Dave and Matthew from Effekt share recordings of their home games. If you seek a polished improvised adventure, with professional actors, music and sound effects, look elsewhere. We seek to share the authentic experience, with rules discussions, asides and digressions just as they happened around the dining table. We also try to play RAW so you can learn with us as we try out new games.
They're a nasty murdering sort. Yeah. I I I expect maybe your, your friends out on the trail maybe came across came across them if they were if they were south too.
Nathaniel Horcock:Thank you.
Dave (GM):All I can do, which I will do, is request mister Chisholm gives you 5 minutes of his time to It's been 10 year near on 10 years since we last spoke on the morning of the battle of Yellow Tavern when the bastard Yankees took the general from us. I guess they'd wanted revenge after we turned their hide at Fort Pillow the month before. And just think how surprised you were to hear your name at the market in Albuquerque. We will arrive at Deonado Springs just as soon as we can and hope to bring you into our endeavors.
Dave (GM):I'm Dave. I am the GM and co designer of Tales of the Old West.
Marion Freeman:I am the other co designer of Tales of the Old West, and my name is Matthew. I'm also playing in this actual play, Marion Freeman.
Nathaniel Horcock:My name is Andrew. I play Nathaniel Hawcock.
Jimmy Harlesden:I'm Tony. I'm playing Jimmy Harston.
Marion Freeman:Show to bloody groom my horse.
Dave (GM):Well, I Okay. I'm gonna I'm gonna give you a faith point for having made the point of going up and talking to the preacher.
Marion Freeman:Oh, thank you. Good. Okay. I'm gonna push my dice. I won't even I won't even see the character sheet.
Marion Freeman:I've got one trouble.
Dave (GM):Did you get any successes there?
Marion Freeman:Oh, 2
Dave (GM):successes. That's not your troubleshoot.
Marion Freeman:One success.
Dave (GM):That's not your troubleshoot. Sorry? That's not your troubleshoot. No.
Marion Freeman:But that, oh, that's a no. It's a one. Yeah.
Dave (GM):So one on your non troubleshoot. Yeah. I don't know. That's a Yeah. Like that one.
Dave (GM):I don't need that.
Marion Freeman:I know it's a successes. Okay. I'm gonna roll your trouble.
Dave (GM):For again. Yeah. You're stumbling over your words. You're you're you're having a flashback to the conversation and the look in Rayburn's eyes where you could tell he wasn't entirely believing
Marion Freeman:I I
Dave (GM):can what you're saying.
Marion Freeman:I can see you don't believe me, I'll say. But
Dave (GM):I'm I'm I would not be so rude as to as to call a man like you a liar who's who's shown himself to be honorable. But it seems that perhaps, your stories of Chisholm are perhaps exaggerated.
Marion Freeman:Hopefully, when we see how the Spanish language Yes.
Dave (GM):Hopefully. At that point, the,
Marion Freeman:I can't, you know, I I can't forget what they're going to say, honestly. But but hopefully, I will be vindicated then. We will be vindicated then.
Dave (GM):Well, I I look forward to that day. If you'll excuse me, I need to of course, to hear more
Marion Freeman:of a search.
Dave (GM):If you
Marion Freeman:need any help looking for a DNS, then we can help. Particularly because, he's gonna be having a little virtue on his own. He's racist.
Dave (GM):Make an inside roll, those of you who are there.
Nathaniel Horcock:It's alright.
Dave (GM):You can make it a group inside roll, actually, if you like. So With who is the best condensed? Who is the best? Whoever's got the best inside. I have 5 dice of inside.
Dave (GM):How about dice of me? Well, I
Nathaniel Horcock:have 6. Oh, they are.
Marion Freeman:You have 6 dice of inside? Bloody hell.
Dave (GM):Okay. You can
Marion Freeman:All that insight from murdering a regiment soldiers. You can deny it if you want, Anderson. Alright.
Dave (GM):So can you do the roll? You can have toss it up.
Marion Freeman:With 2 dice from
Nathaniel Horcock:Okay. So I have got 2
Dave (GM):different cuts. 5 of them.
Marion Freeman:So, yes, you need 5 of those 1 trial dates. That needs to be 1 cut. We should maybe have told him that before we Yeah. Go down from that.
Dave (GM):That's true. We can always lend him the dice then.
Marion Freeman:Has he not got has he not got What? Effect dice?
Nathaniel Horcock:No. You're not gonna.
Dave (GM):Did you not get effect dice? Really? Too expensive. Well, no.
Marion Freeman:I mean, if I next time I'll start ordering 20.
Nathaniel Horcock:Once again, 5 dice of 1 color. Yes?
Dave (GM):Five dice of 1 color. Yeah.
Marion Freeman:And then
Dave (GM):And the rest of the end. So But they're your trouble dice. If you roll a 1 on a trouble die then you might be
Nathaniel Horcock:Yeah. Okay. So 7 dice. Yeah?
Marion Freeman:No. 8 dice. Yeah. 6 dice is
Nathaniel Horcock:6 yeah.
Dave (GM):Sorry. 1 of the 8 dice. 5 of which should be of 1 color.
Nathaniel Horcock:Yeah. I'm 3. There's all this?
Dave (GM):Yep. That's cool. Yeah. What? Red and black are
Nathaniel Horcock:Well, they're all red.
Dave (GM):Red. Red ones are purple. The red and the really dark red. Well, that looks quite good.
Marion Freeman:Oh, that's nice. 2 successes. 3 successes.
Dave (GM):3 successes. Yeah. Okay, you you can see just that little shadow of a look cross our eyes when you, when you offer to help. And and it kinda says, right now you're the last people who are not helping.
Marion Freeman:Good. Because we would have to kill him.
Dave (GM):Yeah. I feel steamy rock beginning to
Marion Freeman:I don't know. I don't know.
Dave (GM):I don't know. I don't know. I don't
Marion Freeman:know. I don't know. I don't know.
Dave (GM):You do some doctoring and poison him and watch the light go out in his eyes. Yeah. That's my character.
Marion Freeman:That's your campaign.
Dave (GM):He hasn't murdered anyone like that for a while though. Although I have killed quite a lot of people in cold blood, but not not that way. No. And that last one that they probably deserved it. Yeah.
Dave (GM):They were all murderers themselves. Yeah. So They were there specifically for the purpose of the murdering. I was just saving the court the bother. Yeah.
Dave (GM):Okay. And she it's all politeness but you definitely see that that that
Nathaniel Horcock:She did one that
Dave (GM):pass across her eyes when you make the offer. Yeah, and they move off. So there are quite a lot of preparations going ahead for the, for the festival tomorrow. There were stalls being put up and a little stage for the band to stand on and snip and things.
