Beyond High Performance

YOUR FINEST HOUR | Welcome to Your Finest Hour, a series of interviews going behind the scenes with world class leaders, teams and their coaches on how to make the most out of coaching, and life. Today David Miller, Chief Expansion Officer at Novus Global, is joined by not one, but two individuals who have experienced this impact - Reid Hutchison - Chief Operation Officer  and Tammy Faber, Sales Director of HoH Water Technology along with one of their executive coaches, Deb Foy.

Often we are talking with individuals about the impact of coaching but today we are looking at the impact coaching is having on their team as a whole. 

In today’s episode, we explore HoH’s history with Novus Global’s coaching and how it has impacted their company culture. We discuss what we mean by the phrase “the wrestle” and why it’s so important in our coaching work. We also explain how to navigate the traps of high performance, and the overall effect they've experienced as a result of coaching that ripples throughout their entire company to this day. 

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What is Beyond High Performance?

The Beyond High Performance Podcast is brought to you by the coaches and friends of the executive coaching firm, Novus Global, and the Meta Performance Institute for Coaching. Join us for intentional, vulnerable, thought provoking conversations that illustrate the life-shifting power of coaching. In order to adequately share the breadth and depth of the firm’s insights, this podcast consists of three unique shows. The Meta Performance Show, will bring you unflinching interviews with top industry leaders on their paths to success. Next, we explore with the show called On Coaching, which pulls back the curtain on the intricacies of life as a Novus Global Coach. And finally, Your Finest Hour, which explores the unique dynamics between a coach and their client by bringing both on the show to unpack their coaching experience together. This podcast was crafted to help you grow as a coach, leader, employee, and human being, inspiring you to go beyond high performance and explore what you are capable of. Note that this podcast is not for those who are committed to mediocrity.

# Swell AI Transcript: Reid Hutchison & Tammy Faber (Second Edit) - Your Finest Hour.mp3

Welcome to the Beyond High Performance podcast featuring content and conversations from me, Jason Jaggard, along with our elite coaches at Novus Global, their high performing clients, and the faculty of the Metta Performance Institute for Coaching. On this podcast, you'll hear some of the world's best executive coaches and high performing leaders, artists and athletes discuss how they continue to go beyond high performance in their lives and businesses.

Welcome to Your Finest Hour, a series of interviews going behind the scenes with world-class leaders, teams, and their coaches on how to make the most out of coaching and life. I'm David Miller, Chief Expansion Officer at Novus Global, and today, I am lucky to be joined by not one, but two individuals who have experienced this impact. Reid Hutchison and Tammy Faber of HOH Water Technology, along with one of their executive coaches, Deb Foy. Often in this show, we're talking with individuals about the impact that coaching is having on just them. But today, we get to look at the impact that coaching is having across an entire organization. In today's episode, we explore HOH's history with Novus Global's coaching and how it has impacted their company culture. We discuss what we mean by the phrase, the wrestle, and why it's so important in our coaching work. We also explain how to navigate the traps of high performance and the overall effect they've experienced as a result of coaching that ripples throughout their entire company to this day. We hope you enjoy the show.

of expertise, anecdotes, and insights from Novus Global coaches, as well as faculty from the Metta Performance Institute for Coaching. We are so excited to put our proprietary framework that has helped thousands of leaders achieve more into your hands. And we can't wait to see how you'll use the book to enhance your life and leadership. To learn more and obtain this essential resource for yourself, visit

Today, I'm joined by Reid Hutchison and Tammy Faber from HOH and their team's coach, Deb Foy. Reid, Tammy, and Deb, it's great to be here with you today. Reid, I want to begin just learning a little bit about HOH and then moving specifically into, you know, what you do and some of the things you're working on.

Yeah, so at HOH, we are all about water. It's actually what our name means, hydrogen, oxygen and hydrogen. And we specifically help facilities with their water. And so we're a chemical company, equipment company. We're a team of about 110 folks and have been in business for 55 years and running.

55 years. That predates you at least by a couple of years. Give me some of the background on that. How did you get involved in this space?

Yeah, I have the great honor and privilege of being a part of the founder's legacy, who happened to be my grandpa. My father's side, 1968, he started at the time what was called HOH Chemicals. And I'm part of the third generation of owner and operators, alongside my brother-in-law, Andy Reimink. And together, we succeeded my dad, who led the company for 40 years. Today, we're the two primary owners and operators of the company. Yeah, we love the legacy that our family has in the business, but we're most passionate not just about, you know, being family, but the culture that we've got here and growing family-like environment that we have.

