Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Tuesday, October 15th, 2024 / A free diver survived a shark attack, Chantel is the youngest sibling and therefore the funniest, people need to wash their hands, Josh won his fantasy football matchup and isn’t allowed to be excited about it, Chantel learned how bright the sun actually is, the Salmon dinner was delicious, Rainbow Brite is coming back and Josh is just as excited about it now as he was when it was new the first time, ramen burritos sound interesting and delicious, there’s a new turkey in town, Chantel may have found a new career path, and aliens might be real!!!

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Episode title: Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh and Chantel - Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Episode summary introduction:

A free diver survived a shark attack, Chantel is the youngest sibling and therefore the funniest, people need to wash their hands, Josh won his fantasy football matchup and isn’t allowed to be excited about it, Chantel learned how bright the sun actually is, the Salmon dinner was delicious, Rainbow Brite is coming back and Joss is just as excited about it now as he was when it was new the first time, ramen burritos sound interesting and delicious, there’s a new turkey in town, Chantel may have found a new career path, and aliens might be real!!!

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Full show transcript:

This is wake up classy 97, the podcast, a replay of today's full show. It's Josh and Chantel, and it's Tuesday, October 15th. Today on the show, a free diver survived a shark attack. Yeah. Don't free dive.

What are we doing? I am the youngest sibling and therefore the funniest for sure. According to? Me and my sister. But your brother still hasn't chimed in?

Has yet to chime in. Yeah. He's smart. People need to wash their hands. No kidding.

Josh won his Fantasy Football matchup and isn't allowed to be excited about it. I got a little excited just a tiny bit, and that was too much for you. No. No. No.

That's not no. You're allowed to be excited. It didn't feel like you wanted me to be excited. It feels like you want me to just be shamed about even in playing the game. Bro bro, I've learned how bright the sun actually is.

The salmon dinner was delicious even if I had to eat it by myself. Bright is coming back, and Josh is just as excited about it now as he was when it was new the first time. Ramen burrito sound interesting and delicious. Oh, hey. By the way, I'm not excited about Rainbow Bright.

And, yeah, I am excited about, ramen burritos. There's a new turkey in town. Okay. There's a new turkey in town. Tell me about it.

I will. Listen to the podcast. Okay. I may have found a new career path, and aliens might be real. We'll find out soon.

They said they found it. What? I don't know. That's what they said. Hey.

Thanks for checking out the show. You can hear it live every weekday morning on Classy 97. And on the free Classy 97 app, you just download that in your App Store. If you're new to the podcast, welcome. Hi.

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Now on with today's show. Good job. I didn't see it. I had to scroll down. Oh, really?

Ew. Ick. Bleh. What? Ew.

It's National Mushroom Day. Oh, mushrooms are delicious. Ew. Bleh. I don't think that you're allowed to say that because you haven't even eaten any.

Mushies are delicious. Especially when covered in butter. Or stuffed with something. Cream cheese or sausage or cheese. No.

You're so wrong. That's a fun way to start the show. Good morning. It's Josh and Chantel. It is National Chicken Cacciatore Day.

I've never had chicken cacciatore. You don't even know what that tastes like either. No. I don't. It it looks okay.

It's handwashing day. Please, please wash your hands. We went through a whole time period where we had to teach people how to wash your hands. I think a bunch of you have forgotten. Wash your hands.

I don't think any of them ever learned. I there's nothing there are many things worse than. But in the moment, there's nothing worse than going into a restroom, waiting in line behind someone, getting in front of the porcelain, and then watching them walk out. Oh. And I go, dude, get it back in here and wash your hands.

Disgusting. Call them out. I should. You should. Hey.

Hey. Hands. Sicko. I should. I should start getting more vocal about it.

What are they gonna do? Feel ashamed, I hope. Wash your hands. Hey. It's National Dance Movement Therapy Advocacy Day.

You could do. Movement therapy. Change from mad to hey. Yeah. Smooth operator.

Mhmm. Yep. What was that you just said? I was I know. National Dance and Movement Therapy Advocacy Day.

Yes. Movement therapy. Movement is so good. Yeah. Right.

I like moving. Mhmm. I like dancing in the kitchen. It's therapeutic. It is absolutely.

Cheese curds today. Awesome. Curds today. Cheese curds. Today.

Oh, shawarma. Shawarma. Shawarma. Shawarma. So good.

Roast pheasant day. I'm gonna tell you I've never seen a cooked pheasant. No. Does not look like a chicken. No.

I don't wanna eat it. Alright. Let's see. What is all international day of rural women. Untold strength emanates from quiet landscapes where resilient women shape narratives weaving the fabric of endurance.

International day of rural women. Okay. Yes. And then a beautiful poem about them. Man.

Is there a day for urban women? I am neither. I don't feel like I've probably said rural or urban? Of these 2 are you? I'm just an in between woman.

What are you? And and doesn't know where to go, woman. Mhmm. Mhmm. National Grouch Day.

No. No grouch. No grouch days. Grouchy. How about white cane safety day?

The blind and near blind use these long white canes to feel objects and to signal others that they are visually impaired. You can help raise safety awareness for them. It's white cane safety day. Okay. And, that's what I know.

That's the days. Yep. Have some chicken cacciatore with some mushrooms. Be sure to wash your hands afterward. Follow it up with some cheese curds and some roast pheasant, and tell a rural woman how glad you are to have her.

I think I married a rural woman. I'm not rural. No. Where are you from? A listen.

I don't live in a rural No. Not now. Where are you from? From Burley. Rural woman.

I understand that, but I would I would classify a rural woman as somebody who works and lives on a farm. I've never done that. I don't want chickens. I don't wanna milk a cow. I don't don't even wanna try?

No. Why? Because I just don't. That's not for me. Like I said, I'm not that person.

That stool, the bucket. Yeah. That that's a rural woman. That's not me. I grew up in a regular house.

No animals. A dog and a cat. End end of animals. Pretty rural. Good morning.

It's Josh Encanto. Listen to this story. Okay. A guy named Angus. What?

Is he, from ACDC? No. No. No. No.

He was free diving in shallow water off a French Polynesian island. Free diving scares me. I don't even necessarily know what that is. Really deep scuba diving? Uh-huh.

No scuba gear. What? Why is he doing that? Because people do this. People people free climb stuff too.

There was a guy who just free climbed, the nose of, whatever that mountain is. What's it called? The one it doesn't matter. Everest? No.

Capitan? El Capitan? Might have been? I don't I don't know. I'm just naming mountains Mount Bora?