Nathaniel Horcock:What festival is this? Will they miss? Like
Dave (GM):a Harvest Festival.
Nathaniel Horcock:Alright. Alright. Okay.
Marion Freeman:Now this is not gonna sound, or this is not said with the intent with which it will
Dave (GM):sound. There we go.
Marion Freeman:There are any whores in this town. Is there a whorehouse? Yes.
Nathaniel Horcock:There is.
Dave (GM):Which is street number 8 is a hall house?
Nathaniel Horcock:Yes. Home
Dave (GM):Hotel. Home Hotel is a is a hall house. Yep. Okay.
Marion Freeman:Given our experience in the Silver City. Mhmm.
Dave (GM):Run by run by a woman called Chastity Mariel.
Marion Freeman:No. Chastity Mariel. So I'm immediately more happy with that. I didn't like that. Don't know what they call them pinks in all of the time.
Marion Freeman:In the hotel now. Okay, then. Right.
Dave (GM):It is wild. Were you thinking of trying to clean up the town?
Marion Freeman:No. I was thinking maybe installing your mother because
Nathaniel Horcock:Make sure I'll
Dave (GM):get there. Get get working, women.
Marion Freeman:Put away doing housework and Well, she's got service
Dave (GM):to all of you except you.
Marion Freeman:I was thinking maybe Oh. Never owned in the face for
Dave (GM):them. They
Marion Freeman:were abused for me. Yeah.
Dave (GM):They made me Glad you started this time.
Nathaniel Horcock:We did.
Marion Freeman:Start home. More collective, more progressive. Star.
Dave (GM):I guess you've never been in there unless you say tell me otherwise. No.
Nathaniel Horcock:I did on the night before the fight.
Marion Freeman:Oh, did you? Yes. What's it like?
Nathaniel Horcock:It's alright.
Dave (GM):It's a good experience. From the race.
Nathaniel Horcock:Well, the
Dave (GM):It seems to be it seems to be run-in a in a in a reasonable way. It doesn't look
Marion Freeman:too I
Nathaniel Horcock:don't know. How does
Marion Freeman:it The girls are reasonably happy. They seem to be
Dave (GM):Yeah.
Nathaniel Horcock:Really happy? I mean, I can't compare it with Silver City because I was losing it.
Marion Freeman:Man, you have the accent. Yeah. Well, the girls aren't being beaten to death on a regular basis by No.
Nathaniel Horcock:I don't think so. Of They
Dave (GM):don't fit to be being beaten to death. No.
Marion Freeman:Fine. Let's let's just go home
Dave (GM):and wait
Marion Freeman:for the rest of the adventure to happen. And then when they turn up, they just shoot.
Dave (GM):That's an option.
Marion Freeman:You can
Dave (GM):do whatever you like, guys. Okay. So, you go back to the to the ranch. Is there anything else you wanna do that evening or?
Marion Freeman:Bloody groom my horse.
Nathaniel Horcock:Grew your horse.
Dave (GM):I mean, I'll
Marion Freeman:groom my horse.
Dave (GM):You can groom your horse.
Nathaniel Horcock:You can have Oh, what do you call it?
Dave (GM):Have a good deal. You can regain, 2 faith each if, if you're doing some of the things.
Nathaniel Horcock:I'm not
Marion Freeman:in here.
Nathaniel Horcock:So you can't go above 4, though?
Marion Freeman:No. You can go.
Dave (GM):They can go.
Nathaniel Horcock:Yeah. Yeah. They need it.
Marion Freeman:Can we put a limit? Did we say there was a limit?
Dave (GM):I think 6 was the limit we did put on it.
Marion Freeman:Yeah. I'm I'm still not sure we need to put a limit on it.
Nathaniel Horcock:I think I might be needing it soon. So
Dave (GM):So I I yeah. So I think the the faith economy needs to be more vibrant. So you need to be spending it more often Mhmm. But earning it more easily. So I think things like, like I said, going and having a word with the preacher because you're a man of God and there's a man of God here.
Dave (GM):I think that should be encouraged
Marion Freeman:to Yeah.
Dave (GM):Earn you a faith. But you then need to be spending it more because what you don't want is someone building up like 20 faith or something.
Nathaniel Horcock:Nice. But no, that would be a bit
Dave (GM):That would be a bit silly. Yeah. But there's I think there there probably should be a cap
Nathaniel Horcock:on it.
Dave (GM):The cap could be 10 potentially.
Marion Freeman:But I'm not see, I'm not sure unless no. Yeah.
Nathaniel Horcock:Well, it depends on how the game goes though, isn't it? If you're I'd say, isn't it really?
Marion Freeman:I think we should take the cap away for a bit while these playtest games are going and see if anybody does Hold it. Hold it, And then work out what the limit should be by the point where that holding becomes stupid.
Nathaniel Horcock:I mean, do you keep the faith? So let's say if I have 15 faith and I hold it. Would that mean I'd have 15 faith for the next session?
Marion Freeman:Well, yes. But
Dave (GM):as it stands at the moment, within the same season, you you would keep that faith
Nathaniel Horcock:Mhmm.
Dave (GM):From scenario to scenario. At the end of the season, you then reset to 4.
Nathaniel Horcock:Alright.
Dave (GM):We haven't played I mean, we should try it out more on on the one that we played the other part.
Nathaniel Horcock:No. I don't know. Because the fact that you're I'm sure about holding it because I don't know. You you say I've got rerolls after reroll. I think you get a little bit of it.
Nathaniel Horcock:Bit.
Dave (GM):It depends how often people end up getting trouble Mhmm. And then needing to spend faith to burn off the trouble. Mhmm. But as Matt says, it's probably worth trying without a cat for the moment to see what happens.
Nathaniel Horcock:Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Dave (GM):Because it might be because it might just simply be that you don't get that much time to earn enough faith before you're in a position where you're gonna be spending it. Mhmm. So it might it might be an issue we don't need to worry about at all.
Nathaniel Horcock:Mhmm. Yeah
Dave (GM):because I mean most sessions people are gonna wanna be spending the faith because they're gonna need to be pushing roles at some point. Right? And you only need potentially to roll one trouble to then have spent 2 faith on that roll. Mhmm. You know?
Dave (GM):Or 3 even. So you might spend it quite quickly in in bursts. Yeah. But yeah, I think the idea of somebody having 15 faith seems a bit silly.
Nathaniel Horcock:Yeah. But it
Dave (GM):might just be that you never get there.
Nathaniel Horcock:Yeah. It depends, isn't it? It depends if you If the game is designed for you to burn more keep burning off each each action you're doing, then what yeah.
Dave (GM):Certainly with the trouble, the way we're running it now Yeah. That encourages you to spend more faith
Nathaniel Horcock:Yeah.
