FirstFleet tenFour

Nurse Line: 1-800-818-8581

Teladoc has replaced Physician Now - Click here to get started
or call Teledoc: 808-352-2362

Remember: Getting to Level 1 in Virgin Pulse saves you $780 a year on health insurance!!
And once you get to level 4, you can get over $200 in pulse cash to spend any way you want!

What is FirstFleet tenFour?

The company podcast of FirstFleet, Inc. designed and intended to connect and communicate with our team of dedicated transportation professionals around the country. Let's start a conversation.

Welcome to First Fleet, ten four.

Hello and welcome to the
First Fleet ten four podcast.

I'll be your host today.

My name is Elizabeth Windham and
I am here with our HR director

and another, HR associate.

So, uh, why don't you ladies introduce
yourselves and we will get started

talking about some fun HR stuff.

All right.

Thanks, Liz.

Hey, everybody.

It's me, Alicia, and hr.

I've been on the podcast several
times talking to you about wellness

and benefits, and hopefully
I've got to see you in the last

few months in your terminals.


So yes, cuz I know I
haven't been seeing you.

You've been traveling
all over the country.

It's been really cool, but
it's been a little hard.

You haven't been singing me well.

No, no, no.

It's been cool that you've been
able to travel and go everywhere.

I've actually been really missing you.

I'm like, I've gotta figure out how
to get ahold of her uhhuh, which is

why we're doing this so that I can
actually, lots to tell everybody.

Lots of really good at was.


I love it.

So here we are and Miss Sonya wants, Hey.

Hey everybody.

My name is Sonya Freeman here in hr.

Um, Been over here in HR for a few months.

I transferred out of safety department
and I've been with the First Fleet almost

five years, and HRS now my new home.

Everybody knows Sonya.

Hey, that's what I've noticed.


Very cool.

Well, we love it.

Love having here.

Thank you.

Thank you.

All right, so today we get to talk
about some fun stuff and I know that

there's, a lot of stuff that I have
no idea about and I'm very bad about

the benefits that I have that I don't
use because I don't know about 'em.

So I would love if today would be a
great opportunity for you to educate

me and all of our drivers about
what we have available for us on

our health plan and what we can use
that we're not taking advantage of.


Well, I think we've got a couple
of really nice enhancements that I

would love to talk about today, and
I think that they are perfect for

especially our industry transportation.

Ah, okay.

We're, you know, we're by and large all
drivers and we're on the road and we're.

We're trucking out there.

And so as a result, it can be hard
to get to your primary care physician

or your nurse practitioner, you know,
each and every time that you need to.

And you know, I, and I have,
I've got to travel to a lot

of different terminals lately.

And no matter where I've been, I've
been in Tennessee, Colorado, Phoenix,

and it, it hasn't mattered, but the
environment everywhere I've been,

it seems like it's sinus season.


Everywhere that I've been.


So that's been just all over the nation.

A lot of, you know, different,
um, respiratory mm-hmm.

Illnesses going on right
now, just across the nation.

And one, one particular
benefit that I wanted to make

everybody aware of, it's new.


And it's free.


I like free.

Absolutely nothing for it.

If you were on the Blue Cross Blue Shield.

Health Insurance Plan, first Fleet.


And what we've done is we've adopted
a nurse line and it's, it's through

Blue Cross Blue Shield and it's 24 7.

Uh, so you can call the nurse line
and when you go to Blue Cross Blue

Shield, the in on your portal, the
info's there about it and updated

for you, we're on the portal.


You go to Blue cross blue

Oh, that portal, I'm sorry.


The Blue Cross.

And then every person who has
our insurance has their own

Blue Cross Blue Shield account.


Um, also we've got it
updated on the HR site.


Everything you need to know, leaflets
on nurse line that you can print out.

But the number one 800.

8 1 8, 8 5 8 1.

Ooh, I'm gonna plug that
in my phone right now.

Yeah, twenty four seven.

You have access holidays, weekends 24 7.

You have access to the nurse line, so
no matter what's going on with your

particular situation, maybe you're
raising a newborn baby right now.

You know how they kind of have their
own issues in the middle of the night.

I remember having my first child and.

Every little thing that I experienced
was a first, and I didn't know

if it was normal, not normal.

And, um, you know, you can reach out
to the nurse line and ask before you

run to the emergency room or, you know,
try to get a doctor's appointment.