No. But but, you know, you can just hike up Bora till you get to Chicken Out Ridge, and then you're in in trouble. But but, no, he free climbed the the face of that mountain with no ropes, no harness. That's insane. I know.

Just his own strength. Those free climbers are. Free diving's just as crazy. It's just underwater. Big fins, huge flippers.

Anyway Bro. Bro. Okay. Out of nowhere, he says out of nowhere, you're in the ocean. Out of the ocean?

It's gonna come from in the ocean. Yeah. A 7 foot gray reef shark appeared and clamped its jaws on Angus' arm, just bit down hard. He's 20 years old, Angus is. He fought off the shark by stabbing it in the gills using a 4 inch knife that he had for cutting dive lines.

Yeah. So when you free dive, you run like a weighted rope of sorts, a dive line Okay. From your vessel down so you have a a thing to hold onto. Yeah. Okay.

So that you don't yeah. So he's hooked to that. So in case you get entangled, you have a knife to be able to cut yourself free so you don't get stuck. Okay. So Sam's the shark.

He's man he manages to swim back to his boat, and he tied his goggles around his arms to make a makeshift tourniquet because he was bleeding so hard because he had just been bitten by a shark. This is a wild ride. I told you. And then he said, if I hadn't blocked the shark with my arm, like, he Yeah. Put his arm up.

Put his arm up. It would've gone down his torso. Neck, and then he would've been donezo. He was Donezo. Donezo.

Sure. Alright. He was That's official diagnosis. This guy's donezo. He was rushed to a hospital in Tahiti where he went a 6 hour surgery, and doctors found a tooth embedded in his arm.

Well, he gets a trophy that he put that on a necklace. He wears it as an earring. Just one? The well, there was only 1. No.

Just one earring? Yeah. Like, oh, I would have done a necklace. No. He he wears an an earring.

Honestly, and this is gonna sound so dumb, the shark tooth doesn't look that that big. So shark regrow teeth Uh-huh. Like, nonstop. Okay. They lose teeth.

They grow new teeth all the time. K. It could have been a newer tooth. It could have been a non mature tooth. That's possible because it's a little bit small.

Just saying, what are you what you're crying? Oh, boy. Oh, boy. This guy not only did he not see the shark coming, he didn't see you coming with the attitude about it. Holy cow.

Nobody could've predicted that. This guy was just trying to enjoy his hobby, and you're over here going like Whatever. Tiny shark. This 7 foot. No big deal.

Next time, find a great white. Exactly. Yeah. No. Poor guy.

No. He's he free dives. He doesn't care. He's tough. He doesn't care what I have.

Well, I'm glad he survived. Yeah. He's It wasn't donezo. He's That's that's the big deal. He's alive, though.

Very good. I'm glad he's all systems go instead of donezo. That's great. This story is about a woman from Louisiana. Louisiana?

Mhmm. K. And her name is Blair Whipp, w h I p p. K. Blair Whip.

Whip. Mhmm. 20 year veteran of the army and national guard, which is, pretty awesome. And, following her years of service, Blair, struggled with depression and PTSD. That quickly went away in 2020 when an organization called 2 Vets on a Mission paired her up with a service dog named Lakota.

Okay. And the 2 immediately clicked. And Blair said that she became my partner in my recovery, and I knew that I could lean on her when times were tough. But then one day last year, Lakota got out of the yard and was gone. No.

And Blair said it sent me into another state of depression because I lost my best friend, and I didn't know how to handle that. She was such an important part of my recovery, and I didn't know if I could get through it without her. Well, last month, as Louisiana was preparing for the arrival of hurricane Francine Mhmm. Lakota was found by the Port Bar Police Department, and they scanned her microchip and turned up Blair's information. But she was in really bad shape.

She needed, some expensive vet treatments before she could go home. She was not good. Lakota, where have you been? I don't know. Lakota's been on an adventure.

But a generous veterinarian heard the story, offered to treat Lakota for free. She had to have some surgery. She had to have a bunch of treatments. She was in the vet for a while. Okay.

And Lakota was given a clean bill of health and is finally back home with Blair. And Blair said, everybody has been so loving and caring toward both of us. I could not have asked for anything more. It's such a a wild tale to go from I have been in the service for 20 years. I'm retired.

I've got some PTSD. I've got some depression I'm dealing with. An organization says, let's pair you up with a service animal. You fall in love. Yeah.

Lakota gets away. Yeah. A hurricane's a comin', and they find a stray dog, happens to be Lakota, and then needs vet treatments and now is back. Like, what a what a roller coaster of things to have happened. Lakota, stay in the yard.

You know? Lakota, stop running away. Right? Like, rule number 1. Close.

So, all good in the end here because it is good news to get you going, but what a ride we went on. I'm glad Blair and Lakota are back together. That's good news. So good news to get you going. You have a younger sister.

I do have a younger sister. That is a fact. An older sister and an older brother. Right. Because you're the baby.

I'm the baby. Right. And I'm the older sibling. Well, a 2015 study out of the UK That's real current. Is real timely.

Yeah. Real current. What are you what are you looking through the Internet archives? What are you what are you doing? Here's a 9 year old survey.

Go on with your 9 year old data. It's still relevant today. I think if they did this survey again today, they would find the same information. I don't know. Yeah.

They found that the funniest family member is the youngest sibling. I don't know about that. That's true in my family for sure. For sure. So, did they only ask younger siblings?

Because I feel like this was a survey of youngest siblings. Who's the funniest? And they went, me. Who's I'm the mean? Ask you can ask my siblings.

They'll tell you that I'm the funniest. I bet they will. I bet so. I'm gonna ask them right now. Okay.

You do that. How what time is it? It's still kinda early. It's 7 o'clock. They should be up and about.

They should be up and about. They've got jobs and kids. That's what I'm saying. Send a text. Say, hey.

Hey. For the show, I need to know who's the funniest of the 3 of us. What would you think is the funniest between you and your sister? Come on. Did they ask only the older siblings?

Because they're gonna get the same answer. It's me. I'm the oldest. No. My siblings, I'm here to tell you, are gonna say me.

I'm I'm waiting for it. I know. Well, I have to keep talking on the radio too. I know. We'll just sit in we'll just sit here Sit in silence.

And wait for them to reply. No. I know. I just want you to actually do the texting. I am.

And you're you're sending a message to both of them right now. Yes. Of the 3 of us, who's the funniest? Okay. It's for the show.

