The Dr. JJ Thomas Podcast

It takes someone with firsthand experience to provide the guidance needed for training the next generation of athletes. In this episode, I sit down with Robby Andrews, 2016 US Olympian and NCAA champion, to explore his journey from a competitive runner to a sought-after coach. We talk about Robby's upbringing surrounded by runners, his transition to coaching, and how his personal experiences with injuries shaped his training philosophy. Tune in to hear Robby’s story and learn how he helps young athletes achieve long-term success in running.


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With over 20 years as a physical therapist, JJ’s passion for movement along with her unique experiences and training have shaped her into the successful clinician and educator she is.

JJ graduated from the University of Delaware in 2000, which is now ranked as the #1 physical therapy school in the nation. She holds multiple certifications in a variety of advanced specialty techniques and methods, all of which complement her role as an expert clinician and educator. JJ has been certified in dry needling since 2009, and began instructing dry needling in 2012. She currently teaches for Evidence in Motion (EIM), and also independently lectures and trains other clinicians throughout the country in the fields of physical therapy, chiropractic, and sports medicine. She uses her expertise to help other professionals advance their skills and outcomes, either through manual interventions or specialized movement analysis.

JJ Thomas also has certifications in Gray Cook’s Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA), ACE Gait Analysis, Functional Range Conditioning (FRC), The Raggi Method of Postural Evaluation (based out of Italy), and many other joint, soft tissue, and neural mobilization techniques. In addition to these accomplishments, JJ is also a trainer for GMB Fitness, where building a solid foundation fosters restoring functional, pain-free movement.

JJ’s expertise in the area of movement analysis and in dry needling has played a large part in success in the field of sports medicine. JJ has had the honor to work with the US Field Hockey Team, and with individual professional athletes from NFL, MLB, NBA, USATF, PGA, US Squash, USPA (polo), and more.

As a recognized expert in dry needling and consultant for organizations such as the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy (FSBPT) and the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), JJ has contributed to national legislative advancements in dry needling. Her work with these organizations includes establishing national education standards for dry needling competence and successfully adding a Trigger Point Dry Needling CPT code for insurance and billing coverage. JJ assisted the APTA in successfully adding a specific CPT code for trigger point dry needling in CPT 2020.


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What is The Dr. JJ Thomas Podcast?

Welcome to The Dr. JJ Thomas Podcast! Here I'll be talking all things physical therapy, raw and unplugged, giving you the unfiltered insights you've been searching for in your cash-based physical therapy business. If you're caught in the grind of the traditional model, swamped with paperwork, or feeling like you're not reaching your full potential as a physical therapist, this podcast was created just for you.

Robby Andrews':

We utilize a final search, which is an app where everything gets uploaded right from your watch, and then we can communicate in there. You can write notes on it, and I can see all your splits. I think it's really it's really user friendly, and it's really helpful for me to have all of that information in one spot. Welcome to the doctor JJ Thomas podcast.

Dr JJ Thomas:

Hey, everybody. Welcome to the doctor JJ Thomas podcast. I'm JJ Thomas, and I'm here today with a very special guest, Robby Andrews. Before I give Robby the full introduction, just a quick a quick brief, recap for, those of you who are new to us listening. The purpose of this podcast is to reach 2 different audiences.

Dr JJ Thomas:

We have our patients, athletes, general population who just wanna get better, stay healthy, stay fit or get fit, and, keep doing the things they love physically. And then we have our clinician audience who are clinicians who wanna get better at helping people people get better, get fitter, get, get, healthier faster. So so as you know, if you have been listening, our intention here is to bring on all types of experts, on the show that can help us solve the world's problems on on how to get people better faster. And, so with that, today's very special guest, as I said, Robby Andrews, is, is here representing the running community. And, a little bit of background, Robby, you can fill in anything I missed, but Robby, Robby's one of my favorite all time runners ever, ever, ever.

Dr JJ Thomas:

Robby was a NCAA, superstar, and an Olympian and is also currently now, big time coach for lots of people, including, including personal work with his his also rock star runner, one of my other favorite runners, Josette Andrews. So, Robby, thank you.

Robby Andrews':

JJ, thank you so much for having me. It is, such a pleasure to see you. I I wish I was, back east with you right now, but this is this is much better than nothing. Absolutely. Thank you for having me.

Dr JJ Thomas:

Yeah. I agree. I said, those of you just tuning in, I said, Ravi, I I wish we had our our intro. I wish we had when we both popped up on the screen recording. I wish I had hit record before that because Ravi and I have always had this, like, man, I just love you, and it shows whenever whenever we see each other.

Dr JJ Thomas:

It's like big embraces even even through the computer. So, yeah, it's always good to see you. And I think the reason that is, well, for a lot of reasons, but you are what makes you special to me is, you're living you're living life real, and that goes in everything you do, whether it's running, whether it's be spending time with your family, whether it's just, you know, just living an honest life. Like, that's one of the things that always, stood out to me about you is that, you know, you put in the work. You did it wholeheartedly.

