Clydesdale Media Podcast

We catch up with old Friend Fee Saghafi as she enter Semifinals this year to take her shot at another CrossFit Games Birth. What has training been like at Brute after a shift across the State of Florida to Jacksonville.

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

In the kitchen

what is going on everybody

welcome to the coffee

edition of gladsdale media

podcast where we're

featuring the athletes of

the 2024 crossfit game

semifinals and I'm so

pumped to have my dear

friend lisa goffy on the

show fee how you doing good

morning just like you said

coffee talk we're ready

we're ready the thing

that's gonna kick it off

right except mine says uh

this is one of my favorite

mugs it says tequila

hope you're not adding that

to the coffee before

training no definitely not

but I probably I will

probably be having some

hopefully hopefully some

celebratory tequila after

semi-finals is is uh done

very well and dusted but

we're here enjoying coffee

first so you like your

tequila straight up or

mixed with something I love honestly

If it's very good tequila,

I'll just enjoy it like

straight and actually enjoy,

like truly like sip on it.

You don't just kind of like,

like very good quality tequila.

My abuelo always had tequila

time around four o'clock

and he would just sit on

his chair and just like slowly sip,

like truly enjoying.

So yeah, so I could do that with good,

very good tequila, but then

Other ones where you're just

kind of like hoping it goes down smooth,

the salt, the lime,

or just like mixed in the

drinks is always nice.

But either way.

So Jake Chapman said, this is coffee talk.

That's clever.

Why haven't I thought of that?


Yes, Jake.

I love that.

Corey Leonard says, tequila for breakfast.

I've been going about my

training all wrong.

There it is.

That's okay.

Do you know?

Tequila's a probiotic.

It's very good for you.

Very good for your gut.

Paper Street should do a limited edition.


Like a Paloma coffee.

I love the way she says tequila.


Thank you very much.

It's the proper way to say it.

Everyone should say it like that.

Even like gringos.



you go but I gotta say I i

do have it with my what

like I'll sip on my coffee

not thinking sip my coffee

and then I have my water my

relay my salt water so I'm

like dehydrating hydrating

dehydrating there's a

method here way to do it

this way to do it yeah

especially when you're a

week out from semis yeah I

uh so I train at noon so I

the my morning is coffee

and water coffee and water

because I can't go train at noon and

be all dehydrated.

Oh yeah.

I've done that many,

like way too many times where, you know,

during breakfast, I'm drinking my coffee.

I'm taking the morning the way that I,

that I need to,

to get ready for training.

And then I'll get to the gym

and sometimes I'll be like, oh, my God,

I haven't had a sip of

water yet because I'm just

like enjoying my coffee so much.

And and then I get to the

gym and right now I'm in Jacksonville.

So it's like eighty seven degrees,

90 degrees every day.

And you're just like, I did.

I totally forgot what I

actually should be doing in the morning,

which is drinking water

first and then going into the day.

But it's OK.

So you've made the move

across the state of Florida

from Naples to Jacksonville

and way north.

Yeah, way north.

One day and then completely

opposite direction.

So I used to live in Tallahassee.

So in the armpit.


And then my cousin,

who is like a brother to me,

he was stationed in Navy in Jacksonville.

So I made that like I drive all the time.

I didn't realize how big Jacksonville was.

First of all,

just like the size of Jacksonville.

And no one knows how to drive.

Oh, no one.

No one.

Oh my gosh.

Everyone's so mean.

Everyone's so awful.

I've seen many accidents,

like just like driving by

and you could tell it was

like just a dumb accident and very silly.

But everyone drives in a way

that's like almost an accident.

Like you're driving and you're like,

oh my God,

that could have been something insane.

And I've driven by many awful accidents.

There was one that I, the gym,

from my apartment to the gym,

it should take 10,

no more than 12 minutes to get there.

It's just like one smooth

exit off the highway.

And it took me 40 minutes to,

Because by the time I merged

onto this exit,

I'm only one exit off to get to the gym,

it was just backed up traffic.

And it was a car that was driving,

wasn't looking where they were driving.

They probably slammed on their brakes.

And there was a truck in front of them.

This car just slammed just

underneath this pickup truck.

This pickup truck flew up.

And it was almost at this 45-degree angle.

And I had just gotten to this accident.

Ambulance hadn't even gotten there.


Every time I was there,

there was some kind of accident,

some kind of backup.