I need to know ASAP. And then Of the 3 of us, who is the funniest? Bet each one of them claims that they are themselves the funniest. They won't. They won't.

How could they? I'm the baby. It's me. I'll they'll save me. You think?

I already said for sure. No. I heard what you said. They also the study also said that the youngest is more easygoing and relaxed, which I disagree with. I'm not easygoing or relaxed.

I would like to be, but, no, I'm too high strung to be relaxed. Calm down. You know? What are y'all excited about? My sister said, yeet me.

Well, your sister said, quote She said you. Quote you. Yes. Okay. See?

Told you. That's that's one. You still have to wait for the other one. Okay. I'm waiting.

Alright. We'll have to update that later. Thank you for your 9 year old data. It's still Yeah, baby. It's still still relevant.

Is it? Yeah. Alright. Alright. Congratulations on being the funniest in your family.

My my sister said me, like, me as in Chantel Yeah. And then my brother, and then she said, I'm not funny. Aw. And she's the oldest. Yes.

She is. That's too bad. Well, the oldest had to just be responsible. They had to take a lot of responsibility. Right?

Yeah. Yeah. It's true. I mean, you know, we They weren't allowed to be funny. No.

That's right. You can't. You've got responsibilities. Get the work. To do.

Grab a shovel and go dig another hole. But Chantel's not doing anything. Yeah. She's the baby. I'm just a I gotta work on my jokes.

Oh, man. What's something that instantly disgusts you? If you see somebody doing something or you see something you're like, ugh. I'm not a big fan of, of smokers. Okay.

Near an entrance where I need to walk. Okay. That's, that one's not good. K. I would also say the same about in a vehicle in general.

Okay. But in a vehicle with children, not high on my list. Those are good. Yeah. Good ones.

I'm trying to think of others, but right right off the top of my head, that's that's, some some solid in consideration. Well, because today is handwashing day. Yeah. Global handwashing day. Sure.

You you mentioned it this morning. Does that disgust you? Will you see people leave the restroom without washing their hands? That's awful. It's pretty gross.

Yeah. Some admitted in a recent poll, only 89% of people said that they yeah. I I wash my hands. That leaves Only 89% 11% of people are like, no. I'm good.

Donate it. Don't eat it. Those 11% of people are disgusting human beings and need to go wash their hands. And you know who you are, and go wash your hands right now. Mhmm.

How about here's some really gross things. Oh, no. What? Long toenails? Yeah.

I know, our daughter, not a fan. Of long toenails? Not a fan of long toenails. She says you gotta go trim your dogs. Or crusty feet.

Yeah. I gotta deal with that. How about if you're swimming and you see a band aid in the pool? Gross. Why do you pick the earliest part of the morning?

You pick breakfast time to talk about some awful things Sorry. Like floating Band Aids or sunken Band Aids for that matter. Yeah. Ugh. Just Band Aids in general.

If you see pool Band Aid. If you see a random Band Aid anywhere, in the pool, on the street, it's all bad. Random Gum. People leave that around. Yeah.

Like, don't do that. Don't do that. That's not cool. If you're feeling under a table and you feel gum. Or a rail or if you see it in a parking lot.

Like, did that fall out of your head? Pick it up. There's flossers. You know those plastic flossers? Those are all over the place.

Everywhere. I don't throw mine all around. I use them, but I put them in the garbage. I don't throw them all around the parking lots. Apparently, that's what you're supposed to do.

That's what everybody does. Yeah. Throw it on the ground. When I see those, those are pretty gross. Quit littering.

It's gross. Also disgusting. Yep. Littering litteraling? Mhmm.

Littering is also disgusting. Yep. Food splatters in the microwave, that's gross. Again, communal microwave. Look.

If it's your own house, that's your own business. That's your own microwave juice. But if you're at a work facility, clean up after yourself. After yourself. Oh.

If I go open that up to heat up my leftovers and someone's spaghetti went in the microwave Mhmm. Come on. It's gross. Yeah. And then I feel like your spaghetti is gonna fall into my leftovers.

There's a good chance. A chunk of some stranger meat might fall into your Stop. Onto your food. No. I am actually disgusted.

Because I said stranger meat. Someone's someone's exploded ravioli meat. Someone's It's on the leftover of your microwave. Ew. Microwaved leftover stranger meat.

Yeah. Roast. But you don't know if that was today, if it was a couple of days ago? Exactly. In a month?

Or what kind of meat it is? Is this chicken? Is this pork? Is this beef? It's brown.

You're right. This is too early for that. I don't know why you do this. Your emotions yesterday were kind of up and down. It was a little bit of a roller coaster.

I felt like I was on. Why? Because of your fantasy football team. You were losing in a very big way, and you were rinky about it. Look.

That was more so over the weekend because I spent, I spent a lot of time trying to get my team put together. I've rebuilt my team a handful of times. We're on, like, what, week 5 or something? Uh-huh. And Week yes.

Week 6. Week 6. And I feel like the fact that I was able to squeeze a win in last night is incredible. Okay. But my point is that you were cranky and upset about it all weekend.

It affected your mood so much. Because it's frustrating. Because it's just a silly little game, Josh. It's just a silly little game. It's frustrating.

That you have no control over. I do because I fill out my roster with the players that I want. I'm blown away that I was able to pull it off. And then you win, and, oh, your mood just shifted so much. No.

It didn't. I said It did. I said, I'm blown away that I pulled off a win. But you were so happy about it. I wasn't, like, running around the house doing the gritty like somebody I know.

I wasn't, like, over the moon elated about it. I was surprised, obviously a little excited, but I wasn't, like, rubbing it in everybody's face like someone I know. I don't know who you're talking about. I'll give you one guess. Who?

Who? Come on. So, yeah, I I'm, I'm blown away because here's what happened. My tight end got hurt in the first few minutes of the game. 0 points from my tight end.

And I went, you've got to be kidding me. And then that that happened on, on Sunday. And then, Beck, who I'm playing against, our son, he was like, yeah, man. You just have really bad luck. You really do.

Have, like, this injury curse, whatever. And I wasn't excited about it. I was really bummed out. And then another one of my players went questionable in his game, and I went, what is going on? So it's been really frustrating to try to put together this team.

But we performed, we made it happen, and Mojo Dojo Casa House is now 3 and 3. Good job. I have a one game winning streak. I was on a 3 game losing streak. So, yeah, I think I have a little bit of a right to be a little bit excited.

No. I'm not saying that you can't be excited. It feels like you're like, woah. Tone down the excitement. No.

