Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Wednesday, July 10th, 2024 / We don’t write checks anymore, Chantel is going to get Josh a long nightgown, the joy of cooking, old timey portraits, secret nicknames for crushes, Chantel’s cheese incident, Josh got a peek at retired life, Chantel broke down some boxes, Chantel’s dog food breath, and the new rock paper scissors challenge.

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Hey there. It's Josh and Chantel, and this is wake up classy 97, the podcast, a replay of today's full show. It's Wednesday, July 10th. On today's show, we don't write checks anymore. I'm gonna get Josh a long nightgown, the joy of cooking, old timey portraits, secret nicknames for crushes, my cheese incident, Josh got a peek at retired life, I broke down some boxes like a big girl, Josh said I have dog food breath, and the new rock paper scissors challenge.

Thank you for listening. You can hear the show live weekday mornings from 6 to 10. It's called wake up classy 97, and this is the podcast. Enjoy today's show. Classy 97.

It's Josh and Chantel. Hey. What's up, and good morning? Well, it looks like it's gonna be a Wednesday. It's 10th July.

Is it gonna be a Wednesday? Mhmm. Yep. It is, national kitten day. Aw.

Yeah. Little tiny itty bitty kittens. Kitten. Kittens are great. It's the cats that they turn into that are the problem.

No. Kittens are awesome. It is let's see. Conwy River Festival. What?

Yeah. I don't know where that is. Alright. It's in North Wales. That's where it is.

Let's go. Alright. That sounds cool. Doesn't it? Yeah.

It's time management month. Oh, I could use some of that. Who's gonna teach me? I don't know. I don't know why this just started today, but it did.

It is chronic disease awareness day. Constant health battles, unseen struggles on a daily basis, a silent quest for understanding, empathy, and support, chronic disease awareness day, global energy independence day, don't step on a b day. Always good advice. Pick blueberries day, and it is teddy bear picnic day. Oh, your mom Yeah.

Loves teddy bears. Yes. And she had a poem in her restroom. Uh-huh. And it was teddy bear picnic.

Oh, in the guest in the guest bathroom. Yes. Yes. So whenever I would use it, You would read I would read the teddy bear poem. Do you remember it?

Sure don't. Well, if you read it that much I that was years years years ago. I if you had asked me maybe 8 years ago, I probably could have recited it for you, but it's been replaced. With something else? Memory has been replaced with something else.

Alright. Well Yeah. Thanks for sharing. You're welcome. Happy Wednesday.

That's all. That's what's going on. Good morning. Day. Kitten.

Kitten. What are you doing on the weekend of August 17th 18th? I don't know. Okay. Might I suggest we go near San Diego?

So far, I'm in. Total location unknown. What I don't know what that means. Taco Bell is opening a retirement community for young people for 1 weekend only. Okay.

I like that you think we're young people. I know. I don't know. Will be allowed to join. They'll be like, no.

You old heads have to go. It's called the Cantinas. Alright. And like I said, it's only for 1 weekend, but they're trying to attract more Gen z customers Oh, that's not us. By leaning into the grandma core.

I see. Because a lot of young people think old people stuff is cool now. So Oh, I got some old people stuff you might think is amazing. Old candy, old man sweaters. That's true.

I've got old man hobbies. Chas. I got a lawn. You're in it. I don't want people to step on.

You're in the old people business. Yes. I don't know about the old people business, but I'm in I'm into the old people stuff. K. Guess what they're doing at this cantinas event?

Doing at the cantinas? Pickleball tournaments. Okay. Makes sense. Painting classes.

Great. Knitting circles. I also do watercolor. I've I've not knitted. Bocce ball, croquet.

I like the black golf. Yes. Yes. Yes. And a wide variety of old school games, like board games.

Alright. Maybe a couple of card games, like, you know Canasta. And pinochle and bridge. I never got into shooting the moon. I don't eve I've never played.

Bridge? Bridge. And what's that 1 that people were playing not too long ago? Do you remember that game where, like, women were going they were getting with a bunch of their friends? About, like, Bunko?

Yes. That was a dice game. Yeah. Yeah. Bunko party.

Yeah. They're probably gonna have some Bunko. Purple hat societies and stuff Or red hat? What is it? Red hat or purple hat?

Whatever it is. Red? Maybe it's maybe it's both. Maybe you start if you're new. I don't You start red before you can go purple or something.

I don't know. $50 for a day pass. That's not bad. A $150, you get lodging for 2 nights plus an elevated, quote, unquote, dining experience. A 100 and 50 bucks is not bad for a weekend.

No. It isn't. With activities and lodging included. And And food. VIP Taco Bell food.

What's VIP Taco Bell food? I'm curious to know. Comes with with the tomatoes and sour cream for free. Fresh. It'll just be fresh.

It's not gonna be frozen tomatoes. Could be that. Could be that. Let's go. That sounds fun.

We're just the wrong generation. It's okay. We can protect. By 2 generations, we're the wrong generation. Man, we're right in the middle of the we're not young, but we're not old.