Dave (GM):To get
Nathaniel Horcock:in trouble.
Dave (GM):Particularly, you know, if you rolled 3 dice or something with trouble Mhmm. Like you got 3 ones or something, That could translate into quite a bad bit of trouble. Mhmm. The roll, because the more dice you roll
Nathaniel Horcock:Yes. Yeah.
Dave (GM):The more points of trouble you've got, the more dice you roll, the bigger score you can get. And the bigger score you get, the worse the outcome is. Mhmm.
Nathaniel Horcock:So trouble is your your dice and then the other colors are the ones people help you then. Yes? They're not trouble.
Dave (GM):No. It's just your pool. So Alright. Whatever your pool of dice is, 5 of them will be trouble.
Nathaniel Horcock:Trouble. Right.
Dave (GM):If your pool is smaller than
Nathaniel Horcock:5 5.
Dave (GM):Or 5 or smaller, then they're all troublemakers.
Nathaniel Horcock:Right. I'm with you. Okay. Alright. Okay.
Dave (GM):Because that way Yeah. I mean, it it doesn't change the chances of having trouble. So if you're better If you're more skilled Mhmm. Your chances of getting trouble are equal. But you're much more likely to be successful.
Dave (GM):But you then use faith to burn off that trouble if you if you want to, or you take the risk. So I think, for the moment, we've agreed that we'll go with your suggestion about having no cap, but let's just
Marion Freeman:see what Monitor.
Dave (GM):Yeah. Yeah.
Marion Freeman:And probably it'll be easier to monitor in your game than this.
Dave (GM):Because we're playing more frequently. Yeah. Even though it's just once a month at the moment. Right. Right.
Dave (GM):Back home. Okay. So, you have a good night's sleep. Are you guys coming into town for the festival for the following day?
Nathaniel Horcock:A bit rude not to.
Marion Freeman:Yeah. We've got nothing to hide.
Dave (GM):Okay. Cool. Right. Yeah. So, I mean, the festival, there's a there's a service in the morning which the preacher is gonna be taking.
Dave (GM):The service is being held.
Marion Freeman:I believe if one goes to a service, one gets a faith point. I don't know. It's actually in the rules.
Dave (GM):I I think it is if you're Was
Nathaniel Horcock:it? Question. Yeah. Not my question?
Dave (GM):I think it's up to you.
Marion Freeman:I think I think most of us are.
Nathaniel Horcock:Yeah. That's what I
Dave (GM):So whether you are At least ostensibly. Yeah. I mean, I think if you if you if your if your character background is that, you know, you're not religious
Nathaniel Horcock:Mhmm.
Dave (GM):Then you don't get a face point for going to a religious ceremony. If your background is that you do believe in God, whether that's your character's faith or not Mhmm. Then you can get a point. But if you're atheist, you're not. Then I don't think you get a point for going to a religious festival.
Dave (GM):Yeah. Yes. It's it's quite a good turnout. The weather's nice. Not too hot, not too cold.
Dave (GM):Clear blue skies. There's quite a lot of people around. There's there's food on the stalls. Mhmm. The the preacher basically stands on the little stage that's been built on the, on the town square.
Dave (GM):It's not really a square. It's more just a little open area next to it, next to a smelly pond. And the preacher, father Jacobs. Is taking the morning service.
Nathaniel Horcock:He's Jay he's not
Dave (GM):So real well. Long story is Not that long. Tony's You know, in our Toto game, Tony has a list of NPC names in case he just needs one. So he he we had a round of NPC. Of course, trader.
Dave (GM):Richard Jacobs. A ground up.
Nathaniel Horcock:Not right. Mhmm.
Dave (GM):Did I take it off? Did I take
Nathaniel Horcock:it off?
Dave (GM):The next game, we said to My overseer, Richard Jacobs. It's not that unlikely. 2 people in the 3rd would have the same name. It's not that unlikely, but frankly every game we have now has got a character called Richard Jacobs in it somewhere. Well, you
Marion Freeman:missed, because we didn't stream the war stories.
Dave (GM):Oh, yeah.
Marion Freeman:Your man told us to have a great deal of difficulty naming
Dave (GM):Characters.
Marion Freeman:Characters. So then he asked us to name them. And one of the things that started off was, again, he he named someone with the same name. And then I hit as well. I said, who are you?
Marion Freeman:I said, Thompson.
Dave (GM):Well, that's probably a pretty common answer. There probably would would be more than 1 Thompson in there. Not unlike it. That's that's not yeah. That's not So, yeah.
Dave (GM):So, actually, one mistake not cross the name off, and it's this was, like, probably months months ago. Probably a year ago. And it's now. Yeah. Now a hilarious joke that comes up every session.
Dave (GM):It is? It is.
Marion Freeman:And the
Dave (GM):thing is, like, whenever I'm trying to quickly think of a MCA, the first thing that comes to mind now is Richard Jacobs. So is that what I call a preacher? Oh, yeah. Father Jacobs. Anyway, so he's he's, he's giving giving the quite boring, service.
Dave (GM):But everyone's being very Attentive. Very attentive and very polite. I'm quite suspicious of this preach now. I don't I don't I don't message Ron. Anyone who gives you the fake name?
Dave (GM):So, yes. So Augustine and and Rosalia and Paquito are here. Obviously, Rayburns are here putting on a brave face. Donal McGinn is here, and very unusually for him, he looks he looks in a very good mood. He seems positively beaming, very cheerful than kind of you you've ever seen him.
Dave (GM):And he's there with his wife, Mary, His his daughter, Grainne, who's married to, the the the landlord of the Sundown Saloon, a guy called Brodie Goodish.
Nathaniel Horcock:Are we barred from there?
Dave (GM):Pardon?
Nathaniel Horcock:Are we barred from the Sundown Saloon?
Dave (GM):I don't think so. No. No. You were barred from the Trails Hotel.
Nathaniel Horcock:Trails Hotel? Alright.
Dave (GM):Where you were saying bad things about McGinn Mhmm. At the bar. And the the proprietor told you to
Nathaniel Horcock:Go away.
Dave (GM):Shut up and get out. I'm not sure you're barred permanently, you know. I think you can go in there but, yeah, they've heard that, that her husband Goodish, who's who's a lot older than Gonya, is is is not well. So he's taken to his bed. But, yeah.
Dave (GM):So, unusual to see McGinn looking looking cheerful. Yeah. Unusual and slightly in the sand.
Marion Freeman:Mhmm. Well, he thinks
Nathaniel Horcock:He's got a lander answer, doesn't he?
Dave (GM):Well, yes. As long as he is incorrect in what he thinks about the man gods.
Marion Freeman:Yeah. Do we tell him?
Dave (GM):What do you believe you?
