Clydesdale Media Podcast

We hear from athletes who have competed this weekend in the Age Group Semifinals.  Where they are and how they are doing.

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

Yeah, nothing's working today.

It's just a bunch of old

guys here live on all the platforms.

None of the videos are working.

It's just typical.

That's what happens.

It's all good.

Now we turn it into riffing.

Riffing with everybody.

Riffing with everybody.

This is a special edition of

Sunday Night CrossFit Talk.

We've got – it's a master's edition,

age groups.

Semis are going on this weekend.

I've got Ryan Redkey with me

up there in the upper right.

I've got Dex Oppenheim lower

left and Corey Leonard lower right.

All competed this weekend.

All are still on the leaderboard,

so I'm assuming you're all healthy.


I feel unwell.

I feel abused.

The 20-minute AMRAP was the

only one I thought would

make me significantly sore,

and I was right.

Yeah, luckily we got to do that early on.

That was a few days ago.

Now it's just hurting in the

moment for being real

disappointed with these muscle-ups.

Let's see how this one goes.

So the couple things I want

to talk about just

overarching before we get

into the workouts,

and that is new season this year.

We're going to Legends for

the CrossFit Games.

It's opened up the

opportunities a little bit more.

And the programming has

shifted from CrossFit HQ to

Bob and Joe over at Legends.

Overarching thoughts about

how it's going so far.

And we'll start with Dex.

I mean, these fellas,

Corey's kicking my ass right now,

I think.

Corey's in my thing.

Aren't you a 35-39, Corey?

No, I'm in 45, 49 decks.

I'm not kicking your ass.

I can promise you that.

Just kidding.

It might be anyway.

Just kidding.

But dude,

so I haven't had any experience

at that Masters event.

I did Masters Fitness

Collective and it was like

my first experience to get

exposed to that group of people.

Had an awesome time.

And I did not know that they

were just getting it straight from them.

So that's news to me and

that's kind of exciting because it's

If I end up qualifying,

it's an hour and a half south of me,

and the places I understand

they're going to be doing

the events are going to be,

it'll be sexy.

A little bit of outdoor stuff,

a little bit of indoor, so it'll be good.

Ryan, what are your thoughts?

I go a ways back with,

you getting an echo on me?

I'm hearing an echo.

Sound okay?

It's a little bit of an echo.


I can try to switch to

headphones in a second here, but I...

went to the very first legends in 2017.

So I've known Bob and Joe for a long time.

There was like 34 guys that

showed up that day.

It was a one day comp when

they were just getting their feet wet.

And I've always seen that

they put on a great, great show,

done a great job.

I've always loved their

programming personally.

And so I think it's going to

be great that they're doing it.

If anybody's going to do it,

I'm glad it's those two

guys taking it over.

So far,

it's gone well with programming

they've put out so far.

Wait, they did semifinals too?

My understanding is that Joe

programmed the semifinals,

did the first drafts, and then

Bob had some oversight with it.

I love Joe.

Whoever Joe is, I love him.

Big fan of Joe.

They submitted it to Boz and

team for review is what my

understanding is of how the

programming was.

Joe likes classic CrossFit.

I'm a fan.

Even the 20-minute AMRAP,

and Scott knows this to be true,

I've never said I enjoyed a

20-minute AMRAP.

and that's about as close as

I'm gonna get so yeah if

joe came up with these four

boy me and joe gonna be me

and joe gonna be all right

yeah I kind of felt the

same way that uh the 20

minute amrap was the uh I

felt the best programmed

one and I'm not a fan of

long amraps either but uh I

thought that was the

probably the best

programmed uh workout of

the four I dig it I think uh


the first one I liked was just because

that's a wheelhouse one for me,

more or less.

But the last two are like 1

to 30 muscle-ups per time for everybody,


And the last one is more of

like a gut check.

Because you're going to feel

fine when you get to the thrusters,


You'll probably feel fine.

It's pretty much...

How bad do you want to make

the top 40 or whatever your age group is?

Do you want to go unbroken

on those thrusters or do

you want to set the bar

down and take your chances?

So that's kind of what that

workout's all about, I think.

Oh, man, that's good news to me.

That's very cool.


it's cool that they're cooperating

with those people at the

different events.

I feel like rapport-wise,

that'll be good going forward,

especially if this is like

the road we're going to continue down.

Because I know the guys that run the teen,

the pit, the teenage games last year, man,

I've worked them for a while.

And it's, they have an awesome team.

And I worried about that one,

the facility they're in.

It's awesome.

