The Paul Truesdell Podcast

This is not a local race. Yes, it is but think big. Think about the song by Stealers Wheel: "Stuck In The Middle With You."  Specifically, the chorus: "Clowns to the left of me jokers to the right Here I am, Stuck in the middle with you."  This special election, along with those being held this time of year, such as those in the City of Tampa, provides the opportunity to dig into the lies, fabrications, leg-pulling, and pure hogwash being sold to those who vote based on memes and a "less than fully informed" basis. Paul the Elder, Paul the Younger, and producer Monkey Joe go at it with a no-holds-barred approach. Listen and apply the same "sniffing dirt" approach the Pauls apply to each podcast. This is The Paul Truesdell Podcast, Two Pauls in a Pod. 

What is The Paul Truesdell Podcast?

The Paul Truesdell Podcast

Welcome to the Paul Truesdell Podcast. Two Pauls in a pod. Featuring Paul the Elder and Paul the Younger. So, what's the gig? Individually or collectively, Paul and Paul sit down and chat predominately at the Truesdell Professional Building and record frequently. They explain a few things about how life works before time gets away. They connect the dots and plot the knots, spots, and ops with a heavy dose of knocks, mocks, pots, rocks, socks, and mops. Confused? Then welcome aboard! You see, Paul the Elder and Paul the Younger enjoy telling complex stories that are always based on business, economics, and forecasting while having fun, laughing, and being among like-minded men, women, and children from Earth, Pluto, Jupiter, and Neptune. Individually and jointly, Paul the Elder and Paul the Younger, coupled with Team Truesdell, have been there and done it. If you enjoy front porch philosophers who take deep dives and connect the dots, while drinking coffee during the day and a whiskey after five, welcome.

It is a true pleasure to have you onboard.

This is, The Paul Truesdell Podcast.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 0:00
Well, good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. This is Take three. I just got done saying 2022 in September, and I have not been drinking. Good morning. Good afternoon. This is Paul Truesdale. It is Monday, February 20 2023. I don't know what's going on. Listen, I was outside a little while ago. And for everybody listening, I apologize. My noise, my noise, my voice is gonna be off because I got a snoot full of pollen or tree crap a little while ago and I've been sneezing and my nose has been running. My goodness,

Paul Truesdell, II 0:32
when you went out there by chance where you time traveling. You may be

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 0:37
I actually I was I was invaded by balloons. Yes, that'll make sense in just a minute. Geez, balloon I gotta Geez. Life is it is what it

Paul Truesdell, II 0:51
is. Yeah, there's a lot going on. This is going to be a focus on a little more local stuff.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 0:58
It's going to be focused on local. But listen, for those of you who are all around the state of Florida as well as the United States, this is actually kind of important. I'll tell you the reason why. There are not many doctors that serve in the legislature, your house of representatives, your Senate, they don't serve in the Congress for the house, very few in the Senate. We have a senator by name Rick Scott, who is in the medical industry, but he was not and is not a doctor, we just don't have that many. And I think it's really important to have a doctor in the house. And one day doctors in the Senate that actually have real life non exclusive academic backgrounds, that they've actually worked on people, they treated people, they've owned their own practice. They weren't employees, they written a checks. And we have that opportunity here in the state of Florida. So the reason why we're doing this is because this could affect a lot of people all across the state.

Paul Truesdell, II 2:00
Absolutely. Yeah, your medical system is something like 20% of GDP. But yet the people who actually operate in that industry are very rarely representative, represented, or represent their patients, for that matter. In any form of government. It's usually private councils, and all kinds of various industry groups. But in the wider government as a whole, not really.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 2:28
Don't get me wrong, I'm not demeaning. The practice, I have a law degree, my wife is a practicing attorney. We have a lot of clients that are attorneys, but I don't know that we need any more attorneys in the statehouse or in Washington. And for those of you who are going to be voting in district 24, you have to be a Republican, you cannot be a Democrat, you cannot be an independent, you can't be you cannot belong to the party of Pluto or Uranus, although we have some people who belong on your readiness that are running. Yes. And it's a closed, it's a closed deal, which we'll talk about that in just a second. But we've got lots of teachers, we've got, you know, civil rights and community activists, and I mean, there's just a lot of different professions that are in there. But we just don't have a lot of doctors and I think that's bad.

Paul Truesdell, II 3:25
I mean, they should be represented as much as anybody else especially given the percentage of you know, the general economy that that that industry consumes out of pure necessity usually.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 3:38
Well, I decided to do this with you because as you know, I received a phone call when those robo calls, and I literally spilled coffee on my computer screen my brand new how big is this thing by the way, son? I don't know. Large big large Samsung curved screen I love

Paul Truesdell, II 4:00
it. Well, I was gonna mention you you mentioned the phone call but I realized that I am I received a text that I deleted Oh, and it was very generic and trying to elicit a response I didn't play along with it. I didn't realize what it was until you mentioned this just didn't click in my head that but yeah, so So I think I got the let's call it the text version of this.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 4:29
So we're going to be blunt like I'm not Have you ever known your father to be politically correct and then never Yeah. I should never ever ever ever engage in politics so I just I'm you know what I gotta tell you you know what I like about this this race. This is kind of like Yellowstone we have a John Dutton running for office and that's, that's Stephen piles. Dr. Piles is running. He's like, he doesn't need it. He doesn't want it, but it needs to be done. Sure. I like that. If you haven't watched Yellowstone with Kevin Costner, it's a really wonderful story. And in the most current season, what season are we in on four or five or five somewhere? Yeah, he is now the governor of the great state of Montana. We've got property up, though, that way, just leave it at that. And the bottom line is, you want people sometimes in office who don't want to be there. People who have no axe to grind, are really going to solve issues. And we're going to talk about that. So let's talk a little bit about all the attack pieces on Stoner.

Paul Truesdell, II 5:40
Yeah, so I mean, one thing real quick, we talked about this last time as how, because this is the only special election going on anywhere. As far as I know, within a few 100 miles of here, yeah, you're

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 5:54
right. We didn't, I didn't do this setup, let's do this up.

Paul Truesdell, II 5:57
Because there's just so few things going on. This is obviously just turned into a, it's pretty gross, in general. And it's, I've never seen people fight so hard for a $30,000 year job, you'd think we're in the middle of the Great Depression based on the way these guys are fighting for this.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 6:16
Well, if you're in the multilevel marketing business, it gives you a good platform to sell your multilevel marketing stuff.

Paul Truesdell, II 6:21
Well, yeah. But also, it's just a launching pad for some of these people, they want to go on to higher office and whatever. And if this is how they're willing to fight to get, you know, I'm not demeaning the position, but the reality is, is, you know, a State House seat is not exactly the most prestigious job out there. It's necessary. It's essential, but it's not. It's not something that, you know, it's worth ruining reputations, or or stooping this low to do stuff. So I mean, there's just a lot of aspects to this, that really, really expose just how, I guess how serious some people take things that don't really deserve it, I guess?

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 7:00
Well, the setup is this, we had a fella who was elected without any opposition to the district. And you have to understand every 10 years, we have a census in the nation. In every 10 years, we go through redistricting, not only at the federal level, but the state level. And so in 2020, there was redistricting. And this fella got elected. And he got arrested by the Feds for what did he do again? Or supposedly, he's innocent until proven guilty. But this one's pretty easy to prove.

