Peaches Pit Party

TODAY’S TOPICS INCLUDE - Celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Dave Matthews Band “poopgate.” the Borderlands movie reviews are awful, some guy went Viral in Rexburg for farming in a cybertruck, a lengthy conversation with Viktor about Idaho libraries, a Texas man was arrested for booby-trapping toilets with fireworks, I’m unfollowing everyone on Facebook that posts anything political, and today's To Peach Their Own question - What song is 100% perfect in your opinion?

What is Peaches Pit Party?

A replay of Peaches Pit Party which you can hear on KBEAR 101 weekday afternoons 2pm - 7pm MST

It's Peaches here, and this is Peach's Pit Party, the podcast. A lot of puh sounds with that title. A replay of today's full show, which you can hear weekday afternoons live on k barrel 101. I hope you like what I have to say. And if not, well, then I'm sorry, not sorry.

Enjoy. Good afternoon. Happy pre Friday, AKA Thursday, August 8, 2024. Sorry for the, absence yesterday. I had some medical stuff pop up that I'm not going into, detail at all on the air whatsoever.

I'm here now, and that's all that matters. Feel free to hit me up, of course, at 208-535-1015. On this day, 20 years ago, the infamous Dave Matthews Band, Poopgate, happened where £800 of bathroom waste that was only supposed to go into the Chicago River ended up showering a whole bunch of passengers on one of those open tour boats that passed under the bridge just in the worst time possible. Did they receive any compensation at all? I really want to know that.

We talked about it in-depth on the noon hour of madness and mayhem powered by Jalisco's just the whole event. I'm hoping that the tour boat company did not have to pay for the band. It was already the band's fault for dumping the waste into the river itself. They just so happened to have been so unlucky to dump it onto people that were going under the bridge. But then wouldn't you wonder, like, maybe to check for people if there's any incoming boats, anybody anywhere in the water at all?

Just seems like common sense to me. And I'll to to commemorate the infamous brown shower, a sticker was placed on the bridge there to, never forget that day. One day, I will certainly make sure to visit Chicago, go see what is what what I call not ground 0, but the number 2 bridge. I I knew this would happen. It's very unfortunate.

I was super excited when this was first announced. I don't know how many years ago, the Borderlands movie that I'm seeing people already putting out these reviews, and all of them are, well, negative. It's, not faring well at all. Most people are calling it unfunny and visually repulsive. And I already had a bad feeling with the cast they chose.

I've talked about that many times on the show. I did not want Kevin Hart in the movie, Jack Black in the movie. I mean, Jack Black is great and all. But at the same time, he should not be playing, Claptrap. He's not even in the movie.

It's his voice. Why couldn't they get the original robot's voice to be the voice in the official movie of the video game franchise? And then they put in Jamie Lee Curtis, and it's just the casting was not good. There's there's there's a few that I actually liked, but for the most part, just didn't agree with overall the entire casting of the movie. I I do plan on seeing it this weekend when it comes out tomorrow, or it comes out technically tonight.

I got some people going to see the movie tonight. Almost likely see it tomorrow night just to, I don't know, enjoy it, I guess. Well, I'll see how I feel about it. Is there a Rotten Tomatoes score already? Even though I'm the guy doesn't necessarily like film reviews, I don't really base my reviews off of other people's opinions, but let's go here to borderlands on

3% with 36 reviews. 3%. What are the what are they all saying? Borderlands trudges through its treasure hunt scenario and endless ripoffs of better franchises from lethal weapon to star wars and makes you wanna go home and blow up your PlayStation. Another review here says the movie did not capture the essence of the Borderlands video game.

The dialogue was messy and all over the place. The action scenes weren't impressive. A missed opportunity to not explore and tell the story of Lilith's origin from the game. It's true. Like, it kinda feels like they just put Kevin Hart in the movie to be Kevin Hart and not Roland.

I'm still gonna see the movie. I'll I'll let you know my official review on Monday. Supposedly, Florida has become the most sought after state in the US for people looking to move. A new survey found Tampa topping a list of the most desirable cities in the country. I I like Florida.

Would I want to move there? No. Thanks. The the the weather's too hot for me. There are even some parts of Florida where it's like, okay.

It it just feels like there's gonna be one major, catastrophe when it comes to weather, and then my house is gone. Like, look at Key West, Florida, for example. That's where Hulk Hogan lives. It's this very isolated island community off the very tip of Florida. The only way in and out of Key West, Florida is this one long stretch of highway, and it's over the ocean.

