The SmokePit Podcast

What it do, Pitmasters?! We're back with another bonus episode while our guy Blak rests up! Don't worry, we still have laughs galore as we introduce our March entries into the "COME 'ERE" Award running!

1.) Nelly (03:48)
2.) Oklahoma School (20:45)
3.) Mark Robinson (31:54)
4.) NLE Choppa (52:33)

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What is The SmokePit Podcast?

Welcome to the show where nothing is off the table. "The SmokePit" is a place where we talk about any and everything. From celebrities acting out on social media, to serious social topics. We even have the occasional "One Gotta Go" debates as well as monthly brackets that members of our group participate in. Yes, ladies and gents, welcome to 'The SmokePit' where we stay talking about things that would come up at your job's watercooler or smoke pit. Feel free to join in the weekly conversations by joining the "Smokepit Podcast Fan Group" on Facebook.


Welcome to the smoke pit. It's Friday night. Come and take a load off. Come sit in the smoke, bitch. It's time for us to show off.


It's been a long week, come relaxing. Get some lapsing, and let's talk about these brackets. And while we at it, tell me whose man's is this? Because I got questions. I'm hoping you can answer it.


Get ready because you know we gonna talk a lot of shit. It's Macky Mack. Welcome to the smoke pit.


Yep. Y'all know what it is, man. It's another episode of who's man. So we're doing the compilation. If you've seen the previous 2, you all kinda already know what's going on right now.


But, we will be back this Friday. I know you're like, bro, where where you and Blackbait at, man? Where's the dynamic duo? Where are y'all? We coming back.


Alright? We took a break. My man had to, to rest up. Some things came up on Friday. So it's been a busy week in both of our lives, but we are coming back.


We didn't leave you guys. But in the meantime, we are trying to refresh your memory of the people we have nominated for, the whose mans or the, the inaugural come here award that we will be given at the end of the year. So we did January. We did February. So, of course, you know, we gotta hit you with March.


And, this month, we had 4 contestants. Now I know what you're saying. I know what you're saying. Bro, you can have contestants galore out here. And while you're doing these monthly recaps and and and things you're you're missing out on potential nominees that are happening right now, let me just let you know, me and Black, we still on that Internet.


We still see all of the shenanigans, and we're writing down names, and we got them wrapped and stacked and ready to go. K? We may even do a full episode of who's man's to just catch everybody up on what's going on. Alright. So trust, we we we're good.


We're good. You'll be good too when we come back live this Friday. Anyway, so we're gonna kick this off with, our first contestant in the month of March. We have none other than my man, Cornel Hayes. You may know him as Nelly, artist of the I guess you could call it, like, classic, because it is a classic, country grammar.


Right? That album, 100%, came on the scene, destroyed everything. My wife was one of the biggest fans. She knew all the words. You know what I'm saying?


So, so the reason we're doing this is in the month of March, he came out and said that, he should be one of the greats. He should be remembered as one of the greats and all this other stuff, but, his era of hip hop was the toughest era ever, so that's why he's not getting the love, that he should be getting. So it's not that his music was not good. It was just that there are other people making better music in his mind. So take that as you will, but my man, Blac, came out, was doing a solo episode because I was under the weather.


But shout out to my man, holding it down with, our first entry in the who's man's category, Nelly.


Alright. Let's let's get let's get this one out the way. Because ladies and gentlemen, this week, our whose man's is coming from the realm of hip hop, the music that I love. And ladies and gentlemen, mister Cornell himself, Nelly says that his era of who, his era of hip hop was the toughest era of hip hop ever. Was it really?


Was it really? What's it what's it what's it really, Nelly? Now let's look at the peer let's look at the period. Let's look at the period of which Nelly came out. I wanna say country grammar came out in 2000.


This is just off the top of my head in the year 2000. How was that era of music tough for anybody? First thing first. Let's look at the time period. 2000.


The year 2000. What was going on in the year of 2000? Cash money records taken over for the 99 and the 2000. That's like one of the biggest hits. Everything was a hit.


Yes. Thank you, Mac. Everything was a hit in 2000. Everything. Why?


Because this is this is when I was a teenager, bro. Like, we were falling for anything. Let's just be honest. We were falling for anything. Like, if you if you made a beat that was catchy and hot, kinda like today.


Like, kids kids today don't really focus on the lyrics. Right? We focus on the beat. We wanna party. Like, this is when you came out, and you made country grammar.


Right? You are partially responsible, Nelly. You are partially responsible for one of the one of the hottest debates I've ever been in. Like, how the hell is country grammar such a fucking hit? Everything was a hit in the in those years.


Yes. The fact that ride with me charted, it actually do you wanna go and take a ride with me? Now who the fuck is singing this? Like, this shit was so ridiculous. Like and this picture me.


I'm trying to get ready for a football game. This is the song that's playing in a lot. Like, how the fuck am I gonna be ready to tackle somebody listening to this shit? This was not tough. Your music was not tough to crack.


You just had to be different, which is a hell of a lot like today. Today is probably the toughest it's ever going to be for the music industry. Because back then, all you had to do, Nelly, was be different. You are the you are the walking, living, breathing example of all you had to do was be different. Why?


Because you had Jay z dominating the charts with hard not life, then Rocklat familiar. Like, Jay z was on one hell of a run, bro. But all you had to do was be different. And Max said the reason he said he he never got shot. First of all, that is a lie.


That is that is that is absolute egregious. I'm gonna use a Stephen a Smith reference tonight. That is egregious because all you had to do was be different. That's it. Ludo was different.


Hit. Chingy, for god's sakes, was hitting. Chingy. What's the other dude? Everybody in the club get bro, your music that period was not tough at all.


Everybody in the club get tipsy. Like, this this is the night town playlist. Some of the some of the like, right now, like, if you go back, there are certain songs from my parents' era. Right? Like, if you play it now, they probably get embarrassed to hit it.