Paul Truesdell, II 7:36
Yeah, this is a slam dunk, Otherwise, he wouldn't have resigned. Yeah, he decided that it'd be a great, fantastic genius idea even to lie to the Feds about how many employees he had, and get some get some of those COVID books. And yeah, he turns out, he doesn't actually have all these employees. And, again, I mean, I, we talked about this before, but it's one of the dumbest crimes you can commit, let's lie about forms that you already give to the government. It's just not the brightest thing in the world. A lot of people did this and somehow thought they would get away with it. Obviously, these are people that are not really good attention to detail, they probably probably get in trouble for administrative things more often than not, what do you think? I

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 8:21
agree. And in his, in his case, he in we have several candidates like that, not only in this race, but all across the state of Florida, all across the country. They wrap themselves in the flag, they wrap themselves in the Trump banner, the ramp themselves in the Christian flag, and and it's it's basically a crying fest, as to who can say they're the biggest Christian Trumper, Republican, you name it, it's just they just eat the red meat and like,

Paul Truesdell, II 8:55
they don't they don't stand for anything. They it's who they're associated with the describes more than anything, it's a minutes, it's no different than any traditional sale. At least that's the way the lot of these people seem to be treating, they're not not standing out there standing on their own plank standing on their own positions they seem to be running on. I go to this, I'm associated with these people in these organizations, and that's why you should support me. For a State House race. A lot of these things are totally irrelevant. I can tell you that. Okay. I can understand, you know, you, your association with, you know, the current governor is is probably something that is at least of minor importance to some people. Right. I mean, that. That's reasonable. I mean, he's the what I think he was the governor with the largest percentage of the vote, basically, at least in my lifetime, like by reelection anyway, so you know, that makes sense. But what does the former what does the former president have to do with this? Notice, what does any of this stuff have to do? I mean, very little over worried about, you know, you know what, this is a district that's what probably 90 plus percent Christian. Why? Why does Why does anybody care that that's not as significant change. And also, I thought we didn't care about that in this country anymore. Yeah, a lot of little things about this that just, it's classic big politics marketing applied to small little district that nobody should care about. And like, like we talked about before, it's just, you know, it's the only thing going on. So this is what everybody's focused on. And it's turning into a clown show.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 10:41
So this fellow Joe Harding, resigned, he's been arrested. And he will, again, he's innocent until proven guilty, but it's a pretty slam dunk. And so as a result, we have a special election, I guess the election is March 7. And what happened is to keep the Democrats from voting, and independents and anybody else, we have a unique feature in Florida law. And here's the way it works. The Democrats did not feel a candidate. It didn't feel to candidate. So as a result, if one political party, which in this case, all of the candidates except for one, are Republican, if a party does not field a candidate, then basically in essence, the general election is the primary for all practical purposes, right. And nobody gets 50%. And the two highest vote getters go to the general election. So that's why that works. But in this case, we had a gentleman who was a right in. And foxy boy is all upset because he thinks that he got taken advantage of by one of the candidates, and we'll talk about that. And he failed to be a writing candidate. Now when you do that, the write in candidates name does not appear in a ballot. It's just a blank line. So that's one thing.

Paul Truesdell, II 12:09
You check the box and you write the name. Yeah. And there's nothing that precludes you from writing in any name. No, and the only name that counts is the one that matches exactly what they registered for.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 12:19
Exactly. So what we've got going on is, in essence, the primary for the Republican Party, whoever gets the majority of the vote. So if it's 30% 31%, if you've got, let's say, 12 candidates running and you know, the top vote getter gets 13. That's your candidate. Yep. Okay, they won. And then he goes on and run in the general against blank. That's the way it works.

Paul Truesdell, II 12:51
Yeah. So yeah, and blank is not going to win. So it's gonna be tough. And, of course, you know, anybody with any brands can see that this, that process is pre flawed. You know,

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 13:04
I mean, every it's it's political. I just say it's political, I find that unique. But that's just the way it works. You're not going to change it, you're not going to complain about, but it's, but it is,

Paul Truesdell, II 13:15
it is a very obvious system that you can use to manipulate the outcome of an election.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 13:21
And it's been done a lot of times, of course, a lot of times by both sides. Let's not let's be, let's be honest about that, you know, you can't claim holier than though, when you've done it yourself.

Paul Truesdell, II 13:32
Of course, it does also place a little bit of responsibility on the, you know, the counting party to, you know, get at least one person to you, or Thank You think that'd be important. But yeah, you know, whatever.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 13:45
And then, you know, I mean, the Democrat could have run and said, you know, look how great Biden's doing, and this and that, yeah.

Paul Truesdell, II 13:53
Oh, yeah. Because, you know, that's the only thing to appeal to. And in a, in a State House race, it's, it's national politics.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 14:00
So this particular district around us here is predominantly white, and over 55, we got a lot of 55 plus communities here. And if this is anything like prior elections, this will be limited to those who are basically red meat eaters of the Republican Party, because special elections just tend to not draw normal everyday people who vote and it's just hard to get people to do that.

Paul Truesdell, II 14:26
No, not at all. Apparently, they don't even draw one of the candidates. One of the candidates didn't decide to run didn't decide to vote in primary elections until he ran for primary. Yeah,

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 14:37
we're going to talk about that interesting. Yeah. So that's the state of affairs that we have right now. And we've got one candidate who has big giant signs going all around. And I swear to God, I think I saw Do you remember that movie? I think it was Goldfinger with James Bond. Do you remember that? Vaguely. I think it was a was an Aston Martin. I think he used to drive acid probably. Yeah, he had a license plate that flipped in the back. I think stoners got his big signs. I think they his whatever seat he's running for just flips. Yeah.

Paul Truesdell, II 15:13
I mean, that would save a lot of money. Yeah.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 15:15
You know what, that's a green issue. We should ask him if he's just, you know, putting a sticker over. I want to be let's see, county commissioner, dog catcher. I want to be your state rep. I want to be a state senator. And we're going to talk about something that he committed to. And now he's back again.

Paul Truesdell, II 15:34
Yes, funny, as you mentioned that, but we don't elect things like a dog catcher or things like that. And Florida, unfortunately. But, you know, in traveling and stuff recently, we seen some interesting stuff. And I recall last summer, seeing someplace where they had like, you know, somebody was running for coroner, and somebody who's running for these various, these various elected positions. I was like, Man, can you imagine you're running for court?

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 16:04
Not really. That's a dead office as far as I'm concerned. Yeah, dead on arrival. If we do have goofy things like mosquito control boards that they run for. That's true. That's true. I guess the issue fly swatters are you, you're in charge of the fly for mosquito repellent distribution

Paul Truesdell, II 16:23
that was 20 years ago. Now. It's just a drinking club. I like that. And, you know, they have to their salaries exist, so they can make frivolous decisions about other people's jobs.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 16:35
So we're going to start off that. So that's the that's the setup here. And to us, there's only one single candidate that's qualified above and beyond his exclusion of every reasonable doubt. And that is Dr. Steven Pyles. Now, this is free speech. And we're not being paid for this. We're just two guys having a conversation. I'm Paul Truesdale. And you are the same. Yeah. So Paul, the elder, and Paul the younger. That's our new catchphrase there. And we call it to Paul's in a pod. This is the Paul Truesdale podcast sponsored by absolutely nobody other than ourselves.

Paul Truesdell, II 17:16
Yeah, I mean, this is a race that we haven't even given any money on. We're just concerned citizens. Let's just call

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 17:24
Yep. Somebody needs to call it and I want to give credit where credit is due we had years ago, we had a newspaper and it was just, it was just horrible. It was called the Ocala star banner, and it was literally Burj birdcage rapper, fish rapper stuff. It was just terrible, absolutely terrible. And they pretty well gone out of business, I think. I think they're basically I think they have one reporter now. I mean, it's,

Paul Truesdell, II 17:50
yeah, they got they got consumed by one of these large local news aggregating organizations, and it's just been squished and crushed into nothing.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 18:01
Yeah, I think Austin Miller is still there. He's a reporter. I used to like him, he reported a few things. But we have a new, we have New Kids on the Block. The New Kids on the Block have been around for a while is called the Ocala Gazette.

Paul Truesdell, II 18:14
Yes, they've done some, they've done some good, pretty good reporting on stuff. Not just pop, not just politics, but just stuff in general.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 18:23
And I'm gonna say this again, and again, and again, for those of you who are looking for a business that has a very low barrier to get into. And if you can read and write and you can cipher fairly well, there's a lot of opportunity to report on local news, no doubt about it.

Paul Truesdell, II 18:38
Oh, yeah. No question about that one. Especially, I mean, I think Ocala is probably a fairly, I guess, well represented compared to most places, I mean, you know, cities, what, 60 70,000 people, counties like 350 we have at least some stuff going on, at least the banner still exists in some form, right?

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 19:02
I think they do. Well, I

Paul Truesdell, II 19:04
mean, they do, it's just like, it's mostly copy paste articles from state stuff. But anyway, point is just that, you know, you go to places that are, you know, not even substantially smaller, and there's nothing that's in browsing around looking at places, you know, traveling and that sort of stuff. It's amazing how you can have a city of 10 20,000 people and you can't figure out what's going on in town because nobody's posting anything on any place other than Facebook now, or maybe like, you know, the local radio website if you are lucky and are willing to dig in long enough to figure out what everybody's listening to.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 19:40
Well, that's another thing. You actually could have people doing local radio by way of podcasting, but the ones that we have doing around here tend to be radical red or blue meat eaters.