Three Rivers CrossFit is just small.

So I'm glad they got away from that.

They're gonna have a bigger

venue to support like the

infrastructure of it.

But I worry for them about

like kind of breaking up

the team and not cooperating with them.

And I

I think you want a good mix of both.

I want it to be the CrossFit

Games and I want it to be

overseen by them and all that stuff,

but also let it be its own

brand like they've done so well with.

We had such a positive

experience going and hell,

I guess now I have one with semifinals.

So, yeah, that's encouraging to me,

especially like from a

thousand foot view is like

where they're going to take

care of these things as

they get to be separate events.


so I want Corey's input here because

I know Corey,

so just if you want to know who Joe is,


did a show with him about four months



So you can go check that out

and get to meet him.

Corey was in the chat on that show.

That day he made gold for himself,

and it included legends.

And I think it's safe to say

that you have surpassed

your goal for this season, Corey.

And so where are you sitting today?


As of last night,

when the first part got finished up,

I'm sitting in 169th spot.

Just 120 or so spots out of qualifying.

No big deal.

So the 20-minute MRAP yesterday,

plantar fasciitis in my right foot.

I don't know.

Yeah, that's exactly what that felt like.

I was hobbling around like Tiny Tim.

At Christmas time, by the time I got done,

dude, like, it was bad.


Which forced me to go slower

than what I wanted to.

I had seven and a half,

eight rounds in mine, and I got, like,

six and a half.

But, I mean, whatever.

So, in October, after NFC,

I made a goal to just qualify for semis.

And here we are.

So I'm pretty excited about that.

Next big thing on the radar

is definitely to qualify for Legends.

That is the next big

overarching goal as far as that goes.

So, like,

anything that happens beyond

today and when the

leaderboard gets finalized,

whenever the hell that's going to be,

that's lined out for me.

That's just gravy, dude.

One of my partners says,

I'm just very happy to be here.

Corey, you're from Louisiana.

You're from Louisiana, aren't you?

Yes, sir.

Yes, sir.

I know when I hear it, baby, don't worry.

Where do you live?

I live in Gonzalez.

Yes, you know Alex Darby.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

That's my old boy, man.



Alex is a homie, dude.

Me and Alex,

our first year at regionals was 2014,

and then we did Masters,

and he's doing team this year.

I was pissed he didn't ask

me to be on his team, him and Charity.

But, yeah, I couldn't travel this year.

But, no, dude,

it was cool at Masters

Fitness Collective.

I was like, dude, I said, well,

your first year was 2014, wasn't it?

Because we were just out there trash.

I think me and him did real

good in the open.

Yeah, Alex is a good dude.

He's the most flexible man

I've ever seen besides Brandon Luckett.

Bro, he's so strong.

He's so strong.

I love that dude, bro.

He's somebody I've been,

since I've been competing,

I've been around him and

get to see him do a whole lot of stuff.

And he is really, really fun to watch,

especially once he starts

getting mad and shit,

because then he just starts

throwing weight around.

It's crazy.

Oh, yeah.

He's terrifying.


you can't have me and Corey on at

the same time.

I like my accent being the cool one.

and cory has the cage the

cajun one the cajun one

beats mine plus you're

you're both those types of

people you just pull your

own string and just keep

talking yeah you remember

yeah yeah and I want to

thank cory for being the

first person to ever do the

show from the john from the

yeah I'm outside I got no

info like I told you I

completely forgot that I

was doing that this was his thing so like

So kids are in the pool right now.

Like everywhere I go, it's either windy.

I can barely hear.

Like I got to have volume

turned all the way up and I

can barely hear.

I was like, I keep doing this.

Scott and I have similar accents.

I'm a,

I was in Minnesota for the first 37


So the Northern Midwest.

Oh yeah.

Oh yeah.

Oh, yeah.

So, yeah, I grew up Pennsylvanian.

Oh, okay.

And I was just,

I didn't want to be a yinz guy.

A yinz guy.


That's like me calling every

kind of soft drink Coke.

Corey probably does the same thing.

What kind of Coke do you want?



Okay, cool.

And y'all call it soda or

pop or whatever you guys do.

I want to jump back to Ryan

before this thing

completely goes off the rails.

There were leaks on the workouts.

How does that affect a weekend like this?

Well, for me personally,

I didn't know about it

until after we were already going.

You know,

I heard something about the leaks

maybe on the second day,

maybe Thursday or Friday

was the first time I even heard about it.

So, I mean, for me personally,

it doesn't affect me at all.

I don't think about it.

You know,

it's just something that I don't

worry about.

