Get Clear with Crystal Ware

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In this solo episode, host Crystal Ware explores the profound impact of understanding one's irreplaceable value at home versus being replaceable at work. Drawing from a resonant quote, 

"Our identity is not our jobs. Our identity is who we are and who we are in relation to those that matter the most to us.”

Crystal discusses the emotional and psychological significance of recognizing the unique and irreplaceable role of a mother in a family unit.

Key highlights in this episode:
-Crystal describes motherhood as exciting, meaningful, chaotic, difficult, rewarding, and an unparalleled expression of love. 
-Discussion on the innate human desire for meaning and purpose, often sought through work and career achievements. 
-Despite our contributions, we are ultimately replaceable in our professional roles. 
-Crystal emphasizes that as family members – daughters, sisters, mothers – we are truly irreplaceable due to our unique genetic makeup and personal bonds. 
-Encouragement to recognize the significant impact we have at home, especially in shaping future generations. 
-Crystal advises on finding harmony between career aspirations and the irreplaceable role at home. 
-How internalizing this concept can lead to powerful shifts in decision-making and life priorities.


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What is Get Clear with Crystal Ware?

Ever wish you had a mentor to help you become who you were meant to be? Crystal Ware is redefining what it means to become your best self, in business, life, and love and sharing everything she she knows to get YOU there faster.

Are you stuck? Feel like you are meant for more but not sure how to breakthrough? Every week, we will explore all of your questions on building a path to true happiness, achieving success and creating our dream life. Brick by brick, we will work through the issues and mindsets that keep us stuck, dive into finding our passion and how to take ACTION. Clarity (vision) + Confidence (Owning your worth) + Courage (to live life on your own terms and become your own CEO) propels you to your destiny. And the good news it: its all within you!

Each week, host, Crystal Ware, will bring you all of the practical wisdom to grow every aspect of your career and life including mindset, vision, goal planning, social media management, financial acumen and so much more. You'll also meet top business leaders, entrepreneurs, mompreneurers and innovative thinkers who invested in themselves and found their way success and happiness by leading on their own terms.

You were made for more, so start living like it today. Join us as we take action, grow together, and get inspired to reach for your dreams.

[00:00:00] Welcome to the Get Clear with Crystal Ware podcast, the place where we get clear on our goals, own our worth, and learn to be the CEOs of our own lives. I'm your host, Crystal Ware, lawyer and former Fortune 500 corporate leader. Who found the confidence to say goodbye to a lucrative career and start my own business.

Now I'm opening up the playbook and sharing everything I've learned to get you there faster. It may not be easy, but it will always be worth it because you are made for more. So put on your big girl pants, jump on board and let's reach for the stars. Are you ready to get clear?

Crystal Ware: Welcome back to another episode of get clear with crystal, where I am your host back in action for a short, sweet, but super impactful solo episode. And today, what I want to talk about is something that I was working on a little writing piece about [00:01:00] this quote that has kind of, I've seen it dozens and dozens and dozens of times.

Always thought about it. always paused. It gave me a moment of pause. I took it in, I would ruminate on it briefly, but I never really let it take hold. I never really brought it to the forefront of my decision making or how I was proceeding in life, love, career, et cetera. But I want to talk about this because if you take it to heart, I really believe your life will shift in powerful ways.

Okay. And there's a lot of inspiring things, we need different quotes for different times in our life, different moments. that's why there are Bible verses and devotionals, attesting to many different aspects of our life. and working through those. And when you find the right one, the [00:02:00] right quote, the right, piece of information at the right time, it can just have such huge impacts on your life.

It really can. And that's why this one, like I said, I've seen it dozens and dozens and dozens of times, but it really didn't have that full kapow, that full impact for me until recently. Okay. And so what is that? It's that quote that I'm sure many of you have seen. You are replaceable at work. You are not replaceable at home.

Another way to say that is the only place you are not replaceable in your life is at home. Okay. Being a mom is all of the things that we can think about. It's exciting. It's meaningful. It's special. It's chaotic. It's difficult. It's rewarding. It's painstaking. It's love. It's, you [00:03:00] know, what is that other quote that's out there?

it's motherhood is like having your soul, your life, your love, your heart walking around outside of your own body. It makes you vulnerable. It makes you crazy at times. Motherhood is love. Amazing. There is nothing like it on earth. And there's really nothing that can like prepare us for being a mother, but humans in general.


I'm totally in this group. I'm not above or immune from this myself. We have an innate desire for meaning and purpose because it gives our lives, structure and direction. Okay. So this is an innate thing that all humans struggle with. All humans desire. You want to have a purpose. You want to know that your life meant something.

And for many of us, Our life is just our life. We're not going to be the president of the [00:04:00] United States. We're not going to solve some major world problem. We're not going to invent some technology that changes the trajectory of the world like the internet has. That's just, that's just not what's going to happen for most of us.

So we seek fulfillment, purpose, meaning, oftentimes in our work, our career, to give us a sense of identity. And achievement in the broader world, in the broader sphere, work can often become a reflection of our personal values and aspirations, offering a way to contribute and feel valuable. It harnesses us, it stabilizes us, but the thing is.

We have to remember that we are replaceable at no matter our background, no matter our achievements, no matter how much money you've brought in the next deal, the number of clients, all the things that you've given. And we want to give [00:05:00] ourselves that false sense of, wow, I matter. And you do matter. I mean, you do like, even if you're one person in a, a hundred thousand person organization, I'm sure that you do matter.