Paul Truesdell, II 19:56
It's just overly political BS. Yeah.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 20:00
Okay, so that's the setup. Let's do this. I'm going to play a couple things for you. We're going to talk about them. But this is the phone call I received. And we've done a little bit editing to it to take the candidates name out of it, because it's so embarrassing, but will tell you who on the plus send it to us. But it's so embarrassing. And monkey Joe trek one.

Unknown Speaker 20:26
Marion County Republicans, do you still support President Trump? The radical left and Rhino Republicans want conservatives like you and me to abandon President Trump and his America first agenda. We will not comply.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 20:46
So this is apparently a race for president.

Paul Truesdell, II 20:52
You would think that would be the topics at hand. But no, I don't think so.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 20:57
I get a kick out of this thing. Rhino. What is a rhino Republican when you have a president? This is I'm not gonna be critical of somebody that I shouldn't be. But you know, what constitutes Rhino? I mean, what's the litmus test?

Paul Truesdell, II 21:12
It means whatever they want it to mean. It's it's just this is this is politicking of the lowest order. This is have a we have a again, for those that aren't locals. This is a State House race, State House. The issues people are worried about our state issues, state and local issues. In particular, that's that should be all anybody's focused on. You don't really care what anybody's position on Foreign Affairs and federal spending and supreme court issues. What are we worried about? Worried about the roads, crime and Medicare, especially in this this district more than any other? Around? Yeah, he's entering the population is mostly retirees. And when I say Medicare, most people don't know this, but Medicare is administered by the state. So because of that, obviously, the state plays a big role in the disbursement and allocation of funds for these things. Obviously, there's there's rules and requirements around it, but the states do have a lot of influence on that. So this is why, you know, going back to what we were saying earlier, a doctor does make sense, at the very least considering we have what only two others in the State House and looks like they're on their way out as far as age and all that.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 22:31
Yeah. And this is a guy who if he gets an office will have outsides outsize influence because people are going to come up to him. We talked about this last time, I think it I guess it isn't Montana, come to think about we have a doctor up there. Want to say Idaho, it might be Idaho, might be Idaho. Instead, I'm trying to think which which state we got? We're in both places where he's a doctrine. I mean, everybody comes to him to ask questions. How does this work? How does that work? What do you think? Yeah, I

Paul Truesdell, II 23:01
mean, that's the thing is, you know, policymakers can theorize they can ask, quote, unquote, industry experts, they can ask lobbyists and all these other creatures that orbit around them, but the reality is, is somebody who's actually been in the business, and for a long time, that's better than I think anything you can ask for. Because everybody else's opinion is I mean, I mean, realistically, think of think about the special interests involved. What kind does he have? Oh, he's gonna grow his little is local practice. I mean, come on. That's, it's nothing compared to these other people. I mean, what are they looking to do? They're looking to continue a job or springboard to something bigger and better. Well, if anything, this is gonna cost this guy a lot of money. I would assume so. And this. Yeah, man. That's the thing is like, the pay is never going to compensate for what he makes in his practice.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 23:56
But there are people who go to get elected and they have massive increases in their net worth and they manipulate the position. This is true. This is true. Okay, monkey Joe. Number two,

Unknown Speaker 24:09
the only candidate in the upcoming special election was the courage to openly support Donald Trump, despite all the witch hunts and attacks from the fake news media in the Washington DC swamp.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 24:22
You know, somebody's gonna go Yeah, that's right. I agree that,

Paul Truesdell, II 24:26
but what does that have to do with a local race? Like, again, this is this is all contextual. I, oh, no. The the witch hunts from the from the media. Oh, no. Oh, how does this affect the fentanyl overdoses in my district? Yeah, and we have them it doesn't because I mean, if you want to be truly honest, I mean, things actually just got worse under the guy that you're saying is better. So

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 24:56
well, you know, I mean, this is a guy who might have some influence over some of the monies needed to get certain roadways improved, a massive amount of money in Pasco County, which lies just north of Hillsborough County, which those of you who are not familiar with Florida, Tampa lives in Hillsborough County, St. Petersburg lies in Pinellas County in the Tampa Bay Rays. Where do they play? In St. Pete? Yeah. But in Polk County, there's only two roads that go east and west 52 and 54. It's a complete disaster. And they spent nearly $100 million getting those things. Basically some I interstate based. Okay, they had to make that long term. Do we have highway 200? Which is a disaster?

Paul Truesdell, II 25:43
Yeah. I mean, yeah, local allocation of funds for roads is in our area. There's just a there's just a severe lack of planning. Like there's a severe lack of foresight, they've planned for everything. I mean, you know, I mean, we we can we can complain about local politicians, but obviously, their their foresight is not exactly the greatest. I mean, what, within the past 15 years, they sold off what the we don't have a State Fairgrounds or as a county fairgrounds anymore, because, you know, we had to use that to build houses. And some people got some sweetheart deals of that one. Yes. But, you know, the reality is, I mean, that's the kind of like timelines we're thinking on here. And now we desperately need state and federal assistance to reduce stuff I know they're planning on, or at least it's been talked about redoing, expanding whatever, modifying the interstate making a little bit bigger, working on some of the exits. I mean, because the problem is, if you traffic patterns, just locally, it's one of these things that needs discussed. Again, this is we're talking Medicare, crime and roads, that's, that's literally all that matters.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 26:54
Well, if you're having a heart attack, and you live on a place, for example, say Marion oaks. Oh, yeah, good luck, and and chewy is all ever all the workers are going to work. You're dying before you get medical care.

Paul Truesdell, II 27:08
Yeah, no question. But you know, so like, the interstate, for example. 75 goes north south through Marin County. You know, everybody in the state knows that. It's a problem. I mean, it's to it's to the point where even the feds are now like, trying to prod people to solve the issue because there's so much traffic in Marin County. It's used as like a local thoroughfare.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 27:28
Yeah, I have. I have a good friend who is a former chairman of the city council, presidents or city council down in Tampa. And he and I were talking there a day at the club. And he said, Oh, yeah, I know, Marion County, you get to the county lines. Just it dies was like what is with you people up there?

Paul Truesdell, II 27:45
Yeah. Yeah. And it's just it's one of those. It's a problem that needs a lot of money and a lot of effort to solve.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 27:54
Instead, we're going to spend a billion dollars to redo the interchange at West Shore and the interstate again.

Paul Truesdell, II 28:00
Yeah, but you know, so the point is, is that where Are any of these candidates talking about real local issues? I, instead, what are we worried about running ads? Because we know, I'm more aligned with, you know, DeSantis, or Trump or this or that national issue? That means nothing. I mean, I guess this is this is kind of an interesting thing. If this race is decided on local issues, then, you know, fundamentally, we all knew who should win.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 28:28
Yeah. And one of the candidates was a county commissioner, State Rep. State senator, he's back again. He's like an old old penny. It just doesn't want to go away. And, but don't blame him for everything. Monkey Joe. Let's go to number three. On March

Unknown Speaker 28:41
7, we have the opportunity to elect a representative who was pro life, pro jobs, pro gun, pro America and pro Trump.

Paul Truesdell, II 28:54
I'm sorry, sorry, but the only thing there that's relevant to this racist jobs, maybe, but even then, I mean, what's any one person going to do to press the job situation in Florida? That's crazy.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 29:06
Yeah, pro jobs. I mean, I just I wouldn't get any of that type job.

Paul Truesdell, II 29:11
Yeah, we're gonna Robo we're gonna robot and automate everything and then everybody's gonna sit back with their UBI

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 29:21
folks, you know, the here's the shank. Yeah, I

Paul Truesdell, II 29:23
just joke because I mean, you would think that this ad is a joke. This is for real. Yeah, I mean, this sounds like honestly, this seems like something that you'd play in like, like South Park

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 29:34
it or it's was her name lowest in family, where she gives a very logical talk and she's getting slaughtered in debate. And then she starts saying what 911 Yay. And then say something else and nine I love yay. This is the other candidates in this race are some interesting cats. Monkey Joe number four.

Unknown Speaker 30:00
Let's face it, Donald Trump was right. He was right about the crisis at our southern border. He was right about the economy. And he was right about foreign policy. But in only two short years, Joe Biden has completely failed the American people.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 30:18
And by God, this candidate is going to build a wall in Marion County to keep all the illegal aliens out.

Paul Truesdell, II 30:25
I'm not going to hear it. But there's there's some sirens in the back. Oh, yeah. They'll probably bleed through on this recording. That that's going for this. This robocall, that campaign needs some help.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 30:36
It's a fire sale.

