The Friday Nightmares Podcast

Hello everyone and welcome to episode 98 of The Friday Nightmares Podcast.  On this episode we continue scouring the streaming services for many 2024s and we definitely have some interesting ones to talk about!

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Hello, and welcome to Episode 98 of The Friday Nightmares Podcast.

I am one half of your hosting team this evening, Mr.

Smokeshow Crawford, coming to you from the town of Swartz Creek, in the county of Genesee, in the state of Michigan, in the United States of America, in the North American continent, in the Western Hemisphere, on the planet Earth, in the Milky Way Galaxy.

I'm fully vaxxed, boosted, and waxed, and ready to climax, and if you can, please get me wet and feed me after midnight.

I'm the man with the glorious beard, aka mother of cats, aka the man with the humongous ego, aka Scott Howson, aka Scotty 2 Hotty, aka Spanky, and you know, just one awesome dude.

That's all I need to add at the end there.

Just one awesome dude.

And with me, as always, is Heather Powell, coming to you today from Waterdown, Ontario, Canada, part of the premium podcast casting team that is The Friday Nightmares Podcast, that wasn't invited on the Slasher Radio.

Yeah, it's because, you know, Rob just keeps thinking I'm not inviting him to things, so he's pulling it against me.

Yeah, maybe it's because we never record and people forget that we exist until we come back.

That could be why.

So I'll just get it out of the way now.

The last time we were going to record was a couple of weeks ago.

Unfortunately, while I was on a call with Scott recording, I got news that my dad was being transported to the hospital in the ambulance, and he passed away that afternoon from a massive heart attack.

So this was not because of Scott for once that we were recording and releasing.



But three weeks have gone by, and we were supposed to podcast with Tim and Daniel and Rob last weekend.

I just wasn't feeling it, but I'm happy to go back and do it with Scott.

Scott's my brother, and it's nice to get back into it with him.

So I'm looking forward to it today.

And hopefully we will not be interrupted by anything else.

And yeah, here we go.


And I was saying, because of the long period of time that we've had between the last session, we do have a lot of movies.

So I will say kind of scrolling through the list, because some of these were ones I was going to talk about when we previously recorded.

I may not have much to say because a lot of them have faded from my memory.

But we'll see you as I go through them and see if I can kind of get anything and any thoughts on them.

Well, yeah, sorry, I'm just sending a message.

But yeah, I know it's been a while.

Some of these are outdated.

But that's okay.

Some of them we can remember, like a fucking qu-

Okay, we're going to just jump to it.

What is with the Quiet Place franchise?

So, okay.

So Scott tried to watch.

So we're moving around the list, Scott.

I know I'm throwing you off, but I just want to get the cat out of the bag now.

Why do we keep making Quiet Place movies?

Can someone explain to me what the point of this last movie was?

Like, I don't get it.

The only point I know of the reason why this movie got made, money because everybody still goes and sees these movies.

But you know, when you know, I talked about my theater experience and how we walked out like halfway through because of the kids that were being disruptive.

But it finally came to VOD and we were able to watch it at home.

And yeah, it just wasn't good.

Like I like always have issues with these movies, like they don't follow their own rules.

Sometimes they plotline makes no sense on decisions people make.

And the only redeeming, two redeeming qualities of this movie were the Peter Youngo and the Kitty.

The Kitty was the star of the show for me.

You see, okay, I know you guys all love the cat.

And don't get me wrong, the cat was fine.

But the cat couldn't save this movie for me.

I know why he's being made.

Like now, mind you, I understand when the first one came out, it was like a big deal, right?

It was something different.

It was a little more unique.

I get that.

And I know you've always had the beef with the baby being born.

Like what couple does that, right?

Hey, let's live in a world where we can't make a single noise.

Let's freaking make a baby, because that's a great idea right now.

Yeah, like I agree.

That plot point never really bothered me too much, because I thought, well, maybe they had the baby.

Maybe she got pregnant before, like the day of or the day before everything went to shit.

Who knows, right?

I don't think it was, though.

Was it enough time?


Because they didn't have a baby.

I think she wanted another baby after losing her son in the very beginning.

Oh, right.


The kid with the toy.



That's like, for fuck's sakes.

But I feel like the point of this movie was to be like, oh, what would happen if New York City went silent?

And I don't I didn't need this movie.

And and I don't I please stop making quiet place films.