Dr JJ Thomas:

You you, you committed to everything you did a 100%, and I know you still do that through your coaching program. So I'm just I'm excited to see, to hear about because we don't talk as much as we used to, which is okay. Life is busy for both of us.

Robby Andrews':

Well, you're you have a lot going on, JJ, and, you know, you're helping you you help so many people. It's unbelievable. I've been I mean, I remember trying making appointments with you and stuff, and it's like, hey. What do you got next week? You're like, maybe the week after, or maybe the week after that.

Robby Andrews':

And, well, actually, if I if I skip 2 lunches, then, actually, I can see you. It's, now, JJ, you help so many people, and, you you're just what I what I always appreciated about you was, your willingness to learn. You always ask questions. Like, you you weren't afraid to ask questions, which I think is one of the best things you can do as as a human is, you know, never stop never stop learning. There's so much stuff out there.

Robby Andrews':


Dr JJ Thomas:

Yeah. So so yeah. So for those of you that for those listening that don't know, Robby's in my background. Robby and I worked together, what was it, about 6 years ago? I mean, it was 4 on and off for on and off for anywhere from 2 to 4 years, I'd say, when you were closer to the East Coast.

Dr JJ Thomas:

Mhmm. And even when you weren't, like, right in my backyard, you still would you and Josette would come up and and travel and visit me and get a little a little movement cleanup. Right? Mhmm. Mhmm.

Dr JJ Thomas:

And, one of my favorite memories from this I just have to share this because I don't know if I ever well, 2 things I have to share. 1 is I don't know if I ever told you this before, but I I would definitely have, like, superstar I I remember reading up on you because I don't always follow all the runner. Like, you know, like, Kate when Kate was with us, Kate knew all Kate would fill me in. Like, so and so ran this, and and I'm like, thanks, Kate. But but, but, you know, I I barely even watch the news, so I don't always know everything, that's going on current events running wise.

Dr JJ Thomas:

But I remember looking you up and being like, oh my god. He's the fastest person I've ever met in person. He's the fastest person I've ever laid my hands on. Like, I just remember looking at your times and being like, holy moly. This guy's legit.

Robby Andrews':

Oh, thank you, Gigi.

Dr JJ Thomas:

So that was the first gush I had to do on you. And then the second gush is that I don't know if I ever told you this, but one of my favorite career moments in life was when you and I were trying to figure out one of your flare you know, one of your, kind of acute inflammatory events that you had, and we were we were piecing through movement diagnosis and everything like we do. And, and you, and I I was like, well, tell me about your training. Like, what's your training? Like, you know, have you been progressing?

Dr JJ Thomas:

And you were like, you know what? I have my logbook in the car. Let me go get the logbook. And you ran into the car, and you brought your logbook back, and then and then you're flipping through. And on one of the pages, you said, you know, I I shook it out today.

Dr JJ Thomas:

I ran it, whatever. I didn't feel great, but it's okay. I see JJ tomorrow. JJ will fix me.

Robby Andrews':

Exactly. Exactly. And, man, it's, so people people approach logbooks different ways. Some people just write the the facts. It's, like, 8 8 miles, 4 miles, whatever.

Robby Andrews':

I was always a little bit I treated a little bit more like a diary. And

Dr JJ Thomas:


Robby Andrews':

Because I wanted to know if JJ helped, I wanted to remember, oh, JJ helped. Okay. Let's go see JJ again. And, you yeah. You made multiple entries into the logbook.

Robby Andrews':


Dr JJ Thomas:

I tell you. I was like, I made the logbook?

Robby Andrews':

It's it's a little embarrassing. I I carried it around with me, all the time. But I think, you know, kinda like what what you just said earlier. It's like, yeah. I went all in.

Robby Andrews':

You know, I tried I tried really, really hard. I I wanted to be the best, and I WAS DOING EVERYTHING I THOUGHT WOULD HELP ME DO THAT AND DOCUMENTING THINGS, WRITING THINGS DOWN HELPED ME. IT HELPED CLEAR MY MIND, HELPED ME ORGANIZE THINGS. AND THEN WHEN I SEE A CLINICIAN that is interested and wants to truly help me not just get me in and get me out and be like oh yeah let me see you 10 more times in the next week. I can share with you this is how hard I'm training, this is my goal, Can you help me get there even though, I can't breathe?

Robby Andrews':

My my glute doesn't work. My Achilles is in is I have 4 Achilles right now. And, my

Dr JJ Thomas:

Pretty sure there's a match on my Achilles.