Nathaniel Horcock:Do we
Marion Freeman:tell him?
Dave (GM):I wouldn't.
Marion Freeman:Yeah. You know what
Dave (GM):I mean? Not not our business too. Wasn't one of the jobs that Chisholm gave to us, is it? So I think definitely not.
Marion Freeman:Yeah. So it's, I will make a point. And since I've done it before, I'm gonna wear her down. I will go and greet them
Dave (GM):The McGinns.
Marion Freeman:With mister mister Ginn formally. Slightly more walk towards missus McGinn. Okay. I've done previously. Can I resist?
Dave (GM):Are you guys going with him or I don't think so. I'm just starting to clear the beans. Yeah. Okay. You've got a lot of surprises
Marion Freeman:there. I will, I will come and say,
Dave (GM):Donald is is smiling, but Mary kind of steps forward as you approach and takes your hand. Yeah.
Marion Freeman:You know,
Dave (GM):in a very kind of, like, you know, very Yeah. Sort of caring and
Nathaniel Horcock:Stopping you from grabbing a gun in a
Dave (GM):gentle way. And just like, good morning good morning, mister mister Freeman. It's it's nice to see you.
Marion Freeman:It's good to see you as well. I, I was listening to the preacher's, comments on forgiveness and the like and
Dave (GM):And friendship. And friendship in this time of time of trouble.
Marion Freeman:I can see. Your your your husband is, has obviously being, he had his spirits lifted by the service as well.
Dave (GM):Yeah. He's he's I'm saying this to her. Yeah. Yeah. He's he can obviously hear this because he's stood next to her, but she's like one step forward.
Dave (GM):Yeah. Make an inside roll.
Nathaniel Horcock:Did it? No. No. Are we not Are we not near enough to No.
Dave (GM):We're close enough to see, but you're not in the conversation. Know this.
Marion Freeman:It's 4 days. 4, troublesome days. Now I'm I'm oblivious to,
Dave (GM):Okay. He's, so he's just got this big grin from ear to ear, but you know, it doesn't seem to be going away at the moment. Doesn't say anything to you. It's sort of like a very light
Nathaniel Horcock:No, absolutely.
Dave (GM):Very light, you know, kind of the briefest nod that etiquette would allow him to get away with really. And and Mary says, yes. It's a it's a it's a beautiful day. It's, it's been a it's been a productive summer. We, we're blessed.
Nathaniel Horcock:And and
Dave (GM):obviously, making new friends. Particularly where we may not have been friends so long ago.
Marion Freeman:I was thinking
Dave (GM):in the service. My husband's spirits. Yes.
Marion Freeman:I was thinking in the service, it's so good to have, the reverend Jacobs here to to read. I was just wondering, you know, whether, you know, if if if harvest have been good and profits have been good, we can all of us contribute towards maybe building a house of God here.
Dave (GM):The town needs a church.
Marion Freeman:Town. She
Dave (GM):says that. Town needs a church. We would certainly, support a community effort to bring to bring a man of God permanently into your outer springs. Absolutely. I can only benefit the town and everybody who lives in it.
Marion Freeman:Well, you say support me. Mister Ginn's in such a good mood that, you know, maybe he could lead that and, the rest of the town could support it. If if, you know, we're we're just starting out. I'm
Nathaniel Horcock:sure this is going down
Marion Freeman:well, something. I mean, young Jimmy Holson's got loads of money.
Dave (GM):I said, boy. I'm gonna
Marion Freeman:have to listen to the recording to see whether we did get some money out of that.
Dave (GM):Yeah. So I haven't
Marion Freeman:got as much as you've got.
Dave (GM):Or I haven't
Marion Freeman:been down as much as you've got.
Nathaniel Horcock:I assume there's some more dollars, but almost I am actually got the
Marion Freeman:Yeah. I mean, we're starting to have an established family such as yours could complete the effort, and then, the rest of us could contribute.
Dave (GM):I'll make another performing roll.
Marion Freeman:I should really, really improve my performance. Yeah. Definitely performing.
Dave (GM):You do a lot of talking, but no successes.
Marion Freeman:No. You're not pushing? No. I've got ones on that.
Dave (GM):I'm not really pushing on that. She she has a quick look up at her husband, and you can see kind of like a humorous moment pass between her eyes. You know, you can sort of like in joke or something. And, and she turns back to you and says, I'm sure I'm sure my husband will think long and hard about how we can help bring bring the word of God into into your heart of springs.
Marion Freeman:I look forward to to a shining church on the hill up there, maybe. And
Dave (GM):so do we, she says, as Donal kind of like takes her arm and sort of kneads her off.
Marion Freeman:I'm giving her a man nod
Dave (GM):Are you trying to make a presence roll?
Marion Freeman:Make a presence roll. Now this, I can do. Still got 5 joints and all troublesome, of course. But, yes, one success.
Dave (GM):Okay. Yeah. It's, he he kinda nods back in exactly the same kind of way. Mhmm. Nobody's kinda got the better of each other on the knobbing.
Dave (GM):On the The knobbing. The knobbing jewel. That's funny. I like that. Literally, you
Marion Freeman:can do that kind
Dave (GM):of thing. Yeah. So I remember very early on, I had the, there was the, the the elections for for sheriff where Bojague was trying to get elected. There was quite a lot of doing exactly that, facing that candidate down, trying to show yourself as the tougher man
Marion Freeman:Yeah. In front of
Dave (GM):the electorate.
Marion Freeman:I love a variety of social social attacks. Yeah.
Dave (GM):Okay. Yeah. So the band the band starts up. There's food, and there's there's there's whiskey and lemonade, and and people are are enjoying themselves. And then you start to hear kind of rumors.
Dave (GM):People sort of complaining as supposed to be the wrong word, but, saying that there's a bit of trouble down at the home sweet home.
Marion Freeman:It's almost like I predicted
Dave (GM):it. Okay. I said I did write down home sweet home.
Nathaniel Horcock:Is this an insight that role to try and get hit to patch on the rumors or something? No.
Marion Freeman:I think I think you can hear him. You can
Dave (GM):hear them. Yeah.
Nathaniel Horcock:You can hear him
Dave (GM):for that. For the benefit of philosophy. Tony and I
Marion Freeman:both turned to Andy and looked at him with a hard stare.
Dave (GM):As if it's his fault. Well,
Marion Freeman:Sounds like your guests may have arrived. Let's, let's go and investigate, shall we? Yeah.
Dave (GM):Yeah. Any guesses?
Nathaniel Horcock:Mhmm.
Dave (GM):It's quite busy. I mean, the old town's quite busy, actually. A lot of people have come in. Okay. And you can hear, I guess, raised voices inside.
Dave (GM):Mhmm.
