The Faculty Chronicles

In this episode, you will hear Dr. Joseph Hayes from the School of Health Sciences at Touro University New York speak about his journey as an academician and clinician.

What is The Faculty Chronicles?

The Faculty Chronicles (TFC) podcast, sponsored by the Touro Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL), is about building community, connection, and conversation. It will bring to life the stories behind the great works of Touro faculty, across disciplines in all our schools, focusing on classroom innovation in teaching and learning, science, business, medicine, education, wellness and more.

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Hello, everyone.

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Welcome to a new episode of The Faculty

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sponsored by Tara Center of Excellence
in Teaching and Learning.

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I'm Elizabeth Rooney,
co-host of this podcast

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from the Tara College of Pharmacy
in New York.

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Today, we have Dr.

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Joseph Hayes with us as the guest.

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Dr. Hayes is an associate professor
with the physical

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therapy program
at the school of Health Sciences.

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He is it, his M.A.

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and from the Tara College.

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And Doctor of Physical Therapy
from Massachusetts General Hospital.

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He's also the recipient of the 2023

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Total Presidential Award
for Excellence in Teaching.

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Dr. Hayes, welcome to the podcast.

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Thank you.

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It's really great to be here with you
today on The Faculty Chronicles.

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tell us your journey at Tara, when and
where you started and where are you now?

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I started a long, long time ago.

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I was a student in the physical therapy
program graduating in 1991,

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which means I started my tenure,
if you will, with Toro in 1989.

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I was hired in 1993
as a lab teaching assistant

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by one of my faculty mentors
when I was a student.

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And in 1995, I was hired full time

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as an assistant professor
of the physical therapy program.

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And then until 2015,
when I was promoted to an associate

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of physical therapy in the DPT program.

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So with almost three decades

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of experience in teaching,
that's a long time teach.

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What are your secrets to a successful

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is a long time.

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Even though some days
it doesn't feel like it.

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I've enjoyed it so much
and I enjoy being with our students.

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So it's really has flown by.

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And you ask about secrets?

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Honestly, I don't have a lot of secrets.

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There are a few things
I believe that are extremely important.

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And one of them, really,
Elizabeth, is being prepared.

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I feel like I prepare tirelessly

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for every single class that I'm a part of.

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And I know it sounds basic, but I think if

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I update my information,
I update my slides.

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I prepare so that when I'm in front
of the students, it gives me confidence.

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And I think then the students
can feel that.

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And then they're confident in me,
which really makes my job so much easier.

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So I don't really think it's a secret.

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But I do think that if I prepare,
it takes away any nervousness I have.

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It takes away any uncertainty that I have.

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And it makes for a more successful class.

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I also try to be very organized
and the students appreciate that.

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And I know being prepared and
being organized doesn't sound innovative.

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It doesn't sound special.

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But I think sometimes when you take care
of those basic things, that

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it really makes my classes more successful
and the students more engaged.

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I have these

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plans when I go into my classes
and I try to stick to them

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so things don't go off the rails,
if you will.

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But sometimes they do.

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Sometimes students
ask really great questions,

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which leads to great discussions.

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And I have to be able
to be flexible enough to let that happen.

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So I'm organized.

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But I also know
that there is room for discussion.

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And I think those discussions
are really when the magic happens,

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when learning and information
transfer occurs.

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the students are learning
what I want them to learn

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and really retaining that information.

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So being prepared, being organized

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for me has led to my classes.

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I think being successful
and the students enjoying my classes.

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thanks, Joe, for that.

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even though not a secret
and even though not innovative,

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but that talk about being prepared
and being organized with your class

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now, that takes a lot of time
to be organized and to be prepared.

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And you also have a full time
clinical practice and you're

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also a full time faculty,
which means that you have other faculty

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such as service or research.

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So how do you integrate all these things,
your clinical practice

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and your faculty position?

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Well, I don't sleep a lot.

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That's one thing.

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But all in all seriousness,
it takes a lot of work.