Paul Truesdell, II 30:39
So yeah, as far as I know, Florida. Yeah. I mean, Florida has quote, unquote, border issues. We are the peninsula to, you know, the gateway in the Gulf, like all that. Great. Okay. I totally understand that. But that's not anything a state rep has anything to do with. I mean, I might be wrong. I'm pretty sure the state has very little involvement in those sorts of things. That's just a general law enforcement thing. The state. Yeah. And then we work with, you know, Coast Guard and homeland security and all that. Yeah. Anyway. In Yeah, so that's great. And Trump was right about the economy. Was that? Yeah. Why does that have to do with anything?

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 31:19
I'll play it again. Monkey Joe, cue up. Number four. Again, let's listen to that.

Unknown Speaker 31:21
Let's face it, Donald Trump was right. He was right about the crisis at our southern border. He was right about the economy. And he was right about foreign policy. But in only two short years, Joe Biden has completely failed the American people.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 31:40
What does any of that have to do with a State House race?

Paul Truesdell, II 31:44
Nothing. But But I there's there's one little thing here and this might mean, I'll make some people mad, but it's the truth. Notice the language they're using. Okay. It says he's right. That he solved any problems. So this is just like classic political pandering. Doesn't matter if you do anything. It's just just you just got to be right about it. If you're right about it, then you know, just vote me because I like this guy to

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 32:09
its lowest Family Guy. 911. Monkey Joe number five

Unknown Speaker 32:13
drugs and illegal immigrants are pouring across our borders. Economy is collapsing. And we can't even protect our own airspace against Chinese spy balloon.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 32:27
Hey, everybody, we got to do this again. Monkey Joe repeat that one.

Unknown Speaker 32:30
Drugs and illegal immigrants are pouring across our border. The economy is collapsing. And we can't even protect our own airspace against Chinese spy balloon.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 32:41
See, this was the point when I was listening to this. I had a cup of coffee and I spilled all over my screen. I still see

Paul Truesdell, II 32:47
I see that now. That's good. Yep. That's good. This ad just keeps getting better. Oh, no. This has gone down as one of the one of the all time greats.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 32:56
Yeah, this is like a few good men with Tom Cruise and the hits just keep coming out. God who could vote for a retard like that? Unbelievable.

Paul Truesdell, II 33:06
So yeah, we got a Chinese spy balloons. I didn't know State House reps had any influence on that. That's That's cute. Maybe just

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 33:15
maybe. He was afraid to say what he really thought. What is this? Get your guns out and start shooting up in the air? I mean, nobody would ever say that would.

Paul Truesdell, II 33:25
Yeah, I wish I wish that was I wish what you're inferring was the truth. But it's not. Yeah. Nope. The son of the guy that this person is hooking their bandwagon to actually suggested that on Fox News interview. It's it's a little as as demand set himself. They're not sending their best folks. They're not sending their

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 33:47
monkey Joe number six, as

Unknown Speaker 33:49
your state representative, back against the Biden Harris regime and support Donald Trump and his America first policies. He's the only candidate who has pledged to do so. So join me in supporting Florida State House District 24 In the upcoming Republican primary on March 7, pro Trump news pro America.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 34:12
Yeah. Before we have a comment on that to me.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 34:27
It's like we got the Three Stooges running against a real human being I'm sorry. I mean, I don't care.

Paul Truesdell, II 34:35
The reality is it's us like we're just so jaded in this. This is just funny. Like, the politics has just gotten to be so dumb and so pointless. Honestly, I mean, people wonder why people don't come out to vote in primaries and things like this. It's because of crap like this. Nothing about this motivates me other than like, is there a guy that saying I hate all these other people? because this is just sad. Yeah. Well, I mean, again, like, why would I? Why would I spend the time? Obviously now we have, you know, again, another another fantastic achievement of Trump. We have mailed mail and voting for everybody that can supposedly lift a finger, you know, but even then you still have to mail. And of course, what, probably more than half of people my age have never even mailed anything. So, you know, that's probably an achievement in and of itself. But point is, is just, you know, putting in the effort of Who are these people make a decision, send it off, or go to the polling place, go to your polling station, on the day of the election and actually voting? Who's going to do that with stuff like this, this would just turn it off in my head, and I would just laugh and move on with my day. Well, the thing that I know, it just does not inspire anybody to civic duty at all. And that's to me that said,

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 35:55
Well, you know, and we've talked extensively about I'm so fed up with with Facebook and ticky tacky And, and YouTubers that, you

Paul Truesdell, II 36:03
know, again, Chinese spy balloons tick tock,

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 36:06
there you go. I'm surprised that wasn't in here.

Paul Truesdell, II 36:09
I mean, that would be a real issue, though. That'd be a real issue.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 36:13
But the thing that I do know what's going on is you get all these political action committees, where it's just, if you just dig a little bit into the numbers, you got some guy who's the campaign manager, who has this political action committee, and they they wind up getting, I don't know, the right end candidate. And you know, it's like, You're not fooling anybody. I mean, why have any campaign laws if you're just going to like, basically violate them? Yeah. So they do. And then on top of that, you have all these Facebook groups who like they have a name like real Americans and Marian for change in American trumpet, and they're just, they get fake people, and they just all is the same little group of people. So that if you happen to stumble onto anything, Oh, this guy's got lost support. I'll give you a good example. Remember, I told you that one of these morons that we met years ago, moved down to Miami and are down in the Miami area of west palm area, claimed to be a big Trump supporter, yet they were given a trespass warning, or was it was it it wasn't a cease and desist? Yeah. Yeah. Stop using my name. Yeah, you gotta be you gotta be you gotta be pretty low life when you get a cease and desist order from Trump stop using my name.

Paul Truesdell, II 37:31
Yes, pretty cringe.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 37:32
So they put on a debate at the Ocala municipal golf course. And how many candidates you think showed up? I don't remember hers. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Everybody else? Yeah, no,

Paul Truesdell, II 37:50
it's kind of yes, it's not. You're gonna if you're going to try and pull a stunt like that, wouldn't you try and at least find a neutral third party to them, trying to ambush somebody with? Again, as as the man said himself, they're not sending their best folks.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 38:06
No, but here's the thing. Here's the thing, not any one of these groups that hosts these, these debates and these candidate forums, the candidate gets like 15 seconds to introduce himself. 20 seconds. 30 seconds to talk about issues. There's no debate, there's no nothing asked no that stuff. It's just it's just a bunch of peacocking. And, and, and I know the reason why do you really wanted to bait a doctor on issues like this. No, no, of course not. I let unless you're a multi level marketer and you're just a career politician. We have. Monkey Joe has one more monkey Joe number seven

Unknown Speaker 38:44
pro Trump means thanks for listening. paid for and approved for Florida State House District 24. call back number 352. Have a great rest of your day. And God bless the United States of America.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 38:59
God bless America. Call 352 We'll leave the rest of it out. Yeah, stand beside her vote for morons. It's what makes the country work. Monkeys crimini. Yeah. Do you have any cricket it's,

Paul Truesdell, II 39:19
it's special. But then again, I just I just some, you know, people love to make fun of local elections for being inconsequential and dumb. And I gotta say that the candidates really, really, really, they rise to that occasion they outdid themselves this time. Yeah. I mean, but this goes back to what we talked about last time. Because there's nothing else going on. Everybody's gonna focus on these guys. And that's just the reality of it. So, you know, there's more attention. So they think it's really important and we got to get out there and all we got to, we got to really, you know, we got to hit them back and we got to do xy and z instead of just saying no, this is this is what I support. This is what I want to do. Do

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 40:01
you know where the rhino thing comes from? You know what they're referring to?