If that thing collapses, you are stuck unless you're, I mean, taking a boat from that island to, the rest of Florida. Is it attached to Florida? I think it is an island. It's a very long one lane road, one lane highway in and out of Key West, Florida. So if there's a hurricane, then you're stuck on that road.

And you don't wanna be stuck on that road during a hurricane because, you know, that that storm could wipe out the highway. It could knock your knock your car into the ocean. Then you're even you're in even more trouble there. Florida, not necessarily the place to be. If I had all the money in the world and you could say, Brendan, where do you wanna move to?

I would say easily Carlsbad, California closer to the San Diego area. Just love that place. Maybe even Laguna Hills would love to be there. The Chicago white sox record tying 21 game losing streak was hard to watch for the team's fans, but it was especially painful for Larry Sheets, father of Sox outfielder Gavin Sheets. That's because Larry played for the team that had the first 21 game losing streak, the 1988 Baltimore orioles.

Larry Sheets said that that it's a streak he wouldn't wish this on his worst enemy. He said he talks to Gavin every day, adding you're only as happy as your most unhappy child. We've seen hockey and baseball and football stadium, so why not a baseball or a baseball game at a NASCAR track? MLB officials will announce on Friday that the Atlanta Braves and and Cincinnati Reds will play a game at the Bristol Motor Speedway in Bristol, Tennessee. The track has a seating capacity close to about a 150,000, which means the Braves and reds, Reds game could set a new record for the largest crowd for a Major League Baseball game that currently belongs to a 2008 exhibition match between the Boston Red Sox and the Los Angeles Dodgers at the Los Angeles Coliseum, which had an officially announced crowd of a 115,300.

America is crushing the Summer Olympics. We're comfortably in the lead for the total medals, and we are neck and neck with the Chinese for the lead in gold medals. And along the way, history is being made. For example, a guy named Hampton Morris won a bronze medal for weightlifting. That's nice until you consider it's the first time in 40 years an American man has won an Olympic medal in weightlifting.

Even better, the 20 year old Morris admits he mostly trains in the garage at at his family's home in Georgia with his dad serving as his primary weightlifting coach. That is just downright awesome. That does it for your Shot Clock Sports Update right here on Kay Barrow 101. With tip screens on tablets popping up literally everywhere, coffee houses, restaurants, you you might have noticed that there's one place where you're never asked to tip, airplanes. But why don't flight attendants ask for tips?

Why isn't that part of it? Well, I guess, some spokesperson for the Association of Flight Attendants said tipping is not part of a flight attendant's compensation for serving as aviation's first responders. In short, given a flight attendant money could undermine their job as a safety officer. Their first job is to keep passengers safe. Is it?

They do that same old, spiel at the beginning of every flight that's quite annoying. Everyone has their headphones in. Nobody pays attention. And, I'm sure there are tons of people who take that, emergency exit row seat without any intention of ever even knowing how to work that door in case of an emergency. I mean, look at me.

I want that seat because it has the most legroom, and all the other seats are downright awful. I couldn't believe Allegiant in the last flight I took. Not only did I get sat sat next to a, a mom with her screaming baby to California, it was the same way on the way back. And on the way back, that baby was kicking me the whole time. Should I spin an iPad around?

Should I spin my phone around on the plane? Ask for a tip from the, the mom with the kicking baby and say, hey. Just gonna ask you a couple questions, and I'll have it at 20, 25, 30% instead of the standard 10, 15, 20. I don't ever shop at Costco because, 1, well, I don't have money for that membership, and 2, I'm not really a fan of the, the cult following you see everywhere. You got people now testing the, return policy of Costco, like this TikToker named Jasmine.

She posted a video explaining how she returned to couches at Costco 3 years after she purchased them, which, of course, if you're not familiar, Costco has that reputation for having a generous return policy. So when she saw her couches were starting to rip, she decided to put the rumors to test. And to her surprise, the stores agreed to refund the item. And then she asked the question, well, why buy new, couches if they accept returns? I've had couches up to 10 years before these, and they never ripped.

Their quality sucks if they ripped in 3 years. It's true. Modern day items, break a whole lot easier than most older items. I mean, look at the old refrigerators. Those things never die.

But one commenter had a warning for the refund policy, refund policy abusers, saying what most people don't know is that all returns are logged if the algorithm notices a pattern of abuse. The member is banned for life from Costco. Oh my that'd be, like, one of their cult followers' worst nightmare. Can you imagine? Like, you have that person who posts nonstop videos about how great at Costco is?