Please for the love of God, please stop making quiet place films.

Like, I understand there's some fans of theirs out there, but I still don't get the purpose of this movie.

Our main character, you know, has a condition.

And throughout the entire movie, it feels like that was talked about.

And that was kind of a focus, but not.

And then, you know, and you're right.

They play fast and hard with the rules in this series.

It's, you know, Tim and Daniel from the Dummies of Horror Podcast made a really good point.

What if you snore or talk in your sleep?


You fart.

You burp.


Like, there's so many things that, like, when they said that, I'm like, yeah, right?

And then we keep going with this franchise.

And this didn't even continue with the family.

I don't know.

I don't understand how this was day one.

It had no connection to the other characters.

It had, as I said, you know, people liked it.

That's cool.

I'm not shitting on the film.

I think it's a well-made movie.

Special effects were great.

Acting was great.

You know, I totally get if people have this in their top 10.

Hey, rock on, man.

I just don't understand the fascination with fucking quiet place movies.

I just don't get it.

And you made a lot of money.


Oh, it did.

Like a lot of horror in general this year in theaters made a lot of money.

Whether the movies were good or not, they still have been banking and banking banking.


Unless you're the crow, then you're doing terrible.

Yeah, I haven't even I haven't even gone down that route.

Like I'll be real, I didn't love the first crow.

Like I thought it was okay and I enjoy it, but I'm not someone who's like, it's sad.

It's a really depressing film.


Like I loved it as the when I was the edgy teenager.


And then as I got older and thought about it more, I'm like, no, it's just depressing because of what happened to right brainly and then just the movie itself was just me.


Like it's not a bad film.

I don't want to piss off any crow lovers out there.

But I don't know.

again, things I don't get.

Why we remade The Strangers with Chapter 1.

Not quite getting that.

Don't get why we keep making Quiet Place movies.

But Winnie the Pooh, Bud and Honey, keep that shit coming because at least you know what you are and you don't take yourself serious.


And oh my god, they just because you brought it up, they dropped the trailer for Peter Pan's Nightmare in Neverland yesterday.

I am here for it.

It looks so ridiculous.

I'm like, yes, bring it on.

Finally, man.

Well, that's good.

I have to watch The Quiet Place Day 1 out of my mouth.

And like the cat, how did the cat like you jump?

But anyway, it doesn't matter.

I'm giving spoilers away.

Everyone, if you like The Quiet Place series, you'll probably like this movie.

But I personally would be fine if they never made another one.

But it makes sense.

I was going to say, the only thing, I love the cat.

The cat was beautiful.

Cat was smart.

Cat was awesome.

But the only issue I have is the cat didn't act like a real cat.

Like you could tell just like the situations that cat was in, that cat would have been like bye and ran off.

And there were some situations where the cat was clearly a stuffy.

Or like a, you know what I mean?

Yeah, funny.

Anyway, if you're interested in A Quiet Place Day 1, it is out of the theaters, but you can rent it on Apple TV, Google Play, Amazon Video, Microsoft Store, and in Canada on Cineplex.

I don't know, most people here are giving it three and a half stars, including Tim from Dummies of Horror, Matt Wood.

You also gave it three and a half stars.

So did the Hump give it three and a half stars?

I gave it three and a half?

I thought I gave it three.

It should have been a three.

Three and a half.

OK, Scott's changed his rating.

Three and a half.

I would probably start, sorry, three.

I would probably give it a three.

I think it's a decent film.

It just isn't one that I care for.

Yeah, I was going to say it's if it's, you know, like you and I say for like for me, a three star rating out of five on Letterbox is if I'm channel surfing and it came on, I wouldn't be like, OK, I'll skip out.

I'll leave it out.

Yeah, yeah, just like it's not great, but it's like at the same time, I didn't feel like I wasted my time.

Well, this one, apparently a lot of people felt like they wasted their time.

So we'll go up to the top of the list again.

We'll start off with good old black mold.

Now, even though I saw this movie back in July, I still remember what happened.

So whether that's a good thing or a bad thing, photographers Brooke Conrad and Tanner Bellman traveled to rural and abandoned buildings to capture the inherent beauty of long forgotten locations.

But far from forgotten are the traumatic memories that surface in Brooke when they meet the man upstairs, an unsuspecting squatter.

As tensions and uncertainties rise, Brooke must determine if this mysterious range will provide her the closure she so desperately seeks, or let the fear of the past consume her.