No. No. That's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is when you're cranky about losing, that's gotta stop. Fun.

I know it's not fun. Lose 3 weeks in a row. See how you feel there, Gritty. I'm foreign too. Yeah.

You lost this week. I know it. You're on a one game losing streak. Lose 2 more weeks in a row. Lose to everybody in the family for 3 games in a row, and then win 1, and let's see how you feel.

You're such a bad loser. Well, whatever. Whatever. It's not about bad loser. It's it's about constant constant loss.

Like, good grief. Well, then get a better team. What do you think I've been doing for 6 weeks? Sitting around? What I like is players have been injured and fallen off.

I got rid of them. I brought on new players. Yeah. And no one knows what players in our league are still available or not because I've recycled so many. Yeah.

I have no idea who's on your team anymore. That goes, didn't you have him? Don't you have him? Is he on your bench? And I went, no.

I dropped him 3 weeks ago. Yeah. Because you've changed players so many times. If you were a coach for a real team, you would have been fired by now. No.

That's how fantasy works. No. I know. But I'm saying because you've lost so much, they would have been like, we gotta get this guy out of here. No.

They'd hire me to be the Bengals coach. Hey. Hey. Good morning. Hey.

I had to get some dilated pupils yesterday. Yeah. You had the coolest sunglasses in the whole wide world. Everybody has those sunglasses. Here's what's hilarious to me is she dilates my pupils, and then she hands me some paperwork.

And she says, I know that it's kinda hard to see this because of your dilated pupils. And I said, no. I can see it just fine. Looking at everything just fine. And I'm sitting in the office going, are my pupils even dilated?

The lights were on? I'm like, I this is nothing. I got this. Checking out, going to the lobby where it's a little bit brighter. I'm like, I got this.

And then she says to the to the receptionist, she's gonna need some sunglasses. And I'm sitting in my head going, I don't need those. I'll take them, but they're not needed. I honestly don't think my pupils are dilated. And then I You didn't think they were?

No. No. I'm not. So when you you were given the the really cool wrap around plastic glasses. Yes.

You did not put them on before you went outside? No. You just went outside? Yeah. How'd that go?

I almost stepped off the curb because I was like, I can't see anything. Well, that's neat. Yeah. I thought I was so cool. So then you put those on.

Mhmm. And then I I arrived, later to see you with those on. Looking stylish, by the way. Well, I got home, and I went to take out the dog. I took the sunglasses off because I'm fine inside.

I took them off, and then I went to take out the dog. And immediately, I go outside, like, I can't see you. You did it to yourself multiple times. Oh. And I had a hoodie that had a a hood on it.

No. Uh-uh. And I put the I put the hoodie over my face to kind of block some of the sun so that I could see where the dog's that work? Chain was. No.

No. And the dog was like, what are you doing? She's looking at me going, why do you have that feeling in your head? Trying to find it. I wasn't that blind.

You should've just worn the little cool glasses. I know, but I had left them on the counter. Oh, no. Can't go back in. Also, if you haven't seen the video of Chantel wearing these glasses, you gotta go check it out.

It's everywhere. Reels and YouTube and, my TikTok. It's all over the place. So you can, you can go and you can see Chantel Yeah. Looking like Doc Brown.

Because you said, let's go get some lunch. And I said, well, I can't go in anywhere. You could. You said you were good inside. Fine.

I'm I'm fine inside. But then you just have to walk into the place. Looking cool. And then what was even cooler was that you put your regular, glasses over the top of your Well, because cool wrap around side glass. To see.

I had to be able to actually see, but then I had to block the sun's glare of my dilated pupils. Emery was not having any of it. She was disgusted by the whole thing. Be seen with you? No.

What an embarrassment. I was cool hanging out with you. I thought you looked pretty rad. You looked like you were from the future. Maybe I was.

You were. You were from the present, but you looked like you might have been from another timeline. I looked pretty dope. Where everybody has cool wraparound sunglasses. Like, look at me.

So cool. Anyway, I thought it was fun. It was. I'm glad that your eyes, your your pupils went back to normal. So can you imagine right now if you had that light in your face?

I'd be like this. Just squinting. Yeah. Oh. It was fun because in the car, you took them off.

Like, I can deal with this and immediately regretted it. It was great. Multiple times, you told yourself I'm good, and you weren't. What did we learn? I don't know.

Maybe when they hand you the sunglasses, use them. I know. Put them on. Look like a cool guy from the future. I did.

I followed instructions Eventually. After I realized that I was wrong and they were right. And then you made the mistake 4 more times. So you didn't learn anything. What are you talking about?

I made a delicious dinner last night, salmon with some rice Mhmm. And some green beans. It was very delicious. And pickled cucumbers? Yeah.

It was so good. I agree. I really liked it. The rice was good. The aioli was good.

Or as they call it next door at the other the other stage, they can't they can't say aioli because it they call it fancy mayonnaise. So that's what it that's what it is. It's aioli. But it's fancy mayonnaise. It's aioli.

So I make it, and I say, you were at scouts. Yeah. And I say, oh, Emery, dinner's ready. What is it? Said it's salmon.

Yeah. I go, it's delicious salmon. It's so good. It had a glaze on it. It did.

It was super good. And so I ate it by myself at the kitchen table. Mhmm. A delicious dinner, eaten by myself. I got home and ate by myself.

I mean, you were around the kitchen, but I I did the same. And it was really good. Really good. You come home and I you said, did you eat already? I said, well, yeah.

I had to eat it when it was warm. Yeah. And he said What's that like? I didn't have an option. And he said, yeah.

You didn't, but I did. Right. It was Living with the youngest sibling is a challenge. What was I supposed to do? Wait for you?

Yeah. I didn't wanna wait and eat at 9 o'clock. Yeah. When I got to eat. But anyway It was so you had it fresh and warm.

It was still warm when you had it. I had it from the oven still warm. Yeah. The oven was still warm. No.

I understand. So I just put it in there to keep it toasted. But a half hour earlier, I bet it was real nice and fresh. And I bet it tastes exactly the same as when you had it. Look.

It was good. I'm not I'm not mad. I got a meal. I'm okay. It was good.

Yeah. I know. We had to eat it all alone, both of us. I know. Separately eaten dinner.

But that didn't have to be the case. We could have eaten together. But I wanted it warm. What is it? It had shake.

But no. But no. Because I was hungry. Exactly. Yeah.

