Perfect Mode

If you're not doing this one thing regularly, you may find yourself not enjoying life. Let's talk about it.

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Creators & Guests

JClay's music ignites a transformative experience, fostering spiritual growth, mindfulness, and a positive mindset through powerful and uplifting rap.
Troy Washington
Real Estate Broker

What is Perfect Mode?

"Perfect Mode" invites you on a transformative odyssey to discover the extraordinary within the ordinary. Hosted by the dynamic duo of JClay, a rapper with a spiritual twist, and Troy Washington, a realtor with a mindset of abundance, this podcast is a sanctuary for those seeking to elevate their existence. Together, they explore the realms of personal growth, mental clarity, and spiritual enlightenment, offering unfiltered insights into living a life unchained by societal expectations. Tune in for your weekly dose of inspiration and embark on a journey to align with your highest self.


If I reminded you that you are perfect, would you argue me down or step into your perfection? Welcome to perfect welcome to perfect where there are no excuses, no expectations, and we explore the world without limitations. I'm Jay Clay, rapper, and spiritual teacher, with my cohost Troy Washington, your friendly neighborhood realtor. Let's be real. So let's be perfect.


Perfect. Perfect. Perfect.


Yeah. Yeah. Yo. Yo. Yo.

Troy Washington:

What up? What up? Welcome to perfect mode. Welcome to perfect mode. First off, let me start by telling y'all that we love y'all.

Troy Washington:

We're grateful for the opportunity to be anywhere sharing our thoughts, hopefully, in helping you realize that you are perfect. And the reason why I can say that unapologetically is because I know that you are 1 on 1 numero uno. You cannot be replicated, duplicated. And the only reason and I mean the only reason you would think otherwise is if you're looking at this person next to me and saying, I'm not them. But guess what?

Troy Washington:

You are you, and that's all you need. And, of course, it's yours truly. Troy Washington, you're free in the neighborhood realtor. And I miss y'all. You know, I've been having to take care of stuff with my kids.

Troy Washington:

And, of course, I have my boy, J. Clay, spiritual rapper and teacher, and we've got to get on here and talk about life. It will suck if you don't do this. What's that? We're gonna talk about that.

Troy Washington:

What up, Jay?


Yo. Yo. Happy day. Happy perfect day in perfect land. Happy Father's Day to all the fathers.


Yeah. All the fathers that that, celebrate this day. And yeah, man. It's it's another beautiful day in the in the in the world of perfection and to excel in so many ways and just see what makes us tick, see what makes us grow, see what makes us, you know, be be the way be the way we can be so we can recognize our own perfection.

Troy Washington:

Yes, sir. Yes, sir. So yeah. And I I I wanna I wanna shout out to, Father's Day as well. Funny, I now before we, you know, get into it, I thought to myself how wonderful it is to be a father.

Troy Washington:

You know what I'm saying? Just to be able to experience the way that


You cut out a bit. But it look like you got muted. Hold on. Hold on.

Troy Washington:

Go, T. I'm back.


There you go. Cool. Cool.

Troy Washington:

Yeah. But just be able to live the life that I'm living and impart the things that we even talk about on this show, for our for for our family. But I I I said that to say that no matter who you are, whether you have a child or not, you're always fathering somebody. You're always an example. And even this show as it's in itself is a way to set us up that have already lived a fruitful and a loving and a a large life, but also to leave a trail for other people to follow.

Troy Washington:

So, you know, happy father's day to everybody. You you included, Jay, because, you know, you are, that to my kids as well.


Did you put that on me now? Shout out to all our to our Patreon. Shout out to Jeff. The link is in the description if you wanna support your boys. Perfect.


Oh, yeah. Yeah. I I wanna I wanna get into this this conversation because I know it's a little it's a little cryptic. Like, I will suck if you don't do this. What is the this?


I'm I'm trying I'm trying to think of a way to say it in one word, but I'll I'll try to summarize it. You have to do for you whether others may not agree with it, whether it might not seem like society would agree with it, whether it's it's whether it could be frowned upon by by many people, you have to do for you because it's you that you live with 24 hours, a day. And when you don't do when you don't do for yourself, when you don't look out for yourself, when you don't add joy to your life and and do the things that that brighten up your day, life sucks. Like, you it's like you feel trapped. You feel stuck.


You feel like you gotta do all this stuff that you don't wanna be doing, and it's it's not worth it.

Troy Washington:

Yo. So I would tell you, it's cray none of the the cool part is you say let me try to to summarize this. So let me try to break this down to it. It's but it's like that is so important that it cannot be summarized because there's so many different aspects to taking care of yourself that people seem to overlook or they look down upon. Like, people look down upon like, there's been plenty times where I've been talking to my wife, bro, and she literally said, well, I can't afford to think like that.

Troy Washington:

And I tried to slow walk her into showing her how she's the most important person in the in the equation, but it's still hard or it's hard for people to overlook because that there's a word that people always attach to that, and it's selfish. They always attach being selfish to looking after themselves first. Go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. And and self is like, you gotta be selfish. And and I and I know how how that sounds, but, like, doing for you is actually the best thing you can do for everyone around you. And I know we we talk about this often on the show, like, get like, to be your best self, you have to take care of yourself. Like, you you can't there's no way around it.


And I and I often hear people say, like, yeah, man. I did all this for them, for these other people. And when I asked them to do the same for me, like, they won't, but, like, no. It's it's you who need to do for you first first and foremost. And then you can not to say you shouldn't do stuff, other people you should, but you gotta take care of you.

Troy Washington:

Can can you hear me?



Troy Washington:

So this is what I would say. The thought that you are not selfish anyway. And any decision that you make is the the crazy part to me. Because even when you look at doing things for other people, that's a decision that you're making that they did not make. Yeah.

Troy Washington:

You you literally could be, deciding to help somebody do something, and it's just your choice because you feel there's some type of personal gain that you're gonna get. Maybe this person is gonna like me a little more. Maybe they'll help me later whenever I need help. It's still selfish, but you don't see that putting the effort toward yourself could be as fruitful. Go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. Yeah. It does feel good to help others. It does. And you do get a reward from helping others.


But again, you only get that reward when you when you are high vibe in a sense. Like, when you're when you're already feeling good, you're like, no. Let me help this other person. Let me help these people. But, like, if you feel like you you have to do something for other people, it changes the whole dynamic.


