Popcorn & Plot Holes

The patriarchy was, in fact, harmed in the making of this episode.

Creators & Guests

Life is like a baboon's ass: colorful and full of shit...

What is Popcorn & Plot Holes?

Movies are fun! Movies are awesome! But movies can sometimes be very, very weird... or just plain terrible. In this intersection of fun, awesome, weird and terrible is where Matt, Luciano, Chris and Spencer live and thrive. They'll be watching the latest FACTS (Fantasy, Action, Comic, Thriller, Sci-Fi) movies available on streaming services and sharing their equally awesome, fun, weird and terrible thoughts on them. Welcome to Popcorn & Plot Holes!

Matt (00:00.547)
Hello and welcome back to Popcorn and Plot Holes. We are watching all of the facts movies that you love. Some are more facts than less facts, but they still fit. Speaking of fitting, Spencer, welcome back.

Spencer (00:16.925)
Woot woot, it's good to be here.

Matt (00:19.219)
Yeah, we try. Luciano? We're.

Luciano (00:23.41)
I am not.

in a Barbie world.

Matt (00:27.299)
Spoiler alert, I didn't even tell them what movie we were watching. Anyways, I guess we're watching Barbie. We watched Barbie. It's over.

Spencer (00:32.145)
Welcome back to Three Men Talk About Barbie!

Luciano (00:33.061)
We're not.

Matt (00:35.155)
Yeah, the hottest podcast on the internet.

Luciano (00:37.646)
The best possible people to talk about this.

Matt (00:40.163)
three white straight old men talking about Barbie. This is what the internet wanted. We could have brought some diversity to the podcast, but Chris, we got rid of it, Chris. We cleaned it up.

Spencer (00:41.609)
Three older men.

Luciano (00:43.298)
Ha ha ha!

Spencer (00:47.912)
This is what it demanded.

Spencer (00:54.008)
We actually got rid of our diversity for this episode.

Luciano (00:56.17)
Yeah, that's true! Oh no!

Matt (01:00.951)
Too much diversity for one podcast to handle. Let's just dive into this because what the hell, why not? We watched Barbie. It is a 2023 movie that made Mattel and everybody involved in it a lot of money.

Spencer (01:01.001)

Matt (01:19.651)
The question I have for you two, being such Barbie scholars that you are... Barbheads?

Spencer (01:25.305)

Luciano (01:27.566)
Yeah, we're called Barbies with two E's. Yeah. Bar-B-I, yes.

Spencer (01:31.037)
very creative called Barbies Barb yeah

Matt (01:34.376)
You got rid of the I, you put an extra E in.

Matt (01:41.183)
Um, I-I-I, you know, let's start off with the easy one. What was your favorite part of this movie?

We're starting high.

Spencer (01:49.769)
starting with the I very I don't want to just say Ken everybody said Ken was fantastic he was probably you know Ryan Gosling's Ken was fantastic I really enjoyed the musical number I've been listening to the song in my car I'm a musical guy I like musicals so they got me yeah

Luciano (02:07.995)
Isn't it because it speaks to you so, so much.

Matt (02:08.052)
So just.

I wanted to say just so everybody heard that correctly, the straight white man on the podcast picked the straight white man in the movie as his favorite part.

Spencer (02:16.103)

Spencer (02:20.609)
Yes. But but I also added the musical part, which really takes away from the straight white man angle throws curveball in there.

Luciano (02:27.51)
That is true.

Matt (02:28.859)
Sorry, are you saying straight white men can't listen to musicals?

Spencer (02:31.705)
Goddamn, I fucking do best damn musical ever Yes

Luciano (02:31.723)

Luciano (02:35.724)
Ha ha!

Matt (02:36.435)
Spencer, are you familiar with the term incel?

Luciano (02:39.842)
Jesus Christ, well, what the fuck? Two minutes in, what the fuck?

Spencer (02:41.208)
Too early, too early. You saved that. You saved that for when I'm saying things later. That will come back.

Matt (02:46.255)
Oh, my bad, I'm sorry, we'll come back around here. Let's just move on to Luciano's favorite part, and we can just pretend that never happened.

Luciano (02:52.418)
Yeah, that's probably a good idea. I'm torn between two very different parts. I think that my favorite part was the monologue that Sasha's mom makes when they're talking about like, trying to, when they're starting to form the plan to take Barbie land back. I really loved it. Like the, just the rawness of, like you can tell that, you know, as much as that was written in the script for her to say,

I guess she was just like going, no, this is just going from experience.

Matt (03:23.813)
I asked my wife, do you think they wrote it? Or they're just like, you know what? You go girl, just go for it. Let it all out. I love to see the director's cut to see how many times she did it in different ways.

Luciano (03:28.242)
Ad Libby. Right, right. Yeah.

Spencer (03:30.143)
Just wing it.

Luciano (03:35.858)
Yeah, in different ways. Yeah. I asked my wife, what's with me? And I think it was the closest I've ever seen friend get to yelling, hell yeah, to the screen. So yeah, it was, I really enjoyed that part. The second closest was just a little thing. The, the little fourth wall breakage when Barbie like stereotypical Barbie saying, I'm not even pretty anymore. And then Helen Mirren comes in and says,

No to the filmmakers. Margot Robbie is the wrong cast to make for if you're going to make that point. I love I love that

Spencer (04:07.333)
I guess if we're only talking about physical attractiveness. God movie was clearly written by the patriarchy.

Matt (04:10.727)
Wow. Good save. Good save, Spencer. You've nailed it.

Luciano (04:11.2)

Luciano (04:16.496)
Yeah, a good try, like a solid 7 out of 10. Try. Hahaha.

Matt (04:20.435)
Yeah, you're killing it right now. I can't decide between, for me, if it's just Alan in general, just Michael Cera playing as Alan. And it's because, I think, the reason why we're picking all these different things is because it's such a poignant movie for the treatment of women, and the men are used as idiots in the best possible ways.

Luciano (04:32.45)
Fair? Fair.

Luciano (04:44.129)

Matt (04:48.683)
But I also really enjoyed the guy in the boardroom when Barbie comes to talk to all the leaders of Mattel and she asks where the woman in charge is. And the guy was like, I'm a man with no power, am I a woman?

Luciano (05:00.854)
Yeah, that was good. There's a lot of little jobs there, right? When she goes visit to visit weird Barbie and she's like walking up all those stairs and heels, she's like, God, if my feet were shaped like this, I would never wear heels. I was like, okay, I see you, Barbie. So I really liked that. All of, all of those little jobs were a lot of fun for me. And, you know, seeing guys portrayed as idiots, as we all know, we are. That was also pretty fun too.

Matt (05:14.849)

Matt (05:29.843)
I don't know if it's that far off from how most men actually operate. Yeah.

Luciano (05:33.232)
Nope. No, not really. Yeah. And Alan.

Spencer (05:33.725)
Who the Kens? I mean, I would say the Kens were some of the reporter line mentally challenged, which is just fair.

Luciano (05:40.92)
Which is, you know, fine.

Matt (05:44.947)
It's like, it's like, they're just taking actual men and like turning it from like a seven to an eight or nine. And those are the can. It's not, it's just a little slight tweak. It's not like they, you know, went fully crazy on it. Cause I think that that's just how a lot of dudes operate.

Luciano (05:57.911)

Spencer (06:03.817)
I'm like, I want to say no, but the scene where they're playing guitar and staring at the girls in the eyes Was way too accurate and my wife was like my wife before the movie was like Oh, there's a part of the movie that made me think of you and she didn't tell me what and then I watched that scene I looked at her. I was like you son of a bitch you betrayed me This movie is woke propaganda

Matt (06:10.135)

Matt (06:20.295)

Luciano (06:23.52)

Luciano (06:28.266)

Matt (06:29.587)
I don't normally want our listeners to write in, but I kind of do want our listeners to tell us who they think is the most Ken on this podcast. So far Spencer is leading.

Luciano (06:40.47)
Oh, I don't think I want to know. Ha ha ha.

Spencer (06:43.562)
How dare you insult me like that? I got this. I mean, this movie was the... Yes.

Matt (06:44.523)
Don't worry, Spencer's gonna win this, look at him. He's already... How many fur jackets do you own, Spencer? Got him.

Luciano (06:49.567)

Luciano (06:53.134)
Oh no. Yeah.

Spencer (06:55.873)
Not real fur.

Luciano (06:57.962)
Yeah, like, fo- mink. Fo- fo- mink like, can't, you mean. Ah, okay. Yeah. He's still winking, by the way. You guys- You guys can't see it, but he's still winking.

Spencer (06:59.505)
Wink. That's what you say.

Spencer (07:04.262)
Yeah, it's foaming.

Matt (07:04.871)
Yeah, the mojo, dojo, mink coat. Yeah.

Spencer (07:07.613)
Mojo no K- the Kasa. I have an eye disease.

Luciano (07:12.984)

Matt (07:13.503)

Spencer (07:16.573)
I like the fantastical elements of this movie. Like the fact that they could travel through space and that there was like a full fantasy world and that women had emotions. The whole thing was just, it was just amazing. What are you talking about? Somehow there's some sort of patriarchy in the world. Just so ridiculous. What a fantasy.

Luciano (07:29.922)

Luciano (07:33.27)
It's just a fucking slip it in there.

Luciano (07:43.594)
What a fantasy, right?

Matt (07:45.331)
I mean, not just the patriarch, but horses as well.

Spencer (07:49.188)
That horse that horse this exists

Luciano (07:50.527)
I actually really enjoyed when they go back after Ken has been back for a while and Mount Rushmore is just four horses. I really laughed out loud at that point. I was like, okay, I can see that.

Spencer (07:59.462)

Spencer (08:03.137)
Yeah, maybe. I don't I didn't feel that I didn't let that obsession with horses didn't resonate with me. I don't know. Maybe it's because I'm such a city man. Like if those were like PlayStation 5 on the wall, I'd be like I get this man speaks to me.

Luciano (08:11.521)
Why not?

Matt (08:19.519)
Mattel doesn't own the rights to PlayStations, but it does own the rights to horses, I assume.

Luciano (08:21.526)
That's the thing.

Spencer (08:21.747)
That's true. Of course, yeah. Horses TM.

Luciano (08:24.734)
Apparently. With how much money they made with this movie, maybe now they do. Yeah. Three cents. Yeah.

Matt (08:29.971)
Yeah, maybe.

Spencer (08:31.993)
Every time we say horse we have to pay for the bill.

Matt (08:36.722)
It's going to be very expensive based on how much we earn for this podcast.

Matt (08:43.432)
So, so, you know, we might as well talk about.

the allegories of this movie or the connection to what society is really like in terms of – no, you missed them all. Dimension, did you watch this movie? Are you sure?

Luciano (08:51.491)

Spencer (08:56.157)
I didn't see any of those.

I did. I just didn't see that.

Luciano (09:01.866)
I think this is going to be the first movie we talked about that Spencer actually knows the names of the character

Matt (09:08.143)
Okay. Spencer, can you tell me the names of the two main characters?

Spencer (09:09.049)
Ah, yep, let me add it.

Luciano (09:10.756)

Spencer (09:15.561)
There was Ken.

Luciano (09:17.394)
Oh no. Why would you?

Spencer (09:18.599)
And there was Alan.

Matt (09:21.131)
There was.

Spencer (09:22.513)
And there was, I believe there was a secondary love interest in there somewhere.

Luciano (09:26.486)
The other Ken's. Ha ha ha.

Matt (09:26.659)
That's fair. Yeah, they can.

Spencer (09:29.771)
The other cans, of course. What he had that musical number with was beautiful.

Matt (09:30.423)
There's the other guns.

Matt (09:34.804)
What was the name of the blonde woman?

Luciano (09:40.258)
Ruth Hendler.

Spencer (09:43.049)
Boobs? I'm just kidding. Guys, I know her name. Barb.

Luciano (09:44.606)
Oh Jesus Christ! He out- he outdid me!

Luciano (09:54.55)

Matt (09:56.735)
He's not wrong, I mean technically that is accurate.

Luciano (09:57.894)
No, no, yeah, Barbara.

Spencer (09:58.706)

Spencer (10:02.557)
Barbie Mattel.

Matt (10:03.893)
You've passed my test.

Luciano (10:05.564)
I wonder if like the actual Ruth Handler actually called her daughter Barbie, like into her face. Barbie, go clean your room or whatever. Do you think so?

Spencer (10:05.846)
Thank you.

Matt (10:16.343)

Spencer (10:18.193)
And Ruth Handler was like a money embezzler. Is that what the whole joke was?

Matt (10:21.891)
No, she invented Barbie and she ran Mattel for a while and then she embezzled some money. I don't know, it's actually covered in the, you know those Netflix movies where they did like the Toys That Made Us and the movies that made us? They do one on Barbie and they cover her money issues there but I don't recall it specifically. Well, they were issues. But that's another movie, aka that one.

Luciano (10:24.375)

Luciano (10:33.824)

Luciano (10:39.658)
are money issues there. That, that, yeah, not this one, but that one. Great podcasting.

Matt (10:51.295)
Yeah, you're welcome. It's called The Toys That Made Us. I already said the title. Yeah. The Toys That Made Us. If they wanna throw us some money, that's fine. I was just pointing out the fact that I.

Luciano (10:52.738)

Spencer (10:54.633)
Toys That Made Us. You did already say that. Say it again.

Luciano (11:00.404)

We need to pay Mattel for every time he say horse. Ha ha ha.

Matt (11:06.811)
Yeah, so we need to make up saying horse by saying the toys that made us. So it's balance. That's business. If we learn anything from Mattel in this movie is that if we just say business terms enough, we'll be rich.

Spencer (11:09.577)
It's called... It's called business! Hello!

Luciano (11:12.855)

Luciano (11:16.834)

Spencer (11:20.317)
We'll be moving the green.

Luciano (11:21.718)
That sounds like a good plan.

Matt (11:22.503)
Well, we are in the green. So like, what did you guys think of, of how, um, how it, how it, you know, portrayed women's lives, uh, in, in real society and used it as like a gateway to, with Ken's and Barbies to talk about how that actually affects people.