Our favorite thing to do was to go to St.


I haven't gone yet.

That's one of my bucket lists.

It's on the to-do places

here in Jacksonville or around.

We're going to do that after.

For someone with Latin background,

I cannot believe you've not been to St.


No, I know.

It was a Spanish settlement and

I didn't know that.


there's so much history that I need to

learn from there.

I've just heard how beautiful it is.

And how it's so close, like 40.

It's a 40 minute drive from here.

And I just haven't made it.

It's one of those things where when I go,

I want to spend the entire day there.

And where training has been since I mean,

we moved here in January.

And by the time we moved,

everyone immediately is like, you know,

with all you got to go here,

you got to go to St.


you got to try these restaurants,

you got to do this and that.

And you're just like, I just got here.

And all I need to focus on

is just training.

Because by that time, it was like,


And then a month later, it's the open.

And then a month later,

it's quarterfinals.

And you're just like,

I don't even have an entire,

the days that we do get to ourselves,

you just kind of want to chill and

so after semifinals I'm

hoping to just like take a

week off and explore and do

all the fun stuff so are

you are you living in

jacksonville full-time or

just there for training

yeah I'm here full-time I

since I went full-time in

the sport with training and

just you know living here

in florida since last year

so I moved to naples last

was it last november last

november yes last november no

Two Novembers ago.

Gosh, I can't even keep track.

But yeah,

and then was there with my coach

and the whole training camp.

That's when Matt Torres had

five of us go to the games that year.

That was that year that I

decided to move and made it happen.

And then literally a year later,

we didn't see this coming, right?

Like this was something that, you know,

was in the works like maybe

well over half of that year

and then all of a sudden an

opportunity came up and

matt was like hey this is

my vision this is my plan

for the camp and the

business and you know what

do you guys think um and we

pretty much were just like

okay wherever you go we go

and sure enough the

decision from to

jacksonville happened and

we're just like okay we're doing it

Yeah, and Jacksonville is a little,

it was like an old OG

hotbed for CrossFit.

Like there's a lot of

athletes in Jacksonville.

Who are the OGs out of this area?

So she goes by Jen Smash on Instagram.

Jen Dieter.

Jen Dieter.


You had to put me on the spot, didn't you?

I know.

I was waiting for you to just be like, one,


I'm sure there's plenty more.

There actually really are a ton.

There are a lot of CrossFit

affiliates in Jacksonville, though.

I feel like within a couple mile radius,

there's another one.

I mean, there's two.

I think there's one downtown

in Jack's Beach or around Jack's Beach.

called Total Control that we've been to,

great community there.

And that affiliate has another location,

like two separate locations

within literally the same city,

the same zip code, I feel like.

And then where we're at,

we're at CrossFit Tailwinds.

But maybe, you know, two, three,

four miles down the road,

there's another affiliate.

So they're pretty like,

they're right next to each other.

I think Sean Woodland

actually came from there as well.

He was a sportscaster on the

local TV station, got into CrossFit,

and that's how he... Wow.

Well, not surprising with like...

sports being so big here, you know,

it's a beautiful, I mean,

it's an area where a ton of people come,

um, just in general, I think to vacation,

to watch the Jags, you know,

they got the NFL team here.

And I mean, it's a few, I heard,

I think there's a running

joke that someone told me

that it takes him.

I think it was about

Jacksonville that you could

like drive an hour and

still be in Jacksonville, the whole,

the whole city.

I can see that.


We can move on from Jackson.

We haven't even touched

anything I had planned,

which is the way I deal with you, Fi.


It's okay.

It's a good problem.

But there are some comments.

I'm almost afraid to put

this in because it's in Spanish,

and I got a D in high school Spanish,

so here we go.

I think that's... I think wasabi...

Uh, Google translated, see,

is that a question mark?

Maybe is that a question?

Tequila para desayuno.

He goes, uh,

is fee drunk and tequila for breakfast.

But that was a good, that was a good, uh,

maybe that was a good statement.

That's a good try on the grammar.


no we are not drunk effort

effort was there so it's

been been a long time since

you've been on the show if

we're truly friends like

we've let it go too long

honestly I can't I really

can't our last interview

was last for last semis I

think right it was right

before the games it was

right before the games okay

yeah still either way way

too long that was almost a

year ago then I know


Because we didn't get to talk about this.

Oh, gosh.

A lot of things.


