Welcome Adjudicators to another episode
of Disputed where two fictional characters
go head to head armed with only their
advocates and you will decide the outcome.
Oh, yeah.
How you doing, man?
I am fantastic.
How are you?
Ah, better than most.
Not as good as some.
So let's tell us, tell
the folks who we are.
Well, Hey nerds, I'm Demond.
Father of two husband, and one, you may
know me from such podcast as Demond Does,
A Different World pod, and In The Stacks,
the library podcast or, you may not.
Well, thank you, Demond.
I am Dean, master of so
many things podcasting.
You may have may know me from the
PodScure Podcasts Network and its
corresponding podcast, How Are Ya Now?
the Letterkenny podcast, The Boondocks
podcast, and the upcoming Come
With Me If You Want To Live or Get
Away From Me You Bitch podcasts.
That's what I'm involved with.
You liked that one?
Good, good, man.
We had fun last time.
I know it's been three weeks since yeah,
cause we had the holiday there, but Man
that last episode, it was the most votes.
I think we had a, no, I take that back.
So it was not the most votes I misread
that it is, we didn't get a lot of votes.
I'll put it that way.
That being said we did get a
good deal of votes that Brock
Sampson versus Black Dynamite.
Black Dynamite came away
with the victory 86%.
So yeah, I think that's probably the
most lopsided, I think we've had so
far, so a big congrats to MC E-mazing
for doing such an e-mazing job.
And yeah, Sean, you were a fantastic
advocate for Brock Sampson.
Unfortunately, things just
didn't didn't work out for you.
I'm sorry.
But but yeah Brock that, to me, that
was a much more evenly matched pair up.
Just in my view, I think there's just a
lot more Black Dynamite fans out there.
I think some of these votes or
these results I think are result
of just the fan base that we
have so far and who they like.
Yeah, I'm surprised if I was again, like
with Spike and Cassidy, which is pretty
lopsided I was surprised that Black, I was
surprised Black Dynamite won to be honest.
And I surprised that he washed
Brock Samson the way he did.
Oh, big time.
Remember, this a vote, if we were writing
it, they probably would've ended up in
a of smoke and created the Grand Canyon.
So there's that?
So yeah, I I was kinda surprised
myself on how that how that came out.
I was expecting it to be much closer.
Cause, and in all honesty I honestly
feel that if they fought each
other, it would just be dead even
There's no there's no winner really there.
We were the winners.
We would be the winners.
Very, very true.
So, anything else, or should
we, are you ready to introduce
our advocates for this week?
I am ready.
All right, so let's bring them in here.
So we've got Michael from the no
fate podcast and we've got Ryan
from the wreck yourself, I guess.
So, I'm gonna go ahead and do what
I do with introducing Michael.
Our first advocate for today, hails
from the Windy City, spent some time,
the Big Sky Country, but now takes
up residence in the City Of Angels.
Some call him MJ and some occasionally
referred to him as no knees on account
of him being born without kneecaps.
I like to think that he probably owed
some money to the mob, but in any case,
give it up for Michael John Petty.
Ah, Michael Michael, Michael MJ.
Oh, we
for having me
I like me some MJs.
I got MJ on the Boondocks podcast.
So MJ's are good folks.
So MJ, who are you
advocating for today and why?
And what do you bring to the.
So I'm advocating for Sarah Connor,
because as you mentioned, I host
a Terminator podcast called No
Fate: A Terminator Podcast with
one of my good buddies Tanner.
And ultimately I hope to
bring Sarah to the table.
I mean, I kind of think
she speaks for herself.
I don't think I have to really
embellish a whole lot as far as her
capabilities and her qualifications.
I just think that they
need to be taken to.
Ah, well that, you know, you're not wrong.
So what do you bring to the
table as far as as far as Sarah
and your devotion to this.
I've been I've been a Terminator
fan for a really long time
since I was in high school.
And I just immediately fell in love
with Terminator 2 specifically,
I'm a huge fan of the Sarah
Connor Chronicles television show.
That's actually a huge reason why
we started our podcast in the first
place is because very few people
were doing that sort of thing.
And I had listened to a Sarah Connor
Chronicles podcast a long time
ago, but it has since long gone.
So we decided to do our own.
Right on.
I I watched that when it came out
and enjoyed it very much I kind of,
missed, you know, I, I was kind of
bummed out when they took it off.
Cause it was it was a fun show.
Lena Heady was an amazing
as Connor, so yeah.
So, and she's proved herself time and
time again, you know, even, you know,
up to, through a game of Thrones.
So yeah.
So Demond.
Do you ready to to
introduce your advocate?
