Amanda Setili (00:05):
We all want to do work that we love. And as leaders, entrepreneurs, and employees, wouldn't it be great to create workplaces where work feels like play, where people are tuned in to the changes going on in the world, around them, where they're constantly learning, spotting new opportunities and taking action to go after them. I'm Amanda stilly. And this is the fearless growth podcast where my guests and I will explore the mindsets and choices that lead you and your organization to outstanding performance. My guest today is Metalli Chopra Metallica, and I met through Marshall Goldsmith's 100 coaches program, and I've so enjoyed getting to know her. She was named UK coach of the year for best client results. She and I will talk about her business and also about the karma equation for world abundance and why giving is such an important part of living. She'll also talk about the nonprofit that she founded to help kids learn entrepreneurship by playing games. Welcome Batali.
Mitali Chopra (01:10):
Thank you, Amanda. Lovely to be on your boat. The tele you've told me this before, but can you remind me when you moved to the UK from India? Oh, that was in 2015. So yeah, six years ago, my podcast is about fearless growth and how we can grow as individuals and grow our organizations. And one of my kind of core concepts I guess, is that people really need to be connected with their work. They need to be doing something that they really do well that challenges them. That makes them feel a strong sense of purpose and where they're appreciated. And one of the things I think can help people learn what that is, is to go back to their childhood. So I wanted to ask you, what did you really love doing when you were 11 years old? That's a great question. Oh, well, I have to go really back in the past 11 years old.
Mitali Chopra (02:05):
I think I loved making friends. Um, I love playing racket sports. Yeah. I just loved being with my friends and family. Very good. And now you have a son that's a professional squash player. Oh yes. Yes he is. He's actually a professional squash player in his category and a place where the English scored. Yeah. That's amazing. That's you must be so proud of him. I am. Thank you. So another question, just to explore your interests, what do you wish you could explore more if you, if time were no issue and you could just explore it and something that you haven't had time for in the past, what would it be? I think I would explore more of my creative side. I think that's one thing which somehow, and I don't want it to sound as if it's an excuse, but maybe a lack of time or maybe lack of focus.
Mitali Chopra (02:55):
I haven't explored that. I would love to try a couple things, which I have been thinking of doing for a long time. Things like learning magic. I'm very fascinated by illusion. And I would love to, I did a couple of classes to be honest, but I think I want to pursue it further. I love how magic and tricks and illusion works. I would love to learn illusion photography. That's on the list. I would love to do some creative work like with hands. We just, you know, like I had this dream of bringing fabrics of the world and maybe upholstering it make an Ottoman out of it. Something which can be creatively done. Just, just want to do that. Yeah. Such a great answer. I would like to introduce you to my friends someday Mark Levy, who is a magician and also a branding specialist, because you would enjoy talking with him.
Amanda Setili (03:44):
I would love that. So this podcast is about fearless growth and you strike me as a person who has never been at very, to take risks. Can you think of a story of a time when you were afraid to try something or afraid to head a new direction and you overcame that fear and, and if so, how did you do it? I love change, you know, I feed on it and, um, something that, um, brings a lot of, uh, thrill and excitement in life. On professional side, you don't like my mother has been what's next. So it just keeps driving. Yeah. And I feel life is too short and there's so much to experience. So before we leave this planet, so I don't feel, feel at workplace. I do have my wobble times, you know, and I do get nervous or wobbly about things, but not deep fields in professional.
Mitali Chopra (04:32):
I'm very ready to experiment. But on personal life, I would say I did have an episode where I was Mo that was the most fearful time of my life. And I lived with that fear for 13 months, which was really exhausting. So when we talk a fear, I can only go back and relate to that. And, and that was when my son was born, Amanda, he, he had an issue with his leg and I wouldn't like, you know, there was an issue because of which there was acute pain in his leg. And the doctors had to see, and every time he used to touch his leg, he used to cry like streak, like a little baby. And it was a new one. So the doctors said that while they gave us all clearance, but they said that you, you need to wait and watch till the time he starts walking, because we have to constantly monitor this.
Mitali Chopra (05:21):
And with that question, mark, uh, for a new mother, it was too much to live with. So every, from the day he was born and most of the kids, his age started walking around 10 months, 11 months, 12 months, most of them. And he was still not working. So it was only, he started walking at 30 often, as well as, but they couldn't put in one. And that field was really, really difficult as well as exhausting because I was helpless. I think that does what the most important thing, because I couldn't do anything. I just had to wait and see what happens. Um, but I don't things that kept me going was one was the relentless faiths. Like, this'll be fine. You know, it looks like we'll be, we'll be out of it soon. And the second one was just visualizing that he will be running around and he will be doing things which, you know, like, like a normal kid.