A ton of things happened.

Not just like the games,

like after the games.


You got married.

You're not two anymore.

We got married.

You know what?

I've been meaning to change my last name.

Fee Sagafi legally still is my name.

And I'm just like, I need to change.

I want to change my last name.

I'm going to.

I'm a Ferrara.

I'm a Ferrara.

And I have yet to get to it

because then it's just a lot of, you know,

I just didn't get to it.

And now I'm just a week out from semis.

And I'm like,

can I change my last name before semis?

So when they call my name,

it's Fee Ferrara.

And today I will make it a

point to start the documentation.

So hopefully by next week, at least,

could legally say in some

way I'm a ferrara because I

am that's my husband alex

ferrer I'll tell you this

you may be able to do it

legally in the united

states to do that but

crossfit it's like an act

of god to change your name

in their documentation is

it is it so does it annoy them

Well, I mean,

a lot of people have gotten

married and tried to change their names.

And it's always taken longer

than they thought.

I know, like,

Bethany Flores wanted that changed.

And, like, at semis,

she was still Shadburn.


Because that's what it's...

When you acknowledge someone or, you know,

say someone, an athlete's name,

you know them by, like, their full name,


And first and last name.

But I feel like for me,

maybe that's an exception.

I don't know.

I hope it's an exception

because there's no other Fi.

So maybe it's just Fi.

Or Fi Ferreira.

I don't know.

Although Fi Ferreira sounds

freaking awesome.

It sounds fast.

Like it sounds like I should be like, well,

it works because I'm in the

sport of being fast, right?

Fi Ferreira.

It feels like I'm just like zooming.


Fi Ferrari.


More like it because you are so fast.


My husband, in college,

he played football for Mount Union.

I don't know if anyone else

is out there that knows Mount Union,

but Mount Union is a very

recognized Division III football program.

Oh, my God.


Wait, have you told me that before?

Well, I mean, I live here in Ohio.

Yeah, but, like, not everyone knows.

I don't know.

They didn't lose for, like,

five years in a row.

That's true.

Well, I don't want to assume,

but that's awesome that you know that.

Then, yes.

So, anyways, so they called him Rari,

like his nickname within his teammates,

Rari for Ferrari.

But, yeah, I like it.

Just don't do the dash last name, please.


Too much.

That's too much.


I feel like people would get way too


And also, that's a lot of name.

You know, like Sagafi, Ferrara.

There's like so much.

I mean, it's beautiful.

I think it's beautiful to

keep my culture in there, my last name.

But I'm deciding for just

personal reasons to change my last name.

Just think of the logistics

on the jersey when you get to the games.


Like sitting it all on there.


That's got,

I'm actually thinking of

everyone that does that job.

So I'm just trying to be my phone number.

See, if you just go one name, Fee.

I know.


That's it.


it's probably nice for

commentators and MCs to

just have to say Fee.

I remember at my first regionals in 2018.

20 Yeah, 2018.

Someone can't I can't even

remember someone came up to me.

Um, and someone's like,

How do you want us to

pronounce your name?

Do you have a nickname?

I'm like, Yes, just say fee, say fee.

And then like, ever since then,

they were like, Oh, thank God.

That's easy.

They scratched out like the rest,

like the rest of my name are OZH.

I just like I physically saw

them like be like, perfect.

Circle Fe.

Does your family still call

you by your full name?

Oh yeah.


If you do say is like,

I've never heard my family

call me fee other than like text.

They'll shoot me a quick text, um,

you know, fee.

But other than that,

when they're addressing me in person,

it's fee to say every time.

And I love my name, if you will say.

When I was younger,

I did it just because I always got,

I didn't get made fun of,

but teachers would butcher

it and it would just sound so ugly.

Like when you mispronounce a beautiful,

like a name, you're mispronouncing it,

your mispronunciation is

probably so bad that you're just like,

just don't say it.

Yeah, yeah, it's,

thank goodness Scott is very easy,

but my last name,

he's never gotten it right.

You pronounce it.

It's Switzer.


What do people typically say?



Yeah, Switzer.

Is it with just an I or E-I or I?

Just an I. Oh, yeah.

When my ancestors came to the country,

it was S-C-H-W-E-I.

Mm, S-C-H-W-E-I.


Yeah, so very German.

Well, you it's funny.

It's Fidu says a Persian, you know,

Iranian name, 100 percent.