So I can't control it.

Just look at what I can

control and focus on that.

Do you think it puts you at an advantage?

Do you think it puts, say that again?

Do you think it puts you at

a disadvantage?

Oh, it puts me at a disadvantage.


My understanding of what was leaked,

it was basically the

workouts with the movements in them.

They didn't know rep schemes

or time domains or anything like that.

I'm not sure if that's accurate or not.

So I would think the people that had them,

yes, that could be an advantage for them.

So in a way it would put me

slightly at a disadvantage, but yeah,

I don't like it.

I don't like that they're

leaked and that certain people knew.

But again,

it's nothing that I can control.

So not this weekend,

I don't even spend any time

thinking about it.

Because you're in a very tight,

contested division.

Now, without 40,

it probably does not matter

as much this year until you

get to the games.

But I just wanted to get your input.


Yeah, you know,

it's kind of unfortunate

that that happened and

unfortunate that someone would do that.

But, again, for me personally,

it's nothing that I can do about it.

So I just focus on what I can do.

So chaos twins.

What about you guys?

Hell, I didn't, I didn't see them.

It being just four,

four workouts over the big

window they gave you.

I mean, you, there's a big license to redo,

redo, redo if you want it to,

especially if you're a,

if you're a pull endurance person,

cause that's what kind of got on me.

I did the muscle up on yesterday and like,

I didn't think the amount

of volume just in the

format of that AMRAP would

get on me for muscle ups.

Cause that's like a,

a good movement for me, but it did.

And I think, um, just with the, it's very,

it feels very minimal for

the amount of workouts.

So you can't have a bad workout.

So yeah,

if I would've got leaked to me

super early,

maybe I would've took some

more shots and had some,

some early videos.

Um, but I mean,

I feel like hell I could

take the day off and

probably do two tomorrow and be fine.

I mean, it's, you know,

barn like lifestyle and all that stuff,

but I, uh, I wish they would,

the leak as far as like

things getting out of the

room it makes me like

talking about how positive

it is to see them work with

other people that's

probably like the you know

the black eye on it if

that's the reason that

things are getting leaked

out so I would I would hate

to see that go but it's not

that big a deal man I mean

I think it you think like

the give and take of the

season and the company and

the way they used to do

things like we're getting

back to sexy open

announcements and all these

things and like they'll

iron this out I mean it

ain't that big a deal to me

Does it have to be a last

minute announcement?

Like their workouts ahead of semifinals.

Why can't that be done for age groups too?

And then it doesn't matter if it's late.

Cause everybody knows.

I'll turn around just a little faster.

I feel like in semifinals last year,

that's how they did it.

They, um,

announced that they announced the

workouts on Monday and then

you had your timeframe.

The timeframes were a lot less last year.

It was like, um, basically four days.

Um, you had Friday at noon,

they were Friday at noon

till Saturday noon.

No, it was less even it was two days.

I don't remember,

but it was a lot less and they get,

you had to do passwords, um, last year.

That was what I was worried

about or not worried about.


They released a workout on Monday,

which I thought was great,

especially since you had to

do four plans and everything like that.


and I liked the shortened timeframe too.

I don't really like this

long drawn out timeframe this year.

It's too much.


I think I'll say about the

long drawn out time frame

is that it's going to give

me my foot time enough time

to try to heal up because I

still got to do the fourth one.

the 30-30-30,

and I want another shot at

the ring muscle-up one

because I was at Roy

Vijay's place at Franco's,

and I jumped on the long

straps to try to do that

one for the first time.

Yeah, yeah, that face right there, Dex.

The three and the six went fine,

and then I got to the nine, dude,

and I lost tension on the

strap for one second.

The whole thing went to doing like this.

So I ended up...

Roy was judging me, and he was like,

we can go on the short straps.

So the dude that was holding

my camera and me took off

across the fucking room to

go jump on the short straps

and finish it off.

But I mean, I want to,

if I'm feeling good enough tomorrow,

I'm going to redo that one

just because I know I can do better.

I know I'm two minutes

better than what I was when

I did it Thursday.

But yeah, I'm the same way, dude.

If it's going to get leaked

and only certain people are

going to get it,

then I think that's messed up.

Not that it gives people

necessarily a huge

advantage because I wasn't

doing most of these once or

maybe twice anyway.

But that is an awful long

time for people to be thinking about it,

depending on how early they got it,

and to kind of, okay, well,

this is the only movements

I need to worry about.

I can kind of train around

whatever I need to leading up to it.

I just want to make it the

same for everyone.

