The Choosing Ease Podcast

Let’s talk about “slowing down to speed up” and how it can help you grow your business in a way that feels more easeful and aligned.

Ever feel like you’re putting in all this effort to get to the next level of your business (whatever that may look like for you), yet no matter how hard you work, you can’t seem to get past this annoying plateau?

It’s so frustrating to feel like all your hard work - all the blood, sweat, and tears you pour into your business - boils down to, well, not quite nothing, but definitely not what you were expecting.

I can relate!

I got to a point in my business where things were going well from the outside looking in. But from the inside, I knew in my bones that I needed to slow down.

Not just because I was (I’ll admit) feeling overworked, but because it felt like things were a bit off.

I loved aspects of my business especially my clients and helping them get beautiful results in their businesses and lives. But I knew that things weren’t quite the way I had envisioned them to be.

So, I listened to that inner voice and decided to do two things:
  1. Slow down. A lot.
  2. Go back to basics and foundation of my business so I could fix what needed fixing and get back on track.
The result: I had my slowest year ever. And my biggest year ever!

You read that right. I slowed down, worked on my foundation, and ended up having my biggest revenue year.

Plus, my personal life was filled with way more ease (which feels wonderful!)

The takeaway?

Slowing down can actually help you speed up in your business AND personal development.

In this episode of the Choosing Ease Podcast, I share my personal journey of slowing down in my business to ultimately speed up.

I explore the struggles that so many face with the concept of speed in their business, the resistance we have to slowing down, and how embracing it can lead to significant growth in not only your business development, but in your personal life.

You can hear all the details when you tune in to the full episode.

In it, I talk about:
  • My decision to go back to the basics and foundation in my business and how that resulted in me having my best revenue year ever (plus an amazing start to 2024)
  • How this slowing down process actually led me to fully revamp big parts of my business including my curriculum and funnel
  • The important role that going inwards, addressing limiting beliefs, and doing deep inner work played in this process
  • How to check in with yourself so you can make decisions that are aligned with your vision (this is a biggie!)
  • The power of honing in on your vision, trusting the process, and avoiding shiny objects that get in the way of what you’re trying to achieve
  • How “slowing down” can mean different things for different people and some of the ways it manifests itself
Ready to embrace the principle of "slowing down to speed up" in your own life and business?
Listen to the full episode for more insights and actionable advice on how slowing down can actually help you speed up in your business and personal growth journey.

Tune in to the full episode.

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What is The Choosing Ease Podcast?

A podcast for multi-skilled coaches and experts who are ready to leverage their unique expertise, create money overflow all while embodying ease. Discover how to stop forcing things in your business and start letting your natural life force guide you... so you can spend less energy, get bigger rewards, and make the kind of impact you were born to create.

Relinde Moors:

Today I wanna talk about the principle of slowing down to speed up. And I see this for myself and many of the coaches and experts that I work with, that there's sometimes resistance to this idea of slowing down, even though it can be so important. And I just had a year where in a way I decided to slow down. Slow down to speed up and little, spoiler alert, this actually led to a like silent evolution because we made more money last year than we ever did. And this year started off really, well already as well.

Relinde Moors:

So it is really interesting to see how I was working quite hard and doing a lot of launches, a lot of free challenges, which I absolutely love and adore, but at one point I needed to slow down. And I thought I'm gonna slow down and take some time to go back to the basics and the foundation so that I can speed up. But actually, it you know, we even still made more money. So it's so interesting who how that can work. Also, I thought I'll slow down for a couple of months, and now I'm realizing it's been a year.

Relinde Moors:

A year of in a way slowing down. I mainly slowed down. For me the areas were in organic social media and in launching, and I shifted my focus from those two things to building a masterclass and a funnel and to really hone into the ads and paid traffic and working on getting leads from there and getting those leads to convert into beautiful clients, into my programs. And that took attention and awareness. It took like improvement of messaging and so many things.

Relinde Moors:

And I also took time in the past year to really go back to my curriculum that I'd been using for a couple of years now and to completely redo it with all my new insights and improvements and new everything in a way. Not new everything, a lot of it stayed the same it just evolved better. It's like the puzzle of the whole curriculum fits better together, and I'm so excited to say that it's almost done. I've re recorded this whole curriculum, training, its templates, and everything for my Elevate Mastermind which is my signature program. And that, all of that, were moments to slow down, you know?