Yes, I am.
Our next advocate is from
Southeast Pennsylvania.
Unaware of having nicknames.
I'm sure he was called lots of things.
Such as signals, intelligence analyst,
Korean linguists, archeology researcher,
and all the way up until now in
technical service, please make some
noise for the man with no nickname.
No Nicknames Needed: RYAN
I don't think anybody's ever said by
name that enthusiastically before.
Thank you.
I'd hire you to go anywhere with me.
Yeah, we're all about gassing
up our our folks here, so
If you don't feel like a big deal before
you got here, you're a big, you feel
like you should feel like a big deal now.
That's our job.
Damn right.
Well, thank you.
You're doing a fine job at it.
Well, thank you,
I only hope that I can do that
introduction justice today.
I expect nothing less.
let you.
So first of all, Ryan, who are
you advocating for this evening?
And also why?
I am advocating for humanity, which
means I'm supporting Ellen Ripley.
has a fantastic track record
of preventing apocalypses.
No, I think she's a bad ass.
And honestly, you know, as far as
what I'm bringing to the table you
know, in, when I went to college, I
I took some cyborg feminism classes.
I wrote some papers on Terminator.
I was ready to tackle this from
a very intellectual standpoint.
I've got all my T's crossed my I's dotted.
I'm ready to go.
Very nice.
Oh, yeah.
Bringing that smoke.
What I like to hear.
All right.
So, all right.
So I will talk about this episode now.
This episode brings the disputes
between two of the most iconic women
to command a James Cameron franchise,
who are these two bad-ass protagonists.
You asked only two of the most dedicated,
brilliant and loyal ladies ever to body, a
final boss and rescue those in their care.
Sarah Connor versus Ellen Ripley.
All right.
So the rules are as such.
Each person will get a five minute
opening statement followed by their
opponents rebuttal for two minutes.
I have buttons that will signal.
I will signal off when I've
started and you'll hear a noise
once you've hit that time.
After that.
Each host, Demond and I, will ask
a question for which you will be
able to answer over two minutes and
there may or may not be questions
from the crowd who is watching and
anyone who's watching, if you have a
question for either of our advocates,
please put them in the comments.
I think, I don't think you can do
that through Twitter, but I think
you can through everything else.
So Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.
So after that, yeah.
So after that you get a two
minute closing arguments each
and then everybody will go vote.
You can bank time.
So if you have say, you've only used three
minutes of your opening statement and you
want to bank that extra two minutes for
something else you need, you just say so.
And and then also Demond, and I have the
full wherewithal to extend time for you.
Another 30 seconds.
All right.
Any questions before we get going?
So, being that you were the first
advocate, MJ, you will, you are, will be
on the clock for oh my God, Sarah Connor.
I don't, my brain is just like,
I'm like even wearing a Terminator shirt.
I know, I know, man.
It's just sometimes, you know,
I'm moving in less than two weeks.
My brain is not all here.
So, so I'm going to go ahead and start
the clock for five minutes and you are on.
So I would a hundred percent trust
Sarah Connor over Ellen Ripley to get
me out of a bad spot because she has the
adequate training to do so, you know,
after spending the majority of her adult
life learning basic combat self-defense
military grade weapons training.
Not to mention her ability to keep
a low profile and get off the grid.
If necessary.
Sarah Connor is a flesh and
blood machine who will stop at
nothing to protect her charge.
While Ripley only fights
for her own survival.
Sarah fights, as the mother
of John Connor, the future
leader of the human resistance.
With infinitely more pressure, Sarah has
to teach her son everything his future
self would come to know, from his ability
to lead to basic toughness and integrity.
It all came from this incredible
single mother who stopped at
nothing to not just protect him,
but prepare him for the future.
If Sarah Connor decides that
you're worth protecting, you
don't really have any reason to
think you won't make it out alive.
On various occasions, differing versions
of Sarah, protected and kept safe
John Connor, Kyle Reese, Danny
Ramos from different incarnations of
terminators, each scarier than the last.
She won't think twice about
jumping straight into the fire,
if it means getting you out alive.
Though her tactical skills rarely
call for anything so drastic.
When we first meet Sarah, she's
a scared 19 year old girl who has
no idea what her future holds.
When she finds out,
after some convincing, of course,
she commits her life to not only
stopping the T-800 that's after her,
but also preparing her son for his
role in the world's salvation from the
Skynet, a foe who is neither living,
nor breathing, who you can't just
eject into space and hope goes away.
Yet, it's with this way of the world
on her shoulders that she presses
on hoping to stop judgement day.