Robby Andrews':

Yeah. Yeah. So it's it's, I just I have not met many clinicians like you, JJ, that truly want what's best for the athlete, and that's something that I try to take with me now to my coaching and my athletes that I work with in the gym. So thank you for showing me what empathy and caring for someone truly looks like in in this world.

Dr JJ Thomas:

You're too much. Let's talk about that. Let's talk about because I I we both I think that's one of the reasons I wanted to have you on. We both both wanna help people do the rest. Right?

Dr JJ Thomas:

Running, you know, running, being fit, whatever it is. And I know you're doing that now coaching. Before we get into the details of the coaching, let's talk about can we talk a little bit more about your journey, as a runner and how that progressed into a a running coach?

Robby Andrews':

Totally. Oh my gosh. This yeah. This is great. This is great.

Robby Andrews':

Great. Yeah. Well, I guess, good place to start would be, my family. So my family is a where they are they are all runners, currently, still runners. So my dad, my sister, and and now luckily my wife, she's a she's a professional athlete now, out here in in Boulder, Colorado with the On Athletics Club.

Robby Andrews':

Super cool. She's made 2 2 world indoor teams. Yeah. You know, anyway, I digress. So

Dr JJ Thomas:

She's totally a badass, which I wanna talk about that later.

Robby Andrews':

Definitely. Definitely. But, so I just I grew up chasing my big sister around, Kristen. She's just, oh, man. I just adore her so much.

Robby Andrews':

And, she just she was so fast. She was so talented. She was so popular. She was just the coolest person ever. I just wanted to be anything like my sister.

Robby Andrews':

We were also just chasing my dad around who ran. He ran in college. He ran after college. Still runs masters at Penn Relays. Running was just always part of my life.

Robby Andrews':

I was never pushed towards it, but it was always open to me. So I think that's that helped me a lot now that I I never felt this, hey. You have to go to the track. You have to run today.

Dr JJ Thomas:

And That's so important.

Robby Andrews':

The best thing my dad ever did for us was was Mhmm. Let us decide and let us come to it. Like, he he let me play

Dr JJ Thomas:

Yeah. No. Just a little external, like, a little external, like, an observation from, you know, talking about what we were talking about with your log book and why it would why it was served as sort of like a diary. You had the freedom to do that because it wasn't, you know, the it wasn't a chore. It was a gift.

Dr JJ Thomas:

Right. Right? And so, yeah, I've met your dad. He's amazing, and Kristen, of course. And I I I could see that.

Dr JJ Thomas:

It's cool for you to share that because I think that's right. I think, you know, for the parents for the parents of athletes I have out there recognize that, like, how we influence our kids really is gonna stay with them one way or another. So I think that's that's a great first place to start, Robby. Thank you.

Robby Andrews':

Yeah. And oh, you're you're so welcome. And it's, you know, I was coaching, some a youth program out here in Boulder, look, for the 1st year and a 1st year, year and a half I was here. And it's, you know, what do parents want? They want what's best for their kids and they want them to succeed and they want them to be happy.

Robby Andrews':

And that sometimes gets blurred with success and pushing. And

Dr JJ Thomas:


Robby Andrews':

It's really easy to to do to do more and to run faster and to run harder. And, you know, there there comes a point where you can't do that anymore. And then the kid you're just gonna get pushed back and you're gonna get resentment. And it's it's tough. It's a really hard balance because especially now with all of the information, all of the opportunities kids have these days, there's always another league, there's always another group to be going to.

Robby Andrews':

And it's like, oh, well, the town next door practices 6 days a week, and the the other town practices 8 days a week. And, well, we're only doing 3. Are we doing enough? And I think, I guess it depends what what your goal is. But I would say for runners in general, my goal for them, especially youth runners, is lifelong engagement.

Robby Andrews':

And that was that was my dad's goal for his kids. Of course, he wanted us to be successful. But I think more importantly, he found running to be his outlet for the rest of his life. You know? And he he wanted us to have that.

Robby Andrews':

And, you know, look. He he got what he wanted, so it worked. And, so that's

Dr JJ Thomas:

Absolutely. And,

Robby Andrews':

you know what I mean? Yeah.

Dr JJ Thomas:

I can see where, I think that's true. Some of the something you said that I wanna elaborate on with with parents and kids is that, as a parent myself, you know, I have 3 3 kids, 3 kids kids well.

Robby Andrews':

Yeah. Yeah.

Dr JJ Thomas:

Rockstars. Totally. But but there are so many times where especially when they were younger, like that, like, a very impressionable, more adolescent stage where you're you're trying to help them develop confidence, and and I think to develop confidence, I'm I'm sure you see this with your athletes, to develop confidence, you have to you have to have the wins. And so sometimes you have to push to get the wins. And as a parent, like, you wanna help push them enough, but you don't put it like that line of over the edge could be tricky sometimes.

