Awaken Your Sacred Soul System - A Podcast, with Kate Darnell

Shifting the love vibes one smile at a time...

This week Kate shares how a recent sunshiny winters day walk had her feeling elated simply by being greeted with a hello, a smile and a "Have a beautiful day" well wish.

Kate reminds you that we're all vibrational matches for exactly what we desire and how one simple smile can change and influence the course of a whole day.

Find all Kate's offerings on her website here

What is Awaken Your Sacred Soul System - A Podcast, with Kate Darnell ?

Join Kate Darnell this summer and beyond for interviews, high vibe energetic processes and practical ways to live spiritually from soul, with complete and utter love for YOU! Let's take a collective breath, a pause, a moment for you! We hope you enjoy this energetic, uplifting and inspiring series.

Golden Light!

On a recent walk I came home feeling incredibly elated!

It was a particularly sunshiny winters day and everyone I walked past greeted me with a hello, a smile, and some lovely, have a beautiful day, well wishes... Talk about ALL the warm and fuzzies!

We’re absolutely a vibrational match for all we desire, and a simple smile can change and influence the course of our day!

Which sparked this question...

What has made you smile today?


Can you remember to give yourself and others a little more love, gentleness, and compassion?

Can you take a moment to smile or share what’s making you smile today? I promise you that you’ll instantly feel a little lighter, more joyous...even happier!

Our feelings, stresses, and emotions are all so valid. Yet sometimes turning our face to the sun and taking a moment to smile could be just the thing we need to relax into our wholeness and connect with the brilliance of our soul.

In Golden Light,

Love Kate xoxo

You'll find more magical wands of energetic goodness below...

The Sacred Soul System E-COURSE

The Golden Collective

ENERGETIC MASTERMIND - GRADUATE ...we are heading into our 2nd month of this six-month mastermind - reply to this email to join!

Or send me an email to learn more about The Annual Pass or my three month Accelerate space.

I’m so excited to be supporting you soon!

Love Kate X