Right. It's like a middle It's a tough place to be. It's a tough place to be. Middle age or something. Definitely not Gen z.

I like that they call it grandma and grandpa core, and that's just my life. So And you've been doing that for your whole life. You've just been grandpa core forever. I know. They She's so trendy and hip.

When I was when I was doing my lawn care thing at 12, I've always loved Werther's Originals and Butterscotch. It's delicious. You've always liked old man sweaters? I don't know about always. I was kind of a sleeveless flat top guy.

I did have a flat top because my grandpa had a flat top. Oh. So there is that. Your grandpa was cool. I know.

That's why I wanted to be like were you, Josh. Thanks. Thanks. Are. Thanks.

Appreciate it. When was the last time you wrote a check? When was the last time I bounced a check? Because that's the same answer. Because that's how it worked for me.

I would carry around a checkbook just in case I wanted to bounce 1. It's very terrible with money in my twenties. It's been since I was in my twenties. Yeah. I think this well yeah.

It's been a very long time. Well, I think the last time we even had a checkbook, I would spend at least 10 years, at least. Yeah. Target has just decided that they will no longer accept personal checks. Oh, yeah.

Just now. I didn't even think that anybody was still accepting personal checks. Guess what? Walmart apparently still is. There are some places because they're, like, we had, a tree trim, and they were like, you can pay by check.

And I went, what? Yeah. We don't have a check. Who pays that way anymore? I don't know.

Even if you were in the grocery store and they would still accept checks in the grocery store sometimes, if you got stuck behind somebody who pulled out their checkbook, you're like, ah. Well, and the now the training on that. Everybody knows how to tap or swipe or do the chip thing, whatever. But if you if you find somebody who's like, I'm gonna pay with a check, and you hand them a check, they gotta, like, call somebody over, and then her name's Margaret, and she's been doing checks her whole life. And she's like, yeah.

You gotta run it through the machine and then go through. Like, what is that? I would wager to bet that a lot of young people don't even know how to write a check. That's absolutely fair. Fine.

Right. That's an old outdated form of payment and the slowest form of payment. But I know how to fill out a checkbook, and and I can write in cursive. And and I am just I am honestly shocked that there were places that still accepted personal checks. I mean, businesses are a little bit of a different story because businesses, most of the time, that's the only option to pay by check because you have to have 2 signatures.

Right. Lot of stuff. A check was, something. You're right, though. Yeah.

Payables out of a business arrives on check, and that is still so interesting to me. But okay. Business to business, maybe it makes sense. 1 in 5 people over 65 write several checks every month. That sounds right.

Half of people under 55 don't write a single check the entire year. I haven't written a check Yeah. For 10 years. At least. It's been a very long time.

I would forget that I wrote a check. It's so embarrassing. Balance my checkbook or my banking account, and then it'd be like, I'm out of money. I forgot about those checks I wrote. I knew I was out of money before I wrote them.

That was always the bad part. You're like, I'm gonna float this thing to payday. It never worked out. No. Never worked out.

That's why we got rid of checks. I can't I can't be held responsible for a checkbook. It just it's too much pressure. Not enough pressure, I think. No.

You just forgot. No. I whatever it is, it's it's no good for me. I'll stay away from it. Good idea.

Good news to get you going on your Wednesday, Chantel. What's up? About a week and a half ago, the International Fund For Animal Welfare, They received reports that about a dozen white sided dolphins were stranded in shallow mud flats Oh, no. Off the coast of Massachusetts. When the members of the charity group arrived to help get the dolphins back into the ocean, they discovered that more than 120 dolphins were beached and in distress.

Oh, no. It was the largest mass stranding event that they had faced in decades. 120 dolphins. That's terrible. Yeah.

Before they had arrived, unfortunately, 10 had, 10 were deceased when they got there. No. 10 didn't make it before they got there. But here's what they did. The group mobilized.

They had 25 staff members, a 100 trained volunteers, and a bunch of helpers from local groups, and they launched a huge all out rescue mission. Everybody worked together to help the dolphins that were stuck in the shallow mud by giving them support, keeping them comfortable, and, you can't pick them up. No. 1, it's too many. 2, it's too much work.

You got this mud. Whatever. Heavy. So they literally had to keep them comfortable and alive until the tide came back in so that they could swim out. And how long did that take?

That lasted 12 hours. Oh my gosh. Kudos to those helpers. Yeah. That's a that's a process.

Did all this in the in the blistering sun, but their hard work and expertise paid off. The dolphins eventually returned to deeper water. About a dozen dolphins spent a bit of time swimming in the inner harbor, but most of them were, like, buy land Yeah. And left left, to get back to their normal life. The ones that didn't make it.

Yep. Super, super sad. But that right there is helping out, creatures in need, and I'm all about that. I think that's fantastic. Good for those guys.

Some good news to get you going. On classy 97. Okay. This is a very important question. When you are staying with with someone at someone's house Uh-huh.