Dr JJ Thomas:


Robby Andrews':


Dr JJ Thomas:

I think that's actually one of the big ways parents can utilize coaches like you better is to have the perspective. Like, I know I used coaches like you because it was like I and still do for my kids, and, it's like they have the capacity to step back a little bit and be like, okay. This is gonna help their performance, or you know what? This is gonna put them over the edge and maybe even hurt their performance too doing too much. Yeah.

Dr JJ Thomas:

So, do you find that do you find that people that utilize your coaching recognize that value?

Robby Andrews':

They they learn to value it. I I I would say almost across the board, I I'm also I'm a touch conservative in things. I just I value health, so much. And, I just in term mental and physical health. So when I generally, I I'll give my athletes a little bit less than they might expect or they might think.

Robby Andrews':

And I've had more than a few times, they're like, can we do more? And I'm like, well, now we can because you're asking for it. But I'm not gonna give you more than you can digest,

Dr JJ Thomas:

if that makes sense. That's brilliant. I love that. And I noticed most, I think I noticed most of your programs, well, you'll do you can do, like, a 1 month set up. Tell me how it works.

Dr JJ Thomas:

I don't wanna tell you how it works. Why don't you tell me how

Robby Andrews':

it works? JJ, you tell me whatever you want. Alright? You you're the you're the boss.

Dr JJ Thomas:

I wanna tell you how

Robby Andrews':

this works, Robby. So we we have a few different options. So the first one is, the least hands on. It's a 1 month plan where, you we'll have our initial conversation for about an hour. Tell me your goals.

Robby Andrews':

Tell me what you wanna get out of it, and I'll write you the plan and we can adjust it once or twice. It's minimal communication is the point of it. This summer we had a few high school kids that had some injuries. They were looking for a return to run. And that was that was great.

Robby Andrews':

I gave him some exercises, gave him a run plan that was very digestible, and might not look like much, but that's sometimes what you need. And then, yeah. So that's, or if, like, you have a race plan that you're like, a a race you're training for and you just wanna get the last 4 weeks dialed in perfectly, that that's perfect for that.

Dr JJ Thomas:

That's great.

Robby Andrews':

Yeah. And then, the the one above that is it's kinda the levels are basically communication. So then the levels above that the level above that would be, full on, weekly communication where we'll talk, after your workouts, at the end of each week, we'll have a recap. And and then you have race plans for for whatever race you have coming up. And just we're we're talking a little bit more so I'm getting to know you a little bit better.

Robby Andrews':

And it's I think of it as more of a a long term a long term thing. And then the third plan would have strength training, added to that. And we utilize a program called which weight and it's, it's an intuitive, training model. So based off of the data that you upload from your your training that day so, like, say, it's super humid in the summer, on the East Coast, which happens all the time. And Got it.

Robby Andrews':

And, you may have run too hard by accident, because it was so hot. So Yeah. The your which weight will gather the data and will, process how how much over you exerted and then adjust the strength for that. So it's really cool.

Dr JJ Thomas:

Wow. That's really cool.

Robby Andrews':

Yes. It's, I've been having a lot of success with it. The athletes love it. And, I guess there there is one more where if you wanted, if you wanted me to write the actual strength, that would be another level. And, that's I I do that for not not a ton of people because the which weight seems to be covering it.

Robby Andrews':

But if you are looking for if you have, like, maybe more you you need a little bit more detail. Maybe you have a a a few more injury history or something, then, then we'll do that. But yeah. So it's it's basically communication, which is what I value the most. And, obviously, I think that's what we just covered, that we both value them.

Robby Andrews':

So so it's, it's it's been really fun.

Dr JJ Thomas:

I think that's right. And then so they log with each program, do they log do they keep a log book or do they do they do they do it on a a an on an app or how does that work?

Robby Andrews':

Correct. Yeah. So I we use final surge right now, and, my my wife, Josette, she is also a coach too. So she's, she's trying to get into the into the coaching world, which which she's she's, only taking a few athletes, which I think is great because she is still focusing on being the best runner ever.

Dr JJ Thomas:

Yeah. Yeah. Exactly.

Robby Andrews':

Yeah. But so it's yeah. Yeah. But yes. We utilize the final search, which is an app where everything gets uploaded right from your watch, and then we can communicate in there.

Robby Andrews':

You can write notes on it, and I can see all your splits. I think it's really it's really user friendly, and it's really helpful for me to have all of that information in one spot.

Dr JJ Thomas:

That's cool. One of the things I was saying before we even started hitting record again, as you and I were catching up, and I was like, Jesus, we gotta hit record. That's all good stuff. Is how, I think I was getting there, and then I interrupted myself to hit record is that I think I imagine that one of the most valuable pieces other than the fact that you, like I said, are one of the fastest people I've ever known and you you you, you know, you you you said, like, I wanted to be a success, and I you and you are a success. And but in addition to that, you are a successful runner who has had your own physical, ailments who and and I think I think that's actually so valuable as I know for myself as a clinician, like, if you remember, I tore my ACL, like, 2 years ago and

Robby Andrews':

Oh, yeah.

