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New Life True Life with Dr. Aaron Glover

Welcome to New Life True Life with Dr. Aaron Glover! In our first episode of this series, we look at the NEW CREATIONS we become when we believe in Christ.

Join Dr. Aaron George Glover for a grace-based word of inspiration and Bible exploration. Weekly Word (WW) episodes are short words of inspiration and wisdom, and New Life True Life (NLTL) episodes will take a deeper into Scripture.
For more information, other podcasts, and teachings from Dr. Glover, visit

Show Notes

Welcome to New Life True Life with Dr. Aaron Glover! In our first episode of this series, we look at the NEW CREATIONS we become when we believe in Christ. 

Join Dr. Aaron George Glover for a grace-based word of inspiration and Bible exploration. Weekly Word (WW) episodes are short words of inspiration and wisdom, and New Life True Life (NLTL) episodes will take a deeper into Scripture. 
For more information, other podcasts, and teachings from Dr. Glover, visit

What is New Life True Life with Dr. Aaron Glover?

Join Dr. Aaron George Glover for a grace-based word of inspiration and Bible exploration!
For more information, other podcasts, and teachings from Dr. Glover, visit

NLTL01 - The New Creation
Welcome to New Life True Life with Dr. Aaron Glover! In our first episode of this series, we look at the NEW CREATIONS we become when we believe in Christ.

Join Dr. Aaron George Glover for a grace-based word of inspiration and Bible exploration. Weekly Word (WW) episodes are short words of inspiration and wisdom, and New Life True Life (NLTL) episodes will take a deeper into Scripture.
For more information, other podcasts, and teachings from Dr. Glover, visit

*This Transcript was generated by a digital service and may contain grammatical errors or significant differences from the original video*

Welcome to New Life, true life. My name is Aaron Glover and I couldn't be more excited about starting this new podcast, this thing has been several years in the making. And I finally got to the point where I was ready to do this. This has been on my heart for a long time. And it's finally here. I'm so excited to start the first episode. So let's go ahead and jump right in. The very first thing that I wanted to talk about on this podcast is the new creation. Because the gospel isn't just what Jesus has done for us, though he's done a lot of great things for us. The gospel is also about what Christ has done to us how He's changed us from the inside out. That's a part of the gospel that people don't always mention, but it's vitally important for us as Christians. Now, when I say the words, new creation, what comes into mind, you might be thinking about images of, you know, Heaven one day, or the New Jerusalem that John mentions in Revelation 21, he says, and then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. And the sea was no more, I saw the Holy City, the New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. When we think about that image of the new creation, the New Jerusalem, that is going to be so spectacular, phenomenal and amazing. But that's not the only new creation that the scripture mentions. It's part of the truth. But it's not the whole truth. That's going to be an amazing part of the story when we get there. But there's another part of the story that we miss out, if we don't read everything that the Bible tells us about the new creation. In fact, the Scriptures tell us that believers, those who believe in Christ Jesus, have already become new creations in him. Did you know that? I'll be honest, for a long time, I didn't know that at all. I spent so many years of my Christian life thinking that I was still the same old sinner, that I was just forgiven, because I believed in Jesus, but that I was essentially the same person. I couldn't have been more wrong. Because here's what the Bible says in Second Corinthians, chapter five, verse 17, it says, Paul tells his readers, therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away, behold, the new has come. Did you catch that? The old has passed away. He is a new creation. That's not something that we're waiting for in the far off distant future. That's now that's already here. The old you died, the new you is alive. And notice this to Paul isn't just telling them this is something that a one day happen. If you're good enough for you do enough, maybe one day you'll get there. No, no, no. Paul is saying that the new creation is right here. Right now for believers. In fact, it's already here, the moment you believed in Christ, you became an an entirely new creation, from the inside out at the core of your being, you are a new creation in Christ, the old you is dead and gone, the new you, the true you is alive and is here. And all of this is a gift from God. That's a poll goes on to explain later on in that chapter. All this is a gift of from God, who is you, reconciling us through Christ Jesus to himself. He didn't just clear us off our debts, which that alone would have been amazing if he had just given us zero sin zero debt that we owed him, zero payment required for that that alone would have been a great, wonderful gift. But no, instead he goes beyond that. He doesn't just cancel all of the sin debt. But then he gives us all of his righteousness. He credits us as all of his righteousness, as if we ourselves did all of those things. Check it out. In verse 21, of second Corinthians chapter five. It said, for our sake, he made him to be sin, who knew no sin, that in Him, we might become the righteousness of God. In Christ, we have been made into the righteousness of God. How's that for becoming something new? How's that for not being a filthy old sinner who's dead and Adam destined for hell? You were an enemy of God, condemned by your sin, but now, you're the righteousness of God in Christ. You are a new creation in Christ. That's what the Bible means when it talks about you becoming a new creation in him. You are the righteousness of God in Christ. But what else what else does it say about this? Again, I love this passage. There's so much good here. It also So tells us that you become an ambassador for Christ Jesus, that God is making his appeal for men to be reconciled through Christ through you. You become an ambassador of the gospel, not only has he forgiven your sins, made you righteous, but he also made you his Ambassador Ephesians 210. On top of that also tells us that we've become God's masterpiece in Christ, created for good things that God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. I'm telling you, you are a whole new creation as a believer, the old Jew is dead and gone. You are a saint, a citizen of heaven, a member of God's household, according to Ephesians 219. Moreover, you're the recipient of a new heart, and a new spirit that God promised a long time ago through the prophet Ezekiel. Everything about you is different. When we look at the scriptures, we become a completely new people from the inside out. Christ now dwells within your new heart that he's given you. NEW HEART, new spirit, that's where Christ dwells. So as a believer, listen, you need to understand, you're not who you want swear, you are a new creation. And you were born again, raised with Christ, to walk in newness of life. That's his life, his life living in you. So remember, the new you is the true you. I hope you let that truth sink in. I hope you let it sink deep into your heart and your mind. And I hope that you see how much this changes everything. It changes everything about your life, it changes everything about you. Last thought here, remember this, the new you is the true you. So go live in that truth. I'm gonna leave you with that thought for now. But we'll be back pretty soon with another podcast. I hope you guys enjoyed this. Thank you for joining me and sticking with me this long. Again. I'm so excited to be starting this new podcast series with you. I can't wait to see how God uses it and where it takes us on this. So until then, I'll catch you next time.