Yes, there are different
incarnations of Sarah Connor who
hail from different timelines.
The first to follow the Sarah Connor, we
all know played by Linda Hamilton, the
most iconic version, probably the one that
we're all thinking of immediately when we
think of Sarah Connor, but Genesys reboots
the character through Emilia Clarke into
a born warrior who was actually raised
by a Terminator, which gives her a
different kind of advantage in some ways.
Add to that the Dark Fate incarnation
which suffered a terrible loss yet
continues to hunt machines so that
no one else has to feel her pain.
This isn't even dimension Lena Headey's
interpretation in the Sarah Connor
Chronicles, which humanizes Sarah in
a way that none of the other films
could in a very motherly way, very
similar to Ripley in in some respects
while also keeping Sarah's edge.
Throughout the short-lived series,
she does her best to train her son for
the future while also trying to stop
that future from ever even occurring.
If these different timelines
prove anything about Sarah
though, it's that she's consistent
no matter her circumstances.
No matter the stakes she will stop
at nothing to save the world and
those she cares deepest about.
That said, though,
Terminator 2: Judgment Day.
The greatest action film of all time,
by the way, provides us with our
most iconic version of Sarah Connor.
The one who fights the T-1000 to the
death in order to stop Synet's apocalypse.
Here, Linda Hamilton's Sarah stands
up to Arnold Schwarzenegger's classic
T-800 and actually has proven time and
time again to be just as culturally
iconic and important, if not more
so than the Terminator himself.
But let's take a look at Sarah's failures
quick so that we can be transparent here
because she's not without her flaws.
In Dark Fate, the film opens with
Sarah losing John to the T-800
only a year after the events of T2.
And while I personally think this
is the worst possible decision and
the most uncharacteristic ever made
in the Terminator franchise it's
worth noting that this is also the
only onscreen timeline in which
Sarah actually fails that mission.
In the original James Cameron films, she
succeeds and seemingly stops judgment day.
In Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines and
Terminator: Salvation, it's clear that
she trained John adequately and gave him
enough weapons and prophetic information
to take down Skynet in the future.
In Genesys, she saves Kyle Reese from his
usual death and stops Skynet from being
born, rewriting the timeline completely.
And in Dark Fate, she helps protect the
new leader of the human resistance, Danny,
and actually takes her under her wing.
This isn't even to mention all
the people she saves in Sarah
Connor Chronicles as well.
But the point is that Sarah rarely loses.
And while Ripley may ultimately
win against the Xenomorphs more
often than not, it's at a cost.
And that cost is usually just
about everyone around her.
While Sarah May lose some folks
along the way, those she saves
always how number though she loses.
And that is why I would
trust her with my life.
All right.
So you will be banking,
if you want, 45 seconds.
I'll take it.
All right.
All right.
So, Ryan, if you are ready, I'm going to
bring you over here and you will start
your two minute rebuttal for Ellen Ripley.
All right.
Well, I'd like to compliment Michael
first and foremost for his excellent
job of representing Sarah Connor.
She is an iconic female hero.
However, I think you may have
downplayed some of her faults.
I can't seem to remember who the ultimate
bad guy at the end of Terminator:
Genesys was, but I'm pretty sure that's
another John Connor that didn't make it.
I'll go ahead and bank the rest
of my time and roll it right into
my five minute prepared statement.
All right.
So give me a second and
I will switch that over.
That's a unique tactic.
There you go.
So you got, yeah you got five six
and a half minutes, basically.
First and foremost, Ellen
Ripley is the hero of her story.
Sarah Connor is a supporting character
destined to shepherd others so that
they can lead the resistance against
Skynet or Legion or John Connor.
I'm looking at you, Emelia
Clark, Sarah Connor, whatever.
At her best, she's a valuable
member of an ensemble cast.
At her worst, a victim along for the ride.
In the first film, Michael Beihn's,
Kyle Reese declares that it's
just him and the terminator.
He isn't there to help
Sarah defeat a Terminator.
He's there to prevent the Terminator
from killing Sarah, and he succeeds.
By the time she gets to push the
button to destroy that Terminator
it's down to a single limb.
He has stuffed the pipe bomb
in its chest and done it in.
He's there to prevent like I
said, he's there to prevent the
Terminator from killing Sarah.
In the film that defined her role in
the series, T2 judgment day, Arnold
Schwarzenegger's T-800 does most
of the heavy lifting and combat.
Sarah was at her most capable in
that movie when escaping from the
mental hospital, a plot that would
have been foiled, had it not been
for the arrival of John Connor and
a couple of dueling terminators as
she was being swarmed by orderlies.