Like, oh, man. That was my song back then. I don't I don't know why I like that song. That was some of the music back then. That's what that music was.


Like, I'm embarrassed to say I rocked in the club with this shit, bro.


Better up.


Get the fuck out of here. No. Get get the fuck out of here. Some motherfucker did the Jeffersons on the song, and that shit was a hit. He was so popular.


Talking about he never got shine. He was so popular. His homeboys I ain't gonna lie. The saint lunatics is probably better than Nelly, if we're being completely honest. But that's what I'm saying, Jen.


That's what I'm saying. That that era of music is not tough because everybody everybody was making, like, music. Everybody was different. Now nowadays, especially in hip hop, it's hard to crack because everybody sounds the same. So if you sound like such and such, well, we got a million of those.


But there was only 1 Nelly at the time until Boykins. You know what I'm saying? But other than that, that was that was the motherfucker. The yin yang twins. Different.


Everybody was different. Everybody sounded different. So all you had like, little John, when little John came out, that's all you had to do. Everything was different. So the fact that you had so much different music out there and, you know, you had different coasts, West Coast popped at a time, East Coast popped at a time, and South started popping.


Right around this time, Nelly, You slid on in there with this hucklebuck bullshit and was like, I'm a hit. Yes. You hit. So it wasn't hard for you to get shine. It it really wasn't hard for you to get shine.


I don't understand why he's feeling the way he's feel. Like, you were so like, does he realize how popular he was? He was so popular. The motherfucker wouldn't make country music, and it hit for, for what fucking reason are you making music with Florida, Georgia line? Nelly?


What reason? What? And then you made a double album, hot in here. And I ain't gonna lie. I was thankful for that shit.


I was thankful for that one, my boy. Thank you. Thank you. I appreciate you. I appreciate you so much.


But you know what I'm saying? Like, it wasn't hard for you to hit. It really wasn't. Stop this. Stop the madness.


Stop the madness, my guy. Stop it. Please stop it. Any any anybody got some anybody got something to say about Nelly? Like, I'm a give him his respect.


Like, what Nelly did now, granted, granted, you did that versus, bro. That versus that versus told us a lot. You know what I'm saying? Like, that verse was oh, it was it was it was patchy. It was patchy.


You Luda was burning a hole in him. You know what I'm saying? Like, my man had to blame it on the Internet outages. Luda was dragging that man, bro. You got dragged by Luda.


Now I'm a give you your respect. But that hey. You need to be thankful for that storm, my guy, because you was playing some shit nobody heard of. And you know what I'm saying? Luda had to pretend like he was rocking with it, but low key, you got smoked.


He was smoking on that Nelly pack that night, bro. Like, god, dog. Yeah, dog. He it was oh, that was a rough landing. That was a rough landing.


But I'm a give I'm a give you your shit, though. You sold you sold millions of records. You did this in the time, like I don't think people understand, like when I say when I say Jay z was a monster, like, specifically during this time period, Jay z was Jay z was putting on the show. Like, he went on, like, a, like, a 5 album run and was dominating the charts. So to sell what you sold during that time period, like, it's impressive.


My god. I gotta give you that. I gotta give you that. But don't say your your your music was tough. Like, that wasn't a tough period.


That wasn't a tough period at all. Like, if anything, you was in the you was in the you was in the middle of the party, my guy. You was in the middle of the of the show, and there was something for everybody. It ain't like that no more. But then it was something for everybody.


And you had something that a lot of millions of people liked. Yeah. Country grandma went 10 times platinum. It did. It went it went you sold a a lot of records, bro.


Like, when you have people singing you and that's the thing, man. You have millions of people singing your songs, wanting to see you in shows. Like, you gotta trust, like, what you did was powerful. You gotta stand on that shit. You can't be out here with a with a 10 time platinum album talking about my my area of music is is tough.


When there's motherfuckers out here right now, they can't even go gold. Like, J. Cole's album, J. Cole is a wonderful MC, bro. Wonderful MC.


1st week sales didn't even crack 500,000. Kendrick Lamar, one of the best lyricists to ever pick up a pen. 1st week sales don't even hit a million. Y'all was the like, in that time period, y'all was doing that shit. Y'all was doing 3 times that shit in a week.


Today's artists have it a hell of a lot harder. Plus they gotta they gotta worry about streaming, people leaking they shit way more than y'all did. Yeah. We had LimeWire, but these motherfuckers, soon as you make the song, somebody got it. It's tougher to compete now.


That's that's just a fact. I'll debate anybody on that shit. It's it's that's the facts, but your time period, bro, don't don't do that. Don't do that. Stop.


Please stop. Cut that monkey shit off. You embarrassing us. I'll fucks with you, though, Nelly. I do.


I really fucks with you. But that's our that's our who's mess for for this week, man. Shout out to Nelly. Bro, I I I I I hope you get the respect that you're looking for. I really do.


Because, bro, bro, that's that's wow. That is wow. Plus you're still getting streams today. Like, you probably get more streams than half these artists today. Cut that out.


Cut it out, Nelly. Come on, man. Come on, my guy. Come on, my guy. Stop it.


I'll give you your flowers. Country grammar, banger. The second album? Great. Anything after that, sweatsuit?


That's all I know. And that Florida Georgia line shit. That that was good. But I'm saying, though, like, here's for any artist that says that shit, like, I want y'all to start doing more verses. That's gonna tell us what what artist you are.


Like, if you out here really saying something like that, you know what I feel like you should do? I should I feel like you should go into verses, not just any verses. I feel like y'all should go into verses with Lil Wayne. That's gonna tell you everything you need to know or Busta Rhymes. It's gonna tell you a lot because them motherfuckers got busy.


If you don't feel like like that that should be the bar. That should be the bar. You feel like you did all this great work? Alright. That's cool.


Hop in the verses. Like, if you that's the bar. Can my can my catalog that I have beat Lil Wayne or Busta Rhymes? If the answer is no, keep your mouth shut, bro. Keep your mouth shut because that that list is very short.