Like, these are my daily deals. Oh, I love this big fat jar of macadamia nuts I get for $20. You tell them they're banned for life from Costco. They start crying right then and there. I was looking at something here about, about how millennials and Gen z ers don't want to relax on vacation.

They'd much rather go do something, go have an experience than just hang out at the hotel room, which I 100% agree with. I'd much rather go to a restaurant that I've never been to before, never even heard of. Much rather do have some do some fun activity, but that stuff does get exhausting. You'd much rather, like, spend 1 or 2 nights in after doing, like, a day's worth of crazy activities. At least that's how I like to do things.

Like, the the 2 weeks ago, when I went to Cal or was it last week? Last week when I went to California. I got real tired after going to the beach multiple times, and I just wanted to hang out with the family. That's what I mostly wanna do whenever I go back home is to just hang out with the family, play Yahtzee with them, play whatever board game with them, Just be with them. Go go to the store occasionally.

But my buddy, Matt, will always hit me up and say, hey. Let's go on this all day hiking adventure where we'll go on some trail that doesn't exist, so we'll have to, like, make our own trail. He'll he'll always say, like, I I know a shortcut and then takes us halfway up a mountain. It's just yeah. Relaxation's okay here and there.

But for the whole vacation, nah. I was wanting to include Victor in this break, but I know he's in in the middle of something that's way important. I I just saw this East Idaho news article about a man going viral after using a Tesla Cybertruck for farming in Idaho. Of course, there's a whole bunch of laugh reacts. There's all the haters, you know, of the Cybertruck for whatever reason.

I don't like it. The design's weird. I I'd much rather have my lifted Ford F 650. Even this guy named Sean. Well, I think he's more of a man than those than those in jacked up trucks with permed bullets.

I'm just messing here. The Cybertruck is a weird looking car, and, to use it for farming is pretty weird itself in itself. I I kinda wanna go see it. There there's one business here in the area that they already own a Cybertruck, and it was cool to see when it pulled up here. But when they dyed it yellow or they took they put some wrap on it to make it bright yellow, that made it look even worse.

Put it back to its regular color. Don't change the color of the Cybertruck. Keep it the way that it is. The stainless steel gray color, keep it like that. There's no need to change the color of it.

Hey, Bear 101. Victor, I'm glad you could finally join me for this. I just want I wanted you on the last break, but you were in the middle of that project. I'm always busy, man. I always got all these things that Jade's telling me to do.

That previous story that I just talked about was the, the farmer in Rexburg Burg using the Cybertruck to farm, and the that story got, got posted on East Idaho News. I hadn't seen that yet. And and one of the guys who follows our group made a great comment saying that's more manly than those guys in jacked up trucks with the, permed mullets. No. No.

Settle down. Oh, wait. I don't have a permed mullet. I've just got a jack up yet. One.

I can't grow hair peaches. No. You gotta get a wig. Oh, just get a wig. Yeah.

Okay. Every and, like, every time someone, like, says something about it, just ignore them. Yeah. Just don't pay any attention at all. Like, dude, isn't that what Matt Matt, Matt Stone and Trey Parker did did when they wore the dresses to the red carpet?

They just ignored all the questions about them dressing up as women. They just Yeah. I also heard that they were very under the influence Yes. Yes. They were.

The least at that event there. Well, speaking of under the influence, I think somebody was on something when making that law about, you know, banning people from the from the library if they're not 18 and over or banning those, people younger than 18. And is what's the what's the official law? Well, I think the official law is that the books have to be moved into a separate area where you have to be 18 to be able to go look at them. It's not that they you're not allowed in the library, but there are these small libraries where they're kinda worried about the law, and there's just no room for them to set up a special section.

So they've, I think it was, like, Donnelly, Idaho or something. They just said no kids allowed. Wow. Yeah. Okay.

Because they're just afraid of, getting prosecuted. Yeah. I I think this lady this one particular story I wanted to point out to you, I think she's in Boise. Okay. I could be wrong.

But it says here, Idaho mom banned from entering the 18 plus restricted section of the library for having her baby with her, Victor. What? She's banned. She can no longer go inside that part of the library. Wow.

She's out. Yeah. See, this is the problem with weird laws. People don't know exactly what they need to do to comply. Like, okay.

It's essentially me just thinking about it. Let's say you have a bar. You gotta be 21 to go in there by law. So this section at the library where you have to be 18, you can't bring your baby into the bar. They're not 21.