So Jake Chapman says,

all three of these men

could have been members of U2.

Well, that's what I'm like.

Who's Bono, though?

Who's Bono?

I'll be Edge and play the guitar.

I got it.

I'll be Bono.

I'm old in my heart.

Yeah, but Ryan's got the stache, man.

He's got the edge.


Ryan looks like Edge.

Good point.

And I can't play the guitar.

You got the Larry Mullen looks, man.

I'm with that.

I'm with that.

So the thing I like about

the shortened time frame

for the qualifiers is it's

as close to live events as possible.

Like with this drawn out thing, you know,

you can redo workouts multiple times.

Like there's going to be

people that are doing workouts three,

maybe even four times.

And that's not as close to

live competition as it can be.

No, not at all.

That's what I like about the

shortened time frame is

it's closer to live competition.

I agree with that.

I think I worried, even quarterfinals,


Because I'm used to the

scrutiny of video reviews.

I've done semifinals, normal flow,

or quarterfinals that first year.

But, dude,

I'm certain they looked at none

of my videos.

Greened them out.


I felt good about that.

This part, like Ryan was talking about,

I thought they would for

sure do passwords and kind

of secure this thing down a little.

Maybe like formalize it a little bit more.

But I mean, even with the bigger window,

dude, like, yeah, it is.

It sucks.

I mean,

I think our reference for like kind

of professionalizing the

at-home things is

definitely like the year

they did the first stage games at home.

how elaborate that was and

like so we know that that's

available right maybe not

to that extent don't fly

judges out or whatever they

did that year that was very

like you know extreme case

but like the password thing

I think is great it's tight

in time frames I think it's

getting it as close to

controllables of the

environment the time frames

all that or get it close to

in in person uh and even

like the floor plans dude

like I enjoyed the floor plans


now I also like being able to put

everything on top of each other.

Um, but the floor,

the floor plans were nice

as far as like getting his, you know,

even playing field.

Corey's got the same

transitions decks has like right across,

across everything.

I thought that was cool.

So that's the only thing I'd add back.

And then, you know,

being my first experience

going through the semifinals with,

with master stuff,

I think you definitely have to,

I love having a Monday.

Cause I wanted to, like Corey said,

I want another shot at the

ring muscle up one.

just for unexpected like cumulative stuff,

which is just they did well

with the program.

And I think for the back half.

But yeah,

I think the password thing has to

be and the controllables

that timeline is where

they're gonna have to manipulate that.


So Ryan,

you've been a like a perennial top

10 games athlete.

When you're going through these,

is it almost better to do

one and done to kind of get

yourself ready for the games?

Or is it too important to

qualify that you'll throw

in a redo if you have to?

So a couple thoughts on that.

First thought is you have to

separate this from the games.

This is not the games.

So you don't treat it like

you would treat the games.

I go into it with the

mindset of ideally you want

to be one and done.

Um, I want to do one workout,

everything I got in that

workout done with it and move on.


but you want to have a backup plan in

case it doesn't go well.


and that's the thing about having these

extended windows is, um, I did, uh,

number three first, uh,

because I felt number three

would probably be my weakest workout, um,

with the muscle up front squat one.

And so I did that first just

to see how it would go, feel it out.

And hopefully I did as good

as I could and then be done.

Um, but it allowed me time to redo it.

So, so yeah, it's, um, mindset is,

is try to get it done in one.

So in other words, Jake Chapman says, uh,

you do it in the name of love,

but just in case you still

haven't found what you're looking for,

you have, you have that backup plan.


So it's funny because, um,

I went and observed Rudy

burger doing the workouts this weekend,

just so I could see them in action.


and be able to talk about them better.

And really, like,

I think his plan is just –

is to go one and done,

but they do have that

safety net that if

something does go horribly wrong,

he can swing that out.

But, yeah, he didn't need the safety net.

I like them forcing the order too, right?

Like Brian's talking about –

Cause I did them in order.

And like the first two,

I knew I wouldn't have to

redo the snatch one.

Just, you know,

I guess I could still lean

on age group stuff and

knowing who's in my group.

Um, and like that's that couplet for me.

I knew, uh,

I thought honestly the ring

muscle up wouldn't be a strawberry,

like a super strength for me.

Uh, just kind of contrast what Ryan said.

And I got blown up yesterday, man.

I'll be perfectly honest.

My lats were dead.

I definitely thought that I

would have to redo the

20-minute AMRAP if I had to

redo any of them.

Just God knows me.

I'm a turn and burn brother.

I'm a gas pedal guy.