Luciano (11:46.454)
I honestly, I, in the beginning of the movie, I was not worried about it. I was like, I don't like it. I was like, this movie is not going to be this tone deaf, is it? Cause I saw that it was Mattel doing it and like they kept mentioning Mattel and I thought they were going to try and make sort of like, no, Barbie's really good for women, but obviously they didn't. So I was, I liked the parallels that they made between like the way that things work.

in Barbie land where everything is perfect. It's really like a land of wishful thinking, right? In more senses than one. It's like, I'm sure Ruth Handler herself didn't mean for Barbie to inflict the psychological damage that it did on girls and women since its inception. And I think that's how the Barbie land world operates. And I think it was a little bit of a, hey guys, we had a

Matt (12:35.587)
Thanks for watching!

Luciano (12:42.198)
We had a good idea, it was badly implemented and then taken over by capitalism, but it was fine. I particularly liked the transition when they first go to the real world and Barbie's like, what is happening? Why is everybody keep staring at me? And Ken was like, yeah, they keep staring at me too. It's making me feel awesome. And there are no undertones of violence whatsoever. And she goes, I'm in it, there's a lot of...

Matt (13:04.195)
Thanks for watching!

Spencer (13:07.069)
Ha ha ha!

Matt (13:07.516)
I'm sorry.

Luciano (13:10.334)
violence overtones in mind. Yeah. So I think it was a pretty genius way of conveying that without, like it was very on the nose, it's clobbering you over the head, but it doesn't make you, like a lot of the times I complain at least about movies clobbering you over the head with something, but in here it was the idea, right? And it doesn't insult you. It's just like, this is what you're in for, get ready. So I enjoyed it.

Matt (13:11.467)

Matt (13:34.775)
Yeah. Spencer has our closest link to the InSale community. How... The InSale community. Yeah.

Spencer (13:41.521)
That's the closest link to what? Oh, thank you. I'm so glad I so glad I clarified that.

Matt (13:49.631)
It was really Brother Time. How do you think the movie portrayed your brethren and yourself? Or not you, I don't know if you are, just the representative.

Luciano (13:50.964)

Spencer (13:51.005)
Yeah, I can handle this.

Spencer (13:58.637)
Yeah, well I don't think this movie was very was very fair to men. I think we get a bad rap and frankly this woke agenda of portraying men as a as So so what? Make more money, but We run everything way You know, I just think that I think that you know, we go through stuff too

Luciano (14:00.337)
The Spokesperson.

Matt (14:02.526)

Luciano (14:06.971)

Chris (14:08.722)
This world's agenda of training men is that, so, so what? Take one month. We're like, we're like, we're like, we run everything. Wham, wham, wham. You know, I just think that, I think that, you know, we go through stuff too. Right? Right, boys? You're, you're,

Spencer (14:28.602)
Right boys?

Matt (14:31.137)
You're enough for everybody. Don't worry.

Spencer (14:32.269)
I'm yeah exactly and

Luciano (14:35.78)
How many Ks are in Knuff?

Chris (14:38.014)
Oh no. No.

Matt (14:39.077)

Spencer (14:39.325)
And frankly, I think it's about time we get a movie for men, you know?

Matt (14:44.875)
You know, that's fair. Listen, can I get an alternative viewpoint other than in cell can over here?

Luciano (14:44.926)
Yeah, we don't have enough of those.

Spencer (14:46.897)
There's no- I don't-

Luciano (14:53.058)
From whom?

Chris (14:55.818)

Spencer (14:56.922)
Uh oh.

Luciano (14:57.774)
Oh, look who decided to show up!

Matt (14:58.879)
Hey Chris, can you bring some diversity to this podcast so it's not just three straight white men talking about Barbie?

Spencer (15:03.785)

Chris (15:06.918)
Listen, I already, as a man, I already feel wildly ill-equipped to talk about this movie. Okay, but like, check it out. Oh, I know, but we doing it. I know, we doing it. When you say diversity, can you expand a little more? Because this, it had, okay, so then check it.

Spencer (15:14.61)
Well, we're gonna.

Luciano (15:23.574)

Matt (15:26.763)
I don't want to because it doesn't really exist.

Spencer (15:29.222)
makes me uncomfortable.

Chris (15:32.73)
This movie already has some great representation from the spectrum of Kens and spectrum of Barbies. Flat out. Too much? What the fuck?

Spencer (15:41.949)
Some say too much.

Spencer (15:45.921)
I'm just speaking for the incel community, okay?

Matt (15:46.554)

Chris (15:50.098)
Okay, you sit in your insulated quarter and let's unpack the beauty, the colors of Benetton, that is the warm hug of like one Simu Liu countering Ryan Gosling's Ken. I mean, every Ken brought out the light of every other Ken pre-patriarchy. The Ken-ergy?

Spencer (15:55.709)
Insulated corner.

Matt (16:15.785)
Sorry, the Kennergy.

Chris (16:21.086)
This is what I can need right now. Silence, patriarchy. I think it's, I think, oh, I can't even begin, but point blank. I can't even, but I will. Shuti Ghatwa, one of my favorite kens. Simu Liu, one of my favorite kens. I'm already gushing over Ryan Gosling, Ken pre-patriarchy.

Spencer (16:32.817)
You can't even?

Matt (16:36.919)
You shouldn't do that.

Chris (16:48.83)
But then again, mid patriarchy and then end post patriarchy, he went on a ginnery.

Matt (16:52.659)
What about what about John? What about John Cena?

Spencer (16:53.437)
Did you care about any of the women in this movie?

Matt (16:58.655)
Like, about as much as you care about my questions, Spencer.

Chris (16:59.842)
You said diversity. I just started. Our esteemed host, Silas Insel. He said he asked for diversity, and I went through that. And then I went through that. And then Issa Rae, President Barbie, loved her. Oh my god.

Luciano (17:03.006)
Ha ha ha!

Spencer (17:04.175)

Spencer (17:07.633)
Alright, alright, I'll save my time.

Matt (17:16.651)
President Barberis.

Spencer (17:19.976)
A female president. Talk about a fantasy!

Luciano (17:23.982)
Jesus Christ, we've created a monster is what we did.

Chris (17:24.65)
Oh my God, we're gonna get canceled so quickly. Our plastic heads will spin right off our torsos. If this movie had been made in the 90s, the cast would have been all, I can't even.

Spencer (17:25.481)


Luciano (17:30.795)

Matt (17:32.32)
Well done, sir.

Luciano (17:43.018)
Oh no. Can you imagine?

Matt (17:49.707)
You gotta stop doing that. Um, well, they, the cast was the Mattel's board of directors.

Spencer (17:51.135)

Chris (17:51.692)
Yes, you're right.

Chris (17:56.134)
That was fucked. Funny, but fucked. Yes, yes, tongue in cheek. So if we're talking about diversity, I mean, I do love how the real world connection to Barbie, like the human connection to Barbie was played by one America Ferrera and her daughter. And interesting that the doll was shared between daughter and mother over a period of time, so that really...

Luciano (17:58.626)
Well, I mean on purpose. It was fucked on purpose for sure.

Chris (18:25.914)
wonked her up. So yeah, overall, I think I think the cast was not only diverse to represent not only race and age and by rate and by age, I also wonder if there was if there could have been room for an elderly Barbie there wasn't but then all we got but it but it was a little weird with that park bench scene when they write.

Spencer (18:49.373)
That was a great scene. I mean, sorry, that scene was bullshit.

Luciano (18:51.222)
Yeah, it was.


Matt (18:54.78)
Thank you.

Chris (18:55.134)
Ah, we're beware. You can't hide from the truth. You can't you can't we're deep programming you son

Spencer (18:57.997)
No, no. We can't acknowledge older women on film. I'm against that.

Luciano (19:04.319)
Oh my God.

Matt (19:07.747)
Spencer, would you say that woman needed more plastic surgery to be allowed on screen?

Chris (19:08.231)
Oh my god!

Spencer (19:11.929)
Everybody knows the natural development of a woman on screen. You go from child to teenager to 20-something, 30-something to plastic, to further plastic, to no more movies.

Chris (19:24.882)
So you're saying Courtney Cox.

Matt (19:27.811)
Wow. You're just out here shooting your shots, Chris. Are you sure you're not part of the Incel community just putting Courtney Cox on blast?

Chris (19:29.355)
You're saying, you're saying Courtney.

Spencer (19:33.693)

Chris (19:34.802)
The man said, the man, the man said, the man said, he said, and I'm trying to, I'm actually, I'm trying to put him on blast. Courtney Cox is a-

Luciano (19:38.148)
He's adjacent. He's in cell adjacent.

Matt (19:46.026)
Why are you supporting him in any way, shape or form?

Chris (19:50.039)
I did not understand the question.

Spencer (19:50.441)
I... ..

Matt (19:54.106)
I yield my time

Luciano (19:55.51)

Chris (19:55.794)
I do heal that time! Shit.

Matt (20:00.651)
Thank you for yielding your time after you used it up thoroughly, Chris. Um, no, that's fine. We talked about, I'm glad you joined us because we talked about our favorite parts of the movie. We talked about, um, some of the energy the movie brings to try to point out the fallacies in real life and how men treat women like shit, getting a little serious for a second. Thankfully, Insel Spencer came to save us from being too serious.

Chris (20:20.187)

Luciano (20:23.63)
That's true. I got a little serious and then the energies of the podcast reacted. That was a backlash.

Spencer (20:26.372)

Yeah. There'll be none of that here.

Matt (20:33.708)
He brought balance to the force, as it were.

Chris (20:33.942)
It can be scary.

Luciano (20:34.079)
Fair. That's fair. That's fair.

Luciano (20:40.462)
Ha ha.

Matt (20:41.124)
Mm-hmm. Um, I am curious when you watch this movie, this is for all of you, not just Chris, I'm not gonna put him on the spot. Even the in-sales spokesperson can answer if he chooses so. Um, Branson.

Spencer (20:52.261)

Luciano (20:55.013)

Chris (20:56.601)

Matt (20:57.699)
What do you guys make of the fact that it turned into a musical? I know Spencer says he loves musicals, but I just... ..

Spencer (21:05.341)
That was regular. That was real Spencer. In so Spencer has a wildly different take and it is offensive.

Luciano (21:11.511)

Chris (21:14.898)
Thanks for watching!

Luciano (21:14.925)

Matt (21:16.142)
We could probably skip it I guess this time since real Spencer answered.

Spencer (21:17.105)

Luciano (21:19.925)
I think it'd be okay, yeah, to skip it, yeah.

Chris (21:23.648)
Let, let, we are speaking, ting, ting. We are speaking to the real Spencer, ting, ting.

Spencer (21:29.713)
Ah! Oh! Ah! Help me! I'm stuck in a room with my little ponies everywhere and...

Chris (21:33.72)

Chris (21:37.414)
Take my hand! Come to the light!

Luciano (21:37.617)

Spencer (21:40.165)
I'm holding a cheap sword pot at the mall, and I'm wearing a fedora, but it's smelly.

Chris (21:44.838)
Release it, release, release it. Take these pink socks, take them. Put them on. I said believe, believe. Ha ha ha.

Spencer (21:53.165)
I don't wear socks. I don't believe in... I don't believe in them.

Luciano (21:58.811)
I don't believe in socks. That's a statement. Oh no.

Spencer (22:00.081)
Socks and deodorant are part of the matriarchy.

Chris (22:04.538)
Put your feet into and then put your feet into this Birkenstein!

Spencer (22:09.381)
But, oh, Birkenstocks are actually not too bad. I can, I can do, I can wear those.

Chris (22:13.83)
They're comfortable. They're comfortable. Do it. We've got him. Pull us up.

Luciano (22:16.438)

Luciano (22:21.911)

Spencer (22:22.717)
They go well with my... ..lack of stock belief.

Chris (22:29.158)
So yeah, it was a great segment, and more than welcome. We're talking about the musicals.

Luciano (22:34.87)
What are we talking about? Ah, okay, okay. It went sideways a little bit there.

Spencer (22:37.597)
musical number.

Chris (22:40.782)
Well, there was more than one. Well, that like, we were anchored.

Matt (22:42.775)
Yeah, but they all kind of came at the end, right? They like the end just kind of switched to the last third of the movie or quarter of the movie went full musical.

Luciano (22:45.057)

Luciano (22:48.998)
Do you guys think that they cast Ryan Gosling because there was a musical scene?

Matt (23:00.731)

Chris (23:00.779)

Luciano (23:02.481)
Nice, nice. No further questions, Your Honor.

Spencer (23:03.037)
I think they...

Chris (23:03.657)

Matt (23:05.442)

Spencer (23:06.521)
Yeah, yes.

Chris (23:06.906)
It's a good question though, because like dudes, multi-talented, La Land, and then, but he could carry a tune. He's definitely, definitely has musical ability. So I think, I think it was just like the star, all of the, the stars aligning and then just, you know, just having, it's, it's the difference between having the restaurant.

Spencer (23:12.733)
He's not the strongest singer, but he can sing. He's, yeah, he's on key. Little auto-tune in there.

Chris (23:35.05)
uh, children's pack of crayons that are like three or four crayons versus the whole freaking massive spot, uh, box of crayons that have all the colors. You can paint so much more vivid pictures that way. So I think they were fully equipped. I honestly, I feel like Mattel should take on the DCEU. They've got, they've got, they've got, they've got, they've got the ability and they've got all the colors to execute.

Matt (23:56.765)

Spencer (23:57.804)
Ha ha ha!

When are we getting the crayon cinematic universe?

Luciano (24:04.608)

Chris (24:04.708)

Matt (24:05.481)
Can I ask you guys a hard question? Since Chris brought up the DC universe.

Spencer (24:06.749)
Let's go.

Chris (24:07.57)
So the musicals numbers were awesome. Sorry, go ahead.

Spencer (24:11.122)
Uh oh.

Chris (24:12.694)
I know what you gotta do, but do it.

