R.O.F.L. (Reach Out For Love)

Basma is a legit gamer now, you guys. She went to HyperX and everything. Wes hates Charlie Kirk (more like Toilet Paper USA, amirite?) and influencer culture. Remember: listen to respond, not to speak. Also, don't deadname anybody or anything except Twitter - nobody seriously calls it X. Basma kept dreaming about FouseyTube against her will. Talk about a nightmare! Meanwhile, Wes is a frequent lucid dreamer (RIP Juice WRLD) and woke himself up laughing. Do you guys have any fav celebrities that you'd legit hang out with?

What is R.O.F.L. (Reach Out For Love)?

with Basma Awada

Unknown Speaker 0:00
You're listening to local programming produced in kunv Studios.

Unknown Speaker 0:05
The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 jazz and more the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education. Understand.

Unknown Speaker 0:20

Unknown Speaker 0:22

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Unknown Speaker 0:34

Unknown Speaker 0:42
love you. That intro reminds me of like a movie scene where the guys are like, Good morning, Las Vegas, Nevada, and welcome. Totally funny. It's that is shout out to the funky uncle himself, Hideki naganuma, who did the music composition for the Jet Set Radio series, if you were a nerd like me and played jet grind radio on the Dreamcast or Jet Set Radio Future of which that song, the concept of love, is the theme song. And I thought it would be cool, because our show is called Reach out for love. So I was like,

Unknown Speaker 1:16
Yep, it's awesome.

Unknown Speaker 1:20
She gets it. She gets everybody. We you guys start. Everyone's like, pounding their hands. We already knew this boss. We already knew this. We're gonna have video. Hopefully soon, I'm trying to come up with some worm puppets she wants, okay, guys, she wants us to have like animal specifically, worm puppets to like to be stand ins for us as a visual component to the show. So cool. I don't it's just because it's gonna be a green it's literally just because those tiktoks of you playing snake.io blew up on Tiktok. Yeah? So I'm gonna post them on Tiktok, and now they're gonna get little clips of us on Tiktok. Yeah. Chances are if you're on Tiktok and you've seen like random snake.io game videos with like, Slither, slither. Thank you, slither.io. That has like, Mo like, millions of views and 1000s of comments for no other reason other than here it is. It's probably Bosma. I've actually, by accident, found the gaming community, and I'm so lost, like a lot of the but the gamers are, thankfully, they're all so sweet, like, they'll teach you actually found, like, decent people. Yeah, it's good. It's good because I've been on the internet too long to be like, Oh no, the gamers found you. That can mean anything. Well, yeah, gamer people, apparently people who are gamers have a lot of hobbies. So, you know, having a ton of hobbies? Apparently, if you're a gamer, you're also a DJ, you're also a model, you're also an actor, you're also, yeah, mostly it's just, it's just having, like, multiple special interests, because artists, yeah, by the way, speaking of art, I have to talk about art, the clown, yeah, that too. But aside from that, we're talking about terrifier too. Everybody there is, you know, how what are those things called Oculus, the Oculus the VR goggles, yeah, the Oculus Rift. They have an art part of the VR goggles where you can, because this is something, I'm gonna call it v art. I don't know what it's called. That's hilarious. Is it V art? It should be I'm calling, I'm calling a V art right now. I just saw a video of a girl, like, drawing in the V Oculus world, and she's making, like, an actual, like life in real life art piece. Like, you know, when you walk into a museum and then you see the museum pieces on the on the wall. Imagine walking into an Oculus Lydd like that was the coolest thing that I could possibly think of. I'm very passionate about, like drawing too. Because ever since I was younger, I used to draw a lot, yeah, so now, actually, my most recent video on Tiktok is me drawing that. Have you seen that Tiktok where, where they're talking about

Unknown Speaker 3:40
abortion rights. I believe in shaming the fragile ego of white men until they learn to be better people. I just thought it was hilarious because her reaction was funny, but then, yeah, no, but then people's reactions to her reaction was even funnier because then they, like, took it to like, a whole oh yeah, oh yeah, because everyone's gonna clown on Charlie Kirk because he deserves the drawings are just funny. I hate him.