If you feel like you can beat little Wayne or Busta Rhymes in a versus, have at it. Talk, talk as much as you need to talk. But until then, don't come out saying don't come out saying that because they got busy. They weren't worried about the era. They got busy and they did work.


But shout out to you, man. Much respect. Much respect to you, my friend. Alright. Let's us move on from the whose mans because man, listen.


We have something that we need to talk.


I mean, again, it's a matter of opinion. I like, when I think of the who's who in hip hop, like, Nelly just doesn't come to mind. Like, if I start to have to put certain limitations on it, like who's the greatest from the Midwest. He probably still is not the first five, maybe ten that come to mind when I think Midwest. From Saint Louis.


I guess now I gotta start considering Nelly and the rest of the boys from the Saint Ludetix, but it is what it is. Again, matter of opinion, but I just thought it was weird where he's just like, I should be one of the greats, but, you know, other people were better than me. I don't know what to tell you, Nelly. Anyway, my man, Black, kept it going this episode. He had another whosemans, and this time we're talking about, public school over in Oklahoma who were trying to do a fundraiser, and the fundraiser was to lick peanut butter off of people's feet.


I mean, I I I wish I had a funny spin to put on this, but it sounds like they did it themselves with, this whole movement they were doing. Or so, I let my man, Black, get into it and tell you about how desperate these schools are in Oklahoma when it comes to, raising some money. I hope they were using Jif. I ain't sucking nobody's toes. They ain't using I ain't sucking toes anyway.


Alright. Let's get that out the way. Any my man, Black, take it away, my boy.


Actually, we're gonna stay here. We're gonna stay on the who's man's. We're gonna stay on the who's man's. We got another one. We had a double.


I forgot. My bad. I forgot. But, Jesus Christ. Let let's let's stick to the topic.


Ladies and gentlemen, fundraisers are being had. Spring's here. We are in the midst of your children going to knocking on doors, but one school in particular had a better idea. They invited people in. Yeah.


We got a double. Tonight's a double. Ladies and gentlemen, there's an Oklahoma school under investigation of their viral video. I could not find this video either. A viral video shows students licking peanut butter off of other participants' toes.


Yo. They're the school sanctioned fundraiser. First of all, y'all nasty. Y'all nasty. Alright.


Per the n y n NY post per the New York post, Deer Creek High School had a fundraiser held inside the institution's gym. At least 4 teens laid their stomachs laid on their stomachs as they vigorously ate peanut butter off another participant's bare feet. It is unclear if the other party adorning the peanut butter were students or adults. 1st and foremost, get them out of here. Get them out of shut the school down.


Burn it to the ground. If we have the question if we have the question, are the teachers in on this? Burn to school, bro. Transfer your kids vigorously. Vigorously.


Nasty. Grody. That's my word, by the way. Grody. That means it's so grow like Grody is like the highest level of gross.


Grody pants is what I call it. Fucking disgusting. You guys are gross. The incident occurred on Thursday, March 7th. I'm sorry.


This is Thursday, February 28th. At the clash of the classes assembly. So this is multiple classes. According to the Deer Creek School District, the event was one of several during the week designed to raise money for a local coffee shop that hires people with special needs, the toe sucking tournament. They had a bracket, y'all.


The toe sucking tournament was an event that students paid to attend. Teenagers' grades 9th through 12th. Why? Oklahoma, y'all wild. Y'all are wild.


They first of all, first of all, no. No. No. No. You gotta get all that peanut butter.


All the peanut butter. Get it all off. And then y'all had to pay to play. What? Not only are you doing this shit, you pay.


What's the entry. I wanna know what the entry fee was. Gee. Willikers Batman. There was a tournament.


So don't know if it was double or single elimination, but I'm guessing I'm guessing if you really wanna match participation, if you really wanted to get the point across that they needed to, you know, help the cause a little bit, I'd say double. Why not? Why not? The more vigor, the better. You know?


Brian says your kid comes home with a certificate, said they won a foot licking tournament. Parent, tournament. You did it more than once. Yes. What was your number?


What was your rank? Like, how did they how did they determine the seeding? Because, obviously, this has had it. This has happened before. We have the reigning defending champion of foot sucking in the blue corner.


Tamika the tongue twister Turner. And the crowd goes wild. No. No. No.


No. No. They no. No. This is a cost cutting measure, Jen.


They're not using Jif. No. No. No. No.


This is school. Remember? School. They fed us the crappy pizza that actually tastes good. Oh, no.


This is Kroger brand peanut butter. This is probably commodity peanut butter. Let's be honest. And it it just hits. You know what I'm saying?


To relay. Yeah. That great value. You know what I'm saying? The the stuff that gets to the stuff that gets stuck to the roof of your mouth.


You know what I'm saying? The shit the dogs won't even eat, but you put it in a mousetrap. That's what they that's what they had in them licking off each other's feet. This is terrible. This is terrible, bro.


This is horrible. Please, Oklahoma, invest no. Why what what is the results? I wanna know the results of this investigation. It shouldn't have been long if there's video.


It should not have been long. It's this should have been open and shut. So I wanna know the results. If if y'all take more than a week to get the results of this investigation, the whole state of Oklahoma needs to just be reevaluated and reassigned because this is this is terrible. This is horrible.


God, you seeing your school, you seeing your school, you skin, you seeing your kid to school to get an education, pray. They don't get bullied. Low and behold, they get swindled into being a toe sucker. That's filthy work. That's filthy work.


I mean, it does sound like Texas activity, AD. It does. It absolutely does. Let me look this up. Let me see where Deer Creek County is.


Because if it's anywhere close to Texas, whoo chai. Where you at on the maps? Come here.


Zoom out.


Oh, yeah. It's close. The ship's about it's just about 3 hours away from here, from where I'm at. Look at that. See my location right here?


Terrible. It's about 3 hours away from my house. That is terrible. Yep. That's Texas behavior.


