Stories Of The Bible Junior - A Saddleback Kids Podcast

“The Lord,” David added, “who rescued me from the power of both lions and bears, will rescue me from the power of this Philistine.” 1 Samuel 17:37

Read: 1 Samuel 17:32-51a

When you learn to ride a bike or swim for the first time, it can be so scary! But practice makes perfect and it gets easier the more you do it, right? This is because you can look back and remember that you’ve done this before and things turned out okay. When you remember that things went well, it gives you confidence to try again.

David was just a young boy, probably small and skinny rather than big and strong, but even as a kid God had been protecting David and preparing him to rule as king.

As a young shepherd in the field, David had to go to extreme measures to protect his flock. When lions or bears came to attack the sheep, David used the supernatural strength God gave him to protect the sheep and fight them off. By remembering this, David had the confidence to face the Philistine army and take down the giant, Goliath.

The best way to experience the peace and confidence of David is to reflect back on the ways God has already provided for us, protected us, and loved us. When you face a challenge like David, think back to the ways God has gotten you through challenges in the past. He is always looking out for you, so you can be confident in His plan for your life!

Questions to think about:

  1. What is a challenge you faced recently?
  2. How did God provide for you, protect you, or show His love for you during this challenge?
  3. How will you remember this in the future?

Creators & Guests

Saddleback Kids
At Saddleback Kids we believe every kid should be known, connected, equipped and empowered. KNOWN by another kid and a leader. CONNECTED to a group where they can grow spiritually. EQUIPPED with the tools and the knowledge to develop a strong faith in Jesus. EMPOWERED to serve others and share Jesus in the world. To sum it up, Saddleback Kids exists to connect kids to God and others while helping them live a purpose driven life.

What is Stories Of The Bible Junior - A Saddleback Kids Podcast?

Hi parents! Want to share the Bible with your toddler and preschooler? Join us each week to hear easy to understand Bible stories in a fun exciting podcast!

And to go even deeper, check out Happy Harbor! Come play with us each week and join our friends Arlo the Bear, Tilly the penguin, Kelby the Octopus as we learn that God made us, God loves us, and God wants to be our friend!

• • • • • • Stories of the Bible, Jr. • David. • • • Let's meet David, who loved God. And God loved him. Um, • David was a shepherd, and he lived in Bethlehem. • • • • • One day, David went to battle to bring his brother some food. When he got there, he saw a giant who was being very rug. • The giant was Goliath • • and was over 9ft tall. Hey. Uh but that didn't scare David. No, not at all. • • David said, who does this giant think he is? I'll take him out. King Saul said, you're only a boy. You don't know what you're talking about. Wait. David said, I have killed lions and bears with my rod. • • Besides, this giant is no match for God. • • • • David grabbed five smooth stones from the stream. Goliath laughed David's outmatched, or so it would seem. Uh, david put the stone in his sling and sent it goliath bound. It hit Goliath in the head, and the giant fell down. • • • On that day, David defeated a giant with a stone and a sling. And because he loved God, he one day became king. David served God and played his part. He was a man after God's own, um heart. • • • • • • • • • • • • •
