Awaken Your Sacred Soul System - A Podcast, with Kate Darnell

Celebrate the passion and wholehearted living.

Last weekend Kate helped host a local event that was intentionally named “Volunteer Fest”. 

While it doesn’t have quite the same ring to it as SOUL FEST Kate felt it was a novelty play on her Soul Fest initiative first held in Coopernook back in 2019!

“Soul” and “Volunteer” can bring with them two VERY different energies!

However; what this event really highlighted is that volunteer and community groups are the passion, heart and soul of truly helping the world be a greater place.

Listen in as Kate shares her learnings on the polarity of the 'Low vibe, don't ask me to help energy' and those generous people who show up tirelessly backing the things that matter to them.

Thank you to all the beautiful volunteers who tirelessly do, give and support in such meaningful ways. You really do help make the world so very golden.

Find Kates soul aligned offers:
The Sacred soul system E-course
The Golden Collective

What is Awaken Your Sacred Soul System - A Podcast, with Kate Darnell ?

Join Kate Darnell this summer and beyond for interviews, high vibe energetic processes and practical ways to live spiritually from soul, with complete and utter love for YOU! Let's take a collective breath, a pause, a moment for you! We hope you enjoy this energetic, uplifting and inspiring series.

Golden Light!

Last weekend I helped host a local event that we intentionally named “Volunteer Fest”.

While it doesn’t have quite the same ring to it as SOUL FEST I felt like it was a novelty play on my Soul Fest initiative first held in Coopernook back in 2019!

“Soul” and “Volunteer” can bring with them two VERY different energies!

However; what this event really highlighted is that volunteer and community groups are the passion, heart and soul of truly helping the world be a greater place.

Soul Fest, after all, only became Soul Fest thanks to people stepping up and donating their time and resources to create something magic.

Here’s the thing, often there’s a low vibe, avoid eye contact - don’t ask me to help with your next passion project - kind of energy!

The polarity? Generous people who show up; tirelessly backing the thing that matters to them; helping others, saving our environment and changing lives.

In a world where there’s so much uncertainty, a need to succeed, stay in our own lane and compete, we can get lost and lose sight of what truly matters and is of value to us.

Last weekend I proudly admired so many volunteer groups of people who are truly giving and living - open hearts, huge smiles and with so much glorious purpose. Together we make this world golden - our extraordinary efforts make a difference -

Where you will generously give back this week?

Thank you to all the beautiful volunteers who tirelessly do, give and support in such meaningful ways. You really do help make the world so very golden.

Love Kate X

Along with giving to your community you may also want to gift yourself...

The Sacred Soul System E-COURSE .

Join us in The Golden Collective

Or send me an email to learn more about The Annual Pass or my three month Accelerate space.

I’m so excited to be supporting you soon!

Love Kate X