Paul Truesdell, II 40:05
I mean, yeah, I know what they refer to, but I don't Well, we came from. Okay. So

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 40:09
let's, let's let me roleplay this. Let's assume I'm a doctor, I'm getting ready to go into surgery and I get a call from NRA. Yeah. And I'm going into surgery and the caller says, No, I got to talk to him. No, because we're getting ready to make our recommendations. And the response is, I can't do it. I got to do it. I got surgery. Right? Sure. The hell with the patient? Right? No, the patient comes first. Yeah. So let me ask you a question. The NRA, let's talk a little bit about that. Because that's an elephant in the room here. The NRA is an interesting group. And I want you to absolutely cut loose because

Paul Truesdell, II 40:49
I'm not going to cut it. No, but I mean, yeah, I mean, I've got some sharp criticisms.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 40:54
So let's talk about the NRA. Are they would you consider them the premier organization that is defending the Second Amendment? They are by

Paul Truesdell, II 41:03
fundraising, for sure. But as far as actual action? Not really. I mean, the one thing I think they do is effectively they here's the thing, people people don't understand what the NRA does, right? The NRA does two things. One, most of the money that goes to the NRA goes towards maintaining rifle ranges and training courses and all that stuff. That's an important public service, I think, right, getting people certified training, education, whatever. But then you also have the legislative action branch. And legislative action branch is important. It's an important component. And unfortunately, it's one of those things, it just requires a lot of money. You know, it's, it's engaging in politics at its most grotesque level for most people. You're hiring lobbyists, you're you're, you know, hiring, employing lobbyists. It's working, grassroots, grassroots type, you know, engagement things to pressure candidates into doing things, and it's just, you know, it's boots on the ground, in the capitals, wherever you're talking about, and obviously, in the US to do stuff, it takes, you know, takes 50 teams, and one federal team. So you know, you really need 51 legislative teams to effectively manage legislative responses to this type of stuff, obviously, do you need that many? Probably not. I mean, you know, half the states are okay, on this stuff, whatever. You get the point, though, right? It's extremely expensive. So that's what they do really well. The problem is, is they are also invested in their own organization survival more than anything. They raise couple 100 million dollars a year from mostly from people who think that they're out there, you know, on the Vanguard to protect your rights and blah, blah, blah. At the end of the day, what do they do? They just do what's necessary to prolong the fight, and extend the life expectancy of their own organization. And when that means crafting a capitulation that keeps them going, then that means that's what they'll do instead of, you know, taking the fight to the last nail to either repeal or prevent something from going into effect,

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 43:24
like the 1968 Omnibus Crime Control Act and all that. Yeah,

Paul Truesdell, II 43:29
exactly. Or the assault weapons ban, or all these things. There's tons of stuff. And unfortunately, you know, the reality is a lot of Republicans as this funny ad that you played, and, you know, likes to complain about all the rhinos. Well, the NRA, they literally employ the rhinos that they complain about. Because some of these they're just you know, what's, what's the what's right phase phrase, Florida. These a lot of these GOP politicians, especially the more well known ones, they're just weak sisters. If the NRA says, Oh, we're gonna fold on this issue, they'll fold on it tomorrow. If the NRA decides that, oh, the only way we're gonna, we're gonna protect, you know, this, this thing, we're gonna get some capitulations and some compromises out of this legislation, because it's gonna happen no matter what. If they go out and say that, Oh, we're gonna do another assault weapons ban or something like that. You would probably have 50 to 80 Republican Congressmen tomorrow vote for it. I mean, that's just that's how much power the NRA has. And it's in multiple times, they fall in line and the latest one I that I can recall of any substance was the bump stock thing. Obviously, I'm not going to get into the politics and the specifics of any of this crap. But the reality is, is a piece of plastic being regulated by the government because Trump and the NRA and the Republicans said it was okay to do so. is not acceptable for most people. Because we all understand the domino effect of these laws and rules and regulations. My answer to all this stuff is always no. You know, It's very simple. So there are other organizations out there that they don't just focus on training and all these, these things that are, like I said, are important. But I honestly think that there's a huge amount of this that should be separated out into a different organization, that most people would probably be a lot more, it'd be a lot more palatable for them to give money to. Because, you know, you say, given money, the NRA, and what does that that elicit that elicits an immediate negative response or positive response? When you're talking to, if you say, in general, hey, we're going to do general safety, firearms, self defense training? I would say that's something that's a little bit less controversial. But anyway, point is, is there's a bunch of other organizations out there. And these organizations do a tremendous amount more work focused on

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 45:51
keeping bad legislation out,

Paul Truesdell, II 45:53
while keeping bad legislation up and suing. But the important part is, is they they engage the legal system? Because the reality is, is this is all based off of the constitutional rights that we have inherently. And the reality is most of what they want most of what they do, to institute rules and regulations are not constitutional. So you just have to fight them. And so you have a handful of organizations, I'm not going to list them off top my head, I mean, the ones the ones that I think of our first thing that comes to mind is GLA but there's literally like six others that they all you know, you can go through and their financials, they're all, you know, not for profits, most of them are pretty good. But the reality is the cumulative amount of money that these guys raise every year among all of these organizations doesn't even shake a stick at what the NRA does, you know, we're talking less than 20%.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 46:50
And they don't have executives making massive amounts of money.

Paul Truesdell, II 46:53
Well, they can't I mean, you know, some of these organizations get a lot done with a million dollars a year. Meanwhile, you know, NRA, I think they pay the CEO of the NRA, like two or $3 million a year. It's just gross. Yep. You know, it is it is not the organization everybody thinks it is. They do good things I'm not gonna say that they don't. But I think a lot of what they do is they're more interested in their own survival than they are pushing for, for the rights of the citizens or defending them, you know, and unfortunately, you know, we're in a situation and a lot of places where that's all you have, the laws are gonna get passed by lunatics no matter what happens. So, you know, I would say the NRA endorsement is not the be all end all. And if the, you know, excuse my language, but if the Jackass with the Legislative Affairs portion of the NRA, who's going to give an endorsement for a state house primary, give me give me a break, is going to get mad because a doctor doesn't have the time on his schedule. Because he's getting ready to go into surgery or something with the patient. They can shove it that just shows you the the extremely disgusting behavior and credibility of whoever's running that organization and we bring it I were in the NRA and I had any influence over that. That person would find out who they are and I would fire them yesterday that's upstairs.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 48:20
And we bring this up because that's going to be an attack piece on Dr. Piles coming up you know, so

Paul Truesdell, II 48:25
yeah, I would say the full folded like a cheap suit NRA does not their endorsement doesn't mean a whole lot, especially in Florida. I mean, come on.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 48:35
We even have a candidate who says that he's been endorsed by the governor and the governor does not do that.

Paul Truesdell, II 48:42
Yeah, it doesn't it's not very good for party unity if you endorse him primaries, so people don't do it. And general rule of thumb Yeah, and

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 48:49
we've got a guy that says stoner means that you're going to get drag queen story hour in your elementary classrooms. Wait, okay, so there's a mailer that just went out and it's a tech piece against Charlie stoner you know, rocky stone and yeah, and bam you know that guy's you know, the guy the guy who can't can't find a political office he won't run for Yeah, yeah, so Stoner is accused by this one guy we're going to be talking about for quote, drag queen story hour in our elementary classrooms. He's responsible for that according to the Florida conservative Action Fund, which is chaired by a guy here in Ocala. Yes, just think just put all that together in your head what

Paul Truesdell, II 49:42
the fuck calf is isn't that that's just a bad acronym. But anyway, that's that's special. And so what is this as a part is this a plank of his election? We must we must have drag queen story our and all elementary schools. I He's accusing

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 50:00
stone of doing that

Paul Truesdell, II 50:05
data. But again, this is

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 50:08
and then there's another one from the same guy. He accused I called stone Stoner. So hey, man, like what offices I'm running for now, you know, hey, I'm like, I'm a green man. So make sure that my signs I just put a sticker over what I'm running for. So Stoner, according to one of these, which now this one I'd like to I'd like some verification on says that he won't get it. Well, it is possible. It says sites financial disclosures when he first ran for office, he had a net worth of $473,000. And then when he got done leaving the state house, he goes from county commission to state house and he's term limited out I believe, his net worth is $6.3 million. It's pretty good. Yes, I'm bad. It's pretty good. I mean, to be very blunt, that's not unusual, but not unusual. And in, you know, let's be blunt. You know, 400 $500,000 is a good chunk of change. But you know, $6 million of net worth has nothing to write home about today. I mean, let's be honest, that's whatever.

Paul Truesdell, II 51:15
Yeah, that's interesting.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 51:18
Yeah. But there are other things that can be brought up. If you're going to bring up things about stoner we can bring up the fact that this one candidate, he had an auto accident back in 2011. And we're going to read from the lawsuit is says he filed a lawsuit for undisclosed amount claiming that he suffered, quote, bodily injury and resulting pain and suffering disability disfigurement, mental anguish, loss of capacity for the enjoyment of life. I mean, this guy must have have I got like a steel rod go through his head and his suffering, see enjoyment of life, expense of hospitalization, medical and nursing care treatment, loss of earnings, loss of ability to earn money and or aggravation of a previously existing condition. So he says he's permanently injured, he will suffer losses in the future. His wife also joined in as she's suffering. She lost the companionship and you know, a marital relationship with her husband. And so he died. Yeah, it sounds like he died. I mean,

Paul Truesdell, II 52:25
I if somebody,

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 52:27
we have a dead man on the candidate on the list, that's wild.