And so didn't have to redo that one.

And the one I thought would

be the kind of slam dunk for me,

I'm going to do that thing tomorrow.

And if it was a tighter timeline, no dice.


that's the other thing about the

shortened time frame is it

almost does force the order.


And with just four, with just four events,

the margin for, for like a,

you can't lay an egg one.

So you've got to, you know,

I've heard several people

say it forces you to

perform across all four.

And that's absolutely true.

But then you give away that

a little bit with the,

with the lengthy timeline.

So that's a little give and take, I guess.

Don't hate it,

but I don't see him doing it

like this again next year.

So can we talk about the

fact that Dex is hosting a

cooking show while this is going on?

I'm about to go do that thruster workout.

I also just want y'all to

notice how much I'm

seasoning this food so I

can't get the white boy

jokes and the Louisiana jokes from Corey.

Are y'all doing a crawfish

bowl for Mother's Day?

No, indeed not.

Crawfish is $5 a fucking pound live.

Yeah, why is that?

Because we didn't get enough

water during the wintertime.

Water wasn't high enough.

Crawfish didn't bury low enough.


Dude, in my 35 years of living,

I've never heard of that.



So people don't know,

Dex used to be on our show

a ton back in the day.

And when he was on,

we used to call it

Clydesdale After Dark

because you never knew

where it was going.

No, we still don't.

No, we still don't.

And it's awesome to have him back, man.

He's one of my dear friends,

and I'm just so glad he's

back on the show.

My man.

So now the next thing up is for two of you,

you're in a qualifying spot

for the games right now.

You're going to finish this weekend,

and then a whole lot of

stuff's happening in all

the other CrossFit space,

and you have to wait until

Labor Day weekend to go to the games.

That's a really long window.

How do you deal with that

from a training perspective

once this is over?

Last year was a very similar time frame.

The semifinals were a little bit earlier,

a couple weeks earlier,

but the games were a couple

weeks earlier as well.

So last year,

you just kind of take some

time off to recover,

and then you start building

back up again.

So you recover and you make

a plan for what you're

going to do and you just

work on your weaknesses and

try to build it back up to

peak again for the games.

I feel like personally,

I probably peaked at quarterfinals.

I'm feeling a little bit

blah this weekend.

It's such a short time frame

between quarterfinals and semifinals.

It's kind of hard to...

peak for both and so I think

I tried I tried to stay at

that peak and it probably

didn't work out the best

for me but um oh dude we

are we are opposite

monsters I uh I had a whole

bunch of life kind of

happened in the last year

and I think my give a shit

I really I'm gonna steal a

Ben Bergeron quote I

realized very early on in

this year I only had so

many matches to strike so I

uh I didn't even really start

I say not training hard.

That sounds super

dickheadish and arrogant.

But like my full attention

has not been on training

until they dropped the

first open workout.


it's because that's what Ryan's saying.

And Scott knows this to be true.

I burn it hot.

And then quarterfinals comes around.

My give a shit goes.

But now I felt good through quarterfinals.

I've been checked in all week.

I'm also moving into a new home,

starting a new job.

So this has actually been

like the first year where

it's kind of been the sprinkles on top of,

you know,

kind of a shit storm and a

cupcake at the same time.

So it's, yeah, man,

the proximity of the games from this,

I think, you know, Ryan might agree,

all the things between now

if you qualify in the games are fun,


We'll get back to weird stuff.

Not for me.

I got to get in the pool if I qualify.

You know, I don't want to do that.


everything else is kind of

house money and fun um I'm

sure ryan's like me I'm

gonna take a good old you

can take a healthy two

weeks off if it's that big

gap ryan we we recharge the

batteries so yeah yeah I

think the gap's exciting

for me man then it's in

birmingham I think you know

I was the dickhead that

announced that the games

were going to be on in

birmingham on morning chalk

up and like you know had

had very reputable sources

saw the paperwork yada yada but it just

I imagine they drove through

downtown Birmingham and said, hey,

this is not the place for

the CrossFit game.

But I lived in Fort Worth for a year.

I think that was actually

the first time I was on Scott's show, and

I love Fort Worth, man.

They're going to have a great time.

We're going to have a great

time in Birmingham facilities-wise.

It's right next to a Topgolf,

so we can go do events,

and then at night go drink

margaritas and hit Topgolf balls maybe.

I don't know how this whole

group parties yet,

but if it's like Masters

Fitness Collective,

we'll have a good time.

I'm going to tell you boys this for sure.