They can't go in there. So I would think that you could get yourself there's a huge difference between wanting to get a book from a library versus consuming alcohol. Well, Peaches, that's the law. K? This is what, you know, our leaders have determined to keep us safe.

We need to do Sure. Yes. To keep the children safe, peaches. So even the babies, even those who cannot read, you know, what if they I don't know. You have a genius, but you've seen that movie baby geniuses?

Yeah. What if you had one of those babies? They pick up a book, and then who knows what kind of vile things they'll read? That that that IQ is not coming for me. That's for sure.

That's yeah. I I don't think, my kids were able to read till I I don't remember so long ago. When do you start reading? Like, 4? I I guess.

I think about 4. You know, somewhere in there. But, yeah, there could be a genius baby, and its whole life could be destroyed if it picks up the Stephen King book pages. It's a I'm I'm reading more of this article. The sign says if you are under 18, you're not allowed up there unless you have an unrestricted library card or your parent that is over 18 signs an affidavit for you.

So could you sign an affidavit for your baby? I maybe she didn't follow the rules. She didn't say my baby is allowed to enter the adults only book section of the library. I need to go to the library. I haven't been in there since they implemented this law.

I'm really curious what books are in that section. You know, I've complained about it a lot on air, but I haven't gone to see, like I bet there are some really funny books that you'd you'd look at the shelf and be like, really? This? You can't read this? The this right here, the lady, her name is Carly j Dott.

She gestured toward her older daughter who was sitting next to her and said, hey. Go find, she she asked to help she asked the librarian for help to find the fellowship of the ring because she just finished the hobbit. So they go to go upstairs to go look for the book, and they were stopped by that big giant sign that says stop. So Lord of the Rings is considered restricted. Is for adults only.

But you can be under 18 and go watch the movie and not have to rate. Yeah. That movie was not rated r. It's PG 13. Yeah.

Yeah. I think. Yeah. Maybe even PG. I I think it's PG 13.

The Fellowship of the Rain? Yeah. Sure. Check it out. I I bet it's pg 13, but it's it's yeah.

Because it's got violence. PG 13. Yes. Okay. So, yes, you could walk into a movie theater and see it, but how dare you think about picking up that book and reading lord of lord of the rings is okay.

I don't need to go to the library. If lord what's in Lord of the Rings that's so crazy that kids carry they took that out of school libraries then? Lord of the Rings. Probably. Could Gone with the Wind be in the 18 plus restricted section?

Gotta be. Because it says, frankly, my dear, I don't give a darn the explicit version of that. I can't even say that word on the air. I know. I know.

That's our boss's rules, not the government. But, Gone with the Wind would definitely have content in it that would put it into the adults only section. It's I bet it's a big section. I'm intrigued by this, this, scenario here because I just came across her TikTok page. Yeah.

And she's one of those people that moved here from out of the area. Okay. Well, research where you're moving. Yeah. And so the people are hating on her for the, you know, moving here thing, but they're standing by her for this whole library against the whole library.

It says in this story here so I hand over the cards. She said I no. She also said I showed my ID too because I have to I have to prove that I'm over 18. Yeah. And I thought we're good to go into the library, she said, but no.

Why don't they let me? Did she throw a fit? Because I'm holding a baby. Now when they told her Well, the librarian asked her 1 year old daughter, do you have a library card? That that's where it's like, okay.

That's when you should throw a finger. Okay. You know what? I think, you know, props to the librarians because I think they're really cracking down to try to show, you know, because I'm sure it's frustrating. I feel bad for them too.

Yeah. They have to completely redo the library. And they're also having to tell people no, and then they get yelled at like it's their fault. Exactly. Like the people who, you know, were told at their jobs, you need to check receipts.

Oh, same with, like, I call I talk about it with Taco Bell all the time, about how they always ask you, like, do you want sour cream? Do you wanna make it spicy? Do you wanna it's not them personally asking you. No. I have to.

It's management going, alright, guys. The office the district office said we gotta start asking these questions in order to upsell, and then there's some, like, high school kids like, okay. I have to now annoy the person in the drive through Yeah. Asking these stupid questions. No.

No. These librarians, I mean, they're they're facing like, let's say at Walmart checking receipts. You know what? You could maybe be, fired if you weren't checking receipts at the time that they were checking everyone. There there are people that don't check, and then there are people who just religiously check people.

That they just check if you're walking out with big stuff like a TV, something that's not bad. Walked out with, well, I just bought fabric glue and also a little sewing kit to try to get the patches onto my jacket there. Yeah. And the lady did check me. Okay.