Relinde Moors:

To not be out there and and like be having lots of comments and likes on posts or all that for a moment just needed to slow down and that's how it went for me. Now I see from my clients that this can mean different things. Sometimes it's slow down to speed up because you had 4 offers and you were just like an octopus trying to keep all of them in, you know, running and and deliver great quality in all of them and it's honing into one of them for a moment and just making one offer super successful before you add on these other layers. And sometimes in the beginning it can be just take a moment not making websites and all the things, but just really getting to know your clients, doing beautiful, having conversations with people who could be your clients, really looking at like who are they, what is it, how to get to know them and sell within your network even without fancy marketing and all those things, so that then when you're ready for the launches and the marketing you really nail that messaging, and you nail those free zip events, and you nail that offer.

Relinde Moors:

So ready in, you know, we're just 4 minutes in, I'm not slowing down here in this podcast right now, but I'm giving you all these examples how slowing down can be so beneficial. Another big part of slowing down can be the inner work, honestly. I always see myself, when you're a lot into doing, and you're in a rational mind, and you don't take time to really go inwards, and your subconscious mind into slow states, into all the more yin kind of things, then it can be so easy to always think that you need to be busy in doing. And while you have such a big power in that going inwards in this literally going into your subconscious mind. If you have heard me talk about the limiting beliefs, I mean, I keep being fascinated by it, that if I see myself struggling with something, I so much better take an hour and sit and do, belief work on myself, work with my embodied vision method, and really go into that and shift those beliefs and embody where what I really wanna be, who I really wanna be, and then show up from that place because everything else is literally gonna speed up after that.

Relinde Moors:

And sometimes, or not always, but it can happen when I do deep inner work, then there's actually, you might recognize this, there's just longer than I thought or planned, there's time needed to sleep, and to digest, and to become like take shape into that new version that I am. I almost feel like the past year has been that for me. It's like I needed to just process so many things and I ended a year of slowing down by going to Bali in February and also doing a training, which then again triggered so much growth in our growth. I had to process it. And these moments again, why I wanna share this today is because it can be so hard to grant yourself these moments and to trust that what you want is on the other side and that you really wanna slow down at times to speed up, And it is so important to do that.

Relinde Moors:

So how do you know that you are slowing down to speed up and you're not just avoiding or procrastinating. I think it really is when you know that you are checking in with yourself and you know I'm making this decision because this is the direction that I wanna go. Or this is the leap I wanna take or the decision that I wanna take. Even if you can't a 100% explain it. Even if other people don't see it yet.

Relinde Moors:

I mean, nobody else can see it. Only you can see it because you know where you're going with your offers, with your with your business, with your messaging, with what you're really doing with your life and with your business, and to go inwards and to know, but this is the thing I know I need to do right now. So last year I, even though I say I was slowing down to speed up, I hired a wonderful coach for a specific aspect that I was like, this is the part where I wanna, you know, where I see a gap in my business, where I wanna change something. And she helped me with that and that was great, you know? I paid a high investment.

Relinde Moors:

I paid it off quick. I was like, I wanna get this thing done. And, I just knew this is the person for me to do that, for example. So even though it's slowing down, I'm still, you know, paying attention to the parts that need it to have that, or then again doing that yoga teacher training where I know if I have time for myself to dive into that deep embodiment work and spiritual work that's just gonna ripple effect into everything I do in my business and I need to do these things if else I lose touch with that part. That is so important for me and I can hold so much better space for my clients and help them go through things.

Relinde Moors:

One of the things that helped me last year when I was going through this and that kept reinforcing the idea is that I have this beautiful card deck and I kept pulling a card, and the card, represents a elderly woman, beautiful with an owl on her neck. And it's called the Wise One, the card. And it says, 'grow within your current situation.' And it's such a beautiful card. In a way it really says, you know, just go with do the things that you already are doing and grow within that. And it just kept giving me that permission of staying connected to what I was doing, and not looking at other people, and shiny objects and feeling that I needed to do all these like beautiful, big things that I could be doing, but to really say wait a minute let me actually just optimize, improve, deepen what I have here so that I can for me for example practically I have these beautiful programs and I just can focus on improving the curriculum and getting more people into this very simplified offer suite, into these couple of programs where I really have my full focus on.