Do you come down for breakfast in your pajamas or fully dressed? Depends, I suppose. And if you're fully dressed, have you also taken a shower? Also is going to depend on, several different things. It varies.

I'm not consistent in this. Okay. If it's like family, like we're staying with family. Pajamas. Pajamas, whatever.

Yeah. I'm gonna I'm gonna roll up in shirts shorts and a T shirt. Yeah. Hey. I'm here.

Comfy. I guess it does really depend on who you're staying. What I mean. Right? But if I'm staying at, like, a hotel and we plan to meet for breakfast, I'm getting up and getting dressed.

What if you're staying at a hotel and you're just going down for continental breakfast? Yeah. I'm not doing that in my just my shorts, my t shirt. Yeah. I see people do that.

It makes me feel a little uncomfortable. Does it? Yeah. I don't think you should see strangers in their pajamas. Yeah.

It feels it feels strange unless you're under the age of 10, and then that's okay. Over 10? I'm like, you should go get dressed. I don't wanna see your pajamas. I don't know.

I don't know why. What if I had, like, that old man pajamas? You know, the the pants and the shirt, the buttons up with the little, it's blue, and it's got the dark blue, like, ribbing on the all the way around. Like a onesie? No.

No. No. Like like, also probably has AAA little cap Yeah. With a little thing at the end. You need to get, like Not the long shirt.

The you need the long shirt. I'm not gonna show up to breakfast in the long shirt. How much could I pay you to do that? Where? At a hotel 1 of these days.

So it's just A hotel where? Why does that matter? It matters. How far away from home are we? There's a radius consideration.

So what's your radius? It's gotta be 2 states away. 2 states away. Okay. Okay.

We can do this. Oh, this is gonna happen. I really want this to happen. Well, you'd you won't do it. I know you.

The long shirt with the cap? Yeah. Is it the long cap that goes kinda down to, like, the back of my leg? Like, it's not I'm not not talking just a short 1. It's gotta be the long cap with the long shirt.

That's not even the important part. It's the long nightgown. You call it a shirt. I call it a nightgown. And then I need those, just those little slippers that are just a flat part with a little part that goes over the top of your foot.

Yep. Just that? Yes. Josh. And a lantern.

Again, that part's irrelevant. No. I think it's really important. I think it's funny you're with the apple. Lantern with a candle lit in it, and I go, good morning.

Good morning. You're not allowed to have an open flame. You don't get kicked out. It can be LED. That's fine.

But it's gotta look like a candle inside my lantern when I go to breakfast. And I walk down, eyes half open. Good morning. Good morning. Slept a wink, I tell you.

Please do this. People will go, what time are you from? I'm gonna I'm gonna order you 1 of those right now. Alright. We were talking over the weekend, and we discovered well, I discovered your 1 of your passions in life.

A passion. You got so into this. You wanna cook for large groups of people, which I think sounds horrible. I but I think there's 2 different things about it. Like, I like culinary stuff.

I like cooking. I like barbecuing. I like doing dutch oven. I like cooking in the kitchen. All good.

There have been opportunities where I've been able to assist in larger kitchens, you know, like, a big camp, for example. Uh-huh. I've been in a kitchen where we've been cooking for 100 of people, and that's 1 thing. But then there's, like, small order cooking, which is, you know, line line cooking where it everything's made to order. You cook small quantity, maybe large quantity over time versus I've gotta feed 500 people the same meal.

I'm cooking humongous quantities of food. Yeah. And both of them are very interesting. I I can't decide which I would prefer to do more, but I get fascinated by the kitchens that produce food for 100 of people. Got when you were telling me about all of the little gadgets Yeah.

I couldn't believe how excited you were about all of that. Griddles. I mean, huge huge killets? Tilt skillet. And you said If you don't know what a tilt skillet is It's okay.

You don't need to know. Imagine a dump truck that you cook food in. That's a tilt skillet. And then you said lever that dumps it out. It's the coolest thing.

You when you were telling me about it, you said, it's like cooking for a giant. It is exactly what it is. Cooking for 500 people is like cooking for 1 giant. And that sounds awful. That sounds awful to me.

That's my nightmare. And you're like for 500 people? 1 meal or cooking 500 meals for individual people? All of it. That's my nightmare.

No. Thank you. I think it'd be alright. No way. Yeah.

We have a lot of similarities. This is not 1 of them. I'm happy to send you off to do this if this is something that you want to do. Send me off. Yeah.

Like Like, it's a Well, because we do a lot of things together. I see. So this is something if somebody ever said, hey. Can you guys come do this? I'd be like, nope.

But Josh will. Bye. Don't volunteer me for stuff. That's the worst. When you're like, oh, Josh would love to do that.

And then I feel obligated to show up. I have done that before. Like, I'm here to do the things she told you I would do because I'm a man of her word. So here I am. I'm sorry about that.

I won't ever volunteer you to cook for 500 people. Yeah. Please don't. Because I I enjoy assisting, but the buying of the food and the planning and all the stuff that has to go into, like, figuring out serving sizes and it's there's so much. There's so much I don't wanna deal with.