Her biggest contribution to combat in
the first two films is steering the truck
while strong men make things explode.
So much for "girl power".
In contrast, Ellen Ripley takes charge
of every situation, whether surrounded
by a platoon of space Marines or
murderous criminals, she earns their
respect and ultimately takes charge
of the fight against the Xenomorphs.
Although she does her share of driving
and she manages to kill aliens even
while driving and undoubtedly ultimately
kills her foes, Sarah does not.
And if you want to talk about efficiency
in 1979's Alien, Ripley dispatches her
first killer robot with 30 minutes left
to spare, leaving plenty of time for
her to single-handedly defeat the alien
that's killed the rest of her crew.
And let's be honest, it's hard to
ignore James Cameron's mommy issues,
the entire Terminator franchise and the
Alien franchise from the second film
on are steeped in weird mommy trauma.
Ripley saddled with the nurturing Newt
and facing off against the alien queen
and the second film, and then confronted
with the choice to essentially give birth
to an alien queen in the third movie.
She chooses instead to throw
herself into molten metal.
That's what heroes do when the
future of humanity is on the line.
And it's how you know that Sarah,
Connor's not the hero of her best
outing in the Terminator franchise.
Big metal thumbs up to Ripley.
She gets it.
Sarah, by contrast, clings to the
message from her future son, that there
is no fate while blindly accepting
the role that he is assigned her.
Saying that Sarah is the hero of
her story is like saying Mary is
the hero of the new Testament.
Unlike a cyborg sent from the
future, it does not track.
Ripley's unwavering good
judgment is evident all the
way back in the first film.
She's the first that determined that
the beacon they followed as a warning.
When Lambert and Dallas bring, Kane
back to the ship with a face hugger
attached to him, Ripley refuses
them entry to to avoid exposing the
ship to an unknown contamination.
Her good judgment would have saved
all, but one member of the Nostromo.
By by contrast, Sarah Connor upon
realizing that multiple Sarah Connors had
been slain and sensing danger immediately
calls her roommate, Ginger, and leaves
a message advertising her location.
The Terminator uses that message to find
her and dozens of people die as collateral
damage in the hunt for John Connor's mom.
Michael makes some great points about
all the people that she saves, but
what about all the people that get
waxed by terminators along the way?
In Alien 2.
Ripley warns the company to evacuate
the colony because of the Xenomorph
threat, which they ignore and
predictably, it gets out of hand.
Again, if they'd followed Ripley's
advice, none of this would have happened.
This results in them asking her to come on
as a consultant for the rescue operation.
She consistently shows a
superior understanding of
the danger of the situation.
Ultimately evacuating four survive...
four survivors.
And I hate to be a bean counter here, but
Michael Beihn makes it through this one.
He doesn't get killed until Alien 3.
By contrast in her second outting, Sarah
runs off half cocked to go assassinate
Miles, Dyson, shooting him in the
shoulder and traumatizing his family
before John and the T-800 show up.
Shown a little bit of evidence and find
out that he's actually a pretty good guy
who signs up to save humanity on the spot.
Her poor judgment almost cost them
a powerful ally who ends up being
instrumental in taking down Cyberdine.
In virtually every Alien film, if everyone
listens to what Ripley says to do from
the beginning, disaster can be averted.
Sarah Connor's track record is
spotty at best, but she isn't.
The most stable person is she?
In Dark Fate she reveals that
she's here to kill terminators
and get blackout drunk.
And honestly, most of the time
she's fresh out of terminators.
So it's not like she's
killing them every day.
It's mostly just getting blackout drunk.
Sarah has access to knowledge
of present day weaponry, and
she knows how to handle them.
Ripley has access to futuristic assault,
weapons, flamethrowers, APCs, cargo-loader
exoskeletons, and her arsenal is
deeper and more dangerous than Sarah's.
Furthermore, Ripley knows how things work.
Remember when she determined that the
space Marines rounds could potentially
detonate the nuclear facility, they
were in the base that they were in
based on looking at the schematic?
That's something that the corporate
executive planning the mission, the
android, and the military leadership miss.
Ripley caught it.
She can also pilot a spaceship.
Her scientific knowledge gives her
an edge when it comes to planning
and understanding futuristic threats.
Sarah is just sitting around getting
drunk, waiting to blow things up.
In a hand-to-hand fight, Sarah
might have an edge in training.
Especially the Emilia Clarke version.
But if she's fighting Ripley from
Alien Resurrection, she's fighting
a, Ripley who's been spliced with
Xenomorph DNA, giving her super
strength, agility, acid, blood, and
a psychic connection to the aliens.
