Kube Cuddle

Kube Cuddle Trailer Bonus Episode 15 Season 1

Liz Rice

Liz RiceLiz Rice


In this episode Rich speaks with Liz Rice from Isovalent..

Topics include: How Liz got involved in cloud native, Kelsey Hightower’s Tetris demo, writing eBPF programs, use cases for Cilium, why she joined Isovalent, Cilium’s new service mesh, Liz’s time on the CNCF’s Technical Oversight Committee, Golang.

Show Notes

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ZX80 / Timex Sinclair 1000 / Commodore 64
Kelsey Hightower’s Tetris demo
Thomas Graf
Brendan Gregg
Liz’s talk at KubeCon LA
A Beginner's Guide to eBPF Programming with Go
Beyond printf & tcpdump: Debugging Kubernetes Networking with eBPF (from KubeCon LA)
The Clilum Project Update at KubeCon Valencia
Liz’s talk about the Cilium Service Mesh
The CNCF’s Technical Oversight Committee
The Charlie meme
That XKCD cartoon
What is eBPF? by Liz

Listener question from @isugimpy -  Thanks!

Episode Transcript

Logo by the amazing Emily Griffin.
Music by Monplaisir.

Thanks for listening.
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What is Kube Cuddle?

A podcast about Kubernetes, and the people who build and use it.