I'd really enjoy hearing some of how you got connected to Novus Global and Deb and give us some of the backstory on, you know, how we started working together.

Well, the backstory has everything to do with my good friend and also our finance leader at HOH, Mark Wittig, who happened to share a room with Jason Jaggard back when they were in school in California many years back. That was my very first introduction to Novus was through this connection with Mark. I had known Jason through Mark over the last 10 years and for a while since Mark joined the company. He had just kept me abreast of what Jason was doing with Novus. And at the end of 2021, we began talking about what it could look like to bring the Novus coaching into our organization. And so Mark connected us and we started a conversation and decided we were interested enough to explore what it was we could be capable of as a team.

I've heard stories about that roommate relationship with Jason and Mark. The thought of just being a little bit of a fly on the wall during those days would be hilarious and enlightening for all of us, I believe, in those relationships. I'm interested, you said something there. You said, we knew enough and we wanted to begin to explore what we were capable of. And I've got to think there's maybe a thing behind that, that as your organization is going into some new territories and growing and you're becoming the next version of who you're going to be, something about that idea of exploring what you're capable of became intriguing to you. And maybe even there are a few things that you were thinking, gosh, specifically we want to aim for you know, fill in the blank. I'd love to hear from either Tammy or Reid on this. Give us a little bit of context for what it was that really hooked in the beginning, that goal, that vision, that spark that said, okay, here we go. We're heading somewhere new.

Yeah, I think I can add a little bit more to that. At the time, at the end of 2021, you know, being in business over 50 years, we've had the opportunity to see a lot of ups and downs. And you don't stay in business over 50 years without experiencing different economic and business cycles. And especially when there's, you know, different transitions and owners and operators or management teams. We had certainly experienced our share of those transitions. And at the end of 21, The question that was on our mind was one where we were curious to explore, could we grow the company faster than we had the previous five years, but do it on new terms? And so the season we had just come out of in 2021 was one where we needed to really contract and really refocus our core. And we had grown over the decade of about 2010 to 2020 at a rate greater than we had in our previous history, but we also experienced a lot of the costs that growth and fast growth creates. And so we had done a lot of the right things to get the company healthier and stronger, recognizing that it's not just good to be bigger, but really to focus first on being better at what we do and at serving our clients. And the question then dawned on us, can we return to rates of growth like we'd seen before, but in a way that didn't cost us our well-being outside of work or our relationships in the business? Is it possible for us to grow but mitigate some of the challenges that come with a larger business? And that was really the focus of 2021 that got us at least open and willing to risk you know, checking out a relationship with Novus to explore if that was possible. So it wasn't just about helping the company grow again. It was really helping the company grow on terms that were consistent with our renewed vision and values that growth at all costs is not worth it to us. But certainly growth that creates opportunities for us to explore what we're capable as a team that that's worth trying to figure out. And so I think that was really the the genesis that had us willing to take a risk on a coaching relationship.

There's a phrase that we use at Novus Global and it's one of the promises that we make is this idea that you can get twice as much done in half as much time with increased satisfaction. And there's something so interesting because you're highlighting this read. It's one thing to get twice as much done. It's another thing to get twice as much done in half as much time, but you can completely burn out in that process. You can get twice as much done and have as much time and hate your life. How can you get twice as much done and have as much time with increased satisfaction? And it sounds like that's the target that you were aiming at. Give us some context. We've been in a coaching relationship for two years. Tell us a little bit, kind of pull the curtain back on that. How is that going?

It's going fantastic. I would say that...

That was a really, that was a really scary question to ask right there because I didn't prep you with that. And the answer could have not gone our way. And so that's, that's really great.