Yeah. I like the cooking part. So helping in the kitchen is 1 thing. I don't wanna be the person in charge of that kitchen. But what if you're in charge of the tilt skillet?

That's where I'll be with my giant wooden spoons. Stir in the big old thing of whatever I'm eating. Could be chili. And you're gonna have to wear a big old white apron, and it's just gonna be blackened with chili resin too. You know?

Like You're making it sound very Gross. Very luxurious. And unappealing? Yeah. That's because it is.

It's not. It's actually, pretty cool. I appreciate the people who have done that. It's not for me. So I'm watching a show, and it's from the Regency era.

Well, it's probably before that, actually. It's, like, late 1700. K? Okay. So before I'm aware.

Before pictures show. Before pictures were invented Pictures? Yeah. Like photographs. Oh, okay.

You know how in today's day and age, you take a photograph of somebody, and they're like, ew. I'm not very photogenic. I hate taking pictures. Like, don't take that picture. Don't do that.

In the show I'm watching, there's no photographs, but there are portraits. Yeah. And you have to sit for your portrait Right. For hours and hours and hours. Right.

And so I wonder if anybody ever looks at their portrait and goes, oh, I'm not very portrait portraitogenic. No. They would they would look at the artist and go, why have you made me look like this? Which take a note from that. Maybe quit yelling at yourself and yell at the camera.

There you go. This camera takes terrible pictures. Oh, that photographer did me an injustice. And here's what I think is funny is because the show I'm watching, it's queen Charlotte. Yeah.

Okay. And so it's about queen Charlotte. Yeah. And she her portraits look terrible. And any portrait from that kinda era looked terrible.

And I go, is this what a person really looks like, or or they're just terrible artists? Well, I think there were very fantastic artists. Do you know who painted her portrait? No. Because it wasn't a famous artist.

Who was it? Some dude. So she's the queen. Why didn't she have a real artist? Sure she had a real artist, but she didn't have a real well known top tier artist.

Plus, it isn't like you wandered around taking selfies. Wander around showing it to people. Like It hung in the castle. That's where it hung out. Smells squishy.

Maybe that's what she looked like. What I'm saying. Is that what she really looked like? She looked like a squashy head. Yes.

We were talking over the weekend about, Emery has this thing. You were singing, and I said, oh, dad has a nice voice. I like dad's voice. And she said, oh, you're simping on dad's voice, which Middle school speak? Yeah.

Simping is just like Just like like crushing. You're crushing, but the person doesn't know that you're crushing. Like, you're going you're going crazy. Oh, this guy's the best thing in the whole world. Sliced bread got nothing on him.

And he doesn't know. Yeah. And he's like, why don't you person is like, put put in a creep. And then I said, Simpin, what does that mean? And you said, oh, like, cute backpack boy.

I'm like, how dare you talk about cute backpack boy? Which brought me to another point. Cute backpack boy was a nickname I had for a crush I had in college. He was a boy in my class. Right.

And I thought he was cute. A backpack. Who had a backpack. He was cute, and he had a backpack. So he became backpack boy.

Cute backpack boy. Which is so secret. Well, in that class, in that particular class, there was a boy who would come wearing scrubs. Oh, was he scrubs boy? Scrubs boy.

Oh, wow. And cute backpack boy. So I had to differentiate between the 2. And then when I would go home and tell my roommate and friend, I'd say, oh. Because you don't even know their names.

Nope. And so what? 1 day, cute backpack boy dropped a pen? No. I had no interactions with either 1 of them.

And you handed it to him? No. It was just me crushing on them hardcore Yeah. And just hoping that they would pay me any kind of attention, and they never did. But then I wonder you crazy glasses lady?

I don't know. You might have been. Why crazy? Because you just keep staring every time they walk past. There's crazy glass in the world.

I played it cooler than that. Get out of here. I wouldn't be like, oh, just staring at them. There's the there's the no game gal. Yeah.

That's that's more accurate. Uh-huh. I got no game. Did you have any nicknames for crushers? No.

What? No. What? No. I would have found out their names, and I would have talked to them like a normal person.

How what? What's your game? What would you have done? Dropped a pen. Oh.

I didn't even sit next to them. The you were not I know. Even trying. I know. Because I know Notice me from clear over here in the shadows.

What are you? Listen. It all worked out in the end. It did. I don't.

Yes. You know how I landed you? Dropped a pin. No. You didn't.

No. I did not. We were talking about some work mess ups the other day, like little things that you've done at previous places of employment where you you feel silly about. For example, I'll tell you 1 of mine. Are you even listening, Josh?

I know the story. So I'm just go ahead. You tell me I will. The story about how I worked you made life inconvenient for people. And in high school, I worked at a combo pizza place slash video game video rental video store rental.

Yeah. It was called Silver Screen Video and Pizza, and it was located in Paul, Idaho. Paul, Idaho. And Was it the only thing in Paul? There was a grocery store right next door.

Okay. Alright. It's still there? No. Okay.