But most actually the

typical spelling or a very

common spelling is F.I.R.U.




And the older that I got,

the more I realized I think

my parents gave me a phonetic spelling.

Like truly like the phonetic

spelling of Fiduze.

It's F-E-E-F-I-R-U-Z-E.

And it's like the phonetic spelling.

Because when people break it down,

it's like, oh, that makes sense.


When I see the names that kids have today,

I would kill to have a

phonetic spelling of anything.


You got letters in them that

don't make sense, but...

So was the wedding

everything you dreamed to be?

It was the most magical, beautiful,


like everything that I wanted

to happen happened.

when it came to the weather

when it came to you know

how it all came together

from the ceremony to the

party to the you know our

friends coming in a couple

days prior to being able to

enjoy even days after the

wedding like it truly felt

not just like a wedding day

it felt like it was it was

a wedding week it was just

pure celebration of

love and friends and friends

that we haven't seen in such a long time.

And, you know,

families coming together for

the first time.

Oh, it was beautiful.

It was everything I could

have ever asked for after the games.

And the games definitely

didn't finish the way that

I was hoping to finish.

But it was nice to have that

the week afterwards.

Like I have something that's

way more valuable to me in my life,

which is obviously my wedding day.

Is it important to find that

prioritization in life?

Like as an athlete,

it's really easy to get

wrapped up into your

identity as an athlete,

but you're so much more than that.

And now you,

you have a husband and you had

this amazing wedding and

you have this life you get

to build together.

Did it help you kind of

reset those priorities?

Oh yeah.

I think that year was, it was,

the start of that season, you know,

was the start of, for me,

it was having taking the risk,

going from Cleveland to moving all my,

you know, my life to Naples.

And it

My world just revolved

around the sport and making

it back and doing

everything I could and

sacrificing home and

bringing my husband along this ride.

He took a risk on moving

from Cleveland to Naples

because he works for a firm in Cleveland.

And taking that risk and for

them to keep him within the firm,

like that was like everything.

So everything revolved

around CrossFit during that time.

And then, you know,

the year started to unravel

and I continued hard in the sport.

But then you have your

family and now you're

my family is him right my

family is what we're you

know our new chapter and so

it it started to not just

become about me and the

sport it started to become

about us and being a team

and working together for

each other and pulling each

other along and so you you

have you start to live that

chapter and everything

starts to be filled with

much more purpose and much more intention

And so when things do get hard,

you don't just have yourself to rely on,


Or just the one thing that

you love in the moment,

which is your sport,

which is the thing that

puts food on the table for me.

But now I have, you know,

that fire under me because

my purpose revolves around being

a better wife, being, you know,

a better family member, a sister,

you know, now that I'm away from home,

I still need to make it a

point to keep building on

those relationships.

And those are the relationships that,

you know,

continue to support me whether I

do CrossFit or not.

But I definitely have way

more feeling of purpose and drive.

And that purpose doesn't come from sport,

it comes from the

relationships in my life,

which is the most meaningful.

That is so well said.

So then you're in your sport,

and like from 2019,

it was this drive to get

back to the games, right?

And last year, that happened, right?

Get back to the games.

Now the goals shift, probably,

I'm assuming,

to more games-related goals.


But you've got all this

amazing stuff happening

around you in life.

what are the conversations

with Matt now about what are,

what are the CrossFit goals

and how does it fit into

everything you have going on in life?


So the goal of, you know,

it's not just getting back to the games.

It's, you know, going into semifinals,

like our semifinals and a

lot of these semifinals, right.


The field has been cut.

The quality of competition

is even harder than last year.

Every year it's hard, right?

But also every year it gets harder.

So it's not that just

because you've made it back

or you've been more

consistent throughout the

season or your fitness

obviously continues to

progress and your holes

continue to close doesn't

mean that it's going to be

that much easier to make it

back to the game.

So number one goal is to execute and

That's something that we've

been working on a lot this past,

like the entire year is

truly closing in on my holes,

which mainly is like strength and power.

But also when it comes to game time,

really honing in on working

on our strategy and taking

and practicing moments

where we have good

execution or poor execution, right,

in practice.

But coming full circle to that question is

know the things that we've

been working on matt and I

is um not just getting to

the games but once we get

to the games like truly

executing our strengths and

managing you know the

things that we continue to

work on and I mean my

biggest goal is get to the

games and get there for the

whole weekend like I work

so everyone works so hard

that you're just fighting

to be there for throughout

the weekend and the la my last you know

Games, two games appearances,

I've always been cut early.