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And it took a lot of time

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excuse me, to get to that point where
I could do these things and do them well.

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I was trained as a physical therapist.

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I was not trained as a teacher
and as a physical therapist

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working in a hospital
and then working in my own practice.

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We learned really good time management

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Patients don't want to wait.

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We have to stay on our schedule
and I think that really taught me

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time management skills early on
and the importance of them.

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And then when I started teaching,
realizing that, okay,

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you have a set amount of time,
you have a certain amount of material

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you have to cover,
you need to get yourself organized.

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So I spend a lot of time
in that preparation organization,

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and then I'm lucky.
I have a good team around me.

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I have teaching assistants
that I that I meet with

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and we discuss the plan for class
every day.

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The entire faculty, the program,
the School of Health Sciences supports me.

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Well, in having the time
that I need to prepare for my classes.

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And certainly there are other things.

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There is committee work,
there is research,

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there is visiting students
on their clinical internships.

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So there's lots of things that we do.

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But I think the School of Health Sciences,
the physical therapy department, works

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all of that into our allotted time
so that we can complete all the tasks

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that we need to complete.

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But clinically, that's where
I really learn my time management skills,

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and I really brought that to the classroom
and it has helped me.

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But it it's a lot of time before class,
after class,

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evenings, weekends,
teaching as a full time position.

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But I take that very seriously.

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So always try to make sure that I am
ready to go when it's time to start.

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always good to hear

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that you're teaching is a full time thing
and I'm taking it very seriously.

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You know that confidence
that it gives to the students.

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But also in this your long time
tutorial as a faculty,

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I'm sure a lot of things
have changed over the years.

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How did you adapt to all these changes?

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Well, things have definitely changed.

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One of the things that changed the most,
I think, is our students.

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Their expectations changed.

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Their values have changed over
the decades, Right?

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Generations change.

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So I've always felt like it's
my responsibility to change as well.

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And change is not easy. Elizabeth Right.

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We all know that.

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However, for me,
for most of us in teaching in our school

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Palestinians as we are training future
healthcare professionals,

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and I think that's important to consider

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these students
are going to be taking care of people.

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That's a big responsibility.

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Well, that comes down to me
to start teaching them the basic skills

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and certainly they're going
to learn much more after they leave us.

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But this is where we give them

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the basic tools, the weapons,
if you will, to take care of people.

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And I take that seriously.

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So I had to evolve.

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I had to change with the students

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because it's about them.

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It's not about me.

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It's not about, well,
this is the way I taught it in 1993.

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So this is the way I'm going to teach it
in 2023.

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I can't do that.
The students are different.

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they changed. They require more.

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Not that it's more intense for me or

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their education needs more.

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They learn differently.

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They've grown up differently,

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different educational experiences.

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So that's my responsibility to change.

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So what I'm hearing from you
is that willingness to teach

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you are not holding on to the teaching
philosophy you wrote in 1993.

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You're willing to change and you're
changing it depending on the context

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and depending on the needs
of the students, which have changed a lot.

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Yes, I mean, absolutely.

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We've learned over the years

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that standing up in front of a class of 36
students and pounding out

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a two hour lecture
doesn't lead to learning, right?

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We have to utilize more interactive

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I use more case
studies, active learning strategies,

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and again, in the beginning,
not easy to make those changes,

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but we had to.

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And even with all those efforts,
I think it's always important

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to pay attention
to the energy in the room.

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And I can see that
my students are disconnected.

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They're not really with me.

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It gets a little quieter.

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The number of question
ins gets a little bit less.

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I have to pay attention to that and
I have to stop and do something different.

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Maybe it's a short break.

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Maybe it's a case study.

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Maybe I throw out a question to them.

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Maybe I ask them to turn around
and tell their neighbor

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in the classroom something they
we just talked about or something

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they just learned.

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I would have never done
that at when I started teaching.

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We just taught and talked
and talked and talked and we were really,

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you know, the sage on the stage,
if you will.