Marion Freeman:Who else? I mean, we've gone down. The first There's
Dave (GM):a There's
Nathaniel Horcock:a There's no
Dave (GM):law in here, but
Marion Freeman:there's no shark.
Dave (GM):Any other
Nathaniel Horcock:Where where is citizens. There must have been.
Dave (GM):I think a few people have come along more out of curiosity than ever.
Marion Freeman:So standing up with some bystanders.
Dave (GM):Yeah. No one has no one has sort of like
Nathaniel Horcock:Gone in.
Dave (GM):Come down thinking. Right. Let's sort this out. Mhmm.
Nathaniel Horcock:You're gonna let me go in first, are you?
Marion Freeman:If that's what you want. That's
Nathaniel Horcock:what I want. Yeah. Okay.
Dave (GM):That's what you want. Okay. You you obviously, you've been here before you recognized me.
Nathaniel Horcock:Yes, I am. Yes. Yeah.
Dave (GM):Downstairs has got a lovely has got you know, the first half of the building is a lovely lounge area with nice, sofas and chairs and lovely drapes and stuff. And then there's a a room that goes through into a sort of more like a bar area. And there are steps that go up to, up to some rooms on the on the upper level. And you can see there's 3 men, all quite drunk. Mhmm.
Marion Freeman:These people,
Dave (GM):And they're they're kind of sprawled out on on these sofas being kind of being a bit rough, hanging on to some of these girls that they didn't know they they'd been particularly violent. I mean, they just being kind of like troublesome layabouts.
Nathaniel Horcock:And what happened to these wrestling gangs that early?
Dave (GM):And and madam madam Mariel is there trying to trying to make them leave.
Nathaniel Horcock:Mhmm.
Dave (GM):Is it? The Madame Chastity is is so, you know, you gotta be careful, boys, because I got a lot of friends here, and all I gotta do is flick my click my fingers and there'll be more men in here and you'll be in real trouble.
Marion Freeman:Does she do that with a kick of her fingers? I
Dave (GM):think she does. Yes. Mhmm. Just as Andy said.
Marion Freeman:Say something witty, Andy.
Nathaniel Horcock:You rang not. Is it those 3?
Dave (GM):Well, you haven't seen them in 10 years.
Nathaniel Horcock:No. That's true.
Dave (GM):They look disheveled, like trail warm.
Nathaniel Horcock:Mhmm.
Dave (GM):But yeah. It's it's Reid, it's Elliott and it's McDermott.
Nathaniel Horcock:Mhmm. Oh, this is on top of the balcony, you say. Yes?
Dave (GM):Oh.
Nathaniel Horcock:They're they're on the higher balcony up the top of the hill. No.
Dave (GM):So they're they're on let me just draw a quick look at that.
Nathaniel Horcock:Come in
Dave (GM):the main doors here. So this is sort of the the open sort of lounge area. There's probably some steps going up here and probably up here as well. And going to where the bedrooms are all over here. Mhmm.
Dave (GM):And there are There are kind of sofas here and here. So here and here. And they're sort of lounging around on some of these.
Nathaniel Horcock:Mhmm. And there's a little
Dave (GM):disc. Little disc there. And there were drapes sort of like nicely done, you know, hanging from the ceiling. It's quite nice on the place. It's not it's not it's not.
Dave (GM):Yeah.
Nathaniel Horcock:I mean, being there myself, so I know. Yeah.
Dave (GM):So Reasonably clean and
Nathaniel Horcock:Comfortable. Yes. Yeah.
Dave (GM):Girls are are, you know, are pretty well looked after. Don't seem too unhappy. Madame Chastity is always very friendly and no one's got a bad word to say about her. Oh, well.
Nathaniel Horcock:She was for an ex man in my mind as well. And then you're in this
Dave (GM):little bar area. There's a bar up there. And there's sort of doors that go into other rooms. And then there's, like, little tables and chairs and things.
Marion Freeman:So this is upstairs?
Dave (GM):No. This is all downstairs. Alright. And then these What's the And then these steps.
Marion Freeman:What's that?
Dave (GM):So this is just kind of the wall, and then there's
Marion Freeman:an opening. Level change here.
Dave (GM):No level change there. Yeah. Okay. So the stairs here go up and then this area So
Marion Freeman:it's on
Dave (GM):the other floor.
Marion Freeman:If you like the saloon and the public bar?
Dave (GM):Kind of thing. Yeah. Yeah. But then above the public bar is where the rooms Rooms are. Right.
Dave (GM):Okay. And they're in the
Marion Freeman:And the stairs up the side.
Nathaniel Horcock:Yep. Mhmm. And they're in the public bit. I'm in the And
Dave (GM):they're in the the sort of lounge bar.
Nathaniel Horcock:Lounge bar. Okay.
Dave (GM):Kind of the waiting room, really.
Marion Freeman:So you've got in first. So we followed you kind of on your shoulders, or are you just going in and we're waiting outside? Either is good.
Nathaniel Horcock:I'm just looking to say all,
Dave (GM):they're they're they're just being loud, loud,
Nathaniel Horcock:loud, troublesome. So what they They're
Dave (GM):not very respectful.
Nathaniel Horcock:Not very respectful.
Dave (GM):They're not being violent.
Nathaniel Horcock:Right.
Dave (GM):But they are quite drunk, and they're causing a causing a ruckus.
Nathaniel Horcock:Okay. Well, I suppose that I may need extra dice here, I think, because I've only got presents for 4. I'm meant to go.
Marion Freeman:You want you want us to exert our presents to you 2 extra days? Mhmm. Okay. So we're going on each shoulders.
Nathaniel Horcock:Yeah. I think. Are you
Marion Freeman:going in front?
Dave (GM):Yeah. Yeah. I'll go can you help if you don't have this the ability? No. No.
Dave (GM):I can't help the presents because I have no presents. I'll do it in, like, stand at the back.
Nathaniel Horcock:Mhmm.
Dave (GM):Get an
Nathaniel Horcock:Four trouble dice. Yes.
Marion Freeman:4 trouble dice. Your extra dice needs to be read as well.
Nathaniel Horcock:Right. It will also be
Dave (GM):a trouble dice
Marion Freeman:because If you're not starting to Oh.
Dave (GM):Twice, you wake up on the pool list. Yeah. Yeah. And then 5 of those dice, at least must be trouble dice.
Nathaniel Horcock:And this talent charm doesn't help us. Doesn't it
Dave (GM):go into present, does it? No. Well, no. You're not trying to seduce or shooze them, are you? Not charming them.
Dave (GM):Okay. What are
Marion Freeman:you what are you saying?
Nathaniel Horcock:What I'm saying, I'm just look I'm looking at them with disdain and just got a really fucking yeah. Actually, I would say, what a fucking get on your feet and return it to our fucking mess.