You don't feel good. You you start to feel bad. Like, now I'm being taken advantage of. They don't respect me. They don't they don't value me.


And you are you're taking your mind on depowering yourself, devaluing yourself and your environment when that's never the case. But if you just make that switch first, you will give freely forever, and you won't even bat an eye. Uh-uh. You cut out. We got some got some tech difficulties with Troy for a little bit, but, I keep it moving.


So, yeah, the the the not wait. Say something.

Troy Washington:

Can you hear me now?


Yeah. You're real low, like, very low.

Troy Washington:

Yeah. I don't know why I'm having the technical difficulties that I'm having.


You just came back up.

Troy Washington:

Okay. Cool. So first of all, I apologize to everybody. You know? That's what happened when you get to step away for a little bit, and, you know, go to basketball tournaments and things of that nature.

Troy Washington:

But, to your point, though, like, it again, for me, I I I feel like I I've I've I've said this on numerous occasions, bro. I came to y'all one day, in our group, our mastermind group that we used to host back in the day. Yeah. And I would always I told y'all one day. I said, hey, man.

Troy Washington:

I apologize. Because I was coming in with the mindset to be as helpful as I possibly could be for everybody, not realizing that in looking forward all the time and not looking inside, I was neglecting the things that made me be the person that I was in the moment and also helping me to facilitate the person that I was going to be. And it's funny projecting advice via a person that you're not. Would you It's funny


mean that like

Troy Washington:

Meaning I I I you know one of the sayings that adults have all the time and I still I scoff at it all the time is do as I say not as I do. When that's when I when I say projecting something that you're not, it's a crazy thought process. And we'll go ahead, Jay. Go ahead, Jay.


No. No. No. So I'm I'm thinking about it because, yeah, there's plenty of times, like, people will say you should do this, you gotta do this. And then you look at them like, how come you're not doing this?


How come you you're not taking out your advice. And if you we don't necessarily ask them. But if we were, they probably would come up with an excuse or something. Yeah. I've I've been in that position.


I've I've said some stuff that I realized I haven't done myself, and it's like, oh, I'm tripping. Let me do this first before I even tell somebody else to do this.

Troy Washington:

And let me tell you the most egregious part about it. And this is what this is where I had to, I guess, catch myself and realize that I had I had to do better. Yeah. Was the fact that if anybody asked me to do something, via that'd be personally, whether that's in my career, I have the utmost effort in all actions. I would not disappoint them.

Troy Washington:

I will make sure that I get it done. I would try not to miss it. Like, the details that I would not pay attention to in reading something from somebody that I would miss on my own when I'm doing it for myself. And when I started to look at the level of attentiveness and attention that I pay or even the accountability that I hold for myself and other people or things that I tend to do for other people, and I realized that I didn't do it for myself, that's when I had to pause and and and really look and say, well, what am I really doing? This is the reason why I you can find yourself in a place of depression, or you can find yourself in a place of wanting because you see everything moving yourself for you.

Troy Washington:

And not only that, that you're a a main contributor or a facilitator of it happening. Go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. I mean, came across my feed earlier today. It said. It showed an image of your phone at like, 5%. And it's like, you you won't let your phone get this low while I let your mind get this low.


And I thought that that was cool because we often do by, you know, by by blaming other things, other letting other situations come before us, thinking that we have to overexhaust ourselves in many ways in order to make something happen when it's the opposite. When we're most refreshed, we can see everything clearly. We can see everything in this proper perspective, and we can say, oh, I don't have to do this this way. There's an easier way or there's a better way or or not only that, you you're in a more attractive state. Not not just by looks, but, like, you literally attracting certain situations to you that you wouldn't have if you were kind of in that repel state.


Because, you know, when people are sad or depressed, it's like, oh, don't talk to them. They in a bad mood. Don't mess with them. But if somebody is just, like, light and happy, bouncing around, easy to talk to. Like like, I'm sure you had those days where strangers just walk up to you, tell you their whole life is because you're you're in that attractive state and you're like, man, why they coming up to me like this?


But that's that's part of it.

Troy Washington:

So in that same so when when you're right and your energy is projecting as such like it it when you're 100 percent you this thing about the most happiest moment that you could think of that you've ever experienced in your life, and you could walk into any room, and everybody will know. Everybody will feel it. Everybody will. That doesn't mean everybody's energy is gonna completely change, but it's gonna change



Troy Washington:

Because the you've changed the dynamic of everything that you touch. And I like to think about, like, even with my kids, man, and this goes back to the do as I say, not as I do. I say or any parent or anybody, it doesn't you don't even have to be a parent because we we tend to give advice this way as well. So you know what? I'm gonna go I'm instead of using my kids as an example, I'm gonna use a good friend of mine.

Troy Washington:

His name was Frank. And, you know, early on in his career, he's very successful now in his, suit business. But early on in his career, he had some challenges that he was going through when it came to, I guess, recouping funds or even just generating business. Now mind you, I was in a consumer facing business myself. I was an entrepreneur myself, so I could use any tactic or any method that I was going to but he he he he one day confided in me and told me, you know, what it was he was going through.

Troy Washington:

So I said, okay. Cool. Now it wasn't for me to go and fix it. He was just letting me know because we was just having a conversation. Yeah.

Troy Washington:

Now mind you, again, I'm an entrepreneur too. So now what I ended up doing is I get these books. I start researching all of this stuff, and I I do a deep dive. Never for once thinking about myself. Never for once.

Troy Washington:

And then I find out all this information. I make it all pretty, and I send it to I'm a say, hey. This is what you need to do. This this this this, and everything is gonna work itself out. And so a week goes by, and he doesn't do it.

Troy Washington:

2nd week goes by, and he doesn't do it. And then I'm frustrated. I'm looking like, bro, so why you ain't do it? Like, why you wanna do the stuff that I'm telling you? I'm telling you that it's not working.

Troy Washington:

All the while showing you how I put myself on the back burner. Right? Because this whole 2 weeks that's going by, I haven't done a thing. Not the matter of fact, I've done the work for somebody else, but I've done nothing for myself. And not only that, not even sitting to think of how can I apply this to my job?