Dr JJ Thomas:

And I'll say I learn I learned so much through my own individual rehab on myself that, you know, I thought I thought and I I I did a good job before that, but there was just this extra edge that that having my own injury, to that degree I'd had little injuries before, but nothing to that degree. And, having that primary perspective of what my patients were going through and the ability to feel and test and retest on myself was huge. So do you feel that your past experiences with injuries play a role in in your ability to coach differently.

Robby Andrews':

Well, I I remember when you were going through that rehab, JJ, and, it was I mean, the cool the cool thing is you documented it, which I thought was so brilliant because

Dr JJ Thomas:


Robby Andrews':

for for me, the as I I was telling you again before we hit record, it's it's self self care is is hard to do sometimes. And I that's something I've really struggled with. I always I would show up to your door and be like, oh, hey. Yeah. Can't can't run.

Robby Andrews':

Fix me. And it's like, okay. Well

Dr JJ Thomas:

No. You

Robby Andrews':

would do it. You would do it, and then, you know, I would probably I'd get super lazy, and I wouldn't really do it. So it it was like I think I took the easy way out, and I I wasn't always good at I

Dr JJ Thomas:

don't see it.

Robby Andrews':

Self care. But so to see you do that, to see you document and go through the steps because an ACL rehab is it's it's zero fun. And, like, I remember listening to to your BFR, podcast, and if you're like, when I get in my BFR, do not talk to me. I'm in a dark place. I will kill you.

Robby Andrews':

And it's like, that's what JJ's put yourself through. Yeah.

Dr JJ Thomas:

It is the truth. I actually would face the wall. Like, I would tell the team, don't like, I would actually turn facing the wall like I was in time out because I couldn't even have gotten my feet if you wanted me to. But, that's so funny, and and it's true.

Robby Andrews':

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Dr JJ Thomas:

You said something, though, that I think is really important to touch on. I think as as leaders in health care, I think one thing that it's important for us to realize is that when someone isn't, as you said, like, isn't doing what they're supposed to do, I feel like there's an underlying, like, either I feel like it's our job to figure out why. Why? Like, why are they not compelled to do it? Like, what am I missing that I didn't I wasn't able to show whichever athlete that this exercise is valuable or that or that they're and maybe it's because I wasn't you know, I don't know.

Dr JJ Thomas:

But but I think, yeah, I think oftentimes when peep especially athletes and high performers like you, when something isn't done, it's more because we haven't done our job improving that it's worth your time.

Robby Andrews':

So I think self sabotage is a is a powerful powerful powerful internal internal power, mechanism, I guess. Yeah. I, you know, there we're going a little off tangy, but, you know, fear of success is Fear of success is is, I definitely dealt with that a little bit. And, I I think, I, yeah, I really I struggled I struggled with staying healthy towards the end of my career, which is really frustrating. But I I, I do wonder how much how much more I could have done for that.

Robby Andrews':

You know, I, you know, I started off here saying I was trying to do everything I could and, you know, I I you know, that's just that's just human nature thinking about, well, what could I have done differently? But,

Dr JJ Thomas:


Robby Andrews':

Yeah. So And I

Dr JJ Thomas:

think we're always gonna be our hardest. Yeah. Hardest on ourselves.

Robby Andrews':

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But, but yeah. So I I do going back to your question, JJ, absolutely.

Robby Andrews':

I do agree that going through those hardships and going through those different ailments has helped me a ton because I it's just my toolbox. Now someone comes in with the calf thing, I'm like, okay. I've done that every year for

Dr JJ Thomas:

10 years. Yes. And when I had that, this is what helped me. Right?

Robby Andrews':

Right. And that's that doesn't necessarily work, but it's a great place to start.

Dr JJ Thomas:


Robby Andrews':

And, I mean, JJ, the diaphragm stuff you worked on with me, I use I still use that because we're up here at altitude. And diaphragm stuff Awesome. It's so cool. So, you know, get getting to treatment from the best is now helping me give it to other people.

Dr JJ Thomas:

Ah, okay.

Robby Andrews':

So it's it's been it's been really, really cool, to, like, you know, I I I didn't know that I was gonna be able to use everything I learned, to help other people, but, you know, here I am. And it's it's been it's really that's cool looking back on. I really I enjoy that part of looking back.

Dr JJ Thomas:

Yeah. Yeah. That is really cool. And what about your so you and Josette, you guys look like you're having a blast. Your wedding was one of my favorite weddings of all time, like, literally.

Dr JJ Thomas:

I am not kidding. That was so much fun. And, yeah, just the best dancing and the best people and the best music and really fun.