Mitali Chopra (06:15):
And I used to visualize a lot. And now here we are, after 16 years, he's a squash player to every time and which is the most, a very high fitness game. And when I see him on coat, even now, I, my mind just goes back into that fear zone where, when I was really praying, hoping, and expecting that he could just walk and live a normal life. So yeah, that, that's something I would really share when we talk a few, such a fantastic example, because I'm like you, I typically am not afraid in a professional setting at all, but if I'm ever afraid of something it's often to do with someone else and the biggest someone else would be my kids, you worry more about them than about any, anything else. Um, so that thank you for sharing that story. And I'm so proud that now he's a professional athlete.
Amanda Setili (07:06):
That's just such a great story. And I love your example about visualization because I think that helps you, but it also helps that thing come true. So that's good. Can you think of an experience, a conversation or a transition in life that was particularly mind opening for you? The biggest transition was because I'm born and brought up. I was born and brought up in India and uh, oh, we maybe, you know, in 2014, something happened with cause which we thought, okay, we need to figure out what it is. And when we figured out it was nothing but midlife crisis and the hyper positive person that I am, I wanted to convert that crisis into opportunity. And we thought, okay, what lets us reconstruct our bucket list and see what do we want to do now in life? And we made a decision to try going and living somewhere else, experienced different culture, both work-wise as well as, you know, living wise and see what happens like, you know, while it was a fun thing there.
Mitali Chopra (08:09):
But I think that was very mind opening. And also you just get a different kind of exposure. So when we moved from India to London, um, that was definitely a transition, a big one. Uh, London is a fantastic city because it is just not UK. It is a melting pot of so many cultures and a very, very diverse set of people. So between three of like, you know, my family, between three of us, my son, my husband and me, we have friends like friends. We can go talk to and not just acquaintances from 56 countries. Oh, wow. That's amazing. Yeah. That's I mean, I don't think so. You can get that kind of exposure anywhere in the world. So, you know, right. From countries in Africa to, um, I mean, of course the America, south America or north America, like every place, south Asian. So it is, it is such a diverse place.
Mitali Chopra (09:06):
And, um, just by experiencing that diverse culture, there's so many things you learn and experience. And one of my job when we moved here was to lead the Yukon EMEA operations for GoDaddy. And I had a team of 90 people in Belfast and we, we were sewing 17 markets and 15 languages. So my team was very diverse as well. So I think that's, that is very powerful. I mean, I never thought that that can be so powerful. I never imagined the power of just being with diverse set of people just being there. It's so wonderful. I was going to ask you later in the conversation, what some of your metrics are, um, because one of the metrics that I've used the last few years is that I want to kiteboard 76 days a year. I've found that having a really specific number has been helpful to me to just quantify how I want my life to be.
Mitali Chopra (10:03):
And I, and I've hit that target. So that's good. And it's so great that you said, I know people from 50 actual friends from 56 countries. Awesome. Yeah. Between three of us, not just mine. Yeah. My like, you know, including my son, but it's right. That you counted, you know, because it makes you really value that more than if you just said, ah, no. A lot of people from a lot of places, which is vague. So you meet these people through work, through neighborhood, through school, all sorts of places. Yeah. So you're like my son, he, he, his friends are from 22 countries. Actually. It was one of the fun exercise. We were just talking about our experience after the year, when we came to London and just three of us. And so his school is very diverse. His friends are from 22 countries. I had my team, which was so diverse.
Mitali Chopra (10:54):
So we were counting that. And then my husband, he works for HSBC and he has teams right. From Mexico to Hong Kong. So he has a very diverse team as well. So yeah, when we counted, it came to 56, which was very interesting for us. And you know, me, Amanda, with the engineering background, you and me, I mean, we were always with numbers, right. To make it factual. Right. I like numbers. That's great. I know when we lived in Malaysia that, um, you know, there were people living there from all over the world as well. And that was one of the things that I found most fascinating about it is you could just have a dinner party with people from so many different places and have such fascinating conversations. When we moved back to the states, I was like, oh no, what? Well, you know, and luckily we left Atlanta, moved to Malaysia, came back to Atlanta.