Even – I mean, to be honest,

I'm 99% not going to qualify,

but I'm probably still coming anyway.

Yeah, you're going to come.

Yeah, yeah.

I'm going to take Dex's

coach's pass and be back

there and make sure I keep him in line.

No, no, no, no, no.

You're going to be part of

Clydesdale media, man.

We're going to be covering

this thing behind the scenes.

You know what, Corey?

I need your interviewing skills.

Yeah, yeah.

And then Corey can be like

me when everybody says, wait, wait,

say that one more time.

Wait, wait, wait, say that one more time.

Yeah, that's funny.

What did you say?

I love it.

Shut up.

So, so I know Dex has some more to do.

I know Corey's got some more to do.


you done or you got to hand the barn

or you got more to do?

I have done all four.

I am debating whether I redo

one of the last ones tomorrow or not.

I think I have three pretty

good scores and one,

average score.

So it's just going to be,

do I want to redo that

average score and try for better?

I don't know if I can do better or not,

but, um, so.

What's your math for

deciding if you redo or not, right?

Like I think most of the time people know,

Hey, I can only,

I need a certain amount of points X, Y, Z,

or I have to stay within this, uh,

placing range.

Do you do that to decide if

you're going to redo it or do you,

you know?

Yeah, definitely.


I'm the person that talks to everybody

else too and tells them, okay,

what'd you do on that?

I think that's where you're

going to finish then.

I kind of feel like I have a

handle on where I'm going

to end up with these scores.

Cut the recording off, Scott.

We're not live anymore.

He's going to help me with the math.

Yes, that does affect it a little bit.

I feel like I have the time

to do it since we have extra time.

I feel good.

My body feels good.

Why not try it again?

It's kind of where I'm at

So I don't know.

I don't know if I'll improve

or how much I'll improve on it,

but might as well try it again.

That's it.


Hey, you got time.

Shoot your shot.

I mean,

what's it going to hurt at this point?

Yeah, exactly.

I just, I want to get,

I want to qualify top half

and I feel like the last two I can,

I just, uh, I know the middle one.

Cause honestly,

I was super surprised that

I let out last night when they came out.

So it's, uh, you know,

kind of house money for me

here so I can shoot some

shots and be comfortable wherever I land.

But, um,

Yeah, dude,

I'd love to hear what the math is,


I wish I had that nerd thinking process.

So the audience knows, Ryan,

you're sitting top 10, I think,

eighth today.

Oh, come on.

That was nice, yeah.

Come on, Big Daddy.

Dex is in 28th.

Hell yeah, brother.

And Corey, we're just proud of you, man.

Hey, man.

Hey, Corey's having a damn fine time.

You understand?

I can't lose.

This is why I messed up, Corey.

When I asked you,

you were kicking my ass

because I've seen your name

so much and now I know where it is.

Me and you both are talking

mad shit and everybody's

live YouTube things.

We're just there talking

shit the whole time.

It's Corey and me.

That's funny.

Tristan Patrick says, Dex,

unbroken or bought on four?

On four?

You're an idiot.


I'm a grip guy.

So 115 is like a landmine

you could step in, right?

You're going to do those

first five cleans and feel real good,

tempted to hang on to it.

And then you go hop up to do

a toast bar and have the old T-Rex arms.

I think it is.

smart athlete dependent on the first part.

Toes to bars, toes to bars.

If you're doing more than two sets,

you're probably not in the mix, maybe,

I would say.

I think that number is just

right on the line of you

probably could do it

unbroken if you're a jerk,

but you should not because

you're going to have to die

on the last bar.

Like I think Brian said earlier,

you're going to make a

decision in that 30 if you

want to go or if you want

to stay ass at home.

No, definitely.

If it was an affiliate class,

smoke them if you got them.

Somebody told me the other day, Scott,

that I pace really well,

and I'm just riding with

that because no one's ever

said that to me before in

my entire CrossFit life.

And so he watched me do that

20-minute AMRAP, and he said, man,

you pace so good.

I said, hold on.

Let me get my phone.

Say that again.

What that translates to is

you're just not fit,

and you're slow the whole way through.

No, no.

Look, I went –

I almost got 10,

and the only reason I didn't, I had two,

like, weird jumps on the box,

and I kicked double unders once.

I was probably – I was a set

of hands that pushed up the way,

and I did the last two rounds unbroken.

I've never felt good about pace and stuff,

and I felt real good about that one.

When it came out and it said

20-minute AMRAP at the top,

I didn't even need to read

what was under it because

that time domain has always

been what gives me trouble, right?