And that's a $5 purchase. But the difference would be for these librarians. Like, they could face fines, and is it even jail time? If you if you imagine getting jailed for allowing somebody in the restricted part of the library. It's You're in the same building.

You're they're in the same you're considered a criminal with people who have killed people. Well and you can walk into the bookstore as a child and buy the books. Yeah. I could go into Barnes and Noble right now not because I'm 27. Have some kid go into Barnes and Noble, buy the book Yeah.

And then, you know, wanna go get it for free to rent at a public library. Well, and you a lot of these books, you could you could find online that and probably read them for free online True. As well. Like a Kindle and Yeah. You get yourself a Kindle or some of these are older books like Huckleberry Finn and stuff that that they may even just be available in the public domain.

I I don't know what to kill them. Hockingbird is. I looked up the, Well, that's a banned book for sure. Of course. So you could get on the computer at your school and pull the book up online and read it for free if it's in the public domain.

But if but if you went to the library See, the it's just the law that doesn't make any sense to me. That it and, again, you can fire up YouTube and see so much worse than anything well, maybe not anything. I've got some pretty brutal horror novel, but you know what I mean. I people need to be worried about their kids and the Internet, not the library. Yeah.

I did see right here that, this Carly Dott lady did say, I felt like the librarians are sick of it. They feel so bad, like, turning kids away from going into the library. Well, yeah. That's what you put in the video. They've gotta be.

It's, and like I've said, it's the parents' jobs to keep track of what their kids are doing. You know, if your kid brings home a stack of books from the library, you can look at what they have. You could check, you know, I wanna see what books you checked out. Give me the list. I wanna, you know I'm sure you could call the library.

I just needed a list of the books my kids checked out. It's your job as a parent to, you know, monitor your kids' entertainment. Sure. You know? I I don't think that we need to have the government Involvement in your parenting.

Pointing at the librarians like, you you you will follow this or you're going to jail. Like, parents need to do their job. Me as a parent, my kids would watch crazy stuff on their, what were those little Nintendo's that opened up back in the The DS or the The DS. Or are you talking about the yeah. The DS is probably what they had growing up because they're younger than me.

You know, like, you take away their phone, they're watching something crazy on YouTube on the DS. Filthy Frank or Huckleberry Finn? Which one? Yeah. Which is worse?

Filthy Frank or Huckleberry Finn? There's no question. I I was reading your Idaho Capital Sun said house bill 710 lets children or their parent file a legal claim against a public or school library if they obtain materials deemed harmful to minors if libraries don't move materials within 60 days of receiving a request to relocate the material to a section designated for adults only. Children or parents could receive $250 in statutory damages along with actual damages and other relief such as injunctive relief under the law. Jeez.

So you're telling me I could make $250 if the library won't move books that I don't like to the 18th section. You gotta go over there and I'll lock in there. This copy of National Geographic has naked woman in it. That's right. Look at these James Patterson books.

There's 10,000,000 of them. You move every you can make some good money if they ever, you know, failed to move every single one of them. Just find authors you don't like. Be like, this is offensive. I saw something in it that was crazy.

Is there a library out there that you hate? No. I like all libraries. I was gonna say, you don't wanna, like, put a library That's the thing. Under You know, I'm not the type of person that would actually do that because I love the library.

Don't taxes pay for the library? Yeah. So you know who's going to end up Paying the $250? Us. The taxpayers.

That's right. Alright. So this is pretty funny. This Texas man, he's under arrest and accused of booby trapping toilets and local businesses with pressure activated fireworks. This guy named Paul Moses Alden, he rigged the toilets with fireworks that would explode when someone sat on it and caused minor injuries.

Many of the businesses targeted were car washes, including some which he was a regular customer of. Now that that's where he made the mistake. In fact, employees were able to quickly identify him from the surveillance footage and from his membership card. He was charged with, arson causing reckless damage and bodily injury and is out of jail on $50,000 bond. It would be funny to see some sort of, footage of that of someone not necessarily getting all that hurt, but just to see someone sit down on the toilet and it just goes poof, and then they they jump up real fast.

That does sound pretty funny to me. Not gonna lie. Now my rule on social media is to not unfriend anybody, but to unfollow them if they post anything political once or twice. Maybe once I'll allow it, but once I start seeing people post about politics multiple times, that's when I just decide to unfollow them. I don't want that stuff filling up my news feed.