Troy Washington:

How much time did I how much effort did I put toward someone else? And, again, not it's I I I'm not saying that to say that there's anything wrong with that. What I'm showing is the the lack of attentiveness that we put toward ourselves. And what ended up happening was he was not frustrated. He probably was frustrated because I was calling him asking about something that I shouldn't even shouldn't even matter.

Troy Washington:

But I'm frustrated, and it's not because I helped anybody. It's because I didn't help myself. Go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. Yeah. No. And it's true. And it is and again and it's not even just about work.


I mean, I know that's that's a huge part of it because, like, a lot of the activity, a lot of the actions we take are for that. But but sometimes it's it's just even rest and relaxation. Sometimes it's even repaying attention to your your fitness. You know what I mean? Or or to what you're eating, your diet.


Sometimes it's a level of how much fun am I letting into my life at any particular time, because, you know, the the corporate world can be a serious world. And I don't know. Like, it was crazy. I didn't like that that aspect of it when I was in the corporate. Like, man, how can I ask some fun to it?


How can I shake things up a little bit? Because else it's it's like I'm I'm in an insane asylum just sitting here supposed to be quiet and obedient, just working away like you said. But but not even for yourself. It's just for for an agreed upon price for your silence almost. But we'll go ahead.

Troy Washington:

But but that's why I always appreciate it and respect it when you would tell me I'm just not gonna do these things. Regardless of what's due for me, I'm not gonna do it. And the reason why is, number 1, is because I was able to draw my own opinion of what you were doing whether you were doing it or not. Yeah. But when you were saying that I'm not gonna look.

Troy Washington:

If it's something that I don't wanna do, I'm not gonna do it. I never thought that you were doing nothing. You get what I'm saying? Like, I would always think that you're not doing that, but you're doing something that you want to do. And so the thing that I try to, the thing that I want to caution or push people to do is take a second to see what you're thinking, how it applies to you because we're always outward thinking.

Troy Washington:

This is the reason why life becomes the way that it becomes. People get frustrated because of what they see all the time, of what they're not able to do because of what they see, but doesn't don't see how these things or these rules or these avenues where the work, affection, apply to them. Look. My wife, I'm I'm not the I'm not a very, people would say, like, affectionate person. I didn't grow up with people in my house saying I love you all the time.

Troy Washington:

It's just not how I grew up. Yeah. Nor did, you know, we kiss and stuff all the time. Now it's not that I'm opposed to it. It's just not it's not my it's not in my daily mentality to do.

Troy Washington:

Right? So I tell my wife one day, like, look. I I it's not that I don't wanna kiss you. It's not that I don't wanna say this much, but if what's important in your life is that happens, it doesn't mean that I have to initiate it. Right?

Troy Washington:

But because this is where it goes back to you. Like so what I would tell her is if you wanna kiss me every day, kiss me. Because what's gonna happen is what you wanted was the kiss, and you're going to get it. Now you can you you have an you have a layer of happiness that you've added to yourself. Now if you're kissing me every day and I'm not kissing you back, then that's a whole different conversation.

Troy Washington:

But if you just wanna kiss every day, kiss somebody. If you want if you want to feel loved every day, love somebody every day. You gotta make sure that you're the the the the the the the what do they call it? The pen, the the linch pen or whatever they call it, man, to to make that thing spark. Go ahead.


Yeah. Shout out to my sister. I talked to her this morning, and she had brought up the thing too about, like, she might be at the point of of not doing something like she's like, no. I'm I'm not doing that, you know? And I I kinda wanna harp on that because I know sometimes people feel they gotta do stuff, and it's it's amazing to watch it unfold.


Because like you said, like, it's not like you're doing nothing. You're still on top of your game with everything else. You can prove it. You can show the results of it. It's just that you you point out how I don't know.


Like, it it it's I don't even know how to explain the magic that happens when you do that because it could because it's not even unintentional. It's not like you're purposely being defiant, but it's like, you know, you you know what you're capable of, you know all the good ways you can help, you know all the the ways you can shine. And this particular one is like, nah. This is like, I know this is not for me. And me doing this isn't gonna help in in any any way or form.


Go ahead.

Troy Washington:

No, bro. You want me to tell you the biggest question that I have? I feel like I ask myself now as, you know, as a I feel like annoying person of me actually knowing what I want is when I sit back and I ask myself, why am I not doing something? And and I and I'm saying that in the tense of something that I want to do. Like, why why am I not doing it?

Troy Washington:

Because, again, when you start to bring other factors into it, if if you came to me and tell me, Troy, I think I wanna do something, what am I gonna tell you? I'm immediately gonna tell you to do it. I'm gonna say just do that, but why you're not gonna do it. Right? And so I find myself again pondering on a on a consistent basis why would I not do that when I know that for a fact?

Troy Washington:

If you came to and I just told you if you came to me and said you want to do something, I'm gonna tell you to do it. If you came to me and said you want to do something with me, I'm a say let's do it. You know what I'm saying? And just the amount of,


effort that we put toward people is just is just a funny thing. Go ahead, Jay. Yeah. So so one thing similar to that, that I'm I'm focusing on right now, which we might make an episode later, especially as I get better in it, it's called inspired action. And essentially, it's like, you know, we have people say, like, God take like, Jesus take the wheel, God order my steps, all of this.


And the idea is you you get in the meditative state or you just kinda just you just listen. You just wait. You just wait for that that that message from god. Okay. What do I do next?


Which way do I go? And when you get that message, you take action immediately because it's usually aligned. Like, it's not it's not like a, you know, go jump off a mountain. You like you unless unless you're a a skydiver or something. It's like, let's jump off a mountain.


But it like, the the the message you get from your spirit is in few like, you're inspired inspired in spirit. Like, it is you're enthused about it. You're excited about it. And the thing is act on that immediately. Like, no no matter what you're doing, no matter where you at, if you get that inspired thing and you you can physically act on it right now, act on it.


And that's the thing that I'm doing. And and real quick, I know you wanna say something, but No.

Troy Washington:

No. You good. You good. I


Real quick. So, like, you know, making music, right. It was some times where I was like, I want to make music, but I don't know. It's just not, it's just not in me right now. Like, I don't know what it is.