Yeah. And I, I mean, I'll be honest. I, we, at the time when we were exploring working with, with Novus, there was a lot of just implicit trust, right? Mark as a key leader in the business has a close friendship with Jason. And so there was a lot of implicit relational trust there. But this was one dart of many that we were throwing at the board to see, you know, what was possible. It wasn't the one and only thing we were exploring, but we included in the mix of things we were going to take bets on. And yeah, I would say over the last two years, it's been a key ingredient in our success and not just in greater levels of revenue and profit growth or serving more clients, but truly on the way that we're doing it, where I can confidently say that a growing business isn't coming at the expense of our people's well-being and our team's well-being. It's really actually creating an environment where people are able to flourish and explore areas of growth that go beyond what they're doing in their work life, but also in their personal lives. And so the financial and business results have been great. But I would say what's been most rewarding these last few years with the coaching relationship is seeing a new gear unlocked in some of our team members that have embarked on coaching. And even those that have really just experience the Beyond High Performance book and some other events that we've done within the company.

Deb, I'd love to bring you into this conversation here. I'm curious about your experience, maybe a couple of your initial notices as you began to coach within the ecosystem at HOH.

Well, I'd like to start off at the beginning with at least when I started coaching Chris and Ryan, I remember so vaguely when I asked them, why were they chosen to get coached? And they just kind of looked at me like deer in headlights. We don't know. And so that was like the beginning of why are we coached? Why are we here? What are we going to explore? And they just began to fall in love with the work. Wrestling through it though, they definitely wrestled through, you know, the mind bending of the different concepts and mindsets that we would all talk about in our time together, but this willingness of wanting to know what they were capable of and just really staying in the ring. Not only did they fall in love with the work, I kind of fell in love with their culture and the people like what they were up to in their hearts. It was a blast. It's a blast working with them. I was blessed coaching them, too.

I like that you mentioned their wrestle. I don't think we talk about that quite enough, especially when we're working with a team where maybe the person that we're coaching didn't raise their hand or choose to be coached. You know, we really talk to companies and teams about the enrollment. We don't want someone to be forced to be coached. But, you know, what happens when someone's supervisor comes and says, hey, we're hiring executive coaches and we'd like you to be one of the people getting coached? Initially, there can be some dissonance in their mind of, oh, are you saying that I'm not doing a good job? Are you trying to say something that you're not saying? And as coaches, part of our role is to lean in and help them to understand, you know, the investment that's being made. And that, quite frankly, we don't tend to coach. As Novus Global, we don't tend to coach the problem employee. We often coach, it's that team member who, if they get it, then things will grow exponentially. It's that, you know, of the 80-20 rule. It's the people within that 20% that if that 20% really gets it, then everything explodes. But I'm curious, Deb, for you, when you mentioned their wrestle, were there specific things that you noticed that they would go, oh, I don't know about this, Deb, you know, and, you know, pull that a little bit. Yeah. Yeah.

I think for these guys and for other clients, I think when we bring up the human survival needs, we wanna be right, is a big one, right? We wanna look good, feel good, be right, and be in control. When that started coming in the mix, they started wrestling with that. Like, no, I like how that gets in my way in a way, right? Like, I'm really attached to that, and I don't wanna give that up. But as they wrestled through how that got in their way, things began to open up for them, and they wrestled. They wrestled with that significantly, both of them.

Yeah, especially when we're working with high performers, there's a moment of, hey, these things that you're saying are getting in my way. Help me to get to where I am right now. I mean, we can fill in the blanks with whatever those things tend to be. This is how I got here. What do you mean it's getting in my way? And for us as coaches making the distinction between it's not that we're doubting how you got to where you are. It's that we're starting to explore where you want to head. And is the thing that got you here going to get you there? Is the thing that got you here potentially going to get in the way of where you'd like to head? And I resonate as a coach so much with what you're saying, Deb, because often whether we're coaching individuals or teams, that comes up where someone will say, I don't think you understand that thing you're poking on made me who I am now. And there's something really, really wonderful to unpack that and to kind of dismantle that a little bit.