Me too. But I didn't have an option to stop what I was doing and eat. I know. But the point is I did have the option, and I took the option of eating. Yeah.

And this is where I said, the younger sibling's a challenge. No. No. No. Because it's a it's a I'm I'm in need.

Take care of me. I'm the baby. Grief. You make me sound very selfish, and I am not. I make you sound that way Yes.

Or your behavior No. Projects selfishness. Whatever. I do so much for you. Don't even I didn't say you don't.

I'm saying in this instance, it was very much a little sibling thing where you went, I'm hungry. It was actually honestly, because I would have happily waited for you, but I thought Emery was going to eat. And I know that I don't like to feed my child late at night because you don't typically get home till 9 o'clock. I know. I'm not gonna have dinner ready to go at 9 o'clock.

I know. So I made dinner for my daughter and myself. Yeah. And then she didn't wanna eat it. So I said, cool.

I'm gonna eat by myself then. Well, that's what happened. It's exactly what happened. It is what happened. Yep.

Shut it down. Okay. Rainbow Bright. Did you ever watch Rainbow Bright? Did I ever watch Rainbow Bright?

Or were you too busy watching He Man? I was watching He Man. Lame. And I was watching Mask, and I was watching Mask. Yes?

That's Mask. A different show that's not Rainbow Bright? I don't know what Mask is. I know The Mask with Jim Carrey No. And I know The Mask with Cher.

No. There was a there was a cartoon called Mask, in the eighties and, TV series. And, I don't know what that show is. I've never seen that show on my lap. Listen.

It's secret agents. It's m a s k, mask. And, if if you go through some of my childhood pictures, you'll see that I was masked for Halloween. Wow. I was watching Mask.

Well, I was rainbow bright for Halloween. Were you? Yeah. Because was Mask fighting darkness and negativity with colored light and happiness? Kind of.

Masks consisted of several secret agents and is tasked with protecting the earth from evil. They fight against the criminal group, Venom, also an acronym, whose leader Miles Mayhem wants to achieve world domination. So, yeah, we both watched the same show. We did. Just a little bit different.

Mine was colorful. So was mine. Look it up. Look up mask, m.a.s dotk.mask I did. Cartoon.

It's colorful. It also has a bit of a transformer vibe to it. Yeah. I see that. I've like I said, I've never seen that show in my life.

What I have seen is Rainbow Bright. What I also know is that they're going to be rebooting Rainbow Bright. Really? They're going to make a feat a feature film and a TV series. Is that right?

Yeah. Are they doing that with mask? No. They might be. No.

Because no one knows what that show is. What? That's so rude. If I say, do you know rainbow bright to a crowd of people, they'd say, oh, yeah. I've heard of her.

I say, oh, yeah. It was on right after mask. You know? I don't know. That's what I'm trying to tell you.

So I watched do you ever watch the gummy bears cartoon? That one was good. That one was good. And Ninja Turtles, I watched a ton of Ninja Turtles. Me.

Crayola Studios and Hallmark are are the ones bringing the Rainbow Bright movie. ThunderCats. Did you watch ThunderCats? I did watch. Yes.

Okay. I think. Yeah. I've heard of it. I watched a lot of Inspector Gadget.

Yeah. I couldn't get into Inspector Gadget. Explains a lot. What does that mean? Did you watch The Smurfs?

Yes. They were great. I did watch The Smurfs. Watched a lot of that? The Ghostbusters cartoon was good.

There were so many. There were so many great ones. It's coming back with Starlight, the horse. Do you know right now, I'm the same excited as I was when it was on then. I had some I had some rainbow bright moon boots.

Yeah. I bet you did. I bet you did. I did. Oh, man.

I'm stoked. Are you gonna watch it? Yeah. I'm not. Not.

No. You're not. Yes. You will skip over it. You're not watching it.

Yes. I why won't I? Come on. I will. No.

You won't. Did you hear the story about the guy in Wells who accidentally threw away 8,000 Bitcoin? No. Oh. This this happens from time to time where people I did think Bitcoin was a tangible thing.

Well, so what it is is you have a blockchain, which is like a special code, if you wanna think about it that way. Okay. And that special code, tells you, it's like a like a password for your for your wallet where you store your Bitcoin. It's digital. So it is not tangible.

Okay. But you have to have this code in order to open your wallet to access your Bitcoin Uh-huh. Any of your other cryptocurrency. Uh-huh. And if you lose that code, there is no retrieving that code.

Okay. So he had 8,000 Bitcoin Which is insane. And he accidentally threw them away in 2013. He is suing the city council in Wales for 647,000,000, which is what he says that his Bitcoin is worth now. Right now, Bitcoin is $65,000 per coin.

And you said he had how much? 8,000. He had 8,000 Bitcoin. Yeah. So let's just do some quick math here.

And it's $65,454.77. Yeah. That's $523,000,000. Okay. So he is suing the city for 640 $7,000,000 because that's Pain and suffering.

He wants to assemble a team to excavate the site and find the bag that his hard drive is in Yeah. At the city dump. He knows roughly where it is, he thinks, but the city says that it'll cost about $13,000,000 to do that. He says, I've secured the funding to be able to do this. Let me do it.

And the city is saying, no. No. No. No. And then he's even offered to give the city 10% of the Bitcoin once he finds it or about $50,000,000.

And then And they still won't do it. Say, no. Because digging up that much trash would cause an environmental disaster to the surrounding area, and it could take up to 3 years of digging plus another year to bury it all again. Unless he is correct about where it is, in which case it could be a shorter amount of time. But that's they've got to assess that, and they've got to be able to say yeah.

I mean and then the environmental stuff is is a big deal because who knows what you're what you're gonna turn over in that soil. I lost my breath. I know. Are you okay? I'm fine.

Thanks for checking. Talking about Bitcoin really gets you excited. Oh, yeah. Luke, it takes my breath away. He's he has no plans to stop fighting.

He's ready. I mean, if you lost listen. I've searched for I've searched for money and garbage before. Or a lost, item. That was worth a lot of money.

Or I went to dug through the garbage to find a retainer. So Well, you shouldn't have thrown it away. I didn't. It got wrapped up in the Christmas wrapping paper. Wasn't it in your mouth?

Because it was Christmas morning. Why wasn't your retainer in your mouth? You had it in your mouth when you came out for Christmas morning, and at some point, you took it out to eat a candy, and you didn't put it back in. I already got this lecture when I was 13 years old. I don't need it again, dad.