Like, skills-wise, density or whatever,

I'm always pretty cash

money for whatever is, like, in-house.

But when we get outside of that, you know,

nine to 12-minute range

where it ain't so sexy,

it's not just hurting.

Now it's planning.

I've not in the past been

that athletically mature.

And so I'd like to think

that that's kind of the

thing we're picking up late in the game.

So I was pumped about it.

The last two are going to be fun.

I'm definitely glad I get to

take another shot at the muscle-up one.

just because, you know, I can.

But the last one's going to be fun.

I love one where, like,

the skill is hurting and

it's not that much.

It's like,

can you hold your hand on the stove?

And so, yeah, it'll be fun.

So Tristan actually says I'm

giving you shit.

Obviously a bad idea.

No, man,

let me unpack that because I

wanted to do it unbroken.

That was my suggestion to

myself when I was told otherwise.

I had lots of risks.

I could do this like an e-bomb.


Yeah, you could do it like an Iman,

but you should not do it like an Iman.

But our age groups, dude, 35, 39 is dogs.

It's all dogs.

Because there's some guys like Bratislava,

there's some cats in there

that I have no clue who

takes an invite and who

doesn't in this age group.

Sam Dancer, you understand?

No, so Sammy's going to be the oldest.

But you can do both this year.

I hate that for me personally,

but it'll be cool to keep the show alive,

I guess.

I don't really know.

Being able to do both is wild.

I think Sam Dancer's going

to do the toes-to-bar while

holding on to the barbell.


while he's doing cleans at the same time.

That's right.

That's what I was going to say,

the difference between age groups there,


You're age group 35-39.

You're talking about maybe

one break on the

toes-to-bar or something like that.

I'm like...

I took four breaks on the toes to bar.

Three breaks, I guess.

That sounded mad disrespectful.

It's very different.

The key is the thrusters, though,

on that workout.

That workout's all about the thrusters.

Yeah, I think so, too.

How bad do you want to hurt on thrusters?

I hate thrusters,

and it only being 30 at 115

makes me infinitely happier.

That'll be more fun.

That's cool.

Sometimes they're not all fun, man,

and these...

All four of these workouts have been fun.

Like, I haven't done the last one yet,

but up until this point, they've all been,

like, a good time.

They hurt.

They're well-constructed.

So hats off to Buddy if he

worked with them and they

didn't alter him too much

because I really enjoyed this.

And more so, there's nothing new and sexy.

It's classic CrossFit.

And, like, I miss that.

I miss that when it's not –

you know, weird nuanced stuff,

trying to reinvent the wheel,

like classic CrossFit.

That's what I thought for sure.

It was like a Dave thing.

Um, so it's been,

it's been refreshing to me.

So Kenneth DeLapp asks a question.

Is hurting a skill or a sign

of mental capacity?


That's both.






Oh, I was like, Oh God, get him.


I, uh, yeah.

I told somebody the other day, like, uh,

i was like I came out of

football and I could sprint

rest sprint always so I had

that hurt the anything

outside of of that I was

never used to doing and so

like you know when you

don't know any better and

you think more volume is

better uh every night I'd

grow like five by 500

meters as hard as I could

on damper 10 with two

minute rest and alternate

that with like bike sprints

throw up things just to

make myself tougher so like

you can develop it for sure

and there's a way better

way to go about it than that

Meeting people that have it,

like Brandon Luckett,

Alex is one of them.

It's weird that it's mostly wrestlers.

Chandler, people like that.

They're always sickos.

Sickos, see?

Knew it.

I like to say that I was the

type of kid that

would pound the square peg

through the round hole, you know?

I'm just going to keep doing

it and keep doing it.

I don't, I don't know any better.

So yeah.

And I wrestled,

I wrestled through college and beyond.

So yeah.

Well, I'm jealous.

We didn't have wrestling.

You mentioned Brandon.

Cause he told us not that long ago.

He's like,

I'll call for a blood on the

floor before I stop.

Straight up.

I've witnessed it, dude.

When I used to work for Misfit,

it was Brandon's first or second year,

his sweet baby angel.

And, yeah,

he's been a sicko his whole life.

People act surprised that he's fit, dude.

I have a video of the kid.

I have a video when the kid

popped his elbow in the

snatch ladder at West Coast

Classic in slow motion,

and he took an elephant

dose of ibuprofen the rest

of the weekend and still qualified.

Like, yeah, Dr. Brandon's a sicko.


He's completely out of his mind,

and I love it.

Yeah, great guy.

Great guy.

Great guy.


Well, guys, this has been a blast.