Somebody moved there. He said 6.5 for poor use of peanut brittle. Yes. Terrible. Absolutely horrible.


But that is the second whose man I'll keep that short and sweet because I don't want y'all to get sick. We'll keep that one short and sweet, but that is the second. Hell no. I'm not hosting 1. What?


What? No. Absolutely not. No. That is r Kelly behavior, sir, and I shall not partake.


No way. Count me out. You got to count me out. You got to count me out. No.


Thank you. No. Thank you. And no fucking thank you.


Nasty. Nasty. The school is just a school sanction. That's crazy. Crazy.


Anyway, next up, we got a man who's in, who's in the news nowadays. None other than Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson out of the state of North Carolina. The great state of North Carolina. Home of the future Super Bowl champion Carolina Panthers. I'm not biased or anything.


I'm just calling it like I see it. I'm not saying this year. I just said future. So very, very it's like I wrote a blank check. Like, one day they gonna do it.


I'll be like, didn't I tell y'all? Remember this day here where I said there was gonna be the future Super Bowl champions? I told you. Anyway anyway anyway, Mark Robinson name broke out on the scene, was making a lot of statements back in March. Funny that we could probably go back and look at it now and say, hey, man.


We we kinda seen this this wild shit coming. But nope. Nonetheless, a lot of the stuff that we talk about in this video or in this segment are things that are still being brought up to this day, so it may not be news to y'all. But if it is, hey. That's what we live here to do at the Smoke Pit, bring you guys information in a funny manner that you can do whatever you want with it.


However, ladies and gentlemen, this is me and Blaque and our thoughts, initially when, mister Mark Robinson was brought to our attention. Enjoy. I'm gonna say I'm proud of myself because, for the most part, I've been not really following, the shenanigans when it comes to the elections and stuff. You know? It's one of those things where, like, I know Biden's gonna get the Democratic nomination.


Right? Which was weird. I'm like, normally, if your party is in the White House, you're not trying to throw another motherfucker in there. Right? Right.


But the one person was like, bro, you the man we have in there now is shaky. I think we need some belts in there, and and and I'm not saying I agree or disagree. I'm just like, I can see why you would you would feel that way. And then yeah. At at and we gotta be real with ourselves.


We know Trump's gonna get this republican candidacy. Like, he's he's winning these primaries all over the place right now. I don't see nobody stopping him.


I think Mickey Haley already got.


She did too. Talk about, oh, look. I won DC. Like, how how many what you get with what you get with those? Like, old buddy from, the scientist quick real quick.


He was like, oh, nope. I'm I'm out. My man did all that.


My account set up. I got a checking in the savings.


I'm still the governor of Florida, so it's all good. Right. Or whatever. You know? Senator or whatever he's from.


Yeah. I'll just go back to Florida governor. But, I believe this is North Carolina senate senator hopeful, Mark Robinson. Let me play the clip.


Lord Jesus.


And, again, this is from The Daily Show. So, you know, they are very satire heavy, kinda liberals siding, thing. But the things this guy has said, I've heard some people say, oh, well, they just took them out of context, and they just snipped them together. Listen to what listen to the clips. And then when we're done, we'll sit back and and try to be adults and be like, could we have taken this out of context?


Like, if we extended the length of this man's speech or this clip, do we think that he would ended up making some kind of logical sense or not? But, ladies and gentlemen, enjoy.


This guy could be the 1st black governor in North Carolina history, and it's nice to have finally some serious candidates in the Republican party who are really focused on the issues. So what are these issues?


Ain't but 2 genders. Ain't nothing but men and women.

News Anchor:

He says god called on men to lead, not women.


Called to be led by men


when it was


time to face down Goliath,


sent David. Not DeVita, David. There's no reason anybody anywhere in America should be telling any child about transgenerism, homosexuality, any of that filth. And, yes, I called it filth. We could pass a bill saying you can't have an abortion in North Carolina for any reason.

News Reporter:

He says the civil rights movement in 19 sixties was, quote, crap, and that Martin Luther King was a communist.

News Anchor:

Robinson posted the movie Black Panther was, quote, created by an agnostic Jew to pull the shekels out of your sports pockets using the Yiddish words for money and black.


He referred to the victims of the Parkland school shooting as spoiled little bastards.

News Reporter:

He says the moon landing in 1969 may have been fake. He also says there is a secret ruling cabal that is part reptile.


And said that Beyonce is satanic.


Wow. Let's go.


It it that's not it. Of course, someone, he caught somebody's eyes, somebody who's very established and very influential in in his party. And they wanted to mention they they wanted to give him a shout out. So, we'll let it ride a little bit more.


I hate everybody. Gay people, Jewish people, women, school shooting survivors, Beyonce. I mean, this guy is so into hating people. He even hates MLK. I know what divided the country, but I thought the one thing we could all agree on was MLK good.


And by the way, you can't just hate on everyone and leave out the Asians. Okay? That's racist. I I I will give him credit though. You don't usually hear an antisemite busting out Yiddish.


It's it's a very woke form of hatred. So this guy is saying some pretty extreme things. Let me guess how Trump feels about him.


He's been an unbelievable lieutenant governor, Mark Robinson. This is Martin Luther King on steroids. Okay? Now, I told that I told that I told that to Mark. I said, I think you're better than Martin Luther King.


I think you are Martin Luther King times 2.


Wait. And the okay


So I'm a I'm a ask you real quick your thoughts on the whole thing before I weigh in.


Nigga. You are not. You fucking look like you ate Martin Luther King. That's the only way you fucking MLK times 2 shit. Fuck out of here with that bullshit.


Yo. Yo. Why do why does the and I don't I don't wanna say this is just a Republican party, but it's publicized on this level. And it's always somebody from the Republican party that's a fucking token blackie that comes out and spewed. The the last time it was Herschel Walker.


Last election season, it was Herschel Walker. Yep. Herschel wasn't dumb enough. They had to go find another motherfucker. Cue this this motherfucker.