Luciano (24:14.352)

Matt (24:15.063)
How come even Barbie knows that the Zack Snyder Justice League movie is shit? And only the Kens through brainwashing made her like that movie.

Spencer (24:22.009)
Now hold on there.

Luciano (24:23.911)

Spencer (24:27.354)
Now you hold on just one goddamn second. This is both Spencer's. Intel, Spencer and regular Spencer agree on this fact. Does that?

Matt (24:29.431)
Just, just ask, which Spencer is this?

Luciano (24:33.442)

Chris (24:36.627)
I call on the power of in sales Spencer.

Spencer (24:38.889)
They didn't say it was shit, they just said they care way too much about Zack Snyder Cut.

Matt (24:43.679)
Oh, the implication was obvious, sir. This is a movie all about like...

Chris (24:47.322)
That's your, that's your infero. That's your infero, infero. You infered it.

Luciano (24:48.818)
No, she literally said, I feel I felt like I was in this in this living nightmare or something where I cared way too much about the Yeah.

Chris (24:57.167)

Matt (24:57.283)

Living nightmare, you heard it here.

Spencer (25:02.245)
You know, I'm just gonna let Incel Spencer take this one for a second. Frankly, I wouldn't expect a woman to understand the genius of Zack Snyder, okay? He is on another level on terms of creative filmmaking, and there's subtle undertones of the Snyder Cuts Justice League that frankly, she didn't understand.

Chris (25:03.235)
You said living.

Matt (25:05.494)

Luciano (25:06.031)

Chris (25:07.314)

Matt (25:29.459)
Is that the one where they have to play Wonder Woman's music all the time to let you know a woman's in the frame?

Spencer (25:33.801)

Chris (25:33.842)

Matt (25:38.752)

Luciano (25:39.679)

Matt (25:43.32)

Chris (25:44.222)
I don't know if that hurt or helped. Spencer, what have we done? What we call on in Cell Spencer Hulk expected to be collateral damage.

Matt (25:47.082)
I'm not sure.

Spencer (25:47.881)
I think it proved my

Luciano (25:49.006)
I'm not sure either.

Spencer (25:55.057)

Spencer (25:58.894)
Oh, it's all collateral damage, baby.

Luciano (26:00.433)
Yeah, when he activates and sells Spencer, he's casting from HP, not from mana.

Chris (26:08.979)
I don't know what that means!

Matt (26:09.591)

Spencer (26:10.089)
Intel Spencer knows, because Intel Spencer plays Dungeons & Dragons. ..

Chris (26:15.149)

Luciano (26:15.352)
You hold on a goddamn minute.

Matt (26:15.463)
Yeah. Wow. Fuck. Fuck you, Hiself Spencer.

Chris (26:19.542)
Yes! Yes, we pointed the cannon in the right direction! Yes! Fire!

Spencer (26:25.101)
I am- I am Evil Incarnate.

Matt (26:29.791)
Anyways, back to this movie we watched with Barbie. Was there, you know, we talked about favorite scenes. We talked about musicals. Do you guys have a favorite, Ken?

Chris (26:32.529)

Luciano (26:33.18)

Chris (26:37.646)
musical favorite scenes.

Matt (26:44.691)
Barbie I'm you know either way do both favorite Ken and favorite Barbie real Spencer you're gonna have to answer a little bit for this

Spencer (26:46.346)

Spencer (26:50.989)
You slipped real Barbie in there the last second for a second you were joining until Spencer My I mean I can't with how much time on screen it's like you can't not say Like Ryan Gosling and Margot Robbie there they carried the movie. So they're definitely my favorite

Matt (26:57.091)

Luciano (26:58.634)

Spencer (27:13.597)
But I liked, I mean, Alan's not Ken, so I can't pick him, but he was fantastic.

Matt (27:14.195)
Other than those two, I guess. Just to fuck you up.

Chris (27:17.495)
Nyeh heh.

Matt (27:19.604)
No you cannot.

Chris (27:21.04)
He's Ken adjacent, but anyways.

Spencer (27:22.397)
but I'm gonna steal Simu Liu, cause he was great. He was really good at like that same like, macho, stupid energy. And my favorite, I'm trying to think of my favorite Barbie other than Margot Robbie. I did like the president lady, I thought she was good.

Luciano (27:26.25)
Yeah, he was my favorite too. He was my favorite too.

Chris (27:47.183)
Mm, played by Issa Rae. Loved her, she was good.

Luciano (27:48.556)
For me, it's Weird Barbie. Not the least because it was Kate McKinnon. Like it was just a genius cast for me. To cast her as the-

Matt (27:49.014)

Chris (27:52.41)

Spencer (27:57.101)
I liked the character, but I didn't think that... I don't know, I knew Kate McKinnon was playing that, and I saw her in the trailer, and I was expecting more, I guess.

Luciano (28:05.287)
More? Yeah, I can see that.

Chris (28:06.951)
Oh, I didn't know she was gonna be in it, but okay.

Matt (28:08.223)
This is one of those casts that much like, and this is in a good way unlike the other movies, where I think it was like Valentine's Day or New Year's Eve or, they used to do these movies in the early 2000s where it's like, he had this huge star-studded cast and like, yeah.

Spencer (28:23.465)
Yeah, it was like New Year's, Christmas one, and Valentine's Day.

Luciano (28:26.307)
Oh, like Haunted Mansion.

Spencer (28:28.75)

Matt (28:29.719)
Uh, kind of. Yes, kind of just like that. Um, but anyway, so it would be like, it's like all these different stories that collide. It's like, well, I wouldn't say. What's that Christmas movie that everybody likes? Love Actually. It's kind of like Love Actually, but like, first of all, Love Actually is not good. But these are all worse than Love Actually.

Luciano (28:31.157)

Spencer (28:38.447)
Love actually.

Luciano (28:39.795)
Love actually, yeah.

Spencer (28:43.257)
Sorry, Intel Spencer answers die hard. Ha ha ha.

Luciano (28:45.645)

Matt (28:47.815)
Yeah, yes. Uh oh. But like, so they used to do it with, I think the challenge is when you have, like you have, you accumulate such good acting talent, it's just not enough screen time for everybody to really, really star and still tell your story, right? Because at points in this movie, I didn't think it was a really good movie, but there were points in this movie just kind of like, the flow was like, it like changed, it was weird, right?

Luciano (28:48.342)

Chris (28:48.626)

Luciano (28:54.074)

Luciano (29:02.44)

Luciano (29:13.23)
Weird? Yeah.

Matt (29:15.703)
The set up was nice and easy breezy and then she goes to the world and it gets like fast and it's still kind of normal and then she goes to Mattel and it gets weird and then she goes back and it gets super fast and it just like kind of throws you off so I don't know if that was the problem, why other people didn't get more face time or like there's too many faces and so you couldn't show everybody equally.

Luciano (29:36.31)
I thought that when it got to this point where you were saying when she goes back and everything gets really fast, it felt to me a little bit like someone went, oh shit, we had all of these other references to throw in, now we're going to have to do it really fast. But I don't know, it might just be my... just because the movie gets so hectic at that point. But it felt like it was a really sort of like leisurely pace for like a good half of it.

And then it kind of like goes kind of crazy with everything happening at once. I didn't mind. Like it's not it doesn't make the movie bad or anything, but it is weird to me. And since you touched on this, maybe we can talk about it later, too. But like, what the fuck was up with Mattel's headquarters? Like, did anybody understand? Was that like a pocket fictional reality? What the fuck was going on there?

Chris (30:03.44)

Chris (30:29.474)
It had a tone, like at least two times, like with the main floor or whatever floor that the sort of like the desk workers were in. And even when Barbie was coming out, when Barbie was trying to escape and stuff, I thought I saw like a mannequin sitting in the background on a phone. And then, but like the color, it's contrast. Barbie is there and then there was,

Luciano (30:38.898)
Yeah, that looks like fucking severance or something.

Spencer (30:41.774)
Yeah, yeah, totally.

Luciano (30:53.12)
I didn't even see that.

Matt (30:54.524)
Okay, maybe.

Chris (30:58.766)
Like Barbie is in your face, like foreground in the background. I thought I saw a mannequin, but then the person moves slowly. And I was like, oh shit, that person's alive.

Luciano (31:05.336)
Ha ha!

Spencer (31:06.17)
Is there a mannequin in the room with you right now? Ha ha Don't-

Luciano (31:08.41)

Chris (31:09.87)
It's like that Doctor Who episode. I can see him in the mirror. Oh no, well mirrors, we didn't really, I don't really know if mirrors allowed to, protected you from the weeping angels and stuff. But anyways, oh shit, okay.

Matt (31:09.943)
Don't turn around.

Matt (31:19.363)
They did not. Well, like they did. We have to see them, right? But anyways, we don't need to go down. I don't think, I don't think, maybe incels do watch Doctor Who. We're moving past it. Since you brought up the Mattel headquarters, I do want to ask, because so much of this movie is like, you know, them making references and, you know, doing some homages or whatever. Can anyone explain to me what was happening when they were running around when Barbie was escaping? Because I just couldn't place that.

Spencer (31:19.889)
They did not.

Until Spencer knows this.

Chris (31:26.979)
Oh Lord.

Luciano (31:30.295)

Luciano (31:39.041)

Matt (31:46.667)
Like why it was weird like that. They're all running in between each other and like not catching each other.

Chris (31:50.087)

Spencer (31:50.525)
It was like a music, it was almost like a musical number, but then they like, they run into each other and they scream.

Chris (31:53.779)

Luciano (31:54.494)
Or like a slap, like a slapstick comedy bit or something.

Chris (31:57.302)
Yeah. It was, but yeah. Thank you. The door bit. Yeah.

Matt (31:59.778)

Spencer (32:00.367)
It reminded me of Scooby-Doo cartoon kind of thing. Yeah, they're all chasing each other. I didn't like that scene.

Luciano (32:02.922)
Yeah, 100%.

Chris (32:11.106)
And then if.

Luciano (32:11.154)
It was very silly.

Spencer (32:12.201)
Because frankly, if I were the head of Battelle, I would have used my gun to shoot her.

Luciano (32:18.826)
Pfft! Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

Matt (32:19.107)

Spencer (32:23.264)
I just I just she was trespassing on his property and it is lawful right sorry that is some smelling salts sorry let me go back let me real it back

Chris (32:24.178)

Matt (32:28.307)
You never go full in, so Spencer.

Luciano (32:31.67)

Matt (32:34.039)
Too far.

Luciano (32:35.214)
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Chris (32:36.518)
Sure. Smell it, inhale deeply. Yeah.

Spencer (32:40.189)
Yeah, I just think that it was like a Scooby-Doo reference and nobody should have shot anyone

Luciano (32:46.066)
Honestly, I didn't like, like other than obviously Will Ferrell, whenever he was on the scene, he kind of stole it. Just because he was just playing himself basically at that point. But almost everything that happened in that office, like I was like, I little like it was, I liked obviously that the Barbie land was super fantastic and like insane, but like I, it kind of ruined the contrast between the real world and Barbie land.

Spencer (32:52.486)
Yeah, he's great.

Luciano (33:15.37)
of like the office being like zany like that, it didn't make any sense to me.

Spencer (33:19.269)
Yeah, that bothered me a lot too. I thought that was silly. Like I was like expecting like a big fish out of water sort of element once they come to the real world. And they have that for like 10 minutes. And they're like, let's go into the Mattel store like place which is the same logic as Barbie land. It's like, it's just as fantastical. And then, but not explain it. Like they have ghosts and weird musical numbers.

Matt (33:19.897)
Do you?

Chris (33:20.295)

Luciano (33:23.572)

Luciano (33:26.881)

Chris (33:27.42)

Luciano (33:31.37)

Luciano (33:42.413)

Chris (33:45.887)
Right, that's the next part.

Luciano (33:47.046)
and infinite, infinite hallways. And yeah.

Spencer (33:48.995)

Chris (33:51.11)
But you don't even know that it's you learn that I dead. Maybe it was the ghost of Barbie's create Barbie's creator on the 17th floor. That was odd. Well, not immediately. They tell you they tell you that at the end, because I didn't know that it was what was her name, Ruth. I didn't know that was her. And I was like, is it like when she, when Barbie first goes in, I thought it was maybe a prototype elderly Barbie. And I was like,

Spencer (33:59.375)
It was.

Luciano (34:03.199)

Spencer (34:04.122)
Yeah, yeah.

Matt (34:04.672)

Luciano (34:09.194)
Ruth Handler, yeah.

Luciano (34:17.25)
That's what I thought, or like a Barbie, I actually thought it was a Barbie that escaped to the real world and that just grew old there. That's what I thought it was gonna be.

Spencer (34:24.893)
Well that actually leads to my head canon of the reason why Mattel's universe is so weird, or their offices are so magical, is that Will Ferrell's character was actually an older Ken that escaped Barbie Land and took over Mattel from Ruth.

Chris (34:26.522)
They didn't explain.

Chris (34:40.696)

Luciano (34:42.839)
Yeah, I would have liked that a lot actually

Spencer (34:45.573)
and he made it all like, like that's why the logic of that place sort of applies there. That'll be followed up in the sequel boys. Calling it now.

Chris (34:46.566)

Chris (34:51.013)

Matt (34:53.375)
Listen, I'm gonna tell you this right now, and Incel Spencer's gonna agree with me, which is unfortunate, but here we go. In every Marvel movie, we managed to shoehorn in...

Spencer (34:57.48)

Luciano (34:59.102)

Matt (35:07.319)
Stanley. So why can't we shoehorn in Ruth? No.

Spencer (35:08.243)

Luciano (35:08.659)

Chris (35:09.512)
Ah, mhm.

Spencer (35:11.749)
Stan Lee into this movie?

Luciano (35:16.444)
I'd be I'd be I'd be up for that although that would have been quite the feat to do that now

Chris (35:17.874)
Thanks for watching!

Spencer (35:20.221)
There goes Barbie! Oh, way to go, Spider-Man! I mean, Barbie!

