The Veterans Club Podcast

In today's episode, we explore how veterans can lead the charge in restoring civility to American politics. Drawing on historical perspective, we discuss the importance of respecting differing viewpoints and steering clear of personal attacks in political discourse. We emphasize the veterans' unique role in promoting respectful engagement, drawing on our commitment to protect all Americans, not just those we agree with. Tune in as we advocate for productive, respectful political discussions.

What is The Veterans Club Podcast?

A production by and for veterans to learn how to help one another task a bite out of veteran suicide. We take with veterans about their service, things they would have done different, and what advice they would give their younger self. We also highlight community resources for veterans and provide an opportunity to connect veterans with community projects to help seniors and children.

Ed Bejarana: Welcome to the Veterans Club, a production for and by veterans and first responders. Each week we gather as a community to share stories,
laugh, and build friendships that can stand the test of time. Together, we can help prevent veteran suicide, one cup of coffee at a time, the role of
veterans in restoring political civility in today's political climate, it often seems that the division and discord are worse than they have ever
been. However, historical perspective reveals that the tumult of modern politics, while significant, may not eclipsed the intensity of the 1960s and
70s. This observation isn't to downplay the current challenges, but rather to emphasize that we have navigated rough waters before. This perspective

is crucial as we contemplate the roots of our current political predicaments and seek pathways forward. One of the central issues we face in American
politics today is a growing intolerance towards differing viewpoints. This is not to suggest that the problem is simple. Indeed, the dynamics of
political interaction are complex and multifaceted. Yet acknowledging that intolerance is a significant factor provides a starting point for
discussion and remediation. From the perspective of a veteran and a citizen deeply concerned with the health of our republic, it appears that many of
us have forgotten the core principles that should guide our political engagements. The right to free speech is undoubtably a fundamental American

value. Equally important to less frequently championed is the right to assemble peacefully with anyone we choose. This right underscores the need for
respect in our interactions, ensuring that while our discussions can be vigorous, they need not devolve into personal attacks or hateful rhetoric. The
solution to our current political strife may be surprisingly simple, yet profoundly difficult to implement. Inspired by the famous philosopher and
comedian Bob Newhart, we might benefit from adopting a stop it approach. For those unfamiliar with Newhart skit. He humorously suggests that we can
often solve problems by simply deciding to stop engaging in harmful behaviors applied to politics. This means actively choosing to steer our

discussions away from negativity and personal attacks. As veterans, we are uniquely positioned to lead by example in this area, having served to
protect all Americans, regardless of political affiliation, we understand that our duty extends beyond our service in uniform. It includes continuing
to uphold the values of respect, tolerance and camaraderie in civilian life. An example from my own experience might illustrate how this can be done
effectively. At a recent coffee gathering, a discussion on political issues began to take a turn towards the personal with one individual starting to
name others in a negative rant. Recognizing the potential damage this could cause I intervene to redirect the conversation back to the issues at hand,

without the personal vilification. This moment was not just about halting a rant about setting a standard for constructive discourse. This approach is
not about avoiding political discussions. On the contrary, engaging in political dialogue is essential if we are to address and resolve the issues
facing our nation. However, it is crucial that these discussions are productive and set a positive example. They should demonstrate how Americans can
respect each other's viewpoints, even when they disagree profoundly. To further foster a culture of respectful political engagement, we can emphasize
several strategies encourage settings that foster open, respectful dialogue that explicitly discouraged personal attacks. Lead by example, showing

that it's possible to discuss even the most contentious issues without descending into defensiveness, educate younger generations on the importance of
political engagement and the responsibility that comes with free speech. As veterans, our commitment to America's foundational values didn't end when
we hung up our uniforms. We continue to have a crucial role in safeguarding our democratic process by promoting a culture of respect and tolerance.
Through our actions and leadership, we can help bridge the current divides, ensuring a robust and respectful democratic dialogue. In doing so, we not
only honor our service, but also contribute to the ongoing project of building a more perfect union. Thank you for tuning in to the Veterans Club

podcast. Please click the subscribe button to receive an alert when our next episode publishes. And please share this episode with a friend. You never
know when a fellow veteran might need a friendly pick me up until next time, stay veterans strong