Marion Freeman:What man were you
Nathaniel Horcock:in here? Captain.
Marion Freeman:You were a captain?
Nathaniel Horcock:Yeah. In
Marion Freeman:the massacre that killed me.
Nathaniel Horcock:I wasn't fucking there.
Dave (GM):You're you should have 5 dice in there, shouldn't you?
Nathaniel Horcock:No.
Dave (GM):Because your presence
Nathaniel Horcock:is 1. Yeah.
Dave (GM):And your grit is it's based on grit, which is 4. That's 5. So you should have 5 dice.
Nathaniel Horcock:5.
Dave (GM):And then They should
Marion Freeman:have them.
Nathaniel Horcock:No. My grit is free looking at the horse.
Dave (GM):You should bring your horse in there. Yeah. The horse has got bad dressing to do. Oh, that's
Marion Freeman:your grit.
Dave (GM):Exactly. Your your your density is 5. Okay. So they're a bit drunk. So, make your roll, Andy.
Nathaniel Horcock:No. That's 1. 16.
Dave (GM):You could push it even if you got no ones.
Nathaniel Horcock:Now what the hell am I actually talking about using?
Dave (GM):You push it? You have to spend the point of faith.
Nathaniel Horcock:You spend the point of faith. Yeah. Okay. So we're all And because
Dave (GM):anyone anyone that you all know will be trouble because you've
Nathaniel Horcock:been Right. Okay.
Dave (GM):Don't worry about the 6 because
Nathaniel Horcock:you Alright.
Dave (GM):Yeah. Obviously, you keep your 6. Keep your success. Yeah.
Marion Freeman:Any more success?
Nathaniel Horcock:No more success.
Dave (GM):No one's success. You have one success. Yeah?
Nathaniel Horcock:Yeah.
Dave (GM):Okay. A couple of them kind of, obviously, they notice you Mhmm. And they and they they look up, but don't really react. One of them
Nathaniel Horcock:Well, I'll say I'll take some of that
Dave (GM):whole 6 here. Nixon Reid, Clinton Reid gets all flustered and he pushes off
Nathaniel Horcock:Mhmm. You know,
Dave (GM):the the girl who's who's holding onto. He stands up. Any salutes? What was your ranking of the army? Did you add your Oh, rank of the army.
Dave (GM):And he and he goes, Captain Wilcox. The other team, I like looking at him.
Nathaniel Horcock:Mhmm. Just so I just yeah. Just say you're right.
Marion Freeman:Well, hold on. This is the left tenant.
Nathaniel Horcock:They're both they're all the turn.
Marion Freeman:No. No.
Dave (GM):No. One of them is
Marion Freeman:left turn. The other 2 are second left turn.
Dave (GM):Two turns.
Nathaniel Horcock:Internants. Yeah. Yeah. Internants. So
Marion Freeman:So the one who outracks the other 2 has stood up
Nathaniel Horcock:Yeah.
Marion Freeman:Told him to get his colleagues in order. Good.
Nathaniel Horcock:Yes. Yes. I ran. I know actually. No.
Nathaniel Horcock:No. No. No. Well,
Marion Freeman:It's a
Nathaniel Horcock:superb stuff. Yeah. Brothers. Yeah. Okay.
Nathaniel Horcock:Yes. It's like a lieutenant, not left hand, isn't it? Lieutenant.
Dave (GM):Yeah. Yeah.
Nathaniel Horcock:No. No. No. Snap round. Snap it.
Nathaniel Horcock:They'll sort your men out, lieutenant, then. Yes. Yep.
Dave (GM):Okay. Yeah. I think make a straight wall for this one. Yes. Nice.
Nathaniel Horcock:106. Yeah.
Dave (GM):He goes, yes, sir. And he and he turns around to the others and goes, come on fellas, fucking pack it in. Come on. Look, the captain's here. Come on.
Dave (GM):And the other 2, they're a bit drunk and might enjoy themselves and they're still being a bit troublesome, but they are. So we can we can fuck about with this a lot later. Come on. We found the captain.
Nathaniel Horcock:And we're starting to get more and more fucking angry. I see.
Dave (GM):And then, yeah, they begin to they begin to, like, sort of behave start to behave. Like, they they stop harassing the girls and and, madam madam Chastity says, mister Holcock. I take it you know these gentlemen then?
Marion Freeman:Yeah. Yes.
Dave (GM):No. Soldiers of yours, I guess.
Nathaniel Horcock:Old Comrades.
Dave (GM):Well, if you could keep your friends in, in order. As you know, we run a friendly house here. We don't have any trouble. We don't want any trouble. I think, you know, an apology is over to the girls for their
Jimmy Harlesden:No. It's good.
Dave (GM):Off band handling.
Nathaniel Horcock:What's her handle? So you heard the lady. Oh, bloody hell. 3 sixes.
Dave (GM):Okay. So I think yeah. Lieutenant Reid, who was the one who stood up first, responds immediately. The other 2. Oh, a little bit begrudging, but not a lot.
Dave (GM):Mhmm. And they, like, alright. And they said, sorry. Sorry, girl. Sorry.
Dave (GM):Sorry, man. Sorry. Sorry, miss Mary. Are we, You know. Just in town, and we rejoined ourselves, we got a little out of hand.
Dave (GM):Didn't mean no disrespects. You know, we are, yeah, we're sorry. Mhmm. And she
Nathaniel Horcock:she No. Okay. Here we go. That's why I pulled it up there.
Marion Freeman:We're not making them apologize to me for 250 years of state. It might
Dave (GM):be more
Nathaniel Horcock:than 3 to 10 minutes. Alright. Okay, Jen. When you have half an hour to sober yourselves up, then we should talk and roll again. Yes?
Nathaniel Horcock:Yep. Yep. Oh, bloody hell. Free success.
Marion Freeman:The army life suits you, obviously.
Dave (GM):So I think we changed it to 4 successes, or is it still 3 on the first roll?
Marion Freeman:What? Did we
Dave (GM):for an extra faith? 4. Did we go up to 4?
Nathaniel Horcock:Yeah. Mhmm. No. That's slow. Never mind.
Dave (GM):Otherwise, you'd have 2 extra faith there for 2 3 sixes.
Marion Freeman:But 3 is a good critical success. Oh, yeah.
Dave (GM):Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Where where where should we meet you, captain?
Nathaniel Horcock:I'll turn to the ladies. So if it's alright if we ask her if it's alright if we have, you know, have a discussion where we are there.
Dave (GM):In here?
Nathaniel Horcock:Yes. Yeah.
Dave (GM):Make a performing role. A performing role.
Nathaniel Horcock:This is what I could put charming on, is it?