Matt (35:21.291)

Luciano (35:27.702)

Matt (35:29.507)
But like, you know, it's one of those, the movie actually reminds me a lot of, and this is actually, instead of me saying it, let me ask you this question, but like, it's two part. First part is...

Chris (35:29.946)

Matt (35:40.131)
Do you think Mattel, how much control did Mattel have over their involvement in the movie?

Chris (35:47.046)
Like real production and production? Okay.

Matt (35:48.823)
how they were, not how the movie was made or what it was about, but how they existed in the world and in the movie.

Luciano (35:56.11)
I'm pretty sure that had a lot of control. I don't know if it was total, but like...

Spencer (35:59.357)
See, I think they would have little based.

Chris (36:00.186)

Luciano (36:02.319)
I don't know, they were footing the bill it seems.

Spencer (36:04.006)
I think they were like...

Chris (36:05.05)
Yeah, but they don't know how to, that doesn't mean they know how to make movies. Like they probably got a chance to see, uh, like the, the draft, like a draft of the script and maybe kept sit like at a semi, maybe at the table, but then like the children's table so that they could hear the conversation. But like they don't

Luciano (36:16.351)

Matt (36:20.973)

Spencer (36:22.001)
Women's Table.

Luciano (36:22.054)
Wait, there's a... there's a... oh my god. Yeah.

Matt (36:24.447)
Wow, Incel Spencer, you have to stop. That's a bad Incel Spencer. Get back in your corner.

Chris (36:25.394)

Spencer (36:25.693)
That's a... a what? What?

Chris (36:31.226)
One step forward, two steps back. Just get in the box and sell Spencer. Get in the box. The f...

Luciano (36:31.317)
I wanna...

Luciano (36:36.459)
I want to know what kinds of negotiations have you been in, Chris, that there was a kids table in the negotiation room.

Chris (36:44.122)
The Mattel.

Chris (36:47.794)
Greta Gerwig.

Luciano (36:48.13)
Great at Gerwig.

Matt (36:48.479)
Greta Grebig.

Spencer (37:05.576)

Luciano (37:09.042)

Spencer (37:12.174)
They'd have to give up creative control. Yeah.

Luciano (37:13.198)
Creative control, yeah, that makes sense. But like, I think, okay, so even if they had control, they probably like didn't exert it too much. It's probably what happened to you. Even if they could have done something, she would have walked out and they wanted her. So they were like, all right, all right. Because they take some pretty, not super hard, but they make some digs, right, towards Mattel. So...

Spencer (37:41.489)
Yeah, but they're acknowledging it in the movie, therefore they've done nothing wrong. It's the perfect chess move. It's like when you point out the bad writing in a movie in the movie. No, but you know, it's like, you know in a movie when they're like, oh, what are the odds that we would run into these people here? Good thing, and they point out how bad the writing is, but it doesn't excuse that they still wrote it. It's just like an easy way out.

Luciano (37:45.686)
That- well, Jesus Christ. Yeah, I don't- I'm concerned now.

Matt (37:50.288)
Which Spencer is talking right now, I can't tell.

Chris (37:54.706)
They're bleeding together!

Luciano (38:01.518)
Ah, I see.

Matt (38:07.015)
It's not as aggressive as that, but I get what you're pointing at. I'm just curious because, you know, there's a lot of... When this came out and then there was also the movie with Matt Damon and Ben Affleck where they talk about how Nike hooked up hook... No, what the fuck, dude?

Luciano (38:09.843)
Yeah, yeah.

Chris (38:19.718)
hunting oh no air listen it's listen you need to be you need to be more specific but anyways go your

Spencer (38:23.293)
Great movie bro, great movie. Good will hunting.

Spencer (38:28.913)
This movie should have been Good Will Hunting.

Matt (38:29.567)
It's almost like if you let me finish explaining what I was talking about, you would have known what I was talking about. I'm not talking about Good Will Hunting when we're talking about Barbie. They made the movie about how Nike courted Michael Jordan and created the Air Jordans. And, and there was a lot of conversation around, you know, businesses making movies that are product placement movies or like

Chris (38:33.266)
I'm just so excited. I just get excited sometimes.

Spencer (38:48.429)
Yeah, now that was a great commercial. I mean, Phil. No, the Nike one. Air. I mean, technically both of these are commercials, but.

Matt (38:52.919)
Which one? This one? Yeah, thank you, one. Yeah. Air. Thank you. Well, the thing is, I would say that Mattel does it, or Mattel, Mattel comes across as much better than this and the Barbie movie is so well done because it basically, it's the reverse Star Wars in the sense that we all watched Star Wars and they made a billion toys and vehicles. And now we're watching, you know, Mandalorian and.

Luciano (38:53.25)

Chris (38:54.59)

Luciano (39:00.122)
Yeah, yeah.

Matt (39:19.935)
other shows now, they're sticking all those toys, the weird toys into the show as sort of fan service. This is basically what they did here, right? Like if you grew up with Barbies, they like—like at one point, they're like throwing clothes off of falconies and like, boom, this thing and that thing. And it's—

Luciano (39:30.31)
Yeah. And showing. Yeah. And the end credits have like all of the commercial stuff, like the Barbies going around.

Chris (39:33.79)
Yeah, title, title. Yeah.

Chris (39:44.23)
the real Alan box and uh

Matt (39:48.407)
Ken's best friend.

Luciano (39:49.499)
Yeah. It looks uncanny like Michael Cira too. That was a good casting. But yeah, so this was the Barbie version of what we see when we watch a Marvel movie then, when they throw everything in the kitchen sink into that. Yeah, that makes sense. And like, but Mattel to...

Chris (39:49.732)

Matt (39:51.467)
Barman didn't like Kenzo, Ken needed a friend.

Spencer (39:53.021)

Chris (39:59.854)
Dude got tans though, that's for sure.

Matt (40:08.323)

Luciano (40:16.57)
to the point I think it was Spencer that made it impressive because it was a good one. The non-inselen, if he exists. No, they come off as super bad in this, even with the digs. It's like, oh, look, we're making fun of ourselves. Ha ha. So I get it. It was like,

Matt (40:19.903)
Which, which, which Spencer? Which Spencer?

Spencer (40:21.043)
In which Spencer, you have to be clear.

Chris (40:22.47)
Yeah, be specific! Careful, careful where you walk, landmines!

Spencer (40:29.705)
I don't like that guy.

Spencer (40:44.125)
We're so cool!

Luciano (40:46.074)
And we also made like a bajillion dollars on this. So like, sure, hate us, whatever, who gives a shit. So, but, well, yeah. It looks like good enough for Hasbro, although. Oh, that's true. Yeah.

Matt (40:54.391)
Good enough for LEGO, good enough for Mattel.

Chris (40:56.754)

Spencer (40:58.006)
Yep, both with Will Ferrell playing businessman.

Matt (41:02.359)
Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Chris (41:04.312)
Apparently, according to CNN, actually, Barbie toy sales shot up 25% after the film's release.

Matt (41:11.265)
Wow, what a fucking surprise.

Spencer (41:12.259)
What a statistic.

Luciano (41:13.274)
Yeah, I'm you know what surprising to me that it was only 25 percent. I thought it would be more

Spencer (41:18.681)
You would surprise me.

Matt (41:19.303)
And Sal Spencer, do you wanna shut the hell up?

Luciano (41:22.542)

Spencer (41:22.579)
Oh. Okay.

Matt (41:27.975)

Matt (41:31.679)
Reggae the Spencer, do you have anything to add?

Spencer (41:34.227)
Uh, no, that was definitely until Spencer coming in hot.

Matt (41:35.491)

Chris (41:35.91)
Get the water, that's what happens. Just gotta give it, just spray the water bottle. Spritz, spritz, spritz.

Luciano (41:36.428)

Spencer (41:40.553)
Coming in hot!

Matt (41:41.44)
Uhhh... Get back at your corner!

Spencer (41:45.225)

Luciano (41:45.737)

Matt (41:47.279)
Yeah. All right, let's get into some of the plot-holy things in this movie. It was actually a pretty tight movie overall. We found one thing that we have a lot of questions around and so let's just dive into the one thing and see how far we can get into it. But so Ken comes to the real world with Barbie and he learns about the patriarchy which is men and horses he had in cars and he takes a couple books back.

Luciano (42:08.888)
Cards and horses.

Matt (42:15.827)
and he is able to turn Barbie land into his kendom. And, you know, we know he does that, there's the foreshadowing, but when they come back it's just, it's complete 180, right? All the Barbies are serving them, et cetera, et cetera. And I just kinda wanna know, all right, god damn it.

Luciano (42:28.171)

Spencer (42:30.957)
And I thought the movie was gonna end there and be a happy ending.

Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe hehehe hehehe

Luciano (42:36.81)
Why is that spray bottle?

Matt (42:38.147)
I thought I sprayed him back into his corner.

Chris (42:41.522)

Matt (42:44.683)
But I want to know is how, because Ken did it, what like a day? That's what they said, right? About a day he changed it. No, we don't, but they said, or Barbie said, it was a day. So how in a day did Ken take Barbie land and trick, brainwash, they said brainwash, but how do you get all the Barbies to like, just give up on being Barbie in that 24 hours?

Luciano (42:50.494)
We don't know exactly how time works there either.

Yeah, yeah.

Luciano (43:09.503)
Can we replace your water bottle with a hose for this question? To keep, to keep, you know, Spencer on the corner.

Spencer (43:18.309)
I have an answer, but I'll let you guys go first.

Matt (43:21.944)
Mmm, shit.

Luciano (43:23.102)
Yeah, I don't.

Matt (43:25.421)
Uh oh.

Chris (43:25.498)
He said he explained patriarchy and then they lost their minds.

Luciano (43:30.11)
Right, the canes, but how did that work with the Barbies?

Chris (43:32.05)
Ken's explained. That's what he said. How did, but like, okay, well, sorry. So you don't want a real answer. You want a more wild, yeah.

Matt (43:34.016)
Yeah, how did the Barbies?

Luciano (43:37.951)
It's, no, cause it's...

Matt (43:40.419)
You know, I'm fine with your real answer, but I don't understand how you explain the patriarchy to the Barbies and they lose their minds. That doesn't make any sense. Cause, cause, what is she, stereotypical Barbie is like, no, fuck you, basically. When Ken's like, you know, we want to be my like part-time long distance on and off girlfriend. Lo-Mains.

Luciano (43:46.943)

Chris (43:48.73)
Maybe it does go- go ahead.

Luciano (43:54.082)


Luciano (44:01.94)
Low maintenance.

Spencer (44:02.213)
because she learned about it in the in the real world. The other ones were susceptible to influence. They were so naive.

Matt (44:06.036)

Luciano (44:06.998)
Yeah, but there were other Barbies there that didn't get... Yeah, it's weird.

Matt (44:09.267)
I don't see why they're susceptible to influence. I don't see why that makes any sense.

Chris (44:12.45)
It might be, it might, I was just gonna say, it might be that since stereotypical Barbie was already exposed, right? The blow was softened. And then when you're in the utopia, well, you don't accept that, okay, well, let me finish. In Barbie land, they have utopia mind. And so, and I'm not saying that's a, and I think,

Matt (44:24.931)
I don't... I don't accept this.

Chris (44:38.686)
in contrast to patriarchy. No, don't mansplain cut me off. No. I asked you to let me finish and you just cut me off. You cut me off.

Luciano (44:38.894)
So what you're saying... What you're saying is that patriarchy is utopia.

Matt (44:41.827)
Thanks for watching!

Matt (44:45.299)
Uh oh, Incel Chris is here.

Spencer (44:50.109)
PRETCH BROTHER! PRETCH! I agree with Chris.

Matt (44:51.779)

Chris (44:56.454)
None of you are listening, as per men! Oh well. No.

Spencer (45:00.55)
I agree Chris. Thank you.

Luciano (45:02.932)
Uh, no, finish, finish your point in cell. I mean, Chris.

Matt (45:05.047)
Please finish.

Spencer (45:06.557)
No, don't.

Chris (45:07.382)
Y'all y'all have terrible empathetic abilities. Terrible, terrible.

Luciano (45:12.23)
Listen, I wasn't the one who said patriarchy and utopia in the same sentence.

Matt (45:17.472)

Chris (45:17.59)
I was trying to come up with some form of an explanation. I don't, I'm not, it doesn't mean I'm right. I don't know if I'm right. I already said I feel wildly illiquid to talk about Barbie in general, but.

Spencer (45:25.465)
I think they did.

Spencer (45:30.021)
No, I think they did say that. They were like, they were so unaccustomed to that kind of logic that it like scrambled their brains. Their small female brains. That's what the movie said.

Matt (45:40.887)
That, it's like, so okay, but the movie, fair, but the movie goes to such lengths to sort of portray Barbies as this ideal, in Barbie land, they're this ideal for all women in the real world to aspire to. It seems, yeah.

Luciano (45:42.906)
Oh no.

Spencer (45:58.333)
Do they though? Because they're also like kind of like, like a part of the point of the movie was that they were living like this like, not meaningless life, but they were like kind of like not thinking about anything big or like the whole arc of the, of Barbie in the movie is to like think of real thoughts.

Matt (46:15.267)
only stereotypical Barbie. All the rest of the Barbie go back to...

Luciano (46:16.938)
Yeah, I mean, there were, there was a whole, there was a whole Supreme Court, no wait, there was a whole Supreme Court and a president party.

Spencer (46:19.069)
They're like, we just dance. And it's also very superficial.

Chris (46:24.015)
you're forgetting something too.

Spencer (46:27.197)
But they just had parties every day and just danced forever.

Matt (46:31.459)
No, they actually passed laws and respect to each other. Yeah. Did you watch this movie?

Spencer (46:32.958)
Did they?

Luciano (46:33.618)
Yeah, they had a constitution. Hahahaha!

Spencer (46:36.501)
I didn't see that. We didn't...