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And that just doesn't lead to learning.

00:10:01:10 - 00:10:04:10
Wow. So
you said something in the beginning.

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Change is difficult and nobody wants
to change, but you did change.

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So what are some of the total resources

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that you have used
to adapt to these changes?

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So I think

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if we're going to talk about change,
we also have to talk about COVID, right?

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Because that was a huge change.

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I remember in March of 2020,
I was teaching a kinesiology

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class in the orthopedics
class in the spring semester,

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and then suddenly
I was teaching them on Zoom.

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That was very different for me.

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I knew about Zoom.

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I hadn't really used it very much
as far as I knew they were only doing that

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in the Dean's office
for special meetings, right?

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That wasn't for for faculty.
That was something special.

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But we

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Zoom and we learned it from the school.

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The School of Health Sciences had so many
resources for us during early parts of

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our faculty development,
so many resources for us to use.

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I went from standing with my students
in the classroom, being with them

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to sitting in my kitchen
trying to show how to stretch

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patients, examine patients,

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demonstrate movement and injuries.

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And it wasn't working.

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So again, it was that forceful change
that we had to have.

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But certainly I was willing to do it

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and I decided, well, I needed to change.

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So I set up a camera on a tripod
in my clinic.

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I got up from the kitchen table
and I started

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being a little bit
more like the classroom.

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And then as soon as they allowed us
back in school, I came back into school.

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I was in the classroom, just me

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and the Zoom camera and that's it.

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And the students were home,
but they could see me in the classroom.

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It felt a little bit more normal.

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And I think that reassure them
that they were still learning

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that their education was going to be okay.

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And that's the

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most I could ask for at that point,
that they felt reassured.

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They were learning
the things they needed to learn.

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Things were going to be okay.
They were going to graduate.

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They're going to take their licensing exam

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and they're going to be
physical therapists.

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And it reassured me as well.

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I felt like I was teaching again.

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And that was a big difference.

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But I couldn't have done that
without my program,

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So my colleagues in the faculty,
we were constantly

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problem solving and trying to figure out
how are we going to do this on Zoom?

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How are we going to test the students,
How are we going to demonstrate

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techniques, have them demonstrate
them back so we could watch right?

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We had those resource available.

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All the classrooms suddenly had cameras,
we had microphones,

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we had tripods, we had the information
technology department helping us.

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So there was so much support
that I felt like I wasn't doing it alone.

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You add in the fact that we have
an instructional design team,

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a school of Health sciences,
and we made it work.

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And when we
when we were able to come back in person,

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I felt like we hit the ground running
and we hadn't missed too much.

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So you
talked about faculty and colleagues.

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You know, they're always there with this
and they should be

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a big source of support
and resource for us.

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But many times
we forget that they are there

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and we reach out for,
you know, bigger resources or experts.

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tell us a little more about
how did you use your faculty

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and colleagues to improve your teaching

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or to make it better each day?

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So that's a great question.

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And it really started from the top, right?

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So my director, Dr. Jill,
her backwards and my chair, Dr.

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Robert Triano,

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encouraged us to reach out to each other
to see what other people were doing

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in the department on Zoom, what techniques
and and strategies they were using.

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And we would meet and talk by Zoom
sometimes in person

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about what was working in the
virtual classroom and what wasn't working

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So I remember one of my colleagues
and I who were coaching a class

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and we had to try
to figure out how to run a lab,

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but we weren't allowed
to have 36 students in a classroom.

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So now we had two labs
in two different parts of the building

00:14:05:00 - 00:14:08:14
and we had to set up cameras
and microphones so people could hear us.

00:14:08:14 - 00:14:11:17
We could hear them, we could demonstrate
something in one classroom.

00:14:11:17 - 00:14:13:07
The other students can see it.

00:14:13:07 - 00:14:16:04
they encouraged us to work together.

00:14:16:04 - 00:14:18:03
And I will say
we will always work together.

00:14:18:03 - 00:14:21:15
We have a great faculty here
the Department.