Why wasn't it in your mouth? I found it. I don't think I did, actually. Because you're probably right. I probably took it out to eat a piece of candy.

I guarantee it. I I know you. That's what happened. You're like, I'm gonna have this candy. Retainer came out, and then you went, this candy is so good.

Then you had your candy, and then you went, I don't know where I put my retainer. In the garbage. Maybe. Without the wrapping paper. This retainer is so good.

Well, you better believe my mom made made me dig through the trash for that. And you may or may not have found it. I don't remember if I did. I don't think that I did. It was a lot of money.

Yeah. So Way to go. $647,000,000. It was not. So I would probably keep fighting for that money too.

Yep. I bet you would. I saw this question yesterday, and I wanna ask it to you. What's up? I wanna know what is the craziest thing that you've ever thrown at your sibling?

We talked earlier about our siblings. I have 2. You have 1. Yeah. I have a younger sister.

What is something I've thrown at her? I threw sawdust at my brother in his face once. Yeah. Yeah. That's pretty rude.

I know. He could've gone blind. I know. That's what he kept saying over and over. You think you think that was his first thought was I could be blind, Chantel.

We had just chopped down our pine tree, so there was a whole mess It was fresh pine dust. Uh-huh. Wow. Well, it made me mad. And so I said, I just grabbed a handful of it, and I chucked it in a space.

Do to make you mad? I don't know. Probably sound dumb. You remember what you did, but you don't remember why? No.

No. I don't remember what he did. He remembers what he did? I don't know. I bet he doesn't.

I bet he would tell you that he did nothing and it was unprovoked. That's what I'm saying. It wasn't. He was an older brother. He used to grab me by the legs and yank me off the couch and smack my head on the floor.

Also explains something. I know. I, I don't I I was a good brother. I don't know. I knew you were gonna say this.

Remember. I'm sure we had battles. We were 3 years apart. We are 3 year years apart still to this day. I just don't remember throwing anything at her.

I guarantee I did. I'm sure of it. Did she throw anything at you? Probably. What?

I don't know. Why? I I was a kid a long time ago. Probably I probably threw, like, cups of punch at my siblings. You you, like, cup in the face No.

Of punch? No. I was just thinking of things we used to do, and I'm like, maybe I might have done that. Sounds like something I would do. Like, I probably threw laundry.

Like, here, take your laundry. Like, I really don't know what you would have done. I don't know. I can't think of, like, a crate like, I I I don't know. I don't have a a good example.

I could make something up Okay. Through a whole package of baloney. Gross. I don't know if I did. In the package.

I doubt it. No. I don't think you did either. I knew when I saw this question, I go, oh, I'm gonna ask this. Yeah.

But I'm gonna ask Josh, and he's gonna say, nothing. I didn't do anything. I've never thrown anything at my sister because I'm scared to be probably did. I just don't have a good a good enough memory of brother. Of of anything like that.

She'd never would have provoked me to do anything because I'm so sorry. Was probably provoked, but I don't remember, an instance. That's all. Oh. I just have a bad, bad memory.

Bad memory. Yeah. Or you just forget the parts where it makes you look like the bad guy. Or maybe I wasn't the bad guy. My memory only remembers the good things I've ever done.

Maybe I wasn't a bad guy. I don't think you were a bad guy. Were there instance of you instances of you being a jerk brother? Yep. Probably.

Yeah. You had a lot of cats. Did you throw a cat? Never. Oh.

Throw a cat. No. No. I did not. Or she had a mouse once.

Didn't she have rats? She had 2 rats. Did you ever throw one of those? No. I didn't throw a rat.

Try to get a good story out of you, Josh. There's very little. It was a pretty mellow time. Okay. Well I spent a lot of time listening to music in my room.

That's I stayed away from everything. I didn't I didn't engage. It was easier that way. You probably threw a card once or twice or 52 of them. I guarantee I Yeah.

At one point, we probably played 52 card pickup, and she learned that she didn't like that game. Every brother comes up and says, hey. You wanna play a game? Yes. Yes.

I do. Yeah. There was probably some of that, like, towel whipping. There was some of that. I'm sure.

Yep. I'm sure, you know, typical things that you end up doing to somebody. But I don't remember throwing A cat? I never threw a cat. Dang it.

That never happened. Not dang it. Nope. That would be a good story. Throw a rat.

Well, just a boring break. Threw a party. Did you get it? No. Explain it.

Doritos What about them? Is gonna open its first restaurant. What are they gonna serve? Doritos after dark is what it's called. Doritos after dark.

What are they doing this in 2 cities, New York and LA, and it's a pop up shop? LA only. And it'll only be open for 2 days. Mhmm. It's housed inside the crypto.com arena.

I don't know what they do there. Sports. It's only gonna be open to ticket holders during scheduled events. Obviously, it's a pop up shop. You got it.

You got it, pal. But what they're doing is, like, Doritos Ramen, Doritos burritos, basically food with Doritos in it. Mhmm. And I think it sounds delicious. So what?

Tacos with Doritos? I said that. Burritos I know. I'm I'm asking more. Tacos.

I don't know. But they're using just different they're different flavors of Doritos to add to these different they're even doing a Flamin' Hot Nacho Veggie Dumpling. Nacho cheese, Texas style loaded nachos. You the other day, you got a taco that had, like, Doritos and stuff in it. Did it give it the crunch you were looking for?

It's delicious. Did you enjoy it? Yeah. Have you ever had a sandwich? Just regular Kentucky sandwich and you put your Doritos on it?

Absolutely. It's so good. I know. Doritos kinda just gives everything a little bit more of a boost. So you wanna try out this pop up shop?

I really do. They're doing that because they have the spicy sweet chili Doritos. And those aren't my favorite They're okay. Doritos, but they have a they're it's a Doritos spicy sweet chili ramenrito. Sounds nice.

So it's Ramenrito. It's a ramen Is there ramen noodles in the burrito? In a burrito. Yeah. Ramen's typically wet.

Sounds good. So I'm just curious how they put that in a tortilla. They probably just straightened it out. But but, like, when we go and have a ramen Crunchy. Crunchy ramen.

Mostly ramen broth. Yeah. Like, it's ramen is wet. I I don't know, dude. So a ramen burrito, that's an interesting thing.

Kinda sounds good. I gotta see how you make also have a nacho cheese crunch tastic vanilla cone. So this is a waffle cone that's dipped in milk chocolate and rolled in nacho cheese Doritos. I don't know about that. I don't know about that one either.