At this point in the franchise,
Ripley's a couple of hundred years
old has super powers and has never
allowed humanity to get wiped out.
Sarah got older and drunker.
You can't seem to stop the
future for being taken over by
killer robots, advantage Ripley.
And if you want to compare apples to
apples, In 2000 and the 2001 Dark Horse
comics in 2001 Dark Horse comics released
Alien vs Predator vs Terminator, a comic
sequel taking place after the events
of Alien Resurrection in which crypto
terminators leftover from the 21st
century use alien DNA to create super
soldiers, cyborgs capable of replicating
themselves and rebuilding Skynet.
I'll give you a couple more seconds
to finish your thought there.
By the end of the four issue series,
Ripley has defeated the Xenomorphs,
been made an honorary predator, and
defeated Skynet for the final time.
Advantage Ripley.
All right.
mind, my.
MJ Europe Europe for
a two-minute rebuttal.
You ready for that?
Yeah, I guess so,
Get after it.
Well, I think there's a couple
of things we need to talk about.
First of all the John Connor who becomes
evil in the future in Genesys has nothing
to do with Sarah Sarah's long dead.
You know, that judgment day has happened.
Skynet is doing his thing and sure
John Connor was trained by Sarah.
That's absolutely a hundred percent true.
But if you want to talk about Skynet
getting the drop on him, we also have
to talk about how the Xenomorph gets the
drop on Ripley in Alien 3, which kills
Hicks and Newt, which was basically
the whole point of Aliens was saving
them and getting everyone out alive.
Unfortunately that doesn't seem to happen.
And also in Alien Resurrections, we
have a Ripley who, yes, is definitely
superior to the original in terms of
she has more ability and acid blood
and the connection to the Xenomorphs.
But because of that, Xenomorphs also
have more of a connection to her
and are smarter, faster, stronger
in a lot of ways than originally.
And that's partially due to
Ripley, in that instance.
Ripley's also super hesitant
to do anything after the first
Alien movie, she has no desire
to actively take down Xenomorphs.
If she's basically dragged into Aliens,
kicking and screaming, whereas Sarah's
instinct is to take the fight to
Skynet and does so in Terminator 2.
No one around Ripley also believes her
or listens to her at any point in time.
So whether she knew or not, it doesn't
really seem to matter in the long run
because nobody listened to anyway.
And if we're going to talk about her
defeating an android on her spaceship,
we also have to mention that androids
are nowhere near, as strong as
terminators, and certainly are not a
T-1000, the liquid metal Terminator.
Also Ripley often has
to rise to the occasion.
Ultimately proving that she is a
sole survivor of her situation.
Often she is the sole survivor of every
Alien movie, whereas Sarah usually
has either John or Kyle or Danny or
whoever you want by the end of the
film, proving that she can actually
I'll give you a little bit more time.
Ultimately I think the point is
that if we're looking at who is
actually the better protector,
which was the point right then
Sarah obviously has the advantage.
All right then.
Well, Demond.
So, yeah, those excellent
arguments and rebuttals.
I I, you know, and I'm gonna, I'm
going to go ahead and bring this one up
actually Demond you want to let's see.
Do you wanna, did you want to ask
him, you have a question for Michael?
Let's see.
Michael was advocating for Sarah, correct?
The, for me, cause I've watched
all the movies, but the ones that
really stick stuck with me is their
initial incarnations where they're
both in their very first movies.
How do you think Sarah Connor would
have reacted to the Xenomorph?
I think Sarah Connor would have been
really freaked out if we're talking
about Terminator 1 if we're talking about
Terminator 2, I think, I don't think it'd
be hard for her to take that guy out.
Wait because of tactics
or because of training?
Because a lot, cause there were, and
I'm just playing devil's advocate here,
there, you know, they had a ship full
of Marines and only Ripley survived.
You what I mean?
So I like, how would she be different?
Well, I think Sarah would be
different for a few reasons.
I think, one, Sarah's used
to fighting terminators.
So if we're going to go based off
Terminator 2, Sarah terminators
are theoretically a lot more
intense than Xenomorphs.
You can't, they don't bleed,
they don't need to breathe.
If they get launched out into
space, they could come right back.
It wouldn't be an issue for them.
Whereas Xenomorph does breathe.
Does need food.
Does can bleed and Sarah's use of all of
her weapons and that training that she has
there would give her the edge, I think,
over Ripley, in this case who didn't have
the same kind of weapons training that
Sarah Connor put herself through after
her first encounter with the Terminator.
All right.
So yeah.
So Ryan.
Let's say Ripley is a 19 year
old waitress, and there are
terminators hunting, Ellen Ripley.