00:14:21:17 - 00:14:26:09
But when it went to Zoom,
we all felt isolated.

00:14:26:11 - 00:14:29:09
They didn't let that happen,
They said, You guys have to talk.

00:14:29:09 - 00:14:30:03
We have to talk.

00:14:30:03 - 00:14:32:22
We have to get together,
we have to make a plan.

00:14:32:22 - 00:14:34:11
And we really made it work.

00:14:34:11 - 00:14:36:04
Was it ideal? No.

00:14:36:04 - 00:14:38:05
But we didn't lose time.

00:14:38:05 - 00:14:41:24
Not a single student
graduated late from the program.

00:14:42:01 - 00:14:43:13
We got it all done.

00:14:43:13 - 00:14:46:07
And that couldn't be done
without the whole team.

00:14:46:07 - 00:14:47:03
Well, that's beautiful.

00:14:47:03 - 00:14:52:16
The way you have that pride in your
in your faculty and the team that's there.

00:14:52:18 - 00:14:56:14
I also know that one of the senior faculty
in the physical therapy program,

00:14:56:19 - 00:14:59:08
and you might be having junior faculty
out there.

00:14:59:08 - 00:15:01:10
So how do you all work together?

00:15:01:10 - 00:15:04:00
you reach out to them?
They reach out to you.

00:15:04:00 - 00:15:06:16
How does that collegiality works?

00:15:06:16 - 00:15:10:12
So I guess that was modeled for me
right from the start

00:15:10:12 - 00:15:12:03
when I was even a teaching assistant.

00:15:12:03 - 00:15:15:02
It was a great system in place of mentors.

00:15:15:02 - 00:15:18:08
I never felt as a new faculty member
that I was alone

00:15:18:10 - 00:15:22:17
and that I could go to any of my fellow
faculty members who had so many more years

00:15:22:17 - 00:15:25:17
experience than I did
and ask them simple questions

00:15:25:22 - 00:15:28:22
from things like,
Do you think this would work?

00:15:29:02 - 00:15:30:18
How about these test questions?

00:15:30:18 - 00:15:32:19
there was this always this team approach.

00:15:32:19 - 00:15:36:20
And it may be cliché,
but we don't really work in silos.

00:15:36:22 - 00:15:37:17
We work together.

00:15:37:17 - 00:15:39:10
Our offices are all next to each other.

00:15:39:10 - 00:15:40:24
We're all here during the week.

00:15:40:24 - 00:15:43:02
We were all available during COVID

00:15:43:02 - 00:15:46:24
when we weren't in our offices next
to each other for regular meetings.

00:15:47:01 - 00:15:49:14
We all learned how to use Zoom
and get in touch with each other,

00:15:49:14 - 00:15:51:03
and it wouldn't
be a whole faculty meeting.

00:15:51:03 - 00:15:52:10
It might just be me

00:15:52:10 - 00:15:54:16
and someone who was more senior
than I was,

00:15:54:16 - 00:15:56:15
or someone
who was just starting in the program.

00:15:56:15 - 00:15:59:20
And now here they are trying
learn teaching techniques during COVID.

00:16:00:00 - 00:16:01:20
it is informal.

00:16:01:20 - 00:16:05:01
I can walk out of my office,
I can knock on the door someone and say,

00:16:05:06 - 00:16:06:05
How's it going?

00:16:06:05 - 00:16:08:03
I got good feedback
from some of the students

00:16:08:03 - 00:16:10:04
about your class
that you started teaching.

00:16:10:04 - 00:16:11:18
I heard this about you.

00:16:11:18 - 00:16:14:18
So some of the things in class
I wanted to talk about it,

00:16:14:20 - 00:16:19:22
whatever it may be, and I know it again,
there's so much support from our chair

00:16:19:22 - 00:16:23:01
and our directors
who meet with individual faculty

00:16:23:01 - 00:16:27:00
for yearly reviews, etc.,
And they met with me and said, you know,

00:16:27:00 - 00:16:30:10
I know you're doing this,
maybe you should talk to so-and-so,

00:16:30:10 - 00:16:34:05
another faculty member,
about what they did when they taught that

00:16:34:07 - 00:16:36:20
in any school, in
any school, health science or

00:16:36:20 - 00:16:39:20
Health care professionals program,
there's a lot of overlap.