I could try to fight. I tried to force it. It wasn't, but whatever state I'm in now, like I practically got this next album written and mostly recorded. And it's like, I have no idea where it came from, but I was following this inspired action. And as I do this, like, it it may take me away from music at a time, and it may take me to the next thing, but it's all coming together in this nice puzzle and this nice portrait.


And that that's why I say, like like like, really listen to that inspired action and which is a part of taking care of you where life doesn't suck.

Troy Washington:

And, again, I cosigned, bro. Like, I I I just especially like what you said at the end. Like, it might take me away from this, and that's okay. And that's a part of the thing that I think is hard for people to come to terms with. I gotta get this all done right now.

Troy Washington:

So I love the fact that you said that because you can come back to it. But the inspired action, bro, we literally talked about this on the episode before. And I think the way that we we kinda framed it was you think millions of thoughts within a day. Millions of thoughts. And then all of a sudden, something's at the forefront of your mind, and you will skip over the thing that's at the top of your mind and go to something else.

Troy Washington:

And that's a big question mark. Like, why would you do that? And and I and I liken that to, you know, inspired action and, just the thought process of when you think something when something's on the top of your mind, when it's been able to leapfrog over everything else that you could be thinking, everything else that you're going on in your life, your whole history that you keep bringing back up. And it's saying, this is how I feel in this moment, not realizing that that's going to bring you a certain level of happiness. It's just a crazy thought.

Troy Washington:

That's number 1. Because when you would skip over and find another thought and try to find happiness in it, and, that's something that I feel like I've been doing even over the past week. That's the reason why you've actually seen me send you songs to listen to because I told myself when it reset because now this was the key. There are a lot of things top of mind that I just ignore, but I told myself a week ago when music hit top of mind, just do it. And so when it hits top of mind, I just reacted.

Troy Washington:

So I said that to say that be intentional and think about what it is that you want. So that way way when it does surface, you're able to approach it and get on to it the way that you want to go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. So check this out. Like, similar to all everything we just talked about, This week, a video came across my TikTok feed from Abraham Hicks. And if y'all don't don't know, Abraham Hicks is like a a a collection, a spirit collect collective. I think that's what they call it.


And they just give messages from beyond to help people out and stuff. So, the the Abraham Hicks, the the one was was talking about the one that's chat doing the channeling, the, Esther. And she was like Yeah. You know, she got she got real busy. She didn't wanna do all this stuff that, you know, was supposed to come up.


And they said, well, make a list, you know, like, you know, get out sheet of paper, draw a line down the middle On the on one side, you know, put, all the things you want the universe or God or spirit to handle. And on the other side, put all the stuff that that you want to handle. And then they say, you know, even below that, put the stuff put put what you need to do that's most important right now that you're like, okay, I gotta do this right now. No matter what, Get this done. And so she only had, like, 2 things, but on the other side, she had, like, a bunch.


And then they they said that she started to do those 2 things that was for her the most important. And by the time she was finished with that, like, half her other list, some kinda way got done. And and that's similar to what I say. Like, if you don't wanna do something, don't do that much because, like, when you're doing what you what you should be doing or what you're supposed to be doing in a way like they some kind of I don't I again, I don't know how to explain it. It sometimes comes up.


Hey. That's my aunt. Greetings. It's always good to see you both. Appreciate you joining us.

Troy Washington:

And and I and I will say, no. I was gonna I was going to say make it make sense



Troy Washington:

But that's not the key. Know how it makes sense to you. Right? Know how it makes sense to you because I'll and and the reason why I I guess I had to make the separation because I was gonna say even not doing anything at the house is something. Yeah.

Troy Washington:

But you have to know how it makes sense because I think not doing anything know how it makes sense to you specifically.



Troy Washington:

Because not not doing anything and not understanding how it makes sense to you can lead you down a pathway of trying to figure out things even in the same manner that we're doing now. Go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. Well, I was gonna say, it's tricky on that. Like, because I think as far as making sense, the the simple, the better as far as you're just gonna be happier. Like, you don't need to you don't need to try to make it make any more sense than that. Try to find the intricacies of things because we we get caught up in that, and we miss the miracle because we try to say, well, how does the miracle work?


It doesn't matter. Enjoy the miracle.

Troy Washington:

But I but so so this is what I will say to that. And I only re I I gotta said, the reason why I broke it up is because some people sit at home not because it's making them happy. They just sitting at home because they they're they're they're lost.


Yeah. You hear

Troy Washington:

what I'm saying? And so you're right. It it the the the term, you said kiss. Keep it simple stupid. Like, it should be simple.


Keep it super simple. You're not stupid. Okay.

Troy Washington:

Yeah. Yeah. So keep it super simple. My bad. That's, shout out to, Rich Dad Poor Dad.

Troy Washington:

I is that where we got that from?


I think so I yeah I don't know but yeah go ahead

Troy Washington:

but but but but but anyways, sometimes the person ending up at home not doing anything is not for the same reason. Yeah. And that's the reason why I point that out. So you you you just have to know that if you are doing that, this is what's ultimately making you happy. This is this is how it makes sense is because I'm in my place of peace right now.

Troy Washington:

And, I mean, I again, I I think it's important that, you know, me and my wife, we had a big conversation on defining things this morning. You know, just relationships, you know, how people interact with people, and also assuming definitions of other people. And so, like, I emphasized to her that though she and and this is just this is just, we were just in a place of having a conversation to see. Let's see where we can go as far as elevation. Right?

Troy Washington:

And so I, you know, I kinda explained, like, these things we we presented a scenario. We have friends. We have groups of friends, multiple groups of friends. And when we're with certain group of friends, certain conversations I had, when we're with other groups of friends, certain conversations I had, I prefer this side, and she prefers this side. But we never explained the reason why.

Troy Washington:

Right? And so as we were talking about it, we came to the realization of why we were so connected to either or and why we don't like to do the other here, you know, vice versa. And I, you know, pretty much came to the conclusion that, look. It's okay. Right?

Troy Washington:

Like, if you don't feel comfortable in these spaces, I don't fault you for that because the same way you feel in these places is the same way I feel there, and that's the reason why now we're in a place of, when you're at home and you don't know why you're there. Like, I don't know why I'm here, and I have to figure out how it makes sense or just not do it at all. And that's the same, leniency that I give her, same leniency she gives me. That's leniency is the word. She she I don't control my wife, their wife, but but that's just the word that I could figure out right now.