Comes out here and goes even more to the right of what fucking Herschel did. Like, bro, sit your black ass down. You making us all look bad, bro. Stop doing that shit. Stop.


Like, I don't think the people understand, like, you when you do shit like that, you erase a lot of fucking work because you hold a government position. And there's tons of black people, like, there's films and clips to look at this shit, bro. Go back and look at it. People got sprayed by fucking fire hydrants and bit by dogs just to fucking get ahead. You know what I'm saying?


Like, when you go on a national stage and you do shit like that, you demean the fucking work that these people have done. Like, I get it. Your opinion is your opinion. Free free speech is free speech. Well, allow me to use my free speech.


Uh-oh. You are a fucking idiot. You are a motherfucking idiot. Stop doing this shit, bro. Like, and why why do and just so you can have the ear of the motherfucker that runs the party that everybody else is afraid of, why do y'all want his attention so fucking bad Yes.


That y'all go to these extremes to do this shit? Yes.


Why? Extremes to do this shit.




Why? It's like, can you not come up with you hold a public office. He does not anymore. Can you not come up with a policy that appeals to the people that you govern?


Come on.


That you gotta go to these extremes to get his attention? Like, you won the office. You're sitting in the office. You can make the changes. Why do you need his attention?


Why? When you have the power to pick up a fucking pen, write something that is logical and makes sense for the people you govern. It ain't hard. If you have kids, it's kinda like that. All you have to do is ask, hey, what y'all want?


They'll fucking tell you and then do that shit. Voila. They're fucking happy. It's not a hard fucking process. You hold the office, the hard part is over.


The easy part is giving the people what the fuck they want. That's what you do. That's what you got elected for. Why the fuck do you need to get on a national television station and spew hatred, lies, and bullshit to please a motherfucker that is in investigations right the fuck now? Why is why are we doing this?


This is the opposite of the godfather, bro. Like, what the fuck? Get the fuck out the office, man. Get the fuck out the office. Like, I I hate talking about it because I'd be going off.


But goddamn it, man. Y'all can't all be this fucking stupid. You can't all be this dumb. Someone listen. If you are listening and you are running and you are trying to please Trump, stop fucking running, bro.


Stop fucking running. You know why? Because you have no fucking policy. You don't have a policy. Not one motherfucker that has backed him has spewed his lies, repeated his hatred.


Not one of these motherfuckers has a policy worthy of your fucking attention. And I'm a go on the other side too. The people arguing with them have no policies either. So you know what you need to do, America? Find a find a credible motherfucker.


Find someone that says, this is what I wanna do. And they not even focused on this shit. Like, this is what I wanna do. This is my policy. This is what I wanna bring to America.


That shit makes sense to you. Vote for that, motherfucker. Don't vote for these other people because they're all fucking idiots, bro. They're all fucking idiots. And I'm done.


I'm done. Goddamn it. Goddamn


it. And I loved every minute of it because this shit made sense. This shit made sense. Like, first, I'm just I really find it hard to believe that as a black person raised in the south, you legit feel like the civil rights movement was a bunch of bullshit.


Nigga. Wild. Nigga. Wild.


Fam. Mark. Robbie. Marky Rob. Do you know that if civil rights did not happen, you would not be able to be running for the highest the highest seat in state government?


The highest elected position in your state, federally. The one motherfucker that can make laws for that state. The senators can't do that for your state.


The the


representatives can't do that for your state. You as the governor can do that for your state. If civil rights movement did not happen, if them motherfuckers getting bit by dogs, sprayed by hoses, marching, boycotting buses, all of that shit. If they did not do the shit they did, you would not have the plat platform or the the capability to to do the shit you're doing. Actually, now that I look at what you're doing, a part of me wishes like, bro, why did y'all do that shit?


Why did y'all give him? Why did y'all give him the capability?


Like, listen. I know his your ancestors have


to be looking at you, my boy. Come on. This show this this show this your seed? This is your this is your lineage?


I'm sorry. Yeah.


They about to get kicked out, bro. Because you out here just just poo pooing on everything they did, bro.


You said it right on the head. Like, why do you have the desire to to do all of this pandering, to say all of this shit that I he might believe it, the shit that he's talking about. But I mean, like, what sensible person sits there and is just like, man, there's so many things. Like, the biggest one is just like, man, these kids are too young for you guys to be talking about trans, this, and homosexuality that, like what schools are they going to? Right.


Where where teachers are pushing this as an agenda? Like, what schools what what grades? Like, you're acting like once they get into 1st grade, teachers is just giving them the fucking trans flag and telling them, like, you could be a girl if you want. Like, that is not happening in these schools. But these people swear to God in their brains that what if you send your kid to a public school, bro, they just trying to make them gay off rip.


You know, I'm just


They really believe that.


That's what I'm saying. The the shit that they'd be so mad about. Hey. For 2 genders, men and women, like, what what policies are you working on? Like, what are you doing for my taxes?


You appear mad about some other shit that don't really concern you, that don't really affect you.




They're out here trying to make men use women's bathrooms and all. It's like, fam. These potholes is wild out here, b.


Fix these, bitch.


Fix these holes. Goddamn, bro. Fuck.


Because I hit a pothole, and I wonder how much I gotta pay.


Fuck. Bow. Well, at least there's only 2 bathrooms at the fucking, you know, Burger King. Thank god for that. You too.


You know, while I'm fixing my fucking tire, rim all fucked up. The shit that they're doing just to appease and get this man to say their name is is wild. And you you were asking, like, why are you doing that? You sitting in his seat because he wants more.




They all like politicians, and we said it on previous shows. When this country was founded, it was meant to be a term of public service. You get in there, you do your 2 however many years, You get out, and you go back to your job. You know what I'm saying? It it was like the thing to just come in and help make your community better.


Then these motherfuckers got in there and started getting corrupt. Like, yo, we could fuck around and make the rules to where we could just keep doing this forever and collecting this fucking check and getting a fucking retirement, and there's no term limits for shit, and we could just do


this. Yeah.