00:16:39:22 - 00:16:42:16
So when someone we have these

00:16:42:16 - 00:16:45:15
horrors, often
vertical themes in our program.

00:16:45:15 - 00:16:46:10
we need to make sure we're

00:16:46:10 - 00:16:50:02
all on the same page and communicating
a consistent message to the students.

00:16:50:05 - 00:16:52:13
So we need to interact with each other.

00:16:52:13 - 00:16:56:01
And I'm not sure if you know, but
the Doctor, the physical therapy program

00:16:56:03 - 00:16:57:14
has two campuses, right?

00:16:57:14 - 00:16:59:18
You have a campus on Long Island,
and we have a campus

00:16:59:18 - 00:17:01:19
at three Times Square in New York City.

00:17:01:19 - 00:17:08:02
So you would think two campuses,
individuals, but it's one program.

00:17:08:04 - 00:17:09:04
And our chair

00:17:09:04 - 00:17:12:08
again, fosters that We meet
three times a year for joint faculty

00:17:12:08 - 00:17:17:00
meetings to discuss student teaching,
program development, faculty development.

00:17:17:06 - 00:17:19:24
And there's always time
for us to speak to our counterpart.

00:17:19:24 - 00:17:23:05
So the person who teaches kinesiology
and orthopedics and physical therapy

00:17:23:05 - 00:17:28:17
examination, my classes in the city
campus, we talk about what we're teaching,

00:17:28:19 - 00:17:33:15
And we discuss what's worked for them,
what hasn't worked what's worked for me.

00:17:33:17 - 00:17:36:17
And I think when you can get together
like that

00:17:36:20 - 00:17:40:18
and talk these things out, it's
another professional

00:17:40:20 - 00:17:45:09
who teaching the same material
that's special in my opinion.

00:17:45:09 - 00:17:48:24
I always have someone to lean
on, someone to turn to and say, Listen,

00:17:48:24 - 00:17:53:05
I talked about X, Y, and Z tonight,
and it fell flat on its face.

00:17:53:07 - 00:17:53:20

00:17:53:20 - 00:17:56:03
When you talk about this, what did you do?

00:17:56:03 - 00:17:58:23
And it may work
the other way. They may ask me.

00:17:59:00 - 00:18:01:05
But sort of get back to your question
about junior faculty.

00:18:01:05 - 00:18:02:12
Senior faculty.

00:18:02:12 - 00:18:06:05
We're just encouraged to reach out there,
encouraged to reach out to us.

00:18:06:07 - 00:18:08:13
It works. Awesome.

00:18:08:13 - 00:18:12:11
you said something when we started talk,
you said that you were trained

00:18:12:11 - 00:18:16:00
to be a physical therapist
and not to be a teacher.

00:18:16:02 - 00:18:20:18
there must have been some challenges
that you faced during your teaching days,

00:18:20:20 - 00:18:23:15
especially at the beginning, more
so than now.

00:18:23:15 - 00:18:28:07
So what was some of the challenges
that you faced and how did you overcome

00:18:28:07 - 00:18:33:16
it? Well, I will say now my students
won't believe this if they ever hear this.

00:18:33:18 - 00:18:38:10
I was completely afraid of public speaking

00:18:38:12 - 00:18:40:18
when I was in school,
and they started talking

00:18:40:18 - 00:18:44:05
about group projects
and then presenting to your class.

00:18:44:07 - 00:18:45:17
I broke out in a sweat.

00:18:45:17 - 00:18:49:13
It was a real visceral reaction
to stand up in front of the classroom

00:18:49:13 - 00:18:52:13
and talk to 30 of my classmates
about something.