I think the building is still there, but the the operation is no longer in existence. Okay. So the pizza was pretty basic. We had frozen dough, and you just had to get it out of the freezer, and then you would just sauce it, put cheese on it, and then I think we had real basic toppings. I don't even think we had It was like frozen pepperoni or frozen sausage.

Like, it was pretty basic. And then it was like a Take N Baked. These people could just take it home. So you could get your Take N Baked pizza, pick out your video, go home. Because that's how you had to do it back in the day, kids.

K. So 1 day, it was really, really busy, and somebody called and said, I would like to order a pizza, but I only want the cheddar cheese. I don't want the mozzarella cheese. It's a strange request for pizza. I took the order, and we were busy, and so I got busy doing something else.

And my boss was on pizza line duty, and I went back to get something from her, ask her a question. And she said, hey. If you ever take a call like that again, tell them that that's not possible because our cheddar cheese and our mozzarella cheese are just a mix. And she was Handpicking now. Picking each little tiny piece of cheddar cheese from That's awful.

Pizza. You've you've ruined a day. Yeah. I felt real bad about that 1. Sorry, boss.

Did you? She was a good boss too. I really loved her, so I was like, I'm real sorry. Well If you mess up and you don't like your boss, that's totally different story. But if you mess up and you like your boss, especially something as silly as that, that was such a silly little mess up.

Ugh. And I knew what the cheese looked like. I don't know why I took that order. Because you're a people pleaser. Yeah.

So you went, of course, we can do that. You bet. Yeah. Yeah. Not thinking.

Someone's gonna have to do that by hand. Yeah. There there could be a machine that sorts out the cheese, but that's not a thing. I was. My only excuse is that I was young and inexperienced.

Okay. Do you have any work mess ups on your end? Negative. Never? Never messed up.

Never had 1? No. Never. I'm sure I have. I worked in, in fast food.

I worked in, in retail. I've worked in customer service. I've done all kinds of things. I'm sure I folded a shirt wrong once as I was putting it on a shelf. Does, you know, whatever.

Beating yourself up over something that happened not too long ago here. Yeah. I know. I'll just keep beating myself. I know you are, and I'm not even gonna talk about it because no 1 knows but you that it happened.

No 1 cares. No 1 notices, but you still are beating yourself up about it. Because I'm I'm better than my performance. Yeah. III underperformed, and I'm disappointed in myself.

Okay. So then you say do better next time. It's And you pat yourself on the back and you move on. Sure. You You don't keep beating yourself up about it.

Well, it doesn't help that, if you've got a bunch of dudes around the office, they're like, oh, I heard somebody somebody said something about that. Because they like to exploit the, the weakness and poke at you and go, hey. I heard from another person. Oh, no. Dudes.

Right? Dudes are jerks. Just keeps it going forever. You had a brief glimpse of your retirement dream over the weekend. What was it?

I don't remember. Laying in your leather chair Yes. With a comfy blanket. Yes. And you had your Jack Russell.

I have a very fancy comfy blanket, and I heard rumor that the those folks are coming back. Oh, really? Just so you know, I haven't heard anything more than the fact that the fancy blanket people might be coming back, and there might be another chance to get, 1 of those fancy blankets. Anyway blanket is so fancy, you won't let anybody else use it. Why I'm saying you might be able to get your own.

I'll just use yours. Excuse me? I don't use it when you're around, obviously, but I use it when you're not around. I fold it a very specific way, so I will know. Doesn't matter.

You can't what are you gonna do? You used my blanket? Yeah. And I'll say, yeah. I did.

It's in the past. You can't change it. Quit using my nice blanket. That's what Anyway. So, yeah, I downstairs in our, library family room, thing with the fireplace.

I had the fireplace going, not heat coming out because it's an electric 1, so I just had the fire visual happening. And, and you were down there, which was a big part of wasn't even part of it at all. And then I've got my my, like, leather chair, my old man chair with the ottoman. And I was kicked back, and I had my blanket on. It's a little chilly in the basement.

And Luna, the lunatic, Jack Russell dog, was being very calm, kinda, sorta, here and there. It was later in the day, so she was a little bit like, yeah, I could I could hang out. I could just be lazy. And she hung out on the blanket right there, and she was just kinda mellow. I was like, this is it.

This is the this is the thing. And you said you said this is my retirement dream. I've got my chair. I got my blanket. I got the fire.

I got my dog. I need the That the side table. Those are the 4 things you said. I got my chair. I said you were there.

That's a big part of it. Now you said that. My fly my fly tying stuff is there, which is also important. You didn't say anything about me. But there's I need the table next to me so I can I can have my ice water, there as well?

I needed that. That's important. Yes. And then, I've got the lamp, which the lamp is nice. I like that.

It could be for reading or, perusing a magazine, maybe. Or for playing your game. Or yeah. Your cell phone game? Sure.

I could play my cell phone game there. I was kicked back. I felt like I needed to have, some sort of rerun on the TV. It felt good. It felt pretty good.