Yeah, David, and if I could add, I think one way of looking at how HOH's journey led us to Novus and some of the things we've been learning organizationally through coaching, I would say in our history, we've had a number of seasons where we were extremely high performing. We're really well known in our industry. We attract great talent. And so we have a really strong brand and reputation because we've been a high performing organization. I believe you could say we experienced in the period 2010-2020 was we really started to fall into some high performance traps where success all of a sudden was starting to get in our way and those were really the growth challenges we were running into and we needed a different way of relating to our work and approaching our work organizationally, but we didn't quite have the answer there. And so there were a couple of years of us really just kind of finding our footing, getting healthy, undoing some mistakes that had been made, really just kind of digesting and figuring out what's this new level of growth that we're ready for. And so 2021 is a great time to connect with Novus because not just for individuals, but even organizationally, I think we really had an aspiration or a drive to Evolve into what you guys really have coined this meta-performing organization where we can bypass the traps that high-performing individuals and even organizations fall into. And I think what I found maybe a little challenging introducing individuals to coaching was helping them become aware of the problem in the first place. Because like you said, they're already really talented and successful, so they don't necessarily see their problems as really problems. It's kind of like, well, this is just what it takes to be a high performer. And so I appreciate the process that Dev and coaches have done at Novus to really further their understanding of, hey, be aware that this has served you, but it's not going to help you get to where you want to go next. And so there's some habits and things we need to unlearn in the process that isn't saying you failed or are doing things wrong, but there's a whole new game to be played that actually you haven't yet experienced yet. And if you could, wouldn't you want to? And I think that for me really sums up, you know, some of the things we've experienced individually and organizationally through the coaching.

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I'm curious and Tammy, I'd love to throw to you on this question. Over the last few years, as we've been working together, you know, we've started with some individuals, we've brought in some new people, you know, talk to me a little bit about as an organization, how you decided who was going to be coached and, you know, give me a little bit of insight into that process for you.

Well, I was also relatively new to the team when we decided to hire Novus. So I was in less than six months at that point. And so quickly, you know, discover that Chris and Ryan are definitely high performers. They're definitely in that phase. And Kyle, too, who you coach. I'm going to hit my goals and then they burn out and they get frustrated. And it was like, I know that I'm a good manager, but they need something else to be unlocked in them. And it needed to be really something a little deeper because they were at the pinnacle of what they thought they could do. but there was so much more potential that I could see in them. And I love that Deb said, they were asking her, oh, why was I picked for coaching? Cause we had like three conversations about why and, you know, them wanting to grow professionally, personally, and it was a rustle for them. And so the other piece too, that we didn't get to as early last year, the lead team and the sales team did a full two day session with Novus. And it really unlocked something in my entire team and in the lead team to go, oh, what are we capable? And what would we look like? And there's an exercise you do that at the end about breaking your brain. Well, Chris and Ryan's brain was broken for like a week. And mine was somewhat, but that wrestle has unlocked something in them that has trickled into the rest of the team. And so we had a sales meeting, fast forward to December and we had a sales meeting and I found the entire team pushing themselves, why we set a goal for an extra amount of sales. And they were like, no, that's not enough. we can do more. And then they internally, you know, went through this thing and without even knowing they were doing it or realizing it, pushed there into a defense. And so that's the effect that coaching has had. It's affected Chris and Ryan on a personal level and a professional level, but it's pushing our team to bigger heights as well. And so I can't say enough about what Deb does and It's kind of funny now. It's like, oh, I'm on the phone with Deb. When I'm off, I need to call you so I can process this. That's the next call that I get.

I'm on with my coach after we're done. We have some things to talk about, Tammy. That's really good. You know, I think within your answer, you touch this, but I want to be really explicit, you know, with the three that you just talked about there, they are specifically on what team within your organization? Like, give a little bit of the background of like, what do they add to HOH? What's their role? And again, you know, how has their time with Novus Global impacted HOH as a whole?

So as Reed would say, they're the tip of the spear. They're our business development managers, but since Ryan has been promoted to a sales manager over at Illinois and Wisconsin. And so they're our biggest revenue earners. They're the reason that we grew over 10% last year in revenue. And so that's their responsibility is if we're gonna grow and what we like to do is make a lasting impact on others, then they're the ones that are leading the charge. And they're also mentors on other teams. Chris works with the equipment team, and so he becomes a mentor there. Ryan, because his role before was executive account manager, he mentors others on the team. So everything they do is really contagious to the entire team and can affect profit in a positive way.