Troy Washington:

But, you know, that's the same kind of grace that we give each other when it comes to those type of things. Go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. I I love that. And and, like like, people know that about me where, like, if they want me to come out and we're just probably sitting around and people just drinking, I don't wanna come out. And it's not like that. It's not that I'm not gonna have fun.


It's just that I'm gonna have more fun just on my own doing anything else. But, like, if they if they know they're gonna do an activity, like, oh, we're gonna go bowling or or skating or or throw an ax. Yes. Bring me. I'm I'm I'm all for doing some even playing cards.


Like, I'm all for that that something. But the the other thing again, it's not like it's not that it's bad. It's not that I I won't enjoy it. I just know that, oh, no. It's more fun to be at home, and I don't know.


I could finally watch a show on Netflix or something. Like, I'm I'm not I I would rather spend this time doing that than that. And it and it's yeah. It is. It's it's not a bad thing.


It's okay. And it's o and it's okay to to know yourself enough to make it fun for

Troy Washington:

you. Rank your level of fun. Rank your level of fun. What makes sense? Again, I'm I'm a bring my wife back into it.

Troy Washington:

She doesn't go out anymore, but back in her going out days, the one thing that I would always tell her was, whenever I would go out with her anyway, I would be like, look. I don't wanna like, if I go to the club, number 1, I don't wanna go anyway. But I'm a go because the the the fun or the level of enjoyment that I get I have to make it make sense to me is I get to be with you in an environment that you're gonna be a little bit more open. You you know, you you gonna you gonna let loose a little bit with me. Right?

Troy Washington:

Yeah. Yeah. But I also don't like being in the club and talk to people. That was just my thing. Like, I would go to a place where people that I haven't seen in a long time.

Troy Washington:

The music is the loudest it possibly can be, and then you wanna have a full on conversation with me. I don't like that. And so what ended up happening was there's a dynamic where I'm at the club, and everybody's talking, and I'm not talking because I don't wanna have to keep asking over and over again. What did you say? What did you say?

Troy Washington:

What did you say? Or even play like I heard you for it to later come back and haunt me when we're not in the club. Be like, remember when I told you this? No. I I don't know.

Troy Washington:

I don't know. But but but I I I said that to say this, man. Like, again, rank your level of fun. And when you do it, you have to find out how it makes sense. And if you're okay with me just going to the club and me not talking to me sitting back, shout out to Tiffany Mayfield that was on here, last week.

Troy Washington:

She's like, my friends know me. She I mean, not last week. A couple weeks ago. She's like, my friends know me. They know I'm an introvert.

Troy Washington:

They know when I come to the club, if I have a a plain face face on, she had fun. And I'm and they cool with that. And because of them giving her that that that that that leeway to be herself, she has the blast, though she doesn't look like everybody else. Go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. Yeah. It's it's it's important. Like because, again, I I I've I've done the opposite where I've given my happiness to others thinking it would somehow be better for all. And it wasn't because it, cause it, it drew a wedge between me and them, but not to their fault.


It was just me just like, man, I I why do they keep doing this? I hate this. Why why does this and and and I could have just simply be like, oh, no. Not today. Let's let's do I could've proposed something else.


Or I could've said, you know, maybe maybe once, every quarter or something. Who knows? But we, like, we we let strains come into place for no reason other than we're not being true to ourselves.

Troy Washington:

Yo. I'm gonna ask you a question. Right? And this is for anybody listening as well. I see we got some people in.

Troy Washington:

And I want everybody to answer if y'all can. Have you ever been in a place that is not on your list of happiness with somebody or without somebody, and you were engaging with other people, and you had to give them happiness though you were not happy. I'm gonna tell you what I mean by that as an example. The club. There have been times where I did go to the club, and I did not want to engage the way that they were engaging with me, but yet and still, I put on whatever it was for myself.

Troy Washington:

And I I had to smile, and I was talking, and I was energetic. And I engaged in the way that they wanted to, so I gave them the happy that they were looking for, but it was not true. And and I'm I'm I'm I'm gonna wanna answer from you as well as from everybody else. Yeah. But the way that I feel and when I think about it and I'm using club as an example, but this has happened many times in different sit situations.

Troy Washington:

I felt fake, number 1. Like, I I I don't know how to feel fake, but I felt fake. Like, I felt like this is not this is not even a real person that's right here giving this, And I was not happy. Now I wasn't mad. I wasn't sad.

Troy Washington:

I wasn't upset, but I wasn't happy at all.


Yeah. Well, I would say so I got 2 examples. The first, like, I I would I would still find a way to have fun. Like, my my fun wasn't fake. I just wouldn't wanna do it again.


Like like school. I hated going to school. I hated going to college. I hated going to class. College would be perfect if you had to go to class.


I just didn't want it. Like, just give me the information and let me just take this test. Like, just be done with it. But but I because I had to spend time there, I found little ways to make it fun. I found little ways to to make the time go by and, you know, whatever happened.


So it's so it wasn't that I was fake. I just had to find what that is. But when it was over, I was like, I would prefer never to have to do that again. Now right now, another example where I did kind of feel fake, but then I chose to not let the I chose to be real, which we did an episode maybe either this year or last year where it was about something along the lines of that. Like like pushing through where you don't feel like.


And I talked about how, like, man, today, if there was ever a day for us not to do the show, it was today. But then through it, we talked through it and it it it led to happiness because I enjoy doing the show. And in in in both instances, I can say that I'm happy that I chose the realness over the faith even even if the realness wasn't joy in the moment, but it led to joy. Whereas, like you said, with the faintness, I I can feel how that that wouldn't have led to joy if I would have faked been high. Well, I'm happy.


You know what I mean? Like yeah.

Troy Washington:

But and and, again, anybody that's listening, I know y'all don't hear y'all I I definitely would like to know of an experience that you potentially might have had or just a short. But the funny thing about it is, brother and and that's the reason why I went on to say that it's not that I was upset. It's not that I was unhappy. I just know what my happy looks like.



Troy Washington:

And so in my actor mode, if you go back and ask any of those people that were involved in me at that time, they will be like, we had a blast.


It was off the chain.