Amanda Setili (11:46):
And, and during that time that we were gone in the mid nineties, Atlanta became much more diverse. So that was, that was Marcus Buckingham. The creator of the strength finders tool defines a strength as an activity that makes you feel strong. What's one of your strengths that you'd like to use more in the future. I think my, just my emotional question. So the EQs something I would always want to always use more of it. Um, the sensitivity with people, um, and just, just sensing how things are and then, um, taking a next step basis. That is something that I find it very useful. I find it very deeper and yes, I'm a fact-based person, but when coupled with the emotion, it just makes it very well-rounded. So you've worked for a really diverse set of companies. You've worked for PWC, for Microsoft, for GE, for GoDaddy.
Amanda Setili (12:44):
These are four very different companies with very different cultures. What did you find most powerful about each of these cultures and what did you feel about their cultures held the company's back? I kill you when I look back, they all indeed a very diverse companies. BWC is again, you know, cutting edge, uh, consulting organizations with bright talent. So always have to be leading the way GE very strong and people and process excellence. Definitely. It has been a talent factory and as exported talent to all industries. I mean, even now in my network, in different industry, I meet people from GE Microsoft. Uh, again, you know, that has been my favorite stint in my corporate life. And, um, that's all about technology to make world a better place. And everyone that lives in breed that mission GoDaddy against forefront of internet revolution, that's playing a very important role in getting small businesses, have a web presence, which is the way to go.
Mitali Chopra (13:44):
And, uh, and the customer centricity is something which, which is great on the side that I think, you know, companies bad for GE, I would say they need, they definitely need a reboot. Now I'm talking of my experience then. So it's been, it's been a while. Um, however, just looking things from outside as well. I think that, do you need the reboot? Yeah, they've struggled. Yeah. I, there was doing so well and now they, it also because of the industry they're in, but I just need strong leadership. And then a reboot of the company has very strong roots. So I think it, it should bounce back. Right. Microsoft, I think the machinery has become complex. Something that they can go back to is the agility, which sometimes get lost because of the, of the nature and, you know, the, the chip, just the machine getting bigger.
Mitali Chopra (14:35):
So I think if they can bring back the entrepreneurial spirit, which was very, very strong in early 2000 and again, build on it, that would be great, but they're killing it. They're smashing it on the technology side. And I love seeing it from outside as well. So, yeah. Right. Oh, GoDaddy, I think besides the customer focus again, talking from the early days when I joined them, internationalization was definitely required. They just had to embrace it was happening, but it was more of the American company, which had almost very little knowledge of how world around. So, but I think they've come a long way. And I think innovation in products would be something that they should again, you know, focus on I've used GoDaddy and I've been very pleased with their customer experience. They've kind of thought of it as the biggest web host company or at least the one I hear about the most.
Mitali Chopra (15:27):
And so I expected them to be impersonal, but they've actually been very helpful to me. You had a great experience. I was running the care center in India at EMEA. So yeah, I mean, that's something which is, which is very deep in their culture, customer centricity and keeping customer in full front end, especially the whole customer support organization, which is there. So that brings me to my next question. You've held leadership roles in the UK, in India, even in the middle east. And, uh, I just was wondering the work cultures must be pretty different in each country. How did these cultures affect your ability to be effective? Hmm. One just the just Acceptibility of it. So I love diverse cultures and people as you can make over, like I am a traveler and Explorer as a person. So I love that. So, because I love that I look forward to it.
Mitali Chopra (16:20):
So I'm not kind of shying away from it. I, I see it more as an opportunity to learn, but some things which are very universal across people. And that's my experience working with a diverse set of people, four things, I would say one respect, generally human to human connect and treating each other with respect to something as common across cultures, then new answers of cultures, which is, which is interesting. But generally it's respect. The second is recognition. People love to be recognized, any language, any culture and recognition. I don't mean incentives and bonuses and parties. Simple thing like, you know, when something went well or, you know, we got a good customer appreciation. I would just walk out of my game and come out on the floor and you just go to the person who did well and just give a pat on the back and, and talk to them.
Amanda Setili (17:10):
I totally agree. Totally. I tell so many people that I coach that just make a note to yourself that on a certain day of the week, Thursday, or whatever, that you figure out, something that somebody did well that week, even if it was tiny, but was in the right direction and just stopped by their area or now in the virtual world, give them a call and say, Hey, wow, you made progress. That's really neat. Do you want to tell me any more about, uh, you know, what your next goal is or what your next struggle is? Because I'm so pleased with, with what you did this week. Simple stuff is more powerful than the president's club or, you know, the formal things. So I think absolutely. Absolutely. And I've gotten direct feedback from, from people who felt that was their best moment that at, at, you know, during the, during their stay with the company and I couldn't even comprehend because that was just a gesture.