Unknown Speaker 4:04
I can't stand Charlie Kirk. I feel bad. Well, I actually think he's really brave for act like sitting there and battling like 20 people at once. I think that's pretty Yeah, he thinks he's right all the time, and all he ever does is about that, no, because all he does is about propaganda. He's not actually that intelligent. Well, the fact that he was wrong about the Latin thing in that made it even Exactly, exactly he's wrong about, like, that's the funny thing about they're all wrong sometimes, but, like, yes, but conservatives, their whole platform is that they're wrong, and they'll do every kind of mental gymnastic to try to convince people that they're right. That actually reminds me of, like, sometimes when you're arguing with someone there, there's some people out there that you really you just cannot argue with no because they don't have common sense, and they also aren't arguing or conversating in good faith. I guarantee you, if you see like a random white man arguing with college students and it's all gotchas, I guarantee you that that random man is a conservative but a lot of the time when people.

Unknown Speaker 5:00
Argue. They don't listen to the other person. No, most people argue to most people when they're in an argument. And I'm not even me, I don't even mean this, like, Oh, they're like, actively have, like, a debate mindset, and they're and they're like, they're like, doing a one on one, like, a back and forth measured debate. Now, people will get into arguments about whatever topics that they're passionate about or they think they have gotchas about, and they will, they will listen not to what people are saying, right? They'll listen for their opening to jump in with their stuff that, and then it's listening to speak and listening to respond instead of listening to understand, right? It reminds me of that thing where I think I brought this up last I might have brought this up last episode. I might have not, but it's been in my mind recently where it's like the issue of both sides reporting is not, is not. I think it's raining outside. I don't think it's raining outside. That's not exactly both sides. Both sides would be someone presenting one and then someone presenting the other. And the crucial thing is someone goes outside and looks to see if it's actually raining, because if it's not actually raining and you're saying it is, that's straight up misinformation, I can see your perspective, and that's and that's kind of the concern I have with some of those Jubilee videos, because they'll give, they'll give airtime and credence to people's opinions and ideas, right? And that's fine. But when you're formulating an opinion, an informed opinion, as they call them. But that information is misinformation. It's disinformation. It's already categorically proven to be faulty or false or misleading or in bad faith or straight up bigoted

Unknown Speaker 6:36
to the marketing exactly, and that stuff shouldn't pass muster, like that just, and that's just me. I mean, I, my favorite class when I was a student was media ethics. So it's like, I'm kind of, I'm kind of a little, I'm a little, I'm a little Tizzy about it, but that's just me. Oh, and I'm not saying that they don't have like, good videos, or like good people on them who you really can take some information from. It's just that, it's just that bias. It's just that there's, I mean, I don't know if you've heard of this, but it's been studied that the, let's say that you have, like, a fresh YouTube account, right? You just created it. You are getting fed the basic beginner algorithm. Yeah, they have, I don't know who they is, but genuine studies have been been done with the YouTube algorithm and maybe other ones, but specifically the YouTube algorithm, and if you are coming at it with a blank slate, it is way, way, way more likely to feed you, um, like right wing and conservative and like otherwise, depending on how you set up your channel. No, no, that's, that's no, no, no. That's exactly what I'm saying. If you, if you create an account and it's and it's just brand, brand new. You haven't done anything but log in. Oh, yeah, yeah, that's what I'm saying. Like, you've logged in. It's a blank account. You might as well have. You might as well be like, I don't know, NPC, 69, 420, okay, if you haven't, like, already said anything, yeah, yeah. And it'll be just for every social media, yeah, but not specifically right wing. Like, that's what I'm saying. Like, YouTube specifically seemed, from studies, has been, like, right wing leaning, with a lot of what it'll feed to to, like, normies, yeah, and then, I mean, we already know Twitter is just a cesspool of scum and villainy at this point. Um, it's called x now we don't, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, we don't dead name, anything except Twitter, because Elon Musk dead names his own child who wants nothing to do with him. And I don't blame I don't blame them at all. I'm trying to link back to last time when we spoke, we were talking about different learning styles. Oh, yeah, how, how everyone learns differently. Everyone also experiences thing differently. And music is something that I believe everyone experiences very similarly. It's just like, we haven't really proven how similarly people around the world resonate with the certain music, yeah, yeah, feelings, yeah, the emotions that come behind it. I think, I think that's so beautiful. I know I just changed the subject. No, it's good. It's an interesting conversation. I mean, we could, like anyone who listens to the show on the regular, which is like, hi to the five people who listen to this on the regular if you exist. Hola, Oh, hello. But like, I mean, I would think that anyone who listens to the show would know enough to be like, they're gonna talk about five different things and have non sequiturs to get to all of them. I like, I really like how we go back and forth. And I feel like, if you're listening to this, that you probably had like you're at the end of your day. Do you want to tell them about your your dream about foosy tube? No, okay,

