlfriend at a different school, but one of the kids' mom was a teacher at the other school and said That person doesn't exist. That person doesn't exist. So you got busted.

Yeah. Yeah. There was a kid who cracked their new phone and claimed that it happened when their teacher took it during a test. Oh. They didn't expect that their mom would call the school and complain.

And the teacher said, I didn't do that. I I didn't do that. We took a test, and she took my phone. And when she dropped in the drawer hard on other phones Someone failed a math test in the 4th grade, and then they needed to have their parents sign the test. So the kid tried to forge their parents' signature, but they forged it in crayon.

Oh, well, there's that. I thought they were just gonna write mom. Mom. Yeah. I had my mom sign it.

Mom. Mom. Yeah. Those, those are some good examples. I'm try I'm still trying to think if I've ever had anything kinda go that way.

I think there was one time I wrote on the wall, and I said I didn't do it. Mhmm. Same kind of situation as the crayon. When I was little, I wrote on the wall. I was like, I didn't do that.

But nobody else was home at the time, so it could only have been me. Way to go. Way to go. Listen. Years years ago, we had in our living room window a small pumpkin.

Yeah. It was around fall time. Yes. And you are a thumbtack using lady. I like thumbtacks.

Uh-huh. You know why? Because I can always find them. Yeah. I can't always find a nail.

Great. We got a box of nails and a hammer. Very easily accessible. Use them. I can't find them.

So because thumbtacks don't hold up anything. Yeah. They've been holding out so They hold up paper on a cork board, end of thumbtacks. Alright. Listen.

Okay. We had a thumbtack wind up in the pumpkin, and it has been a mystery in our house for at least 10 years who put the thumbtack in the pumpkin. And it gets brought up several times a year Yep. And neither of the kids will admit to it. It.

It is a completely pointless thing. It is. There's no reason this thing should even be a conversation, but neither of them will admit to who put the thumbtack in the pumpkin. And both of them have said, you told me you did it. Yeah.

So They keep blaming each other. Who put the thumbtack in the pumpkin, but it is a Tielor household mystery It is. That is ongoing and probably will be forever. That's one of those questions when you die. I just wanna know the answer to this.

Put the thumbtack in that pumpkin. What if we find out the thumbtack actually was on the floor and the pumpkin took a roll and ended up stabbing itself? It was the pumpkin's fault the whole time. And, also, yours for putting the thumbtack on the floor. I didn't put the thumbtack on the floor.

You intentionally. No. I won't. Fell out of the wall like they all do. No.

Yeah. I don't even have anything on the wall next to that pumpkin. Except all the garlands that you use thumbtacks to hold up. Exactly. I'm not gonna I'm not gonna hang up a garland with a nail.

Who does that? So, anyway, one day, we will find out. We'll find out who put that thumbtack in the pumpkin. Today is not that day, but one day, we will find out. These are rotten kids.

Would you rather this or that? Would you rather be stuck in a romantic comedy with your worst enemy Oh. Or be stuck in a horror movie with your best friend? Oh. I'm gonna say horror movie because at least I'm with my best friend.

That's it. Not for long. Why is it me? Why are you dragging me into because you're my best friend. Oh, man.

Sorry. But you have to be you have to save us. No. Yeah. You do.

You have to save us. No. You're the character. I'm the best friend. That's true.

You're probably the best guy. No. I'm the one who gets taken by the crazy monster. Yeah. And then you have to go on a rescue mission to save me.

No. Yeah. Because we'd be in the movie together. So Right. You're not beginning until, like, our relationship gets established, and then everybody's like, you gotta save your best friend.

You gotta go get your best friend. Why do I have to save you? Just you, Solo, taking on the monsters to save me. That's not Yep. That's how this movie works.

No. That's the movie we're making. Us working side by side to escape the dangers Nope. Of whatever predicament we've landed. That that's part of it, but then I end up getting captured.

And then you have to save me Don't get captured. By yourself. It's not my fault. I'm only the best friend. It's your movie.

I picked that one just because I also don't wanna be in a movie with my worst enemy. Well, that's weird because you're my worst enemy. So And then we have to fall in love. No. You are.

You are my worst enemy. Not my best enemy. My worst. You're you're the worst at being an enemy to me. You're my worst enemy.

See? I see. I see what you do. My best enemy. No.

No. You're the worst at being an enemy to me. I don't even know what to do with this. I'll just get captured. That's my role.

Wake Up Classy 97 is a podcast, this show. Yes. We take a full 4 hours of it, cram it down to a little bite size 45 minutes to an hour. And And so you can listen to the whole thing in, like, one sitting, and you if you miss parts or if you, you know, wanna revisit stuff, you wanna find out about, skin care routines, or maybe you wanna Josh's oily t zone. Yeah.

If you wanna learn about me taking care of my t zone, maybe you wanna learn about, you know, names. Duct taping me to the wall. Sure. There's a lot in there, that happens today. Talked about some good stuff today.

With every day. Is it a hickey? Is it a curling iron burn, or is it a bleach? You just never know. So if you wanna revisit any of that, you missed any of it, you wanna share it with your friends, that's cool.

Wake Up Classy 97, the podcast, is available. Podcast. Yeah. It's available everywhere you listen to podcasts. So if you, listen on Spotify, Wake Up Classy 97, the podcast.

Apple Podcasts. Now, hey. Listen. We try to get our daughter to listen to the podcast, and she won't. So please, somebody listen to our podcast.

What? There are people that listen to the podcast every day. Her daughter does not. But she does not wanna be one of them. She's like, no.

I can't be bothered. I hear enough from you 2 as it is. So, anyway, if you wanna take a listen, it's available on demand. So you can listen anytime. You don't have to just listen in the morning.

You can listen at lunch. You can listen on your drive later. You can Yeah. Fall asleep with it. Whatever you wanna do, you can get the podcast anywhere, you get podcasts.

We also have it at our website riverbendmediagroup.com, and then you click on podcasts and you can see that one along with some of the other podcasts. We've got the new awareness project podcast out. Melissa and, I don't know if Emma or Maddie is on this one. But really cool it is, suicide prevention month and so if you're talking to someone that you think may be struggling with suicidal thoughts, you can listen without judgment, you can make time to actually listen and engage with them, you can show that you genuinely care, by what you say and how you listen, and all of those things are kind of explained in great detail in this month's Riverbend Awareness Project podcast, all about suicide prevention this month. So, very very big, topic and there's a lot of great information in there.

Also available everywhere you get podcasts. So lots of that happening around here. If you wanna, listen in, check out the podcast link page, whatever, at riverbendmediagroup.com. I think that's gonna do it for us for today. There you go.

Tomorrow's Friday already. Yes. I know. I know. So, we'll see you back here tomorrow morning.

Sounds good. Alright. Bye. Bye soon. Thanks for listening to wake up classy 97, the podcast.

If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast. Wake up classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Tielor and is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com.