If you are, um, you know, all of a
sudden you have a rash or you know, maybe

you've got diabetes or hypertension and
you've just seen a spike in your, in your

sugar, or all of a sudden you've got a,
um, an increase on your blood pressure

you, that makes you a little weary.

You can reach out and run these things
by a nurse who's going to from there help

you decide, you know, one of a few things.

Do I need to go to the doctor?

Do I need to go to the
emergency room right now?

And that kind of takes
me into the next piece.

We've also, um, expanded
our Physician Now program.

You'll see some new branding with.

Called Teladoc.


And so we'll need to get a new app
for, uh, instead of the Physician Now

app, we'll need to get the Teladoc app.



There is a new app.

It's called Teladoc, T e L a d O C.

Ah, okay.

And that is, it's replacing what
was formally known as physician

now, but still powered through,
uh, through Blue Cross Blue Shield.

Oh, okay.


So still you can call the number.

You can, um, You know, go on the app
and Access, go on our First Fleet

mobile app or go on the Teladoc app.

The Teladoc app, okay.

Or you can also call 808 3 5 2 3 6 2.


And you can do everything
by phone if you would like.

And what i's good Teacher
about the Teladoc is, which is,

you know, basically virtual.

Is one, you can go by phone and
access a doctor, or if you do, you

can actually choose a video function
so you can actually see your doctor.


And you, nice You can see one another's.


So when you're, you know, start with the
nurse, I, I recommend starting with the

nurse line because it's completely free.


That was what I was gonna ask.

So what's the difference?

The nurse line can't prescribe stuff for.

The nurse line's not gonna be
able to prescribe any medication.


They're there to help with advice.

They could help you with your,
you know, manage your symptoms.


Let you know like, is what I'm feeling
experienced, is this normal, you know, is,

is, or has this reached a level where I
do need to go to the emergency room, or I

do need to get an appointment right now?

And so they, they can help you with that.

Um, we don't, we don't need to just
run to the emergency room every time

we have a, a little ailment, and so
as my, my sister's an ER nurse mm-hmm.

She would appreciate
that mindset, you know?


The ER is not where you
do primary care stuff.



It's not where you go for sniffles
and for, it's for, for emergencies,

for really serious stuff.

They'll help you with that triage
or they can say, Hey, why don't,

why don't you get a Teladoc visit?

Which is with a Okay.

A, a physician.

And of course if you decide to do
that, it is, it does go under your

copay with your, with your insurance.



So it's not completely free.

So nurse line is free.

Teladoc is not completely free, but.

Like a virtual doctor's visit,
a virtual doctor's visit, but,

and they can prescribe stuff
if you're sick and need stuff.

So you call the nurse figure
out, Hey, is this just a take two

Advil and sleep on it, or is this
a I need to get a prescription

for something and then let them.

Let the free stuff do the free stuff
first, and then we go to the paid stuff.



I would, I mean, it's
a, it's a level of care.


Like triaging is what I call it.


Um, and anytime I don't have
to pay money, that's wonderful.


So on Teladoc.

Uh, the big difference, like
you've said before, is that is

a board certified doctor, okay?

That's gonna handle your visit, right?

And they are licensed and to prescribe
medication for many things that you could

call them for, for example, um, rash.

Sinus infection.


They can even, um, diagnose covid
now, you know, based on your symptoms.

And if you do a, a, a visit where
you select video option, they, they

can actually examine your throat
and, you know, any type of rash.

They can see you for a
urinary tract infection.

Um, you know, minor, you
know, any minor first aid.

They can see you for that.

Spider bites, uh, anything like that.

You, you might have, would
be a great Teladoc visit.

You don't have to go into an
office, you know where there's

a lot of sick people right now.

To me, that's a huge.

Advantage and just sitting and
waiting in the office, sitting and

waiting with a lot of sick people,
and you don't know what they have.

People aren't, people aren't showing
up to the doctor's office with a

sign that says, I'm here because
I might have Covid right now.

I'm here because I might have the flu.

And by the way, Teladoc
can see you for the flu as.

And based off your symptoms, they
can prescribe, you know, the theif

flu, you know, different things I
guess, that they prescribe for flu.

But when you go into a doctor's
office right now, those are the things

that you're going to be exposed to.

Um, good story the other
day, uh, lots of busy moms.


In fact, when I get done with this
podcast, I have to jump outta here, get

in my vehicle, and go pick my children
up from school as quickly as I can.