Relinde Moors:

And that for me really, really worked to do that and it's so important to keep trusting that. The card in its description it has one sentence and it says, be committed to your tasks and projects. It can be very easy to get bored or overwhelmed, but persevere. You are being reminded of how it feels to be let down and experience unreliability, and that is not who you were born to be. So I loved that sentence because I didn't even feel as much as, you know, being let down and unreliable.

Relinde Moors:

Yes. Also towards other people, but also it made me realize how we do that for ourselves. How we are not being reliable to our own vision, to our own dreams, and desires. We have the dream and the desire, and we want something. You read the book or you speak to somebody, and I'm gonna do this thing.

Relinde Moors:

And then how easy is it to give up on it on the way? How easy is to say, I will actually, yeah, maybe it didn't work out, maybe it's not. It even goes more unconsciously than that. It's just that shifting, shape shifting, keep changing plans and directions. And I feel ultimately underneath that is just a lack of faith and trust.

Relinde Moors:

That that thing what you see to be true, that that thing that you know you really want to do, that that is happening or that thing that you're already doing but how you want to grow it, what you want to grow it into, and knowing that this is really your path, your purpose, that what you are doing that you give up on your own vision and your own dream and ultimately on yourself. And that is what I felt was so liberating in taking this time. And again, this card that caps coming up for me, the card says also. So keep working on what you're working on because it's going to be extremely beneficial for you in the long run. And just that just that confirmation, that security, I think I'm reading it to you today because if you are needing to hear this, it gave me all the time that grounded feeling of like, I don't know what's going to happen, I cannot predict.

Relinde Moors:

There's so many things happening. People have all these opinions. But I know that if I keep doing what I'm doing and keep listening to what is still true and what isn't, and if I let go of what isn't, and I keep choosing for what feels really true, it's going to be very beneficial in the long run. And it is already beneficial, and it's going to be even more beneficial. Don't we feel it when there's this more silent knowing as to the chattery, insecure, the kind of almost out of body feeling when we are being like, should I do this, should I do that, why is this for somebody else working and not for me, like whatever, all these blah blah blas.

Relinde Moors:

And then when we get back into us, when you get back into you, and you connect with that inner silence and with that inner knowing, sometimes it doesn't even show you 5 steps a hand at a time, but it shows you that one and it's about like trusting that and embracing the unknown. If we really look at this in a more spiritual way, then, you know, we never know what's going to happen the next minute, like we just don't. We build a lot in our lives to give us false security, and ideas, and like predicting the future. This is how my life is gonna go until it doesn't. And I think with entrepreneurship, just really entrepreneurship with embracing that not knowing, but to know enough, to know that feeling like I'm doing this because this is what I know to be true.

Relinde Moors:

And for some of you that might be this I'm looking at my data, and this is, you know, I see my data is telling me to do this, and that is great, and it's very needed in a business, but a part is also and this depends on who you are it's more like the intuition, the knowing, the inner knowing. So in this moment that we have here today, I just wish for us to land into that trust, into this knowing, into this wise one within us, this wise old lady or man that we have inside of us that knows and that says, yeah, just keep going because what you're doing right now, if you follow your gut, it's gonna lead into this next thing, and this next thing, and this next thing. And the moment we move away from that and we scatter our thoughts and we get anxious or afraid, then it is never the truth. That anxiousness is never the truth, so go back to that knowing. And as I said, you know, I took a whole year almost to slow down in certain things, to make different choices, and it was even more profitable, practically, in the business.

Relinde Moors:

And I know that it is just making a foundation that I have shifted some things which allows for so much more growth to come in, in its perfect and beautiful timing. So for you to really have that have that moment, stay true to you, to what you know to be true, what you know is the right step, Take moments for yourself, for your energy, for shifting your beliefs, really being in congruence with what you wanna say, the deep healing work. Allow yourself to ask for support where you need it, to hire support, to go walk with a friend, whatever that is. Just make sure to keep listening to those inner promptings because they are always true. Thank you for joining us today on the Choosing Ease podcast.

Relinde Moors:

Remember to subscribe so you never miss an opportunity to connect. And I'd be so grateful if you could share your thoughts in a review. Join me next time as I continue to explore the powerful skills and strategies that will help you to let go of everything that keeps you from fully sharing your genius. You are destined for greatness, and through the Choosing Ease podcast, I'm here to help you own your unique wisdom and share it with the world. Until next time, keep choosing ease.