Unknown Speaker 9:28
we're not gonna talk about it. But basically, Bosma randomly kept having recurring dreams about foosy from foosy tube, not in a good way, just not as not even being a viewer, not even being a fan. No. Just like, so you're aware of the phenomenon when we're dreaming, where we can't come up with faces, yeah, well, I've seen him before, like I wasn't exactly that's, I'm saying that's, that's exactly like you've seen him because he makes himself an ever present, uh, internet personality, to the to the detriment, to the Gen, to.

Unknown Speaker 10:00
The detriment of everyone around him. Oh, man, yeah. But anyways, it's so funny his ever presence is why Bosma not even being a viewer is like, I know what he looks like, and I may know a gist of what he does. You kept having recurring dreams about him, and they were just as unhinged as like his real life. The dreams were just, like, so confusing to me that, because it happened, like, three months in and it was still happening, and I was like, I've never had a reoccurring dream like this. Like, normally people have reoccurring dreams of spiders, and my reoccurring dream is like, they they've taken too much Benadryl. They owe the hat man money. It's like,

Unknown Speaker 10:39
you're seeing the same thing over and over, and over in your dreams. I don't know. I didn't know what it meant, and I was very, like, into understanding what dreams meant at the time, yeah, so I would write it down, just like, analyze it. So I was trying to, like, what does this dream mean, and what does that dream mean? But it was always the same person every single time for like, a year, the only times I've had whenever I had recurring dreams growing up, they don't really happen nearly as much now, but when I was growing up, not only was I a regular lucid dreamer, so I could be, I would be like, I would be in my dream, and I would get very, very self aware that I was in the dream. Oh, and all those dreams are, are difficult. I all the time, like, nightly. So you know, you're, you're driving when you're on the dream, yep, nightly. I'm like, nightly. I might as well be like, in Shark boy and lava girl. Like, full dream the whole time. Okay? Because whenever that happens to me, like, I can't, not get out of my dream and wake up, I can't, I'm not. Oh, like, the self awareness wakes you up, yeah. Like, my self awareness, like, I'll be like, hey, wait a second, I'm some, I will say, sometimes when I would lucid dream, the self awareness would be like, Hey, I'm dreaming. And it would go, I'm like, awake. Now, a lot of the time, I would just realize I'm dreaming, and then I'd be like, Oh, cool. I can do anything. I would just do whatever I want to. Try to do that for so long, I've never been able to do that. Like, just stay in my dream and make anything else I was like, I want my wildest dreams to come true, right? Have you ever been able to, like, you know how, like, when we have our most vivid dreaming, we're actually the closest to waking up? Yeah? It's like, the end of our Yeah, and that's the one you remember them, the other, yeah, the REM sleep does that. So you ever had it where you are dreaming, you come up out of the dream, you wake up for a moment, you're like, groggy, and then you fall back asleep. Have you ever fallen back asleep from a dream and it continue? Yeah, you left off. Yeah. Okay. I was wondering if, I was wondering if that was just me. No, I know other people do it, but I was wondering, especially when, like, it's a bad dream, because, like, I go back to dream, I go back to sleep to change it.

Unknown Speaker 12:26
I don't like it, and then, so I used to do this when I was a kid, when I would have, you can imagine me lucid dreaming by default. I just had very vivid dreams all the time. Even if, like, unrealistic stuff was happening, I very much was like, This is real. This feels real. Like, in the moment, I'm like, oh my god, this is real life. Um, I would wake up from a bad dream, and then I'd be like, on one side, like a side sleeper, and so I'll wake up on one side, and I'll just, I'll wake up, and I'll be like, Oh, like that. And I'll like, shake my head, like, shaking the oh my god, you just reminded me. Like, I'll just like, shake the brain chemical. And then I'll like, turn to the other side, and because now I'm sleeping on my other side, it's like, okay, good dreams.