It was pretty relaxed and chill. Give me that. It was so relaxed and chill that even the dog was like, yeah. I could kick back. Yeah.

I'm just gonna kinda close my eyes, which was good. I that was a good time. So, yeah, I'm, I'm excited about more more evenings like that. We're just gonna make those happen. I know.

We gotta finish painting the room, though. Like, there's this painting, and then I gotta print out all these pictures and get all the stuff hung. And there's That's a winter activity, though. I feel like that's a winter activity. Yep.

Yeah. Because I'm not gonna spend my summer inside painting. Right. Nope. You just earlier, you said you wanted a rainy day.

It's a it could be a rainy day. A rainy day is fine. Yeah. But not not on a nice summer day. Rainy days because I don't have a sprinkler system.

So on a rainy day, I don't have to water. That's a good point. So and because it's been so hot Right. The flowers are a little bit wilty. They are tired.

They need they need more water. I could use a rainy day. It's not happening I know. Right away. I know.

You know how sometimes, occasionally, randomly, you will wash the dishes or do the laundry, and then you expect a lot of praise? No. Yeah. No. I don't know anything about that because that never happens.

No. It's you're right. It rarely. It rarely happens. I never wash the dishes and then walk around and go, hey.

I washed the dishes. Hey, everyone. Everyone, I did a thing. I've never done that in my life. You you have had moments where you've done a chore, and then you say you don't walk around proclaiming it like that, but you'll say, I did the laundry today.

And I go, oh, did you? No. Didn't. That has happened before. I don't walk around going, I did a chore.

You did you say once. Like, you don't walk around saying it, but you say to me once, hey. I did the I did the dishes. I go, cool. No.

I don't. Never done this. You have. Yes. You have.

Okay. Why would I do that? That's a strange thing to do. The point of this story is that I did a chore that I want you to be proud of me for. Okay.

So the the real story is that you want to say a proclamation of a thing you did. Correct. So you projected onto me a thing Sure. That doesn't happen so that you could feel justified in your behavior right now. I, Josh, broke down some boxes.

About time. You're welcome. You didn't just throw them in the garage? Nope. I took them apart and broke them down.

Took the tape off. No kidding. Broke them down. I would say probably 2 or 3. What?

I know. Wow. What a day. What a day. Did you get a paper cut?

No. But I was pretty tired afterwards, so I thought I gotta go lay down. That's it is too much work. Were they just regular, like, food boxes? 1 was a soda container box.

That's That counts. It's made of cardboard. Okay. Fine. But 1 was a shoe box.

That's tricky. So that was hard because they've got all the folds and the Alright. You know? And then 1 was just an Amazon box. So Really easy.

3 boxes. Wow. There were others that I could have done, but I like I said, I needed to take I needed to take a break. Yeah. Plus the boxes is your job.

I washed the dish. When? Never. Yeah. I know.

I feel like you owe me an apology, and I feel like you should do that on this radio show, because I feel like my feelings were hurt in a very big way. Here's the hassle. Hold on. Hold on. Well, hold on.

Because you you have hurt feelings. Yep. Did I intentionally hurt your feelings? Yes. I did.

Yes. I did. Yes. Giant question mark. I did.

Mhmm. What happened was I was going in for a snuggle. I just needed some cuddle time with you. Yeah. I just got all real close to you, and you said, you smell like dog food.

And I said, well, that's rude. And you said, it's not you. It's your breath. Right. That hurts my feelings.

Okay. Listen up. Listen up. Would you rather I have, not told you that your breath kinda smelled like dog food that day. Yes.

And just let you go about the day smelling like dog food breath. Because here's what the day was over. Day was done. It was nighttime. Yeah.

And you were gonna be the only 1 smelling my breath that close. I was not into the dog food breath. What what had happened was you had eaten a handful of almonds very recently, and those almonds made your breath smell dog food ish. And so you you did. You you were like, I just have a hug.

And and I got a whiff of a dog food smell. And it was more a curiosity thing to say, why do you smell like dog food? Maybe it was your own breath blowing back in your face. It it were not. And so but it were not.

How can you prove it was even my dog breath? Could've been your dog breath. I didn't say you had dog breath. You did. You said I said your breath smelled like dog food.

Those are 2 very different things. I feel I didn't say, hey. Back up dog breath. That is not something that I said. I still hugged you, and I said, your breath smells like dog food because those almonds that you just ate before you hugged smelled like dog food.

Pushed me away. Do you feel like maybe there's a nicer way you could have said that? No. What would I have said? I don't enjoy the smell of your breads right now.

Could we have a mint? Or Or how about why does your breath smell like dog food? No. You don't hear nothing to say that. Those almonds.

You could just say you could just say, oh, I got these new Hey. Listen. Got these new mints. Do you wanna try 1? You took it as a you took offense to it.

But let me tell you, dogs love dog food, so I think it's a compliment. I think I told you that the dog would love your breath. I think I just am not a dog, and I'm not a fan. So maybe go tell Luna about something. I, I feel like maybe I'm gonna just eat more and more and more of those almonds from now on.