We run this shit. And that that's what it became. And then that's when the career politicians came into play. Motherfuckers be like, I used to like, who who who was it? Fucking Joe Biden.


Isn't he a lawyer or some shit? Or he was a lawyer before he started?


He was a lawyer.


That's this man the last time he he practiced law. The minute he got his foot in that door as a fucking a sit in there, Delaware or whatever, he was like, oh, shit. Ain't no more court cases to study and shit. I could just come in this fucking room and bullshit with my boys and not pass shit.


Bet. Bet.


Like, who it's human nature, bro. You're gonna wanna get the easiest job where you don't have to do shit


for all


of years.


I want this.


Human nature. And that's the problem. And these motherfuckers wanna wanna get into that hotel second, and then we'll move on to the bracket review. But I lost my train of thought bro so bad. I was so bad.


It's probably gonna come back to me in the


middle of nowhere. Oh, yeah


another thing. Oh, here it is. Yeah. I told you. I don't wanna say white people,


but I know.


No. No. You don't. Trust me. Can y'all stop using Martin Luther King as, like, a a fucking barometer Yeah.


Of how cool a black person is. You


know what I'm saying?


Can can y'all stop using this motherfucker as a barometer, as a measuring unit? Bro, towards the end, Martin was


on that tire too. Martin was like, fuck these motherfuckers, bro. They don't talk about it. But towards the end, Martin was like,


man, he's not fucking They just do that because they're just like I don't know a whole lot of black people, but I know one black person that everybody thinks is cool. Martin Luther King. He's a cool guy. Right? So,




told him he's Martin Luther King on steroids. So you told this man that he reminds you of the person that led the movement that he thinks is a bunch of bullshit, but on steroids times 2. Do you think he took that as a compliment? Did you not hear what the fuck he just said about the civil rights movement, Donald Trump?


He hates Martin Luther.


He hates Martin Luther King, but because that's the only black person you know, you're like, he's like Martin Luther King on fucking ecstasy. He is Martin Luther King on blue crystal meth. He's on that Heisenberg. Huge. And I told him that.


And I just wanna be like, what did he say? Because he just said the civil rights movement was a bunch of bullshit.


Punch of bullshit.


Anyway, Mark Robinson, I have a feeling that this will not be the last time you are on this segment. So for that, you will have the power of the black delegation. Straight away. Ladies and gentlemen, this man does not speak for black America just like Kenny Owens does it. Oh, no.


Just like motherfucking any other Herschel Walker does it. Bro, let me just say. Just because he's black and he's he's he's thinking right wing stuff, well, they'd be so quick to jump on it and be like, oh, cool one.


Oh, yeah.


But, yes, Mark Robinson, like I said, you will have your black card stripped away.


I don't know. It's just


it's just something about a white person using Martin Luther King as a unit of measurement on how awesome a black person you are. You're like, 2 and a half MLKs, my boy. Damn. I must be up. I must be up.


Anyway, our last contestant, month of March, none other than NLE Chopper. Now when it comes to hip hop, I'm not real big on the newer generation, these NLEs, these, YNB, NBA, whatever it is. However, I I am aware of some of his songs. I I I don't have any of my playlist or any playlist, but I'm aware of this young man, and I have no hate or ill will towards this individual. However, one of the one of his songs, just just just graced my IG timeline, and I felt the need to talk about it.


Without further ado, I'm I'm a let the segment do the talking, and then we'll come back and, and wrap this thing up. But, here is our last contestant in the month of March, my man, NLE Choppa.


Hey, woman is this? Oh, man is this?


So this next, this this young man that I'm about to mention, I'm not familiar with his catalog at all. Right? He goes by the name NLE Chopper. I would like to mention his his birth name. Give me a second.


Normally, this is the best part when you talk about a rapper and you find their their birth name or maybe not. Maybe, you know, it's cool. So, Bryson Bryson Lashawn Potts, known professionally as NLE Chopper. He was playing at a festival. What festival it was, I do not know.


But, normally, when you're at these festivals and you're playing your song, the camera angle will pan to the crowd and you see the crowd just, you know, feel it, like, just legit dancing, losing their shit. Like, you see festivals like Astroworld Rolling Loud when you got a, you know, a k dot or, you know, just just Travis Scott getting out there. They performing. The crowd is like fucking head banging. They they in their shit.


You know? Like, they they feeling it. Right? They feeling it. What do we got here?


Oh, so when I was talking about the the the beef with rappers, he brings up AD brings up a good point. The problem here is that in hip hop, people feel like you can't reference another rapper's work and it not be a diss. It'd be like, it's just a reference y'all chill. Marvel does this shit all the time. And then he says, you know, he had a singular dope song a while ago.


I'm pretty, like, I'm pretty sure if I listen to his whole catalog, it'll probably be 1 or 2 songs. I'm just like, oh, you know, the beat on this shit is dope. Like, maybe the lyrics not so much. But, I mean, like, little Uzi Vert got a few songs that I fuck with. You know what I'm saying?


But I'm not running to to play his albums. You know what I'm saying? But let me bring this up so you can hear the lyrics of this song and watch the crowd's reaction, as he's performing this song and see if he realizes like at what moment he realizes that maybe he's not what he is or what he thinks he is at this point. But here we go. Let let us let this beautiful bean footage roll.


I don't know if you heard that. Let me, let me bring up the lyrics on the the phone here in case you didn't. I don't know the name of the song.




oh, he was previewing a song at rolling so that was rolling loud, and he was previewing a song called if I was a bad bitch. So if you weren't listening, if I was a bad bitch, I'd wanna hump me too. I'd wanna fuck me too. I'd wanna suck me too if I was a bad bitch. And he's out there playing it like people are going to be he was he he said how much was he paid to go out there and say that?


