The Power Life Coach

In this insightful episode, I delve into the crucial distinction between feeling overwhelmed and being overloaded, emphasizing the transformative understanding that our experiences are not dictated by our circumstances, but rather by our perception and thoughts. Through exploring the solidity of circumstances versus the fluidity of experiences, I unveil the potential for personal freedom and happiness regardless of external factors. I challenge the common belief that our surroundings shape our feelings, advocating instead for a mindset shift towards internal mastering and responsibility. By highlighting the importance of recognizing our ability to shape our experiences through our thoughts, this episode encourages listeners to embrace a life of limitless possibilities, free from the constraints of external circumstances. It's a call to focus on what truly matters—our internal landscape—and how this awareness can lead to genuine peace and fulfillment.

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What is The Power Life Coach?

I’m here to guide and accompany you to your greatest potential and give you the tools to create a life beyond your wildest dreams. You will change your life’s narrative, transform your limiting beliefs, and you will fully own your magnificent power. So that you can go from lack, to making your life one big authentically yours mind-blowing story.

I know you want more than your current reality. So, let’s unleash your inner badassery. Let’s explore the Intersection of Pain, Passion and Power. You don’t know how? I do. I have been where you are now. I suffered, learned, awakened and succeeded so that I can show you how.

With me, you get an unapologetic, powerful sister and guide with exceptional skills and a fearless attitude, all in one. Think "Sistuoso Maestro".

So, welcome to your POWER LIFE!!

Let’s do this. You have waited way too long already.

Hello, and welcome to the power life podcast. I'm your host Sabina shapcott, serial entrepreneur, philanthropist, iron sister, and badass manifested. Think of his podcast as your weekly dose of gelato with a shot of whiskey, fueling your week with empowering and exciting insights into your mind to help you create massive success in your life. So let's dig it. Let's talk mindset, manifestation and money. Hello, and welcome to a another episode of The Power life. I am very excited to share this with you today, as many of you know, I relocated to the German Alps, and I'm sitting in my little mountain home and it's gotten really quiet in my head. And I there's things going on that I have never experienced like that before. And so I'm very excited to share these with you to have this outlet of sharing and maybe impacting you and giving you something new to think about as well. And today's topic that's going on in my head is about overwhelm and overload. I think it's very important to make that distinction. Because it's so fundamental to understanding how we can create a better life for ourselves.

So let's start with overwhelm. Overwhelm, means

we're being emotionally overwhelmed, or simply feeling overwhelmed in, let's say, our work, or as parents or in life in general. And it's an experience, it's a feeling that we're having. On the other hand overload is a condition, it's when you simply have too much to do with the time you have at hand. The distinction I'm describing here is basically one is circumstances, which is the overload. And the other one is the experiences of feeling


I feel like circumstances they have a solidity to them. They are facts. If you have no money, you're broke. That's a fact. If somebody you love has died, people die. And that's just a fact of life. And there's nothing we can do about that. But what's interesting about circumstance is that we all experience circumstance, a little different. So you can have a circumstance and you throw three people into that. And then you ask them about their feelings about their emotions, what they have experienced. And to a varying degree, they all experience slightly or maybe majorly different things in the same circumstances. And the problem is that we keep mixing the two up, we believe that the circumstances cause our experiences. We know that because people say things like anybody in those circumstances would be unhappy.

Or anybody in my situation would be upset. But that's actually not true.

Three people might experience the same circumstances, and three

different ways.

If our experience is a consequence of our circumstance,

we're actually victims of the world that we live in.

And the result is alive. That's a horrible struggle. We may be able to change some of our circumstances sometimes. But in many cases, we just can't. And it's interesting because some of the most successful people in the world still can't control all of their circumstances, but they believe they should.

And the result of that is that they're still miserable. And that's why there's happy successful people and still miserable successful people.

The ones that realize I just I don't care how successful I am, how powerful I am. There's things that are out of my control and I just need to adapt To that,

happy, successful people. Another thing to think about is that

experiences, the experiences that we have that are infinitely fluid. They constantly change. And have you noticed that sometimes our circumstances haven't even changed. But our feelings AF experience is made up of energy.

It's the energy of our thoughts.

It is 100% made up of energy, and 0% of circumstances.

And the thoughts we have, actually our domain, it's what we can master. And I purposely

didn't say it's what we can control, because,

realistically, most of the time, we have no

control over our thoughts, they just come. And not even the most enlightened and spiritual people have total control over their thoughts, but they have really good have gotten really good at

mastering their thoughts. Because the thoughts, that's our responsibility, and we can do something about that.

Again, a lot of circumstances, we have no control over, we can change them things happen in life, but the experiences which are based on our thoughts, and our feelings and our emotions, it was up to us. And we can change those in a heartbeat, if we choose to do so if we realize that we have that power. Too many of us believe that our experience is tied to the circumstances. And we believe that until the circumstances change, we can change our experience, we can change how we feel.

And that's when we're stuck. We bang

our heads against the wall trying to change the circumstances.

Often we're stuck and focusing on those circumstances that we don't realize, can change.

And sometimes we think we feel better when something good externally, has happened. But when we realize that we create and own our experiences, we'll find out that there's beautiful freedom that comes with that realization.