So my next goal, you know,

something that's manageable, tangible,

and I believe my fitness is there.

I just need to execute.

And I think my execution at the games,

I had poor moments of execution.

They weren't moments of my

fitness couldn't earn me that weekend.

It was just couldn't execute.

So that I think is what's

been holding me back and

what held me back last games.

So I have to share some of these comments.

Rebecca Wood.

Oh, my gosh.

Hi, Fi.

Opened up YouTube and saw you were live.

Oh, Rebecca.

What a great.

She's such a great friend of mine.

She's back in Naples.

Love you, Rebecca.

Wad Zombie.

Fi is the most genuinely

nice person I've ever seen.

Thank you, Wad Zombie.

And echoed by Corey.

You can feel the positivity

coming off of her.

And I've told this story on

the show before.

Thank you.

You are such a positive person.

I told you, like,

you were on the demo team one year.

I had imposter syndrome

underneath the Coliseum.

Do I really belong here?

And you came over and gave me a hug,

and it was like, oh, my gosh.

I do.


you just completely set me at ease

because you're just a

wonderful person and so genuine.

And it's always good to see you.

Oh, I love seeing you.

Oh, my gosh.

I didn't realize you had

imposter syndrome.


you should never have imposter

syndrome anywhere you go

because you're great at

what you do and you bring

light out of people.

So it's always enjoyable to see you.

And it was great.

It was one of those years where,

you know what, I'm just like, okay,

I'm not in it over there,

but I could still be in it

from this side.

And you kind of enjoy the

ride that you're on.

You got to.

Yeah, yeah.

So my next question to you,

And thank you for those compliments.

I do appreciate them very

much is you've been working

on strength so long.

Does it ever feel tedious?

Like, because on the other hand,

you do have home runs, right?

If you can,

if you can just get to them in

the weekend, like at the games,

some of your best events

were just around the corner.


I know.

You just need the key to

unlock the door to get to

that next piece.


And I mean,

that's it's part of the game now.

It's everyone, everyone,

every single athlete in our

sport has like their own home runs.

And that's, you know, I'm no different.

It's just earning that, right?

You've got to earn your way.

And for some people,

it's earning it through the

conditioning and the aerobic work that,

I mean, this entire sport is aerobic.

For me,

I'm a very aerobic athlete because

I started CrossFit, like, doing, like,

true, true CrossFit for a very,

very long time.

And my biggest holes are the strength.

So for me to get to the fun

part of the weekend,

which is now clearly –

after the second or like the

second after the second day.


It's on Saturday.

If you've done the work or, you know,

you get to have your fun now.


That's when the crossfit

starts to come out.

And yeah, that's it.

Strength has been taking me

so like so long to develop

because that's just part of, you know,

developing strength.

It definitely doesn't

develop as quick as

conditioning or maybe

developing like more of the, you know,

skills even.

For me,

strength is something that takes

years and years to build.

And that's one thing that

when I first talked to Matt

before even having him as my coach,

he was pretty much like,

this will take a very long

time and we'll get to the

end of the year of training

and you still won't be

where you want to be.

Just know that the progress is happening.

Even on the days that you're

not hitting what in your

head you should be hitting

or want to be hitting,

that doesn't mean you're regressing.

It's just part of the process.

I just know that when my

execution is there and when

all the pieces come together,

people could see that the

strength has been progressing.

And a good example of that

was last year at Semis.

I PR'd my snatch after a

couple events already in the weekend,

and I hit my 185,

something I've never done before.

But that was like my ticket to the game.

So when things truly come

together in my active and

it wasn't like it was never there before.

It just came together in that moment.

And it could have not come

together in that moment either.

So does that mean that I'm

not getting stronger?

Absolutely not.

So I definitely

I've had many moments during

competition weekends where

when the execution is there,

the results aren't there.

But when my execution is there,

I've proven that things

continue to progress.

And it's just a long, long process.

But I wouldn't be in it this

far as long as I have if I

didn't love that process.

So I talked to Saxon now,

it seems like forever ago,

probably a week ago.

And he described the weekend

after the workouts came out

as fitness first three days

or first three events.

Final day is all execution.


Very well said.


Is that how you see the

weekend playing out?