Top shot. That that's the one that the Internet was saying was, like, the song that helped him rise to fame. But yeah. So the part that gets me is I'm just like, as he's out there singing it, I I want y'all to look at the crowd. Like, he's out there rolling loud.


It's supposed to be notorious. You go out there. You do your song. The crowd is, like, fucking with your shit. Right?


So let let's get to that part again. I'm a pause it because I don't feel like hearing that shit again. Well, he is out there, like, trying to make this shit work. So he's previewing it. Like, he's just like, I'm a get I'm a I'm a dabble into this, and I'm a I'm a give y'all the world premiere of my new shit that I've been working on.


And the fans probably like, oh, shit. This finna be dope. He about to kill it with this one, and then he starts doing this shit. Right? If I was a bad bitch, I wanna hump me too.


I wanna hump me too. So I don't know if you guys can see it. I don't know if I can zoom in. No. I cannot enhance.


Can I enhance? I cannot enhance. Nope. It does not get any. Just the text gets bigger.


The crowd is not not really hyping up. There's no head banging. There's no, like let me let me, also great value rich baby rich baby daddy got it.


But look at the crowd.


There's no hands in the air. There's no head bobbing. There's no there's nothing. And he's out there trying to give it his fucking all in his bell bottoms. And, you know, I ain't gonna talk about rapper fashion because that's neither here nor there.


People wear what they wanna wear. But the crowd is not vibing with this shit. And he, I don't know how far into the song he is, but it's just not working. He's trying to make it work. Like he's doing all these dances and he's looking and he's just like, I want to help me too.


I want to help me too. And ain't nobody feeling it. Like, I can only imagine what that feels like out there, bro. You out there giving it your fucking all. Right?


You say what's happening with that car? Oh, the shit that was on the screen? Like, look at this. Bro, how serious this man is doing this fucking dance? How serious he is doing this dance?


Like, he's he's making eye contact with somebody in the audience doing these thrusts like, bro, this song about to be a hit. If I was a bad bitch, I'd wanna hump me too. And here's the wild part. Here's the wild part. Right?


Here's the wild part. The producer is making this beat. Right? And, like, the beat is nothing to write home about, but it is what it is nowadays. And he's just like, yo, NLE, I got a beat for you.


Come through. Come through and listen to this. NLE is like, bet. Bet. Bet.


Let's go. And they play it, and he's just like, oh, shit. I I got something. He gets his pad and his pen, and he starts writing some shit while the beat's playing. And he probably doing this shit.


Alright, man. Let me in the booth. And they just like, oh, shit. We finna he finna do it. He finna do it.


You know what I'm saying? He get on there. Boom. Boom. Boom.


Boom. If I was a bad bitch, I wanna help me too. I wanna fuck me too. I wanna serve me too. And then you just keep repeating that shit and, you know, producers just like, alright, bro.


So, like, is that the hook, or is these these the lyrics? Or what what's going on here, sir? And that's the song. Right? That's the song.


And you're just like, fuck, man. What did I just do with my beat? Why did I I mean, the beat's not all that, but, I mean, you wanted somebody to do something other than this to your beat. Right? I mean, look at this shit.


I guess this car is, like, going backwards. Look at it. Look. The crowd is not doing shit. And I'm gonna just say this shit.


Normally, at these festivals, these young up and coming rappers, like like n l e chopper, fucking y and b. You know, like, all all these other dudes, NBA, young well, all this shit. Right? Like, they do shit. White people be fucking with them.


White people be fucking like young the young white America, they eat this shit the fuck up. And the fact that young white America is not fucking with this man out here doing this shit speaks volumes, bro. Yeah, man. We may need to have to, you know, bring our boy back, you know, have another, you know, war room session about this stuff, man. Because this is wild out here, bro.


Oh, my God. Look at the crowd. That's the part that gets if you're at a festival and the crowd's not rocking what you like bro, let me tell you. I spice to go out here and play that fart song. Them motherfuckers rocking with it.


Like, if I spice can go out there, you think you're a shit bitch. You're not even a fart. These motherfuckers lose their shit. Right? Then you come out with your shit, and they don't move.


Like, what does that do to your spirit? What does that do to your hype, your level of fucking let's get out there and do this shit? Dog, they dancing to this shit. They really finna like my shit. Hey, yo.


This that new NLE chopper. If I was a bad bitch, I wanna help me too. And he just sat there just thrust in the air looking at like, I'm in. I paid money to get close to this stage and see you looking at me thrusted. I'm just like, that's a terrible choice of spending my money.


And, I wish I can, get it back, and I wish I can, rewind time to get those last 2 minutes of my life back. Man, he's out here just thrusting my face. It's about sucking his own dick. You know, like, look at this shit. Bro, the DJ back there, like, man, I gotta play.


Are you really you don't really have to do this shit. Look at this shit. Oh my fucking I can't. I can't. But that's what I'm talking about.


Like, if I had to choose between listening to this or listening to people fucking dissect the rap to the point where they're just like, oh, that's the super diss to old buddy or whatnot. You know? Like, I'm not trying to like, bro, if you're gonna diss somebody, let's just fucking just get to it. Come on and say it. Like, are y'all got beef or is this something you're doing?


Is this something y'all agreed upon to hype shit up? You know what I'm saying? Do y'all really not like each other? Because there's ways to handle this shit. You know?


Like, I don't know. It's it's, I don't know. It's a weird spot in rap for me. The the the beef that everybody's talking about, the Kendrick, j Cole, Drake thing, like, I like them all as artists. Do I wanna see them in a in a back and forth battle?


Like, I could care less about Drake lyrically trying to battle somebody. Like, I know he bodied, Meek Mill, but that was kind of a direct. Like, it was no subliminal shit. It was just like, oh, so y'all motherfuckers don't like each other. Okay.


This one, people would be like, did you know this whole album is a low key sneak disc? Like, oh my shut up. Just let me listen to that album and like it. Jeez. Oh, man.