I used to call it the silver lining. I pointed out all the time.

I call it a new perspective on a situation or circumstance. Like finding something good in a not so good or really shitty situation. And with finding that little good thing, I can turn my thoughts and my feelings around focusing on the silver lining instead of the negative. And this has worked for me, it has always made me feel better. But I just recently realized that exactly that concept that it wasn't the circumstances that changed. But I simply changed my experience of that same circumstance took me awhile to realize that that's what's actually happening. I did it but I didn't realize what was really going on. The other thing we need to realize, which I think is a really cool thought is that a circumstance cannot create fear, only we can. And I'm not talking about danger, but about fear dangerous different than fear. Danger is a valid threat to our well being our physical or emotional mental well being.

But when we create fear,

we suffer from scaring ourselves with our own thoughts. Sounds crazy, right? It seemed like that but we can take responsibility for that experience.

We often believe that

we need to create or put ourselves only in circumstances that make us feel good or happy instead of circumstances that don't.

Do you know what that does?

It creates a constant struggle in our lives. Struggle for those good circumstances. And in return it shrinks our world, it actually limits us. But realizing that circumstances do not create experiences, means our world becomes bigger, it actually can become limitless.

I could try anything. Because my

experience of that is up to me, and not the circumstances. I often think of it as a water ball. Imagine being in a pool and we have a water ball and imagine pushing that water ball down. We spent so much time and effort pushing that water ball down, controlling it, keeping it underwater. But the moment we let it go, it jumps up into our face out of the water. And we as human beings are exactly the same way with our circumstances. We keep trying to control them. So we have a better experience. But the moment we realize what a struggle, what an in vain, horrible struggle it is, to constantly keep fighting our circumstances.

And we let it go. There's this, oh my god, this

beautiful relief and that freedom that comes with letting go. And now we can actually play in that arena.

But instead, we create

this reality in our heads that says,

once I'm successful, I'll be happy.

Weaker create the circumstances and those rules for ourselves, and we torture ourselves with the realities we create in our heads. We can learn how to play with those experiences. And often we don't have to do anything about our experiences. Because here's another Newsflash, things always change. And the nature of our thoughts changes.

It's transient.

I like to think of it as sitting on a train that's rolling through the landscape and watching that landscape go by, you look out the window, you see the trees go by, and the houses and the fields. And when you consider, let's say, a tree or a house, it's a solid thing. And it exists. As you're sitting on this train,

which is life. And it moves,

things outside come and go. They all pass. There's nothing we need to do about that. All we can do about it. So when we stop obsessing about fixing our circumstances,

we can see more clearly. And we realize what part of our world we actually can fix.

And by there's so much freedom in the world of experiences when we figure that out. So let's put our energy and attention which is most useful and most helpful. And this is when the game of life becomes fun. God creates experience. It lets us play in the world of circumstances without pressure without fear

or struggle.

Let's not be afraid of our experiences and with that our relationship to the circumstances we find ourselves and changes

we get to play in shoes because

we know we realize it's not permanent.

Let it always changes for the better

when you stop obsessing about changing your circumstances. Creating goals and rules for yourself. gets really nice and quiet up there.

And when we're quiet Guess what? This finally peace. It's it's

the kind of peace that babies have because the gift of the heart has not quite formed yet.

So they just rest in peace

until the circumstances like a full diaper or hunger or thirst, bucks them but as soon as that is taken care of All right back to peace. Later on in life, we create our own hunger, with the thoughts that we create in our heads. And, unfortunately, we rob ourselves of that piece. And then we look at our circumstances to fix it. But it isn't the domain of the circumstances that need fixing. It is the domain of our thoughts,

and therefore our experiences. And that's our domain. So as you see, we have the

innate intelligence and intuition, to guide us to that peace. Back to that peace. We have that already. And we still have it.

And with that, back to those beautiful experiences. And,

you know, that doesn't mean that we're always happy, always positive. But that awareness gives us a chance to check in with ourselves at any moment, we can check in and ask ourselves, okay, what's going on?

I do that all the time. This does need attention, or is it going to pass there just needs a little time, I'll be fine.

And that comes from knowing that our experience is all us. And it has nothing to do with our circumstances, and the confusion of thinking that our circumstances need to be changed by us. But realizing they're mostly out of our control is what

turns life into an endless struggle. So this week, turn your awareness onto your thoughts and your emotions.

Away from obsessing about your circumstances,

leave them alone. Play with your thoughts. Don't worry about outcomes or results. Stop scaring yourself.

Stop overthinking and creating worst case scenarios in your head. Let your passion and creativity flow. Enjoy it. And you will see that it will lead you to happiness, to joy and even success. Remember, you inherently possess the same extra ordinary intelligence that forms planets and gives birth to life. I urge you have a lot of faith in yourself and in the process. I wish you an amazing week. And I look forward to talking to you next week. Take care.

And that's a wrap for today's episode. I hope you had as much fun listening as I did recording. I would love to hear from you. So drop me a line. Oh yeah. And don't forget to subscribe and share it with your friends. Until next time, be curious. kick some ass and may your explorations bring you joy. Talk with you soon.

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