Flip the Script with Vic

This week, I'm opening the Akashic Records to receive guidance and wisdom for listeners during the powerful period leading up to the Lionsgate portal on August 8th.

The core message that came through is about honoring your own sovereignty and internal guidance system above any external advice, even if it comes from spiritual experts. I emphasize giving yourself permission to listen to your body's unique needs and follow what feels right for you personally, even if it differs from what others are doing.

Additional themes include:
- Allowing yourself to rest as your physical body integrates the higher frequencies
- Setting sustainable intentions aligned with your own energy vs. pushing yourself
- Having fun, playing, and connecting with your inner child as valid forms of healing
- Discerning what information resonates as your next step rather than forcing something
- Continuing to choose again and rewrite old patterns/stories that hold you back

Live in Atlanta? Get your tickets to Dirty South Yoga Fest and catch a kundalini class with me at 10am on Aug. 25th. Purchase your tickets here. Use code ILOVEMYTEACHER for 10% off.

Share your fave takeaways from the episode on Instagram with me (@victoriamargauxnielsen) and tag someone who needs to hear!

Click here to book an Akashic Records session with Victoria.

Join The Portal Collective, Victoria's new on-demand kundalini and breathwork membership to help you access your highest self with a daily meditation practice for $22/mo.

Applications are now open for the 2nd Annual Return to You Retreat from May 2-7, 2025 in El Sargento, Mexico. Apply now!

IG: @flipthescriptwithvic
IG: @victoriamargauxnielsen
TikTok: @victoriamargauxnielsen
email: victoriamargauxnielsen@gmail.com

What is Flip the Script with Vic?

Welcome to Flip the Script with Vic, your weekly pep talk to expand and shift your perspective. I’m your host, Victoria Nielsen. Together, we’ll unwind all the things you thought you knew, and awaken to what’s truly possible when you flip the script on your reality and take control of your own life.

Speaker A [00:00:00]:
Hello, my loves. Welcome to another episode of flip the script with Vic. It's your host, Victoria Nielsen. I'm a little bit sniffly today. I am definitely going through some ascension symptoms with a runny nose and a little bit of a cough. I can feel everything that's moving through the collective right now, and I bet that you can, too, even if you don't realize it. So we're in a really potent time before what everyone calls the Lionsgate portal on August 8. And we just had a new moon in Leo on August 4.

Speaker A [00:00:39]:
Mercury is going retrograde again. There's a lot happening in the cosmos right now. And so I thought it would be fun to open the Akashic records again and receive some guidance from the ascended masters, teachers, and any of our loved ones that want to come through to help support us during this really potent time. And I feel like online, if you follow any astrologers or others in the spiritual space, they're. They're kind of always harping on what a pivotal time it is and how important this time is and. And really putting this, like, sense of urgency around doing something. But I want to give you full permission to listen to your body and to listen to yourself. And that if this is the first time all year that you truly step into your sovereignty, I want you to do that.

Speaker A [00:01:26]:
I want you to follow what feels best for you. And actually, this feels like bigger guidance from the akashic records. But each of us have our own individual needs, right? And anytime we are just blindly following guidance from anyone outside of ourselves, we are ignoring that internal guidance system. And what your internal guidance system may be saying that you need is very different from someone else. And that is okay. And it's really easy to look to the left and look to the right and see what other people are doing and get caught up in it. But if you are in this healing space, if you are trying to do this healing work, the most important thing that I can impart to you is that your intuition, your wisdom, is the only wisdom to follow. Yes, you can get some guidance or ideas from.

Speaker A [00:02:14]:
From others, maybe that you look up to or experts in the field that know perhaps a little bit more about energy than you do. But ultimately, the final decision of whatever you choose to do or not do has to come back to you and your heart and what feels right for you and your body. So before we get any further, I'm channeling, essentially from the Akashic records right now. I opened the records of the podcast before I hit record. And if you don't know what the Akashic records are. I have quite a few different podcast episodes that explain more about what they are and what they aren't. But really, they're just an energetic frequency that anyone can tap into for guidance and wisdom in the moment. And I teach women how to open their own Akashic records, and I also do group readings.