How, how is she dealing with
that, that's any different from
how Sarah Connor dealt with that?
I think, first of all, I think
Ripley's got a cooler head.
She probably wouldn't carry the
Terminator to term I mean, if we're
going to compare apples to oranges
here, I think that, I think there's also
an education gap between even a young
Ripley versus a young Sarah Connor.
Sarah Connor's hanging out as a waitress
and Ripley as a skilled pilot when
she's starting out, she's young, but
she's not entirely inexperienced.
And she's extraordinarily well-informed.
Clearly she has the ability
to handle cryptographic
problems such as alien beacons.
So she decode an alien beacon.
I have a feeling that a
T Tanner's coming in with
some good ones for you.
"She only carries aliens to term."
He's throwing heat.
Yeah, he is.
That's my boy.
And how long did that alien last?
Incinerated instantaneously, because
she'd just thrown herself in molten metal.
So I think that she would deal with it.
I don't think the Terminator would have
found her because I don't think that she
would have advertised her location to it.
If that makes any sense.
And, odds are, if I know Ellen
Ripley, she's not in the phone book.
Gmail address?
Uh, it's EllenRipley@gmail.com.
No, actually Ellen Ripley probably.
Does Ellen Ripley use a VPN?
She probably is actually in phone book
because he's just living in some schlubby
apartment at the beginning of, at the
beginning of Aliens after they rescue her.
Yeah, I so my view, because my
view on that is, yeah, they are
two people from separate times.
You know, so I'm just kinda curious if
you put Ellen Ripley, you know, she's
1980s, waitress, you know, I, you know,
that's, you know, how they, how they
portrayed Sarah is not drastically
different than any other waitress,
I think, you would probably see at
the time that it was that same age.
So I'm just kind of curious
if you thought that Ellen...
Would Ellen even be a waitress?
So, so yeah, there's some
things to think about there.
I don't think the Ellen would be I
don't think that Ellen would be a
waitress, but you know, that ragtag
group of people on the Nostromo fought
off the alien with makeshift weapons.
They didn't actually have weapons.
They built flame throwers out
of out of construction material.
So if they were, if they were to swap
places, how would I think it's fair.
If we're going to ask how Ellen
did was going to do as a waitress?
I think Sarah Connor would be doing
what she did in her own movie,
which is following everybody else
until somebody ultimately saves her.
All right then.
Demond, you there or are you frozen?
I think we lost him.
That's all right.
Michael, you're the new cohost.
Grill me.
Well, this is going to be rigged then.
I'm confident in the
case that I presented.
Yeah, You both did an excellent job.
So, so what I'm going to go
ahead and do, so I'm sure Demond
we'll be back in a second.
So, let's go ahead, Ryan.
I'm going to have you give your closing
argument and for you, you get two
minutes and then Michael, you'll get
two minutes for your closing argument.
So, let's let me go ahead
and bring right up here.
So, and two minutes go.
So Michael made the argument
that it's harder to kill a
Terminator than a Xenomorph.
But that's actually a matter of debate.
Futuristic weapons are effective
against both, but Sarah doesn't
have access to those weapons.
That makes the Terminator seem
more dangerous than a Xenomorph.
But the first alien Ripley fought
was not only ejected into space,
but it was still alive in space.
And trying to climb back into the
ship, through the activated thrusters.
And ultimately it didn't get
incinerated by the thrusters.
The tether that was attached to it
was was destroyed by the thrusters.
And it just launched off into space.
We don't have proof of death of
that alien or the alien queen.
The only one that we can say was
definitely sucked out the space was the
human alien hybrid in the fourth movie.
And that's because it went through a small
hole, created in the hull of a spaceship
just by a drop of Ellen Ripley's blood.
She is a dangerous woman inside and out.
In a fight Sarah's outgunned out,
punched and out fought by Ripley.
She has a weaker personality
and is a poor leader with a
history of making bad choices.
If it came down to a direct conflict
between the two of them, Ripley
would probably just wait for her
to pass out drunk and kill her
in her sleep with an incinerator.
It would be an act of kindness
after she failed to save her son.
And you can correct me if I'm wrong.
I might be a little bit, I might
be a little bit behind the times
of my Terminator knowledge, but
in Terminator Genesys who kills
the John Connor Terminator?
I'm pretty sure it was Sarah.
And if it wasn't Sarah directly,
she certainly had a hand in it.
So who's the better protect protector?
Well, Ripley protected, Newt
and Hicks and Bishop all the
way through the end of Aliens.
And she protected all of
humanity every single time.