You know, it's rush, rush, rush, rush.

So I was in the car rider line a
few weeks ago and I looked over

one of the moms that I know she
was sitting in the car rider line.

And if you know anything about car
rider lines, you gotta get there

about 45 minutes early if you want a
good position in the car rider line.


And, and there was Mary sitting
over there in the car rider line and

what I was like, what is she doing?

She was doing a telehealth visit.

That's her, her car.


Very convenient taking you,
you're talking about multitasking.

Take advan, taking advantage
of every moment that you have.

So she was being seen for the flu.

And, um, she was able to be seen by
a physician and get the prescription

that she needed right then and
there in the car rider line.

Oh, any luck.

Pick it up on her way
home after picking up.

She didn't have to go away to
the doctor's office for an hour.

Yes, and she may be contagious
and I may be at the same

doctor for a wellness check.

I really don't wanna be
exposed in the waiting room.

I'm glad Mary's sitting in
her car doing her Teladoc.

So pick up her kids, go
pick up her prescription.

She's on with her day and that, and
that's what, that's what it's like

for us, you know, male and female.

Right now, our drivers, they
not, might not be home close to

their doctor or their pharmacy.

The Teladoc physician can
send your prescription to any

pharmacy across the nation.

Well, that's what I was just thinking.

You're out on a run and you've got a.

You got a rest, 10 hour rest break.


And you're in the sleeper
and feel like convenience.


That's amazing.

And not trying to find
an urgent care clinic.


All you need is a Teladoc and
the nearest Walgreens or wherever

pharmacy that you can find.

That is very cool.

You know, bringing it, bringing
in the healthcare, meeting

you right where you're at.

You don't necessarily have to
be at home anymore, so, right.

I'm really excited about these two
new features and we know we've gotta

get more information out there so that
these numbers and everything are in your

hands, you know, right when you need it.

We do have some new updated benefit and
motion cards that are being sent out to

all your terminals that, you know, have
all our important, you know, benefit.

Vendor information on 'em
and their phone numbers.

And it is now updated to include
both Teledoc and the nurse line.

So we'll have those out very, very soon.

Very cool.

So Will, will they be sent to
our homes or just stashed over

at the terminal or the terminals?

Yeah, and then put 'em in their trucks and
I believe some have already gone out, so.



We're trying to send
enough for each location.


We'll get some more posters out and.

You know Yeah.

Getting things out.

So by the time this podcast goes out,
they should be sitting in your terminal

waiting on you and, uh, pick 'em up.


That's a very, very handy thing.

I have it pinned on my,
um, pinned on my desk.

I've got a picture of it on
my phone, but I keep, let's

just pass all of our numbers.

Everything you need, right.

I believe if we go into the First
Fleet mobile app and we open up the

menu, And we scroll all the way down
to where it says quick reference.


That has all of our quick
reference information.

So all that information is also on your
phone, on your mobile app at all times.

So you always have it.

If you don't get to the terminal soon and
you're like, oh, hey, I need to use that

Teledoc thing right now, or I wanna use
that nursing nurse line, we can add that.

Um, That is in the mobile app right now.

And so you can just open up your
phone, open up the mobile app and

go down to the quick reference
section and find that, okay.

So I know there's one more thing
that we actually haven't talked

about related to hr Virgin Pulse.

How are you guys doing on
your Virgin Pulse numbers?

I'm getting there.

I'm getting, I'm very good.

I am actually on, I'm on.

I'm into level.




You're the level four.



I'm only into level three at this point.

That's still very good.

Oh, well, the brilliant thing is I'm not
actually doing anything in it, right?

It's really, really simple.

Oh, I mean, you don't have
to do, here's the deal.

All you have to do is.

Because your phone is actually really good
at tracking your steps and your sleep.

So all I did was set up my iPhone
to track my steps and sleep

and throw it into Virgin Pulse.

And I You're making it?

Yes, I'm making it.

I'm good.

It's like, this is awesome.

So every now and then a little bit of
an over cheaper here I can see that.

I can see that, hey, you
know, there's big money in it.

So there's.

I do wanna give a shout out.

A big shout out to Colorado.

Oh yeah.

Sonya and I just slept there last week and
we had two days of biometric screening.


And it was, Wonderful and fabulous.

And there any Colorado drivers out
there listening right now, I just wanna

say thank you for your hospitality.

