A conversation about what challenges men— in love, in sex, and in money.
Repetition compulsion is a compulsion
within all of us
to seek out partners
that repeat those patterns of
enmeshment and codependency
just like when we were children.
Why would that happen?
Why would there be such a
cruel twist of fate?
Well, I'm glad you asked.
I had asked myself that question
after I healed from my
last relationship trauma bond
And now I've created a secure relationship.
And I realized through the journey
because it's a path to healing those things.
It can't happen overnight.
But there is an unconscious desire
for younger parts of you
to seek healing
for you to stop looking
outside of you for validation
and for you to heal those missing pieces.
And until you do, if you don't
you are forever seeking
resolution outside of you.
Going from one narcissist to the other
from one rescue operation to another
from one damsel in distress to another
to validate your self worth as a man.
That was me.
Until you fully do the work
and become trigger proof
and then heal from enmeshment trauma
dismantle the codependency
and break free from the pattern of
the repetition compulsion
you experience a sense of freedom
you stop fawning and people pleasing.
All the feminine communication is
actually becomes embodied
and the relationships outside of you
start to mirror the relationship
that you're building within yourself.