Mitali Chopra (18:05):
And even when they win a lot of prizes and you're like president club and all, but they feel that those moments is something that they really, really value. So recognitions that does spot recognition, like you said, catch them doing the right things and then appreciate simple. Um, but yeah, it has to be practiced. The third thing I would say is get genuine honest care that you really will be there for them and catch their back. And that has no single way of doing it, but it's, it's how you treat the team and get that done. And they're not fearful of making mistakes, but still, uh, always there to give their best. So, so yeah, so that's, and the fourth thing I would say is just coaching because coaching, in the sense managing is one thing, but when you're coaching, your team and team wants to be their best version.
Mitali Chopra (18:56):
They all are striving for it. And when you become a facilitator as their managers or as their supervisors, they really appreciate that in any languages, in any culture, everyone is striving to be better. They come with that intention, then why moment or the systems might make it difficult. And then there might be some kind of, uh, you know, difficulty making that happen, but they do really want to be better than what they are. So coaching is the food. So respect, recognition, care, and coaching is something that is universal. I agree that people want to do well. They want to learn. They want to perform well. And unless you train that out of them somehow, by making it very difficult and not appreciating it, they're going to do well. So just give them, just empower them to be who they are and to be good at what they do.
Amanda Setili (19:51):
And you'll be fine because where I like to start with is it's never the employee's fault when something goes wrong. Look, first at how did the process mess up? How did you not reinforce them? Things like got it. Absolutely. Absolutely. I agree. I mean, assuming that you had the right fit for the, for the roles, assuming that that's the right fit, it's the right person then. Absolutely. That's right. And that's tough sometimes. So it sounds like you think that between the different places that you've lived in worked the same basic four things, respect, recognition, care, and coaching are universal and that they work in any culture. And so you didn't have much of a hard time transitioning between different cultures. I had a language challenge because sometimes that becomes difficult. But, um, other than that, uh, I did not, no, I did not feel very working cause I was always looking forward to, I used to teach them a bit of Hindi and they would teach me a bit of their languages that time.
Amanda Setili (20:54):
And I think that's also one of the thing, which, you know, in the creative side that I was talking about, I should get back to more languages. I think that language is a skill that I do not have. It's one area, you know, I, I was raised in a family of engineers at like, you probably were, or at least I know you're an engineer and that was so highly valued. The science and math was so highly valued. That language, wasn't just, wasn't a priority for my family. And I, I just, I feel like it's a huge gap in my capabilities. So I so agree with you the way you weren't. When we were having the connect meeting, I have the exact same replica of the family. So you just like, you know, raised on the family of engineers. So the only choice was to become an engineer, but yeah.
Amanda Setili (21:44):
Right. And so many things that you talk about when you're growing up. I mean, you know, my, my way of interacting with my dad was to like, look in his box of just odd ends, like wheels and sticks and stuff, and try to make something. Um, that was just the way we operated as a family. I guess the other thing that I've noticed about you Metallica is that you set really high goals for yourself and you've achieved a lot. You've excelled at everything that you've tried from what I can see, is this something that everyone should do? Or are there any downsides to that? I think everyone should do what they really feel like doing and try not to get entangled with what is supposed to be done. Try at least I know it's easier said than done because I wish I could have tried to adopt as well.
Mitali Chopra (22:34):
Um, I don't have any regrets of setting high goals for myself. I like the thrill I get in aiming for something and achieving it. So, but what can be dangerous is this never ending race and constant comparison with peer group. That's like a delicate balance. If that can be damaging as well. Sometimes for people without even knowing that there's a danger for it. Uh, it takes a lot of courage and focused and focus to stay away from the race and yet keep excelling. Like there's a difference. Yeah. There's racist and so many different arenas of our lives too. Like it's your house nice. Could do well. Is your job important? Is your current, I mean, you know, there's just so many places where you feel like you have to keep up with other people and it's, it's not really useful. I think that having your own values, things that really matter to you and sticking to those, you know, I often give the example.
Amanda Setili (23:40):
I don't keep my house very neat. I guess I'm sort of ashamed of that in a way. But on the other hand, I do so many things that other people don't seem to have time for. And so I'm picking, you know, being clear about your own values and pursuing what's important to you as you, as you stated is so important. Yeah. I not feel it's, there's nothing wrong in dreaming for a bigger house. That's fine, but wanting a bigger house because my friend has a house. When I want to get a bigger house in bed that is the dangerous zone, but it's important to keep excelling otherwise if you're not growing. And I know, I always say, if you're not growing, we're dying, it might be a slow death. We might not realize, but that's so growth is important and that can be in any area, but this constant, um, in the drag race, as we call.