Speaker A [00:02:59]:
And I use the Akashic records as one of my favorite tools of healing and empowerment. Because although the guidance comes from outside of yourself, sort of, right. It's coming from your guides, your angels, your ancestors, those that are tapped in on your spirit team. You ultimately always have free will to choose. So I like to tap into their guidance and then feel into my body and see if that feels right for me to follow in the moment or for me to move forward with. Right. Because we have that free will, you can always choose to not do what the Akashic records say, right? Oh, clearing my throat chakra. That feels like a really resonant message, and really, that seems like the biggest message that's coming through from the records right now for those listening, because everything has a record.

Speaker A [00:03:50]:
So this podcast has a record. You have a record. Your home has a record. Objects have records. Anything has a record because of its unique energy and its unique vibration. And so, in asking the records to share the most pertinent guidance for my amazing community and listeners of this podcast, sovereignty feels really important right now. And making sure that you are in your own energy and in your own sovereignty during this time. And that can be hard, right? Because we have information coming at us in every single direction, especially, as I mentioned, if you're following astrologers or energy experts or those in the online space, you're going to be bombarded this week with things to do, not to do, how to take advantage of the Lionsgate portal, all of these things.

Speaker A [00:04:39]:
And my only advice or guidance for you is to see what resonates with you and what feels right to you and move from that place. And if you are not sure or you second guess yourself, you're not alone. Learning to use your intuition is a muscle and something that you learn over time by starting to listen. And this week is a perfect time to begin listening to those, excuse me, little whispers. Goodness, the energy today. See, I'm. I'm moving through it right here with you guys. Oh, I'm so sorry.

Speaker A [00:05:16]:
Yucky. So, part of this time, you may be experiencing what feels like a cold to you, but I call that ascension symptoms, because your energetic body has to catch up or sorry. Your physical body has to catch up with your energetic body. So all of the work that we do in the cosmos happens instantaneously. When you're working in healing in the quantum field or you are doing anything in the spiritual realm, it happens so much faster than it does here on earth because we have density, because we have gravity, because we have polarity here on earth. And so our bodies have to catch up to that. So rest is one of the most important things that you can do during this time, because there is so much more light flooding the planet, because changes are happening on a cellular level without you doing anything. If you are plugged into the healing world, if you are doing any type of healing work, no matter how big or small, right now, you're going to feel this energy and you're going to tap into it, and you don't have to do anything special to take advantage.

Speaker A [00:06:20]:
Yes, of course. You can do a beautiful ritual if you would like to. You can, you know, take a specific class to help clear your energy. You can do anything that you want, but I'm giving you the permission to know that you don't have to. That just by being yourself and being in this energy, you're going to be taking advantage of it. And you may feel some of these cold like symptoms, like I am, when things are happening in the spiritual realm, you know, as. As above, so below. So it's going to trickle down to earth, and your body is going to naturally want to cleanse and clear.

Speaker A [00:06:56]:
And so that's what's happening for me. I have had this post nasal drip, gosh, for like, a week now, and I know it's continued because I am doing a seven day ritual cleanse that is not because of Lionsgate. It was happening for other reasons, because it felt intuitively like the right time to do it. It just happens to coincide with Lionsgate. And so pay attention to the signals that your body is giving you this week, that you need more rest, that you need more water, that it's clearing and it's cleansing, and can you be just a tiny bit more intentional? Right. Instead of, oh, this is a cold I have to power through. Can you stop and listen to what your body is trying to tell you? Is it that you need to take a bath? Is it that you're not speaking your truth and so your throat feels really dry and really scratchy? Is it that your third eye feels clogged, perhaps, and that's why you have your nose dripping? All of these are signs and signals, and we can choose to do or not do anything that we want with them. And so, you know, this is a beautiful time to start setting intentions for the future.

Speaker A [00:08:03]:
If you wanted to. You can start writing down these things that you want to call in or the things that you want to release, but you don't have to go big out of the gate. Leo energy can feel very robust on its own. And I think a lot of people talk about how in Leo season it's about being seen and heard, and that is true, but I think it's more about being seen and heard in your own way, in a sustainable way that makes sense for you. And again, that's kind of coming back to your sovereignty that that what's going to work for you is not going to work for everyone else and vice versa. And so can you have the discernment when all of this information is coming at you, that you can decide what's right for you and what's not. And I want to give you, permission is not the word, but like reassurance. There you go.