Troy Washington:

I've even had people tell me, bro, that you were so turned up, bro. We like, they they was quenkered about me being quenched, and, you know, I can think about genuine moments. Like, I I put like this. I always tell people the things that we remember are landmark moments in our life. Right?

Troy Washington:

And that's the one that's they they stay firm. It could be stuff that serious that happened to you. It could be fun stuff, but it's always a landmark that you can't remember I mean, that you can remember. These instances that I'm referring to were landmark moments to other people



Troy Washington:

To the point where I didn't even remember it because I was out of my mind. Right? And, I I the reason why I'm I'm I'm bringing it up, and and I want to know how anybody felt was because in your situation, you were able to talk it through. You like, hey, Troy, man. This is what I'm feeling right now.

Troy Washington:

This is what I'm thinking, but we don't always get an opportunity to kind of deep dive it and say, well, this is how I feel. This is not how I I'm going to feel. You know, when I'm in in the scenario that I'm talking about, like, I'm in the club or I'm in I'm visiting people, and I don't get to get that I don't get to have that deep dive, but I also don't wanna upset the environment. Again, this is this is one thing. You you're not gonna upset the environment being you.

Troy Washington:

That's why I wanna make sure everybody know this is the main important point of this show. Like, life will suck if you are not you. Right? Yeah. I don't but in the says and, again, these are instances that I've I I'm telling you about myself, but I've heard this from other people going around, go kick with other family members, going to parties, going like, just being at a in a work setting, like, and acting outside of themselves.

Troy Washington:

But the thing that we gotta remember is our our self adds fire even to the fake, even to the the actor. If I had really made those moments a landmark moment to me, how big would they have been to the people that were involved? Because they're bringing memories back to me that I don't even I can't even recall because it wasn't that important because I was not myself. Go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. That that's why I say, like, it it is important to to always make it fun if possible. No no matter the situation. Like, there's an acceptance. Yeah.


That's what it is. 1st, there's an acceptance. Like, okay, I'm a be here for a while. I might as well make the most of it. What can I do?


And then I I I find I find something. It might be the littlest thing, anything, but like it, it'll turn bigger, like even even recently and my my grandmother's funeral. Like,

Troy Washington:

I'm sorry that I can't help because I know you. I know you.


I I brought my little hands when I pulled it out. My sister was like, what are you doing? And my other sister, she wouldn't even sit next to me because she she knew. But like, it's it's one of those things. Like, nobody wants to be in a sad environment.


And it wasn't sad. Like like, it was well done, but it's just you you you know you you know you better than anybody else knows you, and and you gotta just do for you.

Troy Washington:

So so so shout out to you on the funeral. On on, the not losing yourself in a funeral. That's what I wanna say because this is this is the key to this, bro, and I'm going to tell you back to what TJ asked me. But the reason why I can laugh at the joke and also understand and appreciate the seriousness of it because I don't I know for I know 100% for a fact any energy that you brought to the table at the funeral funeral had no ill intent towards your grandma or disrespect. It had it absolutely had nothing to do with her.



Troy Washington:

And so that's the part that we will lose. That's the reason why I'm I'm glad to use this scenario t j literally just asked me he said dad have you ever did something that other people might not like you know, where you were supposed to be serious before? And I was I told him that I was like, yeah. I I joked around at a funeral before just because and he was like well what do people do and I said they looked at me crazy and I was like you know but I I honestly didn't mean anything negative to the person that was passed on any disrespect. I I I literally just something was funny, and it's it's it's it's a crazy thing to shut off that nothing can be funny today.

Troy Washington:

How would that even possible? But that's another sense of getting outside of yourself and your environment and the world that you're in will will take you out of that. Like, it'll snatch you up out of it and make you feel crazy for being that. But to that point, like, that's the reason why whenever I've gone to funerals, I can point to landmark moments in funerals that I felt joy. Like, I was like, man.

Troy Washington:

And I'm I'm gonna I'm gonna tell you one. I was at a funeral here recently. It was shout out to my brother, Bert, Mark. His brother passed away this past year and it's I mean it's it's a monumental occasion for all of their family right and I still remember at the funeral I I was cool with his brother. Right?

Troy Washington:

Like, I had a relationship with him, but I I I would probably never really cry for anybody at a funeral. It's just kinda how I'm made up. I I you know, my eyes might get watery if I see somebody else playing, but I really now get too too emotional about it. Right?



Troy Washington:

But at this funeral, I can sit I can feel all the weight of everybody just, oh, you better not do nothing. Right? And they asked his mom to get up and talk. And when his mom got up and talked, she literally jumped up and she said, this ain't no funeral. This is a celebration.

Troy Washington:

And and, like, my whole energy just went through the roof. And I was like I stood up. I'm like, I feel you. So now the energy that she wanted for the funeral for her son, which is the energy that we you know, it's gonna be different for everybody, but I'm just saying I was able to be me and allow and and now I felt like I was where I was supposed to be. Now the thing is I should've felt like that anyway, but because she relent she let the rains go, I had to let allow somebody to let the rains go on me for me to be me.

Troy Washington:

Go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And and and the thing is we're not saying there's anything wrong with stepping into the the sorrow and and stepping into the grief. Like, it's because because some people love that.


Like, some people, they they actually get joy out of that, and it's cool. And and all we're saying is just know you, know who you are and and and and and step into that unapologetically.

Troy Washington:

To to that point, there's nothing wrong with stepping into the grief. There's nothing wrong with not being not grieving at all. Right. There's nothing wrong with either way, whatever which way you work because we all work a certain way, man. And, again, changing your operations to fit a cookie cutter look is not ideal, and that's what makes life suck.

Troy Washington:

And then, again, not allowing yourself to have all that you're giving. And that's the that's the that's the biggest part of it all for me. The advice, the help, the friendship. Like, why are you not the biggest friend of yourself? You know, the encouragement.

Troy Washington:

Why are you not encouraging yourself more than you encourage everybody else? Like, you you deserve it all. Go ahead, Jay.


Yes. And and even to that, like, one thing that I I noticed that I I like doing from time to time is to go against all my own advice for me just to see, like, you know, is this is this real? Like, I've been living according to this doctrine that I came up with or that I experienced or that I learned or heard. Is it is it really real? Is it really true?


Will it will it continue to serve me if I stepped away from it for a little bit and I came back to this? Like, it is life is about experiencing. Like, life is this is your playground. You get to figure things out. You get to try new things.