Dave (GM):Yeah. You can charm it. Yeah. She's not keen at the moment. So but if you wanna, you can you can try and charm it.
Marion Freeman:Oh, come on, Tristy. He's hoarding himself out to a bunch of competitors. It's the same thing that the women do.
Nathaniel Horcock:What's your child? I mean, what do I get for talent?
Dave (GM):I think didn't you note it down when I read it out?
Nathaniel Horcock:No. I probably sorry. Sorry.
Dave (GM):Have you got level 1 or 2?
Nathaniel Horcock:Level 1.
Dave (GM):Plus 1. Plus 1 and try to chance. Did you still snooze someone before now? So you get extra dice.
Nathaniel Horcock:Nectar dice. Okay. Performing the size to he diced them. So that's
Dave (GM):And 5 of those will be a trouble. Uh-huh. Yep.
Nathaniel Horcock:That's 2.
Dave (GM):Yeah. You you soften her heart immediately in your charm. And she says, Nathaniel, of course, of course. Seeing it's you, I trust you. But please keep keep these boys Uh-huh.
Dave (GM):Keep these boys. They're not boys. They keep these men in order with you.
Nathaniel Horcock:Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. I will nod my head in the appliance, you know.
Nathaniel Horcock:Compliance. Compliance.
Dave (GM):Yeah. So So the the 3 men say, okay. Yes, sir. And they think about
Nathaniel Horcock:Yeah.
Dave (GM):And start washing their heads
Nathaniel Horcock:in the horse troughs. Mhmm. Trying to
Dave (GM):slot themselves up a little bit.
Nathaniel Horcock:Oh, that was the easy bit. Okay. Just wait. I don't know what to do. Yeah.
Marion Freeman:Anybody doing anything else? Well, she'll go arrange ourselves in whatever room you've just hired off the lady. What's this?
Dave (GM):So I think you you she he was just saying to stay to
Nathaniel Horcock:Just stay there. Yeah.
Dave (GM):She does suggest actually a table in the in the public light in the public light. Yeah. In the public light.
Nathaniel Horcock:In the public light. In the public light.
Dave (GM):Yeah. So in the corner here, there's a
Nathaniel Horcock:Love table.
Dave (GM):Yeah. Sit around. Yeah. That's a good service for the town.
Nathaniel Horcock:Definitely been going upmarket. Books.
Dave (GM):Take a look at these naughty parchments. Such a disappointment Yeah. Okay. That's fine. She brings over some drinks for you.
Dave (GM):And, yeah, sort of like half an hour later, you can hear her you can hear her say in here.
Nathaniel Horcock:Mhmm.
Dave (GM):They're through in the they're through in the lounge boys.
Nathaniel Horcock:Okay.
Dave (GM):And the 3 of them come through and and and find. They basically smart themselves up about as well as they could. They're quite dirty and dusty. They've obviously been travelling.
Nathaniel Horcock:The road. Yeah.
Marion Freeman:So I think we're sat in a row, fear of us, you in the middle.
Nathaniel Horcock:I'm okay.
Marion Freeman:And, I'm just doing a hard stare all the time.
Dave (GM):Okay. So am I, but they just don't they just You can still make a roll. That's good. Yeah. Yeah.
Dave (GM):It just can't help. So, Matthew and Tony, make make presents for rolls, please. Alright. So I'm just gonna put the rice on.
Marion Freeman:For 6 days.
Dave (GM):Two successes.
Marion Freeman:One success and 4 fives. Surely there should be an extra faith point for 4 fives. Now, actually, I'm gonna push this.
Nathaniel Horcock:Oh, nice. It was that. It was a church. Yeah. Okay.
Marion Freeman:Because I I I I really do want to give him a hard stay. I'll write that one off. Okay. So I've got 2 successes.
Dave (GM):I also got 2 successes. Okay.
Nathaniel Horcock:I don't what I don't need to make rolls. You just leave these 2 yet?
Dave (GM):Yeah. I think they they know because we're sitting there doing hard stairs,
Marion Freeman:and I'm
Dave (GM):doing a successful hard stair.
Nathaniel Horcock:You've been learning from a horse then.
Dave (GM):Okay. I mean, all 3 of them, obviously notice Me too. Yeah. Kinda staring them down. It doesn't seem to bother them very much.
Dave (GM):There doesn't seem to be any particular reaction to you, Matthew, being a Mhmm. African American staring them down. They don't seem to be showing you any different reaction to to the others. Yeah. Let's say, right.
Dave (GM):Can we can we sit down?
Nathaniel Horcock:Yeah. You can sit. Yeah. Log for it. Exceeded.
Nathaniel Horcock:So I got I got your letter.
Dave (GM):Pleased to hear that. What are your what are your thoughts?
Nathaniel Horcock:My thoughts.
Dave (GM):It would be it would be good to have you have you with us to to right this grievous wrong.
Nathaniel Horcock:What can I remember about the colonel? Can I remember anything about him all?
Dave (GM):Yeah. I think
Marion Freeman:let's have a look.
Dave (GM):Yeah. He wasn't a great officer.
Nathaniel Horcock:He was weak, was he?
Dave (GM):Yeah. He was he was not a natural leader. You you didn't know I guess you didn't know well enough to know quite how, you know, whether he was a bit venial like this. But
Nathaniel Horcock:Bit of a cow, was he? A bit of a flashman.
Dave (GM):Yeah. I mean, he he I think, you know, he was from a family that kind of expected him to do military service. And
Nathaniel Horcock:Right.
Dave (GM):I think he probably saw his role in the war being a career step rather than Right. Anything else particularly. But yeah. And they say, yeah. We've, we've got great memories of, of those days of the, 7th Confederate cavalry regiment, sir.
Nathaniel Horcock:I cannot share those memories as you must have known my father, if I'm not, I'm trying to remember, wasn't there. How do you pronounce it?
Dave (GM):Abolitionist.
Nathaniel Horcock:Abolitionist. My son's father. Remember?
Dave (GM):Well, we never met your father, sir.
Nathaniel Horcock:No. But he was not able to serve. So as was I, and I only joined it when the North invaded Virginia. If I'd actually had guts of my, any true courage, I would have gone to Canada and stayed neutral in the war, but I didn't. So I do not I have no fond memories of the war.
Marion Freeman:I feel like you're talking to me.
Dave (GM):I we have and I'm I'm sad to hear. This is, so Elliott is doing most of the talking Mhmm. Not not Reid, who's the who was the more senior guy Uh-huh. You know, 10 years since they're in the military. So, like, I'm sorry, You, you know, you you you don't feel like that.
Dave (GM):We we have strong memories of the comradeship and
Nathaniel Horcock:Oh, yes. I doubt.