For me, my experience of leading and managing professionals in the sales organization. I've heard it said many times that some of your best salespeople generally are just your higher maintenance, more challenging individuals, right? And they can even get cast as being, you know, prima donnas or, you know, whatever label you want to put on. They can be challenging individuals to work with. And it's always been I would say for me, a love-hate relationship, right? Because I know, I care about these people as individuals, they add tremendous value to the business, and they are some of the most demanding, challenging people to work with, especially when things aren't going the way they want them to. And so, I think for them, it was a similar question of, if we could grow, but on our terms, you know, better results, you know, in less time with greater satisfaction. If we could have salespeople that were driving better results, you know, in less time, but were a joy to work with. Individual salespeople that weren't trying to move into management just because they thought it was the next rung for them to achieve, that loved what they did, but also saw their influence as business development managers as leadership. And that's what I think I see occurring with these three individuals in particular. Again, three individuals who I love as people and care about, but if they were in this room right now, they would know. At times, we butt heads and we find it challenging to work together, but I would say, you know, Tammy, I've talked about this, one of the pieces of evidence to me, not only of Tammy's leadership and management, but I think of also some of the coaching as well, is that I've never had more fun working with these three individuals while they're driving better results than they have in any years prior. There's something magical there.

even in the sales meeting, they would say, somebody would throw something out and they said, well, what would Novus say? And that was Kyle, David, of all people. And you know, that was probably, he was even harder to get wrapped around the idea of coaching. And now he's like, nope, if, you know, pre-Novus, Kyle would have done that. Post-Novus, Kyle is not going to do that.

That's really encouraging to hear as his coach, for sure. I'm curious, you know, Reid, earlier as you're talking, you were talking about the family environment of HOH and or at least that's kind of what I was hearing. Can you unpack a little bit more about the environment that you're building and how like coaching has played a role within that environment?

Absolutely. Yeah, I think, you know, during some of our company's, like, best seasons, you know, especially when we were a smaller, older, you know, younger organization before my time, it really was like family. There was a lot of family working in the business, but it was small enough to be intimate. And they're really close relationships. We just recently had somebody retire from the organization after 45 years of service. And so some real tenure that's really born out of that family feel that our history has. And I didn't get to know my grandpa very well, but that was something that his leadership definitely inspired was a culture that was like family. But as you grow, for a business to really perform and be successful, the family dynamic really tends to become a little dysfunctional. And so we really wrestled through that phase and needed to grow through it. And for a season there, you know, there was this kind of mourning of, I guess we can't be like a family anymore, right? We're just too big for this or that. And in the last few years, what we've been intentional with developing our culture towards is maybe being not a family, but like family. And maybe even perhaps it's a bit clear to say we're becoming like a community of like-minded individuals who push and challenge each other to achieve more. And I would say it feels like family, or there's a family likeness to it, to kind of connote that we're close. It is beyond family, and it becomes more Not just like a sports team, but I think a community, because we all have such diverse roles and backgrounds, and we don't all work necessarily close with one another. But in general, the culture and the atmosphere that I think we're starting to experience is one where regardless of role or function, where you live, if you're at HOH, you're somebody who encourages and spurs others on your team to grow and to become better versions of themselves, whether that's at work or outside of work. And I've been really astounded at the closeness, the intimacy of relationships that have been forming. And it's something we've longed for, but I would say not until this year, I think, have I really seen it happen organically. where people I didn't really even know had a close relationship. All of a sudden, I'm noticing that there's a love that's being created that is beyond just the role that we play within the business. It's not at the expense of performance. There's always this condition that in a community, we have certain standards and expectations to uphold, and it's not a guarantee that you are a part of this community. But If you share our values, if you meet expectations, then yeah, if you're here, you're going to feel like family. And it's a joy to get to work with more and more people who I think are getting that and experiencing that. It's even pushing me to explore more of what's possible in our business.

I like that you've made that transition so often within organizations that start off, especially ones that are run by family, like literal family. It can become so easy to stay within that context. And the reality is like, it is a job. It is a company. And so, the move from we are family to we are community, we are co-workers, we are co-laborers and the things that we're up to, it can feel slight in the beginning but it has massive impact on the organization and the individuals within that team. Reid, I make up that as this organization continues to grow and move from a family organization to a community that's impacting so many regions, we haven't even talked about totally the scope of where your organization is impacting with water treatment. I would imagine that that is going to invite you into, as a leader, asking new questions and taking new approaches at the way that you lead. And I'm curious, in this season of growth and health and transition, what are those questions that you're asking? What are a few of those challenges that you're specifically, as a leader, moving into now?