You get to bring energies with each other and try new combinations of things. And it's new. It's exciting. It it it's what wakes wakes you up. Is it like, man, I can't wait to wake up because I'm a try this today.


Never did this before. I don't know what's gonna happen. I might fall on my face. I might not. I might fly.


Who knows? And it it's just it's fun to to do.

Troy Washington:

Think about it like this too, bro. Like, you and your best friend, me and you. Right?



Troy Washington:

Somebody comes to us right now and says, hey, guys. I just I just built both of y'all $1,000,000 houses right next door to each other right next door to each other you want me to tell you what you're not gonna do you're not going to my house first you're just not gonna do it you not not because I'm not gonna allow you but I will allow you to do that much You're not going to do it because you're gonna say, I have a $1,000,000 house. Let me go and figure out what's in my $1,000,000 house first.


That's true.

Troy Washington:

Right? You I'm I'm telling you, bro. It doesn't if I give you some like, you're gonna want yours first.



Troy Washington:

But when we look at ourselves, you are that $1,000,000 house, and you have an opportunity to search every crevice, crack, do everything in every corner, see everything. Like, you can you can do it all. But yet and still, you're saying, okay. What I see over at they have, they need some water. So let me go ahead and get this water hose.

Troy Washington:

You know what? I saw on Amazon, they got the water hose on sale for $25. But you need a water hose too, bro. You got a new house. So, you know, that's kinda how I I I try to look at it.

Troy Washington:

And and, again, it's not this is not the way that I live, y'all. This is the way that I'm training myself to be. I you have to look at your you explore yourself first. Go ahead, Jay.


No. That that's a great example. And and another one and I know we we talked about this group picture. Like, everybody else could look flawless if you messed up on that picture. The that one, you're gonna look at you first.


Before you look at anybody else, you're gonna look at you. If you messed up, you don't care if everybody else perfect. Now we taking this again. Don't you wanna go play it again? Put that up like like, yeah, you you look at you first and it's the it's the same exact thing.

Troy Washington:

Bro, like, it's you know, even when you give that example, we we have said that example before. But and when I think about it, it's just it's I get it. I get it, man. You know? Every time I look by every time I walk by the mirror now, I stop and look at myself.

Troy Washington:

I'm not a person that just looks in the mirror. I know people do it, but I just never have. But I always forget who I am when I don't. But to your point, like, we do look at ourselves first, except for when we're not looking at the picture, except for when we're not getting the new house, except for when we don't have anything external to make us. Internal is where it begins.

Troy Washington:

And the reality of it for me is that you should always look at that you should always look at yourself in the picture first. You should always be prepared for whenever I like, the reason why I couldn't get my smile right is because I was worried about what everybody else was doing when we were taking the picture. Are they ready? Are they ready? Are they ready?

Troy Washington:

The the the he's been the if I was focused on me Yeah. What I was supposed to be doing in that moment, I'm about to take a picture. Let me get my smile right. Let me look straight. Though, I know the flash is gonna make me blink because flashes always make me blink.

Troy Washington:

I can be prepared for it all. But because I was not worried about me, I messed up the picture for everybody. It's not it's not just messed up for me because everybody wants to post the one that they did right when they were worried about him. So I messed it up for everybody, and that's when coming into not being you and not putting you first and not elevating yourself to a level that you supposed to be at does affect the world. Go ahead, Jay.


So it was funny. Like, a second ago, you said, like, when you pass a mirror, you look at yourself, you know, so you won't forget who you are and all of that. And I was just thinking about how, like, okay. Oh, here. We're in front our our faces are in front of this camera.


I only look at myself when we first start, but I don't for the rest of the show. And the reason is because if I do, I'm not gonna be as engaged in the conversation. Like, I'm gonna be looking at me like, is this right? Do I got my beer together or whatever? And it it is that's an interesting dynamic too when you think about it, and that's all a part of knowing yourself.


Like, in one instance, it's okay to look at yourself. In another, it might not be the best case. And and just being alright with the with the dichotomy of everything too, because everything is like that. Like, everything has its time and place. Not just this time and place.


It's time and place for you in particular.

Troy Washington:

I I think that when you give yourself the proper attention, then you can turn your gaze. Yeah. And that's pretty much what it boils down to. Yeah. Because the reality of it is when you first came on, you made sure you were you.

Troy Washington:

And once you knew, there's no reason to check-in no more, but that's the that's the problem that we have. Like, we're we're walking around not giving ourself the proper attention first. It's okay to look at other people. It's okay to be engaged with other people. It's okay to add to other people's lives as long as you're doing it to you too.

Troy Washington:

Like, how can I go and give Frank advice on business when my business needs advice too? Now I can he can instead of him doing that I say and not as I do, he can do as I do. And if he doesn't do as I do, then I won't be mad because it doesn't have any bearing on me because I'm doing what I'm supposed to do. But I did open it up by sharing who I am with everybody and giving everybody an opportunity to walk down the same pathway as me. So, I I mean, I think that's dope.

Troy Washington:

You 100% right with it.


Yeah. And and and what I love about that too, you had said I got because we gotta bring back the line. But you said, once you once you check-in with yourself, you can turn your gaze. And I think that's like true on a spiritual level. Like like one thing like I've heard people say like man, you know, Jake Clay, you should be some kind of leader or something.


The the only place I wanna lead people to is within. Like you are your own compass. You know, you better than you. Your your spirit knows you better than you. God within you knows you better than than all of that.


And once you check-in and you're you first, then you can turn your gaze. Then you can worry about entering the world and interacting with people. But, again, it it starts with you. You gotta take care of you because if you don't if you don't do what's fun for you, if you don't do what enlivens you, if you don't do what you inspired to do in spirit, life will suck. And and it works both ways.


Even if you're in a sucky situation or in a state of being where you don't feel right, like you might feel depressed, you might feel sick, you might feel sad. Once you start looking at yourself like, oh, you know what? I think I need this right now. I think, oh, I think this will make me just a little bit happier than I am right now. Follow it.


Follow it till this end. And then they come back up for air and recheck in and you will see, like, oh, I am a lot better. Let me let me keep repeating this process.