Robby Andrews':

Thank you so much for making the time to come. And and I'm so glad you got to see Abby again, which was really cool.

Dr JJ Thomas:

Oh my god. I know. That was amazing.

Robby Andrews':

I just I can't believe you guys came. You Yeah. You know? We just you guys helped us so much. So anyway, thank you.

Robby Andrews':


Dr JJ Thomas:

But so what are you guys up to now? Like, so tell me more about what's what's what what's your schedule look like these days with with you and Josette?

Robby Andrews':

Oh, man. It's it's been really cool. So Josette, as I mentioned, she's a full time professional, track and field athlete with, the On Athletics Club out here in Boulder, Colorado. So she she trains with very, very high caliber team. I I would go out as far as go as far to say it's the it's the premier training group in North America, if not the world.

Robby Andrews':

They Wow. They they they had they had 2 Olympic medals, this summer. They had, a bronze medal from Yardena Goose in the 1500, which was really cool. And then they had a a marathon bronze medal from Helen O'Bire on the women's side. And, I think they had 10 athletes make the Olympic team for various countries.

Dr JJ Thomas:


Robby Andrews':

Yeah. It's cool. It's cool. You know, multiple, national record holders. It's it's, it's quite impressive, the collection of individuals they are.

Robby Andrews':

And, Josette, you know, she fits right in with them. It's, so the talent the talent and ability that that she has along with with her mental mental toughness is she she's gonna she has she has such a long career ahead of her. I am so excited for her. She's she's only 28. She's gonna be she's gonna have so much more more to go.

Dr JJ Thomas:

I remember, I remember when you guys first started dating, and she and I was treating you, and she came. And it was just I just remember her sitting she was, like, sitting on the pillar. Uh-huh. She kinda made it looking, like, roundly so cute.

Robby Andrews':

Man, that was so she had, man, she has such a cool story. I I really hope, if if she can find some time, I'd love for you to talk to her. But Oh,

Dr JJ Thomas:

we'll 100% get her on. I'm just squeezing in between all the all the wind blasting races she has right now.

Robby Andrews':

Well, in a nutshell, Josette had 4 4 years of injury ridden college running, collegiate running. And then in her 5th year, she was finally healthy, and she went on to get 4th in the NCA. So her first ever NCA meet, she got 4th in it, which is quite uncommon, especially as a 5th year.

Dr JJ Thomas:

Yeah. Yeah.

Robby Andrews':

And then, she she signed a she was fortunate enough to sign a professional contract right after that. And then, Yeah. A year a year after that, she, made the Diamond League final, which is, how would you it's basically the Super Bowl.

Dr JJ Thomas:


Robby Andrews':

If the Olympics is the Super Bowl, that would be like the that'd be like the NFC champ or something. But it it was it's yeah. It was, like, about as high as you get, and, she got 3rd place in that. So she's so, like, in a matter of 3 years, she went from being this injury ridden collegiate athlete to being, ranked top 10 in the world in the 1500.

Dr JJ Thomas:

Yeah. I remember she broke 4 minutes. Right?

Robby Andrews':

Which was kinda like

Dr JJ Thomas:

I do yeah. Yeah. I just did reading. Yeah. Yeah.

Dr JJ Thomas:

But that that I again, so that was my I remember being like, woah. Now Josette broke 4 minutes? Like, what the heck is this?

Robby Andrews':

So for those I remember. For those at home, the, oftentimes, professional athletes that are track athletes, you run the 1500, which is not quite the full mile. So it's about a 109 meters short of a mile. And, so for men, the the 4 minute mile it used to be a little bit bigger than it is now. Now, men, they they've gotten a little bit faster.

Robby Andrews':

But so

Dr JJ Thomas:

You're still the only person I put my hands on that you have ran on the 4 as well,

Robby Andrews':

by the way. Well, thanks, JJ. So, but on the women's side, for the 1500, that 4 minute barrier is really, really important. Much, much fewer women have broken 4 minutes for the 1500 than men have broken 4 minutes in the mile. And so Josette is one of, I think, 5 Americans to run under 4 minutes in the 1500 and also under 15 minutes in the 5 ks.

Robby Andrews':

So she's run 14:43 in the 5 ks and 359 for the 1500, which is about a 4:20 for the mile. So think if any any high school boys listening, see see how close you can get to her this year.

Dr JJ Thomas:

That's right. I love that.

Robby Andrews':

Super cool, though. She's, yeah, she's absolutely made. She has so much ability. It's, like, it's scary. It's it's it's really cool to see if it runs.

Robby Andrews':


Dr JJ Thomas:

Do you guys get to here's more of a personal training question. Do you guys get, you know, in within the schedule, are you guys able to run together? It seems like you are from social media. Like, I know she has to you know, she's training with the team a lot and but you guys get to go on some fun runs together sometimes.