Chris (46:36.562)
We're spiraling a little bit. And I think it's important to identify both branches. One, there was Matt's question about how did the descent into, how did madness happen? But then at the same time, we're also talking about the branch of the Barbies in Barbie land fulfilling their utopia. But at the same time, here's the branch, each of them are fulfilling

Spencer (46:46.415)

Matt (46:49.663)

Luciano (46:50.094)

Chris (47:04.966)
They're like living their best Barbie life, president, physicist, astronaut, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, plus the relationship of their kid, human kid playing and feeding into that role. So like they're doing, each Barbie was doing what they were supposed to be doing, living their best Barbie life, two branches. That's it, that's it.

Matt (47:20.835)
Chris, I gotta stop you here only because I don't think we identified this initially, but I think there's a huge plot hole around kids being, Barbies being connected to their kids, because that's a whole thing that we need to tackle in like five minutes, yeah. So let's, keeping the kid, the kid-Barbie relationship out of the scenario. I just don't see how.

Luciano (47:32.19)
Yeah, we should talk about that.

Chris (47:36.631)
That's what I'm saying. We're talking about two branches. So, yeah.

Matt (47:47.363)
Ken comes back and is like, in the real world men are in power and the women are like, yeah, I guess I'll just feed them drinks and give them foot rubs now.

Spencer (47:54.573)
I think it went a little something like this. No, no, this is not in Phil Spencer answer yet. I think he convinced them with a musical number because that's a good way to convey, and it was little something like this. Sick of your day to day life as a woman, sick.

Chris (47:57.87)
No, no, get the brawdo, prep it.

Matt (47:58.751)
Oh dear.

Luciano (47:59.287)
Are you gonna break it to song?

Chris (48:03.41)

Luciano (48:05.902)

Chris (48:09.554)
I'm ready.

Luciano (48:11.214)

Matt (48:11.954)

Chris (48:12.515)
That's what they should have done.

Luciano (48:19.63)

Chris (48:19.73)
Oh my god.

Spencer (48:24.045)
of your day to day life as the boss. Time to relax and become a slave to men. Ba ba da ba da da.

Chris (48:34.389)

Luciano (48:34.922)


Spencer (48:39.249)
Thank you! Thank you! Ba-da-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da

Chris (48:48.257)
I do not subscribe to this musical number, but he's trying to explain himself.

Luciano (48:50.11)
I, and I think we all know now why Spencer's audition to be in this movie didn't work.

Matt (48:57.159)

Spencer (48:57.257)
What do you mean I was in this movie?

Luciano (48:59.361)

Matt (49:00.571)
background dancer only

Spencer (49:02.05)
I was the patriarchy.

Matt (49:04.127)
Wow, makes sense actually. It does make sense. Let's, okay, we gotta unpack. I think we've kind of unpacked this a little bit in terms of how Ken did it. We don't know, but terrible patriotic music was the answer. Let's talk about the Barbie connection to the real world because it does not make sense. And it breaks down immediately for me because there's one of every Barbie, right? There's one stereotypical.

Luciano (49:04.15)

Chris (49:04.774)
Ha haaa! Hmm.

Chris (49:15.954)

Spencer (49:18.685)

Chris (49:19.27)

Chris (49:28.157)

Luciano (49:32.715)

Matt (49:32.927)
Barbie, there's one president Barbie, there's one astronaut Barbie. But like, don't millions of kids own millions of Barbies? So why did like existential dread American Ferrera blow stereotypical Barbies' brain when there's probably a million other stereotypical Barbies out there with kids who are just having a great old time?

Chris (49:37.03)

Luciano (49:41.634)
have millions of Barbies. Yeah.

Chris (49:43.63)

Luciano (49:59.858)
That's a good question and how come like I'm sure there are other fucked up kids unfortunately playing with Barbies how come all of the Barbies didn't get affected? Only she did.

Matt (50:10.067)
Yeah. Oh, God.

Spencer (50:10.361)
I got this. Unless anyone else has an answer.

Luciano (50:12.598)
Ha ha ha!

Chris (50:13.088)

Matt (50:14.899)
We have answers, but you just keep jumping in. So let's, no, let's get podcasting. Just continue.

Spencer (50:16.313)
No, that's what I'm asking! You guys go ahead.

Luciano (50:18.662)
Go- Now you started it, go ahead.

Spencer (50:22.961)
No, you sh- Listen, who's the patriarchy now? Yeah, that's right. So let me talk. Basically-

Matt (50:29.043)
You always.

Chris (50:34.482)
I wanna push you around, around. No thanks.

Spencer (50:39.022)
No, I think that the... If there are a million Barbies toys, I think the avatar of that real version of Barbie Land is like an amalgamation of all of the most common traits that the kids imagined.

Chris (50:45.316)

Chris (50:59.847)

Matt (51:00.431)
Oh, so the ones you like and want? And not the evil ones?

Spencer (51:02.525)
No, like let's just say that the kids that play with the regular Barbie, let's say 70% of them are thinking that she's dancing and partying and happy and cool and all this. And then 30% are thinking suicidal thoughts and want to kill things or horrible people. That 70% takes over.

Matt (51:20.02)
Oh, great. Yep.

Matt (51:26.455)
Okay, so you're saying...

Chris (51:26.566)
So she's like a receiver, like a receiver of some sort in relation to the population that have her sort of avatar, almost like a voodoo doll in a way.

Spencer (51:29.382)

Spencer (51:36.313)
Yeah, but then there's like a small percentage that pretends their Barbie, you know, believes that Donald Trump won the election. That doesn't mean that the real Barbie is going to think that.

Matt (51:48.587)
Well, Spencer, so you're telling me by our logic, which is, I guess, this sounds an excellent sales logic. By this logic, stereotypical Barbie has at least 50.1% of people playing with her that are experiencing existential dread and cellulite.

Spencer (51:51.569)

Luciano (51:55.332)
I'm out.

Spencer (52:08.505)
No. But, like it's not like it has to be the average, but not in the way that you describe it. Like you're saying that 50% have to all think the same things. Like let's just say that, you know, 70% think that she's cool, 80% think she's beautiful. No. And maybe like, no, maybe they only like infuse personality traits once it reaches over.

Luciano (52:10.549)

Matt (52:11.583)
You mean no. You said it was the average.

Matt (52:27.383)
This is how the patriarchy tries to convince you're crazy. This is called gaslighting.

Spencer (52:37.989)
20% of total feelings. You know, so then maybe she was the one person that put it over the edge of existential crisis.

Matt (52:46.304)
For those of you listening at home, he's changed his answer in order to fit a different model and convinced you that he was right the whole time. Good job, Incel Spencer. Way to show him how it's done. Ha ha ha. The math works out. You can't do it, because only men can.

Spencer (52:51.201)
No, no, no.

Spencer (52:54.753)
Listen, trust me, I'm a man. It checks out. Just trust me. Yeah.

Chris (52:58.91)
Oh my god!

Luciano (53:03.635)
And also, and like, just, you know, as a point of contention, all that we see is one person having one particular, you know, existential crisis about satellite, I guess, and affecting that's the only one we see.

Spencer (53:19.537)
but you think that's the only one whatever he's got that

Matt (53:22.403)
No, but only stereotypical Barbie suffers from it, by your logic.

Luciano (53:26.613)

Spencer (53:28.765)
So far.

Matt (53:30.82)
Uh, okay.

Luciano (53:31.082)
No, but we never see anything, even Midge is fine.

Matt (53:35.039)
Yep. Well, she's discontinued. No one plays with her.

Chris (53:36.302)
No one talked to her. She discontinued, but no one plays with her, but no one talked to her in the construct of this movie. We don't know what's going on with her. Like, did they, like with Sugar Daddy, or Daddy Sugar, and then the other, and then the other, I can't remember the name of the other Ken, thank you. They identified themselves when no one asked them how their day was, and the same goes for-

Luciano (53:40.094)
Yeah, that's true. That's true. Nobody plays with her.

Matt (53:51.235)
Mm-hmm. Magic earring, Ken.

Luciano (53:52.188)

Yeah. Ha ha ha!

Spencer (53:56.733)
That's the greatest of all.

Matt (53:58.787)

Chris (54:02.734)
I mean, but they did talk to Barbie with a TV in her back and she was able to express who wants a TV in their fucking back. No one.

Matt (54:11.079)
Yeah, but they're all discontinued, so they don't have any avatars in the world to be played with.

Luciano (54:15.274)
Yeah, arguably a stereotypical Barbie is the more common one, right? That everybody has.

Chris (54:16.47)
So then their own voice probably comes through, I guess.

Spencer (54:20.617)

Matt (54:23.071)
I think stereotypical Barbie is just a way to say the original Barbie, right?

Luciano (54:26.642)
Yeah, yeah, the first one, which... Yeah...

Spencer (54:28.117)
the most played with which just shows how popular existential crisis has become amongst our youth. It's a deep message yo. We gotta talk about this. It would've been great if there's one doll that was like a doll that no one played with and was just like not cognizant like they're just like oh no one plays with no like she's like a woman in the Barbie land but she can't move or talk or anything she's just lifeless so they're like oh no one plays with her anymore

Matt (54:38.788)

Luciano (54:38.854)

Luciano (54:49.046)
Like a doll.

Luciano (54:57.923)
That would have been good, yeah.

Matt (55:00.139)
except it would have gone, then all the discontinued dolls would have been those.

Spencer (55:03.461)
Now, people still have those. They've passed from generation to generation. But there's one that nobody plays with and they're like, she's just frozen, sentient, but can't move or speak, living a life of hell forever.

Matt (55:06.912)

Chris (55:17.138)
This is getting too dark.

Matt (55:18.82)
You're taking this is classic patriarchal operations. You're trying to take away from the point of the movie about how hard it is to be a woman in today's society. Oh, who knows? And you're just trying to make it like, oh, this fun toilet doesn't have a life. Let's just laugh at them instead of staying on brand. Classic.

Spencer (55:21.009)
Ha ha ha!

Luciano (55:21.708)

Spencer (55:26.713)
A what now? I'm not sure.

Luciano (55:29.207)

Spencer (55:36.764)
I'm quite wrong, but I don't think there are any women in this movie.

Chris (55:41.01)

Spencer (55:42.845)

Luciano (55:43.106)
Ha ha ha!

Matt (55:43.847)
Oh god. Any other final thoughts on this connection? We have questions to ask otherwise.

Chris (55:50.186)
It's If we work with the framework of this movie, I mean you kind of have to It's it's never been done. It's never been done or split explored before Barbie land and like the relationship of playing with your kids. Sorry with your with a kid and their toy but like in this construct, so the many know There's there's Toy Story for one, right?

Matt (56:11.083)
I was gonna say I'm pretty sure they made the movie... They made the... The Toy Story movies. Yeah.

Spencer (56:14.536)
Toy Story?

Luciano (56:16.27)
Ha ha ha!

Chris (56:18.662)
But I'm talking about, or what I'm trying to zero in on is the connection. Silence in cell infidel.

Spencer (56:24.361)
Spit it out, god damn it!

Spencer (56:30.041)
TO- TODAY JUNIOR? Sorry, continue.

Chris (56:34.906)
to stretch this bitch out until kingdom come. Like your model, your model Spencer was like, almost like, like I said, voodoo jaw, but almost like a satellite signal, many to one avatar. But at the same time, like there's certain things we have to just like suspend our disbelief with and kind of just, what?

Spencer (56:35.785)

Matt (56:55.915)
BOOOOO What's this realistic answer? Suspend our disbelief

Spencer (56:57.388)
Yeah, oh yeah, oh, uh...

Luciano (57:01.186)
Hahaha! No, honestly, even with suspicion of disbelief, this doesn't work.

Chris (57:01.476)
Okay well.

Spencer (57:04.625)
I'm gonna suspend my disbelief and say that was a good answer.

Chris (57:05.683)
I don't know.

Luciano (57:14.614)
because it's not internally consistent.

Chris (57:14.639)
Okay, just carry on.

Spencer (57:17.582)
It's an opportunity to come late, Chris.

Luciano (57:20.439)

Matt (57:21.16)
Moving on, moving on to questions. Chris, I'm gonna throw you a softball.

Luciano (57:24.418)
All right.

Chris (57:29.906)
Sorry I came late. I tried.

Spencer (57:31.081)
I'm not. Ha ha ha.

Matt (57:32.567)
Chris, we need to focus now. Chris, what is beaching off? Ha ha ha.

Chris (57:34.926)

Spencer (57:36.925)
I'll take this one. No, I'm just... I'm just kidding.

Chris (57:41.894)
Beaching off is the activity. Yes, he does. And even if he did need to try to save someone, he would not be qualified to do so. So no, and it's unfortunate, but the definition of beaching off would be, you see, it would be standing, posing, and then attempting to enter a body of water and being repelled by its majesty.

Matt (57:43.479)
Kent beaches have a lot.

Matt (57:52.243)
It would not be.

Chris (58:09.273)
every time.

Matt (58:09.827)
Clean and subtle, I like it. Luciano.

Chris (58:12.302)
every time. There's there's no room. Oh, and there's Yeah, go ahead.

Luciano (58:17.98)
I just thought it was the act of rubbing sand on your private...

Chris (58:22.79)
but there's no private parts in Barbie Land.

Matt (58:25.288)
It doesn't have any private parts, how can he do that?

Luciano (58:26.49)
True. So he does it.

Chris (58:27.546)
But Ken did say he has all the geni-

Luciano (58:31.266)
Yeah, he did say that. Yeah. I don't think it was true. I don't think he even know what genitals were. That boy dumb is what I'm saying.

Chris (58:33.242)
He said it, but did it, was it true?

Matt (58:35.587)
It wasn't true.

Matt (58:44.651)
Maybe. Maybe he is.

Chris (58:45.894)
How can one understand what one has never?

Chris (58:52.074)
I broke the podcast, oh no! Don't answer it.

Matt (58:52.319)
Well, that's a question we're not going to answer here, Spencer. Beaching off. What is it? How do you do it?

Spencer (58:53.033)

Spencer (58:59.613)
Um, I believe it's when a whale comes through the surface and spews air out of its blowhole.

Luciano (59:11.854)
Is that what we're calling it?