All the rest of these sound great. Ramen burrito. They'll really take all the stuff you would have in a bowl of ramen minus the broth. It's wet noodles, and they'll put it in a tortilla. How about that?

I might wanna try a ramen burrito. I don't know. I feel like as a 40 whatever year old man, I should have at this point in my life tried this food match. I don't wanna try this. I had a whole cookbook of ramen recipes.

Never did it occur to me. Put it in a tortilla. You can try it, and I'm just gonna watch. I'll just watch. You gotta have a bite.

But then It's gonna be delicious. Put your It's got a egg in it? You gotta put your Doritos in it too. We'll work on adding Doritos to things later. I just wanna try a ramen burrito.

This one has charred corn, scallion, cilantro, ramen, and Doritos. I'm gonna think about that. They make sushi burritos too. Like, the one that I saw a picture of has, like, an egg in it, because egg, you typically find. But it's not a hard boiled egg.

They're hard boiled when they're in ramen. No. I know. It depends on which ones you're looking at. Like, I've seen some that have, like, the pork like, it looks like the pork you'd get in pork fried rice, but then some of them have a bigger piece of pork or whatever.

I think I'm gonna make a ramen burrito. Are you? It sounds interesting. So thank you for, enlightening me about that. I Dorito stuff's great.

I'm more fascinated by a ramen burrito. So thanks. I'll try it. Can I have a bite? I don't want a whole thing.

I just want a bite of yours. Absolutely. K. I'm making that tonight. Are you?

Yes. Okay. Not for everybody. I'll just make one. Yeah.

Just make one. And then we can all sample it. Do we have any ramen noodles? Of course, we do. It's America.

So what? How many days until Thanksgiving? Oh, wow. How many days until Because. Thanksgiving.

It is 44 days. 4 days until this week. Not many days. K. Halloween is in 16.

Christmas is in 71. Yeah. Butterball The turkey? Has introduced a new Thanksgiving for turkey. It's called what's it called?

A new Thanksgiving for turkey. What are you saying? It's called Butterball cook, and it is a turkey that is mostly marketed for young and beginner cooks. There's no giblets or neck Don't need it. To fill the cavity.

Plus, there's no defrosting for 24 hours to get it ready for the oven. It's it's a it's a small turkey. It is mostly to not intimidate young cookers. Okay. This they they just need to do all turkeys this way anyway.

I know. Right? Because I hate all that other stuff. Nobody uses the chiseled and neck anymore. Nobody.

Oh, I make handmade gravy. Listen. They sell gravy packets now. It's 2024. How to unwrap and prep?

I guess you just unzip it, and then you gotta you still gotta, like, get it ready to cook, then you've gotta put it in a pan. What are you unzipping? The bag it comes in. Oh, the bag? The butterball cook comes in a bag?

Yeah. It comes in a bag. Okay. And then you, like it looks like a rotisserie chicken bag. Look at you doing more research than me.

Yeah. And then you, after you unwrap and prep it, then you get it ready to season, and they got they've got a whole video on how to season it and make it taste nice. And then they even show you how to check for doneness. So the little turkey thing pops out. Come in a bag that's like a rotisserie chicken bag.

Yeah. But it's it's frozen in there. Yeah. It's not cooked. Cook it from frozen.

So you don't have to thaw, freezer to oven in minutes, and you you can, you can have your turkey ready to go. So you don't have to, like, let it sit in the water bath and all that other weird stuff. You just straight up move it in. That's cool. I'm into it.

I like the I like the convenience of it. And I like that there's no disgusting mess that you have to do. There's still gonna be a bit of a mess. It's not the giblets or neck mess. No.

I know. But after you have turkey dinner, you still have to deal with the turkey. Yeah. So you're still gonna have a little bit of that, that you're gonna have to deal with. But butterball cook.

Is that that's all I googled in that video. It's cook from frozen premium whole turkey Yeah. From butterball. That's what it's called. Do we know if this is going to be everywhere?

I think it probably. This is this is a product they're going to put everywhere. It's a Kroger brand. So it's gonna be at, like, Smiths and Fred Meyer. They show that they carry butterball at Albertsons and Walmart.

And yeah. But but it seems like yeah. They even have, a grocery outlet carries some butterball stuff. So, you're gonna have opportunities to grab yourself Also the butterball cooked from frozen to in your mouth turkey. The butterball hotline is also going to be available this year.

It usually is. Have you ever called? No. We should call. Why?

I've never had a turkey emergency. Let's have a turkey question. Let's come up with a turkey question to ask the turkey experts. Like what? 1800 butterball.

No. I know the number. Text. You can text. Mhmm.

What? There's no reason to call. I'm not gonna call yet. It's too soon. They're probably not staffed yet, but I'm gonna fix it.

Calling Butterball. What do I do with the neck? That's what I'll ask. Shake it at somebody and then throw it in a pot. So gross.

Neck is so gross. We went to a college and career fair last night for our daughter. But I think you actually found more careers than she did. I did. I was like, hey.

You're like, I could do that. That'd be fun. I could do that. Tell me about that. Alright.

What? That's a thing? I didn't know. No. That was it would there were schools from all over the place in this space.

That I've never even heard of. Yeah. I mean, you had your typicals. ISU was there in a big way. BSU.

ISU. Yeah. Yeah. Lewis and Clark, CSI, CEI. Utah State.

All the people you'd expect to Utah State, U of U, BYU. Like, everybody you'd expect to see in attendance. And then about 50 or 60 other schools, I have no idea what you are. Some of them I've heard of before, but there were a few I was like, what do you do? What do you do?

Yeah. Where are you at? Iowa? I actually did. There is something that I found that I might be more interested in pursuing.

I think you should check it out. Because as a college dropout. Aren't we all? That's me. I mean, unless You didn't.

You finished. Okay. No. I I went to a technology institute. I was going into electronics engineering, and I withdrew from that program after 3 months.

Mhmm. So I dropped out of that school. And then I found radio school, which is what I wanted to do anyway. And, should've just been there originally. But that that's neither here nor there.

I dropped out of the actual college to go to the radio school that I got my certificate from. There you go. That is a degree required to be able to work in this industry. Clearly not because I don't have a radio That's what I'm saying. Certificate.

Right. Clearly. So, anyway, you're gonna you're gonna pursue a a schooling? I am considering it. Yeah.

I'm gonna look into it a little bit more and see if that's something that we saw the sign at the school, and I said, tell me and I went to reach for a suddenly reach for a paper that had more information about it. Subtly. And she started talking the woman behind the Table? The table at the school started talking to Emery, and I said, oh, no. No.