Thank you very much.

Gotten to meet lots of, uh, new
drivers that, you know, I've never

met before when I've been out there.

And it was just so good to see, meet new
faces and see those that I know as well.


We, we maxed out our
biometric screening event.


On both days we had a day
and a nighttime event.

And if you can get, there's several
more biometric screening events coming

up, and if you're able to get to
one that gets you like 5,000 points.


Yeah, for if you do a biometric
screening, you're gonna get 4,000 points.

I'm sorry.

And then directly after you can
do your health assessment, which

takes five minutes and get 3000.

Boom, you're at your 7,000 points.


Right there.


You're at level one, and that
means, what does that mean again?

Means you have qualified
for your health insurance.

Premium reduction of $780 a year.


Oh, right.

That's how I get my $5
a week health insurance.

So your insurance is
$15 cheaper a week and.

A week.

That's how you get $5 insurance a week.

There you go.

That is, take care of your points.

I knew it was important, but it's
so you just gotta hit that level

one and that's how you get your Yes.


Before we move on, um, speaking
of Fountain, I just wanted to

give a big shout out also to
Kim, their terminal manager.

Um, Fleet manager.

She just was fabulous.

I mean, she's her and Jason and, uh,
Sherry, just everybody at Fountain.

So receptive and so helpful and want
to be included and want to do, um,

we couldn't have had a better trip.

That's awesome.

For a better, better turn.


And we thank all of them for that.

Every single driver we got to,
uh, see 42 drivers, I believe,

go through the biometric.

And by the time we were done, every
single driver hit 7,000 points or more.


So right there, we've got 42
people, you know, ready to go.

But getting your points
is easier than ever.

We've made some enhancements and
we're really excited about that.


And they're, they were made in the
name of, You know, just really doing

all the things that we should be doing
anyway to be taking care of our health.

They're based on preventative health and
we're rewarding big for that this year.



Um, now just going to get your
annual physical with the doctor.


That's worth probably right
about 5,000 points now.


Um, when you go to get your mammogram, you
know, which, you know, when you're 40 or

above, you should be getting that yearly.

You're gonna get mega points for that.

When you go get, if your doctor
orders a colonoscopy, ooh, you're

gonna get some mega points for
that, which frankly you should.

Cause that's, you should, yeah.

We might need to double those.


Well, and if you, if you're not on
the app yet, um, Which hopefully

everybody is learning about
the app and getting on there.

Um, you get another 2000 points just for
lo for the very first time for signing up?



Very first time you're on there.


Uh, points are easier than ever to get.

And, and the rewards are there.


In, in gift cards.

I was about to say, I've used about half
of mine, um, from my digital gift cards

from last year, so, and they never expire.

So if you haven't used yours from last
year, Don't worry, they're still there.

Get to redeeming those, get you
some Nikes that you can get.

A Nike gift card, a Bass Pro Shops,
Cabelas, Lowe's, home Improvement

Home Depot, if those are the things
you'd like or just a Visa, but

there's many, many to choose from.

And, uh, anything else Preventative
like, you know, a skin check,

those are now rewarded.


Anything in the name of preventative
wellness is, is going to get big.

Your dental exams?



Oh really?

And if you're on First Fleet Dental Right.

Or First Fleet Vision Insurance.

Uhhuh or our, you know, our first
Fleet, blue Cross Blue Shield, those

preventative things that you can get done.

Physicals your cleanings with
your teeth, your eye exam.

Not only are you gonna get your points,
but they're gonna transmit over to

your Virgin Pulse app automatically.


I was about to ask, you don't have to do.

Thing that was what I was about to ask.

Yeah, that's perfect.

You not to give it a week or two
for the journey, the flow, but

all of that stuff is going to
transfer for you automatically.


That's very, very helpful.

I like the automatic one more, very
big point that I wanted to push is that

if your spouse is covered under our
Blue Cross Blue Shield medical plan,

Uhhuh, they also have a virgin pulse.

Really to them for the, so they
could sign into their own account?


They won't earn the points towards
the premium, but they can get the

Virgin Pulse cash, which they can
also earn as well, so, oh man.

So they could actually, so really,
yeah, you have two members per household

that could earn up to $230 and, yeah.

Cuz I mean, 460 bucks, you
know, husband and wife and a lot

of the uh, that's super cool.

Don't know that we have that right.



Get your spouse going.

