Building The Billion Dollar Business

In this episode, Ray Sclafani discusses the seven steps to building your firm of dreams. He uses the metaphor of the movie 'Field of Dreams' to explain the importance of having a clear vision and taking a leap of faith. The seven steps include defining your firm's vision, creating a detailed plan, building the right team, attracting the right clients, delivering outstanding service, embracing change and innovation, and engaging with the community. Ray provides insights and strategies for each step, emphasizing the importance of client focus, continuous improvement, and community involvement.

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What is Building The Billion Dollar Business?

Hosted by Financial Advisor Coach, Ray Sclafani, "Building The Billion Dollar Business" is the ultimate podcast for financial advisors seeking to elevate their practice. Each episode features deep dives into actionable advice and exclusive interviews with top professionals in the financial services industry. Tune in to unlock your potential and build a successful, enduring financial advisory practice.

Ray Sclafani (00:00)
Welcome to Building the Billion Dollar Business, the podcast where we dive deep into the strategies, insights and stories behind the world's most successful financial advisors and introduce content and actionable ideas to fuel your growth. Together, we'll unlock the methods, tactics and mindset shifts that set the top 1 % apart from the rest. I'm Ray Schlaffani and I'll be your host.

Today's topic, seven steps to building your firm of dreams. In the 1989 classic film, Field of Dreams, Kevin Costner's character, Ray Kinsella hears a mysterious voice whisper, if you build it, he will come. Driven by faith, he constructs a baseball field in the middle of his cornfield and the players and fans eventually arrive. This iconic phrase has transcended its origins.

becoming a metaphor for creating something great and trusting that it will attract the right people. During a recent Business Builders Academy session here at ClientWise, Robert Steinberg, founder and wealth manager at Blue Chip Partners LLC, leaned into this metaphor to explain his firm of dreams philosophy. Starting with a vision of the types of clients he wants his firm to serve both now and in the future,

He's able to become more certain about the services he needs to offer, as well as the talent, skill sets, and competencies he seeks to acquire, develop, and cultivate future owners of the business. Pointing to his firm's success and track record, he confidently shared with the entire group of his peers, if you build it, they will come. Does it require a leap of faith? Absolutely.

But suppose you're serious about creating a business that attracts ideal clients, only ideal clients, and elite talent, only elite talent, through visionary planning, execution, and a commitment to excellence. Well, in that case, the following seven steps will be essential to build your firm of dreams successfully. Number one, define your firm of dreams, vision. Just as Ray Kinsella imagined a baseball diamond amidst his cornfield,

You must have a clear, compelling vision of what your firm, your ideal firm looks like. You'll need a mission statement crafted to encapsulate your firm's purpose and values, focused on delivering personalized financial solutions, fostering lifelong client relationships, and embracing innovative technologies. Client focus that clearly identifies your target market, such as business owners considering a liquidity event, high net worth families with a solid social and philanthropic drive, or,

young executives needing help navigating the tax impact of complex compensation plans, and a service offering that reflects your target market's unique needs and challenges, such as income and cash flow planning, access to customized credit and lending, trust and estate planning, et cetera. This vision should guide nearly every decision you and your team make, shaping your firm's identity and helping to differentiate you from your competitors.

Secondly, it's about planning, creating a blueprint. Building a successful business requires meticulous planning, something that most financial advisors do a great job helping clients with, but oftentimes don't do enough time spending internally with their team. Much like constructing a baseball field, you'll need a detailed blueprint to guide your journey and measure your progress against the business plan, which outlines your objectives, strategies, and financial projections.

This plan should include marketing, operational and financial strategies. You need technology and integration strategy that helps guide you in selecting the right tools so that you can enhance client service and streamline operations. You might include your CRM systems, financial planning software, client portals, et cetera. You also need a strong compliance framework. In a highly regulated industry, ensuring that your business adheres to regulatory requirements is essential.

Avoiding legal entanglements and building client trust is a way forward that's successful. A well -structured plan transforms your vision into actionable steps, laying the groundwork for sustainable growth and long -term success. Okay, number three, recruiting your players, team building. Ultimately realizing your vision will depend on your ability to assemble the right team. Just as Ray's baseball field attracted legendary players,

Your firm must attract elite professionals who share your vision and values. So focus on hiring individuals with the expertise and dedication necessary for your firm's growth. This includes advisors, support professionals, and any administrative personnel. A culture that fosters a positive, inclusive environment that promotes collaboration, innovation, and continuous learning, as well as ongoing training and development.

that keeps your team updated on industry trends and the regulatory changes and the proven practices. It's one of the best investments you can make is in your people. A cohesive team aligned with your mission will help drive your business's success and create a supportive environment for clients and employees. Okay, number four, attracting the right audience. It's all about client acquisition. In the same way a well -built baseball field draws loyal fans,

A well -structured firm attracts loyal client advocates. Effective client acquisition strategies will be essential to filling your stands. So marketing, well, that comprises robust digital outreach, content creation, community engagement, social media, blogs, webinars. Well, they can all showcase your expertise. Networking events, industry conferences, and partnerships with other professionals, these alliances, they are highly effective strategies for building new relationships.