Robby Andrews':

Absolutely. So her coach, Nathan Ritzenhayn, he he was a 3 time Olympian, in the marathon in the 10 k. He was absolute rock star. He he's welcomed me, on on not onto the team. No.

Robby Andrews':

I shouldn't I shouldn't say that. He's he's welcomed me to help help Josette, because I I, so I've been able to help her and some of her teammates. Alicia Munson, American record holder in the 5 k and 10 k. She's run she's run 30:3 for 10 k.

Dr JJ Thomas:

So that's

Robby Andrews':

that's 2 15 minute 5 k.

Dr JJ Thomas:

And by help, you mean help coach. Right?

Robby Andrews':

Help pace. Yes. So so I run with them. So I'll I'll get in front of them in reps so that they can turn their brain off and just sit behind the human metronome that I am. But it's, yeah, it's been really, really cool for me because, one, it helps me get in great shape and, 2, it it I feel that I'm helping them.

Robby Andrews':

And when after a workout, you know, if Alicia or Josette are, like, hey, thank you. Like, you really helped. That that's just like that fills my cup up.

Dr JJ Thomas:

And, That's right.

Robby Andrews':

It's it's it's really cool. And I get to spend time with my beautiful wife, which is, like, so so valuable in this in this world. So, yeah, it's been it's been really fun. I I I love running with her. She's, we work really well together.

Robby Andrews':

We just get along, so it's it's, I'm really we're really happy.

Dr JJ Thomas:

Mhmm. So what's, what's what's what's what's the next couple months look like for you guys? Like, what give me an idea of the schedule, what it looks like in the future.

Robby Andrews':

So, Josette is finishing up her her season break right now, end of season break. So she just had, 10 days off of training, which is great. So we went to see we went to see her girlfriend in Santa Monica, got on the beach, just had so much fun. It was really good to get out of town a little bit, just get a get a little get a little breather. But so now, she had her first training run back yesterday, and she'll probably reach, peak volume, peak intensity in the next 3 or 4 weeks, with workouts, resuming end of October.

Robby Andrews':

So we have, we have a few a few, maybe one trip left planned. I think we're she's getting inducted into Tenafly High School in New Jersey, their their, hall of fame. So, we're going back for that, and we're I think we're gonna get to see Kristen, and, she has a she has a 1 year old boy now.

Dr JJ Thomas:

I saw. That's so cool.

Robby Andrews':

So I think, Josette hasn't been able to meet him yet, so she's really excited to see him. And that but other than that, it's, it's kinda hunkered down. So, yes, the Olympics, just finished up, but there's a world championship in Tokyo, a year from now in September. So that that that's the goal.

Dr JJ Thomas:

That's the next big goal? Cool.

Robby Andrews':

That's the next big goal. So she has, it's fun. It's, you know, man, though this long term delayed gratification and, like, these long term goals, they're, that's that's kinda what high performance sport is about, which is, it can be frustrating. It's not it's not for everyone. There's not a

Dr JJ Thomas:


Robby Andrews':

You know, the workouts you're doing in in September of 2024 are for the are for the races in September of 2025, which is

Dr JJ Thomas:


Robby Andrews':


Dr JJ Thomas:

you know, a marathon is an understatement. Like, even even when you're not running an actual marathon, you're training a marathon more than that.

Robby Andrews':

Exactly. Exactly. Cool. Yeah. But, so, so most and then I'm I'm just, I'm in the I'm in the gym at at Kinesis Integrated Performance here in Boulder.

Robby Andrews':

We're specialized with in endurance athletes, work with Chris Lee who's, he's worked with the professional track and field team. With Tin Man, Doug Doug Adams' team, Tin Man guys. So he worked he worked with Tin Man for

Dr JJ Thomas:

a while.

Robby Andrews':

Great. Mhmm. And,

Dr JJ Thomas:

Wait. I I have to ask you. I forgot to ask you about this. Is that where your one of your, one of your athletes, I think, did a Turkish get, Turkish get up with you?

Robby Andrews':

Yes. Yes. Robby. Oh my god. Oh my god.

Robby Andrews':

Mike Adala. You

Dr JJ Thomas:

dying. I was dying watching that. I also know you, and I can see, like, even if you don't know you, your whole body was like, oh my god. Is this really happening?

Robby Andrews':

Crazy. So I I weighed I I weighed myself directly after that because I had to know how much he was lifting. I was a £150.0. It was literally £150. And I just got you know, don't crack the egg.

Robby Andrews':

I just got in my fetal position. And, so so Mike is, he, he's he just sent in an application to come in. He said he had been dealing with some knee pain. He's a he's now a trail runner. He just did the the Ledman or the Leadville.

Robby Andrews':

Excuse me. Oh, he did the Leadman. Did? He did he calls it the Leadman. So he did the Leadville bike race, which I think is, like, 200 miles or something.