Unknown Speaker 13:05
It didn't work. Didn't always work. It didn't always work. Like, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes it would just be a good reset.

Unknown Speaker 13:14
Other times I might as well,

Unknown Speaker 13:16
yeah, other times I might as well have just, like, gone right back into where I picked up. And it's the same horrors, the same horse persists. That's actually funny, nope, and now we're gonna have a good night's sleep and good like the nightmare got worse. Nope. It's, it's when Troy walks in with the pizzas and community and everything's on fire. Yeah, you reminded me when you were talking. For some reason, it reminded me I was having a dream where there was like a bumblebee in my hair, like, on my like, the top of my head, okay? And no one in the dream was telling me about the Bumblebee and how angry it was getting because it was stuck in my hair, and not the whole the whole gym. I'm like, walking around with it. At the end of my dream, it's about to sting me, and everyone's like, Oh, we're too scared to help you get it out. So you're on your own. And I was like, Ah, so I wake up immediately, and you're like, No, I wish I was that. Like, calm.

Unknown Speaker 14:02
I almost gave myself a brain aneurysm, shaking my head in real life, and I was like, Oh, God, my head. I hope I didn't just kill myself.

Unknown Speaker 14:12
You wake up, killing I wake up. I shake my head furiously. I shook it so hard, I felt my brain move inside my head. I was like, did I just hurt myself, shifted your brainstem. I hope it is not that way I die. That's all I was thinking. You ever laugh yourself awake, laughing myself. I've done that. I don't know. I've laughed myself awake before. I don't know what happened. And then you go back to sleep, right? No, I woke up. I like, I was up up. Oh, so, like, sometimes I would wake up. My relationship with sleep was kind of bad. So, like, when I was younger, I would always wake up early regardless, because I got used to it because of school and everything. Like, yeah, middle school, like, elementary school, middle school, high school, college didn't matter. I was always up early for one reason or another. So I got used to being up at like 730 at the latest. It was always like between 630 and 730 Yeah. So I would have a difficult night of sleep whether.

Unknown Speaker 15:00
It was getting to sleep, staying asleep, difficulties with dreams, just feeling comfortable, overheating, too hot, too cold, whatever. But if I woke up early enough, like, if I woke up at 5am and I'm supposed to be up at, like, seven or 730 I'm just up now, that is not enough time for me to for some reason, I cannot get my brain to shut up enough to to fall back to sleep, and it'd be worth it. You know what I mean? For me, it's weird, like, I don't know when that happens, but I know, I know anyone out there probably listening and like, I resonate with that, because I've seen people actually had that problem is, like, they can't go back to sleep after they Yeah, yeah. Like, oh, I have. I've had that happen to me too. Like, I just don't know when it's gonna happen and when it's I have to make myself exhausted all over again to then fall back asleep. Yeah, it's really annoying. That's that. Yeah, I really don't like that up for you guys. Like, I've had it happen, like, a few times, so I know what it feels like. I love your I hate that for you, I hate that. I'm so sorry. I feel, I feel like that. That's all I feel. Oh, the thing about, like, literally, I've laughed myself awake. And it was even funnier, because it wasn't like, a gut busting thing. Something in that last bit of my like, very like, self aware sleeping before I woke up, made me laugh. And so as I'm going from like, that dream state of like, I'm dreaming, and then that in between of going from dreaming to awake, that's when I was still laughing. So in my dream, I'm like, yeah, in my dream, I'm like, but like, obviously, I don't you know you're not as animated in your in your literal sleep, as you are in your dreams. In both, Oh God, I don't even know which one's more, yikes. Oh no. In that, in between of like, laughing at the end of my dream, I remember so clearly it I was laughing at the end of my dream. I'm transitioning into waking up. And as I'm waking up, it's like, literally just like.