Yeah, so one of those questions that has emerged is beyond what are we capable of organizationally or individually. It really stems from the intuitive fence exercise and tool that we've worked with Novus. And it's really asking people, what is the vision you have for your life? Or even more specifically, what are your dreams? Not just for growing professionally, but what are some of your dreams? And that's been one of the things that surprised me the most this year was a deeper emotional connection with the people on our team. as I began to hear more and more of them talk and share about what are the hopes and dreams they have for their lives. And seeing HOH is really just one small piece of a much larger picture that each individual brings. And so that really, I think, clicked this summer when we did a book event and we had a larger group of our employees together. to experience beyond high performance and engage with Jason and you all coaches and and getting to hear people share about things that were outside of their intuitive fence, things that were beyond what they thought they were capable of, but they would love, you know, to be true. That's really started, I think, a journey for us that we're going to take to new levels this year and find ways that we can help people not only achieve their dreams, but for some people even begin to dream again, because it seems like there are a lot of folks that have just kind of given up. on what their future holds for them. And so I've kind of seen Novus really as, yes, we found a really fantastic solution for our high performers. And this is going to help us unlock new gears of performance and greater satisfaction for our high performers. Not everyone in our organization is a high performer and is experiencing that trap. We're all human and have different sets of challenges. So I think I'm starting to see the broader application for those that maybe aren't in a high performance trap, but are maybe just even low performers that really are just disengaged with not just their work, but disengage with their lives and understanding why that is and figuring out how do we inspire and help them unlock, you know, new levels of passion for the future. And so that's one area is what are people's dreams and how do we be a source of encouragement and inspiration and even helping equip people to begin pursuing them.

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Tammy, you mentioned, you know, 10% growth this last year. And I'm curious if you, you know, as the organization has grown, what are a couple of things that you were really proud of seeing the team that can be within that sales team? Maybe it's a new approach to entering new regions or new, new industry, or, but I also even like the service provider, you know, the rest of the team that, that is actually servicing these contracts. What are some things you've been really proud of seeing in your culture as you've grown?

The first thing is not about sales. The actual first thing is about the way that we're interacting with one another and the way we care about one another. It comes down to, I think in, gosh, maybe in March or April, Deb and Chris and Ryan had a conversation about expectations versus agreements. And there was some tension between the equipment team and the sales team and It felt like we were always butting heads. And that conversation, and it wasn't just that team, there was just some, you know, we want to go and we're probably going a little faster than we probably should for the health of the other team. And that conversation spurred so many other conversations to get us back on the same page. where we're saying, you know, I really thought that we talked about this and I was expecting you to do something, but I really want to make sure we're on the same page and we agree. And it's been a game changer across the board with how we've improved that relationship. And it actually affects our customers, because now we're all on the same page, the customers on the same page, we're really good at what we do. But we want to make sure the customer experiences that. And so that was game changing. And then The coaching has really become in this weird way, not about necessarily professional performance. It's become impactful for my team and their relationships with their significant others and their spouses. And I love hearing them talk about how something that they learned at work has made life better or has impacted their family. And to me, that's what matters because it may make the difference in a happy home or an unhappy home. Not that, you know, just that personal thing that people always thought, oh, this is work and this is home. And those two things don't cross and the training doesn't cross, but it really does. And it's been a game changer, even for my husband and I, like we do temperaments as well. And So the way I approach things and I'm very direct red temperament. I know what I want to do. And my husband is green and laid back. And so I went, wait a minute, I've been expecting you to do something when we really just need to talk about it. And that was directly because Deb had a conversation with Kyle and Ryan that trickled down to me and it's trickled down to others on the team. And you wouldn't think that when you started with Novus Global two years ago, that that it would make a difference at a home, but it does.

Deb, I'd love to hear from you on this. I'm curious, you know, whenever we coach an individual or a team, there's an impact that it has on us. Like me coaching Kyle has had an impact on me and it's been fun to see the impact on him but to watch like after a conversation now, I don't have Tammy and maybe I will start calling Tammy after my conversations with Kyle because there'll be some things that I need to unpack as well. But I love, you know, the impact that our clients have on who we're becoming as coaches. And I'm curious, Deb, for you, in your time with HOH, you know, how has coaching in that environment impacted you as a person and as a coach?