I invited a bunch of people on.

A lot of people are doing

the workout right at this time.

Bunch of nerds.

Bunch of nerds.

I'm going this afternoon.

It's fine.

Well, good thing I'm in the Central.

I live in the Pacific time coast,

but I'm in the Central time

coast doing the workouts,

so it works out.

Where are you at, Ron?

Where are you at, Ron?

I'm at Mayhem right now.

Oh, how dare you?

Go use the bathroom and don't flush it.

I'm just kidding.

They're nice people.

Don't do that.

Quick question then, Ryan.

So you're at Mayhem.

It looks like you're in that back room.

Yeah, correct.

So as a Masters athlete,

do you get access to that

as much as an elite athlete?


I mean, this weekend,

for the people that came out here,

it's full access.

Full access, yeah.

I mean,

we have to work a little bit around

some times and stuff,

but it's been unbelievable.

How many people are there?

So there's probably 20 to 30

age group athletes total.

Maybe a core of 15 to 20

that were here the whole time.

Something like that.

Including teenagers.


That's my other one of my own boys.

Louisiana right there.

Yeah, you're doing well.

I think he's going to do it.

I think he's going to do it.

And, uh, right.

And, uh, geez, Ryan, not right.

Um, Corey,

you're doing it at the Southland

kind of group area, right?


I did the first three over there.

Um, with, with, uh,

with Roy and another guy that came down,

it's in 45, 49.


we started on Wednesday or got there on

Wednesday, uh,

Did two of them on Thursday.

Ended up taking Friday off.

Went back Saturday morning

and just punished myself

for 20 minutes doing double

unders on a bad foot.

And I'm going to do the –

The last one at my gym,

just because I'm not

driving all the way back in

an hour and a half,

just to go work out for

five minutes on that last one.

And then, like I said,

depending on how I feel,

I'll probably try to knock out or redo,


that ring muscle-up on tomorrow evening,

like after I get off work,

just because I know I can do better.

And if I got enough time to

get it in or out of the window,

I'm going to try it one more time.

What's that window for us, Corey?

We're all central.

Is that like –

Same as Saturday, 7 o'clock Central Time.

Gonzales, Louisiana.

That's right.


you enjoy Cracker Barrel and all the

things that they have to offer there.

McAllister's and Cracker Barrel,

and that's it.

Yeah, all of those.

Dex, you lone wolfing it?

Yeah, dude.

I actually just started

working at an Iron Tribe,

which is awesome.

It's been a really odd,

kind of refreshing thing

for me fitness-wise at work.

But yeah, dude,

I've done all of them alone.

I've been training by myself,

and I'm sick of it.

So if people live close to Alabama,


about an hour and a half north

of Birmingham or wherever, dog,

come get down.

If I knew y'all were at Mayhem, Ron,

I would have scooted up.

It ain't that far to drive.


But, yeah, man, it's – Well,

I got your old coach here

walking around too.


Michael McElroy.

Oh, that's my first coach ever, man.

Great guy.

That's what he said.

He was walking by.

You didn't see him.

He was looking at the camera

in the background trying to

get you to see him, but you couldn't.

I love Mike, man.

He is a kind and gentle man.

He met a real asshole Dex in college,

and he was very gentle with me.

And us kind of being in the

space together has been

really cool for a few years, man.

I enjoy Mike.


Well, guys, this has been a blast.

Well, let's do something again,

like after this is all over

and then things are final

and the last couple events

and how it all went down.

And, hey,

stick with us today at 6 o'clock p.m.

Eastern time.

We've got Aaliyah Miller on

semifinalist and current Jeopardy!

champion on that program.

And then at 7.45 tonight,

we're starting Sunday Night

CrossFit Talk a little early,

the highlight fight for the fittest.

Those organizers are coming

on to talk about that.

And then we'll get into the

normal Sunday night talk

with Jamie and Carolyn and

go through that.

get a little input from

jamie on her master's

weekend and uh and then

we're going to talk about

the semifinals coming up

this weekend for elites I'm

so excited to see her I'm

so excited for her to see

uh they see jamie back in

there dude yeah she needs

she yeah I've seen all her

workouts she sends me the

videos to make sure like

they meet standard and

everything that's sick

So we got to get her through.

And then we're,

we're covering the games this year, man.

Masters all in.

That's great.

That's great.

We are going to masters for sure.

Let's go.

So with that, everybody,

thank you for being in the chat guys.

And we will be back on later

today with that.

It's next time on the Clydesdale media,

whatever we're doing right now.

Bye guys.