Cuz I know my husband earns gift
cards all the time and I get his gift

cards, so just think you could be
getting double gift cards right now.

That's what I tell him.

Like going, the wives will
say, no, he's not doing it.

I'm like, well you need to log on for him
and do it because you need that money.

Yeah, exactly.


That's very handy.

That's wonderful.

And like, I'm, like I
said, I barely open it.

I open it, you know, once every week or
two just to see where I'm at, frankly.

But I, everything, all my steps, all
my sleep is logged automatically and so

I'm just getting points all the time.

Just get extra.

I'm on it like everything.

I know.

You're good.


Once, twice, three times a day.

That's all.

Yeah, that's really important.

You know, we do get our
preventative screenings, right?

You know, each and every year.

We've seen, especially during Covid, you
know, when doctor's offices shut down,

you know that a lot of people were forced
to put off their preventative care and.


We have seen stories over and over
again where just a one year delay

in care has had, you know, some
major ramifications on health.

We've got stories where, right here in our
own company we're during Covid, O V I D.

Um, we've had some associates who.

Were religious with their mammograms
and missed just that one year during

Covid only to go back and have a,
a, a negative screening that final

year, you know, that next year.

So by negative screening you
mean they found something right?

Ah, so just checking it.

It's, it can happen in just such a short.

Short amount of time.

Same thing with dental care.

You wouldn't think missing, you know,
just those two cleanings a year.

Oh, not a big deal.

It's a big deal.

Um, and it, and it has huge
ramifications on our health.

And for, of course our own physician
who oversees our Blue Cross Blue

Shield information has shared that
Americans, uh, throughout the nation,

that we will feel the effect of.

Missing that one year of
healthcare for the next 10 years.

So we're gonna feel that and as, as a
business owner and as, as the person,

the, you know, needing the care.

So if you haven't gotten those
things, you know, I highly recommend

that, you know, we've got all year.

You know, start making those appointments.

Because if you can catch these things in
the early, early stages such as breast

cancer, prostate cancer, you know,
colon cancer, they're highly, you know,

curable in those very entry level stages.

It's when we wait and they
start progressing, so, Hmm.

Um, we're gonna reward those screenings.


That is very, very cool.

Well, wonderful.


Is there anything else going on in
the HR world that we need to, I mean,

I guess we're really focusing on
preventative care, medical benefits, this,

that's kind of what we're going over.

Anything else new that we've missed?

So we've got a nursing line that's free.

We've got Teledoc.


Essentially saving us from having
to go into the doctor to meet with

them, to get just basic, you know,
sniffing, sneezing, making it easy for

you, general office visits, and then
Virgin Pulse for our preventative.

That earns us great cash.

And not to mention very cheap health
insurance, which I really appreciate.

Um, did I miss anything?

I failed to say one thing
about Version Pulse.

I would just say one more thing.


Don't forget, and we say it
every year over and over.

Um, we've got till August
31st to earn our 7,000 points.

Ah, okay.

So August 31st is the key date.

So start now, get busy.


And you can do it.

And like Eli said, you know, it
doesn't really take a whole lot and

if you jump on these, a few of these
preventative care things, you've got it.


Abs, that's exactly what I'm hearing.

Reason I didn't reason for
anybody in this company not to

achieve 7,000 points and get.

Insurance reduction.


$15 off per week.

That's amazing.

That is just wonderful.

So very cool.

Thanks, Liz.

Thank you.


Thank you both so much for coming.

I really appreciate you taking the
time out of your day to talk with

me about this very, very important
information about our health insurance,

our benefits, and our wellness.

So, um, everybody, I will be putting
all of those numbers in the show

notes that we listed on today's call.

So the nursing line will be right
at the bottom, and then the, um,

Teledoc line will also be down there.

So please make use of those, get
that Virgin Pulse app on your phone.

Get the new Teledoc app.

Um, pick up one of those little cards
when you see them at your terminal.

But don't forget all that information
is also in your First Fleet mobile app.

So if you, um, have that mobile.

You already have this information and
thank you so much, Eli, for taking

the time Oh, Absolut and doing this.


I'm so glad y'all were,
we appreciate you anytime.

I love it.

This is great.

This is, Hey, how else am I
gonna learn about my benefits?


Because I'm terrible at reading emails.

So thank you both so much.

I really appreciate it.

And to all of our listeners out
there, thank you all and drive safe.