And referrals of friend and family members from satisfied clients can be jumpstarted with a referral program that rewards clients and new referrals. Better yet, building loyal client advocates with intention and partnership is the most sustainable approach. Something we've studied here at ClientWise for almost two decades, and we've been coaching the best in the business to do this well. Demonstrating your value add and building trust is the surest route to attracting clients.

who will appreciate and benefit most from your services. Okay, number five, seems obvious, but delivering outstanding service, that client experience. Providing an exceptional client experience and quality advice will be vital to retaining clients and encouraging others to introduce their networks to your team. Your business must strive to exceed client expectations at every touch point. So personalization in the form of tailored services that meet each client's unique needs,

End goals based on a solid understanding of their financial situation, preferences and aspirations, as well as risk tolerances, obviously. Regular and transparent communication utilizing a mix of newsletters and updates and personal meetings to keep clients informed and engaged. And feedback loops so that clients better understand how they can communicate their overall satisfaction and identify areas for improvement for you and your team members.

Use surveys and reviews and direct conversations to gather insights. Lasting relationships that contribute to your firm's reputation and growth can only be built by prioritizing client satisfaction. One of the tools at ClientWise is called the ClientWise Conversation. It's five simple questions that every advisor needs to be asking all clients every 18 or so months.

Check out the ClientWise website for more information about this approach to learning what your clients value and what feedback they have for you and your team. Okay, number six, embrace change and adapt. Innovation is the cornerstone of any modern thriving advisory business. Staying ahead of trends and adapting to new challenges will be essential in three areas, technology, service expansion, and process improvement.

Where staying ahead and updated on all the technological advancements can enhance client service, improve efficiency and reduce costs, it's also important to explore the benefits of integrating AI, robo -advice and data analytics. Service expansion, think about financial wellness programs and educational workshops, family governance or more complex investment offerings. Regularly assess and expand your services offerings to reflect

evolving client needs. On process improvement, require continuous refinement of processes and procedures to improve the client experience, streamline operations, and ensure ongoing compliance. Embracing innovation helps to ensure your firm remains competitive and relevant in a highly dynamic marketplace. Okay, lastly, number seven, community engagement. Build a supportive network, strong connections within local,

and professional communities enhances your firm's visibility and boosts your credibility. Much in the way interactions between players and fans energized Ray's field, your business will benefit from community involvement, local event participation, community program sponsorships, even charitable initiatives. It's a great way to build goodwill and demonstrate your firm's commitment to social responsibility. Industry participation in related associations.

article submissions to professional publications and attendance at important conferences combined all of these efforts help position your firm and its team members as knowledgeable thought leaders and help strengthen both your reputation and professional network. Client education delivered through periodic educational seminars and workshops empowers clients with greater financial knowledge, solidifies your existing client relationships,

as well as with their next generation and generates new business and new clients. Active community engagement fosters trust and recognition, drawing clients and talent to your firm. Building your firm of dreams is a journey that requires vision, dedication, and a willingness to embrace challenges from attracting the right clients to nurturing future firm leaders and finding creative ways to stand out.

in a highly competitive marketplace. Just as Ray can sell his faith in his vision led to fulfilling his dream, your commitment to building a client focused, innovative, and community engaged business will bring success and satisfaction. So take that leap of faith. Just like Robert Steinberg described in our Business Builders Academy to his peers, build your firm of dreams and watch as clients and opportunities come to you.

need a strategic partner or business coach to help you get there, reach out to any of the members on our client wise team. With each of these articles and podcasts, we introduce coaching questions. They're designed as open -ended future oriented questions so that you can take the information from the articles and really apply the learning to your daily work as you lead your teams. So five coaching questions to share with this particular podcast. First,

What does it look like if you try to envision your ideal future firm? Who are the clients you would serve? And what are their essential needs that most advisory firms would be unable to address adequately? Second, if you were going to control alt delete, start a new firm today. What would you take with you? What might you leave behind? And what would you build new? Consider the ideal firm. What technology, service,

and process enhancements would position you to meet client needs and provide better advice. Fourth, what improvements could you make to your current marketing and referral efforts to attract new clients, build loyal client advocates who accurately reflect your ideal client profile? And fifth, what leaps of faith do you need to consider taking in the next 12 to 36 months?

Thanks for tuning in and that's a wrap. Until next time, this is Ray Sglafani. Keep building, growing and striving for greatness. Together, we'll redefine what's possible in the world of wealth management. Be sure to check back for our latest episode and article. Have a great week.