00:18:52:13 - 00:18:54:21
No way I couldn't do it.

00:18:54:21 - 00:18:55:15
And the reason

00:18:55:15 - 00:18:57:23
the students won't believe it is
because now

00:18:57:23 - 00:18:59:09
you get me in front of a group of people.

00:18:59:09 - 00:19:01:22
I can't stop talking. Okay?

00:19:01:22 - 00:19:04:00
I love being with the students.

00:19:04:00 - 00:19:06:11
I love talking about these things

00:19:06:13 - 00:19:09:00
and talking about physical therapy.

00:19:09:00 - 00:19:11:10
And now, like I said,
no problem. Speaking.

00:19:11:10 - 00:19:12:23
Even when I run the School of Health

00:19:12:23 - 00:19:15:23
Science, graduation was 1000
plus people in the audience.

00:19:16:03 - 00:19:16:22
No problem.

00:19:16:22 - 00:19:19:06
No sweating, no visceral reactions.

00:19:19:06 - 00:19:21:04
I just make it work.

00:19:21:04 - 00:19:26:08
And I hate to sort of go back to where
we were before, but I just prepared.

00:19:26:10 - 00:19:31:02
I feel like there's no better way
to take care of nerves and gain confidence

00:19:31:04 - 00:19:35:05
and to know you're prepared,
but it took a lot of practice it as well.

00:19:35:11 - 00:19:37:13
You just have to get up there
and you have to do it.

00:19:37:13 - 00:19:41:12
You have to interact with the students,
run labs, etc., etc.

00:19:41:14 - 00:19:44:03
And I think that being a physical

00:19:44:03 - 00:19:48:15
helped as well, because we're always
sort of teaching our patients and talking

00:19:48:15 - 00:19:52:11
to patients, talking to other health
care team members about things.

00:19:52:13 - 00:19:55:05
So the public speaking
fear started to go away.

00:19:55:05 - 00:20:00:13
And I'm pretty comfortable saying
that I've sort of licked that fear now.

00:20:00:15 - 00:20:01:02
But the other

00:20:01:02 - 00:20:04:20
thing was something we talked about
earlier was time management.

00:20:04:22 - 00:20:07:24
Suddenly I was seeing patients
and I was teaching students

00:20:07:24 - 00:20:11:20
and preparing lectures and writing tests,

00:20:11:22 - 00:20:14:09
and that's
when I reached out to other faculty.

00:20:14:09 - 00:20:18:14
That's what I reached out to my director
at the time in my chair and said,

00:20:18:16 - 00:20:22:21
How do I do this
and how am I going to get this all done?

00:20:22:23 - 00:20:24:04
And they reassured me.

00:20:24:04 - 00:20:26:03
They said, You'll get it done, okay?

00:20:26:03 - 00:20:27:12
And I worked hard.

00:20:27:12 - 00:20:29:08
I was prepared. I was organized.

00:20:29:08 - 00:20:30:16
I got help from people.

00:20:30:16 - 00:20:34:03
I had good people around me
and I was able to make it work.

00:20:34:03 - 00:20:39:19
And I overcame those challenges
of really going from a clinician

00:20:39:21 - 00:20:42:18
to academia.

00:20:42:18 - 00:20:46:08
And that was a big job.

00:20:46:10 - 00:20:46:18
But it

00:20:46:18 - 00:20:51:17
was one that I think luckily I've made
successfully because I had that support

00:20:51:19 - 00:20:55:04
not only from my department
but from the School of Health Sciences.

00:20:55:06 - 00:20:57:04
Always healthy.

00:20:57:04 - 00:20:58:09
so awesome.

00:20:58:09 - 00:21:01:24
going back to that clinical practice,
you which you do full time,

00:21:02:01 - 00:21:06:02
how is that experience
help with your teaching?

00:21:06:04 - 00:21:08:08
So it definitely help me with my teaching.

00:21:08:08 - 00:21:11:16
And I have to say my teaching
helps me with my clinical practice.