I'm sure that you are doing something amazing to create value for the company. But it doesn't mean that you're irreplaceable. Okay. We have to remember that it's really hard for us because we don't want to admit that it turns out, we're not tied to our work. We aren't so special that we're not expendable.

That takes away This need we have for purpose and meaning and fulfillment. But that's just the fact that no matter what you've done, no matter what you've achieved, no matter what you've built, no matter what amount of money you've brought in, that you are still replaceable. There is somebody waiting in a wings.

There's somebody that they can train. There [00:06:00] is somebody that they can bring in from another company to replace you. But what is also the fact that there is only one you, you are uniquely you, the genetics that make up you, there will never be another you. You are someone's daughter, somebody's sister, somebody's cousin, somebody's aunt, somebody's mother.

And in those ways, you being you, you being a special person in your family union, that is where you're irreplaceable. Because you are you and you are unique. If you were lost, your brothers, your sisters, your mothers, your fathers, your children would mourn you in a way that no company would ever mourn you.

If you died, it would be a huge loss, a travesty, earth shifting proportions in many cases. For somebody to get lost, [00:07:00] suddenly,

that is where you're irreplaceable. Sure, somebody could cook the meals, somebody could drive the children, somebody can pick out their clothes, somebody that can take them to homecoming, somebody can do the things. The actions, the steps, but it's not you, what you give, who you are, what you mean to your children is irreplaceable.

Okay. And I, and I, I feel like I have to say that because some people will come in, well, you know, my wife left me and got a new husband. So I was replaceable or my husband and I got divorced and he had another wife immediately. So I must've been replaceable. Okay. my children got a step mom and she's doing a lot of amazing things with my kids, but that doesn't change who you are and the things that you bring to their life and the meaning and the specialness and the connection [00:08:00] and the intangibles.

And I think when we take that into our core as mothers, when we really let that grow roots and become part of who we are and stop listening to the media that we need to achieve, and then we need to be ambitious and listen, guys, I am ambitious. I want to achieve, I want to make an impact, but I have to remind myself that first and foremost, where I can make an impact is here at my home.

With my children, what they do, who they become and the waterfall effect that that has going out into the world with my grandchildren and my great grandchildren. And that has meaning that has power. That is something that we should be proud of that we can leave this little bit of a legacy, no matter how insignificant the rest of our life is.

Having children is significant. Raising [00:09:00] good people is significant. This is powerful. This is meaning, and this is where you are irreplaceable. And the reason I want to share that today is because the world is telling us to be more, do more, harness it, go out there and achieve and climb the ladder and be a girl boss.

And that's great. These things are not mutually exclusive. Okay. You can still do all of those things and still be irreplaceable at home. But I think when we take that in and we really allow it to bloom within our hearts, within our souls, we have meaning and value just by being, by being our unique selves and by being mothers.

So let that. Bolster you, empower you, let that invigorate your soul that you have that to give to somebody else that nobody else can do. Nobody can replace you as the mother that is loving and [00:10:00] caring for a child that you Is irreplaceable. So when we let this quote sink in and we hold it up to our decision making our lives will change.

It truly can be a powerful shift in the psyche and in the decision making process. Who you are, what you want, what you want to achieve. When we look at that through the lens of, I am irreplaceable at home. How can I be the best mother and dah, dah, dah, dah, dah. How can I be the best mother and still achieve my objective in running a marathon?

How can I be the best mother, the only mother. The irreplaceable mother and still reach this level of income or whatever your goal is. When we hold that up and let that shift where and how we're making decisions. We will be in full and [00:11:00] total alignment with our nature and our environment. So I hope this was useful for you guys.

I hope this made an impact. I hope that this may start to slowly unravel some other thoughts that you may have had about the value that you bring and who you are on this earth and what you have to give, because our identity is not our jobs. Our identity is who we are and who we are in relation to those that matter the most to us.

And when we lead with that, the rest is just icing on the cake. Amazingness. Okay. You are not replaceable at home. When it comes to your fear about being let go, when it comes to fear of returning to office mandates, like we hear in the news right now, don't worry. It will all work out when you figure out the lens of what do I need in my career in life to continue to be irreplaceable and [00:12:00] At my home.

Do I need a step back? Do I need to move forward? Do I need to shift gears? Do I need to change companies? What is it that I need to keep attacking my goals, my ambitions, while also being able to maintain my irreplaceable role as a mother at home? Okay. You are immensely valuable. You may not hear it. The people around you may not tell you enough, but I want you to know that you Are irreplaceably valuable.

People love you. You are unique. You were meant for more. So keep getting clear on what your goals are in life, in family, in love, in career with this knowledge. that you are irreplaceable. It may not be where you thought it was. It may just be at home, but you are irreplaceable. And that is a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful sentiment.

And I know it took me years of hearing this and seeing the quote for it to really take [00:13:00] hold. And I hope that it takes hold soon. For you quicker, because it really shifted my perspective. It shifted how I approach things and it positively impacted the way I built my life, how I handled stress and career and how I interacted with my family.

So I wish all of that for you quicker. All right. Until next time, guys, so much. Be blessed. Be amazing. Have a great way ahead. And let's keep hoping that down here in Texas, we get another cool front. See you later, guys.