Unknown Speaker 16:47
And so by the time I'm like, cognizant and awake, I'm like,

Unknown Speaker 16:53
and I wake up and I I mean, I woke up laughing like that, and immediately I'm also that person that when they Yeah, yeah, literally, literally, like, like, big, dopey stoner laugh. Immediately it went from like,

Unknown Speaker 17:10
to me being immediately aware that I'm like, awake now, and I just had that moment in my bed where I sat up and I was like, the hell. And then I'm just, and then, and then, all of a sudden I am just, I burst out laughing, like,

Unknown Speaker 17:24
because I'm also the person that, like, when the alarm goes off, I'm like, I'm like, Vietnam flashback, like, oh,

Unknown Speaker 17:32
like, turn off the alarm. I'm very much that guy that's just like, I'm up, I'm up here. So imagine, like, alarm clocks, yeah. So imagine that same like, Oh, I'm up, I'm up, but the thing that woke me up was laughing, oh, like

Unknown Speaker 17:47
it was so bad.

Unknown Speaker 17:49
That's actually so so funny. I just want to, I want to go back to when you said about the fusi tube dream, yeah. Like, the reason why you brought that up, guys, so that you guys know why so funny because I told him that I met FouseyTube after those dreams, like three times in my life. Two of them were, like, one year, and then the first year I met him, I was like, shocked that I even met him, but I knew I was going to meet him for some reason. Anyway, it was written in my dreams. It was written, yeah, honestly, it said, we're gonna, it's crazy how you're just like, like, just a you're so, like, naturally bubbly and interested and inquisitive about all this other stuff, even when it comes to, like, things that are typically like, I would consider, like, boring, like, oh, networking and like, business and and getting to know people, and, like, doing a career, and like, oh, but Yeah, and like, but you do it from the place of just like that child, like wonder and amazement, where you're just like, No, I don't actually care about, like, the the pencil pushing. I'm just, I'm just in it because I think it's fun. I That's exactly, I don't know what pencil pushing is either on exactly what it sounds like. You might as well, you know, sing the pencil into the part pencil sharpener. Yeah, exactly, pushing the pencil slowly into my into my temple. Yeah. I honestly just like meeting people, because there's always something new to learn. And I just love knowing what what they're doing, like, I like knowing what other people are doing, naturally curious person, yeah, and I think it's awesome to just see what they're doing. And like, most of the time, people, you'll be surprised,

Unknown Speaker 19:13
I really love looking in their windows. I love, I actually do love, love. I can't stand the influencer culture at this point, because, like, literally anybody who's trying to make themselves a public figure just calls himself an influencer, and it becomes this whole thing of, like, what do you even What are you even influencing? Like, it. This is not marketing. This is not modeling. This is not, I think they don't know. It's not a campaign. It's literally just, you know who I am. You know my name, you know my brand. Sometimes my brand is literally me, my name, my personage. So I am now making myself the product I am, the product I am, the cliche I am. It's incarnate, like, what is what is it? There's calm.

Unknown Speaker 20:00
Day behind it, there's actually, I would do it for the satirical take. Yeah, I would do it straight up for this terrible take. Exactly all I would ever do. That's exactly what I was thinking. Because there actually is a tick tock. Or did I follow? Who does it? Just for the SAT, I'm an influencer.