Yeah, that's exactly it.

I mean, you get the big day one.

It's just, where's your conditioning?

Where's like,

have you been working on your

conditioning and your, you know,

battery work on that barbell, you know,

10 clean and jerks for

every round and to get back

to that run and just be consistent.

um have you been working on

those elements in your own

training and you know then

the next couple days you

got uh what's the you got

the um what's the second

event the front squat front

squat toes to bar just kind

of your volume work um your

endurance the squat

endurance that's something

that wasn't tested at all

in quarterfinals right we

saw very specific tests in

quarterfinals and the

things that you don't see

you could have assumed that

they were coming and that

was like squat endurance and

you know, rowing endurance,

handstand walking under a long, you know,

sort of long aerobic work.

And you get all those.

And then on the very last day,

You get, you know,

the events that are all

about execution because

those events can't have

anything to do with anything else.

Your best execution will

show your best fitness.

Whether if someone else is

holding on to all, you know,

15 ring muscle ups doesn't at the,

you know,

the last event does not mean

that that's going to be

your best execution.

strategy to showcase your

best finish towards the end

of the weekend.

So yeah, I really love that.

And it kind of shows the

people that come out at the top at the,

you know, at the end of semis,

who's been truly not just working on,

you know, all those elements,

but who's also been honing

in on strategy and

execution work throughout their training,

because all of that stuff takes practice.

You can't just practice that on game day.


We'll see how things go.

But I mean, it's been so cool to watch,

you know,

Europe go and now West is about

to go and Torian is about to go.

So we're learning.

I'm learning a lot.

I continue to learn a lot by

watching everyone go.

Do you watch full workouts of the others?


I've been watching all of them.


I didn't get a chance to watch

them all live, but I've been going back.

I mean, I have my notebook right on.

my coffee table right now.

My husband and I the other day, we're like,


we're going to rewatch everything

and we're going to watch, you know,

the best, the best heaps do it.

But it was really cool to

also have moments of like,

let's watch some of the

individuals that just

didn't get it right.

And learn a little bit from that.

Learn obviously from the

people that came up on top and I'm,

I'm over there.

I'm taking notes.

We're going event by event.

The other night I could not

fall asleep because I think

we watched events way too late.

And I was just,

I dream about these events now.

But I watch them all,

and I learn from the best.

And I have incredible

friends in the sport that

have already done these

events at the last semis,

and they're giving me notes.

They're giving me takeaways.

So I'm taking it all in.

So the other thing about the

execution being on Sunday

is that's when the pressure is there.

So not only is it execution,

it's execution under pressure.


which being a veteran of the

sport should give you an

advantage in that stage.

It's so funny how different

people react to it.

I talked to Sam Quant.

He does not watch full workouts.

He said all it does is make

him more nervous.

He'll watch elements to see

how people handle things

and then he'll shut it off.

Oh, yeah.

That's different.

Is it

Is it a disadvantage or an

advantage going last?

It's a little bit of,

it's kind of like a little bit of both.

Like it's an advantage when it comes to,

um, just gives you more time to prepare.


But also everyone,

everyone gets more time.

Everyone that you're

competing against gets more time.

So it could be an advantage

to someone that needs that time.


It could be a disadvantage

to some that you kind of

just get burnt out and it

could be a huge

disadvantage to go last

because you have a

you're just grinding through

so many different

variations that maybe it's

almost too long of a period

where you're overthinking,

you're burnt out doing the events.

So by the time you get to your semis,

maybe you've hit all your

turbo buttons in training.

And as much as you want to

have them on game day,

if you hit them all way too early,

you're just not going to have them.

And that's kind of the

reality of the sport.

And that's why, I mean,

just comes to show that's

why a lot of athletes burnt out, you know,

throughout the year in the offseason,

they burn out,

they make that decision to step away.

Or by the game's time,

you see incredible athletes

that have a history of

incredible performances.

And you don't even see them, you know,

where they're projected to

be not because they can't,

it's because they've burnt

themselves out way too early,

too many times.


kind of a game that you kind

of play a little bit of

both um and you the only

way to really know what's

appropriate and what's not

is just to be mindful and

to talk to your coach and

to like when you start to

feel um those sensations of

almost like not having fun

with them that's when you

need to start to reel it

back and maybe just turn

the dv off not watch too

many events or just do

something completely

different other than the events

So we're already 35 minutes in.