It's gonna be crazier and crazier leading up to November here, and I'm sure it's gonna be crazy once, the new president is reelected, and I I want no part of it. I want 0 content, 0 political content on my news feed. So I'm just unfollowing I just unfollowed a couple people from high school because that one guy posted, like, 8 memes in a row of the same political crap, and I'm like, get this off of my feed, please. I want no politics here. Today is International Cat Day, another one of those holidays that for some reason exists.

But, I kinda like this one because people are just sharing photos of their cats. We, Victor started it on our Kay Bear Facebook page at Kay Bear 101 FM. He posted Koopa and Lucy, and then about a 118 other people decided, hey. You know what? Let me share my cat too.

And I went I joined the fun and said, hey. Here's my parents' cat, Luna. And then I made a whole post about Luna appreciating her. A very unique cat just randomly showed up to my, parents' front door. It was it was a very weird timing because our previous cat, Checkers, had just passed.

She was 18 years old. My mom, of course, very emotional about the whole situation. And, literally, like, the next day or the next week or something like that, it was the anniversary of her mom's passing, my grandma's passing. That day, this cat, this kitten just randomly strolled up to our front door, weighed 8 ounces at the time. We didn't know if it was a boy or a girl, and then she is now grown and is now a full on healthy cat named Luna that has a unique personality.

That's for sure. She matches the household. But happy International Cat Day to all the, cat owners out there. Make sure to share the photo of your kitten or cats or combination of both on our Facebook page at kbert 1 0 1 FM. It's now that time for it to peach their own.

I've asked this question in the past. I was trying to find a new question to ask for today, but it was getting late. And I'm like, well, you know what? I need to ask a question ahead of time before the, the time of the segment starts. I need to get the question online on social media beforehand.

I'll I'll just re I was like, I'll just reask this question. Which song is, in your opinion, 100% perfect? I did see a good amount of people putting TOOL. Numa from TOOL, from Scott. 46 and 2 by Tool from Nathan.

Then I saw Ryan saying a perfect circle, 3 Libras, which is somewhat of a variation of Tool. You either got you either got people that love Tool or hate Tool. There's no in between. In other answers here, Rammstein, Deutschland, Black Rose by Volby. I gotta say mine is a weird one because it's like a 3 song stretch off of Dayseeker's Dark Sun album.

I believe it's midnight eternal, or it might be even one one before that or the track before that. Homesick, midnight eternal, and dark sun. Oh, even quicksand too. That 4 sawn span, 10 out of 10. What sawn, in your opinion, 100% perfect?

208-535-1015. Let me know your answer for the peach throne. Hey, K Bear. How's it going? Not too bad.

Now what song, in your opinion, is 100% perfect? I'm gonna say Queen of Prophet song off of, a night at the opera. That album cover is, sort of terrifying. The one that I've always seen is kind of a white, like, coat of arms looking thing. A prophet song?

Is that what is that what it's called? A prophet song from Queen? Yeah. Yeah. It's I think it's, like, 12 minutes long or something.

8 and a half, but let's see here. Okay. Sounds like Queen. Yep. Oh, yeah.

No. It's one of those that it gets pretty good, and you get a quite a good range out of Freddie Mercury on that. Hey, K Bear. How's it going? Doing good.

I got a good song for your Patreon question. What song do you think is 100% perfect? Let me hear it. As a power ballad, I'm thinking the 12 minute version of Meat Loaf. I'll do anything for love, but I won't do that.

There's a 12 minute version? I thought there was only that one one version of that song. We we have the 5 and a half minute version. Yeah. But, like, the uncut version of the song is, like, 12 minutes.

Oh, I see it right here. 12 minutes. I'm sure there's a lot of just wacky piano in that that, that song, isn't there? Yeah. Just a good, you know, power ballad, in my opinion.

It's perfect. K. Bear, what's up? Hey, Biggs. Hey.

What song, in your opinion, do you think is 100% perfect? I would have to say the live version of Ted Nugent's Great White Buffalo. Great. Why why why the live version? Because it's perfect.

Oh, I see it's even shorter than the studio version. Usually, when artists put out a lawn saw, they go even longer live. That's just, do you know what what what venue do you know? It says, like, live at Municipal Auditorium, Dallas, Texas. I didn't know if there was multiple live versions of the song out there.

Get the one off of double live Don, though. That might be the one I'm looking at. Now why is that one so great? It's just because it's a a great overall live performance? It is.

It's beautiful. Thanks for listening to Peach's Pit Party, the podcast. If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast. Peach's Pit Party is hosted by me, Peaches, in its production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup dotcom.

Until next time, beach out.