Matt (59:13.347)
I mean, that's what Ken does. Ken is a whale.

Spencer (59:14.857)
That's what Ken does. Oh, I thought you said breaching. Breaching. Oh. Ha ha ha.

Luciano (59:15.558)
Oh shit.

Luciano (59:20.045)
Oh, shut the fuck up.

Spencer (59:24.77)
Intel Spencer is back.

Luciano (59:26.474)
See, I should thank Spencer for giving an even worse answer than mine. I owe you one.

Spencer (59:30.499)
Uh, yeah, you're welcome.

Matt (59:30.891)
Yeah, he cleaned that right up for her.

Chris (59:34.546)
I think he also redeemed my previous failed attempt to answer a question as well.

Spencer (59:39.922)
I just wanted to help you guys out, you know?

Matt (59:40.072)
Also correct.

Chris (59:42.566)
Thank you.

Luciano (59:43.707)
Matt, what is bitching off?

Matt (59:45.631)
Well, that's a great question. Lucy, I don't think you're asking me. Beaching off is when you and a friend help each other to pose on the beach in a competition against two other people.

Luciano (01:00:04.299)
A computation? Ah, OK. Ah.

Matt (01:00:04.523)
for the greatest beach pose. Competition for the greatest beach pose. And the faster and harder you pose, the better it is.

Spencer (01:00:12.873)
Better than your orgasm.

Luciano (01:00:13.559)

Chris (01:00:13.712)
You know, I think that's got some extra legs though, because wasn't the Ken battle, could one argue that was a beach off? Yeah.

Luciano (01:00:16.827)
Oh, you danced that line there. Well done.

Matt (01:00:25.315)

Luciano (01:00:26.898)
Yeah, they were bitching off each other for sure.

Matt (01:00:29.195)
They sure were, pitching each other off. That's okay.

Spencer (01:00:29.373)
but they had their clothes on.

Chris (01:00:31.974)
Does one need clothes or no clothes?

Spencer (01:00:33.929)
Can you beach off with your clothes on?

Luciano (01:00:36.618)
Yeah, you can.

Matt (01:00:37.155)
You don't have to have all your clothes off. I mean, yeah? Or your shirt.

Spencer (01:00:38.249)
Just take your pants off and you can do it.

Chris (01:00:41.458)
I think there was some beaching, some vigorous beaching with clothes.

Spencer (01:00:46.185)
I like to beach off fully nude.

Luciano (01:00:46.403)
That yeah.

Luciano (01:00:51.075)
Some would say they drive each other off.

Spencer (01:00:53.957)

Chris (01:00:54.418)

Matt (01:00:55.976)
Mm-hmm. It's really good. I think for you to beach out fully nude, that's a special beach, special location.

Spencer (01:01:02.053)
Yeah, that's true. That's true. I only make Juff nude on special occasions.

Luciano (01:01:02.77)
Yeah, that is true. Otherwise it's jail time.

Matt (01:01:07.956)
Yeah. Next question. Moving straight through that. We saw.

Chris (01:01:09.923)

Spencer (01:01:10.345)

Spencer (01:01:15.249)
beach off in a watermelon.

Matt (01:01:18.004)
Toys go from the toy world to the real world.

Luciano (01:01:19.063)

Chris (01:01:19.066)

Spencer (01:01:19.081)
Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe hehehe hehehe

Matt (01:01:30.879)
And they kind of show it, but they don't show it. So I want to know how it really works, right? Like how does going from the toy world to the real world or vice versa actually work? I understand that they get in different vehicles and they travel a distance, but there's other stuff that happened there, right? Like you roller blade on Santa Monica Pier and then...

Chris (01:01:50.732)

Chris (01:01:57.126)
final stage.

Matt (01:01:58.675)
And then all of a sudden you're in, was the spaceship the last one?

Chris (01:02:04.186)
You go, I think you're going, you're going backwards now.

Spencer (01:02:05.101)
Last one's a car. The last one's a car. Cause that's the car she leaves the Barbie line.

Matt (01:02:07.787)
The first one will come. Yeah. She comes. Okay. So yeah, let's lay out like, let's go. We're going out of Barbie land. Just, we're all on the same page. Cars first.

Chris (01:02:09.038)
first one is the car. Do we need to lay out the steps in order to talk about it?

Luciano (01:02:11.69)
Yeah, it's it.

Luciano (01:02:17.486)
Okay, so it's car to, yeah, to the ride across Amsterdam because they're riding in front of windmills. The dendiven thingy, the camper.

Spencer (01:02:17.993)
car. Boat?

Chris (01:02:18.386)



Matt (01:02:24.375)

Chris (01:02:27.41)
So maybe it was the van thingy, the van thingy. And then there was a bike. Where does the bike happen? The bicycle, the tandem bicycle? I think so.

Matt (01:02:27.84)

Matt (01:02:31.184)
Oh yeah, yeah. I can't, the camper van.

Spencer (01:02:32.241)
That's uh-

Spencer (01:02:37.517)
4 space?

Matt (01:02:41.443)
So space the first one, sorry, the last one, the scenario.

Luciano (01:02:42.738)
No, no, the last... is it the last one?

Spencer (01:02:45.373)
I think it was space, then bike, then more, then rollerblade?

Chris (01:02:49.242)
The last one is the snowmobile.

Luciano (01:02:51.975)
Yeah, yeah, that's true.

Matt (01:02:53.101)
That's right. Yeah

Spencer (01:02:54.387)
That's an expensive trip.

Luciano (01:02:56.272)
Which doesn't make any sense because they end up in Santa Monica, but whatever. Yeah.

Matt (01:03:00.191)
Whatever. So how does that actually work? How, because like, we see the Mattel board of directors, Barbie Ken and the human and child go, can anybody go?

Spencer (01:03:01.801)
Can you book that through rentals?

Chris (01:03:02.534)
Hmm. So those are the.

Chris (01:03:17.87)
It seems that way.

Spencer (01:03:19.066)
If you believe.

Matt (01:03:21.203)
So how would I get there? Or?

Spencer (01:03:22.653)
Well first you're gonna put some PCP on your tongue.

Luciano (01:03:26.51)

Chris (01:03:26.63)
Ha ha ha!

Spencer (01:03:27.005)
Then you can start, then you swim in the ocean.

Chris (01:03:31.018)
And a full pack of four, and a full four pack of colors up your anus.

Matt (01:03:36.985)
Wow, just four colors? That's all I need? Okay, okay.

Chris (01:03:38.694)
Just four, just four. One of the must, one of the must, because at some point they all make pink.

Spencer (01:03:40.005)
It'll get you there.

Matt (01:03:46.96)
What the fuck?

Spencer (01:03:47.952)
I don't even know what that means.

Chris (01:03:48.406)
And then, and then, you need a little bit of a... Wee.

Spencer (01:03:57.832)

Luciano (01:03:58.994)
I mean... I don't... Is the powder on the doughnut cocaine?

Chris (01:03:59.812)
weed and a powdered donut.

Spencer (01:04:06.289)
Is there any other kind of powder?

Chris (01:04:07.166)
No, this one's actual, this one is actual. Well, there was cocaine on the crayons, but let's not talk about that. The powdered donut has full sugar, because you need sugar.

Spencer (01:04:16.061)
Fool, that's the craziest drug of all.

Matt (01:04:17.827)

Chris (01:04:19.874)
I didn't say, there's plenty of, y'all can just come up with another thing to put cocaine on. You gotta have sugar.

Luciano (01:04:20.002)

Luciano (01:04:27.154)
It can be, why, yeah. No, no, you set up a joke and then you slap it down?

Matt (01:04:27.583)
But why did you make it a powdered donut? Can't you come in a different form?

Chris (01:04:29.766)
Because it's sugar.

Spencer (01:04:31.925)
You set us up.

Matt (01:04:34.823)
Yeah, you can't get mad at us.

Chris (01:04:35.338)
I didn't set up a joke. I'm not mad, I didn't set up a joke. You asked for the process and I identified two things. Now, if you want cocaine, feel free to add another thing.

Spencer (01:04:40.413)

Luciano (01:04:46.782)
Yeah, on the powder. Yeah, exactly.

Matt (01:04:46.943)
I put it on, fine I put it on the sugared doughnut. It's a doughnut, it's sugared, and then it's cocaine.

Spencer (01:04:49.097)

Chris (01:04:51.018)
Fuck you, fuck you, and fuck you! Fuck all of you! I tried to do some shit, you think you could just Julia Child your way into Barbie land?

Matt (01:04:59.831)
Chris, this is a yes and space. I took your powdered donut and I added cocaine. Ha ha ha.

Spencer (01:05:05.777)
Chris was like, yes, and I washed the cocaine off the donut. Ha!

Chris (01:05:06.186)
Yes, eh! Fuck you!

Luciano (01:05:10.763)

Chris (01:05:13.824)
What the fuck? Dust dust dust. Carry.

Spencer (01:05:15.653)
That totally does seem like the way they would get, like I could totally see a scene of Will Ferrell in them and like, we gotta go to Barbie land. And they're like, take LSD, like, ah. And it cuts to them like, whoa, like going through space and everything.

Luciano (01:05:24.328)
Yeah, yeah.

Luciano (01:05:28.478)
I mean, we got everything, we got everything except for the LSD thing. Like if you had told me, he was like, yeah, sure. That's, that's a trip and it's fine.

Chris (01:05:28.818)
Would've been nice if there was a-

Spencer (01:05:32.881)

Chris (01:05:37.762)
It would be nice if we had a little extra something to help people, like to help one make that transit. Cause you're lit. So like, like this question breeds a sub question. We don't have to answer it, but like, does your physical like body composition change when you go from human land to Barbie land, human, human land, real world to Barbie land. Do you change

Matt (01:05:52.439)
100% No. Yes?

Luciano (01:05:53.682)
Yeah, I become...

Spencer (01:05:56.169)
Actually, that brings up a very important question.

Matt (01:05:57.843)
No, okay. We know the answer. Let's wait. Let's ask you your question with another question because that's how podcasting works. Okay. So, I'm going to go ahead and start the podcast. So, I'm going to start the podcast.

Spencer (01:06:05.093)
Yes, this is a yes and to his question. Yes and, we know at the end of the movie, Barbie develops a vagina.

Luciano (01:06:05.515)

Chris (01:06:06.372)

Matt (01:06:09.527)

Chris (01:06:16.366)
No, she gets one, doesn't she?

Matt (01:06:16.415)
because she feels emotions from Ruth. Ruth says, feel your emotions, and then ghost Ruth has to die, so her ghost essence creates a vagina for Barbie.

Spencer (01:06:18.626)
Yes, now...

Luciano (01:06:24.214)
Disappears, yeah.

Chris (01:06:27.29)
But she was... I'm confused. Wasn't she dead already? Wasn't she the ghost? Ghost vagina.

Spencer (01:06:29.449)
She's got a ghost vagina?

Luciano (01:06:32.218)
No, she, her ghost died, the ghost died. Yeah. Wait, that's not, that's not what that means. It's not gonna sneak in an idiom like that in here. I don't know. Yeah, you get it all in.

Matt (01:06:32.331)
Yeah, but she gave up the ghost. Yeah, it's her ghost essence. It is now.

Chris (01:06:35.921)

Spencer (01:06:38.378)
But doesn't her ghost live forever as her vagina now?

Matt (01:06:44.856)
Why not? I'm pretty sure I almost got it in.

Spencer (01:06:46.905)
So you got it in all right. So does that mean when people go to Barbie land, they lose their genitals?

Matt (01:06:54.947)
No, because you have to make a conscious choice to become not human.

Luciano (01:06:58.318)
to be a doll. Yeah.

Chris (01:07:00.53)
So they were visiting.

Spencer (01:07:00.877)
I made that choice long ago.

Matt (01:07:03.4)
No shit. Unique.

Luciano (01:07:04.482)
So you heard it here everybody, Matt just said that giving up the ghost means getting a vagina.

That's what he did. Moving on.

Matt (01:07:15.595)
In cell Spencer told me that in confidence.

Spencer (01:07:18.411)
It's facts.

Luciano (01:07:21.172)

Matt (01:07:21.291)
Moving on to the next question, because this is what we do here. Um, quick question. We've seen a number of toy properties have movies. Some were better than others. This is probably one of the best for a straight toy property. The He-Man movies have been subpar at best. Um... I don't know. I don't know. The 80s one. It's terrible. Moving on, we're focusing on the wrong parts. They made a battleship movie which is technically not a toy, but it's...

Chris (01:07:38.67)
Movies? What's the other one? But it's not we don't have to get into that. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay

Luciano (01:07:41.078)
there's another one i only know of i only know of one and that one is who we

Luciano (01:07:50.576)
Oh my god, yes.

Matt (01:07:51.163)
is a toy. It was interesting. Poor Liam Neeson just earning checks. But what I want to know is what is the next toy property that's going to get a movie? And before you answer I just want to let you know that there are a couple that you can't pick. American Girl Doll, Barney, Christmas Balloon, Hot Wheels, Magic 8 Ball, Major Matt, Mason, Masters of the Universe, Matchbox, Polly Pocket, Rock'em Sock'em Robots, Thomas and Friends, Uno,

Chris (01:07:51.627)
Yikes, true. Hmm

Luciano (01:07:57.288)

Chris (01:08:05.347)

Luciano (01:08:18.558)
Wait, no, wait. No, wait, wait. They're making an Uno movie, how?

Matt (01:08:20.587)
because they are all in production from Mattel. Oh, sorry.

Spencer (01:08:22.273)
No, no way.

Chris (01:08:29.4)

Matt (01:08:30.591)
It's a horror film for sure. You don't want to get reversed.

Luciano (01:08:31.848)
No, that's the why. The true, that it is true.

Spencer (01:08:36.329)
I wanna see the Magic 8 Ball movie.

Matt (01:08:37.091)

Matt (01:08:40.423)
Ask you again later.

Chris (01:08:41.998)
It'll be like Jumanji. Real facts, it'll be like Jumanji, maybe.