This is an interesting movie.

This is definitely a movie that is using a lot of, this thing is happening, but it means this kind of thing, right?

Like what the movie that we saw about the woman who was battling alcoholism or addiction, and then her son developed a specific addiction, and she was trying to meet that addiction all the time.

And the whole film was based upon addiction, but didn't say it was based upon addiction.

I can't remember the name of it, but I...

It was a vampire.

You know what I'm talking about, right?

So not that this has anything to do with vampires or any of that.

It's very much one of those movies where it's talking about something, but it's talking about something bigger as part of that symptom of what's going on.

I'll give them credit.

They kept to a basic setting, this abandoned building, which probably cost them nothing.

It's a small cast.

It is a cast where it is a movie where it's an unreliable narrator.

So if you don't like unreliable narrators, you may not like this film.

Dave bailey gave it two and a half stars.

Other people have given it one and a half.

I don't know if that's fair.

I would probably sit around to three as well, because I liked the whole, we're talking about this, but this really means that.

Like I like those metaphoric or, you know, all we're talking about addiction through this, or all this is a message for addiction to social media through that.

Like The Watchers, I enjoyed it because it was something that discussed voyeurism in our society.


So for me, I like that kind of thing.

It's good.

I think for someone who's not into that, this movie would be very boring, which is fair.

So it is a free watch on the Tubi.

So if for some reason you like your kind of unreliable narrator, what is real, what is not, and some kind of symbolic meaning behind your horror films, this might be a film that you enjoy.

I believe it was on the film circuit.

Like it went to different, I think it even won an award at one of the film festivals.

Watch at your own discretion.

Like if what I described does not sound like something you'll enjoy, don't waste your time.

But if it sounds like something you could like, it may sit around a three.

I don't know if anyone will have this in their top 10 of the year, but I think for an indie low budget film, it was fine.

It was fine.


Good to know.

I'll say, but we'll jump on to the next one that will definitely be in my top 10 of the year.

This one is, and it's fitting that I'm the one bringing this one in being what it is.

So this one is called Dear Camp 86, has an 85-minute runtime tagline, they should have stayed in Detroit where it was safe.

Which is something that no one has ever hashtag said.


The synopsis is, in the fall of 1986, six knuckleheads from Detroit traveled north to partake in the annual tradition of deer hunting.

But something horrific has been awakened and the hunters become the hunted.

So this is a Michigan-made film with a director from Michigan, actors are from Michigan, all the set locations are in Michigan.

I believe the location where the cabin was was just north of Manistee, which is on the west side of Michigan and it's a beautiful wooded area, like a lot of nature out there, like that area is just gorgeous.

And this definitely, the annual tradition, as it says, deer hunting is a legit thing here in Michigan.

Every November, people go deer hunting.

Yes, and they are people that take weeks off from work to go to deer to do deer hunting because deer hunting season is a thing here.

I have had plenty my share of venison thanks to deer hunting because of friends that I know that are hunters and lots of venison from the deer meat.

But anyways, so this movie is a horror comedy.

What I have to say, I fucking love this so much.

The actors all did an amazing job.

It's the set locations are beautiful.

The quality of the filming is beautiful, even for like being like an indie film, it's very well shot.

The direction in it is done well, no issues with the editing, and has a very good message to the story about indigenous people and how they got treated.

Yes, yes.

Like the monster effects in this are really good, or the monster effect is really good.

The bit of gore you see is really well done, some CGI, but not a lot.

Like I don't have a single complaint about this film.

The more I sat with it, the longer I sat with it, the more and more I loved it.

The characters are all endearing and felt like actual real life friends.

I agree with you, Scott.

I thought this was a really good film.

And again, I watched this back in July before my own traumatic event occurred.

But I can remember it, which says something, I guess.

I did find the acting and the casting of this, I thought was really well done.

I thought the guys that, yeah, like the guys they selected where they all played a character role that made sense for them.



Like, if you were a dick, you were a dick and the dicks were believable.

If you were kind of a guy that sat in the middle and could go either way, you sat in the middle and you cared.

You were invested to what happened to these dudes.

I know that a lot of people talk about not be caring about what happens to characters.

And I think it's hard already to really, unless a movie does a really good job of pulling your heartstrings.

This is a horror comedy, so it's even harder to care.

But I thought it was great.