Paul Truesdell, II 52:31
And this was in 2019. So it wasn't that long ago. Yeah. I mean, if somebody is in this kind of pain and suffering, I can't imagine them being able to manage the commute all the way to Tallahassee for for legislative sessions and all that. I mean, no, no, I mean, at this point, I mean, I'm thinking you might even get PTSD getting in a car.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 52:50
Oh, god. Yeah, absolutely. He might. He might need to see Dr. piles,

Paul Truesdell, II 52:54
maybe. Yeah, I mean, it says he's, you know, painting there's, you know, pain and loss of capacity for enjoying life. Man, that's, that'd be too bad.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 53:02
Maybe he did see Doctor pals because he participated in the Space Coast marathon and half marathon, placing 42nd in his age group. So apparently,

Paul Truesdell, II 53:12
I got we're ambulance chasing I gotta Yeah. Or if somebody was.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 53:20
So here's another thing he's, he's he's signed a clean campaign pledge. And he says that all candidates who want to participate should sign his pledge, and refusal to do so quote, indicates would indicate as to where they stand on important commitment on on this important commitment of the voters. Okay. And he says, quote, I am fully expecting that the special interests, and insiders in Tallahassee will get involved.

Paul Truesdell, II 53:52
That's interesting, because this, this is also the same guy that seems to be, you know, again, I'm not totally super invested in any of this, because I already know who I'm, I'm going to choose. But it seems to me this is the same person that is also orchestrating all these hit pieces from behind the scenes. Yeah, interesting.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 54:12
Yeah. And so you have to report your political contributions. Yeah. So it appears Arizona is

Paul Truesdell, II 54:18
a short race. So there's not going to be as many filing periods no be as much information to glean But which of course some people use that to their advantage, as you know.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 54:27
$7,500 from Tallahassee residents, and power brokers have been given to this. Interesting Tallahassee

Paul Truesdell, II 54:35
isn't the district though now.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 54:39
He says he's being attacked for being too conservative, and that he has been a champion for Governor Ron DeSantis. But it's important to note that Governor DeSantis has not endorsed him, nor has he issued any candidate in this race. The right to use as like this or imply wide endorsement.

Paul Truesdell, II 55:02
That's interesting. So in probably honestly one of the most conservative districts in the state except for someplace up in the Panhandle in the middle of nowhere, right? Yeah. This is probably one of the more conservative districts in the state

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 55:15
or district open up and destin would be. Yeah. But but you know, just

Paul Truesdell, II 55:19
generally speaking, especially compared to any place out there, yeah. Who the hell is being attacked for being too conservative? That's just made up. Again, it's a good idea to run for office and and just start out by lying to people creating obvious of creating an obvious deception. Oh, sign my pledge. Meanwhile, in the background, you've got your you've got your homies. They've already whipped up packs, and you're already raking in the cash from the insiders that you're supposedly running against. This is just a joke at this point. Well, what's funny is honestly like somebody that's willing to go to this level. Why don't you just run for an office that matters? Oh, wait, he did any last?

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 56:01
Oh, what was that? It was Congress was

Paul Truesdell, II 56:04
erased. It matters Congress. Oh, that's just it's just sad. Like the honestly like people. Most people do not have any engagement with politicians came in it? Is this, it? Is this crap that people hate the election process? Absolutely.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 56:23
And I gotta tell you, when you come in six out of 10 candidates that Well, I want to be in office. Oh, by the way, isn't just the guy who hasn't voted in primaries.

Paul Truesdell, II 56:36
Now he waited until his primary and 2020 to vote in a primary.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 56:40
So he's just a big a big general election kind of guy.

Paul Truesdell, II 56:44
Yeah, you know, big red meat eating issues, you know, the border and stuff.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 56:51
So what does Joe Biden's radical agenda have anything to do with this? I'm sorry, I just don't get it.

Paul Truesdell, II 57:00
This is just pandering to the lowest common denominator. Honestly, like everything that I see so far is somebody who's fairly politically adept. And they're immediately running to the you know, as we talked about, previously, the the lowest Griffin, you know, 911 segment of the population. The problem is, of course, the, it's a little too sophisticated because the people that vote I mean, it's a little too unsophisticated, because the problem is the people that vote in these types of primaries actually know their issues in our area. To some degree, I mean, at least you'd think more than more than a general at least in my experience.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 57:38
Well, and the reality is that we have literally 1000s of people in Marion County. And you have this all across the nation that no opportunity to vote, one person one vote not happening here. Cuz you had the right in candidate.

Paul Truesdell, II 57:52
Oh, yeah. Gotta block out. What? I don't know. I don't know what the registration is in the district. Do you know,

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 57:57
I think we're 72 73% Republican.

Paul Truesdell, II 58:01
Okay, so for some, for simple math, we're gonna block out a third of the electorate, because we can, Yep, cool.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 58:08
All votes matter though. An investigation by the Ocala Gazette, man, we talked about them earlier found that this particular person and his campaign manager or treasurer, whatever all of them are attracted involved in the election by happening by getting foxy Fox to file as a candidate. And then this Guy Fawkes, that he felt duped by the campaign team, and he tried to undo his candidacy can't do it. And so what this candidates done is he just, he's blissfully trying to skate in under, you know, once in you're not gonna get this guy out.

Paul Truesdell, II 58:46
Oh, yeah. No, there's no question if this guy wins, he will be around forever. He's he is he's in Tijuana. No question. And he's one of these creatures that he literally, he literally is one of these creatures that people complained about and obviously seem to have forgotten. But he is one of these people that he was born to be part of the swamp. This is just Oh, yeah. Gross.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 59:12
Yeah. Well, him and stoner they just, yeah. Oh, yeah. Sorry. It is what it is. He's got a connection to something called True patriot network. That sounds really powerful.

Paul Truesdell, II 59:24
Yeah, it sounds like as something that spawned out of the Trump era.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 59:28
Yeah, it's a social media platform that claims on his website that values privacy and security in the sky indicates he gets over $300,000 A year from it.

Paul Truesdell, II 59:37
I've never even heard of it, but Okay, cool. Yeah.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 59:43
Again, the Ocala Gazette did an investigation found that the true patriot network has no employees, and no evidence that it operated at the location on file in the state of Texas, and that the tax collector of Texas has no record for the entity He paid any business, property taxes. I mean, how can you? How do you have the chutzpah to run for office with this kind of shenanigans?

Paul Truesdell, II 1:00:13
Yeah, that's interesting.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 1:00:16
By the way, a friend of ours, a mutual friend mentioned that you brought up Socrates. Yeah. And he was very disappointed that we didn't bring up Idiocracy the movie as a result of that. Yeah. Well, this is this is the movie Idiocracy?

Paul Truesdell, II 1:00:29
Yeah. I mean, this has definitely taken things down a notch. There's no question about that.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 1:00:35
Now, he says his, his main source of income is through this true patriot network. And he's getting advertising and donors and, and then I don't know, it just, I guess when you're involved in multilevel marketing, you do everything in the world to tell people not what you're doing.

Paul Truesdell, II 1:00:56
Yeah. He obviously jumped on the political influence grift around the time Trump appeared on the field. So yeah, oh, yeah. Like a lot of people. You know, it's, it's a business that just keeps on going. It's an unfortunate aspect of what's gone on with the Trump ease. You know, what's left of the hardcore support there? It's just honestly, every eye has said, I have this disdain for for people that are still like hardcore on the Trump megatrend not because of any split. I mean, I have some policy complaints, and let's call it performance issues that I have serious gripes with but put all that aside. The thing that really, really irks me is the fact that everybody involved in this is onto a scheme. It's by this sell that, you know, it's it's all people just selling each other for who's going to be you know, I'm more Magga than you, you know, by my coin by my hat. You know, and then some of the scams I've seen are just unbelievable. To the point that I mean, you know, we talked about this, we've talked about this occasionally over the past couple of years. You know, crypto stuff is, you know, the scams and everything. It wasn't apparently skipped doing crypto scams was not below Trump, because he sold off, like, you know, he made what, two $3 million in a day to sell off a bunch of very poorly photoshopped, like Trump memes, basically, just NF T's. Yeah, he meant he did his he literally did his own NFTL for him. And so the thing is, like, this isn't there's nothing real here. This is just a scheme. And, you know, it's a scheme just based on the people it's attracted. I mean, I, I mean, I've, I can say that I've been involved at, you know, pretty close levels in basically every presidential race since bush 43 ran the first time, you know, we I was I vividly remember, you know, meeting him and all kinds of stuff. You know,

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 1:02:59
we I always I did to you what my parents said my first campaign was 1964, the Goldwater Johnson campaign. And, you know, I, I always, I've always said, my mom and dad always treated me like an adult from day one and asked my opinion and everything else where they took it or not, but it was funny, you know, I remember lots of times, I'm sure you can say, we're doing it now, where I said to you, I never thought of that. And I've changed that opinion. I mean, I've always respected your brother and your sister and you immensely because you're not dumb.