Unknown Speaker 20:14
Bless, I love that guy. Bless, I love that thank you. I wish I got the finest mind, because I forgot it. I just rebellious absurdity, man, like, that's the whole thing. I just, would, I just, I don't know. Man, like, satire is to ridicule power and influence. And that's like, literally, what all of that stuff is, I think you're right. Though, about the whole event, it really was just like they're trying to set it to create it. Just, I can't say the the usual phrase, because you'd be surprised what certain words you can't say on radio for sure, for sure, but it's just influencer events and influencer culture. And like having these, like, what amount to big, fancy, expensive, like exclusive, like networking events and like whatever random flavor that they're trying to add to it to make it seem high tech and futuristic and quirky, that's exactly what it was. And actually, a lot of the people there. No offense to the event itself, but just like a lot of the people that were there, they were really not nice, no, like, they ended up being I, besides people like you and me, like, I'm not saying like that. They weren't nice people. I'll just saying they were nice to you. They were kind of not nice, like, unless you were somebody exactly i and that's what I would call a not nice person. If there's a person who is only nice to select people, or only nice to quote, unquote, their people. Yeah, that's exactly the stuff. Like, like, that's the thing. You're not a nice person if you're not just blanket nice to everybody, right? And I don't mean like, you have to be like, everybody's best friend, but like, if you can't be courteous, let me replace nice with kind, if you're not actually kind and a genuine, like, just a genuine soul. When you're speaking to people and you and you treat people differently based on like their position to you. Yeah, like, you're not a you're not a kind person, you're not a nice person. You like you only see friendships or acquaintances or relationships or whatever, as exchanges. What's the, what's, what's the transactional that's, that's exactly what happened. I'm not going to talk about the specific situations, because I really don't want to, like, throw things out. We don't want to name names, yeah, but want to name names. It was just, it was definitely that scenario. You know, there was, like, that, the whole thing for a long time. Like, hot or not. I want to be like, real or not. It was like, real or not. Like, we could start a segment like that. That would be funny. I think one of the realest people of from celebrity culture is Seth Rogen. I think Seth Rogen is, like, a genuine, a genuine dude. I genuinely believe that outside of whatever he's like a media promotion. That's its own thing, regardless of who you are. I think when he's just doing his own thing and putting himself out there, I genuinely get the feeling that he is just doing it for the love of whatever he's doing, because he just seems like, he just seems like a real dude. What was his name? Seth, Rogen, oh yeah. You have to know

Unknown Speaker 22:59
we're the same age. You have to

Unknown Speaker 23:01
please don't never see you've never seen Pineapple Express. You've never seen Freaks and Geeks. You've never seen, uh, I think, yeah,

Unknown Speaker 23:08
his cameo and the boys is one of my favorites, actually, Seth Rogen. So, so I can see what he it's funny that I mentioned Seth Rogen being one of my like, oh, yeah, yeah. It's funny. I mentioned Seth Rogen after doing the like, the laugh, because he's a good guy. Literally, his laugh, yeah, he's a good guy. He's good dude. Yeah, I would he's the kind of celebrity I would like to meet. I want to meet my thing is, I really don't care if I meet famous people, because I don't know them, and they're famous for whatever they do. I want to meet famous people that, like, don't act like they're famous. I want to meet like Adam Sandler and like Seth Rogen and like down to earth people I actually look up to. Who else is, like, one of the Louis Capaldi. I think that's Louis Capaldi. Oh, he's a singer. Yeah, let me see I'm looking it up for a second. I thought, I thought you're talking about the dude that played, like the, yeah, he's he. I love him. Actually. I like his I like how he presents himself. You don't like Lewis? No, I'm confusing. No, I'm confusing. I know who you're talking about. I was confusing Louis Capaldi. With Peter Capaldi. I think who is okay, one of the more recent doctors on Doctor Who? Okay? Yeah, that, that singer I really like. I like him the way he like presents himself, the way that he's himself 100% Yeah, he doesn't really follow like trends, a lot of people fold. It's hard for you to be a successful influencer, quote, unquote, influencer or musician without either sent setting or following the trend, without exactly, and it's okay to follow trends, and, you know, just be part of them. Yeah? You can enjoy something. Enjoy something like, yeah, take it on as their whole personality, yeah, yeah. I mean, I, I have my special interest. It's hard for me not to take on my take on my interest as personality traits, but like, I'm just also a nerd. So no, I think it's okay to take on the trends, but it's just like, sometimes it's it's very easy for viewers and people who are listening and looking at your work to know that you are technically taking on that trend as your own.

Unknown Speaker 25:00
As like now it's part of your pretty Yeah, and as that trend dies off, then slowly you start becoming irrelevant as well, because you took it on so strongly. But yeah, that was basically the whole, the whole experience I had with the HyperX. They actually invited me back to do a podcast with them, and they filmed a podcast with me, but they never posted it yet. So I'm waiting for that to post so I could see if they I kind of told them, I just clip you out of it. They're like, I hope they don't, because, like, I made them play slither io with me.