I would have to say when I've been around the humbleness of Chris and Ryan, for them as they entered into the space and was wrestling through many of our concepts, that really impacted me of how they remained open as they showed up and was truly just themselves and go like, I don't know how this is gonna land for me. I don't know how this is gonna land for me professionally or personally. but I'm just going to sit in it with you. And even it would show up for the next time possibly, or several of our coaching sessions, their humbleness impacted me in such a way of it's changed me and how I show up, it's changed. I'm not the same coach that I was when I first started coaching them because of their humbleness and their openness. And for me to hold such a space for people when they wrestle through, allowed me to really create even more of a space of non-judgmentalness. To go like, I'm in it with you. I'm here with you. And we would just sit there. I think that's how it's really impacted me as a coach. It's made me a better coach.

As we begin to wrap up some of our time, I'd love to hear, and I'm going to throw this to you specifically, Reed, a little bit about where HOH is heading. Um, you know, what's, what's the vision for HOH. And so, you know, for those, I think that there are going to be people that are listening to this that are in your region and maybe they can use some water treatment. There's that, but then there's also just, I'm always inspired by organizations and leaders that are saying, Hey, that was an amazing run. And here's where we're going next. As you start to kind of unpack some of that for you, and I don't expect it to all the way, you know, flushed out, but give me kind of your first blush at where HOH is headed.

Yeah. So this was an exciting year for us because we crossed the threshold of a long-term 10-year target. And so we had the opportunity to refresh our vision and celebrate not only our progress, but cast new vision as a team this past December in 2023.

Can you share that before we go into 2024? Can you share what that long term target was that you guys crossed in 2023?

We had established a new long term target actually just in about 2018, 2019. The basic of it was we really wanted to be a stronger, healthier company that was over 100 employees, over 30 million in revenue, approaching a healthy profit margin for our business. And we wanted to be independent and with freedom to choose our best fit customers now is really the heart of it was we during that season of growth began to feel kinda trapped and stuck chasing growth and doing business with people that didn't treat us well and it felt like growth you know for growth sake. And before you know it, you look around and you say, all right, I don't feel like I have much agency here. And so we casted a new vision for what healthy, profitable growth would look like for the company with the idea that it provides freedom for us to serve clients that we can not only create value for, but we enjoy a partnership with. And so we crossed a number of those thresholds. We're over a hundred employees now. We exceeded 30 million this year and finished the year at 33 million. And we haven't quite reached the profit margin that we were looking for, but we've made such progress towards it and have momentum that it was time for us to refresh and reset a new long-term target. And so we got to celebrate that as a team, not only just marking the milestone, but also the last two years, we rolled out a new profit sharing program where we share company financials and help engage our team in the numbers. so they can not only see how what they do day-to-day contributes to business and financial results, but then also share in annual profits with a couple weeks of bonus pay each year. So it was a really fun celebration in December, reaching that milestone and doing it as a team. And so where we're going next, we've really renewed our focus on what are we truly passionate about. And at our core, we're passionate about investing, rewarding, and giving for lasting impact. And as a business, we obviously impact our customers, but we're very passionate about not only them, but our coworkers and our broader community. And so, our vision really is all around greater levels of investing, rewarding, and giving. And we've pegged a new target for us, and that is 5,000 facilities where water works. And so, we are currently taking care of just over 1,000 facilities. And so, over the next 10, 20 years, we're not stringent on the deadline because we know Growth may come at different paces, sometimes faster than we think, sometimes slower, but our long-term target is to help 5,000 facilities across the Midwest be places where water works. And so, for us, what that means is not only serving clients in work that matters because water plays a crucial part in a wide range of facilities, whether industrial or commercial properties, but Helping that many facilities also allows us to reward and give in greater ways. And we're super passionate and excited about a commitment we've made over the next four years to a community in Nueva Frontera, Honduras, where we are going to begin taking annual trips as a team to connect with the community that is receiving clean water, in part because of our financial giving through the company. We're super excited to not only be meeting that need of clean water, which helps break the cycle of poverty communities in Honduras are struggling with, But more importantly, to engage our team and to be giving together and to be able to provide the opportunity for folks who have maybe never even been outside the country or traveled to a part of the world where some of the most vulnerable are living. We're really excited to see what happens from that experience beyond just helping others. Many other cool things that come with that growth, but for us, it's about staying true to our core, investing, rewarding, giving, and being excited for more and not scared about the challenges that a larger, more complex company has, but really doubling down on the opportunities it creates for people both at work and at home and stewarding the lasting impact that we've been blessed to help create.