00:21:11:18 - 00:21:13:11
They go hand in hand.

00:21:13:11 - 00:21:18:16
as a teacher and especially in the ever
changing health care field,

00:21:18:18 - 00:21:21:10
I mean, how we take care of
people is very different than what

00:21:21:10 - 00:21:25:07
I learned in school in 1991
we know so much more.

00:21:25:09 - 00:21:27:16
I have to stay abreast of that knowledge.

00:21:27:16 - 00:21:30:10
I have to be current in my evidence.

00:21:30:10 - 00:21:32:09
So I read a ton.

00:21:32:09 - 00:21:34:10
Well, that helps me in the clinic.

00:21:34:10 - 00:21:37:16
That makes me be the best
possible clinician I can be.

00:21:37:18 - 00:21:40:04
And then since I'm seeing patients,

00:21:40:04 - 00:21:42:13
I can come back into the classroom
and say, Listen,

00:21:42:13 - 00:21:47:07
this is what the research says, but
this is how it happens in the real world.

00:21:47:09 - 00:21:52:10
And it may be as simple as I saw a patient
last night and the students absolutely

00:21:52:14 - 00:21:56:11
wake up there, they all they look up,
they become engaged.

00:21:56:11 - 00:21:58:19
You're like, I want to hear about this.

00:21:58:19 - 00:22:01:17
And I tell them these case studies
and I tell them the outcomes.

00:22:01:17 - 00:22:03:08
And I follow up a couple of weeks later

00:22:03:08 - 00:22:05:20
and let them know how the patients
are doing.

00:22:05:20 - 00:22:08:16
And honestly,
some successful clinical stories.

00:22:08:16 - 00:22:11:15
But they also have to learn that
maybe there's not always successes.

00:22:11:15 - 00:22:15:13
We don't always hit a run,
But I know bringing real life

00:22:15:13 - 00:22:21:14
into the classroom helps drive home
the points and adds to some credibility.

00:22:21:16 - 00:22:24:11
I'm not sitting in my office
reading articles and telling you

00:22:24:11 - 00:22:27:06
this is how you take care of a patient
after a knee replacement.

00:22:27:06 - 00:22:30:03
I'm telling them I saw a patient
with a knee replacement last night.

00:22:30:03 - 00:22:31:08
This is how they presented.

00:22:31:08 - 00:22:33:05
This is what we did. This worked.

00:22:33:05 - 00:22:34:16
This didn't work.

00:22:34:16 - 00:22:39:20
I feel so lucky to be able to do
both clinical work and teaching.

00:22:39:22 - 00:22:42:20
And I think they really complement
each other.

00:22:42:20 - 00:22:47:03
And it's made me a better clinician
and I think a better teacher as well.

00:22:47:05 - 00:22:47:23

00:22:47:23 - 00:22:49:05

00:22:49:05 - 00:22:52:19
thank you, Joe, for this wonderful
talk on teaching

00:22:52:19 - 00:22:58:08
and congratulations on that presidential
award for Excellence in Teaching.

00:22:58:10 - 00:22:59:08
Thank you very much.

00:22:59:08 - 00:23:02:12
You know, and it was honor to win
that award and for teaching for so long.

00:23:02:12 - 00:23:04:08
It was nice to be recognized.

00:23:04:08 - 00:23:08:08
And I really do feel like that
it was an individual award,

00:23:08:10 - 00:23:13:05
but it was an award for my department
as well as the School of Health Sciences.

00:23:13:05 - 00:23:14:20
It was it was really an honor to win.

00:23:14:20 - 00:23:18:04
And I thank you for this opportunity
to be able to talk about these things.

00:23:18:06 - 00:23:22:17
And hopefully, maybe people who listen
will gain some knowledge from this.

00:23:22:19 - 00:23:24:06

00:23:24:06 - 00:23:26:22
thank you to all our listeners signing off

00:23:26:22 - 00:23:30:08
and only your podcast
host until the next episode.