I have not even looked at my notes.

And that's what happens

every time I talk to you.

Oh, my God.

I wish workouts went that fast, Scott.


I want that one to just go this fast.

Just blink of an eye.

So I wasn't sure I was going

to make it to Knoxville.

I'm still like, ugh.

I have a hotel reservation, though,

so I'm hoping to get there.

And hopefully we'll see you there.

Gosh, I hope I see you there.

I feel like there's going to

be some good stories coming

out of that weekend.

I do, too,

and I want to be there to capture it.

If not,

I will definitely see you at the games.



thank you so much for taking time out, Fi,

as always.

And we're not going to let

it take a year before you're back on.


No, that's on you.

You just invite me.

Just shoot me a message.

I always get to you.

We can still fill an hour

without even talking about CrossFit.

We really can.

And you know what?

I love that because I love

talking about other things

that aren't involved around CrossFit.

I didn't even get to you

doing quarterfinals live on

a YouTube stream.

Oh, yeah.

You've got to save that for another day.

If it's still relevant.

That is the coolest thing ever.

And did it work for you?

on the like the savant like

having savan offer that

opportunity and crossfit

crash you know jr howell

out there like bringing us

in that was already chaos

like quarterfinals is

already chaos to begin with

right him taking care of

his members and the members

there that are also kind of

trying to punch their

ticket to semis um they

were just incredible just

truly taking us on just

like we're family of their

own the opportunity was

amazing and I loved it because

I want to believe that I'm

more of a game time athlete.

Like when I'm put in game time situations,

I just, I turn my brain off and I,

I shine more there than in

training where I'm just

overthinking or if I'm by

myself doing these events.

And when I get to be in an

environment where I just

kind of turn it on and just

go and put myself in that position,

I always, I always do what I need to do.

And I loved it.

So it was a good kind of

like game time practice experience.

after, you know,

not being on the floor for a while.

My hope is that you were the

catalyst to move that forward.

Cause there's so,

so many of us out there and

have the ability to broadcast that.

And, um,

but I've talked to a lot of female

athletes who like to keep

everything so tight to the

vest on those weekends, um,

where the guys just,

they want to talk smack and,

and they don't care.



And I think it's more like

of a confidence thing.

I think

not confidence, not in a cocky way,

but my confidence came from like,

I had full confidence that

the way that I executed quarterfinals,

like, there,

there actually weren't a lot

of moments that I would

have completely changed.

I'm like, you know what,

that was my best fitness,

I would not have done anything.

So come and get it and beat it.

And if you beat it, gosh,

you're really fit too.

And if you know, and if it's,

if my best fitness doesn't

earn me to semis, then

At that point,

there's not much that I could do, right?

So it's that confidence of like,

I know what I've been doing in training.

I'm confident in my execution.

Come and get it.

And I think that was just

like a cool moment to have

because I've never done that before.

It worked out.

I truly think it's the way

to grow the sport.

Yes, absolutely.

Because it gives a much more

intimate look to the

athlete and what they go

through during those

weekends and how hard it is

and blind leaderboards and

all of those things that we

as fans don't always get a peek at.


and everyone loves the behind the scenes.

Everyone loves the inside

look because most people...

only see the open, I mean,

you only see the open announcement,

you don't even see the

craziness that goes on

behind an open announcement,

which I would love to see,

because I've never been on

the open announcements.

But then that and then you just see semis,

the amazing performances live.

And then you see the amazing

games performances live,

you don't see the

background and the chaos.

And everyone loves that,

because that creates, you know,

emotion and story.

And CrossFit keeps removing

aspects of even the

semifinals that are getting broadcast.

And so it's going to be up

to us third-party media

people to add and

supplement that with other

aspects of the season to

make it watchable and to grow the sport.


I really hope that next year,

if I have the opportunity

to do quarterfinals live again,

It's an easy, it's a great yes.

Easy yes for me.

Great opportunity, I think.


I'm going to try to put them together

and we'll see what happens.

But I know someone will do

it again as well.

Like it was a success for them.

It was great.


Well, Fi, again, awesome having you on.

Thank you, Scott.

After you punch your ticket to the games,

we'll have some conversations.

And then thank you to

everybody in the chat for being here.

You guys always make this awesome.

With that,

we'll see everybody next time on

the Clydesdale Media Podcast.

Bye, guys.

And it's not working.