Mitali Chopra (24:33):
And when I realized that it is a rat race and the rats are winning, then you realize, okay. So I, I feel years ago I saw the score, which said life is a journey and not a competition. I don't know maybe the time, but I really love that. Like it is a journey. So be on your own solitary journey, keep excelling, being a better version, keep going, keep putting your own goals. That's nothing wrong, but just, just enjoy it instead of falling into the trap of this constant comparison with others. So I think that's one of the things that we do. That's very valuable as coaches is getting clear with the people that we're coaching, what do they want to do? What do they want to achieve? What do they not care about? And just having them come to grips with what they want and what they don't care so much about because you generally can't do everything.
Amanda Setili (25:27):
So I'm fascinated by this nonprofit that I think you have founded to help kids learn by playing games. And maybe I've got part of that wrong, but could you tell me a little bit more about that? How does it work? What are the games? What are they learning and what are your aspirations? Yeah, that's a interesting area. So, you know, we started this with my son because he did his last deal. Cause you know, he, he has entrepreneurial bent of mine. And I said, just to help him with that, we came up with this idea and it's also my passion because when I now coach senior leaders, business leaders, I, you know, when, when we actually in the coaching sessions and we're talking about things and um, their decision-making styles, they're the field of things. All these things like sometimes actually lead back into their childhood, the way they were raised, the way their relationship with money, their relationship with people, the way things were told to them, all of that environment has a major impact on their decision-making of today.
Mitali Chopra (26:31):
It's quite fascinating subject. I wish one day I can do some research on it and make that goal a relation, but I have, I'm very strongly feel that that relation is there very, very positive connection. And so I feel that very early in childhood, if we can introduce entrepreneurial skillset and mindset to children, it would come really handy as a life or a life skill for them later on and they can benefit from it. So it's our very early humble attempt to build something which is animated course for 20 courses, with quizzes and certificates for in a very fun manner, introduce that concept. One of the condition my son put on the design of the business, or, you know, this whole initiative was that we should not do another education program. There's so much of teaching. So, so the thing is how do we introduce fund in it so that they enjoy, but they don't feel the pressure of that.
Mitali Chopra (27:33):
It's another topic or another subject. So it's a fun thing. There's a talking lizard called T U and T U stands for T E Y U, which is the entrepreneur in you. So, you know, just the names at that talking lizard is actually coaching in a way coaching, but they don't know that they're being coached, but in a fun week, coaching for children eight to, I think, eight to 10 year old. And, uh, he, uh, that lizard takes them to a Wonderland called the Gloria where businesses are run by children and they're doing what they love to do and solving problems of the world. And, you know, there's a store which has no plastic. So because she's very environmental friendly, there's a gym for kids. So, you know, all those fun ideas. And then he, uh, you know, the lizard actually takes them through, uh, how they can build their own business.
Mitali Chopra (28:23):
And they find, they decided to build a healthy drink, energy drink for one of their friends who was always very tired. So it's a story. Narrative, character led, uh, 20 episodes where they from start to saying is art and businesses for kids kind of thing. And to learning the business and then doing the business and in the quizzes, one of the question is, is it okay to fail? And the right answer is yes. Very good. Yeah. So we just want to kind of, you know, give that early introduction to things and we have some more ideas, but we'll see how it goes. That is so see that's creative. When you said you wanted to tap into your creative side. My gosh, that's super creative. Hm.
Amanda Setili (29:07):
I should not be so hard on myself. Yeah. Yeah. You can even bring the magic in at some point, you know, that's awesome. So I noticed in your bio, something that I haven't seen in anyone else's bio, which is that you're a big believer in the karma equation and world abundance. So first tell me a little bit about the karma equation. Explain that to me. And does that come from your Indian heritage or is that something you discovered as an adult? Simple it's like, what you give is what you get. So the equation is feel good, do good things, you'll get good things. And, uh, it comes from, I think family and the heritage and the culture that I come from from. Um, and, uh, because even in our, in our culture, giving away is a very important part of living. So it's not something always as good to do when we are doing it as an initiative, it's the way of life.