Oh, I bet you will. Yeah. I will. It's probably what's gonna happen. They'll be like, oh, you like the dog breath now?

Don't lie I never said you had dog breath. I said your breath smelled like dog food. I didn't say back up dog woman. I didn't say that. It's fine.

It's fine. I'm fine. It's fine. No. It's not.

I have a new challenge that I think we should try. What is it? Well, it's a variation of rock, paper, scissors. Which is rock, paper, scissors. Rock, paper, scissors.

Shoot. Yeah. Okay. So what you do is you put, like, a pile of food on a table. Like, a pile.

It could be whatever you want it to be. Tacos Cherry pie. Spaghetti, cherry pie K. Milkshakes, curly fries. Like, it's just a plethora of food.

K. And then you get a partner, and then the 2 of you play rock, paper, scissors. Now here's where the kick comes in. Are you ready? The loser has to go for a short jog while the winner chows down as much food as they can.

When the runner comes back, you play again. If the competitor who initially wins loses the 2 trade places so that the the winner can go for a run while the other Okay. 1 gorgeous himself. And you continue doing this until all of the food is gone. I'm just saying, I think for you and I Yes.

How far is the jog? Like, okay. You know where our house is? Yeah. And you know how we have that little sort of around the block thing If you go straight down the road Okay.

You know what I'm saying? Yes. Let's say that's the route you have to jog. That's so much. I'm thinking, like, it's not even it's, like, down 2 houses down to the canal and back.

That's Okay. So you're you're going shorter, John. Yes. Okay. That's why I was trying to get the I was trying to get the lay of the land here because I'm thinking, if I'm the guy eating and you have to run that loop, the food's gone before you get back.

Yeah. I'm not running that loop, bro. No. Okay. So out the front door, down a couple houses to the canal Mhmm.

And back. And back. So, yeah, you're probably running That's probably a 100 yards. You're probably running the length of a football field. Gross.

Okay. So then here's the thing. You're chowing down on food, and then you lose, and then you have to go for the run Yeah. With a stomach full of greasy garbage. That's what you put out.

That's true. I mean, if you put out, like, a veggie tray and, you could keep it smoothies for sure. Smoothies. Yeah? Don't put any bag of baby carrots.

Put any dairy in that smoothie. Yes. What? And let it sit out and get warm. It'll get warm in your guts while you're running.

It's a short jog. That's not bad. Not. Yeah. That's not it.

No jog is a short jog. How many, times do you think you could jog that? How many rounds of rock, paper, scissors are you gonna lose and have to jog? And is jogging the lose? No.

Sorry. What did I say? I don't know. I'm just trying to understand. If you lose, you jog.

Yes. The loser jogs, the winner eats. Alright. So how many times are you gonna jog before you're like, I'm not doing this anymore. This is a bad idea as we thought of this.

And probably just 1. 1 time? Yeah. Because 1 jog, you're gonna be like, this was a bad idea. Attempt to jog the first loss, and then I'm gonna make it maybe to the canal, and then I'm gonna high speed walk it back.

Mhmm. Maybe even a low speed walk. Is it gonna be, like, cramping, holding my back. Like, oh, I'm not cut out for this kinda life. Right.

And then you get back and you see I still have a lot of cauliflower left in the veggie tray. And then I go we do another round. Nope. I say game's over. This is a stupid idea.

Well, they got that out of the way. Good job. Josh, you asked, and they delivered. I didn't ask. You asked for it.

And yet it's still happening. And DreamWorks delivered. Yeah. Shrek 5. Yeah.

That's happening. I don't even know if I knew there was a Shrek 4. I stopped at 3. That's when they had Shrek the 3rd? Yeah.

That's when they had the triplets. Right? I couldn't tell you. I think so. I'm gonna have to catch up on all the Shreks though because the new movie's coming out July 26th.

Okay. So we've got 2 years. Mike Myers, back as Shrek. 2 years? Yeah.

July of 2026. That's 2 years from now. You said, I heard July 26th. July 26th. That's that would be just in a couple of weeks.

It's not. It's July 2026, 2 years. Mike Myers is back as Shrek. Yeah. Eddie Murphy is back as donkey.

Cameron Diaz returning as Fiona. Your that donkey was Donkey. More Scottish and less Eddie Murphy. No. I was doing the Shrek voice saying donkey.

Donkey doesn't say donkey himself. You're right. Okay. That's my bad. Weird.

Anyway, they're all back, and, it's coming out in 2 years. So I don't see. We're live. Don't edit that out. I can't.

It's real. Alright. What did you say? That last little bit? Oh, it's happening.

That's all. It's happening. Yeah. They're also guess what? They're also gonna do.

They're going to do a donkey movie. He gets his own movie. I thought he I I'm surprised he doesn't already have it. So I am too. So, Shrek, the original 1 came out in 2, 001.