Speaker A [00:08:56]:
That's what I'm looking for. I want to give you reassurance that you could never make a wrong decision for you. So I think sometimes we really get caught up and like, I don't know the next step, I don't know what's right. There is no right or wrong. Everything is a lesson, right? And so even if you quote unquote, choose the wrong thing, it's not really wrong, because there was a reason that you needed to go through that to get to the next level of your healing, the next level of your ascension, the next level of anything. And so if you can take that perspective out of it, that you're going to choose something right or wrong and instead you're just making a choice, I feel like that eliminates a lot of fear, right? That like, you're going to do something wrong. You could never do anything wrong. Okay? Every decision that you've ever made is a right decision in some regard because it got you to where you are today and you needed every single one of those things to happen behind you for you to lay the path forward.

Speaker A [00:09:49]:
And so we're getting really present and we're getting really clear with what's happening in front of us and not getting caught up in the mind chatter of it, all, right? Because our mind is always trying to keep us safe and so our mind is always going to second guess. Gosh, excuse me. And our mind is always going to want to put like a reason behind things. And so whatever is happening in your life right now, it is perhaps preparing you for what's to come. And so this energy is potent. It can be volatile, potentially. And so can you slow down and really ask yourself what you need and then give yourself that? Okay, we ask ourselves a lot of the time and then we ignore the answer, or we ignore and don't actually do the thing that we need to do. So when your body tells you maybe that it needs rest, can you actually listen and give your body that? Even if it looks different to everyone else around you, even if everyone else is doing something different, can you give yourself what you need in this moment to move forward? Because everyone's going to need something different, and everyone is going to feel different on the other side of this portal.

Speaker A [00:11:10]:
And as you receive this cellular upgrade during this time that everyone is going to be receiving, receiving, you are going to feel it differently than anyone else because you are cellularly. And frequency, that's not a word, but, like, your frequency is different from everyone else's. So you need different things. And learning to support yourself that way is the most sustainable thing that you can do for yourself. That to me, is the key to all of this healing and this energy work is to do it in a really sustainable way, because you can get burnt out on healing. You can get burnt out on that hamster wheel of, you know, going through lessons and feeling a little bit like you're in the middle of a tornado and then you get spit out afterwards. And so slowing down, taking a second and discerning what is going to be the best thing for you is what's going to ripple out to everyone around you. And so, yeah, it really feels like the big message this Lionsgate is to, to slow down and to, to let yourself do what you need to do, even if it's different than everyone else.

Speaker A [00:12:26]:
And, you know, can we take a second and actually, yeah, like, quit the comparison game and realize that everyone is in a different place. And so everyone is going to be doing and receiving things differently during this time. What else wants to come through from the records? To have fun, to have fun, that healing does not have to be so serious. So just because the person next to you has a ten step healing ritual, your healing ritual may just be the way that you go about getting ready in the morning, slowing down your nervous system. Your healing ritual may be just making your cup of coffee and speaking your intentions into it before you drink it for the day. It doesn't have to be complicated and it doesn't have to be overly thought out. We get so in our heads, like I like to say, because we live most of our life in our head space, but if we can get down into the body and ask the body what it needs, it's so much simpler and probably far easier than the things that we're doing. So can we have fun during this time and can we not take ourselves so seriously? Okay? Can we relic and play and cartwheel and connect with our inner child? That feels really, oh, that's a, that's an important message of this time is like that inner child healing.

Speaker A [00:13:48]:
So can we listen to what he or she wants today? Can we do cartwheels in the grass? Can we go for a walk? Can we build something with our hands? Can we color? Like, that would be my, my only guidance for you as you're discerning for yourself what is right for you. What does your inner child need this week? Okay. Working with her has been remarkable for my healing because I find that most of my clients and myself were stunted at some point in our growth journey as children. And that's natural. Okay? There's nothing wrong with that happening and there is nothing wrong with the people that raised us. They did the best that they could with the skills that they had. And so those moments when our growth was stunted, our healing perhaps was stunted, or things were projected upon us, right? Those moments of really, that were occurring to us. And trauma doesn't have to be something with a capital t.