Mitali Chopra (30:02):
And that's why for me, it's very difficult to say things like, you know, kindness, giving away things, helping community is way of life. So it can't differentiate too much. Um, things like I remember when we were they young and even as a, as a culture in the family, the first portion of the meal, so my mother will cook the meal and the first portion of the meal, like she will take it out to be given outside always every meal. So whether to a animal or to somebody, you know, like a helper or anyone. So the first meal will go to someone outside the family. I remember, you know, sometimes you would just go and put it near the tree, outside in the garden and a squirrel will eat something of a buds or for, you know, a dog. So, so it will always, it was again part of the culture.
Mitali Chopra (30:48):
So it is quite deep rooted in us. So I think that's why it is always there. Even in, in my business, when I onboard a client or sign a new client, I sponsored a child's education in a school in India. So it's always like, okay, I get something, I give something. And it's very joyous. It is that I get a thrill in signing a client. So it's, it's I, and I'm very happy that happiness is great. And immediately when I call up the school and say, let's, I want to sponsor one more child. I'm very happy there also. But I have noticed the happiness of the latter is more sweeter and calmer. There is something about that happiness while I'm happy about the size. So interesting. So how prevalent would you say that belief is in Indian society? Is that mostly your family or only the rich people?
Mitali Chopra (31:40):
Or is that like a universal belief throughout the, oh, it's actually quite prevalent in not so rich peoples and you'll be amazed. Like most of the, it's not only about where their haves and have nots. It's, like I said, it's a way of life. And I think majority of people in India just culturally have that belief because, and I've seen have notes. Like, you know, it's a very, very diverse and high radiation and lot of inequality, but people who do not have money, they give away time. They help each other communities just help each other. They rely on each other a lot and it has never called out as I initiative. So that's the difference. It is part of the way of living and they do help each other. So if they got help it, I am doing it like more with the financial assistant tool student or somebody who would not have financial support, they will just give their time and teach a student so that they can, they can take it forward from.
Mitali Chopra (32:39):
So now that you've lived in the UK for five or six years, or maybe more, do you think that that mentality exists in Western culture? Does it exist? Yes, it does exist among some people, but again, it'd be more. And can it be, um, can it improve definitely yes. To a large degree, but I do see a lot of my friends here locally, um, support a lot of charities and they, they work for that and they raise funds, especially in last one year during COVID time, I've seen that compassion and helping each other, uh, gone much, much, much higher. Um, here locally in UK as well.
Amanda Setili
Yes. Reminding me of a friend that a good friend that I have who's Indian, uh, and he lives in the states and whenever we go out to eat, he'll order more than he can eat. And then he'll ask first to go box.
Amanda Setili (33:32):
And as we're walking through town, he'll give it to a homeless person. So he's very similar to your mom. What your mom taught you? He probably learned that from his family as well. He does it every time. Do you feel like you've already addressed the second part of that sentence in your bio, the world abundance, or is there something more you can say about the world? Abundance part of it? Yeah. No, I think I've got word that Amanda, because it's part of it. You give more and not, not have a scarcity because abundance is all about, it's not about the quantity of things that you have. Like when I have a million, then I will start this. It's not about that. It's thing is like what I want to have, I'm here to share. And when you do that, you'll be amazed. Like maybe I'm being a bit selfish, but my belief is, has been validated so many times the more I give the more I get.
Mitali Chopra (34:23):
So maybe it does not become a cycle. I get bored because I know I'll get more. And it comes back and multiples in any way in any form and shape. So somewhere, I think my belief has got cemented that this is true somehow. I don't know what and how, but, uh, I believe in it. So, but again, so many people I've seen rich people with a scarcity mentality say they can, but they wouldn't. So I think it's just a belief system. What do you hope the future holds that if everyone could just have that worldview or that in their mind, we might be able to move. That's a really blue sky thinking kind of a question. I think I just won well to be a better place, more happier people. But I do believe that, you know, hardships and happiness, like there was no concept of only happiness.
Mitali Chopra (35:15):
There is nothing called only happened until the time we do not have the sadness. So all of this comes in. That's what life is all about. I hope people are more aware of it and find their inner peace. That's all I think like whatever's there, it's fine. Um, let's be more compassionate, more kind. And, um, yeah. Live peacefully on this planet. We have only one home. Yes. Right. Well, thank you so much. Metalla for joining me today. It's been a, I knew that it would be a fascinating conversation, but it's been even more fascinating than my expectations. So I really appreciate you joining us. Thank you so much, Amanda. I loved talking to you and thank you for giving us opportunity.
Amanda Setili (35:57):
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