But not NLE Chopper, man. You know, obviously, this hasn't been released yet. Thank God. Hopefully, this performance and the reaction from the crowd lets you know that, you should probably not release this one. Right?


And, kinda move on. And, oh, bro. This is wild. If I was a bad bitch, I'd wanna. This is hopefully, you don't drop this shit, bro.


Hopefully, this was an experiment. You saw it didn't work out. You just like, I cannot release that shit, but that is all I got. That is all I got. Oh, yeah.


Yeah. He knows who he was. I just be sitting here like, man, dude. Kendrick out here really talking about the importance of black men getting out there and getting their mentors right and accepting a lot of things going on with their life. Like, bro, this is a very monumental album because us as black men, we really don't like to talk about stuff like that.


We try to hold shit in. Hey, y'all. That was a diss at at jk. Like, man, get out of here and let me enjoy the positive shit from this album. Y'all out here trying to make this shit a fucking warning shot, bro.


Let me just leave. Anyway, hey, yo. NLE chopper, man. Sorry this didn't work out for you. I mean, if if this is what you wanna do, release it.


You know, it's it's it's your bag. It's your thing. You do what you want. I am a big component on if that's what moves you as a creator. Drop it, bro.


There is a, comment. We probably could've had a house meeting on this shit, but, somebody posted something about Beyonce reminiscing about the time she performed with the Dixie Chicks at the Country Music Awards, and she didn't feel welcome. So now this, Cowboy Carter album she's dropping is was inspired by that that moment or whatnot. And, the way the article was written made it seem like she was upset that the initial, reception of her 2 country songs or her 2 newest songs that she has dropped has not been, genuinely accepted. They're charting and everything, but, as far as, like, country really accepting her as a country artist, her thing is like, bro, this ain't this ain't country.


It's a Beyonce album and all that stuff. So, I mean, when you drop it, I, for 1, believe that Beyonce is thinking that she can do whatever. She has the money to do whatever. But if country is not willing to accept you, like, you know, like, you can chart, but then when you go to the awards, so if they're not really messing with you, it's no different than Kanye. Like, oh, I'm a I'm Christian rapper now.


You know? And then you're winning the best gospel artist at the Grammys, but you're not going to the, you know, the the BT gospel music awards. You know what I'm saying? You're not going there because they're not really you know, they know what you up to. You know, it's it's like you could chart there.


You can you can do all that stuff, but, like, real ones know. Like, if it's genuine, if there are genuine fans of country music, I think it's a level of gatekeeping in a certain thing. So it's, what did Jen say? I think she should have done a different song. Chattahoochee's Chattahoochee's.


I don't know. Beyonce is just out here doing some stuff, and, we'll see what her album drops. I think it's, next week, early April or something like that. So we'll see how it goes. I do feel like she'll be upset, like, if it doesn't do well.


But, I mean, her like, anything she does does well because her fan base is is rabbit, bro. They they're really out here supporting whatever this woman does. I just know I've only heard the first 10 seconds of each song. I'd like to be honest, If I'm listening to Spotify and it's, like, playing the top hits or something, and I hear, alright, man. Be safe, black, and, welcome to VA.


But, so I'm out here, like, if if if Spotify or anything starts playing, well, this ain't Texas. And this broke. Skip. Skip. Skip.


100%. Kanye made some gospel shit, and now we got vultures 1. And let me tell you, vultures is not what what people was thinking vultures was gonna be. Now that's just me. Y'all can fuck with vultures.


I tried listening to that shit. I'm just like, this ain't it, bro. This ain't it. Like and and I fucks with Ty Dolla $ign, but he's like, Nate dawg, bro. You just just come on here and sing my hook, bro.


I don't need no long ass verses from you. I don't need you to try to carry a song. Just sing my hook, Ty. That's what you got the voice for. But I digress.


NLE Chopper, man. I wish you success and I wish you better songs in the future. Producer whoever produced this, I hope you learn your lesson. Make some more intricate beats. That way people like, you know, you chopper won't wanna get on the beat and try to write some shit.


So I mean, I just I can't imagine being in the studio where half of these songs are being made. Like, the engineer is sitting there, producer is sitting there, your crew is sitting there. Obviously, they're gonna gas you up because you're the one making the money. But, I mean, you just need a circle that'll be around it. Are you sure this is what it is?


Like, I don't know if it was a, you know, fucking, what's old buddy? I can't I can't. I wanna rock rock. Uzi Vert. There you go.


How big that song is? Everybody's just like, well, let me give that a shot. You know? Let me let me come out with a little Jersey, little baby. I don't know.


But, yeah, it wasn't doing it for me. Maybe it did it for you guys, and if it did, I'm sorry you may have made the list. But, you know, when we throw that, throw that vote out there, we'll we'll find out find out what it is if you guys think he should be the one nominated for this. However, we have come to the end of the show. Once again, check the description for all of our links.


Be sure to hit up for articles, reviews, and the home of where you can stream all our podcasts at. You know? So check that out. Big shout out to Khan's Customs Creations. Khan's Custom Creations.


Khan's Custom Customs or she'd be doing some dope stuff. Check the description below. You'll see all that dope stuff in there. She's been making some amazing stuff, so check her page out as well. And then, of course, the Patreon, we got a lot of exclusive stuff on there.


So please check that out and, support your boys, the brand as a whole, and, we will definitely appreciate it if you do that. Without further ado well, without further of due. Without further ado. Alright. This is the March episode of whose man's, and, we'll go ahead and wrap it up.


I'm the homie Mac aka your boy. And, as my man Black Mac would say, have love, make sex, peace.


Welcome to the smoke pit. It's Friday night, come and take a load off. Come sit in the smoke, bitch. Time for us to show off. It's been a long week, come relaxing.


Get some lapsing, and let's talk about these brackets. And while we at it, tell me whose man's is this? Because I got questions. I'm hoping you can answer it. Get ready because you know we gonna talk a lot of shit.


It's Macky Mack. Welcome to the smoke pit.