The Web Canopy Studio Show

One of the hardest parts of building a strong marketing machine is regular content production. 

Coming up with relevant content is not always easy. 

Building on the same topic over and over again is even harder. 

However, it doesn’t necessarily have to be that way. 

In this episode, John Aikin dives into 3 keyword strategies for creating more content around 1 topic to help you revamp your SEO strategy. The strategies covered include: 

  1. Inspiration Related Searches

  2. Instruction Related Searches

  3. Implementation Related Searches

This episode is for you if you are wondering how to create more content around the keywords your already rank for and improve your rank for similar terms. 


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✅  Individual evaluations for how your website performs in each of the 6 key areas of the Website Conversion Framework

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Get your free self-guided assessment and see how your website fares today! 

What is The Web Canopy Studio Show?

Everyone wants to grow their business, but not everyone has the time or patience to learn all the ins and outs of marketing, sales enablement, and making the most out of a CRM such as HubSpot. Join the Web Canopy Studio team, a HubSpot Diamond Partner Agency, as they chat about various topics all designed to help you grow your B2B business.

One of the hardest parts about building a strong marketing strategy is regular content production. And coming up with relevant content inside of that content plan is not always easy. And if you have multiple pieces of content that need to be generated about the same topic, it starts to get even harder, but it doesn't necessarily have to be that way. So today what I wanna do is walk you through are three different keyword strategies that you can use to create more content around one topic. My name is John Aikin. I'm the CEO of Web Canopy Studio, and this is the Website Conversion Show.

Hey everybody, thank you for listening in today. We're gonna have a quick episode. There's not a whole lot that I wanna dive into this because I think we, we will go down a rabbit hole and spend way too much time getting into the weeds around SEO and, and keyword searches. And one, one of the things that I think is really important when we're looking at topics and the kind of content to create around topics is that we have to understand the intent of what it is that our customers or our process aspects are looking for. What's their search motivation, what is driving their reasoning to be searching for the terms that you're wanting to be ranking for. And so, so often we think about the terms that we're trying to target, and there are core element of what we do or what our product does or our service does.

We don't really think about the intent of the person that's searching that. And, and we, what ends up happening is we end up creating content that's not necessarily useful, or that it ends up being a little bit too, kind of educational in nature and not actually helpful or productive. So if we're gonna think about what ways we can produce the right kind of keyword strategy around cool topics, around things that people are actually gonna find useful and how you can even be helpful for them. We have to make sure that we're thinking in, in a couple different ideas around their search intent. And the first one that I want to think through is around inspiration related searches. Okay. And when I think of inspiration, I'm, I'm, I'm actually just thinking about like, what are the things that are, that they're searching for, or, or that they would be needing around your core topic, that they would be looking for some kind of inspiration or element to inspire them.

So th these are pretty common. So we're not gonna get too far into the weeds on them, but you can use things like ideas. I need X ideas, what are website design ideas, right? So tho those are a lot of the, the initial components or examples, show me three website design examples. And so when we start thinking through these kind of elements, we can move away from just website design as a core term and get into actual tangible ideas. What that allows you to do is take your, your new phrase, your new term that you're trying to rank for. You can actually elaborate on that into some really cool content pieces. So if I was doing this for website design, I might create a blog that I update every year and show the trends. The, the examples of trends and designs that I think are really cool, that are worth paying attention to and worth trying to emulate as you're building out your own website.

So if you're a software, you might do this same kind of idea around integrations or around how to use the, the, the kind of, of tools that you guys use as a way to solve a specific problem. So, inspiration is, is a great way to think about what are the terms, what are the searches they're gonna be looking for in that kind of context? The next one is about instruction. What are the instruction related searches that they're gonna be looking for? These are gonna be more about I want to this on my own, and this is a great way to capture people at that high level, that top of funnel approach. So we're gonna think of things like how-tos, okay. We're gonna think of things like checklists and ways that people can do this on their own. When you create content around this, you want to be from a marketing perspective, you wanna be a little bit over the top in what you're producing, because you want them to have that sense of, wow, this is a great resource.

These guys really know what they're talking about, but it's also overwhelming to them so that they feel like I need to go, I need an expert. I need to go that next level with you. But if, if you wanted to just do it on your own, they have all of this content to go off of. So an instructional component and educational component is the next piece that I would really think about. The third one is around implementation. So these might be things that the kind of searches that people are looking for help with implementing this. So whether they're looking for a vendor, a freelancer, a product, a software that's gonna accomplish it, we wanna think about how can they actually execute the things that they wanna do or implement the things that they want to do. And it's probably a little bit more bottom of funnel.

All right. So in this situation, you might show up for terms around tools or templates or different things of like who is the best at web design, like the, the very specific kind of bottom of funnel searches that they're looking for somebody to be an expert to come in and hold their hand or guide them, or simply do it for them. So at the end of each episode, I'd like to sum everything up into some quick takeaways that you guys can take home and, and use as action items. And the things that I want you to take away from this conversation are really around three items. There's, there's three easy ways to come up with content around your topic. So number one, think about inspiration related searches around your topic. What would they be looking for if they were looking to be inspired by something around your topic?

For example, they would probably be searching for things like I need ideas for X or X examples to do Y number two, think about instruction related searches around that topic. So what would be, what would they be looking for if they were seeking help in research or instructional pieces or educational components? An example would be, I need help with X or how to do X, Y, Z number three, think about implementation related searches around this topic. So who, who would they be, or what would they be looking for if they were seeking help in execution, these might be search phrases. Like I need to make X happen or X templates or X tools and so on. So once you have those searches in mind, it's, it's really just time to turn those into action. So that means you're gonna want to take those phrases and, and build content around them.

So you're not only showing up in the search results, but you're actually legitimately answering their questions as well. Okay. So another example, if one of your phrases was from the inspiration list and it was like security process examples, you might create a piece of content called 11 of the most simplified security pro process examples from fortune 500 companies. Okay. And lastly, if you're doing a content strategy and you're not including CTAs on your blog to download some kind of free giveaway, like a checklist or a template of some kind you're severely missing out on major leads, that would be converting on your website. So regarding leads, converting on your website, make sure over to right now, and take the free website conversion assessment. It's a quiz of about 30 questions, and it's gonna allow you to grade just how effectively your website is actually converting and generating leads and driving that bottom line sales revenue. So all you have to do is go to, fill out the form, answer the questions and you are on your way. I think that's it. Everyone. Thank you for listening. Be sure to subscribe to the show if you haven't and we'll see you next time.