Robby Andrews':

And then a week later but it's

Dr JJ Thomas:

hilly, hilly, hilly. I think it's a 100, but it's isn't it a 100? Yeah. But it's super hilly. Like, the hill it's yeah.

Robby Andrews':

And so then the week after the bike race, he did the 100 mile run or hike, whatever you wanna call it. So he did them he did them, like, a week apart. So he calls it the the lead man.

Dr JJ Thomas:

The lead man?

Robby Andrews':

Yeah. He's hysterical.

Dr JJ Thomas:


Robby Andrews':

he had been but he had been dealing with some knee pain back in I think this was I think this was April. And, he's he, you know, he told he was talking to me and Chris, and he's, like, yeah. I I have this pretty big goal in, in September or August. You know, can can you help me out? And we're, like,

Dr JJ Thomas:

I'm sure Yeah. That's right. Yeah.

Robby Andrews':

Yeah. Yeah. So so we got him through an assessment, and, Chris was able to to help him out right away. He came in for for a session after his assessment. And, you know, he was kinda joking, because we had given him Turkish get up as a as a warm up exercise.

Dr JJ Thomas:

That's great.

Robby Andrews':

And he's like he's like, well, I can I can Turkish get up you if you want, Robby? And and me and Chris look at each other. We're like, okay, dude. Like, go do some stuff.

Dr JJ Thomas:

Whatever. Yeah. And,

Robby Andrews':

you know, we get to the end of the end of the the session, and he's like, alright, man. So you want me to Turkish get up you? And I'm like, wait. Are you being serious? And I was like, let's do it.

Robby Andrews':

So he said, oh, just get get in the ball. Don't move, and I'll take care of the rest. I wanna

Dr JJ Thomas:

come out and see if he can Turkish get up me. I swear. I was jealous. I was like, that's so cool.

Robby Andrews':

I wanna see if you can Turkish get up me, JJ.

Dr JJ Thomas:

I definitely cannot. Yeah. I definitely

Robby Andrews':

cannot. Well, we'll see.

Dr JJ Thomas:

But maybe I could maybe I could bench press you. I don't know. Double call.

Robby Andrews':

For sure. For sure. For sure. So it it's we're just, you know, he's just a perfect example of who's coming into the gym. He's just really, really great guy, cares about himself, cares about other people.

Robby Andrews':

He's he's in the community helping out so many people and, just have looking looking out for everyone and, you know, having a good time. You know, it doesn't take anything too too seriously. And, you know, it's just it's been really cool working with Chris at at Kinesis and the people that come in. It's just been, it's definitely broadening my my, my mind and my horizon a little bit.

Dr JJ Thomas:

That's, that actually made me think of one more question I did wanna ask you is with with your, with your coaching, program or Mhmm. Coaching yeah. It's it's more than a program, really, with your coaching work. Tell me the name of it again because I've

Robby Andrews':

Miles to go, like the Robert Frost like the Robert like the Robert Frost foam. Miles Go before I sleep. You know, the the the woods are dark, deep, and lovely. Miles to Go before I sleep. That's kind of the the inception.

Robby Andrews':

That's where it like kind of that just the imagery of that ending of that poem just stuck with me so hard. And just every athlete no no two athletes are the same. So if you we don't know how far you have to go, but you have miles to go until you get there. And if it's if it's one path for you, it might be another path for someone else. And that's kinda what I love most is is figuring that out, doing a little creative work on you.

Robby Andrews':

Because if you tell me, JJ, you're on your feet all day helping people, and then you have somebody else that's like, oh, I programmed 12 hours a day. Like, I'm sitting at a computer. It's like, well sitting.

Dr JJ Thomas:


Robby Andrews':

Yes. I'm gonna have I'm not gonna train you the same. So it's it's, Perfect. It's really cool. I'm I'm really, really enjoying it and, you know, getting to be a little little creative along with, you know, integrating the science into it.

Robby Andrews':


Dr JJ Thomas:

I love it. That's awesome. Great. Well, for all of you listening, whether you're a patient, athlete, or clinician, check out miles to go dot com. That's the website.

Dr JJ Thomas:

Right, Robby?

Robby Andrews':

Miles to go Yep.

Dr JJ Thomas:

Miles to go, and, check out Robby Andrews and Josette Andrews, Norris Andrews on on Instagram. And, you won't be sorry. These guys are top notch and, not just in terms of the way they program and and coach, but also just as humans. So thanks for

Robby Andrews':

your time. Thank you so much.

Dr JJ Thomas:

And for and what, if you guys have any questions on Robby's work, or anything else related to this episode, all as always, just hit a hit a comment in the discussions, or hit me up on DM, or reach out to Robby directly. All right. See you guys next time. And don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss out on future episodes.