No. This would be for me. Yeah. I'm really interested in this. This would be for this old woman.

I'm curious to know tuition costs and a few other things. I I think it's a very interesting idea. When you saw the sign, you went, that would be so satisfying. Like, that would be great. Like, I think I'd really enjoy that.

Well, go get the info then. Also, something that I never when I was graduated and thinking about career paths I wanted to take, that was never on my radar. And then I was But then you've, you know, you've lived. You've figured out some things. You think that might be interesting.

It might be interesting. And it might. So you're gonna have to check it out. I'm gonna do some information, and I might have a new career up my sleeve. Who knows?

You crazy career shifting lady. Let's see what happens. Oh, so wow. I know. Would you rather this or that?

Would you rather Would you rather? Be turned into a vampire or turned into a werewolf? Did you say van pire? Vampire? Van.

Van? No. Van. I said vam. Vamp?

Vampire. Vampire. A vampire. A vampire. But I'd rather be turned into a vampire or a werewolf.

Yeah. So at midnight, you either turn into a vampire or you turn into a werewolf. It's not how werewolves work. Werewolves only transform on full moons. So I've gotta do a little bit of research.

What research are you doing? There are typically 12 full moons in a year, typically. So there's pretty much 1 a month. So I would transform 12 times a year or Or only be able to come out at night. I'm taking the werewolf.

Sleep in a coffin. That's a choice. And be you'd have to eat I'm a werewolf. I'm doing the werewolf thing. Oh, it's werewolf.

I've made my decision. Well, with that logic, I'm gonna go with werewolf 2. I bet you will. You do all the research, and then I go, yeah. You're right.

Yeah. I know. That's how the game goes. That's why I like to make you pick first because then you just go, I'll pick a vampire, and I go, okay. Why?

And you go, I don't know. Because of teeth? Like, okay. Because they have better kids. Because you can say blah blah blah.

They live forever? They are eternal. And How long does a werewolf live? I don't know. If you're a vampire, if you're a twilight vampire, then you sparkle.

Oh, boy. The average life expectancy is over 5 centuries. You'll live forever as a werewolf too. Too. Yeah.

Okay. It's rare due to their violent and deadly lifestyles, though. But werewolves can live to be over 500 years old. So, you know and deadly lifestyle. Yeah.

I mean, you they're crazy. They're crazy out there. You were a vampire and what if you were a werewolf and I was a vampire? Could we make our marriage work? I don't know.

I haven't watched enough Twilight to know the answer to that. Get on it. Do some research. I don't think I will. Twilight research, Josh.

Nah. I'm good. I don't know what to do with the information, but I'm gonna share it because Simon Holland is a British professor, and he is promising a major announcement regarding extraterrestrial life in the coming weeks. Woah. What?

What does that mean? Well, he has collaborated with NASA on a variety of projects, and he says that an alien civilization has been found What? In our galaxy and will be confirmed very soon in what he believes will be the biggest announcement in the history of the world. Woah. I know.

I know. He suggests that the announcement could coincide with the election, so we'll all stay tuned. I don't know what that has to do with anything. But Woah. You won't.

Aliens? Aliens? What? I don't know. We find out?

Does he say couple of weeks. Stay tuned, but he doesn't give us a date? Saying. What are you saying? Huge alien announcement could happen within weeks But as professor says, quote, we have found it.

What? I don't know. You know that I hate when people do this. If you have something to tell me, just tell me. Don't say, oh, I have something to tell you, but I'm gonna tell you to pick up a in touch with professor Simon Holland.

I will because this is nonsense. Simon. Simon. Here's what he said. He said we have found a nonhuman extraterrestrial intelligence in our galaxy, and people don't know about it.

We do now. He just told us. May come within the next month to coincide with the US election. Why? Why?

Just do it now. He claims that astronomers with the Oxford based project have identified clear evidence of transmissions from another world. They found evidence of nonhuman technology signatures a few years ago, and using, this different telescope in Austria, they have been able to continue the research, and they had a bunch of money from a couple different people, including Mark Zuckerberg. What? I'm just telling you what it says.

And now, he says we found it. Okay. Here's what I know about aliens. What do you know about aliens? That they're pronounced aliens?

I said aliens. Sure you did. Don't come into contact with them because they burrow under your skin, and then they explode from your skin. That right? That's one kind.

What's another kind? Well, they make you ride a bike, and then your bike starts to fly. Sure. K. What other kind?

Those are my only 2 aliens. What about the ones in Signs? Oh, and in Monsters not Monsters. Men in Black? Lots of different aliens in Men in Black.

Lots of different ones. Mhmm. I already know everything that's going on. Sugar water. Sugar water.

Edgar, your skin is hanging off your bones. Just bear. Alright. That's it. That's all I know.

That's all we know. Found aliens. Weird and knew that, though. No. But they found it.

What? I don't know yet. Don't touch it. We we found it. Okay.

Don't don't touch it. That's gonna do it for today's show. Hope you have a great rest of your Tuesday. We'll be back tomorrow morning. If you missed any of the show or if you wanna listen again, or maybe you're not able to listen until later in the day, but you're somehow listening right now in passing.

You can listen to the whole show without the music, without the commercials, just us talking for an hour or so. It's a pretty great thing. I know. You're welcome. You're welcome.

It's Wake Up Classy 97, the podcast. It's available everywhere you listen to podcasts. So Apple, Spotify, Amazon, YouTube Music, wherever it is that you listen to podcasts, you can find Wake Up Classy 97, the podcast. And, we're also on YouTube. So check out our YouTube channel.

Watch our stuff. We got shorts. La dee dah dah. I know. And they're supposed to be making it so you can upload longer YouTube shorts.

They've only been limited to a minute. They're supposed to go up to 3 minutes now as of today. So they're calling them YouTube pants. No. No.

Really. Not YouTube. Creators. People that make Internet stuff. I'm calling them YouTube pants.

Yeah. Because they're longer than shorts. Then they should be called Capris or pedal pushers. YouTube pedal pushers. That's too much.

No. Because they're called shorts. Yeah. Yeah. So it's one word.

Pants. Pedal pushers. Too long. And now I'm gonna call it that forever. Follow us on socials.

Subscribe on YouTube. Thanks for listening to the show. We'll be back tomorrow. Tuesday. Alright.

See you. Thanks for listening to wake up classy 97, the podcast. If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast. Wake up classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Tielor and is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com.