That's beautiful. And it so clearly illustrates the team that you want to be, the organization that you want to be, and the impact that you want to have. And so I would imagine, Reid, that your grandpa and your father would be incredibly proud of that vision and the legacy that you're leading through in this season. As we wrap up our time, I make up, there's a leader who's listening and they are wondering if coaching is a fit for them, for their team. And I'd love to hear from, you know, first you, Tammy, and then, and then you read maybe just like a word of wisdom that you would maybe impart to the individual that's listening, that's starting to kind of wrestle with, I wonder if I'm capable of more. Tammy, what, what's something that you would want to leave the listener with today?

I think the first and foremost thing, you know, we talk about self-care and making sure you're taking care of yourself. And Reid and I have talked and, you know, last year, Chris and Kyle and Ryan, they saw incredible growth. And so I was like, what about me? What am I capable of? And I really started to question, you know, as I am coaching these guys that are going to a different level and metaperformance as a team sport, what am I capable of? So, you know, I'm taking the leap and I'm going to start coaching with Deb along with one of my teammates this year. So a little scared maybe, but super excited for what that's going to look like because I do think there's more to be unlocked in me because these guys are starting to push on me because Deb has taught them so well over the last year that especially Ryan will push what he's really capable of, Tammy. And so what am I capable of? We're going to find out.

One of the things I love about that is so often when we're working with teams, the leaders will say, hey, coaching is for everyone but me. Sometimes that's true, I guess, but actually, you know what, I might take that back. In my experience, as people are growing around you, you do start to have that question and you go, I wonder what I'm capable of. And so what a great example of you stepping into the space yourself and not You know, not only pointing to your team and saying, hey, let's go, let's go see what's going on here with these individuals, but I'm ready to play as well. That's really beautiful. I love that, Tammy. Reid, give us a word. The listener is sitting there and got kind of going. I wonder, I wonder what's next for me and my team. What would you have them to hear from you?

I would say to the leader listening in that's wondering what coaching could look like for them, I think understanding what Tammy had said, that meta-performance is a team sport, is one of the crucial ideas to get here. Whether you individually are looking to get coached or you're looking to bring coaching into your organization, recognizing that it's a journey that is best experienced together and not just you know, with your coach at Novus, but amongst the team. And so for us, and one of my visions, you know, originally when Mark and Tia, they were actually the very first two people two years ago to start coaching, they did group coaching together and then Mark continued on individually. One of the visions we had there was I did want to be challenged through and by their growth. And I was ready for that. I was committed to that. Even though I knew that the coaching format for me, it wasn't the right time yet, I understood that the commitment I was making organizationally with Novus to have Mark and Tia, key leaders in our organization, both HR and finance, get coached, me as their direct manager, I was going to be pushed and challenged as well. And it's been a really exciting and rewarding journey for myself. And so my main word of wisdom is recognizing this is a journey that's best shared together. And I think the format that Novus typically takes where we started as a group, as a team, nobody was on an island doing coaching that no one else on their team understood. The fact that we did a group workshop first and then had individuals go together. It helped us really experience the benefits of coaching with now only having five individuals so far coached individually. It's like we've gotten kind of this multiplier where I would say way more than five people have benefited from the coaching of Novus Global even though only five have directly been coached. And I think for the leader who's maybe investing in someone on their team and do it, just it's a rewarding and challenging opportunity for you as well. And it's been a lot of fun to watch and I'm excited for the growth this next year with Tammy coaching as well as Darius who leads our field service team. It's going to be another exciting year.

Reed, Tammy, Deb, thank you so much for this incredibly powerful conversation, for kind of pulling the curtain back around some of what's happening at HOH. It's been an honor to be a part of the coaching team with you and be a part of a couple of those team experiences. You are up to something really special. You're in it every day. And so it can become like, oh, this is just another day being a part of HOH. But there is something really special happening within your team right now. that I attribute largely to the leadership of both of you and other leaders in your organization. And so I appreciate this time. Maybe you're listening to this episode and you're wondering what you're capable of. You're sitting there saying, yeah, that's that's interesting and all, but, you know, my team does fill in the blank. And I wonder how we could have more of an impact. amongst our team and amongst our customer base. This is an invitation for you to reach out to us through our website. There should be a link right here in the podcast as well, where you can get a little more information about what it's like to work with Novus Global. We appreciate you for listening. Have a great rest of your day.

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