Paul Truesdell, II 1:03:33
Well, so So my, my point in mentioning that, you know, I'm not a political neophyte, I have a pretty good understanding of how this stuff goes. And, you know, I have a pretty good realistic view on the reality of politics. But we look at everything that's gone on since Trump, and it is just the grossest, grimy, honest aspect of politics. I mean, I've honestly never seen it before. I mean, the last time I heard anybody Hawking W merch was when he was still the president. Trump has been at office two years. We're already past the midterms and they're still hogging NF T's and all kinds of other crap. And now he's running again. Like I just, it's just to me, honestly, it's just gross. It's even

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 1:04:23
lower than the GWAC bowl from jab, jabs. Glock ball walk bull.

Paul Truesdell, II 1:04:29
Yeah, you know, I was in at least that's understandable. People buy campaign merch.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 1:04:35
I wish I had bought some of that stuff, though. I do too. I wish I wish we

Paul Truesdell, II 1:04:38
had a job clock ball. I very much wish I had one of those.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 1:04:42
I do have a Macintosh and one of the original Macintosh is in the office. You know, I was gonna say I have we have some advisors down in Tampa who are with us and one invited me to meet family members at a recent dinner. And I had an opportunity to do that. It was interesting. They are hard Record Trump's I mean hard core, Ohio Republicans and I was cautioned ahead of time don't don't put your message on a landmine, they'll step on a landmine. It's interesting to the conversation was not what I expected. No, no, the they want nothing to do with Trump now. It was interesting. All of them said we like what he said we, you know, we feel like we were better off when he was in office. They just go with that. Generally, yeah. They said, but the guy just, he just never stops being potty mouth and stupid. And, you know, Kenny ever. I mean, I these are not my words. Can the guy ever just shut up and be president? You know, and I thought it was interesting. I've really that is

Paul Truesdell, II 1:05:46
that is the situation a lot of people are, um, you know, you have your people that are hardcore. They're diehards. Right? And they're gonna, they're gonna, their entire day is ruined if they see Biden, right, right. I'm under a very, very simple kind of perspective here. And you know, we've talked about it a bunch. I don't like the guy at all. No. But when I see Biden, yeah, he's a bumbling idiot most of the time and whatever. But when he shuts his mouth and just stands there, and he's president, he looks serious. He doesn't he doesn't make too much of an asset of himself. He doesn't tweet. He doesn't do any of this stuff, right? No, I don't like a lot of his policies. But you know, he is. He represents the country pretty well.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 1:06:35
I like how the Trump errs are going nuts over Biden going to Ukraine. And and then, you know, just losing it. But didn't Bush go to Afghanistan like, or in what was it Baghdad and like, the middle of the night, Trump Christmas and trumped into Yeah, so what?

Paul Truesdell, II 1:06:55
We're also like, who cares? These people are just get worked up over nothing. I don't know. I mean, this is kind of off topic, but it's just no it

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 1:07:03
this all ties together. Because when you vote for somebody, you're voting for a representative. If this is a republic, small our this is a republican form of government. We've never had a democracy

Paul Truesdell, II 1:07:18
and the only democracy we have our state referendums. Yep. And we do those in the form of constitutional amendments. And that's it. That's it, folks. Yeah, I just think it's funny, because, you know, in general, the the sycophants and the, the cult of personality around certain people that obviously, based on what we've consumed here, something people are either playing on or trying to create their own. I just, it doesn't doesn't belong anywhere near politics, not in this country anyway.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 1:07:51
Well, I think the rest of this stuff is I think some of the rest is that we're going to talk about, again, I'm going to give credit where credit is due the Ocala Gazette. His heat this this this fellow that we're talking about, he says that he has helped 1000s of entrepreneurs and CEOs. Okay. But what he has is a multilevel marketing organization. A lot of people think of MLMs as pyramid schemes, and nobody really makes money selling these things. You make money by recruiting, which is what I said in our last podcast. What a great place to get downline distributors for whatever crud you're selling.

Paul Truesdell, II 1:08:36
Yeah, that's a good point.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 1:08:39
So in 1997, in March, he filed a thing called kings Chamberlain ministries. It was dissolved in September 2001, for failure to file an annual report. And apparently when we were looking at this, as I recall, he didn't recall that the business didn't recall anything about it. So somebody maybe his brother who lives in Israel, did it.

Paul Truesdell, II 1:09:06
Okay. Interesting.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 1:09:08
October 97, Ryan Marketing Group Incorporated was administratively dissolved for failure to file an annual report. In September SC February 98. He filed a corporate papers called professional credit service services acceptance Corp, and that was administratively dissolved for failure to file annual reports in 99. In January 99, he filed freedom investments Inc. And that was dissolved in October 2002. for failure to guess what? file an annual report and let's see what else is some of the earth

Paul Truesdell, II 1:09:47
this guy might not know there's a form you can file voluntarily dissolve a company.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 1:09:53
Apparently you have to force the state to spend money to do it. September of 99 he filed Freedom Team Inc. A minute strictly dissolved one September of 2011. He said that the corporate name he used while he worked with a team National Team National is this Is he part of that? What's that guy we were talking about before I just lost it. Market America wants to sell part of Market America.

Paul Truesdell, II 1:10:21
I have no idea.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 1:10:24
He indicated that that venture was his first business success. Let's see we got another one. 2010 He started a company called prosperity team leaders LLC. Again dissolved in 2011. He maybe it's all because that accent he had years prior he had damage. I couldn't do that. He'd run a marathon but he couldn't.

Paul Truesdell, II 1:10:45
I don't know. That was that was that was

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 1:10:47
I gotta look it was maybe he's lingering, lingering? Post traumatic.

Paul Truesdell, II 1:10:52
That was that was 2019 he had the axe.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 1:10:54
Oh, well, who's just getting ready for the

Paul Truesdell, II 1:10:58
I guess? It's interesting. Yeah.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 1:11:02
Didn't file an annual report. 2010

Paul Truesdell, II 1:11:05
and he doesn't know what it's for.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 1:11:08
I love me. We hear we got a buck. He's coming to town. Yeah, we have this one. We have this little little thing. We said we love us our bikinis don't we? Oh yeah. Whenever we travel we tend to when we drive we tend to hit a buches eight. They're strategically located.

Paul Truesdell, II 1:11:24
Wow. cleanness bathrooms around if you're traveling buches is the way to go.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 1:11:27
Yeah, if you're on 95 between Ormond Beach and in Jacksonville, there's two of them, but we ours will be coming soon. Let's see here. Me love me loves I say that because me loves the Ocala Gazette. And then people are cool. Let's see we got here, pop up, pop up. RJ Chamberlain LLC. continues to operate, consulting and training for companies 2011 empowered companies LLC, it was dissolved in 2012. For what what did you resolve that one for so you

Paul Truesdell, II 1:12:03
spend the money and effort to open it up and then you don't file the first annual report? Okay.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 1:12:09
And then he also says he dabbled in motivational content for children. 2013 He was on the board of EJ kids. incorporated in Hollywood, Florida. The company was missed. Go ahead. I can't do it.

Paul Truesdell, II 1:12:25
Yeah, it was it was it was voluntarily dissolved.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 1:12:29
for failure to file. Yeah, the annual report. Yeah. It's interesting. And then he filed several fictitious names in addition and platinum publishing in 2010. And y k press in 2013, prismatic studios. You know, look. I'm a professional and wives a professional, you're a professional. And, you know, like Truffaut Consulting has been around for a little while. Oh, yeah. The law firms been around for a little while now. We've been our family came to this country in 1630 on the Winthrop fleet, and you know, a lot of this crud that these guys are doing, it would be like if I said, I deserve to be state representative, because our family's been here longer than yours. We've been here since 1630 911. It's just

Paul Truesdell, II 1:13:25
Oh, yeah. Well, I mean, that kind of politicking is out the door, though. I mean, now, it's just about attaching your your horse to the Trump bandwagon and DeSantis obviously that's an important one. And yeah, it's it's interesting I politics really brings out brings up some interesting creatures.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 1:13:49
Yeah, this guy reminds me of that movie, Billy Madison.