Luciano (01:08:42.058)
Oh my god. But hey, I heard Masters of the Universe there too.

Matt (01:08:44.395)
Yeah, definitely.

Spencer (01:08:45.249)
with four possible answers. That'd be cool.

Chris (01:08:50.47)
Finally, but they've been trying at that for a many

Matt (01:08:50.616)
Yeah, maybe. Pick your own property. Don't pick those 14 are off the list. You gotta pick your own property.

Luciano (01:08:51.751)
Okay, so we can't pick any of those ones.

Spencer (01:08:55.235)

Luciano (01:08:58.386)

Spencer (01:08:58.417)
All right, picture the scene.

Matt (01:09:01.617)
Star wipe

Spencer (01:09:01.977)
Yeah, Star Wife. There's a man, age 40, and his 12-year-old daughter sitting in a basement.

Chris (01:09:03.218)

Chris (01:09:11.328)
I don't like where this is going.

Spencer (01:09:15.337)
Quiet, honey. Daddy, I'm scared. You don't have to be scared, honey. We're safe down here. Oh no. They found the door. Hungry, hungry hippos. No. Daddy, no. They're always hungry. They're so hungry.

Luciano (01:09:31.394)
What the fuck? Oh, wherever I thought that was going, that was not it.

Matt (01:09:35.843)

Spencer (01:09:40.637)
Coming this fall. Ugly hippos.

Luciano (01:09:41.57)
Um, I was going to say that there's like a Hasbro, I think it's Hasbro has this, uh, series of, um, toys for boys where it's like a vehicle that turns into a robot. I think that could be pretty successful.

Matt (01:09:58.42)
I hate you.

Spencer (01:09:59.241)
Fuck you and fuck everything about you. That's coming from me and Intel Spencer.

Matt (01:10:05.003)
I said you couldn't pick Rock'em Sock'em robots and I meant it.

Spencer (01:10:08.046)

Luciano (01:10:08.47)
Oh my bad, my bad, my bad, I'm sorry. Um, what other?

Chris (01:10:12.858)
What about the, I got one. What about the Rubik's Cube? Like my mind, yo, like it could, I'm about to, I'm doing it right now. It could go in two directions. Tell me which one you wanna do. Option, no, no. Some of a bitch, you some of a bitch. I said the movie options can go in two directions. One.

Spencer (01:10:20.681)
Show your work.

Matt (01:10:22.446)
Yeah, paint a picture.

Spencer (01:10:28.157)
Well actually, Rubik's Cube can go forward.

Matt (01:10:30.627)
Hehehehehehe Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe

Luciano (01:10:31.905)

Spencer (01:10:32.489)

Chris (01:10:40.742)
Horror film, much like Hellraiser.

Luciano (01:10:43.506)
I was thinking more the cube. Like the movie the cube.

Chris (01:10:46.855)
Well, maybe it's third, maybe it's three now. I gotta sneeze, oh no. Okay, I'll, ah, so, uh, maintain, maintain.

Luciano (01:10:52.228)

Spencer (01:10:52.339)
Fight it!

Luciano (01:10:54.991)
I was allergic to bad ideas, let's go.

Chris (01:10:57.75)
Um, man, fuck you. Um, the third, that was how I see, I let it out without you knowing. Uh, the third, I'm going to skip past your cube idea and count it as, as a second. And the third idea would be like an intergalactic, an intergalactic crossing of, uh, intergalactic crossing, uh, ah, intergalactic coming of age story where the

Luciano (01:11:00.028)

Matt (01:11:02.114)

Spencer (01:11:15.938)

Chris (01:11:24.41)
The journey to find the Rubik's Cube, which controls the universe, is at stake.

Spencer (01:11:30.737)
They're gonna say an intergalactic war between like the colors and they're like fighting for positions in the cube of space the The Red Army have made their move. Everything was fine till the green army attacks

Luciano (01:11:31.447)
I thought...

Matt (01:11:35.828)

Luciano (01:11:38.69)
trying to align themselves?

Chris (01:11:39.226)
That sounds...

Spencer (01:11:46.545)
Rubik's Cube.

Luciano (01:11:46.9)
I thought when...

Matt (01:11:49.027)
Thanks for watching!

Chris (01:11:49.721)
But they're all part of the same existence, which to me sounds like harmony.

Spencer (01:11:53.131)
That's the theme of the movie. They need to find their allegiances and realize they're all part of the same cube.

Luciano (01:11:58.31)
Yeah, they need to be united.

Chris (01:11:59.334)
So you wanna game a, you kinda wanna, you kinda wanna game a Thrones thing going on before all hell breaks loose?

Spencer (01:12:06.582)
Yeah, they're vying for positions on the cube when they all have their rightful place. THE CUBE IS GONE!

Luciano (01:12:13.378)
I mean, when you said intergalactic battle in a cube, I immediately thought of the board, but they were very colorful.

Chris (01:12:15.565)

Spencer (01:12:20.253)
That's two. Just make Star Trek the next generation but the Borg are a Rubik's Cube. Movie done.

Chris (01:12:22.854)
They could use.

They could use a splash of color.

Matt (01:12:26.772)
All right, fair enough.

Luciano (01:12:28.434)

Chris (01:12:30.322)
They could use some drapes, could use a new throw rug here and there, get some multi-colored LED lights, you know?

Spencer (01:12:37.125)
We are the Rubik Resistance is futile.

Chris (01:12:41.786)
We want to party.

Matt (01:12:44.272)
I hope you just stop the madness.

Spencer (01:12:44.957)
We want to simulate your color into our own.

Luciano (01:12:48.356)
I mean, I already gave my idea you didn't like it, but I can think of another one. All right, fine. Thank you.

Spencer (01:12:52.377)
No, nope, you're done.

Matt (01:12:53.928)
Now we're moving past it.

Matt (01:12:58.283)
So it's just left to me to save this segment, correct?

Spencer (01:13:01.161)
Hey, Hungry Hippos is gonna be a franchise.

Chris (01:13:01.242)
He saved, he saved him, we saved him.

Luciano (01:13:02.158)
I mean, let's see what you come up with. Saving might be a strong word.

Chris (01:13:05.786)
Hungry Apples!

Matt (01:13:06.165)


Luciano (01:13:10.39)
Look at this man looking at the internet for toys.

Spencer (01:13:12.031)
Look at this giant list.

Chris (01:13:12.978)
hungry but like while you look for something hungry hippos has legs for real for like facts check it no there's like four hippos four hippos 16 legs bro 16

Luciano (01:13:20.451)
They have four.

Spencer (01:13:20.901)
What anim- what? Hahahaha

Matt (01:13:23.511)
They don't actually have legs, they're just flat on the ground.

Matt (01:13:30.951)
No, in the game they're just laying there and it's just your mouth that moves.

Chris (01:13:33.766)
But you've got to adapt it for the screen. You've got to adapt it for the screen. That's what you get. It sounds like that makes sense.

Luciano (01:13:34.454)
That is true.

Matt (01:13:37.131)
You've wasted all my time moving on.

Spencer (01:13:38.117)
Hippos are the deadliest animal in the world.

Matt (01:13:41.483)
fine. That might be true. Chris.

Luciano (01:13:42.295)
That is true.

Chris (01:13:46.979)
Yes, sir.

Matt (01:13:48.095)
I have another fun question for you. What Barbies? We see a lot of Barbies that get made. We see a lot of Barbies that get discontinued. But I want to know, give me one Barbie that never made it to production.

Chris (01:13:50.406)
Here we go.

Chris (01:14:03.442)
Starving artist Barbie.

Luciano (01:14:06.118)

Matt (01:14:06.994)
What did she come with?

Spencer (01:14:10.077)

Chris (01:14:10.511)
She comes with a beret, a beret, a beret, crippling debt, endless optimism, a half pack of cigarettes, two of which she found off a curb. They're dirty. They're bent, they're wet and bent. And she's waiting for them to dry out because she still needs to commit time to her art, but she also has to get that fixed.

Luciano (01:14:10.638)
crippling death.

Matt (01:14:25.559)
They're like half sick or half...

Spencer (01:14:26.345)
They're out, they're saved.

Luciano (01:14:28.866)

Luciano (01:14:37.79)
They could have so many accessories, because what kind of artist is she? A painter? Is she... Of course not, because she doesn't have money to buy them. So yeah. Yeah.

Spencer (01:14:40.985)
Yeah, does she come with any art supplies? None of these are art supplies.

She's struggling.

Chris (01:14:49.887)
Well, allow me to try to paint that picture.

Matt (01:14:51.075)
There's a pin to prick her finger to get her paint material.

Spencer (01:14:52.457)

Chris (01:14:56.382)
Oh, that's one way to go about it, but I thought, I thought, do you get punch cards at blood donor drives? Cause like in order for her to make ends meet, I don't, I don't know. Anyways, so she also has, she also has a Kinko's print card because she's an employee, but she doesn't, she can't get any shifts in order to help her cover.

Matt (01:15:05.123)
This is Canada, dude. I don't think so. Yeah.

Spencer (01:15:06.917)
It's your toy, man. Figure it out. Ha ha ha.

Luciano (01:15:08.523)

Chris (01:15:23.802)
her expenses. So the answer to your question on what art or paint supplies or whatever her tool of choice is, it's coffee. She paints in coffee. So use Tim Horton's cups and before people throw away. Yeah, she goes to Oakhead. Yeah. And how can I make this even more spicy?

Matt (01:15:24.227)

Luciano (01:15:40.002)
This is a Canadian version. Okay. Ha!

Matt (01:15:47.624)
Shots fired.

Luciano (01:15:48.563)

Spencer (01:15:54.281)
I think that's enough toys.

Luciano (01:15:54.83)
Cause I was going to say you could have, you could have accessories for like a, a failed demo tape, a failed, like a bad painting that you painted it, you know, only she likes.

Chris (01:16:04.406)
Oh, she's got, she's got a zine. She's got a zine that she works on the side. Yeah. No, a zine. It's not a, okay, sure. Thank you, thank you, thank you, sure. And then, yeah, and her medium is coffee. Like she paints with coffee. Yeah.

Luciano (01:16:11.154)
A blog? No, both. Both.

Matt (01:16:22.779)
All right, that's a great, great option. I don't know why I didn't make it to print, but what else?

Luciano (01:16:27.11)
Yeah, could have been a winner.

Chris (01:16:28.778)
Some may say it didn't inspire children. You might, you might say it was less than inspiring.

Luciano (01:16:32.09)

Matt (01:16:33.311)
Well, who knows? What else we got?

Luciano (01:16:39.433)
How about migrant worker Barbie?

That never, I don't think that ever got made, did it? Yeah, it wasn't really flying off the shelves.

Chris (01:16:45.095)

Spencer (01:16:47.005)
That didn't get off the shelves. That didn't get past the... The... Didn't get past the brainwashing phase. The... I mean the brain... The brainstorm phase.

Matt (01:16:55.263)
What? What did that come with?

Chris (01:16:58.03)
It had a, it had, it came with, I could, allow me to, to help, to assist really quick. It came with a drawstring with the, with one prerecorded phrase. I don't know how many, but one was such as, I am job.

Luciano (01:17:11.518)
Jeez, jeez. I was going to say it comes with a comes with a little tent.

Matt (01:17:11.853)

Chris (01:17:16.291)
It was it was just kidding.

Spencer (01:17:17.445)
Even... ..insult Spencer's offenders.

Luciano (01:17:21.254)
Yeah. Achievement unlocked.

Matt (01:17:21.515)
Okay. Hahaha.

Spencer (01:17:25.506)
Dear God, what is wrong with you people?

Matt (01:17:27.648)
I'm not sure.

Luciano (01:17:30.07)
It comes in a little tent that she can sleep in with her four children.

Matt (01:17:38.808)
Mm-hmm. Pfft. Heh heh heh. God.

Spencer (01:17:39.021)
Again, I gave you an out and you didn't take it and I don't know why. And you slam the door shut and set the exit on fire.

Chris (01:17:40.626)

Luciano (01:17:42.686)
No, I didn't take it. No, I saw the exit and kept going. Ha ha ha.

Chris (01:17:47.118)
You just continued to dig. You just dig. You chose to dig down. You grabbed another shovel and you began to dig with both arms. Huh, huh, huh.

Matt (01:17:52.115)
You've accelerated when you saw the exit. It was like, nah.

Luciano (01:17:55.802)

Luciano (01:18:00.856)

Yeah, she also comes with an immigration form that she has a field.

Spencer (01:18:04.143)
So... Oh god!

Chris (01:18:05.141)

Chris (01:18:09.722)

Spencer (01:18:12.893)

Luciano (01:18:14.063)

Chris (01:18:15.428)
Oh god!

Matt (01:18:16.363)
she comes with a little English, Spanish English dictionary.

Luciano (01:18:21.036)

Chris (01:18:23.628)

Luciano (01:18:23.903)
The other sentence the other sentence the other sentence in the dust drawstring is no abloom in bliss

Spencer (01:18:24.605)
So my Barbie!

Spencer (01:18:30.245)
Okay. So my Barbie, um...

Matt (01:18:30.771)
Uh huh, yeah, yeah.

Luciano (01:18:34.268)
Thank you Spencer.

Spencer (01:18:36.913)
um, is, uh, waifu, uh, wife Barbie, which is, uh, it's an anime based Barbie.

Luciano (01:18:37.69)

Chris (01:18:37.798)
Oh, ha ha.

Chris (01:18:41.306)
Horoscope Barbie. Okay, go for it. Go, go, go. Oh, oh, oh.

Chris (01:18:48.9)

Luciano (01:18:49.153)
Oh no.

Luciano (01:18:53.114)
Is it just like a full body pillow instead of a doll?

Spencer (01:18:55.097)
It's it it's very it's actually it's not full body. It's a pillow The size of a barbie Yeah

Luciano (01:19:05.141)
with just a drawing of a Barbie on it.

Matt (01:19:08.036)
I was asking how it didn't get printed and now I know. Now I know why it didn't get made.