Troy Washington:

Yep. Yeah. No. I one hand I I I 100%, cosign that, and I would just, you know, I guess I know we're getting close to the time but know that there's no wrong, you know, I I know how easy it is to you know what type of person you are, so I'm let me let me step back. You're finding out what type of person you are when you start to take the time to find out.

Troy Washington:

And when and when you put that in the forefront, you know what type of person you are, you're gonna move accordingly. It's just no other way. There's no other if, ands, or buts about it. And you just gotta and remember that there's nothing wrong with your way, especially when you know who you are because, ultimately, I think that we all have a heart to help other people, which is the reason why we kinda get confused or we get lost in the matrix. We all got a heart to kinda lead people, which is another reason we kinda get lost in the matrix.

Troy Washington:

We all have a heart to uplift people, which is the reason why we get lost in the matrix. So when you really know who you are and you're able to, deep dive and grasp that for yourself, you lead yourself, you uplift yourself, you, you you you show people, you know, the way I mean, you show yourself the way. Everything else is a counterproduct of that. My kids do more stuff that I do than the stuff that I say today. Yeah.

Troy Washington:

And it makes me mad, but it also was a check that I need to come back and make some corrections because the things that I'm actually telling them to do are things that I wanna do for myself too. Right? And so anytime I see them not act, on the things that I say, it it reminds me, well well, are you really setting the stage for yourself the way that you you want to? So, you know, just just know yourself, and and make that a point. Go ahead, Jay.


One one cool thing too is, like, even in knowing yourself. Right? I feel like I know myself. Mhmm. Then an inspired action comes up, and I'm like, This is this is different.


This is new. Let me see it through. Then I learned something completely new about myself that I never knew. Like, oh, snap. That's interesting.


And then it it repeats and repeats. So it's like life can be a never ending fun project. And it's so amazing. I want to I want to read with my aunt said. The best thing you could ever do for you is to simply be you.


And and I I I agree.

Troy Washington:

I I wanna I wanna say this. I'm not a, a bible script remember, so I can't tell you any, you know, chapters or verses. But one of my favorite things in the bible, and I always would bring up to people is, and and again, this is paraphrasing. I'm not telling the story exactly how it is, but there was one part of it when somebody was looking for a miracle can't tell you who it is and you know he's talking to Jesus and said hey Y'all looking for the miracle when y'all looking for me to do a miracle when you are the miracle. Like, why are you looking for any other thing, like, if you just really look at yourself?

Troy Washington:

And, that's one thing that's always that's like a landmark phrase, a a landmark term. And the only reason you cannot realize how much of a miracle you are is because you're not really exploring your house the way that you're supposed to, and it's that simple. And your and your aunt said it, she said the best thing you could ever do for you is simply be you. Yeah. And and and and being you, no.

Troy Washington:

Like, you like, take the time, like, to explore who you are, what makes sense, and say no. Hey. That's not me. That doesn't mean that I won't participate in it. That doesn't mean I won't come back to it, but as of right now, I'm trying to figure out how this makes sense to me.

Troy Washington:

So, you know, you know, don't look for a miracle. Don't look for like, you are it. Go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. And be accepting to like yeah. Some sometimes life is just gonna do something that throws you way off of what you thought you knew of what of who you thought you were are, all of that. And just accept that. Just like, okay, well, this is I'm in the state right now.


I'm a I'm a see where it goes because there's there's something in it for me like this. This wouldn't be happening. This would have been presented to me had my higher self not approved it first. Had God not approved this first. Like, say, oh, watch.


I'm doing this for a reason. You can handle this. And so it's important to have that remembrance too when you go about things. Like, oh, I'm I'm just I'm I'm walking my path, whatever it may be, even though something says I should be worried or scared. It's like, this is this has been approved by the higher ups.


Step into it with with with full faith and and knowledge.

Troy Washington:

Bro, when you go places in your house that you've never been before, you're gonna see things that you've never seen. It's just kind of how it go. I I me being a realtor, the reason why I use that as an example is, like, people, they'd be like, oh, my my my my my air conditioner's in my attic. Well, I got squirrels in the attic. Like, you've never been in the attic.

Troy Washington:

Or you might have you know, like, it's just it's just one of those things. Like, you when you explore places that you never you you have to know that new things are gonna pop up. New things for you to learn. That's a that's another thing that makes life so exciting because if you take the time to explore yourself and not other people, you get to find things that are new to you and things that you get to actually explore it on on another level as well. You can explore somebody else's attic on another level.

Troy Washington:

You can just witness it. So, you know, take your time and see what you mean. I love that example. Yeah, man.


So I

Troy Washington:

I I know we at that time, so so I I go ahead and, you know, start to wrap it up. Like, look. We're grateful for y'all. We didn't know we was gonna be doing the show today. Happy Father's Day to everybody.

Troy Washington:

We appreciate everybody for taking any time of your day to jump on with us because without y'all, we wouldn't be here. We'd definitely be doing something, but we wouldn't be here. And, just grateful that y'all even allow us to explore the the inner us with y'all, and we hope that y'all get to explore it as well. So, you know, if I can't leave you with anything, just make sure that you understand that you are what's important. And the reason why all the like, I have kids because I decided that I was important one day.

Troy Washington:

I have a wife because I decided I was important one day, and I felt like I was worthy and I deserved it. And so the when you when you feel like you're worth it and you know who you are and you it's it's it can be so great. And if you decide not to, life will suck. Go ahead, Jay.


Yeah. And and if life sucks, you might as well do something to have fun anyway because it already sucks. Like, what's gonna happen? It's gonna get sucky or no. You're gonna you're gonna be at least laugh in the midst of the suckiness because it's like, well, at least I'm having fun since everything sucks right now.


So, yeah, appreciate y'all that that's rocking with us. Appreciate everybody that that that joined us. Left comments. Let me highlight one more. Same to you.


Yes. Appreciate you. And, yeah, just remember you're a perfect creation made by a perfect creator. So you might as well accept your perfection and enter perfect mode. Yeah.


If I reminded you that you are perfect, would you argue me down or step into your perfection? Welcome to perfect, but there are no excuses, no expectations, and we explore the world without limitations. I'm Jay Clay, rapper, and spiritual teacher, with my co host Troy Washington, your friendly neighborhood realtor. Let's be real. So let's be perfect.


Perfect. Perfect.