And every single time she had to
save humanity, it was a new Zenomorph
threat or Terminator threat.
If you go into the comics,
Well done.
Well done.
All right, Michael, if you're
ready, let's let's go ahead and
give you your two minutes and go.
Sure thing.
Well, Ryan, you did a really adequate job
advocating for Ripley and I commend you.
You have a lot of really great
points about her specifically, but
I would still argue with you that
Sarah is the better protector.
Ripley does protect Hicks, Bishop,
and Newu all the way through Aliens,
but fails to actually check the
spaceship so that by the time Alien
3 comes around, they are long dead.
Besides that Sarah, most versions of
Sarah, whether she is the one actually
killing the Terminator or not, she
still has a hand in doing that.
She is still vital to the success
of each mission, whether it's the
rev nine, whether it's John Connor
in Genesys, whether it's the T-1000.
Without her, these things
don't get destroyed.
These things kill their prey.
They take out John Connor, they take
out Kyle Reese, they take out Danny
Ramos and then ultimately humanity.
And in multiple versions, it seems like
the future has been changed and actually
been saved, which would save just about
as many people as you claim Ripley would.
Besides all of that too, Sarah herself,
whether or not she has a drinking
problem in some some of the incarnations
is, sure, a little bit unstable, but
that's because she knows she's right.
And ultimately whether she's
unstable or not, she will
ultimately do the right thing.
She doesn't kill Myles Dyson.
She chooses to use him
to help them stop Skynet.
And it succeeds as far as we can tell.
And beyond all of that,
it's just, I don't know.
I trust Sarah.
I know Sarah would be able to get
us through because, ultimately,
she would stop at nothing to do so.
She doesn't throw herself
into the VAT of liquid.
She throws her enemies there.
All right.
Well done.
Well done.
Oh man.
Well, I dunno if a Demond is going
to make it back, but I'm going to
go ahead and close this part out
and say: So, now that the dispute is
ended it's time to go settle things.
We're going to have you go to vote
at disputedpod.com/connorvripley.
You'll go there and choose your winner.
We will now, because we're not going
to be back in two weeks, we'll probably
announce the winner we will on our next
episode, but we're going to, well announce
it prior to prior to then as well.
It's just so, so everyone will know,
I'm not just going to leave you hanging.
So, so, yeah, we'll we'll we'll close
the voting out and in two weeks, so the
voting will be open for two weeks, which
is our normal in-between show time.
So everyone go vote Connor, Ripley,
who you got put that in there and and.
It's I expect some good
things out of this one.
W we've got some some folks that have
been watching and putting in comments
and that's, so that's been great.
Also, if you are a fan of the show
and would like to check out any of our
stuff, go to disputedpod.com/links.
You can also get one of these
nice little shirts here.
If a Disputed podcast shirt click
our link for merch in there and
and go get a t-shirt if you like.
So, let's see what else?
Oh, I should have bought one of those
shirts before I came on show, that'd be
sure-fire lock for a host favoritism.
Well, see, that's a see now that's
a good part about this show is we
have no say in what anybody does.
So I just, I create the poll we put, we
bring you guys on and and just have you
have it out to do a little smack talk,
have to have a few laughs have a beer.
Whatever, you know, drink it up like
Sarah, you know, whatever you gotta do.
So, but yeah, today was great.
I mean, it's, this is in my
view is a, like the Brock
Samson Black Dynamite thing.
This, these two are very, I mean, if
you look at them at their prime, in my
view, they are very closely matched.
Granted there was a time and
technology difference between the two.
I think if you put them in the same
time, whether that's the eighties or 22,
whatever it was then they're probably
going to have something similar going on.
It looks like Demond is back.
I'm going to go ahead and add
him back in there you are.
Hey, so you got in from the phone.
It looks like.
It's all right.
So yeah we close things out.
I was just kind of given a little
recap here and what I thought.
So, yeah, and like I said
earlier now, D Demond.
Did you have anything
you wanted to throw in?
We move to the next section?
It's always nice to have people who
are so well-prepared and it seems like
we're it's getting better and better.
Now that we have a few shows
under our belt and we can kind
of show people what's going on.
And then the guests are getting
better and better because they see it.
It's and this was no, no exception
that guys came prepared there.
Zingers were thrown.
I'm pretty sure I missed a few, which
upsets me a so I guess I have something
to look forward to, but yeah, man I really
enjoy, I really enjoyed the show because
we get to meet new people and PE and we
get to see people bring their, a game over
characters that they love and I love it.
Hell, yeah.
It's it was obvious.
You guys are passionate about your
advocacy for who you've got there.
So yeah, it's it was well done.