Luciano (01:19:10.966)

Spencer (01:19:13.348)
And it's like, it says, you know, I sent pay when he pulled a straight.

Luciano (01:19:19.75)
Oh no. Oh no. Is it the same voice actress that did the migrant one?

Matt (01:19:21.312)

Spencer (01:19:25.585)
No, no, no. She switched jobs.

Luciano (01:19:30.004)
Eh... I see. What else does she come with?

Matt (01:19:31.417)
Good for her

Chris (01:19:33.746)
She switched jobs? It sounds like she, it sounds like it's still the same person. Switch jobs.

Spencer (01:19:37.393)
no it's not the same person this is a sent this is a waifu pillow it comes with a deodorant

Chris (01:19:39.959)
Okay, okay, okay.

Chris (01:19:50.066)

Spencer (01:19:50.409)
for the user, which instantly gets, yeah, instantly gets refunded every time.

Luciano (01:19:52.863)
Is this a Barbie for the in-cell community? Is that what that is? Okay.

Luciano (01:20:00.062)
Okay, does it come with a bag of Cheetos as well?

Spencer (01:20:02.958)
It goes with Cheetos and Kleenex. For the cleaning of the Cheeto dust, you sick perverts. It doesn't matter where the Cheeto dust is, okay? Stuff gets around.

Luciano (01:20:06.371)
Oh no.

Chris (01:20:06.582)

Luciano (01:20:10.795)
Ha ha!

Chris (01:20:10.906)
I don't know what's happening.

Matt (01:20:11.043)
From where?

Luciano (01:20:13.39)
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Chris (01:20:16.325)
Oh my god!


Matt (01:20:20.575)
You know what? I'm just gonna stop all of this. I'm not answering. We've gone too far. We can't come back. Moving on to our next question. I shouldn't have. That's my fault. I agree. We um... No, it's safer this way. It's safer this way.

Chris (01:20:23.206)
Help, help, help!

Luciano (01:20:26.626)
I mean, this is your fault, you asked the question.

Luciano (01:20:32.766)
You don't have one?

Spencer (01:20:33.444)
I was gonna say Subway sandwich artist Barbie, but it's fine.

Chris (01:20:38.238)
Yo! That sounds like fun but anyways I yielded I yielded I yielded

Matt (01:20:41.187)
Chris. No. It's bad. Don't forget the squirt bottle.

Spencer (01:20:46.851)

Luciano (01:20:47.737)
Bad Chris!

Chris (01:20:48.05)
I said I yielded. Carry on.

Matt (01:20:52.163)
Um, we, um, we all are men and we have wives. Somehow. Not sure.

Spencer (01:20:57.085)

Luciano (01:20:59.103)
Yeah, somehow.

Matt (01:21:02.919)
What I want to know is, what is each of your Godfather movies that we would like our wives to watch and love?

Luciano (01:21:13.47)
And that we would have to explain to them is what you're asking.

Matt (01:21:16.831)
Oh, a million percent.

Chris (01:21:17.274)
Would we have to?

Luciano (01:21:19.395)
No, we would, we didn't have to, but we would.

Spencer (01:21:22.023)
Yeah, yeah.

Matt (01:21:22.473)

Luciano (01:21:24.374)
Hmm good question

Spencer (01:21:27.505)
Like, I think for me it would be the Lord of the Rings because I know so many details about the making of the film that I would have to point that out and thus ruin the film experience. But I would not be able to help myself. Like the scene where he broke his toe.

Luciano (01:21:33.031)

Matt (01:21:35.359)

Matt (01:21:41.193)

Luciano (01:21:42.05)
Oh, in that sense, for me it would be Star Wars then because I actually did some of that with my wife. Yeah.

Spencer (01:21:50.649)
You just can't help it. Did you know this scene, that's actually shot practically there.

Matt (01:21:52.652)
We've caught him.

Luciano (01:21:57.126)
Yeah, yeah. Or like, did you know that a new hope it wasn't actually the original, the original name was just Star Wars, but they had to kind of make up a name for the fourth episode, which is actually the first episode. I did all that. So.

Matt (01:22:10.175)
And he was called Luke Starkiller at first, not Luke Skywalker. Anyways, my answer is also Star Wars.

Luciano (01:22:12.486)
Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Because you also did it.

Chris (01:22:14.971)

Spencer (01:22:16.761)
Oh, good, good.

Matt (01:22:21.115)
Uh... I don't wanna talk about it.

Chris (01:22:21.458)
I don't know. I don't know what I if I explained any nuance of it, but it and I don't remember if it has happened. So I'm just going to pretend that didn't happen yet. Yet. Black Dynamite. It's a play on a playoff or homage to black exploitation movies from like 20. I can't remember 20 2016 or something.

Luciano (01:22:45.226)
Doesn't sound like it's a right pick. You don't have all the numbers in your head off the bat. Like you can't, it has to be.

Matt (01:22:48.949)

Chris (01:22:49.722)
You don't get to tell me. Well, I told you. I have the name of the movie. I just can't remember the year. That's all.

Luciano (01:22:55.554)
But that's not good enough. You don't love that movie enough is what we're saying.

Matt (01:22:56.087)
Do you even love that movie?

Chris (01:22:59.746)
What year was Return of the Jedi made?

Luciano (01:23:02.847)

Chris (01:23:05.434)
You see, that's two answers. Boo this man! Boo!

Spencer (01:23:08.683)
Lord of the Rings was made in 2001, 2003, 2005.

Matt (01:23:14.623)
Moving on! We like to give these movies we watch a ranking to see how they rate for us personally. Then we're gonna collect them all at one point and show you all our rankings, give you an idea of what our personal tastes are, and then you can decide which one of us you hate. It's probably Spencer or Chris.

Luciano (01:23:15.266)

Luciano (01:23:19.954)
Oh, that's right.

Luciano (01:23:30.542)

Matt (01:23:34.935)
Be that as it may, let's dive into it. Luciano, why don't you give us your rating for Barbie?

Luciano (01:23:41.302)
Sure, I really enjoyed this movie. It was fun, it was poignant. And I like the casting was, I was honestly kind of scared about the cast, not of Margot Robbie was perfect, but like Ryan Gosling and all of the other like bigger names that I saw, but it was actually really good. I was expecting Will Ferrell to play himself as the Mattel CEO and he did not disappoint. It was...

Chris (01:23:56.486)
You were scared?

Luciano (01:24:09.526)
It was funny. I just, the only thing for me that I don't know if it has a lot of rewatchability, I would rewatch it again, but I don't know if I would like watch it three, four, five times. But to me, like, I think it's a solid B for me, like almost an A really. It's fun, good movie, good story. We had a hard time finding any real like plot holes and bad things to talk about the movie. So solid B for me.

I actually highly recommend people watch it if they haven't.

Matt (01:24:42.007)

Chris (01:24:43.054)
Yeah, really enjoyed this movie. It stands in a class of its own. Rating S, here's why.

Chris (01:24:56.034)
I'm getting a little emotional. I think this landscape has been dominated by the patriarchy for too long. And someone had to shine a light in a direction that could show us something different. And I think if you value the full spectrum of the human experience, you watch this movie and you will.

ask yourself some real questions about why are you fucking things up, Mr. Man? Why don't you stop fucking things up? Why don't you do things differently? And then like, so, yeah. And the only thing that was confusing for me was just like the like sort of like towards the end of the movie, when Barbie is holding hands with Ruth and Ruth asks her to feel and she only shows her the beautiful things about the human experience. I was confused. I thought like, wouldn't she show her like

more? Wouldn't she show her some like other things that are like that? She probably only experienced one percent of like trial and tribulation or like a fraction of trials and tribulations in the movie. And then she was shown beauty beauty. And then she still said yes, but like I would have liked for her to show like a spectrum of like, this is what you're like. You're really going to get this. So other than that, still, S tier done.

Matt (01:26:20.963)
Spencer. The regular Spencer.

Spencer (01:26:24.421)
Nope. Mm-mm. Mm-mm-mm.

Luciano (01:26:25.217)
Yes, please.

Chris (01:26:27.069)
Yeah, you dodged a bullet.

Oh no, he said regular.

Spencer (01:26:31.465)
Unlike these, unlike these beta male soy boys, snowflakes, I'm gonna tell you the truth. Take the red pill and wake up sheeple. This movie, this movie, is an affront to men everywhere. Because men deserve to be

Luciano (01:26:37.652)
Oh no.

Matt (01:26:40.195)
Shit. Please don't.

Chris (01:26:41.97)
Stop him!

Luciano (01:26:46.062)
Oh fuck, where's that hose I asked for?

Spencer (01:27:00.578)

Luciano (01:27:03.126)
the lowest energy in cell you've ever heard.

Spencer (01:27:06.21)
No, actually, I can't stand doing this character any longer. It's making me sick. My real review of this movie is, this movie is very good. This movie is, when I watched this movie, I thought I'd do what I was getting into, and it was very refreshing to see a movie that actually seemed to have something to say for real. You know, it's like a lot of these movies that you were saying earlier,

Luciano (01:27:10.498)
Ha ha!

Luciano (01:27:30.612)

Spencer (01:27:34.749)
message of like Like if they did it the way you said Luciano where it's like we're gonna show that Barbie can be a good influence and women can be proud it just comes off so like pandering But this movie did not come off as pandering somehow even though like the message was very real Yeah, and very on the nose, but they didn't come off as panning came off as genuine And that was very refreshing after watching all these Marvel movies and all these movies are just like just pure spectacle

Luciano (01:27:46.849)

Luciano (01:27:53.406)
on the nose too.

Spencer (01:28:04.905)
I feel like it actually had something to say. So I very much liked this movie, and I thought it was fun and all that stuff too. But overall, it was very poignant. It surprised me. I'm gonna give this movie an A, because it was very well made and it was very different. It was unlike anything I think I've ever seen, which is, you know, you don't say that very often. So fuck you, soy boy beta males.

Chris (01:28:30.418)
That's A for you? That's A? Unlike anything I've ever seen, that's an A to you? Okay. I'm just, you do it all the time, actually. Actually, you do it all the time.

Luciano (01:28:32.11)

Spencer (01:28:36.813)
I mean, S is like... No, S...

Matt (01:28:37.847)
Chris, we don't question your weird system.

Luciano (01:28:40.538)
Yeah, we don't.

Matt (01:28:42.888)
I mean, that's fair.

Spencer (01:28:44.469)
The only reason I don't give it an S is because S in my opinion is for like one of my favorite movies of all time. S is a perfect... Like uh... No, I would never... You know... Like, Lord of the Rings, let's say. You know, I save for... Like, I don't know if I love this movie personally, to the point where I'd want to watch it like a bunch of times, but... It deserves all the praise it's getting. Fuck you, Soyboy Famous!

Luciano (01:28:51.478)
Yeah, like D&D.

Luciano (01:29:00.137)
Fair enough. Fair enough.

Spencer (01:29:14.672)
Take it away, Matt.

Matt (01:29:15.231)
I'm just gonna bleep those out at this point. Um, I, much like Spencer, really enjoyed this movie. It hit all the right notes. They managed to wrap a very, very poignant message inside of a very fun movie. I would say the ending was a bit... I just think what they were trying to do, it just didn't match the rest of the movie. It felt tacked on in some ways. But, you know, I don't think it really ruins the movie. It's just like, all right, I guess we're going that way fine. Like the...

Luciano (01:29:16.396)

Matt (01:29:45.067)
the becoming a human thing. So, you know, overall, fun message, fun characters, great actors, great direction. We rarely get to watch a movie like this. For some reason, we picked movies. We are picking them and we picked poorly most of the time and it was really refreshing. We picked a fun movie with good actors. You know, everything was fun. I had a great time. Made me smile, made me laugh. So I'm the same as Mettler, I'm giving an A and I do the same thing with movies. It's like...

Luciano (01:29:59.351)

Matt (01:30:14.207)
Is this a thing I'm going to love forever? Does it personally speak to me? You know, it's hard too. Like I'm sure I've done all the things those greasy males have done in my past. But, um, you know, definitely, yeah. Um, wow. Wow.

Spencer (01:30:25.277)
Definitely. Especially you, Matt.

Luciano (01:30:31.328)
I was going to say I think we all did to some extent, but no, let's leave it at especially you Matt.

Matt (01:30:34.963)
Yeah, but-

Spencer (01:30:35.569)
No, we all did to some extent, but especially Matt.

Luciano (01:30:38.754)

Matt (01:30:40.547)
Okay, anyway, so yeah, very solid a highly recommended to watch it That brings us to closing the show out and the only thing we have left to do is tell you what the next movie We're gonna watch is and that is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles mutant mayhem. It came out 2023 it is an animated movie written by Seth Rogen Evan Goldberg Jeff Rowe I just threw Jeff's name in there so it didn't feel bad. I don't know if anybody knows what his name is

Luciano (01:30:57.057)

Chris (01:30:57.37)

Chris (01:31:08.806)

Luciano (01:31:10.934)
My name is Jeff. Oh, wrong movie.

Matt (01:31:13.683)
Wow, just let Jeff Rowe be. What did Jeff do to you guys? We're gonna watch that, so join us next time and we will review something more in our wheelhouse where we can not invite Incel Spencer to the podcast.

Chris (01:31:13.835)

Spencer (01:31:14.22)
many new chairs

Chris (01:31:17.911)
My name is Jeff.

Luciano (01:31:31.082)
I know, we're taking him outside and shooting him in the back of the head after this.

Spencer (01:31:33.691)
What? But I'm eating Cheetos!

Matt (01:31:35.439)
Yeah. Don't, no one tell him what's about to happen. Don't worry about it, it's Al Spencer, everything's fine.

Luciano (01:31:38.446)
I'm gonna go to bed.

Spencer (01:31:42.969)
I heard Ninja Turtles does for turtles what this movie did for women.

Matt (01:31:47.103)
Perfect. Well, anyway, she's gonna have a great time.

Chris (01:31:51.482)

Matt (01:31:53.431)
And on that note, we're out.

Spencer (01:31:56.07)