Unknown Speaker 1:13:55
Mr. Madison, what you just said, is one of the most insanely idiotic things I've ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response. Were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points. And may God have mercy on your soul. Okay, as simple wrong would have done just fine but remain one.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 1:14:28
And then in my opinion, everybody other than Dr. Piles would kind of fall in the category here with a George Carlin

Unknown Speaker 1:14:34
like to start with a list of people I can do without a proctologist with poor depth perception. Any woman whose hobby is breastfeeding zoo animals, the cross eyed nun with a bullwhip and a bottle of gin, a waitress with a visible infection on her serving hand and then The man whose arm hair completely covers his wristwatch. Okay, that's enough.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 1:15:06
Is enough of that. What do you think? Do you think George would have some similar views as to what I've got?

Paul Truesdell, II 1:15:14
Yeah, he despised politicians as I think most people should. And I the thing I just baffles me is with somebody that is, at least as far as holding offices as a political neophyte, right. Yep. Going into it. This hard this gross, I don't even have any other way to to describe it. This with this kind of deception. I just don't get it. I, I wouldn't vote for this person for anything. No, if this if this is survivor, I would vote for him, I'd vote for him off the island.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 1:15:56
You know, maybe that's what we should do. We should have elections based on who I can't stand. Who do you hate the most? And that's

Paul Truesdell, II 1:16:04
kind of that's kind of what the ranked ranked voting or what they call to some some runoff. Yeah, that's, that's what those are designed for. You generally get the more moderate middle. I'm voting for this guy. Number one, but if not him, I guess I can tolerate this guy and this guy, and then you know, you will be called. Yeah, I think ranked voting or something like that. So we have,

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 1:16:27
we have four candidates, who I would, I would have thrown the category of people got no respect for the brain dead. We've got one guy whose claim to fame as I think he makes soup, or chili or guacamole or something like that. We have another guy, the stoner who never met an office, and we're going to talk about him about his pledge. We got another guy that we've been talking about Ryan, who, you know, just what a con artist, you know, just is what it is. It seems to be that way. I mean, it is a lot of these things.

Paul Truesdell, II 1:16:59
You went into this race with this, obviously, this this whole plan. Oh, yeah. I mean, I,

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 1:17:06
we just put on paper, I own this. I own this. I created this. I created that I did this. I did that. It's like yeah, whatever. And then and then we've got George's brother, who was the one that gave us the ads. And just because they are so sweet. I got to replay the first one. Monkey Joe to tee up number one.

Unknown Speaker 1:17:26
Marion County Republicans. Do you still support President Trump? The radical left and Rhino Republicans one conservatives like you wouldn't need to abandon President Trump and his America first agenda. We will not comply

Paul Truesdell, II 1:17:42
Yeah. And you will not comply? Yes, you will. You will 100% compliant, you will 100% compliant. Because when the government says you're going to pay more in taxes, what are you going to do? Are you going to fight the IRS? Mister I mean, I'm, it's sad to say but yeah, you will comply.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 1:18:00
And then we have Charlie stoner who is the never metal an open seat he didn't want. I'm going to read this from October 9 2019. This is a press release.

Paul Truesdell, II 1:18:12
So this is the kind of stuff that is funny. Because if the constituents care about the integrity of different candidates, the internet and the ability to research and get stuff out there more easily. The other guy obviously has his BS background is one thing, right? But then you also have stuff like this where you have career politicians who, you know, maybe maybe it sounded like a good idea to sign a pledge at one point, but now it's looking like you know, it's gonna doesn't doesn't serve its purpose anymore. And

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 1:18:45
so this is called us term limits. And this is this entity, the leader in national nonpartisan movement to limit terms for elected officials is gathering support from elected officials across Florida. Its mission is to advocate for term limits on all elected officials. And here's the sweet thing. Here it is. House Representative Charlie stone in District what district 22 Not 2422 22 has committed to defend term limits in Florida by signing what the term limits pledge. Apparently that only applies to district 22. With redistricting he gets to run in 24. So the hell with you?

Paul Truesdell, II 1:19:39
Yeah. Internet, internet. People collect these things. It's so unfortunate thing for some people.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 1:19:48
Yeah, it's, this is not tough stuff. You know, I mean, the reality in life is we can find this stuff out. It's not a big deal. And I would encourage you to.

Paul Truesdell, II 1:20:05
But I think it's important to go back to what what I said, you know, on the previous time we talked about this. In a normal race, this kind of stuff happens all the time. Yep. Every race has this crap happen. This just as the political system, and it's gross. And this again, this is why people don't like politics. This is why there is a permanent segment of the population. It is over 50% who do not care will not vote, they just pay their taxes, and they move on. And they just limit their interaction with the government. And that includes voting. They see a politician they wouldn't, if they saw a campaign bus on fire, everybody roasting alive in it, they would just put their hand up in front of their, their, their face and keep on moving. Like it's just it's, it's gross. And this is, here's the problem. This is what I said before, when the start when a selection starts. This is this is the issue these, there's plenty of let's call it newsprint space. Not that that's it's more more of a, there's plenty of attention to fill with one race. So you can go deep on every candidate, and you can dig up everything there is to dig up. As far as I know, there's nothing serious about piles. He's a doctor, he's been in business for a long time, whatever. You got your standard stuff that goes with that. There's nobody out there saying anything other than Oh, no, he's a rhino because he you know, didn't when when the NRA called he didn't he didn't ask how high they wanted him to jump. You know,

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 1:21:33
and he's never run before. I mean, he's not going to be the spit and polish stoner candidate. He's not going to have eighth

Paul Truesdell, II 1:21:40
house race, you don't have to go. It's honestly I mean, it's, it's not to not to, you know, beat it to death. But it is not the most important office in the land. These people don't need to be professional politicians, you don't they just need to bring some expertise to the table expertise to the table and exert their influence and their and their their ability to think and whatnot, and represent the people in their district. There's a very limited set of issues that come up in the statehouse situation. And instead we got people running because they're running on a platform that fits like they want to run for Congress or Senate or, or something else a little bit more serious. And yeah, I mean, if there was the the attention or the print space to dig this deep on most candidates, this is what you find. Are most races anyway, this is what you find. But during normal election season, everybody's running. So nobody has nobody has the time to run and say hey, this is kind of interesting. You make a bunch of money from a what looks like a shell company. Interesting. Do you do like it looks like he does some weird form of you know, ethically questionable political lobbying or something like that. I mean, it's it's not super obvious what it is interesting. What do

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 1:22:57
you do here? Yeah, and I mean this You're right about that because when it's a crowded election, and they focus on everything other than that, that's how you get these clowns in New York that oh,

Paul Truesdell, II 1:23:06
yeah, yeah. Perfect example. I mean, can you imagine if that guy ran during a special election he is

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 1:23:11
running he's we have two of them running down here. Well,

Paul Truesdell, II 1:23:15
but seriously, like if that guy ran during a special election he wouldn't have run because he has too much to hide Exactly. But in a general kind of regular regularly scheduled election that's no big deal those those types of clowns can march right through and even if their dirty laundry comes up people don't even generally catch it it's just you know, they go to the ballot box and you know as the Republicans like to harp on everybody Oh, just got to vote are down ballot just keep just just vote Republican all the way down. So I said always, how do you vote down ballot on this one? You all you have is Republicans run?

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 1:23:53
Well, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls want to know, I think we beat this horse to death. And saying the word horse brings to mind. I do want candidates, like the fictional character, John Dutton in Yellowstone, I want somebody who is going to go there for the right reasons, and is just a real dude. And I think our guy Steven Pyles is a real dude. This is our first memory right to express our opinion. And I was just I literally am begging you to put the the memes in the stupid stuff aside, do your own research and make an intelligent decision.

Paul Truesdell, II 1:24:30
Yeah, national politics does not belong in the State House race. And if you vote for somebody that does, you deserve what you get.

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 1:24:37
And so on behalf of Paul the younger I'm Paul the senior and here with monkey Joe monkey, Joe, let's bring in Ethel and we're out of here.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:48
I had a dream, a dream about you, baby. I had a dream. It's gone. I come Drew they think that went through but baby you swell Jody

Unknown Speaker 1:25:19
dot briefings

Paul Grant Truesdell, J.D., AIF 1:25:31
I think we spread a little fertilizer on the roses rod here typically new adios

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