The second 1 came out in 2004. Shrek the 3rd came out in 2007. As I told the kids, because they were talking about this yesterday, I don't know if we need this, and I don't know I feel like that story's been told. The 4th 1 is called Shrek forever after, which is the 4th 1, and I think that 1 has Rumpelstiltskin in it. Oh.

But then they did what? How many, how many of the Antonio Banderas Puss and Boots movies did they do? At least 2. At least 2 spin offs. It's interesting that he got a spin off before he did.

I feel like Donkey. Eddie Murphy's kinda having this resurgence thing right now. Beverly Hills Cop, Axl f Yeah. Is on Netflix right now. New, Eddie Murphy, Beverly Hills Cop.

It it's new? Yeah. The new 1? Yes. You know, I never even seen the first 1, the original.

How about that? Have you seen it? No. No. They also did, Shrek the halls, the Christmas special.

Oh, that's too many I feel like it's too many Shreks. A couple of different Halloween Shreks. It's too many Shreks. And then we, of course, have Shrek the Musical. Which I really enjoy.

I really like the musical. So there's there's a lot of Shrek. So, yeah, we kinda do need Shrek the 5. Okay. They'll call it that.

If they called it Shrek the 5, there's no reason for them to call it that, but I'd be like, you're welcome. I also Karen Diaz kinda took a back seat to acting. She's been kinda out of the spotlight for a while, so I'm surprised that she's making a return. This is voice only? Not that it's not hard, but it's only voice.

She's not on screen. There's animators that handle the on screen part. So it may require less. Say do your impression of Shrek again? Nah.

Don't get it. Yeah. That's it. Hey. Hey.

Sure. Would you rather this or that question of the day. Would you rather ride in a hot air balloon or a helicopter? Helicopter. You hate both of them.

I'm fine with the helicopter. You got sick. I'm not fine with helicopter for a long time on a windy day. So here's the rules. Nope.

It's a helicopter for a long time on a windy day or a hot air balloon for a small amount of time on a beautiful bluebird day. I'm not doing a hot air balloon. Ever? Ever, ever, ever? It has 0 control.

Want it to go down? Add weight. Where? Where are you getting that weight from? I don't know.

I've never ridden in a hot air balloon. I don't know how it works. A giant propane Yeah. Engine Yes. That you're standing right next to.

It's a very good hot air balloon sound. And they fill up the balloon on the ground. It's laying down all sad, and then they fill it up with hot air. Hence, the name. And then it stands up.

And then they're like, alright. Get in the wicker basket, everybody. We're going on an uncontrolled adventure. And there's no Wherever the wind may take us. No safety precautions at all either.

You've no tethered ground. I actually saw a hot air balloon video the other day, and these a man proposed in 1. Cute. It was cute, except it is terrifying. Those hot air balloons are a little bit scary because, yeah, what happens if your balloon pops?

Down he goes. Yeah. I'm gonna pick a helicopter too. K. Well, that was fun.

It was fun. Would you rather this is that? It's a helicopter. I'm just not going with you because you'll get sick. Only if it's for a long time on a windy day and we're flying into the headwind and the thing is going, then I kinda get a little sick.

Make a helicopter noise. You make a helicopter noise first, and then I will. No. I won't. Here.

I'll turn this down. No. It's fine. Helicopter noise. Just 1.

No. I'm waiting for it. Not getting into it. Come on now. No way.

Make the hot air balloon noise. It's not bad. Thank you. Now helicopter. No.

You do it first. Here is your better today than yesterday daily challenge. A little something you can do today to make today a little better than yesterday. It's your better today than yesterday daily channel. We got it.

We got it, buddy. Just wanna make sure you know how it works. We got it. Talk to the most positive, optimistic person you know. Call them.

Get lunch with them. Oh. Positivity can be contagious if you allow it to be. Let their influence rub off on you. Okay.

Talk to the most positive, optimistic person you know. Call them. Get lunch with them. That's your better today than yesterday. I would be pretty positive and optimistic if somebody is buying me lunch.

Yeah. So if you wanna call me Yeah. Hey. You buy me lunch. You just never know.

I can be positive. Yeah. Positively awesome. Positively fed For free. That's right.

Hey. Free lunch. That's gonna do it for us, though. Have a great rest of your Wednesday. We'll be back tomorrow on your Thursday.

Believe that already? Crazy. Wild. Have a good 1. And, that's all I know.

That's all. That's all I know. Yep. That's all I know too. That's all I know.

It's a Wednesday. Listen to the show on the podcast. Don't forget, everywhere you get podcasts. I I don't wanna pressure you. If you want to, go go check it out.

I mean, if you heard the whole thing and you're like, I I'm good. That's fine. If you wanna hear parts of it again or maybe you miss some of it, because maybe you don't wake up at 6 AM. There's no doubt. Happens on the show at 6 AM.

You can. Today was a good show. So if you wanna go check it out again, sure. Go do it. Everywhere you get podcast, it'll be available, later on today.

Have a good 1. See you. Bye. Bye. Thanks for listening to wake up classy 97, the podcast.

If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast. Wake up classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Tielor and is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com.