Dave (GM):But, the the bond of brotherhood that that comes
Nathaniel Horcock:Brotherhood. Mhmm.
Dave (GM):And that's why the 3 of us are are still together. We've supported each other and and have helped each other.
Nathaniel Horcock:Wow.
Dave (GM):As as good good comrades should.
Nathaniel Horcock:That's fair. Hold on a minute. But we, I cannot criticize you for that. But I'm afraid the only memories I have is murdering fellow prisoners in Camp Douglas for pieces of bread. I can remember memories like that and everything else.
Nathaniel Horcock:And I can remember the the blood of that list. I take no pride in what what what I found at Fort Pitt what's the pillow, is it? Fort Pillow.
Dave (GM):Yeah. Pillow is the name of the Yeah. The general who had it built in the first place. Yeah. It's a real it's a real location.
Dave (GM):It's a real
Nathaniel Horcock:a real event. So, gentlemen, really and truly, I wish you were earlier, Hunt, but I want as far as I'm concerned, the war is my past, and I want no nothing to do with it. It is my finish. It's done and dusted for me.
Marion Freeman:Okay. Dave. Fuck you. No. No.
Marion Freeman:No. No. No. Just you wait. Yes, really.
Nathaniel Horcock:I am sorry for that. I am sorry, gentlemen. I mean, but, these these my 2 comrades, comrades didn't even know I was a captain until
Marion Freeman:It's letter over.
Nathaniel Horcock:Until the year. This is not something I boast about. This is something I'd rather forget.
Marion Freeman:Hang on. Speak up. I heard you. You 3 fought at Fort Pillow.
Dave (GM):Many of us did fight at Fort Pillow. We're sorry that, you feel that way, captain. You know, sometimes the war is you might you might want to leave the war behind you, but will the war let you do that? Will the war leave you behind?
Nathaniel Horcock:Well, I'm doing my best to leave it behind as far as I'm concerned.
Dave (GM):Can I have insight, Rob, please? I think it could be a group insight.
Marion Freeman:You've got good insight for me?
Nathaniel Horcock:But inside is 6.
Marion Freeman:Yeah. Have a nice of meat and meat.
Nathaniel Horcock:Okay. So it'll be 5 rig dates again, and then This is what I got. Oh, no. I don't get any sixes this time. Can I roll again?
Nathaniel Horcock:Yeah.
Dave (GM):You can push the no
Nathaniel Horcock:buttons and
Marion Freeman:No ones?
Nathaniel Horcock:No. Suspend a
Dave (GM):point of faith? Suspend a point of faith, and then you can push. Uh-huh. If any ones you get now and the trawled ice will be trawled.
Nathaniel Horcock:Little bollocks. Lose. Well, I've got 2 ones and 2 sixties.
Dave (GM):Right. Okay. But that that one
Marion Freeman:of those ones is on a green.
Nathaniel Horcock:Mhmm.
Marion Freeman:So you've got 11 on a red dice. On a
Dave (GM):red dice on chocolate dice.
Nathaniel Horcock:So I could because I get rid of it by using faith.
Dave (GM):So you can spend the next one to faith to burn it off, or you can take the risk on the roll.
Nathaniel Horcock:Burn it off. You suppose.
Dave (GM):So that's 2 faith in total then.
Nathaniel Horcock:So it's not to be down to 4 faith.
Dave (GM):And you've got 2 successes. Mhmm. You can see as they're talking, they're sort of having little glances between them. And you with with 2 successes, you you don't think they're being a 100% honest. They're not telling you everything.
Dave (GM):And I think they probably see you.
Nathaniel Horcock:Mhmm.
Dave (GM):That you're you're seeing that and they're kind of like, yeah, okay. There's nothing to lose. They sort of say between each other. And, this time, Nixon Reid speaks up and he says, sir, the war you might want to escape the war, sir, but as, as Elliot said, the war doesn't let some of us escape. So, we're being hunted.
Dave (GM):Mhmm. We're being hunted by a gang of confederate haters. These are these are all former men of the 31st infantry regiment. All ex slaves looking to take revenge for for Fort Pillow. And, they got a list of the 7th cavalry, and they're looking to kill every man on that list.
Dave (GM):And Captain Hawcock is on that list. So you might wanna reconsider how you think about about the war and whether you might want to do something to help us stop the war coming to Joanna Springs because those men are a day behind us.
Marion Freeman:Say the word. I'll put out my gun. Hold them at one point, and we can present them to these this lynch mob. No. That's what I'm going to use.
Marion Freeman:This posse of people seeking justice tomorrow morning.
Dave (GM):Are you saying
Marion Freeman:that? No. You want to say to me?
Nathaniel Horcock:Yes, son. I will. Yes, son. Yeah.
Dave (GM):Okay. Yeah.
Marion Freeman:Okay. You're in a situation where the Alright. Well, I'll tell you what. Actually, I will say it, Alec.
Nathaniel Horcock:Do a
Marion Freeman:little bit. Say the word captain. And we can arrest these 3 now. Give them to these justice seekers. Bargain for your life.
Dave (GM):You sense that atmosphere in the room changed.
Nathaniel Horcock:Yes. Yeah. Well, no.
Dave (GM):And there's the sound of all 3 of them moving their jackings up. Yeah.
Nathaniel Horcock:I see it.
Dave (GM):Likewise. Mhmm. And saying these these men have been hunting the 7th Cavalry for 10 years. Do you think just trying to hand us over is gonna save your life? Worth try.
Dave (GM):Yeah. We're not minded just to be handed over, and it it looks at you when he says that.
Nathaniel Horcock:Who's that? Elliott. Yeah. Mhmm.
Dave (GM):So if that's your attitude, gentlemen, I think, we'll bid you good day. And Elliot stands up. We
Nathaniel Horcock:should have stayed in cash. We'd gone to Canada. What did I say? These gentlemen will remember the thing I want. What what's the the town of, wasn't it?
Dave (GM):The Tannenhill gang. Yeah.
Nathaniel Horcock:That's it. Okay. Well, I said to the other Tannenhill gang, Sometimes your sins always will find you out. I've seen you in a while.
Dave (GM):Well, I'll find you out too, captain.
Nathaniel Horcock:Well, maybe.
Dave (GM):I suspect in his voice now.
Nathaniel Horcock:Yeah. Maybe I should stop. Yeah.
Dave (GM):Together, we could probably deal with them, and we can go our own way and never cross paths again. We'll go and deal with the colonel. But on your own, those 31st infantry guys are gonna kill you.
Marion Freeman:He's not on his own.
Jimmy Harlesden:I said no. You're already made over here.
Marion Freeman:Tales of the old west is brought to you by Effect. The music is old west game by Stu Venable used with kind permission of the angry folk media empire.