Speaker A [00:14:47]:
Little things cause trauma to our nervous systems, to our sense of self. And that is a natural part of the human evolution. And so when we go back and revisit those parts of ourselves, we find that our emotions are stunted at that age, that those things happen. So if you find in certain situations that you're reacting a certain way, you're reacting like that little girl or boy inside of you would, that is totally normal. They never progressed past that emotional age. And so can we give them some of the tools, perhaps, that they need to be able to move through those big emotions? And play is just as healing as all of the other hard, quote, unquote, work that we do in this healing path. And so over this next week, over this next month, really, can you use play as a tool of healing and empowerment? Can you allow yourself to let that inner child out? And if you're not even sure where to start, you don't know how to do that. Your inner child feel so stunted and so far away.

Speaker A [00:15:50]:
I want you to just ask. I want you to inhale in through the nose and exhale nice and slow out the mouth and ask that little child inside what they need. And then, like I said, give them that. Okay? It's the simplest thing, but it can be. The hardest thing is we find out what we need to do next in our healing evolution and our healing journey, and then we don't do it because we're either scared of it, we feel like it's too big, it's too much, it's whatever it is. But you're not going to get the next breadcrumb until you finish the first, okay? So if you're out here begging the universe for opportunities, for answers, the universe is going to say, do the thing I last told you before we give you anything else. You know, the universe is intelligent that way. You're going to keep getting the same signs that keep, you know, keep getting the same signals until you listen to them.

Speaker A [00:16:41]:
You know, I know when I first started this healing journey, a lot of the times that ask the universe for a sign, and then I didn't want to believe the answer. And so you ask for a signier sign and you say, tell me again. And then the universe tells you again, and then you still ignore it. So if you're in that cycle of asking but then ignoring the answer because it's not what you want to hear, can you sit with that? And can you ask why? Right? Like, why can't you go on to that next phase? I like to ask myself five whys. And that really gets to the root of it. So, you know, maybe your answer from your inner wisdom was that you need to go book a pottery class. And you're like, no, I don't want to go do that because I don't want to put myself out there. I don't want people to make fun of me.

Speaker A [00:17:32]:
All of the stories, right, that we tell ourselves. So then you ask, why? And maybe the why is that you're scared to be made fun of. And then you ask, well, why am I scared to be made fun of? Okay, there was this one time on the playground that someone made fun of me, and so on and so on. And you keep asking, why? And you'll get to perhaps a root, maybe a root emotion, a root situation, a root cause. And then you get the choice to rewrite that, right? By choosing again. That's all we're ever doing on this healing journey, is continuing to choose again. That even when it's hard, even when we feel like we can't make it through, we're just choosing again. So I feel like the Akashic gave us a lot this morning to chew on during this week of the Lionsgate portal.

Speaker A [00:18:23]:
Really allowing our discernment to lead the way this week, really allowing ourselves to perhaps rest and listen to our physical bodies and also tune into the wisdom of our inner child. Those feel like really important themes for this next week. And if you are interested in diving deeper at all in your own record, having me read your record for you and share that guidance and information, or if you're wanting to learn to read your own record, I have one spot open for the rest of August. If you are interested in learning more. There'll be information in the show notes about working with me. I would love to help guide you in the right direction and again help you tap into that discernment and that inner wisdom, that inner knowing that is always there and available to all of us. I also have the portal collective, my online breath work, and Kundalini yoga membership, where Kundalini yoga is here as a tool to help you begin to tap into that inner wisdom, begin to clear out the energetic body, begin to move from that place of power and love. And I think that's all we got today guys.

Speaker A [00:19:31]:
So thanks for being here with me. I love you all so much. I love hearing from you guys when the podcast resonates. So please continue to reach out to me on Instagram. Etoriamargonealson I'll take a breath now and I'm going to close the records of the podcast. The records are now closed. Amen. The records are now closed.

Speaker A [00:19:56]:
Amen. The records are now closed. Amen. Thanks for being here with me. Be good to one another. I'll see you next week. I love.