Unknown Speaker 25:29
Well, I did, because I was like, for the for the video, let's, let's play slither io the whole time. It would be awesome. I'm gonna try to edit it and post it anyway. It sounds like, it sounds like how I made friends with my friend valana, where it was just like, Hi. This is my current hyper fixation. I hope you enjoy it, because that's what you're going to enjoy now. And I'm like, okay, and that. And now we've and now it's like we just kind of share media across across our, across our across our Hangouts. So it's nice. I've watched I've watched killing Eve, and I've watched

Unknown Speaker 25:57
arcane and I've watched blue eye Samurai, and we've watched parts of Jujutsu kaisen. I've not finished the whole thing, but my friends do cosplay, like, really good cosplay. So it's kind of like, Oh, I'm really into this. Okay, well, I've never seen it. What is it? They're just like, they get really excited because newbie doesn't know what it is. Is that? Is that the same as, like, earlier, when you were saying Bosma gets excited for, like, knowing what people are doing in their life. I'm not, like, trying to look into their life too much, like you're just a curious person. I just like to know, like, what events they're going to. I want to go to. I want to have fun. You just want to be involved. I just want to have fun. Yeah, I want to be involved. Like she just wants to be included. You guys, people, when they have a passion, it makes me passionate.

Unknown Speaker 26:42
I want to share passions with you. I love that that's so wholesome. Like, Oh yeah, okay, never let capitalism take that from You're so sweet. No, like, I'll notice stuff where it's just like, I'll notice where it's like, oh, you know you it's like, actually, genuinely, not even kidding, actually, no, I'm actually for as like, cynical as I can come across, and as like, jokey, jokey as I get constantly, I honestly just, I love. I used to tell, tell my, one of my friends, unfortunately, who's no longer a friend, but at the time, I would not even, sadly, I'm glad I'm not longer their friend. But he's like, moved on. I moved on. I really did. I healed, um, but I, I told him. I'm like, Haha, I caught you having fun. And he's like, What do you mean? I was like, I just enjoy seeing people have fun when they like, you know, you know, when you're out in like, a public setting and like, yeah, just in public, you're maybe, I mean, just out in public, you're not gonna, like, make a big spectacle of yourself, or you might be naturally a little bit more reserved to be like, Oh, don't get, like, too visibly excited about something, you know. But like, that's yes, but I'll like, I caught him having, I caught him having one of those, like, I'm enjoying myself, like, moments a little bit bigger and louder than than usual. And I was like, Haha, I got you having fun? Yeah. Like, showed up one time that happened to me when I was performing at the Super Bowl. And my friend some they said, just said that, like, it's doing this one time I was performing the Super Bowl, you

Unknown Speaker 27:58
gotta be there, man, you're not super bowl. You don't perform the Super Bowl. Tell you. What. I was so happy. My friends, they told me that they've never seen me so happy in my life, like performing when we were part of happy person. Yeah, but they thought, they said I was even more happy than they've ever seen. They said we were, you were definitely in your element when you were performing. Love maximum happiness. I love entertainment. It's just my favorite thing ever. Okay, guys, we're gonna wrap up the show. Um, we've never really thought about the fact that's like, Hey, if you want to get in touch with us about the show, or conversations, questions, curiosities about us, about topics, about, literally, whatever, we're out here just having a fun time at the table, that's like, literally all we're really doing, you can contact either Bosma or myself. Bosma's email is major winners league at Gmail, gmail.com, M, a, J, O, R, W, I N, N, E, R, S, L, E, A, G, U, e@gmail.com,

Unknown Speaker 28:52
my email address is quite simple. It's Wesley, dot Knight at U, n, l, v.edu, so W, E, S, L, E, y, dot, period, Knight, K, N, I, G, H, t@unlv.edu,

Unknown Speaker 29:07
throw anything and everything at our inboxes, and we'll see what sticks. Yeah, we'd love to hear from you guys. Yeah, we can have serious conversations. We can have silly conversations. We can jump between silly and serious. Yeah, it's like, it's like, when you have your your music on shuffle in the car, and just you get bops, and then you get sad boy music, and then you get crazy stuff. Yeah, you'll get everything at once. Everything at once. Okay, guys. We'll see you guys later.

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