I I applaud you both.
Let's see.
Oh, wait.
It have another comment in here.
So, yeah.
I appreciate it, Michael.
We've been going back and forth on
Twitter all week and it was nice to
actually finally get to the moment,
it was good.
I was, I was looking forward
to the some iambic pentameter.
I'm not lie, so
you can tune in, you can find it.
They've they've got the Aliens.
They've got the Alien Shakespeare,
and then Husky Jackal in Nashville
produced Terminator the Second.
which is Terminator retold in the
words of Shakespeare, they all they
change where the nouns and pronouns.
Very nice.
I love it.
It was, yeah.
Watched a little bit of it.
I watched a little bit of it.
I enjoyed it.
It was funny.
So, yeah.
Well, I think you've got some
bonus content there, Michael.
So yeah, Demond I don't know if you have
printed out our sheet or not, or if you
want me to go ahead and read what's left.
Go ahead and read what's left, man.
So, because I'm moving Hey, I'm here.
So, because I'm moving to Portland
we're going to be taking a short hiatus.
I have to.
I mean, I just, I mean, it's, there's
a lot of stuff I have to move.
I have a lots of podcasting gear and
an entire rest of the house to move.
I mean, the rest of the house can stay.
I just need my podcasting stuff.
But, anyway well so after the
new year we're going to have
some new things in the works.
We're going to do a Harry
Dresden versus John Constantine,
Buffy versus Wynonna Earp.
And we're going to have an
entire and entire bracket,
championships of scrappers.
So like Wayne versus Shoresy
from Letterkenny Dean
versus Sam and Supernatural.
Wayne's the toughest guy in
Letterkenny, established, and
Shoresy doesn't stand a chance.
Ah, but we'll see.
I mean, you know, it
depends on who's the best.
I mean, you could make an argument there.
I mean, cause it could be the
argument is Wayne is Shoresy,
so you never see them together.
So yeah.
And then we're also going to be doing
a bracket of a movie slash TV bands.
So like Spinal Tap.
Versus Scott Sex Bob-omb so we'll,
we're going to do a whole battles of the
bands, so that will be coming next year.
So stay tuned.
We're going to be we're going to
be bringing some cool stuff to you.
So, Demond anything you
want to to shout out.
Oh, actually, you know, while I'm
thinking about it why don't you
Michael, why don't you give us your
plugs for your stuff and and then
we'll, and then, Ryan, we'll do you.
Sure thanks.
Well, I like I said, at the
beginning, I'm a host at Terminator.
Not at Terminator at No
Fate: A Terminator Podcast.
You can find us on Twitter @nofatepod.
And you can also find us on our website.
We're currently going through Terminator,
the Sarah Connor Chronicles right now.
Actually, our final episode for
season one drops this Saturday or the
season one finale, What He Beheld.
So we're super excited about that.
It's been really great.
We've gone through the movies.
We're through season one of
the Sarah Connor Chronicles.
We'll probably talk about the movies
again, and we're going to jump into
season two of the series in January.
So we're super excited about that.
And I also write a for Collider
as well, so I I actually am
working on a Terminator article.
As we speak, I submitted it today.
So that should be out in a week or two.
So just send us the links for all
those things, including your article
and we'll put them in our show notes.
Alright, Ryan.
Let's what are
All right.
So my name is Ryan Placchetti.
I am one of the two hosts
on Don't Wreck Yourself.
It is a podcast where we examine
things that we find on the internet.
Typically to prove whether or not
they're real, true, or worth sharing.
We also answer on Reddit from
the, a lot of times, it's
from the no stupid questions.
We try to answer these things as seriously
as we can and provide people with good
sound information that they can share
to their drunk uncles on the internet.
You can find me on Twitter possibly
teasing the no fate podcast about
my impending victory at this.
We'll see.
But we are @wreckyourpod
on Twitter, Instagram.
We even have a small TikTok presence.
It's mostly my co-hosts making
fun of people on TikTok, but
it exists and it's there.
That's pretty much all you need to
know about us tune into our podcast.
You might enjoy it.
Right on, right on, right on.
Thank you guys.
Demond anything you want to chip
in before before we head out?
I don't I want to congratulate
you and The Boondocks podcast
for hitting 5,000 downloads week.
Yeah, we just, yeah, we had our
season three finale and we'll be doing
season four with a favorite season for
everybody of the Boondocks for some time
after the beginning of the new year.
And hopefully at some point next year
they will have the reboot out there.
So I'm looking forward to that.
All right.
That'll be cool
So, yeah.
And so yeah, I guess if there's
nothing else then until next time.