Public Sector Executive News

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And here’s today’s news from Public Sector Executive – on Friday the 24th May 2024.
The Mayors of Greater Manchester and Liverpool City Region have come together to launch a new rail board, which will help to maximise the economic and social benefits of the new railway proposed between the two city regions.
After the scrapping of the northern legs of HS2, the high speed rail link between Liverpool and Manchester will improve connectivity between the two largest cities in the north, as well as the Investment Zones in Liverpool. Developments to come through the project will also include new stations at Warrington Bank Quay, Manchester Airport and Manchester Piccadilly.
Chairing the board will be the two mayors, whilst Cllrs Bev Craig and Liam Robinson (leaders of the two city councils) will serve as vice-chairs.

The Government of Jersey has announced that it is awarding funding to project that will support the transformation of the aging population.
Focusing on how communities can be empowered to live well, safely, and independently, the challenge will see funding allocated to projects that will use technology to improve the lives of Jersey’s population, which is getting older. This comes against the backdrop of Jersey’s digital connectivity credentials making it the ideal testbed for life-enhancing technology.
Currently, Jersey is one of the most digitally connected countries on the planet, with all broadband connections being gigabit Firbe to the Premises, as well as three separate 4FG networks and the upcoming launch of island-wide 5G.

York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority has announced that the North Yorkshire Youth Commission has published its latest report.
Covering the period between March 2023 and January 2024, the report reflects on the work done by the commission as it looks to involve young people in matters regarding policing, fire and crime in their communities.
Focusing on the peer-to-peer research and engagement that was undertaken by the Youth Commission, the report has now outlined a number of recommendations to be worked on by Mayor David Skaith.
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